Master Lucian Thorn Hare's Cabin: Under the Oak Tree

Story by Ryan Deer on SoFurry

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#1 of Master Thorn Hare

This is yet another RP based with me and a king with RPing ablilities, Master Lucian Thorn Hare. We decided to skip on the sex on this one but I hope that won't be a problem with furs who like a little emotion instead of sex. I give all the credit to Mr. Thorn Hare and his typing, he is a great fur and you should all respect and adore him! I do!

Thank you Master Lucian Thorn Hare for letting me post this. <3

The deer walked into the cabin, shivering and shuddering a little as snow was topped onto his head. He shook it off and made his way towards the fire and sat down, rubbing his body tenderly while trying to find some sort of warmth to fill his body.

The hare was nowhere to be seen at the moment however his chair was a fresh cup of tea simmering beside it and the book he was always reading rested on the seat. Despite the lack of the hare in the room his scent hung heavily in the air wherever the deer went.

The deer looked around and whimpered a little, he was alone in the cabin for his master must have still been away. He sighed and leaned against the master's chair, closing his eyes a little as he rested from a long day. His hooves ached a little, as did his legs, but he didn't care. He sniffed the air, it smelled just like master and his sweaty musk. He murred softly and took in the scent, rubbing himself as he smelled the air.

There was a slight breeze blowing through the cabin due to the wind. Normally the cabin was secured from such a thing but it seemed a door was open somewhere. The fire in the hearth flickered in its stone home pointing in the direction of the breeze. The cabin was now home to the deer but there was still so many things he didn't know about the place, some rooms the deer was not allowed to even enter without permission.

The deer shivered again, he felt a breeze of cold winter air hit his body hard as he shuddered again. He stood up and followed the way the wind was blowing, a door in the house must've been open somewhere and the deer needed to shut it before he froze. "Please be okay, master..." He murmured, whimpering.

Past the living room and down the hall the door at the end was opened a crack. One of the ones that usually remained closed and locked. Light flickered through the crack of the door as if the room was lite with numerous candles. The scent of oil wafted out as the cooler air of the room rushed towards the warmth of the hall. In the air hung the familiar scent of the hare but no sign of him could be found.

The deer gulped and bit his nails a little, not because it was cold--even though it very much was--he felt a little scared to venture further. His master didn't give him permission to go into that room, but he smelled the familiar scent of Master Lucian in that room, maybe he was in there. "Please forgive me master..." he walked on into the room and saw the assorted candles and oil, the master wasn't even in the room but it did smell like him.

The scent of the hare hung in the air thick as if he had been in the room only recently. The room was lined with desks covered in papers of all kinds mixed among the candles. The floor was stone unlike most of the rest of the cabin and at the center was a floor hatch. Which sat slightly ajar. Unlike the warmth of the rest of the cabin this room was cold and a little absent of decorations.

The deer tilted his head, he was getting a little scared at this point now. What did his master do when the deer was not home? He gulped and lifted the hatch slowly, hearing a slight creak which caused him to curse softly. "Master is going to beat me for a month for this..." he peered down the hatch but kept his hands stable on the ground to make sure he didn't fall inside the hole.

The simple wooden steps lead down into the darkness and a door at the end of a long hall. Under the cabin it would seem that the tunnel stretched out a good fifty feet into the earth before it ended in a door. The darkness of the tunnel was cut by a light under the simple wooden door. Here in the tunnel where there was no breeze the hares scent clung to everything as if he spent a great deal of time here.

"Oh gods...what do you do master?" he muttered to himself, looking back at the door he walked in, expecting his master to walk in and catch him. Nothing was there. He sighed, curiosity got the better of the deer as he stood and began to walk down the stairs then down the long corridor. It was dark, aside from the wooden door with the small lantern hanging from above. He gulped, seeing a small golden handle and turned it. The door was unlocked surprisingly. "Master is a hare of locks...this would make me laugh if I wasn't scared..."

The large round room had walls made of polished salt stone carved in a nearly maddening pattern of lines from floor to ceiling. From the ceiling hung the roots of a tree that filled the center of the room. In the backyard there was a single oak tree that grew massive and the room seemed to be under it. Twisted in the roots of the tree were gold coins, stone tablets, vases and some unidentifiable things. Each one was bound by the roots of the tree suspended above the floor at paw level. The hare stood towards the center of the mass of roots and seemed intent on whatever he had between his paws. He hadn't noticed the deer enter and above the sound of the crackling oil lamps the muttered something quietly. Tangled in the roots behind the hare flashed a shiny bell that caught the deer's attention.

The deer covered his mouth after opening the door, thankfully it hadn't creaked like the hatch. He had seen the large tree many times but the underside...he always thought it was just earth underneath the large plant. It was actually a hidden room under the oak, and standing near the center of the oak was Master Lucian himself. The deer walked quietly, making sure the hare didn't see him or hear him. He heard his master speak but the words were muffled so he couldn't understand, he jumped a little once the heard the tiny bronze bell that dinged through the chamber.

His master seemed to not hear the ding of the bell or ignored it. His attention focused on something tangled in the roots. The bronze bell chimed softly and it sounded like old chimes hanging on a porch in a summer breeze. The oil lamps flicked off the metal softly and it seemed to invite one to touch it. Just to tap it and make it ring quietly in the air. 'He won't mind'. Indeed the hare seemed not to mind as he muttered something unintelligible to the deer. 'It's so pretty. Just look how the light shines off it.'

The deer felt his will begin to shift a little, it was almost like a musical voice was telling him to go near the bell. He tried to fight the will but it only seemed to get stronger the more he struggled. At a moment's notice, the deer felt his mind taken a hold of. The pupils in his eyes disappeared and he looked sleepy, the voice beckoned him closer to the bell and he was in no shape to fight it, he began to walk quietly towards the bell. "So...shiny..." he hoarsely whispered.

'Yessssss.' Unseen wind struck the bell and it chimed despite seeming not to move in its root tangle. The hare kept busy to his work focused on his task had missed the tones of the deer's voice. In the oil light the roots could be seen tangling around the cube between the hares opened palms. The strange language he muttered seemed to entice the roots to grow where he willed it. 'So shiny, how sweet the music of Larzuslisael is.' The bell's surface shined like a thousand stars on a moonless night. Hypnotic and soothing to the eye of the deer. 'Touch me and know me.'

The deer felt like he was walking in a dream. He had no control of any of his movements, his body was walking on its own without the cervine's mind telling it to do so. He wanted to stop but his body walked on, as if it was being puppeted along to the bell. It was bright and shiny, his eyes were fixed on the bell. "Yes..." he muttered, holding out his hand as he neared the shiny instrument. He was only a few feet from the bell, his fingers ready to touch the bronze bell.

The light in the room seemed to dim and darken the room everywhere but the bell. A scent caught hold of the deer that was a mix of sweet oils and ash. Before him the bell flashed brighter than ever in the dim light of the room. Even the sound of the hares muttering dulled as the bell chimed its tone like a thousand rain drops over a crystal plate. The bell begged to be touched, needed to be touched by someone. It had been so long since someone touched her and she craved it. That desire rang out in the bells chime for the deer to hear. 'Please'. It begged in a familiar way. The way the deer begged for his master to touch him when he throbbed. How smooth the surface seemed, how polished and unmarked by the roots that held it in place. 'Just touch me'. It felt like the deer did when he had been away from his master's touch for too long.

The small and girly deer walked slowly, his legs feeling like ten pounds of lead. The bell was so bright, so shiny, so...enchanting. His fingertips were only inches from the metal surface, the bell was almost within reach of the feminine deer's fingers. He wanted to touch the bell, the voice in his head told him to do so, and it was his job to follow orders and never question them. Just only two inches from the bronze bell, he stopped and twitched. His entire arm trembled as his body shook. The pupils in his eyes appeared and disappeared like a light. He fought the voice, his mind was still fighting and his will was coming back. He struggled to regain his speech as he opened his mouth. "M-m-master...Lucian!" he cried out, as loud as he possibly could, tears welling in his eyes as he tried to stop from moving.

The hare spun in place at the sound of his pet's voice his green eyes wide with shock. "Ryan!" He rarely used his pets name and the tone of panic in his voice was clear. Trapped in the maze of roots his head jerked from side to side as he looked for the fastest way between him and his pet. Everything in the room that hung in the roots was dangerous, a great many of those things were nightmares he could never forget. Some of them were death itself waiting to get out. He could not see what had ensnared the deer and fought a path through the roots as quick as he could. His mouth moved but the sound of chimes drowned out his words. 'Touch me and you can be with Him forever'. The light flashed off the bell and flickered begging to be touched. 'Please touch me, let me help you please Him.' Its sound rang like a lovers whisper in the deer's ear. The hare crawled over a root and under another one careful not to touch the objects suspended. It slowed him enough to the point of panic as he fought a tangled path around the room. It was his fault, in his rush he forgot to block his path down and his pet now stood a touch away from setting something free. This was his fault. Over one branch, under another, every hop and step put him too far away from the deer. "Ryan don't listen!" Again the bell chimed drowning out his words from his pets ears.

"" he whispered, his voice choking at an instant as if a person was behind him or in front of him grabbing his throat. He coughed and gagged, the smaller furs body trembling uncontrollably as he tried to fight the urge to place a finger on the bell. The voice brought him mere millimeters from the shiny surface, he was so close to touching it, so very, very close. He wanted to call his master's name again but his voice was nowhere to be found, his gasped for air but couldn't take any in. He was beginning to get lightheaded as he neared the instrument. The brightness of the metal gleamed into the deer's eyes, his will was nearly broken beyond all measure. He started forgetting his past, his mind was losing memories by the minute, good memories with him and his master. Tears flowed from his eyes, seeming like his spirit was crying tears of absolute pain and torture. Finger was so close...he could almost touch the bell....

The feeling of choking was replaced by the very real sensation of fingers around his throat. The hare appeared in front of him and lifted him from his feet and away from the bell. He pushed away from the bell until he had his pet pinned against the salt stone wall by his throat. He was shouting something but his words were drowned by the sounds of screaming. The voice that screamed sounded like two pieces of metal being slammed together in a hollow cave. After a moment of ear splitting sound the hare's words cleared into focus. Holding the deer up by his throat against the wall, feet free of the floor, he said again. "My name. Say it." The green eyes that normally looked like summer grass now had something else in them. It was anger, it was unequaled power and fear. "Ryan! My name!" His grip on the deer's throat was lessening only enough to allow a breath of air to speak.

He was almost to the bell, ready to place his fingers on the surface, but something stopped him. He felt his body pulled back and pushed against the wall far away from the bell, the push hurt the deer but it helped him begin to refocus on the hare in front of him. He found the paw wrapped around his throat, tight not too tight he was suffocating again but it still hurt. The same and gentle master hare he once knew looked to be gone as he looked into the fiery eyes of the angry hare. He tried to speak, finding his voice raspy and hoarse to the speech. He heard the hare's words in a blue until they became audible to the deer's ears. His vision began to blur, his body feeling light as he choked out only two more words. "Master...Lucian..." the deer muttered, his head falling forward with a slump as he slumped. His body still moved with slow shallow breaths but the deer was out of it.

The grip around the deer's throat loosened as he set the deer down on the floor against the wall. He helped him slump and placed one velvet soft paw against the deer's cheek lifting his gaze up to his. His green eyes sharp with relief and worry. "Good girl." His voice was soft, almost a whisper as he knelt in front of the deer blocking his view of the tree roots and the bell. "It's not your fault." He forced his voice not to waver but it cracked with worry and shame all the same. "It's not your fault." He kept his gaze on hips pets eyes watching the cloud slowly clear in them. The ink filled pools of the bells chime leaving the deer's gaze and letting it return to normal. "Tell me where you are."

The deer sat there for a few moments, only moving as if to breathe in air. He didn't choke or gasp as someone else would have done, nor did he cough. Tears dripped from his eyes as he sat there, his mind trying to process everything that had just happened. The small deer felt a little better hearing the better tone in his master's voice, but he could still feel the worry over the hare. "My fault..." he muttered twice, as if in a daze "...where am I?" he seemed to ask, his eyes trying to fix on the hare, the color drained from his irises.

The hare chuckled and patted his pets thigh softly letting him gather his wits. "Back." He kept himself between his pet and the bell refusing to move from the protective spot between them. "It's not your fault my pet. You were unprepared for what you walked into. I should have locked the doors behind me but i was in a rush. It won't happen again." He glanced over his shoulder at the bell and the oil lamps light flickered off it like laughter. To the deer it sounded very much like a soft playfully feminine laugh. His green eyes turned back to his pet. "Your remarkable my pet." Somehow the deer had caught the attention of Larzuslisael which was something remarkable and on top of that he resisted her call long enough for him interfere. "I have to move for a moment. Don't look at her." He raised his pets gaze to his own, green eyes soft and warm. "Can you close your eyes for me my pet? Just for a moment?"

The deer sat there, unmoving, the emotion gone from his eyes as he soon closed them. He could remember nearly nothing, but the hare did not know this much. His mind was fuzzy, parts and bits were missing and all he remembered was his master's name, his own, and his purpose. The deer closed his eyes soundly and sat there, his hands placed in-between his legs while he looked as if he were going to pass out. The deer felt sick and looked paler, his body looked a little thinner itself. He wanted to reply to the hare but his voice faltered and he gave up.

He covered his paw over the deer's closed eyes just to be sure and spoke softly, "Good girl now, no peaking?" When he knew his pet would do as he was told he stood and turned towards the tree roots. Carefully he moved till he was in sight of the box he was tangling in the roots before. He held his paw out and pushed his will through his padded fingers. Curling them in the air he enclosed the box in roots quickly. He would have to come back and properly secure the box but for now it was safely put up. He turned to look at his pet slumped on the floor and felt his chest tighten. Glancing at the bell he reached out a paw and felt the air around the bell. She was still there inside the bell. He sighed and felt relief flood his back replacing the worry with exhaustion. His voice was soft and full of the normal warmth it held. "Let's get you out of here and someplace warm, huh? Sound like a good idea my pet?" He knelt taking him up with his paws and lifting his pet bearing the brunt of the deer's weight. As he helped the deer out of the room and closed the door behind them the sound of a faded bell chimed in the back of the deer's mind just once. After a short effort he let the deer fall into his favorite chair, warm and scented heavily by the hare. The fire seemed like heaven compared to the salt stone room the hare spent far too much time in. "I will get you tea, you need to drink. Can you do that my pet?"

The deer was lost in his world of dreams for the time being as the hare did his business with the roots. The bell tingled in the back of his head once more but there was no more strength in him to give, he felt completely drained of his power and will to move, his throat felt dry and sore and his body was limp and lifeless. He lay in the hare's arms as the deer was carried out of the room and soon placed on his master's chair, the chair he never sat or laid on, not ever. The warmth came back to his body at an instant but he still felt cold. He turned his emotionless eyes to the hare but did not smile the same way he did. "I...will drink...for you..." he mustered, his words falling short soon after he spoke.

As he brewed a cup of herb laced tea he watched his pet slumped in his chair. Larzuslisael had touched his pet and for that he could never forgive her. She struck back at him in the only way she could and that was revenge. She hated the hare like the devil hated god and at long last she struck some measure of vengeance from her prison. "It's my fault", he muttered to the room as he walked over and handed his pet the tea. He had no idea just how much the demon had pulled from the deer, or how strong it had made her. What he did know is the toll she takes and just what his pet had gone through. "Drink, it will help." The tea was mixed with the intent to counteract the loss of memory and the physical fatigue. The memories would come back in chunks and with time, most of them anyways. Undoubtedly she had consumed some of the best ones for herself and savored their taste. As the hare put the cup on his pets weak grip the wind blew outside the cabin. To the deer it sounded like there was a bell hung outside that rang ever so weakly in the dark and cold air.

"She...wants...release...she" the deerboi muttered as he breathed slowly. The voice rang in his head again and again like it didn't want to let go of his mind. He still felt the need to go back down to that chamber and touch the bell, he felt he wanted to but no strength was given to his body. He held the cup in his lap, the sweet smelling and strongly scented tea reminded the deer of pine needles and the master himself. His body followed the master's order and sipped from the cup. Strangely in a way, it tasted like...his master's semen, which was weird. The tea looked dark brown with a hint of dark green, not clear white. He loved the taste however, so he took another, and it tasted the same. "My...fault...."

He watched the deer sip and smiled seeing a glint of recognition in his eyes. "Good girl. Sip slowly." The more he surrounded his pet in his scent, in anything familiar and safe, the more he would remember. Larzuslisael touch might have imprinted the deer with a sense of the demon herself and the hare had no idea how much or little was in his pet. After feeding like that she was too dangerous to deal with just now but he would have words with her soon enough. Not that it would solve what was done but he was furious with himself for letting his pet get in harm's way. His task was to protect and he failed to do that in his own home. He would not fail his pet again. "Shh," he leaned and raised the deer's gaze up a moment. Leaning he pressed his lips to his pets and forced his tongue into the deer's muzzle. The kiss was deep and he tasted the tea as well as his pets tongue. The kiss was both to remind his pet where he was and to promise him he would keep him safe. The kiss was need, want, hunger, hope and a thousand other things he knew not how to say.

"Yes...Master Lucian..." he took a few slow and steady sips, each one tasting like the first: his master's seed. It felt weird in a way to the deer, though he had tasted his master's semen plenty of times, drinking it from a cup that looked like regular tea was strange. He loved it nonetheless, it helped him think. He still blamed himself, he never should've opened that door, it was his fault, he should've shut it and let it be until his master was done with the "ritual" as the deer called it. He looked towards his master and, before he knew it, was deeply kissing the hare. He felt his body warm up, the intense feelings he felt for the hare coming to life as he slightly gasped but closed his eyes and fell into the hare's kiss. It was so much more than a lusty kiss or a needy one, it was lovely, heavenly, and truthfully breathtaking. He let his tongue dance with the hare's as he kissed the fur passionately.

He moaned into the kiss letting their tongues mix together in the tang of the tea. It was the same tea the hare drank, it was the only tea he allowed himself to drink. The contents a mix of herbs and oils that infused every inch of the hare. It was what gave him his scent, spiced his blood and laced his seed. It was protection and strength that mixed in the kiss and warmed them both from inside. The hearth flared brighter and warmer in their presence and the cabin responded to its masters wish by locking out the cold. Inside the wood walls of the cabin he held absolute demand over everything and now the deer was part of it all. The Key, the Cabin and the Hare. The deer belonged to it all now and he would not fail his pet. There were no chimes of a bell, no blowing wind, only the warmth of the hearth and the taste of his tongue.

The deer kissed the hare like was going to die. He wanted this moment to last forever, not wanting to leave the hare's arms or body. He felt a flood of emotion and feelings seep into the kiss, his tongue doing a sort of tango with the master hare's own. He moaned and whimpered, remembering more things now. He remembered his master's undying love, the cabin, the key, their fun...he remembered all of it. He let his lips dance and work their magic, his voice coming back as he moaned the hare's name again and again, lost in everything. The key his master had given his was still fastened around his neck, and it tingled. " you, master..."

He broke the kiss long enough to breath and hear his pets words, "... and I you my pet." The hare panted seeing clarity in his pets eyes finally as warmth flooded his ears. "Welcome back home." Until this moment he had worried the demon had taken his pet to far from him and he would not return. Now his green eyes were warm like a summer field and he touched the deer's cheek. "I owe you an explanation when you have fully recovered." He knelt in front of his chair and let his pet rest in its worn scented fabric. There was a dent worn into the chair from the countless times he had sat for house in the same place. Only his ancestors had sat in that chair and it was as old as the cabin itself was. "You cannot go down there again till I say so okay? No matter what."

"Well, it's not like I really wanna go down there again, master..." the deer whimpered and looked down, sitting as he looked at his master's eyes again. They were back to their original color: green that reminded the deer of summer green trees and grass. "That place scares me...will I have to go back down there again, master?" He looked at the hare and whimpered, placing his hands on his crotch as he folded his ears in sadness.

He placed his paws over the deer's and softly spoke, "There may come a time when you have to." The hare looked around the room and then back to his pet with a warm smile trying to ease his discomfort. "The cabin needs tending to, but leave that to me. As for going down there... you may find yourself wanting to. If you do, don't. Come find me." He reached up and tapped the key around his pets neck. "Use the key and come find me wherever i am, with that key you will always be able to find me." He rubbed his pet's paws softly, "For now just rest and drink the tea, it will help." There was so much to explain to his pet that he didn't know how to. So much that being his pet would involve. "On the bright side I picked one hell of a good pet." He flashed the deer a warm playful wink.

The deer couldn't help but blush a little, the hare was so much like the father he never had, and the deer had been the hare's equal in almost everything. "Yes master..." he tapped the key again, the silver still sparkled and gleamed like ever, he could feel the energy this key had and it was a lot. "Master, I...have a question..." he asked, folding his ears. He gulped as he touched his bare neck, remembering something that use to be there but it wasn't the master's grip. It was something that symbolized being a true pet to a master. "How come you never collared me? If you did that then...I would be a true, undying pet toy to you."

The hare chuckled warmly and rubbed his pet's knees, "Because I haven't finished your collar yet my pet." Indeed he had been working on it for days and it was close to being done but he was only a simple hare. "It's a task I have found far more time consuming than I had realized." Reaching up to softly touch the key then the deer chest softly he smiled. His touch slid up to gently brush the deer's neck knowing he had bruised him where his grip was and cringed a little. He didn't like hurting his pet but sometimes it was needed. "There will be a collar here soon enough and the key will have a rightful place to hang." He raised a tan brow at his pet, "you ready for that responsibility?"

He placed a hand on the hare's paw, which had traced its way to the deer's throat. There was definitely a bruise there, one that actually hurt a little. He knew it was to make sure he didn't touch the bell, but his master had almost choked him to death, for he had no air to begin with and the paw clasped around his neck just gave the little air he had left away, but he didn't tell the master this. Rather not let him worry about a silly bruise. He wanted to feel that collar around his neck, telling everyone in the land that this deer belonged to the hare and his family and he was Lucien's pet. He loved being the master's pet, even though it was hard, it was his place. "Yes, master, I am...I've waited so long to be truly yours forever...belonging to you and your family...I can't wait..."

He couldn't wait to be part of the hare's family, the collar was the only way to prove he was finally worthy of such an honor. The deer did not know if the hare had any other family alive or if Master Lucian was the last one in his family, what would happen to the family line of the Hares? He didn't want to lose his master, his mentor, his everything...Lucian was all he had left, what would that mean for the young doe-buck when the hare had to pass? He would be alone once more...Mr. Hare gone forever...

He didn't want to think about it right now, that was to debate in the future when they were growing old. He was going to have to wait and he was ready to do so. The deer was ready to wait as long as the gods allowed him to.

He kissed the hare's paw and smiled. He was glad just to be with his master now.