A Meeting in Anthropolis

Story by ZeekCalzaya on SoFurry

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First try at a yiff story, not very experienced so please cut me some slack.

First True Night

The trees flew by as the train sped towards Anthropolis, the town young Rufus Lee Robertson had been waiting so desperately to visit. He wasn't a very big wolf at 5'9", but that didn't stop his confidence in himself. He led a sheltered life in his small town of Sanya where most things went a certain way and no other. He left mainly because of his differences between him and most of the others in town. He let out a small sigh as the train slowly halted to a stop.

About a block away, sitting in a dinner was Michael Jay Mathews. Unlike Lee, Mike was above your average wolf. He was strong and tall and towered over most of the people in the diner he sat in. He didn't eat here often and was enjoying his new paycheck. He was able to eat to his full tonight, even if it was cheap. He soon finished his meal and headed out the door. The night was cool and nipped at his nose. He tugged his coat tightly and headed for home.

Lee stepped off the train and entered the train station. It was packed with people and this was a new sight. He had always had room to breath before, but this sight made it feel as though he needed to gasp for every bit of air. Budging people out of the way he slowly made it through the crowd and to the front of the train station. He waltzed up to the ticket booth and asked the ticket dealer. "Could you give me directions to 1356 Badger St." "That's this street." The female rabbit said. "But I have a line, so could you please just walk the road till you find it?"

Lee hurried out of the way as to not upset the ticket dealer anymore. He ran up the steps and out onto the cities disgusting pavement. He looked up and noticed he was surrounded by skyscrapers and watched the cars zoom past him. He whimpered as he suddenly felt out of place from everything he had known.

Michael had been staring at his feet as he walked along the road. He wasn't paying attention to where he was going. Like wise, yet staring up rather than down, Lee walked forward and accidentally clashed into Michael. The two of them grunted in unison and they colleted themselves. They looked up together and stared into each others eyes before anything was said.

"I'm so terribly sorry, I really didn't mean to." Lee spouted out trying to locate words. Michael simply smiled and asked. "Are you new in town?"

"Well, yes actually. Do you have any idea where 1356 Badger St. is?" Lee asked hoping for a better answer than when he previously asked the question.

"Actually this is Badger St. It is just right up this way. I'm headed in that direction as well, so why don't I just walk you?" Michael asked.

"If you could. I really need as much help as I can get." Lee added with a slight bit of depression in his tone.

"All runaways need help?" Michael stated frankly.

The two of them began to walk side by side down Badger St. Each one passed glances to check the other one out and hoped not to be seen. Something was still puzzling Lee though. "How did you know I was a runaway?"

"The place your going to is a runaway refugee right?" Michael asked even though he knew the answer.

"Yes." Lee said shortly. "I'm hoping to find help there. And I need all the help I can get."

"Don't worry. You will. I did when I first came to this town three years ago. They helped me get on my feet. I think you and me share a lot in common. Oh, and if you don't mind. What is your name?"

"Lee." Lee said as he glanced back hoping for a responding name.

"I'm Michael, but you can call me Mike." He extended his paw towards Lee's. Lee extended his paw as well and once their hands met in a firm hand shake emotions exploded in both of them. Michael rubbed his thumb across the backside of Lee's smaller paws. Lee felt a tingling sensation and his arm felt numb. He wasn't sure what came over him, but he liked it.

They walked for about two blocks before they reached a small apartment complex. The world didn't seem as gloomy to Lee any longer. There were people with his kind of problems here that can help him get on his feet. He wasn't scared anymore and could finally quit worrying and check out the closest male...Mike.

Mike wasn't dense and could tell every look he was receiving from the younger male. He couldn't help but feel happy to be looked at again even though he had tried to never feel happy around another male again. Mike's story wasn't a very pleasant one. He had been in so many relationships, but usually with bad people. Or in the case of the one good relationship that he found, death stole it from him. A car had hit his previous mate shortly after he got his license and he has yet to get in a car since then.

"I'm sorry to say, but I must get going." Mike started. "You just go in there and tell em that you know mike. That should help ya a little bit." He smiled and turned to leave.

"Wait a second." Lee pleaded. He held out his hand once again hoping for one more handshake. Mike turned and smiled again before returning the gesture. Their hands clasped again and both of them felt that same jolt of emotion. "Thank you so much." Lee said. "I was afraid I wouldn't be able to find the place and get mugged or something." "Well, it was just right up the street, and as for being mugged, this neighborhood is pretty nice despite its looks."

"Well, it was nice meeting you." Lee said.

"We'll have to see each other again some time." Mike spurted out. He thought to himself about what he had just said. The words spoke without him saying them as though speaking directly from his mind. "I would like that." Lee said. "But I've kept you too long."

"Not a problem. Now you take care." Mike said before turning and heading off. "You too." Lee called. He walked into the lower building of apartments. A female rabbit greeted him from behind a desk.

"Hello there." She said. "How may I help you?"

"I need a place to stay. I got thrown out 3 days ago and just got off the train less than 10 minutes ago." Lee explained. "Mike told me to mention that I knew him."

"Well now, looks like you met the right person. I owe him a few favors." She said giving him a wink. "Are you the young wolf by the name of Lee?" Lee nodded quickly. "I put up a place for you upstairs. Rent is pretty cheap around here, and if you can't pay it off right now, we can find you a job and get you settled into the city life. My name is Mrs. Banks. I am the founder of PFRF, so if you ever need anything, just ask."

A small young female cat walked into the room. She was a grey tabby with a short stubby tail.

"Oh Rita, could you show...um." Mrs. Banks asked. Rita walked over to him and looked him straight in the eye.

"A new one eh?" She said with a Hispanic accent. "You're a cutie, but I but your gay aren't you?" Rita asked.

Lee almost expected this and stared at the floor and gave a muffled "yes" in her direction. He was hoping the people were going to be nicer here, but it turned out that there are difficult people everywhere.

"I kind of figured. All the cute ones turn out gay that come here." She said with a sigh. "It is nice to meet you."

Lee wish he hadn't formulated his opinion so quickly. It turned out that she was a nice person after all, and just fed up that she could never find the right guy. She motioned for him to follow as she headed out the door into a long hallway lined with doors.

"I'm sorry, but you are on the third floor and there are not elevators so you will have to do some stare climbing." She said.

"That is ok, I had to walk up a really steep hill just to get into town every day where I lived." He said as his voice trailed off at the end of his sentence. He was reminded of home once again. His mother, father, and his little brother all flashed in his head. He clasped this right arm, which his father almost fractured when he found out about his sexual tendencies. His arm felt a lot better now, but still hurt when he moved it in certain directions. Then he felt of his face checking if it was in any more pain. His lip was still busted, but the swelling on his cheek had gone down.

The two of them climbed the staircase at the end of the hall to the third story. Each door had a little box to slip what looked like a piece of paper into. This held the sign for them being vacant or occupied. Before reaching his room, he noticed just one occupancy on the floor. As he look further down the hall he noticed one more, but that means that he is only the third person out of 22 rooms on this floor.

Rita pulled out a key from her pocket and handed it to him. "You are room 17. Do you think you can remember that?" She asked as she pulled the vacancy paper out of its place and dropped it into her pocket.

"Yes." Lee said as he shifted his bags into one hand and inserted the key into the lock and turned. In just a click of time he was in his room and unpacking. It wasn't the nicest of places to live, but it was the nicest that he didn't have to pay for immediately.

"If you need anything just come down and ask. Each room comes with a bed a stove, a sink, one full bathroom and a refrigerator. Someone will be up here later to fill your fridge with the basics. Its not that great, but it is food." She said with a small laugh.

She headed out of the room talking to herself saying "Why did he have to be gay too." Even though she didn't think so, he heard it and was now laughing to himself. Am I that good looking, he thought to himself before quickly dismissing the thought?

He hung all of his clothes in his closet, which pleasingly had coat hangers already in it. He emptied the rest of his bags on to his bed. The content of the bag was very random. Everything from pictures of his family to something his best friend gave him as a sign of their friendship before he left. He noticed his pictures he printed off the Internet and quickly stuffed them back into his bag.

He set his bag on the floor, and stuffed his things back in his bag. He inspected his stove and sink to make sure everything was in order and then walked slowly back to his bed and threw himself upon it and let out a big sigh of relief. The only problem that was bothering him was his stomach. But it was soon fixed as well because Rita came back in with a basket of random food items. She placed quite a few canned items in the cabinet in between the stove and the sink.

Another basket that she carried up had a can opener and some dishes in it. A few plates, a skillet, a few bowls and some utensils. She placed the rest of the food in the fridge and some bred in a bag, which she placed on top of the fridge and headed back towards the door. "It was nice meeting you..."

"Lee." He said filling in the gap.

"Nice meeting you Lee." She said before she headed out the door and mumbled something else to herself.

Lee opened the fridge and pulled out the package of assorted meats. He made himself a small sandwich and that was all he cared for right now. He normally ate a lot more, but his mind told him he needed to conserve and he was more tired than hungry. He barely got any sleep on the train because it was a very bumpy ride and everyone was talking.

He was eating with one hand and rummaging through his bag with the other. He pulled out a small case, and set it on the floor. He opened it and peered inside as if checking to see if it was still there. It was a clarinet stuffed into a small case barley leaving room for anything else. He thought about playing it as he stuffed the rest of his sandwich into his mouth, but decided against it. It might disturb some of the other people in the apartments.

He then remembered that there were only three people on his floor so he assembled it and played through a song that reminded him of home. The soft sweet melodies filled the room and he didn't miss a note. His dynamics and tone were nearly perfect because he put all he had into practicing when he was younger. He swayed in rhythm with his music. He was home, if not only for a brief moment.

At the sound of someone walking down the hallway he quit and began to disassemble it. A knock at the door soon followed and he pushed it under his bed before answering the door.

"Who is it?" He asked before he opened the door.

"Just a stranger who likes music." Came from the voice behind the door. "Why did you stop?"

Lee opened the door. There was a nice looking young roo on the other side of the door. He smiled and extended his paw to greet Lee. "I'm John Kimbal. Nice to meet ya." "Lee and likewise." Lee answered shortly and also extended his [aw. There was no explosion of emotions this time, just a paw shake. "I was afraid I might offend someone with my playing...or disturb them."

"Who would you offend when you play that good?" John asked. Lee blushed and lowered his eyes. "Do you think I could come in and listen to you play some more?" John asked.

Lee blushed harder but motioned him in. He pulled his clarinet from under his bed and opened it up to assemble it again. It was assembled speedily, but correctly and he put his case on the floor and shut the door.

"May I sit on your bed?" John asked.

"Sure, let me just move this out of the way." Lee said moving his bag off the bed. His printed pictures fell out a little but he shoved them back in. John caught glimpse of them and smiled before he sat down.

Lee put the clarinet up to his lips and filled it with air and melody once again. This time he chose a different song. I song he learned from his teacher entitled Greenshleeves. It was one of the first he learned to play, so he played it very well. John watched in awe as Lee played to his favorite melody afterwards. It felt like home again.

"Do you play any others?" John asked.

"I play piano every now and then." Lee said.

"It has been a while since we had a musician fill these halls with music. The last one I think was Mike." John stated.

"Is Mike a wolf?" Lee asked hopingly.

"Yes, and Rita told me you met him." John said.

"Yes I did. Could you tell me what he plays?" Lee asked.

"The electric guitar." John said with a giggle. "It was loud, but he played it well. And do you have plans for the night? Because I was planning on going to The Bounce. It's a club that allows for ages 15-20 on the weekends. I think you fall under that category." He said as he winked to him.

"Yes I'm 16." Lee said.

"I would have figured you to be older." John said. "I've only got a year on ya though."

"I don't have anything special to wear." Lee said in a saddened tone.

"Well, we will stop by my place on the way out. I got plenty of stuff that I don't use anymore that still looks great and will catch a few eyes. I'm right at the end of this hall before you get to the stairs." John said pointing to the door.

"When are we leaving?" Lee asked.

"We can go now if you want. Then we can get back at a decent hour." John said. "Sorry, but I won't be doing much dancing. I'm a bit tired, but I can come along for some fun. I need to see what the town has to offer any way." Lee said.

John stood up and headed towards the door. "I'm leaving my door open. Just come by there when you're through here and I'll get you something nice to wear. Your pretty close to my size." John walked out into the hall and Lee began to hurriedly put up his clarinet, even faster than he had gotten it out. On his way out he noticed a key on the wall by the door. He locked the door and placed the key in his pocket. The only think he had of any tag value was his clarinet, and he really didn't want that to be stolen.

He hid his clarinet underneath his bed and felt it safe there. He walked down the hallway and wondered what to expect out of John. He didn't really know him after all. He passed room after room with a slow step. Eventually he reached John's room so he walked in. John had his shirt off changing. Lee looked him over and his tongue fell out of his mouth. When John looked back he quickly put it where it belonged, but couldn't fight the urge to picture what the rest of his body looked like.

"Just look through my closet and pick you out something you like." John said as he put on a flashy shirt with some nice pants. Lee opened John's closet and rummaged for a few minutes before returning with a deep purple shirt and some dark pants.

"How does this look?" Lee asked holding it up to himself. "I'm not to fond of purple, but tonight I want to try something different."

"Looks good to me." John said with a smile. He sprayed himself down with cologne and walked over to him. "You want some?" He asked holding out the bottle. Lee sprayed it three times making sure that he got most of his upper torso. "It is my favorite. I love the smell of this brand. Not sure what scent it is because the label is worn off and I don't use it often."

"Do you have a car?" Lee asked.

"No. We will have to take a cab if you don't mind." John said.

"A cab is fine with me." Lee said with a wide grin.

"Well, like I said, if we want to stay there a while, we might as well leave quickly to get back at a decent hour." John said. The two of them walked out of his apartment and John locked the door behind them. They descended the many stairs and walked past the front desk.

"You take care of him John." Rita called.

"Don't worry, you should know he is in good hands." John reassured her. He and Lee walked out the front door and onto the nasty street once again. It was a little chillier than earlier, but not enough to add more clothing. The sun hadn't gone down, but was about a half hour away from the horizon.

John quickly waved down a taxi. He didn't like the way that this street looked either, but it was like his home, and all of his friends were here. They entered the cab and after relaying where to go, they sped away. They passed many different streets and as they came to a new section of town things started to clean up. They passed a nicely kept park, which John mentioned was named Lakeside Park because of the small fur-made lake in the midst of it. On the next street named Second St. they cab took a right and stopped in front of a building with a short line extending out the door and a very buff bull guarding it as a bouncer.

John paid their fair and they stepped out. They got into the line quickly before any more people were able to. Soon enough people filled in behind them, but the line slowly moved in.

"You see it is good that we got here when we did. Later on tonight the line will extend all the way down past the next three shops. We got here at the best time possible I think." John said.

"Yea, and only two more people to go until we get to go in." Lee chimed happily. They waited a few more minutes before they passed the bull and headed into the building.

The first thing they met was a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs there were lights and music that he could barely hear and see from outside. The room wasn't filled, but there were quite a few people there. Some were dancing; others were drinking, some where just standing around telling jokes.

John held up a 20 tag and handed it to Lee. "I want you not to die of thirst. They won't serve you liquor unless you have I.D. so just get you a coke or something. I'm going to go look for someone, will you be alright here for a bit?"

"Yea. I'll be fine." Lee said. John walked off in search of whoever he was looking for and Lee stepped up to the bar. "Can I have a coke?" He asked the bartender.

"Sure." The bar tender said as he quickly poured a coke from a nozzle on the other side of the counter and handed it to him. Lee gulped it down slowly and looked at the people. He wasn't sure if he wanted to dance or not. There were plenty of people, men and women, it seemed like both gay and straight people got along here, because every one was dancing with another person either same or different sex from them.

He finished his coke and stepped out on the dance floor and just started dancing alone. He was happy to be among other people, so he didn't mind dancing alone for a little bit. He and a few of his girl friends used to dance back home, so he picked up a few moves. John had found who he wanted to and was now locked in a kiss in plain view of Lee. Lee didn't care much because he wasn't seeing John or anything. He just offered to take him here.

After about ten minutes of dancing Lee was getting bored so he went to sit by the window. There were chairs and tables placed all along the wall with windows, which held a beautiful view of the lake and the park beside it. Lee placed his chin in his hand and just stared off in the distance.

A strong looking male fox had his eyes on him earlier while he was dancing so he decided to come and talk to him.

"I noticed you earlier. Did you need a dance partner?" The fox asked.

"That would be nice." Lee said with a smile. With in seconds he was back out on the dance floor showing this fox all the he had. The fox was a bit more dominant that he was, but Lee wasn't the dominant type. He had no need to be in his opinion. He would take rank under who he saw fit to lead.

The two of them danced together occasionally making body contact through out the next few songs. They both new how to hold up their parts in dancing. When their eyes met the fox would wink and Lee would smile. The fifth song was a very fast one and by that time they decided they needed a breather. They walked off the dance floor together and got to where they could here each other speak.

"Do you drink?" The fox asked.

"No, I'm only 16." Lee said.

"So, I'm 22. Just go sit down at that table you were at. You have any thing in particular you would like?"

"No. I have never drunk before. I'm only 16" Lee repeated.

"Well, I'll start you off with something easy then. They serve screwdrivers here. Do you like orange juice?"

"Yea." Lee said quickly.

"Then go sit down by the window and wait for me." The fox assured him.

Lee walked over and sat down by the window looking out at it again. It was night now. The half moon shown brightly in the eastern sky looking back at him. The light hit the lake and made the park seem even more beautiful. The fox returned with two drinks in his hands and sat down across from him.

"Here you go. Oh I'm Manny by the way." The fox said.

"Lee." He answered shortly. "And thank you." He said taking the drink Manny handed to him. He took a swig of it and the taste pleased him. It wasn't like he had expected. The right mixture of orange juice and vodka made fore a pleasant taste. He took a few more swigs and tried to start up conversation.

"Are you here with anyone?" Lee asked.

"No. I'm currently single, and looking for a good time." Manny said with a wink. "You ever had a good time before?" He asked.

"That depends on your definition I guess." Lee started. "I'm a virgin."

"Well, we can't have that. Usually when people come into this club a virgin they don't leave as one." Manny said with an evil grin on his face.

"I'm not sure if I'm ready." He said as he took another swig of his drink. "I kinda wanted to wait till I was 18."

"Why wait. It is fun, and the best way to meet people actually." Manny said. "You know. I could show you a few things tonight if you are in the mood."

A shocked look came over Lee's face. He had never been asked to do anything like this before. He had only kissed a few guys in his whole life. He wasn't sure what to do, but he didn't want to lose this new friend.

"Can we wait till after I finish my drink?" Lee asked.

"Take what time you need." Manny said.

Manny watched him with a pleased look on his face while he quickly drank the last of his drink in a few swigs. He stood up from the table and Lee mirrored the motion. Manny grabbed his hand and began to walk him to the back of the room. Lee looked back for John, but there were a lot more people now and John was nowhere to be seen.

John had actually been looking for him. He wanted him to meet his lover so that they could talk for a while. He checked the bar and then got lost in the numerous amounts of people on the dance floor before he made it back to his lover.

"I wonder what happened to him Kyle. I told him to stay close to the bar."

"Maybe he is just somewhere in that enormous amoeba of people out there on the dance floor enjoying himself. He will find you some time soon if you stay in the last place he saw you." Kyle told him.

Manny had led Lee to a back room that only certain people had access to. The room contained a bed and some yiffy magazines on the floor. Other than that it was pretty barren. Manny unzipped his pants and put his arms around Lee to give him a very hard and wet kiss. Lee wasn't ready for it so it just upset him a little bit. When he tried to pull away, Manny pulled him tighter towards him.

Lee finally broke away and gasped for air.

"Can you not be so forceful?" Lee asked Manny.

"Sorry about that." Manny said. He moved himself around behind him and moved his arms down Lee's chest and abdomen. The sheer touch made his emotions flare and an erection started pulsating in his pants. Manny unzipped his Lee's pants and undid the button and they fell to the floor. Manny then undid his own button and slipped himself out of his pants and briefs.

Manny carefully removed Lee's boxers and looked to the right. Lee also looked to the right to notice a mirror that was on the back of the door. He could see himself emerging from his sheath. Manny likewise. His pulse quickened and the blood flowed where it needed to be. He was beginning to put of a scent and so was Manny. Manny murred and licked the back of Lee's ear. Lee wasn't expecting but liked it nonetheless.

Manny slid his hands to grab Lee's manhood. He caressed it slowly yet firmly. Lee let out a slow moan as pre lightly spurted out. Manny's hands slid further down to play with his sacks as his knot and the rest of his cock was now perfectly firm. Lee looked to the right again to see that Manny was also fully hardened. He wasn't very big at all, but for all Lee knew, that could be average size, and the ones they put in the magazines and pictures were the people with the biggest cocks in the business.

Lee's was a good three and a half inches longer than Manny's. Manny pulled out a condom and tore the wrapper off with his teeth. He slowly pulled it over his member and put his head on Lee's shoulder.

"You having fun yet?" Manny asked him as he bit Lee's neck. It hurt, but not bad enough to make him not want more. Lee moaned in pleasure as his cock jumped and a small spurt of pre spouted out the tip of his cock.

Manny walked over to the side of the bed and grabbed a small bottle of lube. He motioned for Lee to bend over as he made it back to him and squirted a bit onto his finger. Lee bent down and looked underneath him. Manny poked his finger in Lee slowly and twisted it to work the lube in.

Lee moaned and spurted more pre. This was the most sensational feeling he had felt before. Soon enough Manny removed his finger. He was now pocking at Lee's hole with his hardened cock and bending him forward.

"I'm not sure if I am ready yet. Do you think we could go a little slower?" Lee pleaded.

With out warning Manny rammed himself into Lee's back side which made Lee yelp in pain. Manny's thrusts were very violent. There was no pleasure in this what so ever. The pain consumed Lee and he continued yelping but Manny didn't slow.

"Stop...stop...stop!" Lee screamed, but Manny kept his thrusts even. The more Lee fought it the harder Manny tried to push. Tears were forming in Lee's eyes at the sight of this so he tried to pull away. The fox cock had opened him up to quickly that it hurt him more than he wanted. He wished he had started slower so that he could back out if it hurt to bad.

Lee tried to break free, but Manny grabbed him around the arms and slammed him again. He wouldn't let him walk out now. His thrusts were long fast and hard, and he wasn't going to stop now. Manny began moaning and pushing further in. His knot getting further and further in Lee's tail hole with every thrust. The whole ordeal lasted about 10 minutes and then Manny sped up one last time before he pushed his knot into Lee.

This sensation shot through Lee and he cummed with what pleasure it gave him. After a few more violent thrusts, Manny spurted the inside of the condom and stopped.

He pulled himself out of Lee with a small pop a few seconds later and walked over to the other side of the bed and grabbed a towel to wipe himself clean. Lee was on the floor with his hands holding his knees crying his eyes out.

"It didn't hurt that much did it?" Manny asked him.

"I asked you to stop." Lee said shaking.

"I'm not the slow type of person and once I got ya your mine." Manny said.

Lee didn't say anything. He just sat there holding his knees. The tears kept coming. His cock had receded into its sheath and he just wanted Manny to leave.

"If you are going to be this bad about it ya won't get a second. Whining about it is for wimps." Manny snorted.

Lee's head turned around sharply at that word. He walked over and took the rag from Manny to wipe his backside clean before he pulled his pants up. His tears had stopped, but only because he was forcing them to now.

"Sorry, but I don't want a second time with you." Lee said coldly.

"That's ok. I've had better virgins." Manny said before he walked out the door.

Lee snarled and showed his teeth even though he had already gone. He dried his eyes with his hands and looked in the mirror at himself in disgust. He had lost his virginity, but not in any of the ways he thought would. What would he tell John about the redness in his eyes from his tears or the sniffing of his nose?

He finally built up the courage to walk out the door and into the crowd. He noticed John and walked slowly over to him.

"Where have you been? There is someone I want you to meet."

Lee reached in his pocket and pulled out the left over money that John had given him. "I need to go home. I'm sorry, but here."

"Are you ok?" John asked.

"No, but I have to get going." He said holding his hand towards John.

"No, you take it. Pay for a cab or something." John said with a smile.

"Thanks." Lee said. "Sorry I didn't get to meet you." He said to John's friend. "Maybe another time."

"Sure." John's friend said.

Lee turned and walked out the door and down the steps to the exit of the club. As soon as he hit the sidewalk he turned to the right. He didn't feel like going home right now. He needed to walk all of these things off. Across from him was the park so he decided to walk around there for a while. He got to the cross walk and crossed the street.

The park gate was enormous and towered over him. The trees were a lot bigger up close. The night air nipped at his nose as he walked along the walkway. Soon enough he made it to the lake and cast his view out upon it. He instantly broke down and started crying again. He found a park bench close to him and parked himself with his face in his hands weeping again.

Mike had been coming to the park every night ever since his last love left him. It was their favorite place, so it held deep memories. There weren't normally other furries in it at this time of night, but he heard someone...crying. He walked up to Lee and noticed who it was.

"Are you alright?" Mike asked him.

"I just lost my virginity... to... an a

sshole." Lee blurted out in small sniffled bursts. "I kept telling him to stop but he just wouldn't."

Mike put his memories to the side and sat down beside the crying wolf. He put his arms around him and held him close. He had been this way once. His father found out he was gay when he was looking through his room for something and found a note from one of his friends. He was so furious that he raped his son to show him what it felt like. Mike found refuge here in Anthropolis just like Lee has now.

"It just hurt so much. I was screaming and crying, but he just wouldn't stop." Lee said. He turned and buried his face into Mike's chest. Mike's arms held him tighter and caressed his back.

"I don't consider it losing your virginity when you don't want to. You may have thought you wanted to, but what happened tonight was rape. I realize how much it hurts when someone just tears away at you after you tell them to stop." Mike told him.

Lee felt funny inside. He wasn't as said now that Mike was holding him. It was rape and Lee wished he could take every minute of it back. "I'm not sure what to do with myself now. I just feel so unclean."

"Just go on. I know it is hard, but try not to think about it. It happened. Now you can just make the best of your life in the future." Mike said.

"He seemed so nice though. We danced a bit and before I knew it he had me back in the back room." Lee said his tears coming back again after a moment without them.

"Who?" Mike asked.

"His name was Manny. He's a fox." Lee told him.

"That's ass. Don't worry. I'll get this straightened out for you. First things first, let's get you home.

"Do you think we can stay here a little longer? I don't want to move from here right now." Lee asked.

Mike blushed. He just noticed the emotions he felt towards the young wolf even though he didn't know him. They held to each other as though connected. They had a bond and felt for each other. They weren't sure why, but both knew it was there. Lee's stomach started feeling funny inside and he stopped crying and smiled. The warmth against his cheek was pleasantly satisfying in his moment of fear.

Mike could also feel the heat of Lee. He was happy for the first time in a few months. He didn't really want to leave from here either. The two wolves sat cuddling against one another staring out at the moonlit lake. It was an enchanting night and both of them lapped every bit of it up. Lee breathed in deep smelling the aroma of Mike.

Mike soon caught whiff of the cologne Lee had on and smiled. It was weak now, but still noticeable. He didn't know whether or not to say anything so he just moved his head downward to catch Lee's eye. The two of them caught eye contact and stared for a few minutes. Mike Moved forward into a smooth passionate kiss. Mike was more dominant, but only because Lee allowed. They kissed together.

They kissed for what seemed like a lifetime, but neither of them fought to end it. They were both happy for the first time in a long time. Lee had completely forgotten Manny, and Mike pushed the thoughts of his former love out of his mind. Lee moved his hands down Mike's chest. The instant he touched his stomach Mike tightened up and laughed. Their kiss broke but they were both smiling heavily.

"You ticklish?" Lee asked.

"Nah, just I tighten up a bit when you rub my belly the right way." Mike said with a giggle. "Your soft enough with your touch."

Lee caressed his belly and Mike tightened up again, only this time he leaned back. His leg twitched every now and then. Mike grabbed Lee's hand gently before he had too much and held it to his chest. "I haven't felt this way about someone in a while. I'm not quite sure what to say."

"I haven't and am not sure what to say either. All I know is that I don't want this night to end." Lee said as he held himself close to Mike's chest again.

"You feeling better now?" Mike asked.

Manny just popped back into Lee's mind but then he looked at Mike and the thought left quickly. "Yes, I'm a lot better now." He said as he snuggled. "Now if only I could find a job and get my life started here."

Mike put laid head on Lee's. Lee murred at the delight he was feeling and Mike grinned.

"Do you think we could do this again some time?" Lee asked with a nervous tone.

"Any time you want." Mike said.

Lee turned and kissed him quickly and Mike wrapped his arms around him again and they kissed another deep passionate kiss. Lee had noticed that he had begun to bluge again and soon enough there was pre on his boxers. The two of them broke apart when Mike glanced down at his watch after the thought hit him that he had to open for work tomorrow.

"Do you mind if I walk you home? Or if we take a cab. I can't stay long though." Mike said.

"I understand." He looked at Mike's watch. "Oh my, I didn't realize that we stayed here that long."

"Well, it is up to you?" Mike said with a smile. "I usually don't get but about 4 hours of sleep anyway."

They both got to their feet slowly. Lee looked up at Mike with lust in his eyes. He didn't want Mike to leave his place tonight, but he couldn't control his life. Other things had to be done. They walked hand-in-hand down the pathway and to the street. Mike waved down the nearest taxi and they both got in. "1356 Badger St" They both said together. On the way back they kissed again. They didn't want to separate at all.

The cab pulled up to the apartments soon after and Lee handed him some of them Money John had given him. They stepped out and walked in the building. Mrs. Banks greeted them both and they walked past her and up the stairs. They passed John's room. His light was out but there was a very noticeable sound coming from in it. Lee smirked as they walked down the hallway and got to his room.

He pulled the key from his pocket and unlocked the room. They walked in and closed the door. Mike grabbed him quickly and pulled him towards him. They kissed again, but this time it was short. Lee glanced down to notice that Mike was also sharing a bulge. Lee walked over and sat on his bed. He patted it playfully so that Mike would join him. Mike sat and looked about the room.

"You know what?" Mike asked "This used to be my room, back when I first came here."

"Really?" Lee asked.

"And if I'm correct..." Mike started as he bent over and reached under the bed. "Yep, they are still here." He said as his hand emerged from beneath the bed with a box of extra large condoms. He smirked and looked over at Lee.

Lee frowned and his memories came back to him. He looked the other way and Mike dropped the box on the bed and pulled him towards him lovingly with his arms.

"I won't make you do anything you don't want to. I was just showing you. That's all." He said as he nuzzled the back of his neck.

"Thanks. And it's not like I don't want to or anything. I'm just still in a bit of pain." Lee told him. "Yea." Mike added between nuzzles.

Lee let go of a really big tongue-curling yawn. Mike got up and walked towards the door to flip the lights out. Lee pulled his shirt off and lay back on his bed. Mike laid beside him and stroked his tummy. Lee let out a few giggles and tightened just like Mike did earlier. "Looks like we share something else in common." Mike said.

They kissed and held each other as they lay on the bed together. Mike ran his hands down Lee's chest, past his stomach and into his boxers. He reached out and undid the button and pulled down the boxers. Lee's eyes allowed so Mike began stroking Lee's member softly. Lee moaned and reached down for Mike's hand. Each pass with his fingers lightly touched Lee's knot.

"You know, you are a pretty good size." Mike mentioned.

"You like what you see?" Lee asked in a husky voice.

Mike smiled and began moving his hand faster and faster up and down the shaft. Lee couldn't help but let a moan escape every now and then. Lee curled up his legs so he could slide his pants and boxers off completely. Mike was stroking Lee a little harder now. Occasionally he would slide his paw down and grip Lee's knot. With this Lee would let out a little whimper of pleasure.

Mike continued stroking, Lee now panting in pleasure as he began to sweat under his fur.

"I think I'm about to go." Lee let out.

"Tell me when. I think I'm going to get a taste tonight." Mike said with a wicked smile.

The stroking was lower and almost always over Lee's knot now. Lee began humping in pleasure as Mike rolled him over and moved himself into position. In between moans Lee managed to say "Now" and Mike took Lee into his muzzle and grasped Lee's knot giving the pleasurable feeling of a tie. Lee nearly screamed as he let himself explode inside Mike. After the first few spurts Mike let off and allowed it to spatter his face with its warm goodness.

Lee calmed down and relaxed stretching his legs out to their full extent and placing his hands on Mike's face pulling him upwards. Mike followed and was now on top of him kissing him again. Lee managed to lick a few traces of himself off of Mike's muzzle and they were caught in a few more hot passionate kisses.

"You did great tonight." Mike told him.

"Couldn't have done it with out you." He said as he planted a sweet kiss on Mike's nose.

"We will continue this then?" Mike asked.

"Why on earth wouldn't we?" Lee squealed out.

Mike let out a giggle and slightly licked Lee's nose and scritched behind his ear. Lee rolled over and Mike laid his arm over him and got right next to him his package placed right at Lee's tail hole. Lee murred as he slowly drifted off to sleep. Mike kissed his forehead and got up quietly. He placed the box of condoms back under the bed hoping that he and Lee might be able to share some things later on and then walked out the door to depart for his house. It was truly a spectacular first night for the two of them.