
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Roomie - M/M, Jerking/Teasing/Oral - April 17, 2008

Straight but Very sound sleeping roomie

By Afril

(cl) 2008 Gay Furry Association

Based on a friend who did sleep Very soundly, and the want to have someone in bed.

I am living in Hell. Let me explain - I have a room-mate. A buff, jock rabbit... And he is Straight. Doesn't mind I am not. Doesn't mind I drool all over the floor when he comes out of the shower. 'Kinda finds it flattering', He says. Doesn't snore - Too much. Doesn't come in drunk and horny (I Wish!). All he does besides look Damn Hot, is Sleep. Soundly. I am sure you are saying to yourself, 'So?' Here is the problem - The place we rent is Tiny. 3 rooms - Bed, Bath, Main. More students than places to put them. Not that I am complaining... Much.

So we share a bed. And he sleeps naked. He said he would buy a couch and sleep on it - Except we don't have room for one. Both have day-jobs as well as classes, so we can't sleep in shifts.

"Look, I sleep on my side, and..."

He laughed. "Don't worry, Bro... I slept with my brothers in the same bed since I was a Cub."

Hey, It was innocent enough at first, Me on my side, Him on his... Then he he started shivering. I am a light sleeper to begin with and having a 6 foot vibrator lying next to me, There is no way I am going to fall off. So I scoot closer, put my arm over his chest and gently hug him. And he stops. Sighs softly, rubs himself against me... *POP* Oh yeah. And not against his rump either, Oh no - Right up the crack, Knot wedged firmly between the furry mounds. Bastard flops an arm over my hip, and starts snoring again. So I tweaked one of his nipples in retaliation... A twitch, a *Squeeze* the length of my hard-on... Don't ask Me why I didn't spooge his ass. Any resemblance of Dignity went out the window the moment my sheath touched his rear.

If he so much as Hinted he was interested in 'Experimenting', I would have been balls-deep in him... But I knew he was Straight. And I had to live with myself... But Gods I wanted to!

* * * *

I found out what wakes him pretty much by accident. Got up at the usual 'Way Too Damn Early!' time, Put on a fresh pot of Java. Even though I toss half of it out, No use in wasting the water or electricity - Gods, That first cup is almost as good as Sex. I stood there a minute, enjoying the aroma when I hear a noise from the bedroom. And out he comes - Naked. Erect. Rubbing his head, half-awake. And I fall in Lust all over again. *Pant*Pant*Pant* He walks up, wraps those strong arms around me, Pushes that Hot Hard cock in between my cheeks. Leans over and whispers seductively in my ear - "Coffee."

It is all I can do not to drop to my knees and blow the Bastard! Instead of cumming all over the table, or bending my head and raping his muzzle with mine, I wriggle out of his embrace *Whimper*. Go fetch another mug. Swat his sexy ass, and go take a shower. Mornings are Hell...

Sometimes he comes in and I wash his back. His legs... Nose inches from his Firm, Hard ass. From his Big, Fat bunny-balls. It's a wonder my knot ever goes down... I sneak in a lick or a kiss, and all he does is chuckle. And I am Sure if I asked, He would lift his spade-tail for me. Let me hump his ass until I couldn't move. Might even enjoy it. Do it as a favor for a Friend. Sympathy Sex? Ugh - Hey, I have my pride... Uh-Huh. More than once I have offered to take care of his 'Problem', When he comes in with a hard-on.

"Nah - It's alright Bro... I will get some another time." No, Really. I don't Mind. Be Happy To... The sexy bastard gives me a hug and squeezes my ass - and *I* have to go jerk-off.

I am in Gay Hell...

* * * *

But I got my revenge - I am a Fox, Not a Saint... Now when he starts rubbing his Hot, Firm ass into my crotch I make sure there is a towel on the floor. I don't even have to work for it - He gets hard half a dozen times a night, Lucky Bastard. I just wait until I can hear it slap his belly and reach over - I swear, If my knot wasn't stuck in his butt, I would have those balls in my muzzle - All. Night. Long. I don't play with My nuts as often as I do his! I can't help myself - I love the way they feel in my palm. How they roll around my fingers, how the fur feels when I rub the sack. It's rough, as I can only use one paw at a time. The other is shoved in my muzzle to keep the whimpers and moans quiet.

Somehow I manage to slide my fingers up to the base, feeling it strain and throb as I stroke his horse-cock. Slowly, Gently... More firmly as all he does is snore. Gods, The feel of it throbbing in my grip. The smoothness of the skin. The way it flexes in my hand... Then he Cums - Blast after jetted blast. Splattering the cloth, Hitting the floor when my shaky aim is off. Softer strokes as it lays in my fingers, Getting the last of his seed to dribble out.

Even better, all the while his butt is flexing and Squeezing My Dick... So I can get free, Clean up the mess. Jerk off with the smell of Hot rabbit cum in my nostrils. So I have to do laundry more often - I don't mind one bit!

Occasionally I fell off the wagon... Couldn't stand it any longer and waited until he had gone to the pot. Upon returning I made sure I was Elsewhere until he was snoring again. Then I knelt down and slipped the hot meat between my lips, Glad it was big enough to stifle my moans... The Taste! The Smell! The feel of it in my palm, my other paw rubbing his big balls. Spent several minutes just letting it soak, licking the tip until Hunger demanded I do more. Bobbing gently, sucking the throbbing shaft... Feeling it press against my lips, my tongue as I took all I could in my mouth.

And he was All rabbit - From his long sexy legs to his Hot ass to the fact he came half a dozen times. I think I sloshed by the time he was done. Of course I felt guilty... But Dammit - The temptation is just too much for one poor fox to handle sometimes!

The morning after, I Swear this time will be the last. He's a Friend. He's a Roomie... And he's Straight. And just like a Junkie, I find myself on my knees, kissing his erection, Promising myself It's just One More Time. I can stop whenever I want... Until I look at the clock and see I have been 'Just' nursing on him for an hour. And I can't in all good conscience tuck him away Hard. So I get him off again with muzzle and paw - And of course I have to make sure he is Drained... Cleaned - Don't want to leave any evidence, so That means holding it and licking the head until it stops dripping pre.

A Kiss on his balls and I get a quick drink of water before returning to slide over him... Trying to sleep with the smell of him still in my nose. The taste of him in my mouth.

Hell I Tell You!

* * * *

What stopped me Finally? What else - One night, I damn near got caught! I was kneeling, sucking softly on his pole when he Yawned, Stretched... And sat up! I somehow unfroze enough to carefully pull off his dick, grab the towel under my legs and hot-foot it into the Main Room. Luckily, He had already popped and I was just enjoying the taste of his pre and hot skin. It would have been Much harder to explain why his spunk was all over my face.

"Hey Bro.. You on the Pot?"

My heart started again, and I wiped sweat off my face. "Nope - In the Fridge. Want anything?"

"Nah... I'm Good."

I heard him get up, and once the coast was clear I made a bee-line for the bed, making sure my belly (And raging hard-on) was against the wall. Felt the bed creak as he laid back down.

"Dude, You are not going to believe the dream I just had... Like, You were on the floor, snarfing on my dick. Kinda felt good too..."

I turned my head, reaching over to pat his leg. "Was that an Offer?"

He laughed and squeezed my butt. "Nah, I'm good."

I turned over and kissed his cheek - His Upper one.

"What was that for?"

I chuckled... "Just because."

He turned his head and looked at me. "Man - Like, Don't get all Queer on me.."

It took several seconds before it hit him... Then we were both on the floor laughing.

I tapped his nose. "You know, 'A Dream is a Wish your Heart makes.' " I loved to hear him snort... "Seriously - Anytime, Even if it is just a Paw-job. You are a good Friend and a good Roomie. I would be happy to be of... Service."

He groaned and slapped my butt. "Enough Bad Puns already... We got Chemistry tomorrow, ya know."

I grinned and crawled back into the bed, Deciding to keep my yap shut - Especially when my breath still smelled like rabbit-cock.

* * * *

All things must come to an end. Semester's. Finals - Thank The Gods! Idle Time... More time to spend making love (Secretly) with my Rabbit. Except - In he comes with boxes and bags and starts gathering his things. ohshit! Quietly, I help him, trying my best not to jerk my ears back. It's My Fault. I couldn't keep my paws to myself... Now he hates me - Just as I was getting up the nerve to suck on him again - Hey, It was Finals... I deserved to go a little Crazy.

Finally I couldn't take it any longer... "Bro... Is it because of - I mean if I said or Did something..."

He laughed and slapped my butt firmly. "Bro... You have been Nothing but Good since I moved in. Puttin' up with me is no easy task... Nope, Wasn't You. It's Me - My transfer to State came in."

Oh... Oh? He gave me a Hug. "Gonna miss you - The good coffee. The back-rubs. The showers... All those hot stares, Your tongue hangin' on the floor. I was tempted a couple of times, But didn't want to take advantage of you..."

Take advantage of... Aaaaaaaaaaaa!

" 'Sides, You got me back at night... I don't sleep That soundly, Bro. You are going to make some guy a Wonderful Husband."

Then he kissed me... Long and Hot and I puddled at his feet.

"So long Bro... Maybe we can spend a weekend at a cabin sometime - You know, 2 college buddies getting together to talk about the Old Days."

And he was gone. I promised myself I wouldn't cry... And I didn't - Much. Got up off the floor. Swept up the mountain of tissues I had used up - I didn't cry that hard when Old Yeller died... Well - Maybe. A quick shower, some tidying up and I hiked down to Admins to tell them there was a vacancy - 'Already Filled.' Damn, They don't waste time, Do they.

Sure enough there was some boxes on the floor of the Dorm. Caught myself hoping he was sexy... And almost slapped myself - Faggot. Doesn't matter if he is Buck-Toothed, Cross-eyed and weighs more than a First Year Students' Book-bag. Still... Out of the bedroom came a carbon-copy of what had left, Except he was not as muscular - Or as tall. Came to shake paws.

"Hey Guy - I am Timla, Jerbit's brother. First Year. Man, Bro said the place was small but..." and laughed. Closed the Hall Door. Pulled his shirt off, dropped his shorts, kicking them to one side. Naked, He walked up to me, Putting my paw on his butt.

"Big Bro e-mailed me about the Hot Fox he was rooming with. I like Hot coffee, Long showers..."

His fingers undid my shorts, Gently pushing them over my hips, letting them fall so he could cup my balls in a firm hand.

"Been with a couple of guys my own age, But never had the pleasure of an Older, More experienced male."

The rabbit helped me with my shirt, leaned over to kiss a nipple as I tossed it someplace, kicking my shorts off to join it. Gods, He was just a Little shorter, Which meant He had to stand up a little to kiss Me. Damn - Hot and Young and...

"While I do like having my dick played with, I am a Bottom and would Much rather suck on your..." Ran his fingers down my erection to fondle my knot, His brown eyes getting wider as he started at my erection.

"Urf... You're Hung! Hope I can take it All." Slid his hand up the shaft, Letting go long enough to fetch an Industrial size bottle of lube from a box. Walked past with a hip-twitch, His leaf-shaped tail wagging erotically.

"Come'on Sexy... We have a week before classes start and I want to christen the bed Properly."

* * * *

I am Still in Hell... I have a Very enthusiastic Lover who likes to be humped in the Bed. In the Shower. Bent over the Table, Waiting for the coffee to brew. And when it's not in his ass, it's in his Muzzle. Or paws. or feet - I am rapidly developing a Foot Fetish because of him.

And if That wasn't bad enough, He has been talking to other Young, Horny Bucks - How good I am in bed. How Great a Lover I am... And no, we are not an 'Item' - Yet. So I am getting stammered hints and Hot stares and I have never been good at saying 'No'. I am pretty average in Bed, Really. I just take my time so my partner enjoys the experience - And it takes a While to recover... So I make sure they pass-out before I do.

Gods - He has That look in his eyes again. What now... Me Trying to do work while he is bobbing his head in my lap? A trip to an out-of-the way stall in a little-used Men's room to try out a 'Gloryhole'? There is no such thing as a 'Quickie' with him... Lately he has been trying to talk me into a Three-some with another First year guy. Or was it a Couple of guys - I close my book and stand up.

Doesn't matter what scheme he has planned, I will probably go along with it. All he has to do is kiss me.. Slide his hand along my sheath, Peeling it back until my knot is in his palm. After that, I am not responsible for my actions.

"I need help with my Oral Exams..."

All I can say is I am glad the walls are Thick.

The End