Babysitter Sniffer: Chapter 1

Story by faction87 on SoFurry

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While there's technically no overt sexual content, this story has some weird fetish-y stuff in it, including: scent-play, age-difference, sexual teasing, suggestive footpaw play, and indigestion/flatulence.

After years of being apart, a young German Shepard pup named Josh reunites with an old childhood friend: Nikki, a Husky high school senior. But Nikki's new capacity of babysitter, combined with Josh's recent ascent into puberty, creates new and unusual feelings between the pair. Josh starts to discover a world of wonderful scents that surround Nikki. Meanwhile Nikki acquires a taste for wielding her sexual powers over the naïve and vulnerable youngster.

Uploaded my second story (FINALLY). The themes in this one are a bit different from the first, and revolve more around scent-play and teasing, than uh, farting ;)

This is another set of themes I find myself enjoying: a young, sexually naïve individual being "taught" (and teased!) by someone older and more experienced. I like the idea of seeing how far situations can be pushed while still remaining somewhat "innocent".

Due to the length spiraling out of control a bit, I've decided to upload it in multiple parts/chapters.

The cover image is a picture I commissioned of Nikki in her outfit from the artist:

Babysitter Sniffer By: Faction 8-7 ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter One


The elevator jerked unceremoniously to a stop on the top floor, and the faded, wood-paneled doors slid open to reveal a dimly lit mustard coloured hallway. It was a modest apartment building, decently maintained but not aging too gracefully. Joshua adjusted his backpack and shuffled out into the hall after his mother. He was a young German Shepherd pup, and right now, wanted to be anywhere else. In a desperate attempt to cull his boredom, he began to play with his UltraRanger themed Timex digital watch. It was Friday. 5:48 PM. And 24 seconds. 25 seconds. 26 seconds. 27 sec...

"Joshua!" his mother snapped. She had taken several strides down the hall before noticing her son was no longer in tow. She had turned a full 180 degrees, and was staring him down. Josh sighed and slowly sauntered his way to meet her.

"I don't wanna be here." He whined in protest. "I don't need a babysitter anymore. Why can't I just stay home alone? I've done it before!"

"I know you are a big boy now, but you are still only twelve..."

"...and a HALF!"

"Yes. You are old enough to be home alone for a few hours after school, but your father and I just don't feel comfortable leaving you for an entire weekend. Besides, you like hanging out with Nikki!"

She was right. Nikki was the daughter of Josh's parents closest friends. They had spent much of their younger years playing with one another and, more recently, Nikki had become old enough to babysit.

He had an ulterior motive for wanting to be by himself. He had recently started noticing changes to his body and personality... "strange new feelings", as they called it. Be it trust or naivety, Josh's parents had not yet caught on to his recent activities, especially online. They were also not yet aware that he had "discovered" himself, and continued to discover himself on a regular basis. And while there were some cute girls in his class, nothing compared to the generous assets of the women he could look at on the internet while Mom and Dad weren't home...

Josh's mother knocked on the heavy wooden door to unit 514, as Josh continued to stare at the floor in angst, still mulling over the what he would be doing if he was left home alone as he desired. A voice from inside beckoned them to come in, and soon Josh found himself in the foyer of a modest three bedroom apartment, unenthusiastically undoing his bright red UltraRanger shoes. While he did this, his parents were happily greeted by Nikki's, exchanging pleasantries and discussing plans for the weekend ahead.

"Nikki! Josh is here! Come say hello!"

Josh was carelessly tossing his bag to the ground, when he heard a familiar voice sing out from behind him.

"Hey Josh! How's it going, buddy!"

He turned to face the voice, and his jaw nearly dropped at what he saw. He could immediately recognize his old childhood friend, yet at the same time it felt like he was looking at a complete stranger.

Nikki was husky: both in species and body type. A recent growth spurt on Josh's part meant she wasn't much taller than him, and would be considered somewhat short for a 17 year old. She wore a dark blue plaid pleated skirt which sat just above the knee, and was complemented by a pair of long, fuzzy, black -and-blue striped stockings. A plain black tank top completed the ensemble. A pair of black rimmed glasses sat on her short snout. Her hair was black and medium length, and was pulled up into a casual ponytail. It had been almost two years since they had seen each other.

"Wow, it's been such a long time... look how big you've gotten!"

Josh could have said the same to her, but was only able to make incoherent whispered mumbles. His knees began to weaken as he took in her wonderful, curvy, female form. Not a moment later, Nikki swooped down and grappled Josh in a tight, friendly hug. Josh's poor young heart almost leapt out of his chest, hormones flooding through every inch of his body. His eyes widened at the sight of her ample bosom descending towards him, and landing inappropriately close to his face. His senses were quickly overwhelmed. Her soft grey fur brushed gently against his, her warmth spreading across his body.

But his pounding heart neatly stopped when he took a breath: she smelled.... wonderful! A symphony of complex aromas serenaded his sensitive German Shepherd nose. He could pick out a few he could recognize: laundry detergent, fruity shampoo, ladies shower soap, a hint of sweat and body odour, and some that he couldn't quite put his finger on. All of the smells taken on their own would normally be quite mundane, or even unpleasant. Yet all at once, and coming from this beautiful young creature, they formed a marvelous mosaic. Intoxicated on Nikki's natural perfumes, he instinctively pulled himself in closer, taking a long drawn-out breathe through his nose. An almost inaudible sigh escaped his lips while exhaling.

"Aright there, big guy. I missed you too..." Nikki said, gently but firmly pushing Josh away from his hug. She had definitely noticed the uncomfortable length of the hug, and started to suspect that this little boy had begun the transition into manhood.

The two young ones were summoned by their respective parents. A short ritualistic exchange of "I love you's" took place, and moments later, the elders had left. The slamming of the front door echoed through the apartment, leaving only awkward silence behind it. The mismatched pair divided their glances between each other, and, when eyes met, quickly averted to some mundane object within their sight. While once great friends, they now stood on opposing sides of a gaping rift called puberty. Neither one could utter a word, as they were no longer looking at what they had at one time considered a peer. Josh now saw Nikki as a young woman, in the light of adulthood. She was an authority figure rather than a friend. Nikki in turn was looking back a a mere child. Somewhat immature, undeveloped, and in need of supervision. It was clear to both of them that their childhood friendship was now dead and buried.

Both parties nearly jumped out of their skin when the agonizing silence was shattered:


A tiny, yet somehow fearsome-sounding voice tore through the room. The pair couldn't help but laugh at the well-timed interruption.

"What... was that?" Nikki asked, still giggling.

"Oh, um. Just my watch. It does that every hour." He held up his wrist, showcasing the colourful flashing timepiece, and Nikki stepped in to take a look.

"Aw, cool! I love UltraRangers! And it's Sergeant Storex! He's my favourite Ranger, you know."

Josh's jaw dropped in disbelief. "YOU like UltraRangers!?"

Nikki stepped back, and started to blush slightly. "Well, yeah. I know it's kind of a kid show, but there's just something about it." She looked back at Josh, and briefly stuck out her tongue. "Plus, I've always had kind of a crush on Storex..."


They both laughed again, relieved that the tension between them was beginning to fracture.

"Well, I'll have you know... I just got the UltraRanger Ultimate Collection on DVD! All six seasons and BOTH movies." Nikki said proudly, watching the smile grow on Josh's face. "How would you like to watch them with me?"

Before she could get an answer, Josh had already begun sprinting to the living room. Shaking her head with a smile, she called in after him.

"Feel free to get started without me! I'm just going to make some dinner! Hope you like mac 'n cheese!" She was met only by the sound of the UltraRanger theme song blasting from the TV.

Halfway through the second episode, Nikki emerged from the kitchen, carrying two steaming bowls of macaroni and cheese, one bowl being significantly larger than the other. Under her arm she cradled a large bottle of root beer, two glasses, and some hot sauce. She plunks herself down on the couch next to Josh, and hands him the smaller bowl.

"Alright buddy, dig in!"

Nikki was amused as she watched Josh begin to eat. His eyes remained fixed to the screen, using only his sense of touch to find the fork and begin shoveling the cheesy noodles into his mouth. However, his attention was diverted when Nikki began dumping copious amounts of hot sauce into her meal, turning the noodles from a light yellow to a bright orange.

"Is that any good?" Josh asked, curiously.

"I like it. I have a feeling you won't though!" She smirked, gulping down a mouthful. She reached over with the bottle and let a drop land in his bowl. He took a bite, and almost immediately reaches for and sucks down his glass of soda. "It's so hot! My mouth is on fire!" His eyes begin to water.

"Hee hee, I told you." She gave another smirk, and continued to shove the blazing morsels into her mouth.

Halfway through her own bowl, Nikki began to show signs of distress from the heat. She starts panting heavily, and selfishly grabs the almost-full 2 litre bottle of pop. Josh watches in amazement as she downs nearly half its contents without even taking a breath.

"OOF. That is SPICY. I'm definitely going to be regretting this later..."

"Why?" Josh asked, sincerely.

"Oh. Um..." She is blushing again. "You see, as much as I LOVE spicy things, they don't always love me..." She notices Josh's face is still confused, and knows she must continue the somewhat embarrassing explanation. "I mean, it's probably going to give me a bit of a tummy ache. I'll be OK though." She cringed slightly, knowing his youthful curiosity was not entirely satisfied.

"But if you know you will get a tummy ache, why do you eat it?"

She almost rolled her eyes at that inevitable question. One she had asked herself countless times before, but could never quite answer.

"Well, I find it so good, it's worth it. Oh, and one more thing......"

Nikki raised her hand, a single finger pointing up, gesturing Josh to wait. Her eyes left Josh's, she appeared to be staring at an unidentifiable point in the distance. She furrowed her brow, as if in deep concentration. Josh was about to ask what she was doing, when he heard what sounded like a low croaking coming from Nikki's chest, and then....


After a second of stunned silence, Josh began laughing hysterically at Nikki's enormous belch. She chuckled for a moment as well, before her face formed a scowl, and she squinted her eyes shut.

"Oh, WOW. That one was NASTY. WOO!" A small tear formed at the corner of her still-closed eye. She opened one eye slightly and peered at Josh, who was still being afflicted by a giggle-fit. She quickly turned to him, leaned in close, and blew a lungful of the offensive air directly into his face.

"SEE?" she followed up, starting to giggle uncontrollably herself.

Josh, still breathing heavily from his fit, had no choice but to inhale Nikki's foul burp. The peppery fumes of the hot sauce chemically combined with the carbonation from the pop and attacked his unprepared eyes and throat. His nose was assaulted by an overwhelming wave of odours; a disgusting amalgamation of the sickly-sweet soda, burning hot sauce, and sour milk, with some meaty undertones reminiscent of a previous meal. This unexpected attack caused him choke briefly. However, once the brief initial salvo had diminished, he did not find the smell to be offensive in the least. His nose twitched, and he took another deliberate inhale. In the aftermath of the belch, he could once again detect the faint traces of the scent he was struck by during their earlier embrace. An unfamiliar tingling rushed through his body. Josh was confused. Why was it that such simple smells could cast such a powerful spell on him? Why had he never felt this way before?

His train of thought was violently derailed. Although initially distracted by the odoriferous onslaught, a more pressing matter stole his attention. Nikki was still leaning in closely to him, laughing, but unaware that her respectable bosom, combined with her low-cut tank top, was starting to hypnotize the impressionable young Josh. His eyes grew wide as he took in the sight. The faded black fabric of her shirt contrasted strongly with the nearly snow-white fur that covered her chest. A small tuft was bursting just at the top of her cleavage, and their impressive bulk bounced and jiggled while she snorted and giggled. The free and bubbly motion of her breasts magnified that strange tingling that was haunting Josh's changing body. And unfortunately for the naive young Josh, nobody had shared the age old wisdom regarding his current situation: staring at a woman's chest was as dangerous as staring at the sun...

Nikki's laughs began winding down, and she became acutely aware of Josh's slack-jawed stare. Almost out of reflex, she sat up straight, arms covering her chest, startling Josh out of his trance. She was about to say something to him, when she noticed the sincere look of confusion and apology in his eyes. He wasn't some pervert, he was just an inexperienced little boy who was eager to explore the new-found pleasures at his disposal.

At the same time, Nikki almost felt.... flattered. She was somewhat self-conscious of her full-figured frame, and knew she wasn't exactly the most attractive girl at her school. But now, seeing Josh's reaction to her form and her touch, she was getting a much needed ego boost. She watched with a smirk as Josh nervously shuffled in his seat, turning back towards the television. Even though they were friends, Nikki was beginning to like the feeling of wielding authority. Her musings were interrupted by the harsh buzzing of her cell phone on the nearby table. She returned to her meal; scooping up food with a fork in one hand, testing with the other, all with her eyes glued to the TV. Truly a multi-talented teenager.


"Look out, Sarge! Incoming missile!"



Josh raised a curious eyebrow. They were now halfway through UltraRangers: The Movie, and for the last twenty minutes or so, he has been hearing these strange sound effects. He couldn't put his finger on exactly where they were originating from: he had seen the movie at least fifteen times, and never heard anything like it before. It almost sounded like the ominous rumblings of Storex's MegaTank, but was occurring at the oddest times.

"Firing all guns, Lieutenant!"



This latest disturbance was significantly louder than the rest, allowing Josh to pinpoint the source: it was coming from Nikki's side of the couch. He glanced over at her, and right away noticed she looked somewhat uncomfortable. She had a hand resting on her visibly distended stomach, occasionally giving it a gentle rub. Her face looked tense, clearly not paying attention to the movie. Her breathing was heavy, and with an exaggerated audible sigh, she slowly slid herself sideways into a lying down position. She leaned away from Josh, resting her arm and head on the overstuffed armrest. She picked her feet up off the floor and laid them on the cushion in the middle of the couch. Josh watched with intrigue as she seemed to move in slow motion; her knee-sock clad legs brushed along the soft fabric of the couch, her body stretching out in attempt to get more comfortable. His eyes grew wider as his gaze traced its way up her stockings to her plump thighs, which were gradually gaining more and more exposure as she stretched. He nearly hit the ceiling in surprise when a stocking-ed foot ventured a little too far and gently nudged him on the leg.

"Oh. Sorry bud. Mmmmph." Nikki gave a half heated apology, and slowly withdrew the offending appendage. Once he had settled back into his seat, he looked over at Nikki once again, this time focusing on her feet, which were now resting just inches from him. Being this close to them, he could see the most minute details. The thigh-high socks she wore were thick; thicker than they should be considering the time of year. They looked very warm, and above all, very comfortable. They were covered with a deep, fleecy fuzz, and the alternating blue-and-black striped pattern matched perfectly with her school-girl skirt. He could see the soles of her stockings, and noticed they were well-worn and very dirty. They were obviously her favourite pair. Their apparent high-mileage soon made itself known to Josh: a thick, sour stench of sweat and unwashed feet was soon bombarding his nostrils. Though, as before, this unpleasantness was mixing in unusually with her natural, unidentifiable scents, and quickly turned from disgusting to exciting. Suddenly conscious of his gawking, Josh realigned his gaze to the television, and hoped Nikki had not noticed.

But she had.

She had also noticed that his breathing had become much heavier and deeper. He was breathing through his nose, and looked as though he was nervously fidgeting. Was he, getting off on this? She knew for sure that her feet were rather ripe at the time. But why else would he be breathing so heavily? She became slightly flustered herself. This new-found power of hers was proving to be quite entertaining, to say the least...

Nikki's amusement was cut short when a dull cramp flared up, accompanied by another bassy rumble in her gut. She winced slightly from the pain, clutching to a small fold of her protruding stomach. The poor quality and large quantity of the food she had consumed was starting to make itself known in a rather embarrassing manner.

Josh's nostrils were still savouring this new collection of odours, but was almost knocked out when his next breath suddenly seemed to fill his lungs with sulphur. He began choking on the foul air, his body genuinely confused about its origin. The answer became apparent as soon as he saw Nikki, and her failing attempt at suppressing a smile. Her mischievous eyes were dripping with guilt.

"Aw, Nikki! Did you just... FART?!"

She burst out laughing, barely able to nod and utter a "YES!" before flying into more laughter. Both of Josh's paws instinctively covered his nose in an attempt to shield it from the perceived poison.

"I'm sorry, buddy!" She started to apologize between fits of laughter "I didn't think it was gonna be that bad!"

Josh's disgust was greatly reduced with Nikki's next actions. Still smiling, she reached down and grabbed the end of her skirt. She began flapping it furiously, in a humourous attempt to clear the nasty air. Josh had completely abandoned his discretion, and was now very obviously stealing a glimpse of the treasures that lay beneath the plaid material. In the dim light of the TV and living room lamps, he could clearly see the shimmering of Nikki's satin panties. They were an electric blue, continuing the theme that extended from her skirt and stockings. His visual pleasures were once again quick to drown out his nasal distress.

"What *are* you looking at, huh?" Nikki asked, trying to sound stern but still giggling.

"OH! N-nothing. Sorry!" Josh's voice cracked, and he quickly spun back to the TV. Busted...

Nikki could easily tell by the way Josh was sitting that he was still attempting to subtlety gaze at her partially revealed rump. She played ignorant on purpose, and decided it presented another opportunity to tease the young fellow. She very slowly stretched out her legs, feeling Josh jump once again when they made contact with his thigh. Only this time, she had no intention of pulling them back. She held them there, motionless for the first little bit, then began idly moving them back-and-forth, with the occasional wiggling of her toes. She watched him out of the corner of her eye, judging his reaction. His eyes were now forcibly facing the TV, trying not to stare at her exposed legs and advancing footpaws. The strong smell of Nikki's sweaty feet flared up once again with this new movement, and had soon become the dominant presence in his nose as the fumes of her recent gaseous outburst had dispersed. An unexpected twitch of her leg cause her to accidentally kick Josh rather hard, a gesture he could no longer ignore.

"Uh, Nikki? Are you OK?" he asked, in an attempt to clarify the confusing situation.

She lifted her head up slightly from the armrest, and lazily rolled on to her back as she explained: "Ya, I'm fine... my stomach is just a little upset. I told you dinner wouldn't agree with me!"

She knew that wasn't the only reason he was asking, and was reaffirmed when she saw him nervously glance at her still-wriggling toes that were now practically sitting in his lap.

"Mmmm. And my feet ARE kinda sore..."

"Oh... I... Umm..." Nikki shot Josh an unimpressed look, and waited for him to continue.

"Is... is there something I can do? To make you feel better?"

Bingo. The question she was waiting for. She grunted softly and slid herself further down the couch, closer to Josh. Her feet were now pushed up on to his legs, heels resting in between his thighs.

"Aw, you are such a sweetheart for asking! In fact, I could really use a foot-rub, if you don't mind."

"I'm... not sure I know how. I mean, I've never done it before..." Josh was clearly anxious, his glances bouncing between Nikki and her intruding toes.

"Well, I think you are going to have to learn! And soon! Girls just looooove it when a cute boy can give her a good foot massage. If you want to find your way to a girls heart, her feet are a good place to start ."


"Oh, yeah. And it's really easy! Come here, turn towards me." Josh shuffled until he was sitting sideways on the couch facing Nikki. His eyes never left her feet, which she delicately lifted off his legs to allow him to move, before replacing them on the couch. They came to a rest between his newly outstretched legs, and dangerously close to his confused young crotch.

"OK, take this one in your hands."

The nervous Josh jumped slightly when she lifted one of the fuzzy-clad footpaws up and held it inches in front of his nose. The smell was now almost overpowering. It reeked of sweat, and emitted a strong vapour of vinegar that caused his eyes to tear up. But in spite of this (or perhaps, because of it?) he still found himself to be exhilarated. He lifted up his hands, visibly shaking from the excitement, and grasped the offered foot. It was just as warm as he was expecting, considering the thickness of the stocking.

"Good..." She wiggled her toes playfully. "Now, you sort of want to rub the soles with your thumbs in a slow, circular motion.

"Like... this?" Josh asked unsure, as he complied as best as he could.

"Yup! Although, don't... ah... be afraid to use a little.... pressure... *giggle* I-I-If you do it... hmmn... too light like that.... *snicker*... it kinda tickles!" Nikki clasped a paw to her muzzle, trying her best to stifle a full-blown laughing fit.

"Oh! Sorry..." Josh started putting more pressure into his digits, and saw that Nikki had begun to look more relaxed. As his thumbs pressed deeper into her soles, he became acutely aware of just how sweaty her feet were. He briefly imagined being able to comically wring the wetness out of it like a soaked bath towel.

"Mmmmmmm.... that's better." Nikki let out a throaty, satisfied growl. "You are a natural at this. I think you are going to make a lot of girls happy when you get older."

Seeing and hearing Nikki's reaction to his touch caused Josh's confidence to build. He was no longer shaking like a leaf, and his mind was beginning to clear.

"Why do girls like foot rubs so much, anyway?" He asked idly, his focus still heavy on her foot as it seemed to almost melt away in his hands.

"Hmm. Well, its very relaxing, obviously. It provides a nice, intimate, yet.... innocent connection. Makes you feel closer to the other person, you know?" Her head was sinking deeper into the armrest, her eyes now closed. "Plus, I've heard that some people say there are pathways to every part of your body present in the soles of your feet. They believe nearly any ailment can be treated with the proper massage. I don't know if that's true or not, but they certainly do make me feel better!"

"So, you're saying I can make your tummy-ache go away just by rubbing the right part of your foot?" Josh asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Well, I don't know for sure..." She lifted her head and winked playfully "but it wouldn't hurt to find out!"

The smile was growing on Josh's face. He was really starting to enjoy himself, and was becoming a little more comfortable around this exciting new Nikki. He decided that she was being kind of playful, and thought he should play back.

"So, is it.... here?" He said, furrowing his brow as he thrust his thumbs into a random spot on her sole.

"Not... quite." She could tell he was starting to understand the game. "Try another spot."

"How about here?" He was now grinning ear-to-ear.


"Maybe it's on the other foot then." He carefully placed the captive paw back down on the cushion between his legs, and gently picked up its neglected twin. Nikki visibly shivered with pleasure as Josh went to work.

"Am I getting any closer?"

"Mmm hmm. Keep trying." Nikki was loving the attention. Without giving it much thought, she lazily bent her knee up, pulling back her newly liberated footpaw. Shortly following this action, she felt Josh's massage become somewhat sloppier. About to ask the reason for the lax in quality, she opened her eyes to catch a view of Josh taking in some scenery. She had failed to take account of the position of her skirt, which, thanks to her numerous movements, was now hanging uselessly well above her thighs. Josh now had an unobstructed view, and was taking every advantage.

Nikki was starting to become slightly uncomfortable with the situation, as she felt things were starting to spiral out of her control. A nagging voice in the back of her head told her that this was wrong, and she was pushing the limits of innocent playing. She couldn't deny that Josh was starting to get much more sinister in his thoughts and actions, and she was the one at fault for planting them there. Fortunately, at that moment her body decided to give her the necessary tools to make a proper segue. Seemingly at Josh's next touch, her stomach gave another deep rumble, giving both of them pause.

"Oooh, I think you may have found the spot." She lied with a smile.

"So I should keep rubbing here?"

"Yeah. Right.... there." Nikki shuffled uncomfortably in her seat.

"Is that doing it? Does it feel any better?" Josh asked, sounding overly enthusiastic. Nikki could tell that he was no longer sincerely interested in her well-being, but rather caught up in the excitement of the situation she was putting him in. She knew it was time to take a break.

"You tell me!" Nikki flashed her fangs at him, and followed up with a deep, loud, rumbling fart:


Josh's perverted grin vanished instantly, and he released his grip from Nikki's foot, allowing it to fall to the couch with a heavy thump. He needed his hands, which were soon desperately clawing at his muzzle as his sinuses began being demolished by the rancid spectre Nikki had unleashed. She could only laugh, and once again started fanning the fumes with her skirt, only this time it was directed right at Josh.

"I think you found the right spot! That feels much better now! Phew!"

Josh scowled fiercely at Nikki and stood up, still gripping his poor snout. She rolled up into a seated position, and her laughs started to dwindle.

"Aw, where are you going? I'm sorry!" She pleaded with Josh as he turned toward the hallway, clearly upset. Nikki started to wave both paws in front of her to clear the air.

"I have to pee! I'll come back when it doesn't STINK in here!"


Babysitter Sniffer: Chapter 2

Babysitter Sniffer By: Faction87 ([]( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter Two When finished with his bathroom break,...

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Midnight Indigestion

**Midnight Indigestion** By: Faction 8-7 ([]( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **\*bang\*** Scott's eyes suddenly shot...

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