Destiny Calls: Instinct

Story by Samhain on SoFurry

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#2 of Destiny Calls

Destiny Calls: Instinct

Author: Samhain

Mina flew out the door as she ran to one of the elder's residence. Running through the village as fast as she could worrying what this meant for her brother. What was going to happen to him and their family. Thinking of all the possibilities she felt a tear come as she realized that what if this meant they would take her brother away from her and her mother. Even if that was a possibility she felt she still needed to get an elder just incase something like this could result in her brother falling sickly or even worse dieing.

Soon Mina came to a very old looking hut where one of the oldest elders lived. Mina knocked at the entrance before sticking her head inside calling for the elder. "Elder Yume, elder Yume are you here?" After a long pause Mina heard the voice of an elderly woman calling her on into the residence. Mina entered and began walking down an old hall towards where the voice seemed to come from. As she turned through a small doorway she recognized a portly old fox standing about 5 feet tall with gray hair blending with brown and long silver whiskers. "Elder Yume please come with me there's something wrong with my brother and my mother sent me for you."

"Calm down child" Yume replied trying to hear what was the problem "Tell me slowly what's wrong and I'll come with you ok."

"Elder my brother was sick yesterday and much through the night when he finally awoke this morning something was different about him. My mother told me to come get you urgently. Only an elder would know what to do."

"Ok child let me get my walking stick and I'll accompany you back to your house."

Together the two of them left Yume's home and walked back towards Mina's. They were going slower then Mina wanted too but it was understandable with Yume's age and her needing a walking stick to go very far. At last they finally reached Mina's home. She opened the door widely and yelled for her mother that she had returned with Elder Yume. They went inside and Mina guided Elder Yume to Ren's room.

"Elder Yume thank you for coming I just don't know what to do something is wrong with Ren and I'm frightened" said Nana as Mina and Yume entered the room. Nina greeted Yuma and asked for her help in the situation. Ren still laying down in bed passed out Nina rolled him over as she went to show Yume that Ren had mysteriously grown a second tail overnight. Yume was breathless at what she saw almost unwilling to believe something like this possible. As she examined the extra tail and making sure this wasn't just some sort of prank by pulling on it. It was very firmly attached. She began to remember a prophecy of a fox that would be born to the village and could bring great prosperity to the whole country. She told the two to not let Ren out of the house till she had time to convene with the council of elders and they could decide what to do.

The week went by very slowly for Ren he come to believe that yes he did have a second tail and it troubled him but he began to accept it. Not being able to leave the home caused him a lot of unrest thou cause he so wanted to go out and play with his friends. It didn't help any that his body seemed to be going through other changes that week as well that he didn't understand.

About half way through the week Nina started her heat. It was a normal occurrence for her and still thought that Ren was too young for it to have any real affect on him and so she didn't pay much attention to it except when she left the house she would take extra care to not attract the attention of other men. After a couple days in the morning Nana heard a scream come from Ren's room. Worried that something bad had happened she ran to his room only partially clothed since she had just woken up. As she burst through the door she saw Ren covered up with his blanket looking very worried. He just kept staring at the blanket. Nana unsure of what was happening she asked Ren what was wrong. Unable to answer her Ren just kept looking at the blanket occasionally glancing at Nana. She looked towards the blanket and noticed a bump underneath it around where Ren's stomach was. "Ren tell me what's wrong please honey?" she got no reply from him. She moved closer to him as he just kept looking at the blanket focusing on where the bump was. She came to his bed and began pulling back the blanket slowly. She then started to notice the tip of something moving up as she pulled the covers down. After she removed the covers completely she saw what had frightened Ren so much and she got quite a shock as well. There before her was her son's member standing almost upright. It was quite large for a fox and the biggest that Nana had ever seen. After all she had only really seen one other besides Ren's and that was his father's.

"Mother what's wrong with me? First the tail and now this what's happening to my body!" Ren said sobbingly

"Don't worry Ren this is a normal thing for a male fox" replied Nana as she just kept looking at it and trying to console him. In her mind she was fighting off so many different emotions her head felt like she would lose it. She wanted to comfort Ren and assure him that every male fox went through this and it was ok. On the other hand her own body began to yearn for that big piece of fox meat that just bounced there. Her body wanted to be mated and she knew it, but this was her own son. Sure there had been stories of some fox households that did mate within their own families but she had never thought of it and still loved her lost mate very much. Just as much as she loved Ren. All the thoughts going through her head made her dizzy as her body began to betray her. She began to smell the scent of her own fluids start to run from her.

"Mother... Mother" Ren said as he pushed at her with his paw snapping her out of her dream. "What's going on with me please tell me?"

"Ren after a male fox reaches a certain age they begin looking for mates. When they find a woman they wish to mate this thing grows like it has done with you." Nana tried to explain to him.

Ren still unsure of what was happening had never thought about a mate and didn't quite understand what it meant to have a mate as he was still pretty young. "But mom what is a mate? I don't have any mate and don't think I've found one either."

"Well Ren a mate is a fox of the opposite gender that you would want to make a family with. When you find one your thing will grow and you will use it to make a kit with your mate" Nana replied back still fixated on his member just bobbing there as she felt more juices flow from her.

"I haven't found anyone like that mom. And I haven't been thinking of anyone like that either so why is this happening to me?"

"Well then Ren I guess I'm to blame then. See usually this happens when a male finds a mate, but also there are certain things that females do that can cause this to happen as well. See after a female reaches a certain age their body goes through changes too, and every so often their body will decide that it's time to conceive. So their body will began to release pheromones that will cause men around them to desire them and want to mate them. Sadly that's what happened to you honey, see I'm going through my heat right now and my body is wanting to be mated but I didn't think it would affect you yet so I didn't worry about it."

Trying to grasp what his mother was telling him Ren's body seemed to be wrapped around what his mother said last. That she was sending out those pheromones, her body wanted to be mated and his body responded to it. "How do I fix it mother? How do I make it go back to normal?"

Nina stuttered as she told him the only ways to fix it was to either mate, wait for it to pass, or trick his body into thinking that he mated. The latter being more of a temporary fix as she knew her body would continue to send out those pheromones if she didn't mate herself. She told him how he could trick his body by pleasuring himself but that it would happen again and keep happening till her heat passed or she mated. She told him that it was a very pleasurable experience and that he would even enjoy it.

"But how do I do it mother?" Ren asked with an odd look in his face.

"Well honey you can take your paw like this" she spoke as she guided her own paw to his member wrapping her fingers around it, as she began to stroke up and down over his rock hard member. Almost in disbelief that it was as big as it felt her paw was barely able to encircle it. "and you just guide your paw up and down like this in what ever way feels good to you till you climax. Then you will be done and it'll go back to it's normal size until you're aroused again."

"Oh mom that feels good..." Ren mumbled as she slowly stroked him some. "Ok I think I know what to do now, but what about you? Your body is the one wanted to be mated what will you do? I feel bad that you are helping me but I can't do anything to help you."

Taken by surprise at what her son said she began to imagine being mated by him. She had not thought about being mated by any other male since her former mate had died. Yes her body wanted to be mated she couldn't get over that fact, and right there before her was someone who she did love very much and he looked more then able to give her body what it wanted.

"Please mom let me help you I just don't feel right you telling me all this and showing me how to pleasure myself without me being able to do anything for you."

She decided that there was only one way she would be able to get out of this situation without hurting his feelings and still get what her body so desperately wanted. She would let her own son mate her. She just hoped that maybe they wouldn't actually conceive as mating is one thing but actually conceiving a baby with her own son would be something else.

"Ok honey if you want we can mate that way you'll be ok and my body will be happy as well. But you have to promise to never tell anyone, this will be our secret." she told him. Ren agreed and Nana began to remove her clothing, what little there was. She stood a beautiful 5'6" with a slim figure. Her hair was a golden brown with pearl white hair covering her muzzle, neck, down to her plentiful breast, and then rounding out on her stomach. She still had very firm breast that stood out proudly on her chest. Her nipples began to stick out from those breast as her body prepared to be mated for the first time in many years. She couldn't hardly believe that she was actually going to do this but by now it was too late her body was like it was on autopilot she didn't have control of it. Ren closely examined his mother admiring her beauty his eyes naturally running to her tit's the same ones that he used to suckle when he was just a kit. He saw her nipples begin to poke out from her fur and become a brighter pink as they filled with blood. His penis jerked as he overlooked her.

She rubbed her hands over her chest as they slowly snaked down over her stomach and down between her thighs. As Ren watched he was in amazement at what was happening he began to feel a burning in his gut almost instinctively wanting to get up and take her right then and there but he didn't really know how to and so he just froze in place as he watched her. Wondering what she was doing between her thighs with her hands. She let out a little moan as she pulled her hands back and he could see some sort of fluid on her finger tips. She licked on of her fingers and then placed her paws on his rod coating it with the fluid. He nearly jumped at the touch, his man hood shaking feeling the warm silky fluid on it. "Ok Ren since this is your first time I'll show what to do. Don't worry it'll feel very good."

Nana climbed onto his bed then raised one leg up and moved it over him. She paused in that position and let him see what was there between her legs. She saw him look intently for the place where the fluid came from. "Ren right here is what's called the vagina it's the females reproductive organ and is made for males to stick there's inside." She explained to him as she moved some fur out of the way showing her bright pink lips to him. Running her fingers over them letting even more fluid drip from her. Ren focused intently on those lips that seem to glow red hot. He licked his lips looking there and had an urge to just pounce on her. Seeing his reaction she knew that he wouldn't last long before he couldn't hold himself back and she needed to get started.

Slowly she moved over his rod, and positioned it where it touched her lips. A shock went through both of them as they touched each others flesh. She rubbed the head of his dick along her crevice as she began to slowly lower herself. The head began to sink inside of her as he closed his eyes not believing that anything could feel as good as what he was feeling. Inch by inch she kept lowering her pussy straining to accommodate him. She had never experienced such a big one. It had been so long since she had been with a man that her pussy had become very tight. She felt like she was flying as she still lowered herself on him 5 inches, then 6, 7, 8, slowly coming down. 9, 10, then 11 it was all inside of her as she tried to adjust to it's size and girth.

She just sat there for a moment letting her body get comfortable fighting the urge to move. She noticed him clamping his eyes shut as he was lost in extacy. Feeling him begin to move slightly she started to pull back away from him lowering her chest to his and kissing his muzzle. His eyes shot open at the feeling of her kiss on his lips. This was no ordinary kiss, not one like he would get when he was younger. This one felt more primal more needing and he pressed his lips back to hers as he began to fill her tongue press into his mouth. He felt her pulling off of him slowly till just the tip of him still was housed inside of her. Then in one smooth motion she pushed down fully on him impaling herself feeling even more of him enter her if that was even possible. She began a rhythmic pumping moving up and down on his penis. He moaned feeling her movements.

Running her hands down over his chest she moved them to his arms then his hands and grabbing them. Lifting his paws up she placed them on her chest and gripped her breast with his hands. He instinctively knew what to do now as he began to paw her breast. Massaging them, pulling at her nipples as he toyed with those great mounds of flesh. Her pace began to pick up as he massaged her plump tits. He lifted himself up moving his muzzle to her tits as he began to suckle them. Sucking the nipples into his maw as his tongue would flick them and tease them. "Oh god" Nana moaned feeling the teasing her nipples were getting. "That feels good honey keep doing it" he kept teasing her just like she asked. He began to feel a burning sensation in his groin.

She was almost to her climax even thou it didn't seem to take that long but this was after all her first time being mated in probably 10 years or more. She also knew that it wouldn't take him much longer being his first time and all. She began to hurridly pound her self down onto his groin. No longer to hold control her body just kept going harder slamming down onto him as her muscles began to milk at him. She was very close to her orgasm.

"Ooohhhhhh" he moaned feeling the heat move further up his cock as she slammed down onto him his hands slowly moved to her hips to help her pump as his own groin pushed up into her. He wasn't going to be able to hold out any longer. Finally he pulled down on her hard as his groin pushed up and held her there as he began to fill his penis swell and something move within it. Biting down onto her nipple as he began to pump his seed inside of her not enough to injure her, but enough that she took notice.

"OH GOD!" She yelled as she began to fill him spurt his seed deep within her. Her walls clamped onto him as she felt his knot swell inside of her opening. She moaned as he just kept pumping spurt after spurt of his seed into her. Feeling like she was already full from his penis and more just kept flowing out of it filling her up even more. Staying perfectly still the two of them just sat there as his seed sprayed into her slowly stopping, his member just jerked inside of her getting all that it could into her deepest reaches as her pussy just milked him.

They just sat like that for a moment till they both just fell over her landing ontop of him both of them panting from the exertion. He was still tied to her and her body wasn't willing to give up that glorious piece of meat nor any of it's precious cargo. They drifted off to sleep holding each other still connected.

There was a loud bang as Nana and Ren awoke the front door of their house being slammed open. "I'm home" they heard Mina. Oh no she's back from school already Nana thought as she got up quickly realizing that Ren was no longer inside of her. Probably going soft and retracting as they slept. Nana quickly covered Ren up as she grabbed what clothes she had there and ran to her room fast to clean up and change. Mina just barely missing her mother run out and down the hall to her own room opened the door to Ren's room. "Awe he's sleeping" she said quietly.

"Yea he's had a hard day" Nana responded behind her having changed quickly. "How was school Mina?" Nana said to her as she closed the door again and lead Mina to the living room.

"What's that smell?" Mina said barely catching a wift of the air in Ren's room. Nana cringed at the question a little remembering the scent of her and Ren's mating hoping Mina wouldn't catch on.

To be continued...