Between 2 Worlds

Story by Ahmar_Wolf on SoFurry

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A man gets taken to a world of anthro wolves against his will, becoming one in the process. If not for his wits he would not find love, or his head on the chopping block. When a 3rd party tries to get him involved in a bit of royal mess.

David Miller lived a hard life every single day of his life. He would wake up in the morning eat a bowl of cereal, have a cup of coffee and then he would be off roaming his neighborhood in search of his lively hood...cans. He searched the dumpsters and garbage receptacle for cans as well as anything else he could sell. Once he get enough of them he contact his friend Luis and together they drive down to the scrap metal yard and hopeful he get enough cash to prevent him from either starving to death or winding up homeless.At 27 David looked far older than his years, and it wasn't from the drinks he occasionally swallowed, or going out in all weathers, all the time feeling that your life is a total waste. Sometimes wondering if what happened to another friend Antonio was a way to end his torment. Antonio it seems had been murdered recently by 2 teens looking for kicks, with the gang violence on the rise, and sometimes accidentally running in to drug deals that go wrong, David knew that his days were numbered.One day was like the next for him, except on the holidays when he would stop by a local feeding center where he share a good meal and hopefully a glass of wine. Maybe even to look back when times weren't so bad. Like those during his childhood, sadly the only time in his life when he had no cares or worries. But only up to 3 months before his 8th birthday when his father suddenly died. A time when they lost there home and had to move in to an apartment with his mother, one where roaches were common place. But instead of letting his circumstances getting the better of him. It drove him to get better grades, and do whatever it takes to get any and all scholarships he could if only so the both of them could have a better life. But with his future ahead of him, but when his mother suddenly died when he was just 16. The drive he had was gone, he dropped out of school and couldn't hold a steady job, he almost become homeless for a while, until someone suggested he could make enough to survive if he collect cans, sometimes wish he could afford a gun, so he could blow his motherfucking brains out.

 Then something happened that fall, it was after 6 days in a row of extremely harsh weather. One bad storm after another, with his cash was running low, and his landlord was demanding that weeks rent, and he was running low on food. Thankfully the weather let up just enough despite the snow that he could get his shopping cart out and go around to collect cans. He had just gone down this one alley, and saw this dumpster overflowing with trash. To him that usually meant it was full of cans. He had just started going through the bags of trash when someone came running out shouting of all things, "You shouldn't be doing that, you shouldn't be doing that". That was his cue to run, it had been his experience some building owners don't like anyone going through there dumpsters period. That was why some of them literally had them

chained up, but it also usually meant if he lay low for a while he could return. After all they weren't going to step up a permanent watch over there own dumpsters.Thankfully whomever was chasing him, did not go past there own block and he was able to return to his daily grind after about 20 minutes. Nothing happened for a while and he was able to collect enough cans to get even again. What was even better news they said on the radio the weather was going to get warm and clear. Maybe he could finally get ahead, after all winter was coming and they said they could have heavy snow.

 It wasn't until the middle of the following week, that he decided to take a swing by a nearby park and check out there garbage. He had just stopped by the 2nd repeptical when he heard that same voice from before, "Hey stop that!!". "Can't you see man, I am trying to make a living", but this time that nut had help of 2 big brutes he felt like they meant to beat the crap out of him, besides what else could he do but run. Back one way, than another he tried to out run them. Finally after seeing a clear spot that lead to the street. He had just gone down this one path when all of a sudden it felt like he ran full force in to a brick wall, leaving him unconscious. To where he wound up and how he got there, David didn't even have the ware with all to even comprehend. The only thing he was certain on that he was laying on a cot covered by 2 blankets, A wooly one and a furry one that cling tight to his skin for some reason. Days pasts and the only thing David was aware of whomever was attending him was doing an excellent job. The food they fed him tasted good...even though they had spoon fed...and when he had to use the bathroom they took him to a port-a-potty.

 But then one day things began to make sense once again....almost. He still couldn't explain why thatfurry blanket seemed to be attached to his skin. But he knew for certain he was on a cot in a tent, and he could hear voices of people talking nearby. But when this werewolf suddenly entered his tent, leaving David in to a blind panic, "Don't kill me, please don't kill me". It left only to be replaced by 2 others. One was saying, "Your majesty please claim down your completely safe". While the other said "I think I better get the mirror". Meanwhile David kept on screaming until he saw himself in that bronze mirror and it wasn't him. Only then David shouted, "What in hell did you do to me?!!! I am a fucking werewolf!!!". Then the one with the mirror said, "Technically your not a werewolf, your an anthro wolf", then the first one adds, "You were born like this, it was when you were brought to your adopted world that is when you became a human being"."FUCK!!!", David shouted. "The language of our future King has a lot to be desired", the one with the mirror said. "Fucking King?!!!". "Burton, you better leave I think I better explain", that was when the one with the

mirror left. "My name is Henry, I am the son of Wilson the Great your father's chief adviser back before he was over thrown". David just laughed, "Look Henry my father was a janitor who was killed in a car accident, he wasn't no fucking King". "This is going to take longer than I expected, you know nothing of your previous life". "I think your fucking crazy, but I am will listen any way since you took care of me".

 David listened to him was a story right out of crazy town. Henry claimed he was Theo, crown prince to the throne of Blackthorn. It seemed his father Leo was overthrown in a palace coup by there cousin Count Richard. After which his family made there escape using a medallion that let them travel to other worlds. "It also changes your form to what ever the dominate species is upon that world".That was when David finally noticed something about what this Henry was wearing, to him it looked like a pale green shirt that was 2 sizes too big, that went all the way down to half way down his thigh. "Excuse me is that all the clothes you have". This time Henry laughed, "Prince Theo you forgotten this is the traditional dress worn by all your subjects". Then Henry stuck his head outside the tent and shouted, "Juliet we need clothes for your future king". "...and my clothes", "Oh your old ones, we burned them after all you need to dress like one of us. But I was saying your majesty, I am so sorry it took as long as it did to discover which medallion was used, and to properly search each city. We only discovered you more or less by accident. Since you are now here you can lead us in our attack against the vile Richard and restore you to your proper place on the throne of Blackthorn. I am sure your father taught you everything that you should know". "Both my parents are dead". "That is nonsense, we just haven't found them yet". He was then interrupted when this female anthro wolf  entered carrying a red tunic similar to one Henry was now wearing, "Red is the color of royalty your majesty". As David was handed it, he noticed something else "It's a pull over?!". "This is your world your majesty, not your adopted world, once you get dressed I will be waiting for you outside like the rest of your subjects"

 "This is one fucked up world", David muttered to himself as he gotten dressed. Henry was proud to show him the troops...all 28 of them, David knew no way these 17 men and 11 women could topple a well stocked army. Hell most of them didn't have swords only pikes, and even less had shields, and only a handful had swords...and he was suppose to lead them. "As you can see my people Prince Theo has returned to the land of the living, with the infamous skills we are sure his Great Father King Leo has passed on to him. Which will make us unstoppable".David knew Henry wasn't the only crazy one around here, all of them believed he was going to lead them all the way to victory, they made that

abundantly clear."As you know the regular patrol will be heading though this area in just 3 days. My people this shall be our first glorious victory among many", Henry went on and on and on. The more he though they all seem to be crazy as none of them would let him even touch a sword until the day of the battle. As Henry put it, "King Leo was such a Sword Master that the only time he ever took hold of his weapon was to kill".

 David had no choice but to come up with his own plan on his own, he knew he couldn't count upon anyone of them for help.Funny thing when they would train for what he would always say would be a great victory, no one would let him near any weapons. In fact when he even attempted to hold a sword that he was offered.More than one would pull out a knife, then Burton would come out saying, "They are only thinking of you' your majesty they just want you to be safe". David was beginning to think otherwise.Finally the day of this great battle came, Henry picked 16 of his best. To be lead not by their gloriousleader, nor his second Burton. But Prince Theo himself, Henry made that abundantly clear when he said, "My skill my followers pales in comparison to the rightful King of Blackthorn. He will lead you on to a glorious victory. When you return my valiant 16 we will celebrate the deaths of those fools who could not see they serve the wrong leader. Go my friends on to victory", on the other hand David knew they would be lucky if even just 1 survived this battle. After all he seen them practice, and none of them came close to those medieval warriors he seen in the movies.

 Moving ever onward David lead his forces each of whom had their weapon aimed straight for his back. It seems they did not want to take any chances, that he might turn tail and run. With King Richards men were finally in sight David's heart sunk down to his knees as he saw them for the very first time, for each of them were the size of a Pro football Linebackers and armed to the teeth. Meanwhile Henry's forces keep pushing him forward like they expected him to make the first blow.Facing each other head on, turned out to be interesting in more way than one for David. It was like both sides were waiting for him to make the very first move. But when he dropped his sword and raised his hands in order to surrender. That's when Henry's valiant forces turned tail and ran, "And theywant to overthrow the King of Blackthorn?!!!" David thought to himself as he instantly became surrounded by Richards forces.Later King Richard was dressed in his royal robes, while sitting there on his throne. When his chief aide Belmont enters the room and bows before his king, who eagerly asks, "Is it true Lord Belmont what my guards tell me". "Yes it is true you majesty, I have listened to his story which he insisted telling more than once.  I am convinced he is telling

the truth, or at least he believes he is". "So do we have Prince Theo or not?!" "Even what remains of the records just aren't that clear". "So do we have a real member of the former royals or one of that maniac Henry's so-called dupes". "Honestly I wish I could say, but all I am certain of your majesty as along as we have him and keep him alive. Henry won't even attempt an attack on any of your forces". "I agree then let us keep him as a royal prisoner...for now, if he becomes a bother we could always have him executed". "Your right as alwaysyour majesty".

 Meanwhile this left David is sitting alone in the largest set of rooms he had ever been in his entire life. In fact the room he was now sitting in was bigger than the lobby of his old building and there were 3 others that was equally large. There among the fine furniture and a bed big enough for a small army there was nothing to do, frankly he was bored out of his skull. He couldn't go for a walk as his guards just wouldn't let him, and as far as reading, plenty of tapestries, but zero books. Books seemed more a reasonable request than a TV or radio. Hell they used candles for lighting, and the only running water he had was pitcher and a large bowl that was sitting on a table. As for a bathroom you might as well forget it. After asking a guard he was escorted to this tiny space which was nothing more than an opening at the end of a long hallway where sat a seat with a hole in the center next to a windowlessopening in the side of the castle. If he really got bored he could always watch the guards and whomever walked the castle grounds. He was thinking about doing that very thing when a female wolf suddenly entered the room and started laughing. "What's so funny". "That outfit you are wearing", she snickered. " Why wear that when You got a wardrobe filled with clothes", she then showed him, "See". "Oh you you wear kilts around here". That was when she seemed a bit indignant, "Haven't you noticed I am wearing a dress". That was when David finally noticed, "How cute, I really like the embroidered flowers what kind are they". "If you care glorates". "Neat lace at the cuffs, and the hem". "At least you noticed, can I get you something to drink". "Some beer would perfect". "No beer, but we do have ale and wine". "Ale then...and by the way what is your name?", David finally asks. "Mary, I have been asked to be your servant Prince Theo". "Hold it I am no Prince Theo, just call me David". "But I thought?!" "No that's was that Henry's fault". "Oh that explains a lot". "What do you mean by that", David wonders. "Every few years Henry find someone he claims was the member of the royal family before this one to join his pathetic cause". "So your pro King Richard". "I am a servant I am not pro anything". "So what I am wearing is common", David wonders. "Only among well to do wear clothes you see they are quite expensive, as well as very  hard to come by. King Richard

himself has been waiting 2 years to get a new robe". "So what does everybody else wear". "More or less than what they were born with, if they have any extra cash they usually try to save up for a blanket or a long cape but even a few coins are quite rare".

 "You seem to be very well informed for a servant", "It's because I am not from here, I was born in a fishing village that lay very far from here. I wanted to see the gloriousness of the royal court, and wear clothes. See others from distance lands". David then thought it might be a good idea, "If it's okay with your boss, why don't you get yourself a mug of ale and we could sit here and talk". "Since I am assigned to you, I don't see any problems" "Perfect then", David was happy he had someone to finally talk too. The one thing he quickly learned this was truly a world of the have and have nots. It seems nearly everyone was lucky if they had a place to live. "I know many who are forced to hunt and gather as a means to survive. Some never knowing the pure comfort in sitting by an open fire with your family and friends sitting around you". David was beginning to think Mary was fact she was. "Oh it isn't like I don't know a quite a few here, but every so often I think about my Cousin Maggie, she was just a kid when I left, I wonder if she's married now". "You have no way of contacting her?". "It's not I could talk to her like she is in the next room. She lives like the rest of them months away by foot". That was when she started to cry, it was all David could do was comfort her.

 Then there were other times Mary talked about life at the castle, "I thought when I joined the staff here, I thought see parties, visitors from other kingdoms. Not that the main thing I be doing around here was waiting on someone hand and foot why can't they just get it themselves. I never seen so many lazy asses in my entire life. Some of them won't even get up to grab a mug that couldn't more than a few inches out of their reach". It seems she was not only homesick but getting fed up, like he was. Then one day David thought he ask what he saw was an innocent question, "Back in your village can anyone  read or write", Mary seemed to get a bit defensive. "What do you mean by that". "It's just that I noticed reading material is hard to come by, besides I am just curious". After turning her back upon him, "No, I did not learn until after I came here to the castle". "Had you thought about passing what you learned to those in your village. By the way I can read and write too, I can even do numbers, pass along what I know about nature, the weather. I may not be as accurate as the Weather Service...". "Weather Service?!!!", Mary wonders. "Never mind", facing Mary head on, "Look I am not doing anybody here any good. If it wasn't for you...yes you, I be going out of my mind with boredom". "So am I here to entertain you".

 Suddenly they found each other

staring in to each others eyes, each of them thinking about only one thing, and that was each other, and they finally kissed. Later then talk turned on how they could escape from the castle, Mary had no problem, but David was another matter. As Mary put it so well, "If I wanted to leave, I could leave right now no one would question me. But you my love if you try and leave I am afraid someone might think you wish to topple the king". David knew Mary was right, and desperate action was needed. "Can you give a message to Lord Belmont from me". "Yes, but I want to know why". "You remember of how I told you the reasons why I allowed myself to get captured". "Yes..." "I did that because I felt I had nothing to loose, I felt as if I was dead either way. But now I have something to live for, Mary once we get out of here I never want to loose you. If you have such a thing as marriage around here, I want to be my wife". With that Mary hugged the stuffing out of him, more excited than ever, "I'll get the word to him right now". She then left, leaving David alone once again to possibly face another battle for his very life.   

 Time passed for David quite slowly, minutes seemed like hours. Hours seemed like days as he paced the floor and waited. Then suddenly the door opened and 2 men came inside he recognized Lord Belmont but the other. "Bow before your king nave", Lord Belmont shouted. Then King Richard raised his hand, "If the stories I heard about this man are true he knows nothing about royality. Leave us Belmont I wish to speak to him alone". "Are you sure you will be safe, your majesty". "I have the feeling he wishes me no harm".When the door finally closed David almost could not figure out what to say until, "In a way I am glad your here King Richard". Who just planed looked at him, "Just call me Richard, and I suggest you take a seat. I heard about you wanting to leave my hospitality". "In a word yes, you see Mary is homesick and I like to join her". King Richard almost laughs, "You are telling me, you want to leave because of love. I am sorry I need more than that". A flood of emotion appears on David's face before saying , "Looks like to me you want me to plead my case". "A big word from someone of shall we say of poor circumstances". "Yes it true my life wasn't what I hoped it would be, but how could it when every step you took seemed to get the best of you. Not unlike this world of ours is more a world of the have and have nots. I thought I was bad off, Mary told me about those who live like wild animals simply because they have no choice. Yes it's true, I could of done a lot better with my education. But unlike you and any king before you I want to help them out, and en turn maybe they can help me. Yes HELP ME!!! Before I came to this world, my life was more a matter of survival. My life was totally focused on that one thing. But Richard I want to live!! With Mary by my side, I know I'll have friends, a job

that really helps the entire community....and maybe one day my fondness dream will come true and that is having my very own family. To you that may not sound like much but that is pure heaven to me. But for God Damn fucking sake, unlike you at least I'll be doing something to help these poor people out. Go ahead have me executed for speaking my mind", David said as he thought he totally blew any chances he had. Especially after King Richard started to applauded.

 As David gave this king a dirty look, Richard says, "You think you have it all figured out that all of this is caused by us royals". "Isn't it?!!" David wonders. "Nothing could be further from the truth, I know I looked in to it shortly after I obtained this throne of mine. There are shortages everywhere, the metal for the tools, the people with the knowledge to work the metal, stone and you name it. I am honestly afraid this castle will have to be abandoned one day because no one has the knowledge to make the necessary repairs". David almost couldn't believe what he was hearing, "What about the gold and riches of the court". Richard laughs, "I would love to have a simple gold ring, but there isn't anything you could call precious metal around". "Huh?!". "No mines, no smelters, no nothing". "What about stone tools". Richard looked him straight in the eye and says, "No one was the knowledge how to make them"."Then who built everything, someone had to have the knowledge back then". "They did but that was around when the medallions was discovered, we can only assume they brought both their knowledge and skill to other words. But before you ask even though some of us can travel to other worlds. It's not like we can just take what we want the mechanics of it doesn't work like that". Now holding of his hand Richard adds, "No, I rather not explain".

 "I am so sorry". "No need to be, I feel as if I run a school more than a kingdom. It seems nearly everyone who both lives and works here is always taking classes. Don't let Henry know this but I have more teachers than guards. Then there is the workshop where the most brilliant minds in the entire kingdom try and figure out ways around our simple problems. I say simple because I know in your world all you need to do is say head to a shop and buy what you need. Here we have no such luxury". "Damn?!!!"As King Richard suddenly stands, "I have one last question for you". "Go ahead, Richard". "I know in your world they take great pride in recording births and deaths and the like. Have you ever seen a document of your birth". David kinda smiles, "I had an actual copy of my birth certificate". "And the name on that document". "David Miller, and for the record both my parents are dead".Suddenly King Richard was heading to the door, as David wanted an answer, "Am I going or not?". The king just smiled, "You will find out quite soon". There meeting was over as quickly as it started.


when Mary finally returned and David explained what had happened, "Why were you so blunt with him, he's royalty after all". "It just felt like the right thing to say, but hopefully we will know soon".Which came sooner than David thought, for the very next morning when David waited for Mary like usual. But when she didn't show up, he grew concerned even more so when a guard knocked on his door, "Follow me Sir". David wassurprised the guard was so polite. But that was not the biggest surprised, admittedly he was a bit scares when he saw the 9 guards by the main gate, he almost thought he was being lead to his execution. Until he saw Mary hugging and kissing some of them. But when she saw him, she rushed to him with a broad smile across her face, "How can I ever thank you". "Who?, What?!!". Then Mary finally explained, "These guards are all my cousins, and they are going to escort us as far as they can towards our village". Then the biggest guard of them all, one who towered over David says, "You'll be good to Mary, remember she loves you". Glancing in her direction, "I love her more than life itself". That was when that guard hugged his so hard, he found it hard to breathe.

 And all David had to do was dress like one of the guards, so if any of Henry's people were watching. They just think they were escorting another former servant home, "That King". "He is really a good man, he really cares about everyone". "So I am learning", David finally admits. One year later with a net of woven grasses over his should David returns to the Long House the only building in Mary's entire village. Where Mary is standing waiting for her husband they quickly embrace, David is anxious to tell her about his day, "I think I got enough for our share of tonight's supper. But Mary had something more important on her mind, "Honey, I didn't want to tell you until I was sure....but your going to be a father". As soon as David heard that he dropped his net, and began happily shouting, "I am going to be a father!!!". Soon everyone in the village turned out to celebrate, as some of the men took him aside to give him advice on fatherhood. All as David thought about Mary and his life in their village sure things were hard at times, but everyone looked out for one another. Even him when he got a slight cold a while back everyone made sure everything was fine. he knew that would not of happened in his old life, where it was everyone for themselves. Frankly even the idea of returning to his old life seemed more a bad joke to him. Sure they didn't have much, but they all cared for each other. David knew when push came to shove, David knew that was more important that having anything you could buy in a store. Frankly he was looking forward to be a father and whatever adventure lay ahead on this nameless world.

 But when they called for him to say something he knew it time to return to Mary whom he loved more than life
