Space Invaders IX: The Demon Knight - Part I

Story by AveatsOtter on SoFurry

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#12 of Space Invaders

Helena let out a long sigh as she stared out the window, looking down on the dark city streets. It was an oddly cold night, that night. Her thoughts drifted constantly to her two sons, both of whom she thought of constantly. However deep inside she knew they would be okay. Just as a bright star streaked across the black sky, she let out another long sigh.

"What's the matter, sweetheart?" a voice asked from behind.

Helena turned around as she wiped a tear from her eye. "It's nothing, Jake."

"You've been thinking about...?"

Helena nodded. "I just wish I knew how they were doing, or where they are, or something. I hate not knowing, and being completely powerless to find out."

Jake stepped forward and put his arms around the lioness. "I know, hun, but like I've told you before, you have to remain strong."

"How do you do it?" she asked.

Jake, the lion, cocked his head to the side. "Do what?"

"How can you be so strong? How can you be so sure they're okay?"

Jake sat down beside his wife, keeping an arm draped over her. "To be honest, I'm not sure. And frankly, I'm scared out of my wits for them. But... I know what they're capable of, and I know what their mother is capable of. I just pray to God everyday for their safety."

Helena sighed again. "Jake... do you think...I should go looking for them?"

"Sweetie... You know I can't stop you, but personally...I think it's best that you stay here. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"So it's okay for our sons to be in danger, but not me?"

"No, that's not what I meant at all. Our first son... he might not even know we still exist. He might not have even met his brother. The galaxy is a huge place, and there's a good chance you won't find either of them, nor find your way back home."

"I...I guess you're right. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, honey. I know how you feel. I think everyday what I'd do if I had your kind of power."

The two lions snuggled close together.

"You know," Helena started, "I thought I sensed him about ten months ago."


"Remember the headlines? 'The Crosswell Curse,' or 'The Curse of Crosswell,' or something like that... How it burned down again sixteen years after the first time?"

"Yeah, of course I do. That's where the old couple lived, as well as..."

"That's when I thought I sensed our son. When I sensed Alexei..."

Jake went wide-eyed. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I didn't say anything because...I wasn't sure it was him. I should have checked, though. I should have gone there and checked. I knew something was off, but I dismissed it for something else."

Jake held onto Helena closer. "Don't...beat yourself up over it. If it was Alexei, he's probably long gone again. The tabloids say it was another alien invasion, like the first time, but I don't think people put too much faith into that. And if it was aliens...well then Alexei probably left with them."

A tear ran down Helena's cheek. She knew it was true, and hated having not done anything. "My great-grandfather...would be ashamed of me."

"Hey, don't say that Helena..."

"He was so brave, and so strong."

"C'mon, you've done some pretty heroic things, too."

"It isn't the same. I was helping people in floods and hurricanes... Do you know why I was able to avoid fighting all these years? Because I was always too scared to show my powers. Too scared to use them, to really use them, always fearing what people would think. Fearing what would happen to me. Luther...would never have backed down from a fight. And neither would my grandmother, nor even my father. They used to fight together, you know, Dad and Great-grandpa. Years ago, before I was even born. And then...there's me..."

Jake closed his eyes tightly and held on to Helena. "Don't say that... Nobody blames you for anything. Your father still loves you, and you know no matter what he'll always be proud of you, however you choose to use your power."

"He wasn't so proud of me twenty-six years ago when I had Alexei to begin with."

Jake lowered his head. "That has nothing to do with this. Besides...I guess you can blame that on me. You were just too damn irresistible."

Helena tried to smile, but her thoughts only fell to her two sons. "On top of that...what mother would let her sixteen year old son run off on his own, trying to find a brother he wasn't even sure existed? I might not ever see my baby again..."

" were doing what you thought was right. Xavier grew up way faster than any other kid his age, he was practically an adult. He had his mind set on finding his brother since he was ten. You had to have known it was coming..."

"But he was not an adult, Jake. He was...he is just a kid." Helena started to cry. "I feel like...I'm the worst mother on the planet."

Jake, trying to hold back his own tears, held onto Helena very tightly, trying to comfort her. He didn't know what else to say.

"All I want," Helena wept, "is to see my babies again." She turned back to face the window, staring up into the sky. "I hate not knowing where they are or how they're doing...they could be anywhere..."

* * *

Alexei woke to the sound of a terrible cry. He tried to look around, but all he could see was darkness. Trying to get up, he found himself bound to something, uncertain of what. Suddenly he started to feel an intense heat wash over his entire body. Breathing hard through his nose, Alexei tried to focus. He could sense no other presence within the darkness.

Again the terrible cries shrieked loudly.

As the heat intensified, Alexei was certain now he was hanging off something, his arms bound out to his sides, as if hanging from a cross. His vision slowly returned, and looking around desperately his eyes started to burn. Trying hopelessly to keep them open, all he could see was dark, almost black, mountains in the distance, and a brilliant orange all around his footpaws. On the black jagged rocks surrounding him, Alexei could see rotting corpses all around, and directly to his front were two enormous curved pillars, coming to a point at the top as if making some kind of arched doorway.

Alexei pulled himself forward, trying to free himself. As he pulled, the sharp wire dug deep into his wrists, and yet he continued to pull. The wire suddenly tightened, trying to pull him back. Alexei closed his eyes tightly and pulled harder, but as the pain only grew and the blood flowed down his paws, he finally gave up. Hanging by his paws on some sort of crucifix, the lion let out a long sigh.

In amongst the constant cries and screams, Alexei started to hear quiet whispers. He tried to speak but found only that his muzzle was sewn shut.

The whispers continued to grow.

Alexei cried out as best he could, struggling again to escape. As he whipped his head around, he sent out bursts of mental energy, making large splashes and waves in the deep red liquid below. He tried to pull the crucifix out of the black rock it was stuck in, and yet he was only able to raise the boiling red to his footpaws. He could smell burning fur and flesh as the liquid receded. Although it seemed he had his powers, Alexei could hardly control them.

Resting now, Alexei took another long look at the unusual plane around him. The blood-red liquid seemed to stretch on forever, black mountains jutting into the deep red, starry sky from afar. All throughout the boiling liquid protruded large jagged rocks, none of them containing any signs of structures, and yet each one had at least six dead bodies, none of them a distinguishable species. Surrounding Alexei and stretching far was a dark, purplish haze. The thick, poisonous air filled his lungs with each deep breath, his breathing becoming harder and more painful. A gentle breeze was blowing through Alexei's fur that reeked of rotting flesh and sulphur, the foul stench seeming to tear into his nose. In the deep, almost black, crimson clouds the thunder all around him roared constantly, enormous and brilliant streaks of lightning tearing across the sky.

Still the whispers continued to grow.

Alexei sighed again, submitting to this hellish place. He wasn't sure where he was, or how he got there, but he knew escape would be impossible. A tear ran down his cheek.

"Alexei..." a deep voice whispered.

Alexei's eyes shot open and he looked around desperately. The voice was unfamiliar. Again he tried to speak.

"At last we have found you, Alexei..."

Suddenly Alexei noticed an usual black glow coming from the centre of the curved pillars. The darkness grew quickly until it nearly filled the doorway. This ethereal blackness seemed almost unstable, quick bolts of pure-black lightning shooting out randomly. In the very centre was what appeared to be a dark purplish substance, bubbling inside the black. Alexei just stared and listened intently.

"We have been searching a long time for you..."

Alexei found himself captivated by the void. A cold, heartless aura surrounded it, spreading out toward him. A fearful shiver ran up the lion's spine. It was a familiar feeling.

"A greater power dwells within you, and you have just barely tapped into it. We want to help you realize your full and true potential..."

Alexei still stared into the black entity. He wanted to ask so much.

"You must travel to Earth..."

The lion's eyes suddenly shot open. Again he pulled himself forward, thrashing about trying to free himself, his jaw aching as he tried to open his muzzle. Alexei closed his eyes tightly and let out a muffled cry as his lips eventually tore apart. He could feel the metal twine slowly tearing through his flesh, the taste of his blood dancing on his tongue. Enraged, he cried out in one final roar as his muzzle tore apart, the metal falling into the boiling red. Alexei hung off the crucifix with his thin razor restraints sunk halfway into his wrists, being stopped only by bone.

Alexei, breathing hard, looked up into the void again through hellish eyes, the blood flowing down his chin. "Who...are you?"

"We are the Demons, the architects of your dark power. With our help you can finally achieve your true potential. You would be unstoppable, the absolute master of darkness."

"I don't...want your power." Alexei's lungs now burned as the heavy air enveloped him.

"You already have our power, foolish lion. Come to us and you can have much more."

"I'm happy...with what I've got."

"Foolish lion..."

Alexei looked around, curious what would happen next.

The darkness simply flickered just a few metres away from Alexei, the black bolts just barely striking him. Suddenly the dark-purple substance boiled madly and the void became extremely active. The pure-black bolts struck closer to Alexei.

A very demonic voice sounded, booming as loud as thunder. "You will come to us, lion!"

Alexei was suddenly struck by a black bolt. He let out a terrible cry as he was tortured in his restraints, thrashing about madly. The bolt struck him constantly in the chest, and he could feel the black energy tearing at his flesh. His entire body felt like it was being ripped apart from the inside, every muscle feeling as if it was on fire. Alexei had been tortured with red-hot metal before, but this was many times worse. He just wanted to die.

Suddenly the Demons stopped, and Alexei hung off his cross by his half-sliced wrists. His eyes were closed and he could smell burnt flesh and fur, just barely breathing. Shakily the lion lifted his head and looked into the void. Just as everything started to go dark, he let his head drop and didn't say a word.

"You must travel to Earth..." the Demons said as Alexei slowly slipped away from consciousness.

Alexei opened his eyes again, sweating heavily. He looked around only to see the complete darkness and the moonlight shining against the wall. Breathing hard, his eyes still wide open, he turned to his side and put his right paw on Kaelin's hip, the roo still fast asleep. "What...the fuck was that..?" he said quietly to himself.

Kaelin stirred and eventually turned over, groaning. "Wh-what's the matter, sweetie?"

Alexei paused.


"It's nothing, Kaelin. Just go back to sleep." Alexei then felt a cool paw on his forehead.

"Oh my God, Alexei, you're burning up! And you're all sweaty...I think you have a fever."

Alexei grabbed Kaelin's wrist and pushed it aside. "Don't worry about it. I'll be fine."

"You had that dream again, didn't you."

Alexei lowered his head.

Kaelin shuffled toward his mate, putting his paws on the lion's cheeks, their noses almost touching. "I care about you more than anything else in this world, Alexei. Perhaps you should...just go back to Earth?"

Alexei remained quiet.

"I'm not saying you accept their offer or anything, just go to, I dunno, check things out I guess. See if you can find a way to stop these dreams."

"I don't think they're just dreams, Kaelin. I think they're messages."

"Well, whichever the case may be, you might really benefit from at least checking them out."

Alexei let out a long sigh. He couldn't help but rub his right wrist, his other being made of metal. The dreams, the messages, felt so real. The heat, the blood and the pain all felt as if he was really there, really being torn apart piece by piece, really being tortured. And even in the dream, despite having both his real arms, his mind was always convinced it was completely real and is never aware he had ever had the dream before.

"You'll be all right Alexei. You always are."

Alexei tried to smile. "Thanks." He snuggled closer to Kaelin and closed his eyes again, yet constantly thinking about his dreams. He wasn't sure how much longer he would be able to put up with them. After a long moment of tossing and turning, Alexei sat up at the end of the bed and sighed, rubbing his head, then looked back at his mate.

Kaelin started to snore.

Alexei smiled and got up then left the room, wearing only a dark pair of boxers. He walked slowly down the brightly-lit hallway, passing few Lumarians, and entered the cafeteria. He grabbed a mug of the Lumarian equivalent of coffee and sat alone at a table, staring out into the stars. He and his team, the former Lumarian Elites, now all lived in Lumar's main space station, the Solstice, orbiting around their home planet. Alexei took a sip of his coffee and sighed again, closing his eyes and resting his head on his paw.

"You're still up, Captain?" a voice said quietly from behind.

Alexei turned just as Kavhen sat beside him. He smiled and rubbed his shoulder. "Yeah, I haven't been sleeping well lately. What're you doing up?"

"About the same, I guess. Just couldn't seem to get to sleep."

Alexei nodded and took another sip. "I might be going back to Earth..."

"What? How come?" Kavhen seemed concerned.

"Because," Alexei started, looking up into Kavhen's eyes, "I've been having these dreams lately... Although I think they're something more than dreams. Every one is generally the same; I wake up in this boiling, hellish plane, bound to a cross. These demons appear and tell me to return to Earth to uncover some hidden power within me, or something like that. And every time I refuse, they torture me in some way...but the torture, the searing pain...feels so real."

Kavhen put a hand on Alexei's leg, rubbing it slightly. "So you're going to try to confront these things?"

Alexei nodded. "If they really exist, I guess I should find them. At least hear them out. To be honest, though...I'm kinda scared to go. If this dormant power is as malevolent as they say it is...maybe I'd be better off just staying here."

"Well, you're the only one who can decide that. Have you talked to Xavier about it at all?"

"Nah, not yet. We haven't really spoken much since the Liberation. How's he doing, anyway?"

"Well, he's been quiet, but he's definitely opened up a lot more, at least with me. To be honest, though, I'm not sure if he'll ever be able to forgive himself for what he did. I think part of him still sympathizes with the Commune, but Eskelle says that's pretty normal, considering the extreme level of mind alteration they had to use. Of course she also says she's no psychiatrist."

Alexei smiled. There was a bit of an awkward silence between the former lovers.

"You know, it occurred to me that the last time I saw you before I died both you and Xavier were fighting. Then when I came back you two were fighting again. I'm not sure if that means anything, but it just seems rather...unsettling. I mean, he came into space just to see you in the first place."

Alexei sighed. "I know, Kav... I think about that, too, and I'm not sure what to tell you. The first time he was just doing his job. We have his undying loyalty to thank for that. The second time he wasn't even in his proper state of mind. I think given time, Xavier will be just fine. But he's got to get through this first, and he'll need you first and foremost to be there for him."

Kavhen suddenly kissed Alexei quickly on the muzzle.

"Wh-what was that for?"

"Just for being the sweetest guy ever."


"I know, Captain... That'll just be between the two of us."

Alexei smiled. "Thanks, Kav. And you know, you don't have to call me 'captain,' anymore. I haven't been your captain since we were exiled."

"I know, but I'm too used to it now to go back. Besides, you'll always be my Captain."

The two shared a laugh.

"So, if you go back to Earth...are you going to stay there?"

Alexei thought about that for a moment. "I'm really not sure. It'd be pretty hard to conceal this," he said as he held his mechanical arm. "I don't think there's really anything left for me back on Earth."

"Well, Xavier was telling me a while ago about his parents. I guess your real parents."

"My real parents," Alexei scoffed. "They gave up on me twenty-six years ago. I don't need them."

"I'm sure they still think about you."

"I didn't even know about them until I met Xavier. If they have anyone to worry about, it's him. They forgot about me a long time ago."

Kavhen sighed then got up, rubbing Alexei's back before walking away. "Well I guess I'll go see what Xavier's up to. He was awake before I was. Just...don't be surprised if your parents still remember you. Like it or not, you're still their child."

Alexei faked a smile as Kavhen left. He hadn't thought much of visiting his real parents, knowing well that they were still alive. He wasn't even sure if they'd still recognize him. His body was ravaged with burns and scars from sixteen years of fighting. Even if they would recognize him, he was sure they wouldn't want him as a son anyway. Alexei let out another long sigh, resting his head on his paw and staring out the window into the stars.

It had been quite a long time since Alexei had even thought about Earth itself, let alone his parents. Occasionally he thought about the Elemental, Koko, the so-called Defender of Earth. Through that husky's divine power, he was able to bring Kavhen back from the dead. Truly he was a magnificent being, who as far as Alexei knew had already made his way back to Earth, keeping it safe from whatever disasters may await it.

Alexei sighed again. As he took another sip of coffee, he looked around at the few other Lumarians, whose names he didn't even know. He couldn't help but wonder about them, about their parents, their homes, their histories. It had been a long time since he had last read another beings' mind, using his powers, but naturally curious he was tempted to use them now. However the lion restrained himself, having always found mind-reading rather invasive. He therefore only chose to use it when necessary. Alexei finished off the last sip of coffee and got up, walking past the Lumarians and nodding to confirm their presence, then walked leisurely back to his room.

As Lumar's second moon gradually rose, its light shining brightly through the window, the space station slowly woke up. Alexei passed many more Lumarians-tired Lumarians-who were making their way to the showers before starting their shifts. He greeted a few of them, most of whom had greeted him first, until the lion reached his room. He walked in on Kaelin changing. Staring at a now completely naked kangaroo, Alexei grinned.

Kaelin quickly turned around. "Oh, hey there sweetie. Didn't hear you come in."

Alexei shrugged.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better," Alexei said, walking into the room, closer to Kaelin. "I talked to Kavhen for a bit. I guess he couldn't sleep either."

"Huh. Well I hope he's alright." Kaelin turned and slowly put his arms around Alexei, holding him.

Alexei paused for a moment and murred quietly, his paws clasping behind his mate's back. "Yeah, he's fine."

The two just held each other for a long moment, sharing their warmth, both murring quietly.

"It's been a while," Kaelin started quietly, "since we just held each other like this."

"Mhmm... To be honest, I kinda missed it."

The two just held on to each other, neither wanting to let go, swaying slowly back and forth.

Eventually Kaelin pulled away, still holding Alexei, and ran a paw down his cheek. Just as he did, he leaned in and slowly kissed his mate on the lips, holding them there.

Alexei murred as their lips touched. He leaned up and pushed their lips together more, his maw just cracking open. Suddenly feeling the roo's warm tongue press against his, he murred louder and gripped Kaelin tighter.

The pair continued kissing each other lightly, their maws slowly opening further.

Finally Alexei pushed into Kaelin, getting his tongue much deeper into his muzzle, their maws now firmly locked.

Surprised by this, Kaelin tilted his head and quickly eased into his mate's sudden embrace, suckling on Alexei's tongue a bit.

As he kissed Kaelin deeply, Alexei's paws ran up his back then back down, now lightly gripping his rump.

Kaelin pushed his maw harder into Alexei's, and with a paw now on the back of the lion's head, he pulled him in closer, murring quite loudly as he did this.

Alexei gave Kaelin's rump another light squeeze as his tongue pressed and rubbed against the roos'. Finally, he slowly pulled away from his mate, the two quickly kissing as they pulled away, both still holding on to each other. Alexei just stared up into Kaelin's eyes, smiling widely. He then rested his head on Kaelin's chest, letting out a long, happy sigh.

Kaelin smiled and nuzzled his nose in Alexei's mane, murring softly, finally resting his chin on top of his head. Quietly he said, "I love you, Alexei, more than anything."

Alexei murred. "I love you, too, Kaelin."

The pair just clung on to each other in silence for a long moment, listening to their heartbeats.

Kaelin then gave Alexei's head a quick kiss and pulled away, running his paws down his chest and slowly walking over to the bed. He sat down then lay back, stretching himself out, purposely teasing the lion.

Alexei grinned.

After letting out a long groan, Kaelin turned to his mate. "You coming back to bed, sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm coming," he said, starting toward the bed.

Kaelin held out his paw to stop him. "Not so fast. You're not coming into this bed with those boxers on, so lose 'em."

Alexei blushed a little. "Do you really have to do that?"

Kaelin grinned and nodded.

The lion sighed and turned around, quickly pulling down his shorts. He slowly turned back around, only to see Kaelin stroking his own sheath. Alexei blushed some more.

"You're just too damn cute when you blush."

"So you've said. Can I get in now?"

Kaelin shifted over and patted the bed. His eyes slowly looked Alexei up and down, checking him out.

Alexei's hue deepened. However he found himself distracted my Kaelin's long, slender body, perfectly toned and smooth. His thick tail was draped over his legs and curled around to his belly. Kaelin was obviously trying to be seductive, and it was working. Alexei let out a murr, louder than he was expecting.

Kaelin laughed. "See something you like?"

Alexei grinned and climbed into bed, running his paws over Kaelin's chest and rolling him onto his back. "You know, even after six years, you're still just as beautiful as when we first met."

Kaelin giggled. "Well, sweetheart... you've changed quite a bit since then, but you know no amount of scarring or burning could ever change how I feel about you, nor how I look at you. I love you just as much as when I first laid eyes on you on that subway six years ago. God, you were so cute."

Alexei murred and climbed atop his mate, lightly pinning his arms down. He let out a deep, yet quiet, growl and kissed him on the muzzle. "I wouldn't have admitted it then, but I thought you were pretty cute, too. Especially this." Alexei grabbed Kaelin's left nipple ring and gave it a tug.

Kaelin winced and giggled, inadvertently letting out a subtle moan.

"Oh," Alexei said with a grin, "you like that, huh?"

The roo shook his head.

Alexei growled and tugged on the ring harder, grinning as he heard Kaelin's quiet moans of pain. "You sure about that?"

"I'm certain. I didn't get that just so I could have it pulled out aga-ow!"

"Sorry, I didn't catch that last bit."

Kaelin frowned.

"I'm not letting go of it."

"I see that."

Alexei leaned down and kissed Kaelin's muzzle. "So how do you want to do this?"

"Don't ask me, you're clearly the one in charge."

"I know," Alexei grinned, "I just wanted to give you that illusion of power."

"Uh huh. So it really doesn't matter what I say, you're just gonna do whatever you want anyway."

Alexei nodded.

Kaelin sighed then looked his mate in the eyes. "I was sorta hoping... we could do something a little more romantic."

Alexei stared back into Kaelin's eyes. Seeing the seriousness in his eyes, he lowered his head, with a bit of a nod, and released the roo's nipple ring. He leaned down and gave him a soft kiss on the muzzle and ran his paws through Kaelin's chest fur.

Kaelin arched his back and let out a long murr as his paws were now able to rise up to Alexei's sides, feeling up his ribs along a couple large scars, letting out a little moan. He then felt Alexei's soft lips gently kiss at his shoulder and neck, non-stop, as his chest was continuously being massaged. Kaelin closed his eyes, with a wide grin on his face, and murred loudly, squirming a bit with his chest barely pressing against Alexei's. His paws then connected around the lions' back, holding himself against his mate.

A long, deep grumble sounded from Alexei's throat as he continued kissing Kaelin's neck. With every kiss he added a bit of a nip, one paw now feeling along his back while the other held them up.

Kaelin let out a long, moan-like sigh as Alexei kissed him and rubbed his back. Starting to murr loudly, he spread his legs out a bit and inadvertently bucked his hips upward as he moaned.

"You're getting awfully anxious," Alexei teased.

"Mmm... Can you blame me?"

Alexei started to lick Kaelin's neck and his ear, causing the roo to moan a bit louder. He got a hold of one of Kaelin's earrings in his teeth and gave a couple playful tugs, giggling as he did. He then began to lick the inside of Kaelin's large ear, slowly working his way further in.

Kaelin made a noise, scrunching his nose, and giggled. "Alexei," he laughed, "that feels funny."

Alexei murred and continued licking inside his ear.

Kaelin unclasped his paws and let himself fall back onto the bed, away from the wet, lion tongue, then held his paws on Alexei's cheeks, just staring up into his eyes with a wide smile.

"What is it?"

"You have beautiful red eyes."

Alexei blushed.

"You know, that's the very first thing I noticed about you. From underneath your hood, two beautiful crimson eyes, glowing almost. Stunning, even."

Alexei blushed even deeper. "Kaelin, please..."

Kaelin giggled and reached his paws up, then pulled Alexei down and gave him a kiss square on the lips.

Alexei murred into Kaelin's maw and pushed down. Tilting his head, he opened his maw more and got his tongue partway in, feeling it press slowly against his tongue. He tightened his lips a bit around Kaelin's and pushed a bit more, his arms now gently resting on the roo's chest and his paw rubbing his cheeks. As he felt Kaelin push back against his tongue, he murred and opened his maw again, now locking his muzzle with Kaelin's and sliding his tongue across the roof of his maw and across his tongue. The longer the pair kissed for, the deeper Alexei's tongue ventured, sliding partway down the roo's throat, along the top of his tongue. Becoming very quickly aroused, Alexei's paws stroked gently at Kaelin's cheeks as they continued to kiss passionately, every so often pulling back a bit only to push back in. Hearing Kaelin start to moan, he couldn't help but giggle and completely pull away, still giving short, quick kisses all over his mate's face.

Kaelin stared up at Alexei, his eyes barely open and breathing increased. There was a particular glaze to his eyes which Alexei knew well.

Alexei rubbed his paws slowly and softly down Kaelin's warm neck, then down his soft chest and sensual abs until he griped his hips. Slowly, Alexei began to turn Kaelin around.

The roo, knowing full well what Alexei was intending to do, turned around onto his belly, placing his paws in front of his face and resting his chin on them. He tried to control his breathing as he felt Alexei tightly grope his ass and thick tail-base, then slowly roam upward through his fur, up his sexual curves and finally stopping and massaging his shoulders. Kaelin let out a long, satisfied murr, sounding more like a moan, as his body melted under the lion's pads. He murmured Alexei's name, mostly incoherent, over and over as the lion caressed and kneaded his muscles.

Kneeling beside his mate, Alexei continued to massage the roo. He made quiet, deep growls each time he pushed his thumbs into Kaelin's shoulders. Finally he stopped and just rubbed his back lovingly, swinging one leg over the roo's large tail and sitting awkwardly on his rump. With one paw, Alexei grabbed Kaelin's tail and pulled up and forward, while with his other paw he pushed down on the small of his back. Pushing the roo's tail to the side, he slowly lay himself atop his mate, murring as his chest lowered onto Kaelin's back and he kissed the back of his ear. He managed to position his hips behind Kaelin's rump, his tail mostly out of the way, and somewhat grinded his sheath between his cheeks, giggling as he did.

Kaelin made a soft moan as he felt Alexei lower on top of him, then more so as he felt his warm, swelling sheath press between his butt-cheeks. Blushing a tiny bit, he craned his head around to look at Alexei. They were both grinning widely, Alexei blushing more than Kaelin.

As his plump sheath rubbed constantly against Kaelin's rump, his cock-head finally poking out, Alexei gently kissed at the back of Kaelin's neck, again and again, murring as he did. With each kiss he breathed in through his nose, taking in Kaelin's scent, then kissing again. As his muzzle slowly reached his other ear, Alexei whispered into it. "I love you so much, Kaelin."

Kaelin moaned and turned his head. "I love you, too, swee-uaagh!" The roo was suddenly interrupted by a large, pulsating lion cock slowly entering his tailhole. He closed his eyes tightly as it pushed in a tiny bit more, slowly stretching him out. "Nnngh...a bit...a bit of warning would've been nice."

Alexei murred. "Now where's the fun in that?" He pushed forward again, getting himself halfway up Kaelin's tailhole.

Kaelin let out a long moan, gripping the bed sheets tightly. He could feel himself stretching as the large, rock-hard meat slowly squeezing into him, closing his eyes completely as he continued to moan in pleasure. As Alexei continued pushing forward, he bared his teeth and finally let out a very loud moan.

Alexei, his eyes barely open himself, held onto Kaelin's shoulders firmly as he slid his cock forward. A large amount of pre had escaped as it exited his sheath, acting as a perfect lubricant. With Kaelin's tight insides slowly massaging his throbbing meat, Alexei couldn't help but moan and growl. With one final, somewhat hard push, the lion crammed every last bit of his cock inside the roo. Lying on top of his mate, panting a little, Alexei nibbled on the back of Kaelin's ear, leaving himself deep inside.

Kaelin murred and moaned continuously, feeling every inch of Alexei's pride. Every so often Alexei would buck, causing a suddenly rush of pleasure to course through his body, each time letting out a high-pitched moan. Kaelin just continued to lie there with his mate on top and inside, loving the deep warmth this feeling brought. "I can.. feel you...inside me," he said as he panted.

"I should hope so."

Kaelin giggled. "You know...what I mean."

Alexei blushed a bit more. "Yeah...I know." He bucked forward again, and smiled at Kaelin's moan. As he remained inside his mate, he could almost physically feel their enormous bond growing, the warmth radiating from the two. Alexei moaned as he held onto his mate tightly, his chest rubbing gently against Kaelin's back and still nibbling gently on his ear.

Seeming unable to stop, the roo continued to moan. He, too, was blushing somewhat, just lying on the bottom and waiting for Alexei's next move. Although, he could have lied like this forever with his mate, their warmth filling the room.

Panting a bit himself, Alexei spoke softly into Kaelin's ear. "You accept my seed?"

Kaelin barely nodded. He held his paws up, firmly together around Alexei's neck and holding on tightly, and moaning loudly as the lion pulled himself out. There was a bit of pain that quickly dissipated the further Alexei pulled away. "Ughhh..." Kaelin started moaning Alexei's name again. He could feel his own warm pre leak out onto the bed, smearing into his fur.

Alexei, having pulled just over half his cock out, slowly pushed himself back in again, growling quietly as he did, keeping his eyes closed. Kaelin's tight bowels again wrapped around his shaft and massaged every inch, his soft, wet insides squeezing and caressing his cock perfectly, seeming to increase the further in he pushed. Alexei's maw opened just a crack, the tiniest moan sounding out. With just a few more inches until it was fully inside his mate again, Alexei quickly pushed forward, giggling as he heard Kaelin's high-pitched cry. Completely inside the roo, Alexei grunted as he bucked again and again, pounding Kaelin's prostate over and over.

Kaelin winced each time Alexei bucked, making a loud moan at the same time. He just gripped the bed sheets and let his mate pound his insides, now feeling even more pre moisten his fur. His long moans were beginning to change into slight whimpers as the feeling inside him grew, the constant burning, almost numbing, pleasure increasing with every moment.

Once again, Alexei stopped for a moment. He rubbed Kaelin's shoulders a few more times as an indication for what was next to come. He leaned back up and held Kaelin's hips as he pulled his cock all the way out of the roo's red tailhole.

Kaelin moaned as he felt Alexei's cock slide out, then a long sigh as the pressure was completely released. Following Alexei's directions, he lifted his rump up so he was on his knees, tail held up and curving down onto his back. His chest still lay against the bed and he replaced his paws back under his chin. The roo closed his eyes and grinned widely in anticipation.

Alexei, still holding onto Kaelin's hips, shuffled toward his mate, holding his tail up with one paw, and again ran his still-throbbing, pre-leaking cock around the roo's tailhole, finally pushing it in. Unlike before, Alexei chose to enter his mate much faster, growling as he quickly pushed his entire length all the way in. Hearing Kaelin's almost pathetic moans and whimpers, he bared his teeth and quickly pulled out, only to cram himself right back in again. He could feel Kaelin's warm bowels tightly stroking his meat with every thrust. As he continued to ram the roo's sore hole, he closed his eyes and growled through his teeth, sweat dripping down his face.

The room quickly filled with the powerful musk of two sweaty, horny male furs, the potent aroma of their precum only adding to the mix.

Kaelin continued to cry out, not caring who could hear him. Alexei was thrusting much faster than before, and more powerfully, too, which forced a large amount of pre from his cock. He wasn't sure how much was left in him, but he just gripped the sheets and moaned loudly, again feeling more pre squeeze out and now drip onto the bed.. His entire body, being constantly jostled back and forth, was in total ecstasy. Kaelin buried his face into the bed, blushing, and cried loudly into it. His muscles tensed every so often as a particularly sharp pulse of pleasure rushed through his body, also causing him to yelp. As he whimpered and moaned, he craned his head back again to face Alexei, his eyes barely open.

Alexei, growling and quickly pounding Kaelin's gut, noticed his mates' subtle glare. He just stared back, through glazed eyes, as he continued to pump forward. His movements, which were fast and powerful, worked with Kaelin's body seamlessly. As he thrust forward, he would pull back on Kaelin's hips, pounding himself in deeper and harder. The faster Alexei moved his body, the harder he panted, and the longer he stared into Kaelin's eyes, both their bodies jumping back and forth, the more slivered they became. His tongue hung out of his maw and bounced around wildly as he continued to abuse Kaelin's tailhole, spraying drool all over his tail and back. Each thrust brought out a moan, quieter than his mate, mixed with a growl. Alexei's eyes eventually pulled away from Kaelin's as he raised his head and roared, spraying more drool into the air.

Kaelin buried his head again into the bed, intimidated by Alexei's frightening roar, still moaning. He was panting heavily into the bed sheets, his bowels being worked nonstop and his tailhole now extremely sore. Hearing another loud roar from his mate, Kaelin trembled and blushed a bit deeper. He knew Alexei was more than enjoying himself. And knowing this, Kaelin let out a long, satisfied whimper, which was broken up due to his constant bucking. More shots of pre continued to fire from his thick, rock-hard cock, which was begging constantly for attention. However with Alexei working hard on his tailhole, he could hardly move a muscle. Kaelin was frozen, petrified, by the numbing and rapturous feeling of Alexei's large, unceasing cock pounding into his bowels. He could feel, deep within, his orgasm was just inches away, as his prostate was constantly beaten and yet he just couldn't quite reach it, still grasping for that extremely biting rush of pleasure. His paw very slowly and shakily moved toward his dangling, pre-leaking length. Finally grasping hold, more pre almost exploding out as he touched it, Kaelin awkwardly stroked his sensitive meat.

With his roars settled down a bit, now just deep, constant growls, Alexei, not wanting this to end, felt his orgasm approaching. He bared his teeth and growled deeper, pushing as hard and as fast as he could. As he thrust forward, his vision slowly began to blur. Alexei shut his eyes and shook his head, not slowing down, and snarled as his mate appeared even blurrier. The lion let out a frightened whimper, as well as several frustrated growls, until he closed his eyes again. Concentrating on pleasing his mate, Alexei kept his eyes closed as let out a quick roar, then another right after. Gripping Kaelin's hips tightly, Alexei finally let out his load. His fearsome roar seemed to shake the room as his entire body, it seemed, was struck with extreme ecstasy. Just as Alexei opened his eyes, he gasped at the pitch darkness. He could feel his cum flowing out of him and into his mate, and letting out a frightened roar he saw, from within the darkness, many dark, serpent-like figures appear and slither around the pair.

Alexei was powerless to do anything. He simply knelt behind Kaelin, frozen in place with his pride stuck inside the roo. The black serpents coiled around his stomach and between his legs, slithering underneath his rump and between his balls, wrapping tightly around the base of his cock. Alexei growled as the serpents, two now running down his arms and crawling along Kaelin's back, tightened their grip, hissing and rattling constantly. They seemed to be snickering at something. Alexei started to shout out, trying madly to pull away. Then suddenly he felt an extreme, searing pain in his cock, as if his cum was made of ice. The burning cold seemed to flow through his length constantly, rather than pulsating out in orgasm. Alexei continued to cry out in pain, trying desperately to pull away. As he pulled harder, screaming, he heard a faint, echoed voice calling to him.

"A-Alexei? What's wrong?"

The terrified lion stopped and listened. As the voice became more jumbled, he closed his eyes tightly and gave one final pull, falling away from his mate. Alexei opened his eyes wide, staring at Kaelin's backside, back in his room, panting and sweating heavily.

Kaelin turned around, blushing still, yet wearing a face of concern. "Are... are you alright?"

Alexei just curled his knees up to his chest and clung onto them tightly, trembling terribly.

"Oh my God, Alexei. What happened?" Kaelin crawled quickly toward his mate and wrapped his arms around him, lion-cum dripping down his thigh. "Y-you're freezing cold..."

Alexei kept his eyes shut as tears started to run down his face.

Kaelin closed his eyes and held onto the lion tighter. "Was it...that dream again?"

The lion buried his face in his arms and spoke quietly. "I...I don't know what it was. A vision, I guess... It was those demons again, except they didn't give me a message. They just...tortured me." Alexei let out a long sigh and looked up at his mate.

Kaelin smiled and nuzzled him. "I heard you screaming, but I just assumed you were having a good time. started to scare me in the end, until you just suddenly pulled out. Hurt my ass doing it, too."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

" load didn't feel different or anything, did it?"

Kaelin giggled. "No, it didn't feel different. I mean, you filled me up full, but that's not that unusual. Why would it feel different?"

"N-never mind. Just wondering."

"Alright, Alexei. If you say so."

Alexei sighed again and relaxed his muscles a bit more, leaning into his mate. "You have no idea how hard it's been for me lately."

Kaelin rubbed Alexei's back, talking softly. "I know, sweetie. And I'm here for you, you know that. I'll always be here for you."

Alexei smiled and lowered his legs, wrapping his arms around his mate and holding him close. "Thank you, Kaelin. I love you."

Kaelin murred and held onto Alexei tighter. "I love you, too."

The pair just continued to hold onto each other in a warm, loving embrace, leaning their heads on each other and listening again to their heartbeats. Together the two started to murr, Alexei making more of a purr as he nuzzled more into his mate.

The lion very slowly started to move his paw down Kaelin's hip and along his powerful leg, stopping just below his rump. "Are you sure," he started quietly, "I didn't hurt you?"

Kaelin looked down at Alexei. "Well... to be honest, you did hurt me. But it wasn't unusual pain. You were a bit more rough than usual, but it's nothing to concern yourself over. Everything was fine, Alexei. More than fine." Kaelin blushed quite deeply and grinned. "Just as you, uh, started to lose it right at the end...well, I don't know what it was, but I had the hardest, most powerful orgasm ever. I cum just exploded out of me in this long, constant stream... I think I screamed louder than you did. You can see my huge mess on the bed now-I'm sitting in part of it. It was just...indescribable. That entire area of my body was in absolute bliss, this extreme, almost unbearable amount of pleasure concentrated right there inside me... oh, man. And it seemed to last forever, too! At least, as far as orgasms go."

Alexei lowered his head. "Kaelin, please..."

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but if you felt it, too, I'm sure you'd be just as excited as I am about it. It's not everyday a kangaroo gets that lucky."

Alexei sighed and got up, his tail hung low, searching around for pants.

Kaelin just sat there and watched. "Alexei, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"I have to go see Xavier."

"Xavier? What for? You two haven't spoken in ages"

"I know." Alexei had found his usual pair of heavy, loose-fitting black pants, this pair having been torn into shorts and the bottoms hanging just below his knees, and slowly slipped into them. "And don't worry. You didn't make me uncomfortable. Those visions just leave me rather unsettled after."

Kaelin nodded. "Do you want me to come with you?"

Alexei thought for a moment. "Well, not if you don't want to. It's up to you."

Kaelin quickly leapt out of bed and threw on a baggy pair of pants, ignoring the mess of cum on his rump and leg, as well as his heavy, knitted sweater. As he walked toward the door, toward his mate, he held out his paw.

Alexei smiled and linked his paw with Kaelin's. The pair left their room and walked through the busy corridor paw-in-paw, giggling as some of the Lumarians stared down at them. Preferring to take the long way, the two furs headed in the opposite direction of Xavier's room. The layout of that deck would eventually loop them around and send them in that direction, however they preferred to spend a bit more time together.

After a long, leisurely stroll through the brightly-lit Lumarian corridors, they headed down a final hallway and stood before Xavier's room.

Alexei held his paw against the smooth, dark control panel, hesitating. He started to breathe harder. "I...I dunno. It's been so long..."

Kaelin put a paw on Alexei's shoulder. "It'll be fine. Trust me."

The lion let out a long sigh. Then suddenly the door slid open, and Alexei gasped and shot his head up. Kavhen was standing in the doorway, not so surprised.

"K-Kavhen," Alexei said, "I need to talk to Xavier."

Kavhen nodded and brought the two in. "He's in our room, through that door. He, uh, told me you were on your way."

The three stood awkwardly in the centre of the room, Alexei still not going to see his brother.

Suddenly the bedroom door slid open and Xavier stood there covered mostly in darkness. Although his face was covered, they knew he did not look happy.

Alexei stepped forward but stopped. He let out a long sigh and looked up at his brother. "Xavier... I need to talk to you. It's kinda important."

Xavier lowered his head and backed into his room. "Come on in," he said in an unimpressed way. As he noticed Kaelin, too, following behind Alexei, he stopped. "I'll speak to you alone."

Alexei turned and glanced at his mate. The two slowly nodded and Alexei joined his brother. As he walked into the dark room, the window opened and the pale planetlight brightened everything up. Alexei took a seat beside his brother on his bed.

Xavier kept his head lowered, seeming unable to make eye contact with his brother. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I'm... I'm going to go back to Earth. At least for a little while."

Xavier's ears perked up and he looked over at Alexei, but still not in his eyes. "Y-you are? What for?"

"Have you...been having horrible nightmares lately? Involving strange demons and torture...?

Xavier shook his head and looked away.

"Oh... Well, for weeks I have been, and all of them mention Earth in some way or another. They seem to be calling me, but I don't know why. Anyway, I figured if Kaelin and I are going back to Earth, I should probably invite you along."

"I dunno... Can I bring Kavhen along?"

"I... I don't think it'd be a very good idea. I mean, he wouldn't be able to be seen without raising alarm."

"Oh, and what about you?" Xavier looked up again at his brother. "That thing attached to your arm is gonna bring lots of attention."

Alexei sighed. "You know what I'm talking about, so stop being difficult. Do you want to come or not?"

Xavier thought about that for a moment and lowered his head. "I guess I do. When are you going?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I'll let you know."

Xavier nodded and the pair sat together in the bedroom, a long, awkward silence falling between them. Finally Xavier spoke up. "Do you...hate me?"

Alexei looked over at his brother, almost saddened by his question. "No, of course I don't hate you. Why would you ask that?"

Xavier looked up at his brother, tears gathering in his eyes. "Because every time we see each other...we fight. And someone always gets hurt... I... I don't know...if I can ever forgive myself...for what I've done to you." Tears started to run steadily down his face as the sixteen-year-old lion began to cry.

Alexei let out a long sigh and put a paw on his brothers' shoulder. "I know it's hard, Xavier, but you can't undo the past. I just... I need you to understand that I still love you, and nothing is ever going to change that. What's done is done."

Xavier looked up at his brother and shuffled closer, their eyes now locked, then put his left paw on Alexei's thigh, leaning in closer.

"Wh-what're you-?"

With tears still running down his cheeks, Xavier suddenly kissed Alexei on the lips, murring as he cocked his head and pushed in further.

Alexei, shocked by this, eased into the kiss. He put his paws on his brother's shoulders and leaned in, tilting his head a bit the opposite way and made a noise as he felt Xavier's tongue enter his maw. He opened up further to let his brother in, now feeling his tongue press against his. Alexei started to murr quietly as they kissed.

Xavier held a paw on the back of Alexei's neck, pulling him in close, and getting his tongue further down his brother's throat. Murring very loudly, sounding more moan-like, his tongue grazed gently across the roof of Alexei's muzzle, and all around his tongue.

Finally Alexei pushed his brother away, panting. "X-Xavier..."

"I'm sorry, Alexei. I didn't... That wasn't supposed to happen."

"It's alright, Xavier... Don't worry about it."

Xavier blushed and turned his head away, opening his maw to speak. He couldn't seem to find the words. Finally he let out a long sigh and lowered his head further.

Alexei cocked his head and put a paw on his shoulder. "What is it?"

The young lion blushed deeper. "Do you...still think about me? And about that night when we first met?"

Alexei sighed. It had been almost eight months since the brothers first met. He nodded somewhat hesitantly. "Yeah... I think about that a lot, actually."

"Is it wrong of want you again? To want you still?"

Alexei sighed again. "Xavier... I really can't answer that question... I mean, we both have our own mates. But...if you're asking me if I've considered doing that again with you..." Alexei sighed. "Yeah, I've thought about it."

Xavier couldn't help but smile, his cheeks burning. "Do you think we'll ever get that chance again?"

"I... I don't know."

The young lion flattened his ears and stopped smiling, still looking up at his brother. He then moved his paw across Alexei's thigh and rubbed his balls through his pants.

Alexei gasped and leaned back on his paws. "Xavier... don't..." He then made a noise as he felt his brothers' tongue glide across his nipple several times. Alexei let out a quiet moan and closed his eyes, leaning his head back, now feeling Xavier's tongue gently lick his warm neck. His sheath was slowly starting to swell. "Mmm... Xavier...we can't."

Xavier, his muzzle close to Alexei's ear, kept rubbing his brothers' balls and whispered quietly. "No one's got to know..."

Alexei leaned up and pulled Xavier's paw away. "But I'll know." His heart was pounding madly. "Besides, Kavhen and Kaelin are right outside that door."

"No they're not," Xavier said as he lifted his nose. "They went to get something to eat."

"Look, I didn't come here to do this with you, alright? I'm sorry."

Xavier sighed. "I guess...I got a little carried away. We haven't spoken in so long, all I could think about was you."

"And what about Kavhen?"

"He was there for me...but we haven't really gotten intimate for a while."

Alexei released his brother's wrist. "Well maybe you should consider doing that before we go." He then got up and walked toward the door, turning back to Xavier before it slid open. "I am flattered though. And if circumstances were different...well, I'd probably be in that bed with you right now."

Xavier blushed and smiled as he got up, holding onto Alexei's metal paw. Looking up into his brothers' red eyes, he kissed him softly. "If you're going to see Kavhen and Kaelin, I'm coming, too."

Alexei smiled. "Of course. But...we probably shouldn't hold paws."

The young lion squeezed Alexei's paw tighter for a long moment, then finally let go. As he felt his brother pat him on the back, the two were off.

Traversing the corridors quickly, the pair soon arrived at the cafeteria and sat with their respective mates.

"Xavier decided to come along with us," Alexei told Kaelin.

Kavhen leaned in on the table. "Oh? Are you sure?"

Xavier nodded.

"So, you and Alexei are okay now?"

"Yeah... I think we're good. We sorted some things out."

Kavhen smiled and reached a hand across the table, grabbing Xavier's paw. "I'm really glad to hear it, Xavier."

Xavier smiled and blushed a little bit, leaning in and giving Kavhen a kiss. The two just stared into each others eyes, then sat in close and held onto one another. Xavier was murring loudly.

"Did you want something to eat, sweetie?" Kavhen asked.

"It's okay. I'm not really that hungry right now."

"Then perhaps, before going back to Earth, you and I could, you know, spend some quality time together?"

Xavier giggled then got up off his seat, running his claws across Kavhen's shoulder. "I would love to," he said, walking slowly away.

Kavhen, too, got up, and walked with his mate. He shared a quick glance at Alexei before passing by, heading back to his room.

Alexei and Kaelin both let out a long sigh and looked at each other.

"So, when do you wanna leave?" Kaelin asked.

Alexei shrugged. "Whenever Xavier's done, I guess. They haven't made out for quite a while, so who knows how long they'll be."

Kaelin laughed. "Alright, well what time do you want to land on Earth at? Some time at night?"

"Yeah, that would probably be best."

"Do you have any idea where we're going?"

Alexei sighed. "No...not really."

"Those demons didn't say anything?"

"Nothing other than to head back to Earth. I just... I need to do something to end these horrible visions. I don't know how much longer I can put up with them."

Kaelin put his arms around the lion and gave him a tight squeeze. "We'll figure it out, sweetie. So, what do you wanna do in the meantime?"

"Not sure. We could go to the training room, see what's happening there. Get in a little workout before we leave," Alexei giggled.

"Sure, I'm game."

The pair got up, Kaelin eating the rest of his food when he got up, and followed Alexei to the training room.

The Lumarian training room had several different sections in it, the main room designed specifically for hand-to-hand combat. The second largest room was made especially for training with melee and close-combat weaponry, and the third was for ranged weapons training. This early in the morning, with shifts beginning and shifts ending, there weren't many Lumarians in yet. With just a few aliens in the entire main room, either sparring or on the training dummies, Alexei and Kaelin made their way to the farthest end of the sparring mats.

Kaelin took off his shirt tossed it carelessly aside, then looked Alexei square in the eyes. With Alexei's attention, he reached his arms high above his head and stretched his muscles.

Alexei just stared as Kaelin removed his shirt, and even more as he showed his muscles off. Unable to stop staring, the lion suddenly got a flash in his mind. He swiftly ducked down and leaped to the right, rolling and hopping back to his footpaws. He turned around and grinned. "You'll have to get up pretty damn early in the morning to pull one over on me."

Kaelin giggled then dashed forward. He swung a fist hard toward Alexei's left cheek, but found it had been stopped by the lions' quick paws.

Alexei, holding onto Kaelin's wrist with his left, mechanical paw, pushed the roo back and bolted toward him. He quickly put his right paw on Kaelin's chest and a leg behind his and shoved the roo down into the mats. With a loud thump, Alexei had pinned his mate.

Kaelin groaned. "You've still got it." As he got back to his footpaws, he suddenly bounced forward, using his powerful legs to thrust himself into Alexei, shoving him back. As Alexei staggered backward, Kaelin swung his fists, just barely striking the quick-dodging lion.

Alexei, who was smoothly and swiftly inching backward, easily avoided each of Kaelin's attacks with every step, leaning back and to the side, occasionally lifting a paw to push the fist away.

As the pair slowly moved their way to the centre of the room, the Lumarians stopped to watch the two fight.

Alexei suddenly bolted to the right and swung around a training dummy, now racing toward his mate. Just as he was inches away from landing a perfect strike, he felt a pair of hard footpaw-knuckles strike his gut. Stopping dead in his tracks, he looked up through barely-open eyes then lifted his left paw, blocking a punch, then quickly moved it across his face, blocking another. Leaning up and backing away again, the lion continued to block each of Kaelin's punches. Just as he blocked another, he found the perfect moment to strike. Alexei swung his left fist toward his mate, striking with a powerful blow against a swing of equal force of Kaelin's right fist. The forceful connection of paws sent the pair staggering back a bit, but then continued to swing punches at each other, striking in the same fashion.

Alexei then thrust forward, with a bit more force, staggering his mate back. With that split-second advantage, he swung quickly around the roo and held him in a tight headlock, grinning ferociously. "That's two for m-" Alexei was suddenly cut off by a hard elbow to the gut. Bent over, he suddenly felt a knee strike his chin, and as he flew back he got the wind knocked out of him by a flying roo. Falling hard to the mats, he looked up to see a panting roo on top of him.

"And one for me." Kaelin suddenly kissed Alexei on the cheek and hopped back up, helping his mate up, too.

Alexei shook his head and looked at his mate. Seconds later he lunged forward, his knee thrusting toward Kaelin.

Kaelin lowered his paws quickly, blocking the knee, then nimbly punched his fists toward the lion's chest.

Alexei grabbed both Kaelin's wrists and pushed him back, then dashed forward to return the punch.

The quick roo moved his paw in front of his chest, blocking the attack, then knocked the arm away. Regaining proper composure, Kaelin kicked Alexei in the stomach with his footpaw then turned and ran toward the wall. With great speed, Kaelin jumped up and kicked himself off the wall, soaring gracefully over his mate, who was just now recovering from the hard blow. Kaelin landed behind Alexei, rolling as he came down, then spun quickly to attack.

Alexei, who had watched his mate fly over him, turned quickly, but was unfortunately met with a hard knuckle to his right cheek. Staggering back again, holding his cheek, he looked up and watched as the back of Kaelin's footpaw slammed into the left side of his face. With blood spewing from his muzzle, he fell with a spin to the mats, his eyes closed and spitting out blood.

The on-looking Lumarians snickered as the lion fell, impressed by the roo.

Kaelin strutted confidently up to his mate, giggling somewhat and panting. Sweat was rolling down his body.

Alexei looked up at Kaelin, blood running down his chin. "Nice shot," he said with a grin. Before the roo could respond, Alexei concentrated for just a moment then suddenly shot forward, moving at an unbelievably fast rate. In just a few long strides, everyone in the room seemly locked in time, Alexei blew past Kaelin, skidded to a stop, then burst toward him. Just as his mate started to turn, Alexei pounced atop him, slamming him into the mats. Pinning Kaelin down on his chest, Alexei held his paw on the roo's head, pushing it into the mats. He was grinning fiercely.

Kaelin groaned as his face was mashed into the padded floor, his entire body feeling as if it was pinned by a truck.

"What do you say to that?"

The roo groaned again. "I're not so good...without your powers."

Alexei scoffed and got off his mate, helping him up. The pair just stared at each other. After a long moment, Kaelin finally spoke.

"So what now?"

Alexei sighed and sat down against the mirrored wall, panting, the sweat rolling through his fur. His equally sweaty mate sat beside him and held his paw, and looking over, gave the lion a lick. Alexei began to murr quietly.

"I didn't hurt you too bad, did I?"

Alexei shook his head. "I'm fine. You?"

"Also fine."

The two let out a unified sigh and continued to sit paw-in-paw, neither staring at anything in particular. Eventually Alexei got up and held out a paw to his mate, helping him up. As the roo grabbed his shirt, the lion wandered toward the showers, his mate quickly following behind.

"Think it's empty?" Kaelin said with a smile.

"I dunno. I hope so."

As the pair entered the large, open showers, few dividers along the walls, they were somewhat disappointed to see a much larger group of Lumarians than expected.

"Can't win 'em all, I guess," Kaelin said aloud.

The two made their way to the far end of the showers, having left their clothes in a locker by the doors, walking naked past the much larger aliens, most of whom couldn't help but snicker.

Finally reaching the end, with relatively few Lumarians close by, Alexei turned on the tap and let out a long sigh as the hot water struck his face. Facing the wall, he looked over at his mate, watching him do the same. Seeing Kaelin's long, slender body, shining almost because of the water, the lion couldn't help but blush. Thankful his metal arm was waterproof, he grabbed a bar of soap and began to lather up his fur, murring as the steaming water caressed his body. Washing the blood and sweat away, he would every so often glance over at his showering mate, checking him out, making himself blush even more. Alexei saw his mate naked almost every day, and yet the majority of the time he would still blush, often quite heavily. The lion sighed happily as he continued to wash his soggy fur, murring as he lifted his head and let the water run down his face again. When he opened his eyes, cocking his head to check Kaelin out, he was surprised to see the wet roo missing. Seconds later, he heard giggling then two wet paws cling together on his belly.

"I couldn't help notice you were looking at me, stranger," Kaelin said with a laugh. He pressed his soggy body up against Alexei's, giggling as he did.

Alexei murred and couldn't help but giggle, too. "So maybe I was," he played along.

Kaelin grinned as his paws roamed up Alexei's wet, muscular stomach, feeling along his large scars, then squeezing his furry, soaked, mane-covered pecs, murring as he did. The roo started to kiss the lion's shoulder and neck, getting closer to his ear.

Alexei leaned his head back, the hot water flowing again into his face, and opened his maw just slightly, moaning somewhat loudly. He felt his cock stir from inside his sheath with each soft kiss and every gentle grope. Slowly the lion turned around to face his mate, holding his paws on his hips and staring up into his eyes. With the hot water streaming down his body, Alexei leaned forward and kissed the roo softly on the lips. As he did, he gasped slightly when he felt a warm paw sensually move down his waist and gently rub and massage his sheath and balls. Alexei let out a louder murr than he had anticipated, his cock now poking quite far out of his sheath, the hot water trickling over it.

Suddenly, a large bar of soap flew past Alexei's head, smashing against the wall. The lion stepped back and the two looked over at the Lumarians.

"We don't wanna see that kinda shit," one of them called out. "Keep it to yourself."

Most of the other Lumarians agreed quite readily.

"Yeah, and what're you gonna do about it?" Alexei called back.

The large group of aliens glared over and, without turning off the taps, started toward the furs.

Kaelin unlatched himself from his mate and turned around.

Alexei looked up at the group of ten or so Lumarians, each one quite large and very muscular. The lion couldn't help but check them out, which only caused his cock to grow. Their naturally shiny skin only radiated when soaked in water, highlighting even the most subtle bulge and curve of their highly-toned bodies. Their skin appeared slick and very soft, and the heads of their enormous pink cocks, always visible from inside their sheaths, glimmered beautifully in contrast against their equally beautiful, blueish-purple skin. Alexei laughed nervously as they took another step forward, noticing his large, pulsating excitement.

"You just can't stop, can you, lion?"

Alexei growled and stepped forward. He then felt more calm as a paw ran gently across his shoulder. The lion looked over at his mate.

"Just forget it about it, Alexei."

The lion sighed. "Fine. Whatever."

The Lumarians snickered and went back to what they were doing, a few of them purposely waving their short, thick tails at him sexually.

Alexei growled and turned back around.

"So much for having a bit of fun in the showers," Kaelin said to himself.

The pair then finished cleaning themselves off, hardly saying a word, then continued back to get their clothes. They walked past a few of the same Lumarians, each of them glaring at the two, as well as a bunch of others, who had arrived shortly before. The lion was completely flaccid as he walked past them.

Alexei grabbed a towel and began to futilely dry his soaked fur, his mane in particular. Finally giving up, he shook as much water out of his fur as he could, spraying it all over the place. With a giggle he reached into the locker and pulled out his clothes, and with his mate watching him, he slipped on his heavy black shorts, moving them sensually up his curvy hips.

Kaelin laughed as he slipped into his sweater then took a pawful of soft, lion ass. After a long moment of groping and murring, the roo finally retrieved his paw from inside Alexei's shorts and headed toward the door.

Alexei quickly followed behind, holding onto his arm and leaning in as they walked.

"So, what now?" Kaelin asked with a sigh. "Is Xavier done yet?"

Alexei held up his nose for a moment. "No, not quite."

The pair continued on, walking aimlessly, not saying a word. Suddenly, Kaelin's ears stood erect and he smiled devilishly. "I just thought of something."

Alexei cocked his head.

"There's a shower on your ship!"

Alexei laughed. "It was only designed for one person. Not only that, it's not really somewhere I'd want to make out in. We'd probably catch some horrible alien disease."

"You think so?"

Alexei shrugged.

The pair finally reached the turbo lift and quickly shot down toward the landing bay, to where the former Captain of the Elites' ship now rested. The pair walked in and just rested on the catwalk above the enormous bay, leaning on the railing and staring down at the old, worn-out Olissian cargo ship. Alexei let out a long sigh before the two walked across the catwalk to the ladder leading to the bay floor. They headed toward the decrepit ship quickly before being stopped by a voice from above.

"Where are you two headed in such a hurry?"

They looked up to see Jorhn poke his head out from behind the nucleo-plasmic turbine.

"What're you doing up there?" Alexei called up.

"Just testing the engines, tweaking a few things, making sure it's working fine."

"You don't need to do that, you know. Why don't you go enjoy the peace while it lasts?" Alexei then noticed Alyster, the large, dark-skinned Olissian, stand up tall on the top of his ship.

"We have improved your ship, Captain, quite significantly. It now runs much smoother, and much faster even at impulse speed. With further modifications, even energy-based shielding and weaponry may be a possibility."

"I appreciate it, guys, but it's really not necessary."

"Yeah, well ever since the Liberation, us ex-Elites haven't really found much to do. Your ship's a real fixer-upper, sir, and we gotta keep ourselves from going insane somehow. Alyster, here's probably gonna write a paper on this little project of ours. You know, to keep his mind sharp."

Alyster nodded. "Indeed, even the new Elites are not finding much to do in the way of active service. Even the Commune have not shown much activity as of late, and those who had were promptly taken care of by the normal armed forces. It would seem even with the tyrants eliminated, there is still much chaos on this planet in dire need of control. Our old friend Graunta and his mate Jharre have been working tirelessly to ease this planet's pain. It is neither an easy nor a quick affair."

"So where are the others?" Alexei asked. He watched as Jorhn finally repelled down the ship, landing in front of him and Kaelin. Moments later, Alyster jumped off the top, landing loudly behind the three.

Jorhn looked over and glared at the Olissian as he walked over, grinning as he turned back to the lion. "Well," he said with a laugh, "Eskelle's inside and Ax is kickin' around somewhere. I told him to get me lunch, but he said 'fuck you,' and took off. Raiche is still on vacation, and has been for the past two weeks, I think visiting his family, and Kav's probably around somewhere, too, likely with your brother. How's he doing, anyway? Have you even talked to him at all since then?"

Alexei lowered his head. "Yeah, I saw him today. He's doing alright. Better now that we've talked things through."

There was an awkward silence in the air as the four remembered the day of the Liberation. Suddenly their thoughts were interrupted by a cry from the catwalk.

"Captain!" Axiroth shouted as he slid down the ladder, quickly bounding over with a half-eaten sandwich in his large, three-fingered hand. "Haven't seen you for a while."

Alexei smiled. "Hey, Ax. How's your mate doing? Arhitai, is it?"

"Yeah. She's doing just fine. She got back last night from a mission on Cronimar, so I treated her to dinner and a long, sensual massage."

"Is that my lunch?" Jorhn interrupted.

Axiroth pulled his arm away from Jorhn's and gave him a shove as he stuffed another large bite in his mouth. "Fuck off," he barked, mostly muffled.

"So, what're you doing here, anyway, Captain?" Jorhn asked.

"Just checking things out. Kaelin, Xavier and I are planning to travel back to Earth some time today."

The Lumarians just stared at their former captain.

Finally, Jorhn broke the silence. "Where is this coming from?"

Alexei sighed. "Well, I've told everyone else, so I should probably tell you guys too. I've been having these terrible nightmares for weeks now, and they're telling to me go back to Earth. I'm not really sure what to make of them, but we'll see when I get there."

"What kind of nightmares?" Axiroth asked, shoving the last of his lunch into his muzzle.

"Horrible nightmares, Ax. They're just...torturous. Indescribable pain, constantly. And each one comes with message."

"Spooky," the young Lumarian commented. Just as Ax had said that, the bay door to Alexei's ship slowly creaked open.

"Oh," Eskelle said, "hi, Captain. What brings you here?"

Jorhn laughed and greeted his mate, explaining Alexei's story to her.

The lion sighed and just stared up at his old ship, taking a few steps forward. Feeling a warm paw on his back, the furs slowly walked in, followed by Axiroth and Alyster.

"So," Kaelin started, "are we gonna take your ship back to Earth?"

Alexei stopped and hopped up on a large wooden crate, sitting and thinking for a moment. "Not sure," he said, his mate quickly joining him on the box. The cargo hold was the main hangout for Alexei and his team, more so when they were all still exiled together. "Do you think we should? There wouldn't really be any place to land it. I mean, we don't even really know where we're going."

"Perhaps some research would be the most appropriate course of action."

The furs and Axiroth, who was sitting on smaller box beside the pair, looked over at Alyster.

"What kind of research? These nightmares...they're unnatural."

"It is possible, at some point in Earth's recorded history, that another soul has suffered in much the same way you have, rather, had the same nightmares."

"So, what, you think I should read every piece of Earth's history just to possibly find another case like mine? That would take way too long."

"Our informational database contains innumerable amounts of data on many planets, Earth included. I know much about your species, Captain, from this database alone. Truly, the people who created it must have ascended into a spiritual, astral form of themselves, leaving their physical bodies behind to travel many countless light years in order to fill themselves with knowledge and wisdom. Perhaps, even, their technology was such that they could transfer their knowledge into a physical form, the form of computer data."

"Well, that's delightful, Alyster, but that doesn't really help me much."

"I have improved our computer systems, specifically with use of the Pannian Information System, as I have decided to call it. This upgrade includes the ability to search keywords of specific information, allowing you to locate it much faster. I have also improved upon the categorical format, making such tasks significantly easier."

"Wow... That must have taken you a while."

Alyster sat on a large crate across from the three. "Indeed, however the reward for such a task greatly outweighs tedious labour spent. I have learned much in these past weeks."

Alexei sighed. "Thank you, Alyster. I just hope it's got something that can help. So what were you doing up there before we got here?"

"I was just replacing the old fuel cells, however in the hours before your arrival, I had modified the engines and fuel intake devices so they could take the newer, and more efficient, Lumarian cells. Your old ones, much like your ship, are of a more archaic Olissian design."

"You know," Kaelin cut in, "you don't have to keep working like this. You can relax now and again."

Alyster smiled. "I am aware of that fact, however it pleases me to keep busy."

"Why don't you write some more sciencey journals?" Axiroth said.

"I do not have anything new to write about for a 'sciencey' journal. At least, not yet."

The furs laughed quite loudly, more at the fact Alyster had uncharacteristically mocked Axiroth.

"Shut up, you knew what I meant."

Finally Jorhn and Eskelle appeared from the cockpit. "Well, your ship's running smoothly again, Captain. Just don't pull any crazy stunts with it and I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Thanks, Jorhn."

"Ah, no problem, sir. This piece of junk at least gives me something to do every day."

"Don't call it a piece of junk," Alexei protested. "She's a sensitive ship."

The two Lumarians up on the catwalk laughed as they climbed down the ladder. "Well, sir, while you console your ship, Eskelle and I are finally gonna spend some alone time together." With that, Jorhn bowed his head and left the ship, Eskelle in hand.

The female Lumarian, before being pulled right out, turned to address her former captain. "See you when you get back, Alexei."

Alexei bowed his head in reply as she left, then let out a long sigh as he lay back, then murred a bit as Kaelin leaned back with him, on his side and letting his left paw rest on the lion's chest. "So what're you going to do, Alyster, when the ship isn't here?"

"I do not know. Perhaps make myself useful in the Laboratories."

"You should just rest," Axiroth said. "You know, like what normal people do."

Alyster sighed. "I do not desire rest."

"What about family, or friends?" Kaelin suggested. The furs were now both sitting up again.

Alyster lowered his head. "I do not have any living relatives to speak of." He looked up at the three, his head still low. "Yourself, sir, and your crew are the only friends I have left."

"I'm sorry... I didn't know."

"Do not trouble yourself over it. You had no way of knowing." The Olissian sighed and got up. "For now I will wash myself off. I have learned far too well what exposure to raw fuel gel can do, if left unattended. Take care, Captain, and good luck on your trip. May the Gods watch over you."

Alexei nodded as Alyster left the ship. "You, too, Alyster."

There was a long silence before Axiroth spoke up. "So what now?"

"Well, we've still got to wait for Xavier to get back, so in the meantime, I dunno."

Kaelin looked over at his mate with a grin and put his paw on the lion's leg. "We could make out."

Alexei smiled. "Sure we can. And Ax can watch, or perhaps even join in?"

The two looked up at the young Lumarian.

"Don't count on it," Axiroth laughed, "as tempting as that offer is. Besides, I'm sure Arhitai would have something to say about that."

Alexei stood up on the crate, now at eye level with Axiroth, and leaned in with a devilish grin on his face, both his paws resting on the alien's thighs. "But she isn't here, is she."

"C-Captain, please..."

Alexei smiled. "You know I'm just teasing you," he said, quickly giving the alien a light peck on the cheek.

Axiroth growled and pushed the lion away, wiping his face vigorously. "You know I don't like that, Captain."

Alexei sighed. "I know, I know. I'm sorry. I just couldn't help myself."

"Yeah, well you should try harder. Your mate's right there, for the Gods' sake."

The lion turned to his mate with a grin.

Kaelin shrugged. "Want me to kiss you to make it even?"

"No!" Axiroth cried. "You know, I didn't come here for you to make me uncomfortable. I was glad to see you, since you don't come around as much anymore."

Alexei suddenly felt incredibly guilty. "Oh... I'm sorry, Ax. I truly am. I a little carried away, that's all. I didn't mean to lose your respect like that."

Axiroth was still frowning, wiping his left cheek, staring down at the lion. He let out a long sigh and got off the crates, joining the two furs on the metal-grating floor. "It's alright, Captain. I..." Axiroth leaned in close to Alexei's ear. "I miss you, is all..."

Alexei smiled and patted his soldier on the shoulder. "That's sweet of you, Ax. When I get back from Earth, I promise to spend more time with you, okay?"

The alien's face lit up as he hugged his former commander. "Sounds good to me, sir," he said, now pulling away. "I'd like you to meet Arhitai sometime, too. She keeps asking me about you."

Alexei nodded. "Alright, Ax. Sounds like a plan."

"Actually, she's got a debriefing this afternoon, so I should probably go see her before she goes."

"Then you'll be off?"

Axiroth nodded excitedly and turned to leave. "See ya later, Captain!" he shouted as he went to leave the ship. "And good luck."

"Thanks, Ax! Take care," the lion shouted back. He sighed and turned to his mate. "Now what?" Alexei was suddenly met with a pair of warm, marsupial lips pressed tightly against his. He could feel Kaelin's tongue stud press and rub against his un-studded tongue, moving about quickly. Just as the lion started to murr, his mate pulled away. "W-what was that for?"

"I love your crew, I really do, but I couldn't wait for them to leave."

Alexei laughed. "You've got some plans, huh?"

Kaelin turned and slowly, yet very energetically, moved toward the ladder to the top deck. "Not specifically," he said as he pulled Alexei along, "but I've got a general idea."

Alexei mrowled and followed his mate up the ladder, quickly through the lounge area, which doubled as an emergency access port, and into the cockpit. The lion was suddenly thrown onto the control panel and pounced upon, his arms pinned to the black, glossy surface. Alexei struggled, barely even trying, as he looked up at the excited roo.

"Your ass is mine," said Kaelin in a deep, threatening voice.

Alexei struggled some more with a growl. "Looks like you've got me now, roo, so what're you going to do with me?"

Kaelin leaned down and whispered into the lion's ear. "First I'm going to tear off your clothes, then I'm gonna slap you around a bit. And just when you think you've had enough, I'm going to fuck your little tailhole until you bleed."

Alexei just stared up at his mate with a blank stare, a smile slowly creeping onto his face. Suddenly, a quick burst laugher spat from his maw, then seconds later, a loud burst of uproarious laughter. Finally calming down, the lion just looked up at his mate, still smiling. "That is just the cutest thing ever."

Kaelin pouted. "I was trying to sound serious."

"Well, sweetheart, you get an A for effort. Now, kiss me."

Kaelin murred and pressed his lips against Alexei's, tilting his head to the right and sliding his tongue slowly and sensually inside the lions' maw. Keeping Alexei's arms pinned down, the roo opened his maw further, murring loudly.

Alexei stopped struggling and continued to kiss his mate, bucking his hips inadvertently. With each buck he curled his tongue around Kaelin's a little more, their maws now firmly locked together. He could feel his sheath swelling as they kissed, mostly because he was pinned helplessly to the console. The lion couldn't help but murr under his mate, the feeling of his warm muzzle filling him with joy.

Finally Kaelin slowly pulled away, smiling warmly at Alexei, with a bit of a nefarious look. After a long moment, the roo closed his eyes and pressed his lips yet again against Alexei's, kissing him much slower now. Breathing through his nose, he tilted his head again and opened his maw slowly, taking his time with his mate.

Alexei, murring quietly, pressed his tongue against Kaelin's, it curling a bit around as their muzzles slowly locked together again.

The pair couldn't help but murr loudly in unison, their soft lips both exciting each other, and their warm, wet tongues playing together. Every so often they would pull away just for a moment before locking lips again, both tilting their heads the opposite way.

Kaelin's paws quickly abandoned their grip on Alexei's wrists and he began to feel his mate up his sides, running his pads through his fur and over his large scars, which caused a powerful tingle in his sheath, and yet another loud murr. Even more turned on, he pushed his muzzle a bit further into Alexei's, kissing him deeper and more passionately.

Alexei let his paws slowly slide up Kaelin's ribs and feel down his long, slim form. Still locked in an impassioned kiss, his hips grinded upward. He could feel this intense heat building up between them, and that burning drove him crazy. He curled his tongue around Kaelin's on one side, holding it there for a moment before playing around again. He loved the feel and the taste of the kangaroo's maw, and more so the emotions it brought.

Kaelin slowly moved his paws up Alexei's soft belly and rested them on his toned chest, partially covered by his mane. Pressing down, Kaelin pulled himself away from his mate, giggling as the lion almost whined for more. Feeling extremely warm, he took a step back and removed his paws, rubbing them down his own body, stretching teasingly. Giving his big, pierced ears a flick, the rings jingling together, he looked down at his mate through lusty eyes.

Alexei mrowled and sat up on the control panel, looking his mate square in the eyes. He, too, smiled devilishly up at the roo. He got to his footpaws and took a step toward Kaelin, slowly rubbing his paws through his fur and then resting them on his rump, giving a light squeeze as he buried his muzzle into Kaelin's warm neck, kissing and nipping lightly.

Kaelin put his arms around Alexei and lifted his head, murring happily. He began rubbing his paws through the fur on his back, again feeling more small and large scars, and let out a faint moan, something of a lustful gasp. He could easily feel Alexei's sharp fangs pinch the skin on his neck, sending quick shivers up his spine.

As the two just held each other in their warm, loving embrace, breathing slowly and listening to their heartbeats, they seemed almost to fall into a trance, swaying gently back and forth, holding each other close. The pair were then interrupted suddenly by a loud bang from within the cargo hold.

Alexei lifted his head, ears flicking as he listened. "What was that?"

Kaelin sighed and let his paws fall to his side. "Beats me, but it sounds like it's ruining the moment."

Alexei sighed this time and pulled himself away from his mate, slowly running his paws across his rump and his hips. "I'll go check." The lion made his way out of the cockpit, his mate following behind, and through the small lounge area, brushing Kaelin's thigh with the dark fur on his tailtip, until finally he stopped on the catwalk above the cargo hold. He peered down, finally noticing his brother meandering inside, a large bag full of his personal effects slung over his shoulder.

Xavier finally noticed the pair and just stared up at them.

"You ready to go?" Alexei called down.

Xavier just nodded and walked further in, finally slamming his heavy bag down on a metal crate. He let out a long sigh and looked back up at the two, asking through his gaze alone what he should do.

Alexei just stared back for a moment, then continued along the catwalk towards the quarters. He held out his arm toward his brother. "Pass me your bag. I'll show you where your room is."

Xavier grunted as he picked up his heavy bag then again as he tossed it up to Alexei. He climbed the ladder just as his brother caught it, standing now in front of the door to the rooms.

"Kaelin," Alexei said, turning to his mate, "will you start up the ship? I wanna get out of here as soon as possible."

Kaelin smiled and nodded, turning back toward the cockpit, making sure to whack the lion with his tail before he left.

Alexei continued to stare at the tall, slim roo, watching him sway his hips seductively back and forth, his tail waving in sync. He grinned and opened the large, metal door, waving his brother through. "It's not the nicest ship in the galaxy, but it gets the job done."

"Piece of junk..." Xavier said to himself.

"In her defense, she's been heavily modified since the Liberation."

"Your ship's a 'she?'"

"Of course. Aren't they all?"

Xavier shrugged. "I guess so."

The pair finally stopped outside the room across from Alexei's. "You can have Raiche's room. It's probably the cleanest."

"They still sleep in here?" Xavier said, somewhat disgusted by the thought.

"Yeah, sometimes. It's usually Jorhn and Alyster, since they're the ones who work the most on the ship. And of course Eskelle, who mostly just hangs around."

The lions walked into Raiche's room and Alexei tossed his brother's bag on the second bed. Seconds later they felt a sudden jolt; the ship taking off from the hanger. The two sat on the bed and just sighed.

"How long do you think it'll take to get home?" Xavier asked.

Alexei shrugged. "Not sure. Depends on how fast this boat will go."

"So...what do you want to do in the meantime?"

"Alexei," a voice sounded from the comm unit, "we're currently moving at full impulse, now clearing Lumar's orbit. What're the orders, Captain?" Kaelin giggled.

Alexei looked toward the comm unit and, from the bed, used his powers to press the button. "Leave her at impulse for now, but once we've cleared Lumarian space, put 'er in Drive 6 and engage the autopilot."

"Yessir, Alexei, sir." The comm then went silent after a quick giggle.

Alexei smiled and let out a sigh. He then felt the warm touch of Xavier's paw, rubbing gently against his. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I'm just kinda glad we're going back to Earth, that's all. It's been a while. Can't wait to see mom and dad again."

"Yeah, it'll be something... So, um, how did things with Kavhen go, before you left? I thought you two would have been longer."

Xavier giggled. "If you must know, we made out for quite a while then he, uh... Well, let's just say he spent a good deal of the time on top of me."

Alexei smiled. "I'm glad."

There was a long, very awkward silence between the brothers as Xavier retrieved his paw. Finally he said, "Aren't you excited to be going home?"

Alexei shrugged. "I guess so. I'm not sure if I'm going to bother seeing them, though. I mean... I'm not really going back to see them to begin with."

"What? Why not? Who are you going to see?"

"I don't know yet. I want to get these nightmares sorted out. I might go see Koko, if he's there. He might know how to help me."

"I see. Well... would you go see mom and dad?"

"Hm?" Alexei turned to his brother. "Why?"

"They haven't forgotten about you, you know. They still think about you."

"How do you know that?"

"Well, even as a kid, they never talked about you. And even though I couldn't read mom's mind, I knew dad was always thinking about you, and he knew mom did, too. I mean, you weren't always on the tops of their minds, but deep inside they still thought about you. Part of them thought you had died at Crosswell, but at the same time they still believed you were alive. Mom did more than dad, but she gave him hope. Although he'd never admit it, she was way stronger than he could ever be... and yet I always got the sense she couldn't really live without him." Xavier giggled, not really sure what he was talking about.

Alexei lowered his head. Thoughts were spinning, and he wasn't sure what to make of them. His entire life he had just assumed his parents abandoned him, that they didn't care, that they had forgotten him many, many years ago. And yet the lion was curious. Despite his uncertainty, Alexei decided it might be best to visit his parents, for at least a little while.

Kaelin's voice from the comm unit then suddenly interrupted Alexei's thoughts. "We just cleared Lumarian space and I'm engaging the hyperdrive now. Hold on, boys, it's gonna be a bit bumpy..."

The lions then gripped onto the bed somewhat tightly, expecting a sudden jolt and massive turbulence as the ship engaged its nuclear reactors, however were pleasantly surprised to find a relatively smooth jump. Obviously the work of an Olissian with too much time on his claws.

"Maybe this ship's not such a piece of junk after all," Xavier said to himself.

Alexei grunted and got up. "Well, I'm going to go join Kaelin in the cockpit, if you care to join me. I'll go see how long we'll be, but if you wanna get some rest, just let me know."

Xavier nodded then fell to his side, letting out a long sigh. He smiled at his brother then closed his eyes.

Alexei smiled back and left the room, then quickly joined his mate in the cockpit. "I think Xavier's just gonna sleep for now."

Kaelin turned in the chair. "Oh, yeah? So I guess that means me and you've got some alone time now, huh?"

"Mm... yeah, I suppose it does." Alexei murred and sat on Kaelin's lap, then as he felt two warm paws wrap slowly around his belly, he turned the chair to face the window and the pair just stared into the stars, many of which just zipped past their view. Neither fur said a word, but just listened to their breathing and the quiet hum of the ship.

Alexei leaned his head back beside Kaelin's, smiling constantly, then murred again when the roo gently brushed their cheeks together. They put their footpaws up on the now illuminated console, many-coloured touch-buttons and indicators glowing and flashing. The furs just relaxed in each others arms, both touching and feeling the other subtly, murring and cooing quietly, even the faintest giggles squeezing out. And between their murrs and giggles, Kaelin could hear his mate purring. Kaelin smiled and lightly kissed Alexei on the cheek, then nuzzled him tenderly.

The pair suddenly looked up, interrupted again, as they heard a noise from behind. They turned in their chair only to see Xavier standing in the doorway, rubbing his eye.

"I'm sorry... I just started to feel kinda lonely."

"Aw... Well you can hang out with us, sweetheart," Kaelin said. He gently pushed Alexei off his lap and the two got up. Kaelin put his arms around Xavier, trying to console him. "Everybody gets lonely sometimes, but we'll keep you company. Isn't that right?" he turned to Alexei.

"Yeah... That's right."

"C'mon, let's go hang out in the cargo hold. More room there."

Alexei rolled his eyes as Kaelin pushed the two lions through the lounge area and main computer, going down the ladder and to the large metal and wooden crates. He sat up on one, soon joined by his mate.

Xavier sat on the crate across from the pair, letting out a long sigh as he leaned back on his paws.

"So now what?" Alexei asked.

Kaelin shrugged, then turned to face Alexei, running his paws across his lap and massaging his balls through his pants. "I can think of one thing..."

Alexei giggled, but then grabbed Kaelin's wrist. "C'mon... not now. Xavier's right over there."


"So, it'd be weird."

Kaelin turned his head to Xavier. "Would it be weird?"

"Um... maybe a little bit."

"Pff... You lions are all alike."

"Kaelin, I don't know what's gotten into you, but I'm not going to make out with you with Xavier sitting right over there watching us."

"It's not like we'd be doing anything you two haven't done before."

Alexei whipped his head up at Kaelin, and a long, awkward silence filled the room. "K-Kaelin..."

"Well, we can't just pretend it never happened."

"Do you really think this is the most appropriate time to talk about it?"

Xavier just remained silent, watching the pair.

"When would be a good time to discuss it?"

"Oh, I don't know," Alexei said sarcastically, "perhaps when we're alone! We've talked about it before, Kaelin, and it didn't seem to bother you so much."

"Yeah, well maybe it bothered me just a little... I mean... why should you be the only one to make out with Xavier."

Xavier looked up. "Wh-what?"

"You are unbelievable," Alexei said, shaking his head.

"I've seen the way you two look at each other. You both still want each other, don't you?"

Both lions looked away.

"Uh huh. Well, you know me, Alexei. I'm probably the most open-minded guy you'll ever meet. I just think it's only fair if you get to make out with your brother, so should I."

Xavier blushed. He wasn't sure what to say, although he was certainly feeling intrigued.

"You're crazy," Alexei said, poking his mate in the chest.

"Am I?"

Another awkward pause.

"Just what are you suggesting?"

"Well, suppose if you and I were making out... Xavier didn't have to sit there and watch. I mean, I know you two still want each other, so I figure to make things fair... we all go together."

Alexei laughed. "Okay, assuming for a moment we go along with this, what about Kavhen? It's not very fair for him." He looked over to his brother.

"Uh..." was all the lion could say.

"When you two were talking earlier on Solstice," Kaelin said, "Kavhen and I had a nice little chat. I asked him what he thought about your little affair, and in all honesty he said it kinda turned him on a bit. I mean, he was surprised, and a little disappointed, but it was a very arousing thought. Said he wishes he could get a chance with the both of you at the same time."

"Are you serious?" Alexei asked. "Is this some kind of joke?"

Kaelin shook his head. "I'm serious. He loves both of you more than anything, you know."

Xavier giggled, and just as he did the other two looked at him. "When I was saying goodbye to Kavhen earlier," Xavier said, "we talked a bit about you, Alexei. He joked about wanting both of us, but he was seriously turned on by that thought. Him and I... well, we hadn't made love like that for ages." The young lion giggled again, and blushed.

"There you have it," Kaelin said. "So, what do you say? Xavier seems all for it."

Xavier blushed some more and smiled, nodding his head excitedly.

Alexei sighed, then looked up at his brother. Deep inside, he knew what Kaelin was saying was true. He knew a big part of him wanted to feel his brother's warm touch again; his soft fur, his perfect ass, his young body. Even, like Kaelin, his multitudes of body piercings. Alexei kept staring at his younger brother, unable to turn away. "I... I dunno. Are you sure about this?"

Kaelin nodded. "It'd be doing us both a favour."

He looked up at Xavier. "And what about you?"

Xavier lowered his head, feeling embarrassed to say it. "Y-yeah... I'm sure. I want it."

Alexei sighed again. "Well..." He felt nervous, and yet extremely excited at the same time. He was still trying to wrap his head around the entire situation, however he was certain what he truly wanted. Alexei stirred uncomfortably, then looked at the two again. They both appeared quite excited. The lion gazed into Kaelin's eyes for a long moment, then into Xavier's. They truly wanted to do this, and Alexei knew he did, too. With a grin, he replied, "I think... I think you're on to something, Kaelin."

Kaelin murred and ran his paws over Alexei's chest, kissing him softly on the lips. A moment later he pulled away and stood up.

Xavier quickly walked over, uncertain of where to begin, until Kaelin coaxed him out of his shirt. Xavier, now topless, murred quietly as the roo pressed his body against his and the two started to kiss. The young lion felt nervous about kissing Alexei's mate, but closed his eyes and eased into it. Quickly becoming excited, Xavier began to rub Kaelin's back, murring louder as his tongue curled around Kaelin's.

Kaelin then slowly pulled away then looked over to his mate, who had stood up during the kiss and walked over. Grabbing both lion's arms, he pulled the two together. "Go ahead... kiss."

Alexei and Xavier looked into each others eyes and inched closer together. Their hearts pounding, Alexei placed his paws on his brother's shoulders just as Xavier gripped his onto Alexei's hips. Still gazing into each others eyes, they rubbed their noses together then tilted their head, lips finally meeting and kissing softly.

Alexei murred loudly as he felt the warmth of his brother's maw rushing into his own. With his tongue pressing against and wrapping around Xavier's, he held on tighter and pushed his maw forward, now feeling a leg lift and rub against his hip. The lion lifted a paw and gently rubbed Xavier's cheek as they continued to kiss passionately, his eyes closed and still murring quite loud.

Xavier lowered his leg again and just concentrated on kissing his brother, his paws now roaming up his sides, getting a good feel of his scars and his muscular ribs. The young lion then moaned a little when he felt Alexei's tongue wrap tighter around his and push in deeper. Loving every second of his brother's embrace, he was forced to pull his maw away when he felt strong, marsupial paw give his rump a squeeze. "K-Kaelin," he said softly.

Kaelin murred and, while Alexei was softly kissing Xavier's neck, bent down and lifted the young lion's tail, now licking his tailhole. He giggled as he heard Xavier moan at both his and his mate's attention, which caused the roo to lick even deeper, getting his tongue further into the soft hole.

"Oh... oh god," Xavier moaned. He just closed his eyes and continued to moan and murr. He had never received so much attention before in his life. With the roo now licking the inside of his tailhole and his brother feeling and kissing him gently all over his body, the young lion was in bliss. His sheath was swollen and full, the only thing stopping his cock from poking out was his pants.

Alexei started to slide his paws down Xavier's back, both slipping part way into his pants. He murred as he groped his brother, soon removing his paws and running them across his hips, his flesh paw now massaging Xavier's sheath and the mechanical one beginning to undo his belt. With the belt now undone, Alexei wasted to time at all in sliding his metal paw down there, the intense warmth of his brother's sheath warming his cold paw.

Xavier's eyes shot open as he felt the cold metal paw graze over his swollen sheath. A freezing shiver ran up his spine, but very quickly went away as the metal warmed, now a gentle massage just slowly pulling his sheath back. Xavier moaned a little louder as his pre-covered cock met the musky cool air of the cargo hold, as well as the busy roo at his behind.

Kaelin finally stopped with his tongue and the moment he put it back in his mouth, he slid his middle finger into Xavier's wet tailhole, shoving it in as far is it would go. Upon inserting it, he began to twist his paw around, gently but firmly massaging the young lion's prostate. Hearing the lion moan loudly because of this, the roo stuck two more fingers in after and continued in the same manner.

Xavier shut his eyes tightly and groaned through his teeth, his paws now gripping tightly onto Alexei's fur. "G-god..." he said between heavy breaths. His tongue was dangling from his maw and he couldn't help but buck into Alexei's metal paw, then moments later he delighted in the feel of his brother's muzzle quickly pressing against his, locking again in a deep kiss. Xavier then started to moan into Alexei's maw inadvertently, as both his tailhole and his cock were receiving plenty of attention.

Alexei continued to slowly stroke his brother's large, hard member as his tongue was wrapped around Xavier's, and still pushing in. There was a slight pinching in his pants, as his cock had already begun to poke out of his sheath, begging to be released.

Kaelin, his paw still partially up Xavier's behind, looked over at his mate and noticed the enormous bulge in his pants. Moments later he fully removed his paw and stood up behind Xavier, ignoring his almost pathetic whines for more. "I'm gonna switch things up a little," he said in a deep, raspy voice into Xavier's ear.

Xavier flattened his ears, having already pulled his maw away from Alexei's, and just shut his eyes, his brother still working on his cock.

Alexei then stopped his movements as Kaelin put a paw on his shoulder. "W-what're you doing?"

"Get those pants off," he said as he removed his shirt.

Xavier opened his eyes, still panting somewhat, and cocked his head to the side. He was the only completely naked fur in the cargo hold, but was quickly joined by his brother.

Alexei let out a long sigh as his cock could finally breathe, now sliding his pants across the floor, and it grew steadily. He then just stared at his topless mate, at his slender, sexual curves, and of course his multiple piercings. The roo was muscular, yet still very slim. Alexei then had to shut his maw, despite having seen this many times before, as his mate removed his pants, revealing a full sheath and pierced cockhead; a large Prince Albert. "Kaelin..." Alexei moaned. A bead of sweat rolled down his face as he just stared at the tall, naked kangaroo, blushing quite heavily.

"Every single time," Kaelin giggled. He strutted up to his mate and, holding his paws on the lion's cheeks, kissed him firmly on the lips, directly in Xavier's field of vision. After a long moment, he pulled away, just staring into Alexei's deep, crimson eyes. He then glanced over at Xavier, looking at his naked body up and down, then murred, pulling away from his mate and getting onto his knees, running his paws up the young lion's thighs.

"K-Kaelin," Xavier exclaimed, now feeling more nervous than ever. He looked up at Alexei, as if needing approval.

Watching Kaelin nudge his brother's cock, Alexei confirmed with a quick nod it was okay, then slowly walked behind Xavier and rubbed his hips. Alexei murred and sniffed the back of Xavier's neck, giving many long licks.

Xavier closed his eyes yet again and leaned his head back, murring quietly as both his brother and his brother's mate felt up his body. The young lion let out a gasp as his brother suddenly pressed his entire body against his back, his wet cock and sheath pressed between his butt-cheeks, and paws feeling all up his chest, particularly his nipples and rings. Xavier moaned and pushed his rump back into Alexei. "Ughnn... A-Alexei..." Xavier so badly wanted to feel his brother inside him, especially with his strong paws and powerful body rubbing all over him.

Kaelin grinned and, while still on his knees, shifted forward. Amused by Xavier's reactions and his obvious desires, the roo decided to get things started. With the young lion's cock at its fullest-long and thick-Kaelin tightly gripped the base with his right paw and at first licked the tip.

Xavier just barely opened his eyes as a loud, constant moan escaped his maw. He tried to stand as still as possible, feeling the roo's long tongue now glide across the entire length of the base and up around the tip. His eyes rolled back in his head as the roo continued this, the moaning even more constant than before. However still feeling his warm brother behind him, he couldn't help but back into his hips.

Alexei then backed away from Xavier for a moment, his growing cock still close to his brother's soft ass, and placed his flesh paw on his hips and pushed on Xavier's shoulders, bending him over.

Now on his paws and knees, Kaelin moved his muzzle along with Xavier's cock, giving it some more awkward attention.

As Xavier bent over, he put both paws on Kaelin's upper back, propping himself up as his rump stuck out behind him, tail lifted. He could still feel the roo's tongue and lips on his meat, which caused him to thrust forward, but at the same time he was compelled to go back, as Alexei was teasing his tailhole by just poking his cock in. While leaning on Kaelin and having his cock licked, plus his brother just barely entering his body, a small tear rolled down his cheek and the young lion whimpered pathetically.

Alexei giggled and used his right paw to stroke gently at Xavier's lower back and tail as he positioned himself better. "That's enough teasing. You ready for this?" Alexei said with a giggle, poking his large-larger than Xavier's-shaft only an inch or so in.

Xavier nodded slowly, whining his response. He was trembling somewhat as he awaited his brother's shaft.

Kaelin, who stopped momentarily to listen to the brothers, smiled and kept his lips close to Xavier's cockhead, waiting for Alexei's first move.

Alexei slowly stroked Xavier's rump, giving a couple soft slaps, then gripped onto his hips firmly as he slowly pushed forward. Upon hearing his brother's gradually louder noises, Alexei's maw cracked open and a faint moan could be heard.

Xavier clenched his paws into fists as Alexei's large member quickly spread his tailhole wide, slowing down as his hole reached its max. The young lion shut his eyes tightly and groaned loudly through his teeth, figuring his brother was only half way inside him. Now pushing down harder on Kaelin's shoulders, Xavier cried out loudly as Alexei continued to push inside him, and as his rear seemed to almost instinctively push back.

Kaelin frowned momentarily as he was used as a table, but then pushed back up and crawled somewhat awkwardly a few inches forward. Staring into Xavier's large pink cock, he followed it with his eyes before finally getting his lips around the spiny end. However because of Alexei, it was difficult to keep it there.

Xavier gasped slightly at the quick tingling Kaelin's lips brought, however found himself many times more captivated by the feel of such an enormous piece of lion meat that was three-quarters of the way inside him. With his tailhole burning wildly, he bared his teeth and roared loudly, the final few inches finally burying deep inside him. "A...Ahh... Alexei," Xavier cried out madly. The immense pain and incredible pleasure he felt was almost indescribable. He felt as though his tailhole had been torn to shreds, spread so wide, and he could feel the entire rock-hard length inside his body, massaging every inch of his insides. It felt like the tip was prodding at the underside of his stomach, and that sensation drove the young lion crazy. But most of all was the constant rubbing and intense pressure squeezing against his hard prostate, causing Xavier to moan loudly between his shallow breaths, and buck backward. His brother having left his large cock all the way inside, Xavier's moans very quickly turned into long whines and whimpers, the burning sensation now beginning to dissipate and copious amounts of pre nearly spraying from his cock. He could feel Kaelin's tongue and lips quickly lap it up.

Alexei was breathing heavily now, finding Xavier's tailhole to be much tighter than he had originally thought. His brother's insides were bound firmly around his shaft, almost squeezing the pre out of him. "Oh god... X-Xavier..."

Xavier giggled, then moaned again as he felt Kaelin's lips slide further up his cock. He was blushing intensely as the unbelievable amount of pleasure ran through his entire body.

Kaelin, now propping himself up with one arm, wrapped his other paw around the base of Xavier's cock and balls and began sucking and licking on the end of Xavier's shaft, taking in more of the large, throbbing organ with each stroke of his tongue. Xavier's sweet precum aroused the slim kangaroo, causing him to murr quietly as he swallowed a bit more cock. Shortly the roo shifted even closer, sliding onto just his knees, now able to lift his other paw and juggle and massage Xavier's hot, fuzzy balls.

Xavier let out yet another long, loud moan from Kaelin's attention; he could feel the pre being sucked out of him. Moments later, Xavier's loud moans turned into deep growl-moans, as Alexei had just started to pull his cock out. The young lion inadvertently began to push down harder on Alexei's mate, as his rigid prostate was being massaged relentlessly, sending a constant wave of pleasure coursing through his cock.

Kaelin then made a loud gagging noise as he suddenly choked on a constant stream of precum. Managing to suck it all down, the pre splashing right in the back of his throat, Kaelin closed his eyes and left half the lion cock inside his maw, waiting for him to finish.

Alexei growled and made quiet, whimper-like moans as he pulled his hips away from Xavier's rump. "F-fuck..." he said, amazed at how tight his brother was. The two had already shared a very close bond many, many months before, but what they were doing now seemed almost beyond that time. Alexei had planted his seed once deep inside his brother, and he was to do it again, this time with his mate's permission. Now most of the way out, almost feeling the relief in Xavier's tailhole himself, Alexei sighed happily. As much as he had tried to deny it, he had always burned to feel his brother once again, even through the harsh pain and strife. Alexei was going to enjoy this time with his brother, more than most brothers do. With that final thought, Alexei smiled warmly, held onto Xavier's hips, and pushed his hips forward, quickly filling his brother's insides with his hard, pulsating cock. Although he tried to hold it off, the lion couldn't help but gasp and groan at the intense snugness and warmth of Xavier's bowels.

Pushing his rump back, Xavier cried out loudly, almost a roar, as once again both his prostate and his insides were massaged powerfully. Tears started to run down the young lion's cheeks as the sharp pain returned, his tailhole stretching once again, and the pleasure nearly overwhelmed him. Just as his rump pressed firmly against Alexei's hips, the suckling on his cock became more obvious. Xavier finally unclenched his paws, placing his pads on Kaelin's shoulders, and scritched slightly as he felt his cock slowly get enveloped by the roo's soft, warm maw. Xavier closed his eyes for a moment, dried tears stuck in his fur, and let his tongue hang down between his fangs, now twitching slightly from the enormous cock rammed up his ass, just murring quietly as Kaelin finally got his muzzle over his entire shaft. Xavier just stood in that awkward position, back arched significantly, afraid to move.

Kaelin, sweating now that he had swallowed Xavier's full cock, released the young lion's balls for a moment to reach his paw forward and stroked Alexei's leg.

Alexei looked down for a moment, past his brother, and grinned. He knew what position Kaelin was in, and knew what he wanted him to do. As if on cue, Alexei slowly pulled out of his brother once again, eyes closed and reveling in the long, biting pleasure in his cock, as well as the loud, ecstatic noises bursting from Xavier.

The young lion's roars and whines echoed in the cargo hold of the ship, making them that much more prominent. He had tried to contain his noises before, but as both his brother and Kaelin pulled away at the same time, the intensity of the pleasure was too much to contain. His maw open constantly, a wide array of noises sprung out, ranging from quiet moans to deafening roars. Truly, Xavier was in ecstasy.

With Alexei now sliding his cock back into Xavier's behind, Kaelin in-sync pulled his maw away, leaving just the young lion's cockhead in his muzzle, until seconds later it was thrust back inside, as Alexei quickly pulled away.

Xavier's hips were bucking and pushing harmonically with Alexei's hard, and progressively more powerful, thrusts. The non-stop, brutal attention to his sore tailhole forced the young lion's eyes open and to slowly glaze over, the continuous wave of pleasure slamming into his rump sending him into a sort of trance. Drooling onto Kaelin's back, Xavier's body jarred back and forth with each strong thrust, wincing as this happened, no longer able to control his own movements. An unusual feeling, he was certain he could hear all the noises and feel every sensation, and yet at that moment it all seemed like one large blur, his senses amalgamating into a single entity. Not only was his brother sending him over the edge, Kaelin, as well, increased that pleasure many-fold. His cock being sucked and massaged by the roo's adept maw only added to this combined marvel of his senses.

Alexei, gripping onto his brother's hips tightly, growled louder and louder as he roughed him up. Lost in the rapture, he hadn't even noticed his claws digging into Xavier's hips, let along the blood running down his thighs. Noticing this, just staring at a drop slowly caressing Xavier's leg, the lion showed signs of slowing down. He just continued to punish the young tailhole relentlessly.

Kaelin, not quite as lost in the transport as the lions, finally removed his paw from his mate's leg and began slowly fapping his own shaft, however finding it more difficult with a large cock constantly sliding in and out of his maw. Again working into a rhythm, he put the other paw back around Xavier's balls, gently massaging the hot, cum-filled orbs, and controlling the young cock better. With each of Alexei's thrusts, Xavier would pull his hips away, and so Kaelin would mostly remove the meat from his muzzle, then a second later as Alexei pulled back out, Xavier would push his hips forward, and thus Kaelin deep-throated the lion. Continuing in this fashion, Kaelin quickly came to discover, although he would never admit it, he liked the taste of Xavier's cock even more than his mate's. Enjoying that thought, the rock-hard roo fapped a little faster and sucked a little more enthusiastically. His noises, some murring and moaning, became much more audible, although incomparable to the noises both lions were making, particularly Alexei.

Xavier's head bounced up and down as he was jostled back and forth by his brother. Although he was creating a significant amount of noise, he hardly knew he was doing it. His entire body burned in delight, almost like climaxing ceaselessly all over. Between his loud moans, he started to utter his brother's name, among other more colourful words and phrases, again and again. Although he could feel the sharp pain in his hips, from Alexei's sharp claws, his mind couldn't focus on any single sensation.

Panting heavily, Alexei released his paws from Xavier's hips and slapped them down again, further forward, and dug his claws in again, pulling Xavier back with each thrust, making sure he felt every inch of his cock. "F-fuck, Xavier," Alexei would periodically moan, his eyes barely open. Just staring at his slender, muscular back almost forced the lion over the edge, but he managed to contain himself and ravaged the young tailhole more. However it became increasingly more difficult as the visions and thoughts swirled in his head. Looking again down at his brother, his young, well-toned, body, Alexei was excited. But what seemed to excite the older lion more was the knowledge of what he was doing was "wrong." Not only was wildly fucking a sixteen-year-old, this fur was also his flesh and blood, and those particular taboos turned Alexei on more than anything. He let out another wild moan, twisting his head about as he once again prodded Xavier, his hips slapping hard against the young lion's rump.

Kaelin, gagging on Xavier's meat, found this most appealing, for each time a sharp tingle struck his cock. He fapped even faster now, his other paw holding the base of the lion cock and bobbing his head quickly back and forth, swallowing the entire shaft now very easily. He had been tasting Xavier's sweet precum for quite a while now, which more than lubricated his throat, and like his mate, was finding it harder and harder to contain his orgasm. He would moan again and again with Xavier's cock in his maw, somewhat muted, elated, also, at the idea of pleasuring a sixteen year old. He knew, as well, that this particular lion had never been treated to such delights, and very much enjoyed the knowledge that he was bringing him that immense pleasure. Suddenly the roo gagged again, stopping his head this time, finding it awkward with the constant movements of the lions' hips, but slowly continued again as a large amount of pre dripped down his fuzzy chin. His eyes closed again, the roo tried his best to swallow the gushing precum, however he was certain the majority of it was oozing out past his lips. It was clear to Kaelin now that Xavier was very close to climax.

With pre nearly pouring from his cock, Xavier slowly started to return to reality. His eyes opened wide and his cries became louder in his ears. He was crying out in pain, moaning louder than he had ever before, but with the combined efforts of Alexei and Kaelin, that pain was easily tolerable. Xavier was quickly regaining his senses, the sharp pain in his hips and tailhole becoming worse, however more overpowering was his brother ravaging his bowels. The young lion began to dig his claws into the roo under him, and he could feel his groaning on his cock. "F-fuck," Xavier continuously muttered to himself. "O-oh god... K-K-Kaelin... I think... I'm gonna..."

Kaelin tightened his grip on Xavier's shaft and began quickly bobbing his head mostly at the tip. Confirming what the young lion was trying to say, he made an awkward agreeing sound and deep-throated him again, this time leaving the cock inside his maw for much longer. Gagging a bit, he could smell the strong, musky scent of Xavier's fur, plus feel his fuzzy, sweaty balls rhythmically smacking his chin. The roo finally pulled out again, stroking his tongue sensually along the underside, licking up the sweet precum and tormenting Xavier's already super-sensitive cock.

As Xavier howled, the intensity in Alexei's cock grew steadily. His muscles were tense as he tried to hold it off, but he could feel it coming, and he knew his brother was right at the edge as well.

Xavier, sweating like mad, tightened his eyes and was crying out loudly, tears running down his cheeks. He bucked forward and pushed back quickly. The extreme pleasure couldn't grow any more intense, although the lion craved more. He growled loudly and scratched Kaelin some more, shoving his cock in. Just as he did, he would quickly pull out, slamming his rump against Alexei's hips, growling even louder. Teeth bared, he snarled and whipped his head about as the nonstop attention, finding it increasingly more difficult to bear. He just wanted to collapse on the floor, letting his body rest, but as long as he was subject to Alexei and Kaelin's every whim, it was impossible. As strenuous as it was, the young lion forced himself desperately to keep his muscles going. With each of Alexei's unrelenting thrusts, Xavier roared quickly, snarling still, whipping his drool around the room. Finally his head stopped, breathing heavily, his thrusts much more subtle now. Moments later, Kaelin still bobbing his head completely and Alexei still pushing all the way in, the incredible ecstasy in his cock grew exponentially. The young lion went wide-eyed and dug his claws deeper into the roo, giving one final fast buck and letting out a loud roar. His maw open wide, showing his brilliant sharp teeth, Xavier's deafening roar shook the cargo hold as he could feel his hot seed gushing out of him in long waves of violent orgasms.

Kaelin, somewhat surprised by this, kept Xavier's cock in his muzzle as he climaxed, closing his eyes as his hot seed poured down his throat. Swallowing it as fast as he could, the roo xmurred in delight as his stomach was filled with the sixteen-year-old's seed. Just seconds after Xavier released himself, Kaelin, too, climaxed, almost unwittingly. The sharp, instant pleasure of orgasm surprised the roo, as it was much more powerful than he had thought it would be. Moaning loudly, still with a large, feline cock in his maw, he emptied his balls onto Xavier's footpaw, the hot lion seed now starting to pour out of his mouth and down his chest.

Alexei, too, who had been at the edge for quite some time, finally decided he let himself go, upon hearing his brother's roar. Just as Xavier pulled away, into Kaelin's maw, Alexei growled and shoved himself forward, gasping a bit as he felt Xavier's prostate swell up immensely, tightening his insides, forcing the lion's orgasm to come. In an instant, Alexei's entire lower-region filled with unimaginable pleasure. Like his brother, Alexei, too, let out a terrifying roar, adding to Xavier's, as his cum burst out. Giving quick, powerful thrusts, wave after wave of seed flowed inside his brother, filling him up quickly and now spilling down their legs. Alexei kept himself inside his brother for a long moment longer as the cum finally stopped pouring and the pleasure beginning to die down. His growls quickly lessened and he was just breathing heavily, listening to his brother and his mate, no one yet pulling away. Alexei could smell the thick, lusty air of the poorly ventilated cargo hold from three tired, sweaty males.

Kaelin finally decided to make the first move, as Xavier's balls were empty and cock receding back into his sheath. The roo pulled his head away and just leaned back on both paws, staring up at the lions with a wide grin. His heart was still racing and he was breathing quite heavily.

Alexei moaned as Xavier stood up straight, feeling his muscles moving on his cock from the inside. Panting, he held his paws around Xavier's waist and held onto his tired brother tight, licking his ear a little. Still his cock was inside the young lion.

Xavier, too, moaned quietly as he leaned his head back on Alexei's shoulder. His cock, not quite inside his sheath, was dripping cum, and he could still feel his mostly-flaccid brother inside him. "Alexei..." was all he could say.

Kaelin got up off the metal-grating floor and approached the two, just staring at them. He was still smiling as he wiped Xavier's cum off his chin. He just gazed into his mate's eyes.

Alexei looked over at Kaelin, just staring back. Moments later he smiled softly, giving a single, subtle nod. He then turned his head back to his brother and spoke softly in his hear, letting his paws slide down to his hips. "Xavier," he started, rubbing his sides gently, "w- "

"I know, Alexei. I was just enjoying the moment." Xavier then pulled away from his brother, making a noise as Alexei's cock slid out of his behind, cum drooling down his leg.

"Are you two satisfied?" Kaelin asked with a grin.

The lions looked over at the roo.

"Yeah," Alexei said.

"Definitely," Xavier finished with a giggle. He then meandered over to the sparing area and collapsed onto the hard, cushiony mats, groaning. The amazing pleasure mostly washed away, his body was slowly being overcome by a dull, searing pain in his tailhole. The young lion groaned.

Alexei and Kaelin, who were hugging when Xavier had collapsed onto the mats, looked over just as he fell then unlinked themselves and walked over.

"You alright, bud?" Alexei asked.

Xavier nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm fine. You were pretty rough on me, though."

Alexei got down on his knees, beside his brother, and rubbed his chest softly. "Sorry about that."

The young lion giggled and turned his head away, closing his eyes.

Alexei then got up and turned to his mate. "Guess we wore him out."

"Guess so," he replied.

"Boy, you're a mess. Good luck getting all that out."

Kaelin grunted in agreement then yawned. "I think Xavier's got the right idea."

Alexei smiled and held out his paw. When he and his mate linked paws, Alexei led the roo up to the top floor of the cargo hold and into the cockpit, where he sat down in one of the large, cushy chairs, inviting Kaelin with him.

The roo smiled warmly and sat on Alexei's lap, nuzzling backward and getting comfortable. He let out a long murr as he felt two strong, lion paws link at his belly, squeezing him firmly.

Without saying a word, the two snuggled close together in the pilot's chair of the ship, both murring in delight. Together they closed their eyes and finally relaxed, Kaelin melting back into his mate. The two were feeling very elated, yet exhausted at the same time. Both smiling, they let out a long sigh and just listened to the quiet hum of the ship, the starlight slowly putting them to sleep. In just moments, the mates lay together in the chair, sleeping in each others arms.

Alexei slowly opened his eyes, feeling a sudden chill. He looked about the cockpit, realizing his mate was gone. "K-Kaelin?" Alexei said in a daze. He then sat back in the chair and groaned as he stretched his muscles out, holding them there for a good ten seconds. The lion let out a sigh and got up, pressing a few buttons on the dim control panel to see their heading. Satisfied, Alexei left the cockpit only to receive a wet towel in the face. He growled and tossed it away, then looked up to see his mate with another towel wrapped around his waist and messy, mostly-dry fur. "Morning," he said.

"Morning," Kaelin replied happily. "Sorry I had to leave you like that, but once Xavier's cum dried, it got pretty uncomfortable. But I'm nice and squeaky-clean now."

Alexei thought about that for a moment. "Where's Xavier?"

"Still asleep, I think. Why?"

"Do you think...what we did was right?" The lion turned away.

Kaelin held Alexei's paw. "You agreed to it, sweetheart. And I told you I've got no problem with it, and neither does Kavhen."

Alexei sighed. "I know. But still...I can't help but feel we went a little over the line there. Like it was kind of a mistake."

"It was a threesome between three consenting furs. It's not that big 'a deal."

"But he's my little brother. Don't you think I should have shown at least some self control?"

Kaelin put both his paws on Alexei's shoulders and stared into his eyes. "Alexei," he said firmly, "I know he's your brother, and I also know how badly you wanted him. And vice versa, I'm sure. In fact, I'd be willing to bet if it wasn't for me and Kavhen, you two would have been mated long ago."

"Hey, that's not true," Alexei said defensively.

"Calm down, there's no shame in that. Desire is desire, no matter who you feel it for, so stop overreacting. Xavier appreciates it, anyway, and I doubt he'll freak out over this."

"I suppose you're right."

"I know I'm right," Kaelin said as the pair made their way into the cargo hold. They peered down, trying to see if Xavier had gotten up.

Alexei stirred as he noticed his brother, now just wearing his boxers, doing pull-ups between two metal crates. When Kaelin looked over at him, he wasn't entirely sure he had kept his aroused noise to himself.

Kaelin rubbed Alexei's back. "He is very sexy," the roo admitted.

Alexei looked down at his mechanical paw. "Yeah... he is, isn't he."

"Alexei," Kaelin said with a grin, "I would love you just as much if you had two mechanical arms and no cock."

"Really? No cock?"

"Well... I'm sure they have mechanical replacements for that, too."

Alexei shrugged. "I suppose so."

Just as he had said that, Xavier finally stopped at looked up at the pair. Panting a bit, he smiled and blushed.

"Good morning," Kaelin called down.

"Morning." Xavier made his way up the ladder to the catwalk and joined the two. "Hi, Alexei," he said modestly.

The lion nodded in recognition. "Did you have a good work-out?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"So, um... how much longer until we get to Earth?"

"Well, we have to disengage the hyperdrive before entering the Solar System," Kaelin explained, "but it'll be just over an hour before we get there, then another half-hour, tops, before we reach Earth's orbit. Then we have to find a place to land, somehow hide the ship, and we'll be good. The latter-most point may be a bit of a trick."

"I'm so excited," Xavier cried out hysterically. "Mom's gonna be so happy to see me... us, I mean... I think."

Alexei sighed.


"Nah, it's okay, Xavier. I don't expect much, anyway."

"So, you're coming?"

"Yeah, I'm coming," Alexei said reluctantly.

"Oh, good!" Xavier cried, hugging his brother tightly.

Kaelin giggled and backed away.

Alexei hugged his brother back, not quite so excited. As they released each other, the lion looked up at his mate, then back down again. There was an awkward moment between the brothers.

"Well," Kaelin cut in, "I think the first thing we should do is at least all get dressed."

The lions looked down to see a rather large bump in Kaelin's waist-wrapped towel.

"Yeah," Alexei giggled, "I suppose we should."

The three made their way to their respective quarters to get dressed. Alexei and Kaelin, who shared a room, wasted no time at all in holding onto each other tight, kissing passionately, their paws both rubbing quickly over their bodies as their tongues connected.

Still kissing, Kaelin reached a paw down at massaged Alexei's sheath.

"Oh god," Alexei murmured. He moaned and blushed as neither fur could keep their paws to themselves.

The two then suddenly stopped, still holding onto each other, as they heard their door slide open.

"Oh, sorry," Xavier said, fully clothed. He was wearing a skin-tight black shirt and matching, military-style black pants.

"No, it's alright," Kaelin said, pulling away. "We really should learn to control ourselves, anyway."

"Speak for yourself," Alexei muttered to himself, while pulling on his pants. He didn't even bother with boxers.

The roo promptly pulled on his somewhat tight-fitting boxers and a baggy pair of shorts, then quickly found a small, snug brown shirt which, for Alexei's benefit, he slipped into slowly and seductively.

The trio then left the quarters and took some more comfortable seats in the lounge area.

Alexei sat back on the red padded seat and rested both footpaws on the ledge of the dome-shaped computer, clasping his paws on his belly and letting out a long sigh. Just as his mate took a seat beside him, as there was room for two, the lion leaned his head back on the couch-like seat and closed his eyes. "So, an hour and a half, huh? I can remember when that used to be a long time."

"What do you mean? It's still a long time." Xavier asked.

Keeping his eyes closed, Alexei explained, "In space, an hour is nothing. You can travel amazing distances in just an hour, whereas stuck on Earth, an hour can seem like an eternity. When I was traveling, it would take me at least an hour to cross one city, yet out here we can cross entire worlds in half that time. It just sorta puts things into perspective, I guess."

Xavier shrugged. "I guess. To me, an hour is sixty minutes, which is a long time."

"Yeah," Kaelin cut in, "but there's only sixty seconds in a minute, and sixty seconds isn't that long."

"Of course, but there's thirty-six hundred seconds in an hour. Which is a lot. Not to mention the additional eighteen hundred seconds in that extra half hour."

Alexei rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry I said anything."

The other two sighed. "Well, long time or not, an hour is still an hour. What should we do?" Kaelin asked.

Alexei got up and stood in the cockpit doorway. "How about we all just relax until we get to the Solar System?" He then entered and took a seat in the pilot's chair, relaxing back. After realizing he was the only one who came in, the lion closed his eyes and put his footpaws up on the console. No more than a minute later, Alexei felt a sudden chill run up his spine, and he opened his eyes.