all because of a horse

Story by gogow1 on SoFurry

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hey this is part1 of my series of storyes called ''all because of a horse'' Iwold love feed back thanks ;)

WIt was about 11:30 on a hot summers day. the sun city college foot ball teem, the novas,were 10 to zip at half time, and by the end of the game, yeat another gloreyous win for the novas.

like every time after a game, the teem, went to shower and get there stuf out of there lockers

and go home. nick a tall grey wolf about 6'3''and about 250lbs, walked home the same way every day when he left school. nick wold walk past 5 tall oke trees, old ms jones house,and

about 2 more blocks to get to his small 1bedroom 1bath home. even thogh most of the furs at the school lived in dorms, nick rented his own place so as not to have a room mate,besides he did not need one, he got a full scolership from foot ball and he had alredy pade off his crap truck.

he had a good job, self employed ,doing handy man work and lawns.

the jobs that he got made him just enough to pay the rent and buy food yet there was always still a littel spending money left over.

nick wasent much of a lades man and short of makeing out he realy dident get any action with the women at all,tough all the gurls at school wanted to be with him. he was also strongly agenst gay furrs, if one got to close he wold beat him to a pulp.

today nick had over his frend scot a redish brown mut who had a sagy furr coat that was very soft

and he stood about 6'even and had a almost cute puppy like face,but his looks could fool

if he wanted he cold beat the crap out of any one on campus with ease.

nick also had over his frend jason ,jason is a 5'8''fox who probly hade fucked every hot chick in the college, and probly half the avreg ones.

scot and jason were at nicks house, going over some papers with him that were due the next day.

when the work was done they all went to the night club in town .

as always at the end of the night jason went home with the hotest gurl in the club, a sexey black panther named shian and scot went home in a cab vomiting cause he had to much to drink and nick went home in his old beat up truck because he never had boos when he went out with his frends.

the exhausted wolf finly got home at 2am he hoped out of his truck , walked up the path to

his house and un locked the front door.

nick got one step in the house and and went to turn on the light when sudenly out of no were a large lether glove coverd hand fell over his musel, he tryed to yell but he smeled bletch(clorforme)filling his snout and passed out.

when nick awoke he was in his bedroom, his hands were above his head tied to the head borad

and his feet to the foot rail.

nick tryed to cry out but found he was gaged he looked over, the lamp was on, nick saw his atacker he was an horse but not just a horse but a stallion, who was very well built and very sexey looking. ( not to Nick)

but nick saw nothing but fear.

what was this equine going to do to him, then nick was blindfolded.

nick lade there wandering wat was going to hapen, and then he fealt a cold metal

blade at the bottom of his shurt witch thurst up fast laeveing his cheast xsposed.

nick lade there, his naked top half bear and cold from the ac.

then he fealt his chest geting wet and mated,the horse started gropeing his skin and rubbing his exposed chest fur with babey oil.

nick tryed to strugl but this made the horse go more,then the horse got up on the bed and pulled the gag out of nicks musel and put a gun to his head.

nick got the messag and dident make a sound.

Then with his free hand the horse unbuttend tight black leather pants.

The stallion had a 12''cock and forced nick to open his mouth.

now nick being the straightest furr in the town had never had a cock in his mouth befor or even near him for that mater but to make things worse that the horse pushed his hole shaft in at once.

nick gaged and could not breath as the 12''eretchion wenth down his throat.

the wolf fealt powerless and the cock in his mouth was so big but being raped wase not wat botherd him, but how much he was likeing it.

this was so wrong but the cock in his mouth fealt so good,this was so new and weard for Nick to have another mans throbbing pree droling hunk of meat in his mouth.then all at wonce the stailon burst sending almost a cort of cum down the wolfs throte.

nick had never tasted aney thing like it, he thought it was salty and cinda bitter but he loved it .

now seeing that the wolf had no intentouns of yelling the horse pulled out and put the gun down,he then unfasend the ropes on nicks feet and lifted nicks legs on his sholdars.

then with his newly lubed cock teased the wolfs tail hole and pushed so hard that it made nick disy and yelp in pane ,witch made his atacker puck up his knife and hold it to Nicks throat the stallion took this momet to kiss his bitch right in the mouth. Nick tryed in vane to keep the toung out of his mouth but it just went on exploring Nicks muzle. Now the horse puled back and started pounding , for a muinet all nick cold feal was pane but then it fealt so good he yelped every time the horse pushed in.

the stallion loved hamm ering this little vergon bitches tail hole and pounding his prostate in to mush.

the wolf couldent take it aney more, and spude cum everywear, he had never even had his dick tucthed.

in responce to this, the horse put his huge muzle down on nicks dick and sucked all the cum up

not wasteing a drop and with this the staillon agan came but not as much this time.

it was enough thoug to fill up the wolfs inerds with cum.

the horse pulled out and put nicks legs down leting the last bit of cum ooz out of nick. Nick tiyed to get the phone but he agan fealt that smell in his snout.

(the horse chloroformed nick agan)

nick woke up the next day in the shower that was off, bathed a cleen, when he went out to his room the sheets were gon and when he went to the wash room to get some cloths on, he found his cum soaked sheets were in the washer.

there was a typed note that said ''I took the liberty of cleaing you and your bedding so you couldent turn me in , ps thanks bitch for that nice ass of yours''.

nick diseded not to tell aney one what had hapend in fear that he might be the most pitteyd wolf at the university and went on to school as always.end part 1