Her name is Fish - Part 1

Story by Poisonlilly on SoFurry

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#1 of WoW

I posted this story elsewhere, so figured I'd drop it here, too. (Since it focuses on Anthropomorphic characters.) Story tells of the sexy journey(s) of a Worgen adventurer.

If you're a WoW player then the settings and characters will seem very familiar to you.

Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft or it's characters, this is a non-profit story just for fun.

Part 1

>A (sexy) story about a Worgen and a Pandaren. First part Introduces the Characters and sets up for part two.<

-Her name is Fish-

It was a typical day in the valley. No matter how many times I've come to this exact place, it seems the weather is always the same; clear skies and not a drop of rainfall. In many cases one would be happy for such nice day to day consistency, but in this case it may not be for the best. The valley was home to many of Pandaria's farms and farmers, you see, and they could probably go with a bit of rougher weather from time to time, if only to keep their crops watered easily. Though I, too, wished this was the case, for here I stood, dirty with soil on my paws and on my clothes, after finishing up today's crop watering and gathering.

Oh by the way, my name is Lilly, I'm a Worgen adventurer. Like many others, I'm one of the adventurers that came to Pandaria, but instead of fighting the evils that plague the land for today, I'm instead finishing up some farming chores. Funny how things turn out sometimes, hmm? This farm that I work on is owned by a friendly Pandaren named Yoon, we are both part of a farming organization known as the Tillers. When Yoon started out on his farm he was fairly green (pun intended) and needed some help getting things going, I had overheard a discussion with him and some of the Tiller's more seasoned members in which they seemed to express doubts in Yoon's ability to grow the farm, and so I decided to help him out with it. He seemed pretty grateful for the assistance. It took quite a long time and many weeds pulled, but eventually we managed to grow the farm into a respectable crop-churning force and we earned the respect of our fellow farmers, granting us official acceptance into the Tillers.

Through my months of working with Yoon and my fellow farmers of the Tillers, I, naturally, made friends with quite a few of them, though, for the most part, it was strictly a business relationship with many of them. Not to say that I didn't actually enjoy the company of my fellow farmers, but chatter was mostly limited to crop advice, tool tips, and how to get rid of the pesky Virmen that would sometimes attempt to swipe our carrots! There was one exception, however. It seems I had developed a rather delightful and far less business-like relationship with one of our neighbors, a bubbly and energetic Pandaren girl.

Her name is Fish. Well, her full name is Fish Fellreed, but the full name isn't used very often. Not surprisingly, I found her name rather silly at first...I mean...Fish? Who would name their daughter that! However in time that name seemed to make more sense, and seemed to fit more and more. After finishing my tasks for the day I finally got a chance to catch my breath and sat down on the recently tilled soil. A shadow was cast over my shoulder that blocked out all semblance of sunlight...I pretty much knew who it was as I turned my face to spot the large and smiling Yoon.

Yoon: "Lilly! You finished tilling and watering the new crops I see! Good work. You'll be pleased to hear that the order for our new sprinkler and pesticide systems has gone through. I asked Gina and she says we should get them within the week!"

I let out a sigh of relief. We had ordered out for those new tools quite a while ago, but unless it's crops it seems things take forever to move from place to place around here.

Lilly: "Good...it'll make these chores a lot easier for both of us."

Yoon: "Yeah, for sure! Thanks a lot for today's help, Lilly."

Lilly: "No problem, big guy. Now I hate to harvest and run, but I'll have to be going for now."

Yoon: "Aww, c'mon! You've been so busy lately we've barely had a chance to catch up!"

Lilly: "Hehe...yeah...sorry about that, those Mantid aren't going to slay themselves, though!"

Yoon: "Haha...right, right, of course. But you're always welcomed at OUR farm, so feel free to stop by soon. I take it you're heading back to the Dread Wastes to take out more of them nasty insects?

The truth was that I didn't want to tell Yoon what I was going to do next, because it may be a little rude since I just turned him down. It's true that I haven't had a chance lately to help out at the farm due to all the hectic combat in the Dread Wastes, which meant that I hadn't had a chance to stop by the Valley in quite a while either. There was someone I wanted to catch up with, but it wasn't Yoon. Hmm...I wish I could micro manage my time better!

Lilly: "Ah...y...yeah...you know how it is, farming one second, bashing insects the next, I'll stop by real soon and we can catch up over a nice mug of Stormstout brew."

Yoon: "Sounds good! You take care!"

And with our goodbyes said, I was off. I walked around the side of Yoon's farm where I had parked my valiant steed, which by valiant steed I of course mean my massive Cloud Serpent that faithfully serves as my travelling companion in the skies. I approached the large orange and white serpent and gave August a slow rub across the side of his face gently with my paw, which brought open one of his large blue eyes. By comparison I was a tiny speck next to this mammoth of a serpent, but August was harmless, as most tamed Cloud Serpents are thanks to the Order of the Cloud Serpent's special training techniques. August was already lying on the ground as he woke up from his nap, so I easily climbed up onto the small seated perch that was strapped onto him. With a few tugs of the reigns, August took off towards the skies, heading west towards the destination I had in mind.

The trip was extremely short thanks to August's dexterous speed in the skies. We flew over the Heartlands, possibly the largest stretch of farm lands in the Valley, and, indeed, all of Pandaria. Fields and fields of crops dotted the landscape below us. My destination was slightly north of the Heartland; a small little patch of land that rode down off the Heartland and met up with the Cattail Lake, a tiny dock connecting the dirt to the water.

I had August land right near the small dock that stretched over a small part of the Cattail Lake. He's gotten used to this landing spot as I've visited this site quite a few times before. I hopped off August's back and padded over to the front of his slithery body, right up to his face. My foot paws smushed a little into the ground with each step, this small patch of land was somewhat muddy due to its proximity to the Lake waters, but it was simple enough to clean them off by the docks. I guess this is one time were having boots would actually help, but, eh...Worgen feet don't really fit most shoe sizes, so barepaw it is. I reached the front of my Serpent and leaned in to give him a few rhythmic pats on the side of his face, this was a signal that told him to feel free to go explore and to come back in a few hours, it took a while to teach him this command, but he got it down eventually. Before August took off I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the side of his large face, I was very appreciative of him always carrying me everywhere, so I like to show my affection. I'm pretty sure he's happy being my travel partner, too.

With my Serpent off enjoying himself, I walked over to the small dock that hovered over the lake's water. I peeked in and was expecting to see a curvy Panda girl swimming at high speeds below the water, however, to my surprise, the Lake seemed relatively empty, well, of Pandaren anyway. I took a few steps back and turned to look around the small little inlet of land. A nearby wagon sat there with nothing on it, possibly being used for moving crops? Maybe. I looked around and saw a few pigs lazily resting in the muddy patch that was near my earlier landing spot.

Lilly: "Hmm...now just where could..."

Before I finished my own sentence, a splash interrupted my train of thought and forced me to turn around. With a resounding "thunk!" against the wooden boards of the dock, a chubby Pandaren girl stood, just regaining her balance from hopping out of the lake waters. Fish Fellreed....she seems like she has something to say and not just our usual hellos either.

Fish: "Lilly!"

Lilly: "Fish...hi there."

Fish: "Geez! Don't you remember the numbah one rule o' the dock!"

The rule...ah....woops....I see what's going on now.

Lilly: "Ha...I...scared the fish away, didn't I?"

Fish: Yeah! I was stalkin' one real closely unner the dock, but you scared em away with your careless stompin!"

Lilly: "...Woops...sorry, Fishie...I guess I was so absorbed looking for you that I let the rule slip by."

Fish's expression changed from one of fake anger (I could so tell she wasn't actually upset at me, but she tried!) to a cute little blush and a smile. Her fur color was rather distinct from my own black and white fur pattern, she sported a redish, orangeish sort of fur marking that spread around her eyes, not unlike a raccoon's facial pattern, though the rest of her face was a clear white fur. Her body, though now covered in her usual messy green top and tattered yellow pants, was mostly a white streak of fur covering down to about her navel, the rest being a similar redish, orangeish color like that of her face pattern. Her eyes were a lightish blue, similar to my own. Of course she had something that we Worgen lacked; a tail. Fish's tail was white at the tip and the rest was covered in that same redish, orangeish color right up to above her butt. I wonder if there's an official color name for that? light Auburn? Who knows. Oh! Her hair is actually that color as well, she always has her hair folded back into two small pigtails, I've tried the look before myself...but it doesn't quite work out for me since I have a *lot* of hair, I simply let it hang loose like a black cascade.

Fish: "Hehe...is like I've said before: "You can take the Lilly out o' the city, but you ain't takin' the city out o' the Lilly!"

I gave a sly grin at Fish's little motto, she had, indeed, made that one up some weeks ago, during some of my more...interesting moments at attempting to chase down some of Fish's pigs. Those little piggies can run! I had wound up face down in mud more than once due to my inability to catch them properly..ugh..so embarrassing. I decided to close the small gap that lay out between me and Fish, moving closely towards her until we were less than two feet away. From here the height difference between us was quite obvious. Worgen females were rather tall and slender, Pandaren females were rather short and stubby...it...wasn't a bad mix, if I do say so myself.

Lilly: "Want to hear my motto?"

Fish smiled, keeping eye contact between us the whole time.

Fish: "Mmhmm...let's hear it."

My cheeks had flushed a bit as I felt myself heat up a little, sure it wasn't the first time I'd done this, but I guess it's something I still wasn't fully used too...and boy did I love it. As soon as I heard Fish's reply I gave a very promising smile, leaning down softly until both our lips met one another's. Fish's kisses were something I've missed dearly these past few days, not to mention Fish herself. A few seconds after our lips joined together, our arms had slowly moved over to one another's backs, embracing each other in a warm hug. The scent of the lake water drifted from Fish's wet fur, not a particularly bad smell, but prominent none the less. Our kiss lasted a few more seconds before we moved our lips back slowly and looked at one another, still holding onto our hug.

Fish: "I...missed you, citypaw."

Our reunion was something I've been greatly waiting for, and here it was. I thought back at that moment and it was all like a sudden flash to me, it's hard to believe it's only been two weeks since me and Fish had been...well....like this. It all started that one night, in Halfhill; the farmer's market.