A Meeting In Anthropolis 2

Story by ZeekCalzaya on SoFurry

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The morning was cold from the rain. It poured down with no respect for what it pelted. The furs in their cars went about their normal daily routines just a bit slower on the road. The sidewalks were almost barren except for one fur in a coat to shelter himself as best he could.

Mike was on a mission to set things right. He never wanted to see Lee that unhappy again. He was disgusted by what Manny put him through and wouldn't stop till he was able to dish the pain back out. He stepped into the dinner where he normally ate breakfast. It just so happened to likewise be the place where Manny usually ate. He looked around and couldn't see the fox.

"Has Manny been in this morning?" Mike asked the waitress.

"Yes, he is already gone. You just missed him by a few minutes. I think he was headin to that comic book store he is always at there on Grange Blvd. You might want to try there." She answered.

"Thanks." He said before rushing out the store to wave down a taxi. He got in and immediately said. "Grange Blvd." The driver said nothing and sped away. It was only a few blocks so Mike paid the driver and rushed out of the cab and into the store. He looked around and spotted Manny in the X-rated section.

Mike walked up calmly behind him and tapped his shoulder to get his attention.

"Oh hey Mike." Manny said with a smile. This just further angered Mike because he was so nice and polite towards him.

"Had any fun lately?" Mike asked him hotly.

"As a matter-o-fact I did. Last night at the bounce I stole some poor pups virginity." He boasted.

Mike balled his fist and cracked his knuckles. Manny sensed rising anger in Mike so he backed away a bit.

"So you find it more pleasing when they are scream at you to stop." Mike asked.

"He said he wanted to... I... he... it was only a little bit of fun." Manny stuttered.

"Rape is never fun for the other party." Mike said with a curled lip.

"Hold on a second there... what would you do in that instance. He said he wanted to." Manny said with a panic in his voice.

"I would have stopped. If they find out they don't want to finish then it won't be finished." Mike stated bluntly.

"Well I finished it and then he just sat there crying like a sad puppy." Manny said.

With out notice Mike sent his fist flying straight into Manny's face. He put all of his strength into the blow and it sent Manny flying several feet backwards and onto the floor of the store. Mike stood there and stared down at the fox to see if he dared to stand against him. His blood was flowing and his fur was bristled.

The owner of the store ran over hoping to break it up but it was already over. Manny got up slowly and walked out of the store without looking back or up at Mike's eyes. Mike felt accomplished, but looked at the owner and apologized before leaving. He stepped out and the rain had begun to clear. It was only a light sprinkle now.


Lee woke up late the next morning by a knock on the door. He got up and pulled his clothing on. John was at the door with a smile on his face.

"Good morning." He said to him. "I have good news."

"Good news?" Lee said with interest.

"You were looking for a job right? Well do you know how to play Jazz?" John asked.

"Yea a little. It is just mainly improv. I know a bit of music though. Jazz was always fun to play." Lee explained. "Why do I need to know jazz?"

"Because there is a club that needs a jazz clarinet player and they are hiring for some good money. I got you an audition if you care to go." John said.

Lee went silent. He was extremely happy that John had gotten him this opportunity, but he wasn't sure if he could audition and win. There were a lot better clarinet players than him and he wasn't sure what to say.

"Do you think you could just go and try out?" John asked after noticing Lee's reaction.

"Well I do need the money I guess." Lee said. "When is the audition?"

"It will be tonight at 7:00. Oh, and you can play in front of crowds can't you?"

Lee went silent again. He didn't even think of all the people that were going to be seeing him. He looked down with a sad expression on his face. John walked over and hugged him. "You can do it. Just play jazz half as good as you were play'n yesterday and you should do fine. Like you said, jazz is almost all improv so you can just make it up as you go."

Lee looked up and smiled. "I want to get someone's opinion on it first. I kinda want him to be there. It would comfort me more."

"Who?" John pried.

"Mike. He helped me out a lot last night and we got kinda close." Lee told him.

John had known Mike for a few years now. He knew Mike was a good person, but didn't know that he was getting back into relationships. After his last one Mike had gotten quite and kept to himself. It tore him up inside and he didn't like to express himself to anyone anymore.

"Oh, my friend is in my room now if you want to meet him. He said to go ahead and bring you on over." John said. "You want to meet him?"

"That would be nice. But I need to get dressed first." Lee said.

"Aren't you already dressed?" John asked with a giggle.

"Yes, but I hate wearing day old clothes." Lee said with a smile.

"All right, well you know where my room is so I will see you there in a few minutes."

The door shut and Lee walked over to his bed. It was a complete mess but he didn't bother fixing it now. He then walked to his closet and grabbed a shirt and some pants. After removing his former clothing, all but his boxers, he looked at himself in the mirror inside of the door. He never really liked the way he looked. A sad expression over took his face so he quickly sheathed his body into his clothes and sat down on his bed.

He was tired this morning and hadn't had time enough to collect his thoughts. Memories of his dream came back. He and Mike were locked with one another fondling closely. Things were a lot slower as time passed and he was happy. They were only flashes and he couldn't remember what they led to so he dismissed them. Reaching under the bed he pulled out the box of condoms and eyed then curiously. They hadn't been used, but that is not to say that Mike hadn't had sex in this very same bed. The thought of that brought comfort to Lee as he rubbed the bed with his paw.

About ten minutes later he was out the door and heading down the hall to John's room. He finally noticed just how bad of shape this place was in, but it was home to him now, and he couldn't say too much. He reached John's room and knocked three times. Each knock on the door made a pounding boom, which made it open slightly on the third knock. John moved quickly to it and opened it.

"I was wondering when you were going to get here." John said with a smile.

He walked into the room to see an older Husky sitting on the bed watching the presidential debate. He was throwing remarks every now and then to the different candidates and it was easy to see he was rooting for the one who allowed for gay marriage.

"Jake, would you turn that off for a bit and come here?" John said as he put his paws on his hips. "We have company."

Jake made one last comment before clicking the TV off. He stood up and Lee looked him over. He was tall and well built. He had a small tear in his left year, his crystal blue eyes were beautifully piercing and he began to like him immediately.

"I'm Jake." He said extending his paw.

"Lee, and I'm sorry about last night, I got into a bit of trouble and headed out of there." Lee said as he extended his paw and shook.

"By the way, are you ok? You seemed a little upset." John asked as he put his paw on his shoulder.

"I'm better now, just had a bad run in with a dude named Manny." Lee said.

"That stupid fucker. Always tormenting young'ns." Jake said hotly.

John passed a glaring look in Jake's direction and Jake gave an apologetic one.

"Manny is just another creep out there, but you have other things to worry about." John said handing Lee some music.

Lee looked it over. "This shouldn't be all that difficult." He said with a smile. "But I'm still gonna get to work on it now. Don't want to make any slip ups tonight.

"Just don't wear yourself out. Your real time to play will be tonight." Jake said.

"Yea, yea, well I'm going to leave you to alone for now and get to work on this." Lee said as he headed to the door.

"I'm sure you will do fine tonight." John said as he shut the door behind Lee and walked back to place a kiss on Jake's cheek.

Jake whirled John onto the bed on got on top of him. "You asking for something?" Jake asked with a lustful grin on his face.

"I have to go to work in a few minutes, do you mind if I ask tonight?" John said as he put a finger to Jake's lips.

"Oh you torment me so much." Jake said smiling and nibbling gently on his finger. "Tonight then."


"Finally." Mike said as he walked out of the building he worked at. He waved down a taxi and got in. "1356 Badger St please." Mike said.

He got out at the door to the apartment and handed the cab driver the tags. He headed past the front desk and almost ran up the staircase to Lee's floor. The sound of sweet clarinet music slightly filled the hallway. Mike pressed his ear against the door to hear a little better and he turned the doorknob to open it slightly.

Lee was caught in the music and facing away from the door. This would be the first time Mike heard him play. He pushed the door forward and stepped lightly into the room. He pushed it to and leaned up against the back wall.

Lee was playing the improv to his last song to the best of his ability. He was a bit rusty in the beginning, but he soon regained his confidence and played to his heart's content. He ended the piece with a sixteenth note run up to notes over the second break and was very pleased with himself.

After Lee lowered his clarinet he heard clapping behind him. He turned around with an embarrassed look on his face to see Mike smiling heavily.

"You snuck up on me." Lee said with a smile and a blush.

Mike waked over to him and hugged him tightly. "Where did you learn to play like that?" He asked.

"Picked it up over the years." Lee said with another big smile.

"You going anywhere with it, cause you could."

"Actually, John hooked me up with an audition tonight. I was hoping that you might be there cheering me on. That is if you don't already have plans." Lee said.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world." Mike said looking down lovingly at Lee.

Lee bounded upwards and wrapped his arms around Mike's neck and kissed him. Mike placed his paws under Lee's thighs and brought them closer together while still locked in the kiss. They both opened their eyes and looked at one another before they broke apart.

"Someone's a bit happy to see me." Mike said as he looked glanced down for a second and pulled Lee even closer.

"Very happy." Lee murred. He let go with his right paw it brushed it down his chest. His eyes glance up at Mike and he wasn't sure what to think. Things happened so quickly and though he loved every minute of it, he wasn't sure what he was doing.

"Did I rush things a bit last night?" Mike asked after looking at Lee's face.

"No. Its not that, I'm just not used to this much attention I guess." Lee said. "This feels so wonderful just to be held."

"Well I hate to break it to you." Mike said setting him down on the bed. "But I've been working all day and my arms are getting little tired." He said with a smile. He placed himself on the bed next to Lee and pulled him closer. "Do you not like this much closeness, because I can back off a little if you would like."

"No." Lee said quickly. "I want to love up every bit of you I can."

Mike took Lee's face in his paw and eyed him with compassion. Slowly he leaned forward and they were caught in another kiss. Their tongues danced together inside their muzzles as they made out together. Paws rubbed and fingers scritched occasionally. Their eyes were both closed, though Mike's parted every now and then to see the enjoyment on Lee's face.

Mike's watched beeped meaning the hour had rolled around and that was their cue to stop. They broke apart and Lee looked down at the watch.

"I have to be there at 7:00 and I'm not even sure what club it is." Lee said with a giggle. He turned around and began to place his clarinet, which he left on the bed back into its case.

"I could go ask John for you if you would like." Mike told him, his paw slowly caressing Lee's back.

"We can go together now if you would like." Lee said grabbing his clarinet in its case.

The two of them stood up and headed out the door.

John's door was cracked open. Mike knocked and pushed it open.

"Just a second." They heard Jake call from the room.

Mike smirked and shut the door.

"Let's give them a few minutes." He said to Lee who couldn't hold back a giggle.

Jake came to the door while John went into the bathroom. "Yes?" He asked.

"Do you know what club Lee was supposed to play at tonight?" Mike asked him.

"Moonlight Stream. A joint on Main St." John called from the bathroom. He soon came out and had apparently given his face a bit of a wash. "You still have about fifty minutes till you try out, but it takes about twenty just to get there, so we'd better head out now."

Mike nodded. "We callin two cabs?"

"No, I'm driving." Jake said. "I have a half decent car." He said smiling at them.

"It's a nice car dear." John said.

"We leaving now?" Lee asked.

"Load up." Jake told them as he sprayed some cologne on himself. John took the bottle from him and sprayed a little on himself.

The four of them, John in Jake's arms and Lee in Mike's headed down the stairs and into Jake's car. As it pulled off Mike quickly fastened his seat belt. He looked in all directions and tensed up after each car passed by.

"Are you alright there?" Lee asked him.

"Just a little nervous. This is the first time I've been in a car that wasn't a taxi in a long time." Mike told him.

"Glad to see Lee is changing a few things about you." John said looking in the back seat.

Lee softly scritched behind Mike's ears and gave him a kiss on the cheek to calm his nerves. Mike relaxed in the seat but still tensed when a car passed. Lee unfastened his seat belt and moved over.

"Put it back on please." Mike said.

Lee bowed to his wishes and fastened the seat belt in the middle of the seat. He placed himself against Mike's hard body and felt it loosen up just a little bit. He looked up starry eyed and Mike couldn't help but relax further.

Soon enough they pulled up and found a place to park about a block away. They piled out and walked to the club.

"Lee?" One of the bouncers asked.

"Yes that is me." Lee answered holding his clarinet.

"Good thing you're early, you are first and the manager wants to meet you. Go straight to the back, but the stage. He should be sitting there."

Lee's stomach clenched. They walked into the club and he couldn't help but blurt out. "First? Why did I have to be first?"

"You'll do fine, just play like you did when I snuck up on you." Mike said nibbling on his ear.

Lee and the manager talked for a bit but before he knew it he was on stage ready to play. The music started and he followed along. The whole jazz ensemble included two trumpets and trombones, an alto and tenor sax, a piano, a trap set and Lee. The others had known each other for quite some time and he was the first of six to play tonight.

The music was great, the other players and Lee had a blast and just played the music as it came. After the first song the manager asked him to step off and let the others have a shot. Each player showed their talent, but Lee was the only one that didn't let his nerves get the best of him.

Everyone in the club was having a blast. Some were sitting at the tables near the band, the rest of them up and dancing and having the time of their lives. The manager soon got up to the mike after each of the clarinet players were through.

"I am proud to announce that we had a great show of talent this evening." He said as a roar of applause followed. "Each player will walk away with 200 tags, but the winner will be hired on and be back here three times a week."

Mike was holding Lee tight. He was just about as nervous for him as Lee was himself. Lee snuggled up to him. He was just happy to have the support of his partner.

"The winner for best clarinet play is..." He said as he paused to bring suspense.

"Just get out with it already." Someone yelled from the audience as they broke out in small laughter.

"Lee the wolf." The manager said happily.

Mike lifted Lee up in the air and hugged him tightly. "You got it, you got it!" He said excitedly.

"Come on up here." The manager called. Lee walked quickly back up to the stage, his clarinet still in his paws. "Now could you please just do one more number?"

Lee had a shocked look on his face.

"You can pull off the improv right?" The manager whispered to him.

Lee nodded and took his place with the band. Mike took a seat at the front table with John and Jake. Lee played while looking into Mike's eyes for most of the written part of the song. Mike was enjoying the music and tapping his foot to the beat. The improve section came and Lee took it away and played it like he did for Mike earlier still keeping eye contact with him the entire time.

He finished his number and received a standing ovation and Mike gave a few really loud whistles. The others in the band welcomed him in and Mike came up on stage to give him a big hug and kiss. The club emptied soon after and the four of them got back in the car.

"Now you two don't come knocked on our door tonight. We'll be too busy to shoo you off this time." Jake said with a smile.

John gave him a little pop on the paw but couldn't help to smile back at him. Jake placed his paw over John's and started caressing it.

"I don't think we will bother you two tonight. We have plans of our own." Lee said taking Mike's muzzle into his paws a placing a kiss on his nose, which Mike answered with a kiss.

John looked back and Jake looked into his Review mirror at them. The four of them pulled up to the apartments shortly after and each went into their rooms. Lee quickly threw off his shirt and lay on his bed.

Mike pulled off his shirt to expose his muscular build. "Now I don't want to rush things. That could make things bad for you, and I really don't want to hurt you."

"It's fine, just take it at what pace you and I both feel is right." Lee said in a lustful voice.

Mike walked over to the bed and unzipped Lee's pants. His paws reached behind him and unsnapped the flap above his tail. He pulled them off slowly and nuzzled Lee's tummy. Lee giggled and stared deeply into Mike's eyes. His erection beginning to show exactly what he was waiting for. Mike leaned down and gave it a few licks to hurry it along. That is exactly what Lee needed. He was fully erect a few seconds later and pre drizzle out onto Mike's muzzle.

"You've already seen me once before, do you mind showing what you have to offer?" Lee asked huskily.

Mike let go a wicked smile and stood up. He undid the latch and unsnapped his pants. His bulge was finally free from the tight pants and growing. He slid his briefs and pants down his firm legs and stepped out of them. Unlike Manny, Mike was a good two or three inches bigger than Lee. He sat there staring and licking his lips at what Mike had to offer.

"But I think I need to finish what I started." Mike said leaning forward and sliding his muzzle around Lee."

Lee let go a moan of unbearable pleasure as he clutched the sheets. Mike had his muzzle up against Lee's knot, gently bumping it with his nose. His tongue gently massaging Lee and his paws running up Lee's tummy scritching it softly.

"Oh why couldn't we have met sooner?" Lee said as his paws reached down and grabbed Mike's face. He couldn't help but hump at Mike's face while Mike deep throated him. The emotions were building up inside of Lee. "I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out." He panted.

One of Mike's paws moved down and began to play with Lee's sac, the other paw moved down seconds later to grasp Lee's knot. Lee gave a twitch and Mike released. Lee was now humping almost ferociously as Mike moved his hands down again to focus on his knot.

Lee grabbed the sheets firmly and screamed with pleasure as he finally blew inside Mike's muzzle. After the first few spurts Mike pulled off and allowed the rest to hit his face and chest. Mike savored what he could of Lee's seed. He gave a few strokes to Lee before he moved up and kissed him.

"Your offer is one I can't refuse, and I think I'm ready." Lee said.

Mike only smiled and lay back on the bed. He slowly caressed Lee's face. "Take your time and go with what you feel. It will go better that way."

Lee moved on top of him and ran his muzzle down Mike's beautiful, luscious body, nibbling places hear and there as Mike twitched in pleasure. Mike was now to his full extent and Lee licked his lips. He began by stroking it softly up and down the shaft a few times before wrapping his lips around the tip and submerging it as far as he could. He remembered how Mike used his tongue and began the massage.

Mike murred and moaned as Lee moved his muzzle up and down his shaft. His paws explored different areas and he noticed how they affected the look on Mike's face. He finally got up the courage to take him in further. He almost gagged, but fought the feeling back. That one minor moment was the only one he had. He took Mike in down to his knot, just as Mike did for him.

Mike moaned and looked down admiring how Lee managed to fit all of him in on the first try. He slowly caressed Lee's head and began slowly humping into his muzzle. Lee was enjoying the taste of Mike, the smell of everything around him and looking up to see the pleasured look on his partner's face. He began to move his muzzle faster and faster as Mike grunted and moaned.

Mike was panting heavily and pushed his back up with his arms saying "Oh yes!" softly, but with feeling every now and then. This made Lee feel all warm inside thinking that he was doing everything right. Mike couldn't have felt better at the moment and opened his eyes occasionally to look down and admire Lee's good work.

"Where do you want it?" Mike asked him through a few breaths.

Lee did his best to smile and continue. Mike grabbed the bed and let himself go. Lee wasn't expecting it and almost choked. He quickly pulled out and let the rest spray his muzzle and face. He lapped it up and loved every minute of it. The taste was all new but Lee couldn't get enough of it. He began lapping up all traces that were still near the spout.

Mike pulled him up to him after he wound down. He kissed Lee hotly and was so proud of him. They hugged tightly and gazed into each other's eyes. Each of them still had the other's seed freshly on their mouths and began to sample themselves off the others mouths with joy. Mike soon broke from him with a wicked smile.

"I think I have a little more left in me if you want to try a few more things." Mike said with a smile.

Lee got nervous and quiet. Mike scritched behind Lee's ear. "I won't make you do anything you don't want to." Mike said.

"But what will you do if I want to?" Lee said with a lustful smile spread wide across his face.

Mike leaned over and reached under the bed for the box of condoms and a bottle of lube that was also hidden under there.

"I actually haven't been out of this apartment very long." Mike mentioned as he ripped the package open with his teeth. He pulled it on and it was just long enough to reach his knot.

"You will be tying me tonight right?" Lee asked.

"Only if you think you are ready. I don't have any condoms that allow me to cover that part though."

"That's alright." Lee said as he kissed him. "Now how do you think we should do this?"

"Just the traditional way for starters. We can try other things later." Mike said with a grin.

Lee turned over on his stomach and got on his paws and knees beside Mike. Mike opened the container of lube and poured some out onto his finger. He poked into Lee softly and twisted and moved in and out.

"Oh!" Lee said.

"What is it?" Mike asked in a worried tone.

"Just cold, that's all." Lee said as he let out a murr and shifted his body back and forth. Mike smiled and applied a large amount of lube to the condom sheathing him. He moved his body forward and positioned himself right behind Lee.

"First part is always the worst, if we can get past that we should be smooth sailing." Mike warned.

"I'll but fine hon. I'm finally relaxed in front of someone." Lee said

Mike grabbed Lee by the hips and slowly pushed himself in. Lee grabbed the bed sheets thinking that he was going to feel pain again, but then relaxed and enjoyed the feeling. Mike took a few very slow and gentle thrusts making sure not to hurt Lee.

"You ok down there?" Mike asked.

"Yes." Lee said as he let go his grasp on the sheets. "But you can speed up a little." He said looking back with a grin.

Mike liked the sound of that and began thrusting slightly harder and faster keeping a close watch on Lee's face. Lee let out the occasional moan and looked back with a smile. Mike pushed himself a little further into Lee and hurt him murr.

Mike was going at a decent pace for himself now. This was more than he could have asked for on the second night. He bent down and moved his paws up to Lee's mid section while he placed his body against his back. He was now humping and moaning himself. He pushed a little further in and now his knot was pushing a little into Lee with each thrust.

Lee moved one paw back and scritched Mike's cheek before pressing back on him. All fear of sex had left him now and he was complete contend at this moment in time. The feel of Mike inside him sent chills up his spine and he was now very vocal with his moans.

Mike moved Lee back as they both sat up and he drove into him at an upward angle. Lee let out a long deep moan and pushed back letting Mike's knot further and further in. They were both beginning to sweat under their fur and the smell just intensified the feeling. Mike's paws were now at Lee's chest and Lee's on top of them. Mike nuzzled the back of Lee's neck and whispered into his ear. "I'm almost ready."

"Give me your best shot." Lee said through clenched teeth.

"You yiffy little thing you." Mike said huskily. "Your going to get what you wish for."

Lee was standing on end himself and he began to stroke himself. Mike soon couldn't hold out any longer and drove himself all the way up into Lee with a hard thrust. Lee shot himself all over the bed and felt the heat from within him swelling up. He couldn't help but let out a howl of pleasure as loud as he could. Mike pulled him tightly against him and thrusted a few more times.

The two of them now heavily panting sat there locked for a few minutes. Mike was now gently stroking Lee again and Lee turned his head so that they could lock in a passionate kiss. The two wolves laid themselves next to each other on the bed still connected and Mike rubbed his paw up and down Lee's side. Lee snuggled closer to Mike and murred softly.

"Thank you." Lee said to him looking back again. "It was more than I could have asked for."

"No need to thank me. I need to thank you right now. That was great." Mike replied.

"I feel the same way." Lee said.

Mike gently tugged himself out of Lee and removed the condom. He threw it in the trashcan near the bed and the two sat there cuddling together.

"I have never been this close to someone." Lee said.

"Feels great don't it?" Mike asked him.

Lee nodded. "I wish this night wouldn't ever end."

"That's what you said about the last one." Mike said with a smile.

"But this one was better for the both of us I think." Lee said as he rolled over to face Mike.

Mike took him in his arms and kissed him heavily. That night Lee had no use for fantasizing dreams, because all he ever wanted was staring him straight in the face. Nothing could ruin this night for him.