Defector: Chapter 1

Story by Namyrolis on SoFurry

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Chapt 1

The sea had always been the place for me, it was the only place where I could feel safe and secure. You could hide in the vast oceans of water, whether it be from enemies, friends, or even yourself. It also held treasures beyond the material realm such as experience, enjoyment and exploration. However it also held physical treasures such as new land, trade, as well as other cultures.

I had signed up for the Navy when I was 18, so eager to work, eager to explore, but most of all eager to run away from myself. For a moment in time life was good to me, and gave me all the joy and adventure one could ever ask for. Every day it was something new, whether it be a change in the weather or patrolling the ports. The most fun of all were the battles and scrimmages we had against our enemies and outlaws.

Regardless of the situation our ship had remained lucky, and was never beyond the state of repair, even though my captain was insane enough to be in front of the front lines. He never got around to naming his ship before he died, but it was one of the fastest and most maneuverable in the queen's navy. People swore that it just glided on the water's surface despite it being loaded to the brim with big heavy cast iron cannons.

Of course I didn't inherit the ship, I was too young and inexperienced according to the navy although I was now 29 and spent all of my years on the same ship with pretty much the same crew. I was even the first mate of the deceased captain who I got along very well with. He had taught me more in common sense then education, but who needed math when you had instinct and common sense. Maps were easy enough without being able to read, and distance was never exact anyway even with math skills.

When the new captain took over the ship, who was the youngest son of the deceased captain being 34, he insisted that he teach me some basic math and reading. I really could not have been more disinterested by I kept it to myself and gave him the same respect as I gave his father. However just like his father, I kept one of my darkest secrets from him.

___ Past events ___

According to the church and the laws of her majesty, I was considered a defector. I had no belief in the church or the systems that were created from it. I did not believe in a God who would say that everyone has to conform to the laws that he set or it was a sin. I did not believe in the two-faced nonsense that the books of the church taught and its contradictory nature.

This of course caused a lot of my problems in the past before I had joined the navy. Everyone in my town knew about my sins and my defections, and they felt compelled to chide me every time they got. To be fair there were a few who shrugged their shoulders and said I would be judged once I had left this world, but the other felt compelled to punish me while I was still a part of it, quoting their book to me as if I would die or be forced to leave.

Sadly enough I was eventually forced to leave my town after they threatened to burn my flat down, which they did on the day I left. The only worldly possessions I had left when I was forced out were my daggers which I had forged myself, and my leather hunting armor and gear which I had also made myself. My skills in the trades though were lacking so I could not go to another town and look for a job in making weapons and armor, and the fact that I had no interest in doing so anyway.

I made my way to the next nearest city with a port, and I felt no hesitation or fear about signing up for the Navy. I loved the way the sea smelt, the salty air blowing through my fur, and the excitement it could bring. I was also very aware of how miserable it could be with the heat, lack of water, and any source of what one would call quality food. Since I had nowhere to go and nothing to my name, it was really the only thing to do.

It took me quite a few days to make it to the city, only stopping in small towns along the way at night to sleep in the first barn I could find. Though there was not much in the way of food, I managed to find berries on my travel and was stuck with them being the only source of such for my entire journey. There was not much to see except mainly crop fields and barren land, with only one real road to follow that spread the entire continent from north to south. That road of course was more like a gravel and sand more than pavement, so not only was it unpleasant to walk on as well as hot, it was just plain painful. Walking on the grass next to the road was just as unpleased since it was long and often hid tiny holes that would cause one to trip or twist their ankle.

Luckily the journey only lasted four days, which I was truthfully thankful for. My pads had never hurt so much before, and my claws were chipped and scrapped from the loose gravel. Although I was eager to sign up, I thought better of it and decided to take a much needed rest. The city was big and luxurious, at least to me, and didn't have any free land or farms in or around it. Since the last farm that had a barn on it was half a day's walk back, I figured the large oak field outside of the town would suffice.

I climbed up to the top of the thickest tree I found, some 10 meters high, and watched the city from the cover it provided. It was a relatively calm day so I didn't have to worry about the tree swaying in the wind and that made me feel quite secure seeing how I was at the top of it.

The city was certainly a busy place, people walking to and from shops, carriages with the rich being strolled around the square, and farmers coming into the city with their harvest. Of course all of this was to be expected being a main city with imports and exports, but I had never seen one in person, only stories.

I noticed that the sun was setting and that I felt all of the sudden exhausted. I always thought it was funny, and still do, how the setting of the sun made us tired and signaled that it was time for sleep. I climbed down to the middle of the tree where there were branches thick enough to sit comfortably on and stable enough to consider sleeping.

Looking up at the stars above me, I made a wish that I would be able to make this work, to be able to one day be the leader of a fleet of ships. I understood how much work it would require, and how much bending over backwards I would have to do, but I'd be damned if it was going to stop me. I leaned my head back against the trunk of the tree, and let my thoughts drift to whatever they wished.

The next day began rather interesting as the commander looked at me as if testing me, or not believing someone as young as me wanted to serve. He was a big dog and I never learned his name, but he was a mastiff for sure. He not only towered over me, but he was just plain big. His bones were at least twice mine if not a little more, and he must of weighed about 160 Kilos.

After a minute of the awkwardness, he shrugged his shoulders and handed me the contract paper which I promptly filled out without the slightest hesitation. I skipped all the parts about being killed and where my earned coin should go, as well as skimmed through the parts about what to be expecting and what's to be expected.

I sighed all 3 of the papers he handed me filling out all the information they requested and handed it back to him. This time he didn't bother looking at me or shrug, rather just hand me a piece of paper with the name of an inn and a signature. He told me to hand it to the owner and that I would be taken care of until we deported. He didn't tell me when that was, but I figured it could be today so I didn't bother asking.

I made my way to the inn without incident and walked inside. It was very clean and pretty empty, most likely due to the navy recruitment or perhaps just not a lot of travelers at the current. I found the owner handing him the slip of paper, nodding and telling me to follow him. He led me to a room at the end of a hallway, telling me along the way I would be fed three times a day at the appropriate times, and where I could get some water if I wanted some besides with the meal.

I thanked him graciously for his hospitality as I opened the door to my room with the key he gave me. Inside I found several sets of clothing, all having the color scheme of our flag and typical navy styling. All of the clothes were my size, guessing they knew what room had what size clothes, and even for my age they fit rather well due to my size.

I was a little big for my size due to my wolf heritage. My father was a purebred Timber Wolf, while my mother was an Akita. The mix of the two gave me a stature a little less than my fathers, but with a colored coat just like my mothers. This also meant that my coat was damned heavy, and during the change of the seasons I would shed so much a rug could be made. Though it could be hell during the summer, I had learned to manage since during the winter it was a true blessing. The winters here got colder here than freezing, and the wind blew strong and not doubt more so at sea.

I laid down on the bed in my new stiff uniform and stared at the ceiling. I couldn't figure out if my dream was coming true, or if I would fail due to nature. Regardless I was now in it for the long haul and there was no backing out. I was already a deviant, the last thing I wanted to be was a traitor. Though one could say it would not add to the severity of what I already am, going against the church and the natural nature that it presented was considered the worst crime of all.

I knew that I was going to have to be ready to stand stronger than the rest, be ready for any challenge, and hone my skills to the best they could be. God be damned if I was going to let the world judge me for my preference alone, and I was determined to let it not get in the way. I may not have any useful skills now but that would change as fast as I could make them, and hopefully in time I could prove that someone like me could be useful, could be just as strong as any other man.

Only time could tell though, and until than one could not be certain of the outcome of fate. I did not even believe fortune tellers could predict the event of one whole life since one could account that there were so many possibilities that it would drive one mad trying to figure them out. There were only two possibilities I cared about, and those were succeeding and failing.

If I succeeded, my life would be grand and everything would be sorted out for me. I would earn fame, prestige, and never have to worry about the lack of coin to make a living. I would be able to retire with comfort and however I pleased wherever I pleased. Of course I could fail, and that would mean I would have to figure out what else to do, but that would be hard because I would be considered a disgrace. Anyone who knew of me would want nothing to do with me, and no one would give me a job save for maybe a brothel or some sort of indentured servant position.

I could only pray that I would succeed and that my life could be grand. I really didn't want anything more than that, all the wealth and comfort was rather bland when you broke it down despite how nice it would be. All the fame would mean I would never get a true moment alone though it also meant that everyone would know me and that I would be a part of history.

Feeling my eyes straining to remain open, I rolled over to my side and covered myself with the blanket. The bed was probably one of the best I ever laid in, and was conforming to the point of almost being superficial. Regardless of it, I was asleep before I knew it and well onto my way of becoming what the world wanted to make me.