The Transforming Circus: Chapter 2

Story by JohnSpitt on SoFurry

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#2 of The Transforming Circus

Second part to a story I was going to write. This is a little more mature than the introduction.

Chapter 2: A Bear and His Unicycle

"LET US GO!" Yelled the tiger for the fourth time. He, along with his friend Jake was being manhandled by two rhinos, forced to follow the ridiculous looking ringleader of The Transforming Circus. They were being half pushed half carried towards the west side of the circus tent. After they reached a secluded spot, hidden from view by a large stack of crates, the two friends were pushed to the ground at the ringleader's feet. "What's the big idea?" Jake yelled out angrily. He looked up at the cheetah who still had a sly toothy smile glued to his face.

"My friend, I've already told you. You must pay off your debt by working for my circus." Jake wasn't sure if it was possible, but he thought the cheetah smiled even wider while talking. "I really have to hand it to you two; most people would rather just pay for the tickets rather than work them off."

"We never said we were going to work for you in the first place! Jake won those tickets fair and square!" Rex spat at the cheetah. The hair on his back and neck was bristled and he was very uncomfortable being restrained by this other feline's goons. "There's no way we are paying for anything and you can forget about us working for you!"

The cheetah's eyes narrowed but his grin never faltered. "I'm afraid you two won't have a choice. You see this isn't a normal circus, and I am not a normal ringleader." While he was talking the cheetah pulled out a wand from a pocket in his robe and waved it over Jake's head. A glittery substance flowed from the end of the wand and rained down upon Jake, covering him in the dust. Jake's eyes widened for a second and then half closed sleepily. The dust began to swirl around his arms and legs covering him completely. His limbs began to shift and shorten, becoming more stocky and compact. His hands became more claw-like and his arms and legs began to thicken up tremendously.

"What are you doing to him?" Rex yelled out of concern. His friend was being transformed before his very eyes and he had no idea what was going on. "Stop! Whatever you're doing just stop it!"

"Would you relax? None of this will be permanent. We just need him to look a bit more proper for the show tonight. Besides, the only thing I've done is help your friend let out his wild side a little." The words of the ringleader shocked Rex and left him sitting on the ground in stunned silence for a moment.

Suddenly he looked up and yelled, "YOU TURNED HIM FERAL?!" Rex's face was a look of confusion and anger. His friend had just been turned into a wild animal right in front of him. He tried to think of a logical explanation for what was happening, but nothing came to mind. Magic. Magic was the only thing that could have done this.

The cloths on Jake's body were growing too small and his pants were the first things to go. The button snapped on his pants and gravity pulled them down. His chest pulled his shirt apart; however it remained on him like a sort of makeshift vest. Jake was now standing half naked on his hind paws looking rather like a Russian bear that worked in a circus.

"Well now that your friend has his proper attire on, perhaps we should begin your makeover." As the cheetah was saying this he waved his wand over Rex's head the same way he did on Jake. Rex watched as the sparkles rained down on him, moving as if they had minds of their own. He felt a tingling all over his body and he looked down in time to see his hands begin to stretch and change color. He felt a pulling in his arms and he could barely believe it when they wrapped around his legs and formed a large circle. His whole body, except for his neck and head, had transformed into some kind of circle that was beginning to inflate. He felt a hiss and saw the circle that was once his body begin to tighten up. His eyes widened as he realized that he was becoming a tire!

His neck began to feel stiff and he felt disoriented as his head started to flatten out. After a few seconds he couldn't move, but could only look straight up at the ceiling. He still felt things through his body and he could still sense things like taste, hearing, and smell; however he couldn't make a sound. The ringleader walked over to where Rex had laid and picked up a unicycle that was now in his place. The whole thing looked brand new and was jet black, except for the tiger printed face looking up from the seat. The eyes that were printed on it still moved from left to right, trying to figure out exactly what had happened. "Oh come on, all the bears in a circus have to ride a unicycle. Everyone knows that." The cheetah was interrupted by a loud roar of a group of furs somewhere out in the carnival. "Well it seems that the show is about to start. You two had better get into place."

One of the rhinos picked up Rex by his seat/face, and rolled him along a path towards the sound of the crowd. Rex's mind was spinning. How could Jake be a feral bear? How could he be a unicycle? His vision was covered mostly by the giant rhino hand in his face, but he caught glimpses of the path that they were following. It was headed into the center of the overly large tent where a large ring of bleachers surrounded a "stage" where the different acts would appear. The trek seemed to take only seconds as Rex was wheeled behind some sort of curtain that served as a backdrop for the stage. Jake, the now feral bear, padded up beside the misshaped Rex. His eyes were dim and droopy and he had a goofy smile on his muzzle that made him look as though he didn't have a care in the world. He took Rex from the rhino's grip and carefully held him upright between his clumsy paws. Rex's eyes looked up pleadingly at his friend, but the large bear didn't even acknowledge his presence. It wasn't until the ringleader on stage finished announcing that the show was starting, that Rex realized just how unfortunate his predicament was.

Jake walked in front of his unicycle/friend and brought Rex up against his, now naked, rump. He slowly lowered his weight onto the seat and tested it by bouncing up and down on it a little. Rex's view was a little more personal. His vision was blocked out by two large glutes coming down to meet his face. He wanted to scream, but his mouth just wouldn't open. He felt suffocated as the fuzzy booty pressed against his face. He could still breath (he still wasn't sure how) but now his breath was filled with the musky aroma of sweat and butt fur. He felt the weight on him jiggle as more pressure was put on him and then taken off. After a moment, the full weight was put on him and he felt his peddles being turned and his wheel rolling out onto the stage. He couldn't see a thing and the only taste and smell that he had was coming from his best friend's rear end.

This isn't happening. This isn't happening. This isn't happening. Rex seemed to only be able to think that one thought over and over again as he was rode up and down the stage. He could hear the crowd scream as Jake peddled him out into view and he felt the weight of his friend bounce on him whenever he hit a bump. He was being forced to breath in the foul stench of his rider and he couldn't stand it anymore. How could Jake do this to me? The tiger thought as he took in another forced breath. He knew that Jake couldn't help it, but blaming him helped him deal with the situation. I mean Jake was feral now. He probably doesn't even know what he's doing... Right? Rex's questions were interrupted by another jolt as he was driven over another piece of unleveled ground, which forced his face deeper into Jake's butt.

Jake on the other hand was having the time of his life. He beamed when the crowd cheered for him and his foggy little ursine brain was telling him that the people deserved a show. He moved his legs as fast as he could and maneuvered his way up to center stage. He wasn't even sure how he was doing this right now. He had never rode a unicycle before, and in the back of his mind he seemed to remember that this wasn't what he came to the circus to do. Something about free tickets and then... But his thoughts were interrupted by a reassuring voice in his head, "Of course you should be here! Where else would a bear like you be? You love your unicycle and these people love you!" The voice felt so confident and warm as it snaked through his thoughts. All of his worries were forgotten and he began to completely focus on riding the bike and making the people on the bleachers happy. That was why he was here after all!

The opening act of the show was a hit. The crowd went wild for the bear on the unicycle and they were definitely getting their money's worth. After circling the stage a few times the bear rode the cycle around a line of cones, gliding through them with more grace than anyone thought possible. He hopped over obstacles, rode up and down the aisles of the crowd, and even started to juggle halfway through the show. Every bump that he rode over a tiny "Mumfp!" could just barely be heard coming from under the bear, but the crowd was laughing and clapping too much for anyone to really hear it.

It didn't take long for Jake to work up a sweat, and he instinctively knew that it was time for a grand finally. Pushing his legs as fast as he could, he sped off stage, over behind a few boxes. It didn't take long for him to come flying back, picking up speed as he neared the stage. Aiming towards the ramp that had been placed there previously, the large bruin was lifted up hitting an impressive height of six feet. The unicycle landed on the stage with a loud "Thump" and came to a screeching halt. The crowd cheered and cheered as Jake peddled off stage. Soon he was directed to a large cage that he could ride right into. It wasn't until the door was shut and locked behind him when he began to have bad feelings about his predicament. The feelings didn't get any better as the Ringmaster walked up to the bars of the cage.

"Well done my friend, well done! Thanks to you we have the crowd all riled up for the next act. Oh, I suppose it would be best to turn you back so that you may truly appreciate my good news." With a wave of his wand, the cheetah sent more sparkly dust at the bear. The dust swirled around and around the bear, and the unicycle that he was still sitting on. Slowly the bear began to shrink in size until he was back to his normal self, and the unicycle began to untwist and take the form of a tiger once again. Just as the bear was about to ask what was going on, he was interrupted by a loud grunt below him. Now that the unicycle was a tiger again, Rex's head was trapped in Jakes butt cheeks. "Oh my, it looks as though that last jump lodged your friend up there good." The ringmaster had trouble holding in his laughter as the bear reached behind him and pulled his friend free, just like he would remove a wedgie in his underwear.

The tiger gasped for breath as his face was unstuck from the bear's rear end. He fell backwards and began to rub his face with both his hands. The smell was awful, and his whole head was covered in sweat (most of it, probably not his). The bear turned around and looked down at his coughing friend. "Aw come on, it couldn't have been that bad!" He even began to smile at the feline started to rub dirt on his face.

"Well this has been quite fun, but unfortunately duty calls. We all must get back to work, and that goes double for you two." Seeing the troubled looks on both Rex and Jake's faces, the cheetah continued. "Well your last act was such a hit that I got to thinking that you two should help out in our next segment." After hearing a resounding NO coming from both the captives the cheetah just smiled a very toothy grin. "I'm sorry, I thought you both understood. You don't have a choice." The ringmaster began to laugh as he swept his wand again, sending tiny sparkles shooting off towards the two prisoners. "Don't look so glum. We are going to have so much fun together!" Something told Jake and Rex that they weren't going to like this "Fun".