A Good Entertainer

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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A blacksmith receives a strange invitation and, upon accepting it, finds himself in a life-changing position.

The first story of 2013, and a gift for my good friend Alexander717! I try my best to write for all my friends, and Alex happens to like belly dancers and hypnosis... both of which are good. @w@ Hope you all enjoy!

Hypnotist character (whose name I shall not yet reveal because spoilers) is (c) to AnubusKiren

Alex is (c) to Alexander717

The imposing figure of Castle Mardux stood tall before the young leopard, its tallest turrets appearing to scratch the very sky stretched above the land. Alex squinted as a bright ray of sunlight peeked out from behind the cloud cover, momentarily blinding him and robbing his eyes of the masterful piece of architecture before him. The leopard turned his eyes downward and tried to blink away the green and purple auras the sun had left on his retinas, then made his way forward toward the door.

"What's your business here?" a tall, armored human asked, stepping in front of the large wooden door. Clearly it wasn't time for the Duchess to hold court, else the guards would have let him pass without issue.

"I'm here to see... Lady Silverscale." Alex dug his hand into his coat pocket and produced an envelope, previously sealed with violet wax and a rose insignia. He brushed down his jacket and long pants, having accumulated some dirt and dust during his journey to the Astyrian heartlands. The last thing he wanted to do was look grimy when he presented himself to his hostess for the evening.

The guard took a close look at the insignia and gave a quick nod, then shouted back at the other men to open the door. He turned back to Alex and returned the envelope, "Not sure how you managed to afford something most nobles only ever dream about."

"I'm just a blacksmith." Alex said with a smile. When he noticed the guard eyeing him with suspicion, he cautiously added, "A very good blacksmith."

"Oh, whatever." the human seemed satisfied that he'd done his job adequately and ushered him through the door.

"Was it something I said?" Alex shrugged and made his way inside, his fur instantly warming as the large wooden door was shut behind him. Of course, he hadn't actually accrued such a vast sum of gold by working at the smith. In fact, what little gold he'd had that hadn't gone toward food and taxes was spent on his trip here. His pass to Lady Silverscale's chamber wasn't purchased, but delivered... as an invitation. He'd found it incredibly suspicious at first, and had been tempted to simply throw it away, thinking someone was trying to extort or rob him in some intricate manner. However, upon bringing it to a postman friend of his, he came to discover that the seal was genuine, and the contents of the letter must have been as well.

Thus, here he stood in the grand hall of Castle Mardux. As he'd figured, the Duchess' seat was empty. The time for holding court had passed already. According to the letter, however, he already had permission to go straight down to Lady Silverscale's chamber, and would not have to seek out any nobles for guidance. He was addressed by another guard, who pointed him in the right direction, sending him down a spiral staircase to the castle's lower level.

Through a wooden door and past a violet silken veil, Alex came into a room he'd only seen in illustrations and described in books. The castle above had been crafted in the local style, with tall circular pillars, intricately-woven carpets and many other features associated with western architecture. This lower level, however, had been fashioned quite differently. Silk veils replaced doors, pits filled with cushions and pillows dotted the floor, long metal poles jutted up from the floor and into the ceiling, baths and pools sat in little hideaways off to the sides of the room. Occupying these facilities were little groups of people, perhaps fifty to seventy-five individuals in total, dressed in scanty silk outfits that barely covered their intimate places. Some of them turned to face him, their bright, curious eyes looking him over in an odd, appraising manner.

"No staring!" one called out from the back of the room, pulling those gazes away from Alex momentarily. The voice belonged to a tall feline girl with a white, black and brown calico fur pattern, dressed in the same manner of clothes as the other boys and girls in the room. Her attitude implied some form of authority, legitimate or otherwise, over her fellow... entertainers. She padded across the room and smiled to Alex, taking his hand and pulling him along quickly, "You must be the boy Mistress mentioned."

"Ah... yeah, that's me. I think." the leopard nearly tripped over himself as he was tugged alongside her, eyeing a door at the end of the room. All the other doorways were separated by silken veils. This one must have been important.

"She said to look for a handsome leopard. I think you're our man." she giggled when she noticed the faintest hint of blush beneath Alex's fur, "Such a lucky boy, being invited here by Mistress."

"Yeah, she didn't... mention why."

"Oh, you'll see soon enough." the feline girl opened the door and ushered him inside. The room was dark, save for a dim candlelight which refracted through a crystalline fixture hanging from the ceiling, casting prismatic rays of light throughout the room. There was a soft bed covered in pillows, just like the beds in the main room, and a large quartz bath basin already filled and bubbling lightly. A vanity sat to the left side of the room with a large mirror, various beauty products and perfumes, and more unlit candles. The vanity itself was of high-quality wood and crafted expertly, with a gold trim around the edge of the table and diamonds inlaid around the mirror.

"Mistress will be with you in a moment. Please sit down if you like." the feline said, shutting the door behind her before Alex could ask any questions.

"Geez." the leopard said, slowly taking a seat on the plush bedspread and glancing around the room, "Soft bed, heated bath, fancy stuff everywhere... The Astyrians are richer than I thought. They always seemed so modest."

It hadn't taken Alex long to realize just what this lower level was. The contents of Lady Silverscale's letter had been anything but subtle. He pulled the envelope from his pocket once again and removed the firm, high-quality paper inside, unfolding it to read the beautiful calligraphy for what must have been the one-hundredth time:

Dear blacksmith:

It has come to my attention that you have caught the eye of one of my servants. She asserts that you are quite the handsome young man, and very hardworking as well. More importantly, she understands that you appreciate the fine art of dancing and sensual entertainment. There is no need to be embarrassed by my, or her, discovery of this, of course. You are a grown man, and grown men have needs. Should you choose to accept my invitation, you will find that I understand this notion quite well.

You may be wondering where exactly this sudden message is going. Do forgive me, as I have a tendency to color my words quite a bit. I'll get to the point: As a lady of fine tastes and one who appreciates the hardworking men and women of our time, I would like to extend an invitation to visit me in Castle Mardux. If I may be so bold, I would strongly suggest you take up this once in a lifetime offer that most kings would kill to be given. I must also recommend that, for that very reason, you do not share this information with anyone. It would not suit my reputation to have someone die over an invitation to my chamber, nor would it do so for me to crush the unwitting murderer-thief to death upon his or her arrival here.

With that unpleasantness out of the way, I must say that I would love to meet with you at your earliest convenience. It is rare that my servants find one such as yourself, and it would be a shame for one who appreciates our art to go his life without experiencing the best this continent has to offer. I realize this invitation is quite forward and presumptuous, but I hope it finds you well, and in good spirits.

Hoping to see you soon,

Lady Emiko Silverscale

"Forward and presumptuous is right. Not to mention suspicious." Alex mumbled, folding the letter and replacing it in the envelope. Yet even with those suspicions tugging at his mind, he'd found his way here, sitting and waiting in this exotic dancer's bed chamber. It was either going to be a night to either look back on fondly or smack himself in the head over upon every reminiscence. The leopard rubbed the corners of his eyes near his muzzle and took a deep breath, "Just think positive."

The door handle turning broke him from his thoughts and caused every muscle in his body to tense. The much brighter light from the other room made him squint at first, but his eyes soon grew accustomed, allowing him to lay eyes on the harem mistress for the very first time.

The first thing he noticed was her height; goodness, was she tall! She might have even been taller than him! Deep black hair tied up in a bun and held in place with two lacquered chopsticks framed an easily-recognizable oriental face. Her eyes, a deep emerald green, regarded him with interest, well-cared for lashes fluttering softly with every slow blink. Lips painted with a soft violet pigment were curled into a mysterious little smile. Her body was built in a delicate manner; slender, bare shoulders slid down into smooth arms and dainty hands, nails carefully filed and painted in the same color as her lips. Her breasts, full and of average size, were held beneath a thin blue veil that started above her breasts and ended in a slant right above her navel, pierced with a tiny, multifaceted garnet.

Below her belly, however, was where all the similarities with any human he'd seen ended. Beneath a blue silken sarong, her hips and waist gave way not to long, slender legs, but to a thick, shimmering serpent's tail. The long, scaly appendage seemed to go on forever as she pulled it through the doorway, curling it up in a pile behind her. Thinner sections of the tail piled atop thicker ones, going on and on until the pile was easily half her height, and the tip finally curled at the top of the silver-scaled tail. Silverscale... That sure explained the name.

"Welcome." the serpentine woman said with a heart-melting purr, uncoiling her massive tail and slithering closer to the quite surprised (and not to mention slightly uneasy) Alex, "You're certainly the one my servant spoke of. If not, I'm about to be disappointed or delighted."

"How... do you figure that?" Alex pulled his feet up onto the bed unconsciously, eyeing that tail as it pulled her across the floor, seemingly without any effort at all. He'd never seen a creature like her, and his first instinct with a large snake was to assume that it was probably hungry. The thought of being brought here as some sick-minded woman's delicacy crossed his mind and did nothing to put him at ease.

"Well." the aptly-named Lady Silverscale began, slowing her approach somewhat. Perhaps she'd realized she'd given him a fright? "If you aren't the one I summoned, then I have someone else on their way here... and he'll either be less attractive than you, or more. But if you are indeed the lovely blacksmith that one of my charges pointed out, then color me quite pleased. You're every bit as handsome as she said."

Alex couldn't help the redness creeping into his cheeks. Even if she was planning on eating him, a compliment from a beautiful woman (well, from the waist up, at least) was always nice. Without thinking, he fished into his pocket and produced the letter he'd received, "Well, it is me, I assure you."

The envelope was plucked gently from his fingers and given a quick examination by the serpentine lady. She smiled what could only be a satisfied smile, tossed the envelope over her shoulder, and suddenly got very close to the nervous leopard. She leaned forward, dipping her head low and placing her hands in what would have been her lap, had she had legs, "I think that's proof enough. I am Lady Emiko Silverscale, mistress of Castle Mardux' luxurious harem and trainer of... entertainers. It pleases me so that you decided to take my invitation, and I pray that you didn't find it too... strange."

Her introduction didn't quite put Alex at ease. She spoke like a noble, but dressed like a dancer. There was something strange about her, even setting that snake tail aside. Still, he didn't want to be rude or spoil his chance of surviving this encounter, and thus decided to play along with her for now. "I will admit," he figured a little bit of truth wouldn't hurt, "I was a little reluctant to come at all. It's not every day that someone offers you a session with a royal dancer."

"'Royal dancer'." she tested the word with a smirk, elongating the 's' sound in "dancer" and letting out an amused chuckle, "You're not very well-informed, my dear blacksmith. Not that I should be surprised, I suppose. Not everyone is interested in gossip."

"Yeah, I just kinda... do my job." the leopard tried to chuckle as well, but it came out a little too obviously nervous.

"Well, then you must not know that nobles and anyone else with the money to spare would cut one another's throats for a chance to spend one hour with me."

"Actually, I was told of that."

"And I suppose you wonder why?" the serpentine beauty watched him for a moment and, not receiving an answer, continued, "It is because my body is perfect for what I do. With this form blessed by Yggdrassil, I bring the most stone-hearted men and women to their knees. With the skills at my disposal, I could make you weep with ecstasy, paralyze you with pleasure, and ensure no other female could ever hope to stir your loins again."

Alex felt something 'stirring in his loins', alright. She had quite the resume, even if it was all just fluff. Perhaps she was just some famous prostitute looking to spread her name. Maybe he wouldn't get eaten after all. Still, the main question in his mind was yet to be answered. Finding a tiny bit of boldness buried beneath indecision and uncertainty, he decided to ask, "So what does this mean for me? Why exactly did you invite me here?"

Emiko's smile widened, and her already narrow eyes lidded a little. She reached out and brushed a sinfully soft hand against Alex's cheek, deep emerald eyes gazing down into his own amber orbs. A black forked tongue flicked out from between her lips and just barely brushed over his muzzle as she quietly hissed to him, "I invited you here to offer you a chance to experience everything I have to offer to a man."

The big cat all but froze in place. Her touch was so gentle and careful, it was almost like he'd never been touched at all. And those eyes... such a vivid green, like an endless grassy field. He couldn't help but feel aroused by the overwhelmingly sensual aura she seemed to exude. "Why, though? Why me?"

"Why not?" the serpent slithered up onto the bed and took claim of his lap, her endless coils piling up on the sheets and beginning to curl themselves around his muscular frame, causing him to squirm and shift about, "You caught one of my dancers' eye. You're every bit as handsome as she described. If I could judge you just by the look in your eyes, I would say you deserve my time far more than some king who sits on his throne while his people starve and die of sickness. Why you, as opposed to any other member of the working class?" that mysterious smile returned to her lips, and she gave a playful poke to his nose, "Luck."

"Luck. Just... sheer luck. That's it?"

"Apart from the other things I mentioned? Yes."

Alex was understandably skeptical about this whole thing, but the way she leaned into him and the feeling of those smooth coils sliding against his tired body sure wanted to convince him otherwise. He swallowed hard and tried to calm the erection that had found its way between his legs, shifting his arms upward so they wouldn't be trapped beneath her thick, heavy coils, "Ok, let's say, for the sake of argument, that I believe that. What... exactly do you want to show me?"

Emiko chuckled into his ear, the sound of her soft, deep voice giving him chills... and not the bad kind, either. That forked tongue flicked out again, circling his ear once before slipping back between her lips, "Everything, my dear. Every skill I possess, to some extent. It'd be cruel for me to make you idolize me, of course. I would certainly like for other women to be able to please you in the future."

"I seeEEEE...!" the leopard's body tensed as one of her coils slid upward and piled atop his pelvis, rubbing shamelessly over his stiff maleness. He blushed furiously and tried his best to crawl upward and away from that particular section of tail, but those coils were just so heavy. Years of working the bellows and anvil meant nothing beneath that powerful tail. He was left slumping in her coils, eyes shut tight and whimpering out little apologies.

"Oh, no need to be embarrassed, my handsome little kitty." Emiko giggled, pulling herself away from the shy boy and slowly, achingly slowly uncoiling him. The smooth scales continued to caress him until the very last bit of her tail slipped free from his body. She stood tall on that powerful tail, arms crossed under her chest as she appraised the now slightly disheveled leopard before her, "I can tell you're nervous, and I promise I'm telling you the truth. All I want is to show you a good time."

"I'm beginning to believe that." Alex admitted as he adjusted his pants to make his arousal less evident. There was no way that that sensual caress was meant to intimidate or threaten.

"Then trust me, Alex. Make yourself comfortable. Take off your jacket, lean back into the pillows, and trussst me."

That last little hiss seemed to slip right into his mind through his ears, making him swoon in place. What harm would it do to let her show off her skills? It was pretty obvious by now that she didn't plan on hurting him, and she was just so... exotic. Exotic and beautiful, even below the waist where that serpentine tail began. The leopard slipped out of his coat and set it aside, piling up the pillows behind him so he could lean on them, settling in and placing his hands in his lap, "Ok... I came all this way. I might as well let you do what you brought me here for, huh?"

Emiko beamed happily, backing up a little and taking a brief moment to stretch herself out, starting with her long, scaly tail and ending with her arms and her neck, "Excellent. I knew you'd come around. You won't regret it, I assure you."

A moment later, the serpentine woman began to sway. Her arms went out to her sides as her hips began to swivel and churn, the motion slowly radiating outward to her upper body and her long tail. One arm moved downward, a hand resting on her belly just above her navel. The other went upward and behind her back in a luxurious, flirtatious pose. It was the most eye-catching thing, watching this woman sway like a... snake.

"What do you think, Alex?" she asked, flicking out her tongue again, "Am I pleasing to you?"

"You certainly are." the leopard sunk back against the pillows as he watched, his eyes drawn to her perfect, churning hips. Emiko's motions gradually evolved into a long, wide sway, her body rocking back and forth in an S shape, both hands now resting on her dance-toned abs and on either side of her pierced navel. Alex couldn't help but let his eyes focus on that gem, gleaming in the dull candlelight, twinkling just enough to catch his attention.

"See? I told you you'd enjoy it." the snake hissed softly to him, only adding to his excitement, "It's hard for any other species to match the serpents' grace. I wager that's exactly why the Duchess brought a lamia under her care."


"Lamia." she giggled at his confusion, slowly slithering closer and grinning as she watched his eyes move downward to stay focused on the gem in her belly button, "It's what we call ourselves. We have other names, some less common, some outright unpleasant. But you may call me whatever pleases your tongue."

"I like 'lamia'. It's pretty. Fitting, even." Alex's eyes still followed the sway of her hips, focused almost entirely on that pretty gem swishing back and forth, back and forth, glinting in his eyes so enticingly. He felt so loose, so free of tension as he watched her sway, followed the curve of her hips, the slight jiggle of her breasts as her upper body began to join in on her swiveling motions, the shimmer of her scales in the light. His breaths came slowly, and he felt his eyelids grow a little heavy. She sure was talented, this serpent... this 'lamia'.

"You flatter me, my dear." she smiled a confident smile, raising her arms up above her head and letting them slowly slide back down to her waist, fingertips trailing over her flawless skin until it transitioned into scales. Her eyes remained on his at all times, watching his expression go from curious to slack as her dance went on. She flicked her tongue and hissed out in a soft, soothing tone, "You seem to be quite transfixed, Alex." Now every 's' sound was accented with that subtle hissing.

"I... I am." Alex admitted it, though he wasn't entirely sure the idea had registered completely. Sure, he got it, but he didn't really... get it. It was a strange and confusing concept, but to his surprise, he didn't really find himself too concerned about it. He wasn't very concerned about much of anything, for that matter, come to think of it.

"That's quite alright. In fact, I want you to be transfixed." Emiko reached forward with a dainty hand, taking hold of the leopard's chin and keeping his head tilted level with her swaying hips and waist, "I want you to watch me sway and let the motions wash over your eyes, your mind, and your soul. Like water. Warm, refreshing, soft water."

"Like water" was quite the accurate description, indeed. Her body moved in such fluid motions, each sway leading into the other, producing an effect almost akin to a fractal or a spiral; infinitely moving, endlessly expanding in a mesmerizing, enthralling, perpetual motion. Alex's eyes followed her swaying body, using that jeweled piercing as his focus point, his head gradually beginning to move in rhythm with her motions. He never even realized he was swaying, himself. It was simply too hard to think of anything but the beautiful dancer before him.


"Yes..?" his answer came automatically, before he'd even thought to move his lips.

"How are you feeling right now?"


"Nice and relaxed?"

"Mmmyes." he slurred, a little smile tugging at his lips. It was hard not to relax, with the soft pillows at his back and the entrancing display before him.

"Good." Emiko smiled that unreadable smile from earlier, reaching out for him again and making him meet her gaze, "Look here, boy. Look deep."

Two deep emerald pools came into view, already so enticing and powerful to Alex's dulled mind. What they did next, however, would be absolutely will-shattering. Those eyes appeared to take on a light of their own, independent from the candles in the room, gradually growing brighter and deeper with an alluring verdant glow. Just as his foggy head got used to this new display, a bright green ring passed through her eyes, emerging from her pupils and expanding outward to the very edges, like ink in water. Another one of a slightly darker shade quickly followed it, and then another, and another, and another bright emerald band flowed out from her pupils. They seemed to be infinite in number, pouring out from her eyes and casting an enthralling green light on the leopard's face, drawing his attention and producing a pleasant tingling sensation that started in his head, then slowly began to crawl its way down his spine and outward.

"Look into my eyes, Alex." Emiko hissed, slithering closer to him and still swaying in that irresistible motion, "Deep into my eyes. Deep into the soothing colors."

Alex hardly needed an invitation to do so. Her dance had been captivating--and, indeed, still was, as he continued to sway back and forth with her. This new display, however, was more than captivating, more than mesmerizing. This light show in her eyes was downright mind-melting. The leopard shivered as that tingling moved down to his waist, slithering over his hips and around his furry sheath and balls, causing him to gasp and go wide-eyed for a moment. His next breath came in a whimpering moan, and the arousal he'd hidden before now became more apparent as his hardening shaft pressed against his pants.

"Oh?" the lamia giggled as she caught a glimpse of that bulge, "Look at what we have here. A little excited, are we?"

"Y-Yes..." Alex's cheeks turned red beneath his fur. Even in this deep, blissful trance, he could still feel embarrassed.

"Well, why don't we just... take care of that?" Emiko bent at the waist, stopping her alluring dance for now and taking hold of Alex's pants. She slowly unfastened them, loosened them around his waist, and then tugged them down past his ankles and tossed them aside. The lascivious lamia eyed the boy's erection; a lovely seven-inch shaft, barbless, stiff, and standing at attention under her hypnotic influence. She giggled softly and traced a finger from the base of his cock to the tip, dragging another moan from his lips, "It seems you're enjoying my little 'dance'."

"I am... yes..." Alex panted a little, eyes still locked onto hers, his body tensing each time she touched his maleness. Everything was so much more sensitive in that mind-numbing trance.

"Well..." she paused, eyeing him up and down momentarily, then wrapping her fingers around his shaft and giving it a firm squeeze, "How would you like to dance with me?"

"Yes!" his answer came loud and clear through his whimpering, though it couldn't be certain whether it was toward her question or that squeeze. The idea of dancing with her was enticing, though.

Emiko apparently took that pleasured cry as his answer. She took hold of his hands and pulled him to his feet, holding him steady until he could gain his footing. Her mesmerizing gaze, still beaming powerfully into his eyes, kept him slightly dizzy and tingling from head to toe with that warming pleasure. "Ok, handsome." she started, slipping around behind him and pressing her body against his back. Her plush breasts squished against his fur, arms slipped around his waist and gently combed through his fur with her fingers. She rose up on her tail so that she could be level with his head and whispered into his ear, "Don't rush yourself, now. Let me guide you, and you'll soon find it comes as naturally as breathing."

Once again, the lamia began to sway, but this time, Alex swayed with her. His hips slowly rocked back and forth, guided by the motions of that half-human, half-snake waist behind him. He felt hands take hold of his wrists and guide his hands to his belly. Remembering what he'd seen earlier, Alex placed them on either side of his navel and slowly slid them up and down, raising one up above his head and following the increasing speed of the swaying snake behind him.

"Very good." Emiko praised the mesmerized leopard, moving her arms upward to hold him around his chest, "You see? It's all one smooth, fluid motion. You are water, drifting down a winding stream; perfect, uninterrupted, and pure. Do not think of it as 'left, right, left, right'. There is no direction in this perfect motion."

Alex's suggestible mind easily made the connection, and before long, his somewhat clumsy movements began to nearly match the graceful swaying of his serpentine teacher. He was a river, a stream, endlessly flowing along a gentle curve in a beautiful landscape. He was drifting, helpless to resist the current, able only to sway, to dance, to move along with it. Perfect.

"You're picking up on this quite easily. But then, they always do when their minds have been cleared of those pesky worries and thoughts." the lamia's fingers gently brushed through Alex's fur, tracing patterns around his muscular chest and flicking his nipples, tugging little gasps from his throat, "If you want to be the perfect entertainer, you must abandon all of your fears and worries. Once you start dancing, your mind must be as free as it is right now, my handsome little kitty."

"F...free." Alex slurred a little, nearly swooning from the seductive sound of her voice. It was like pure, liquid pleasure being drizzled into his ears, giving him the most profound case of butterflies in his tummy.

"Free of thought. Free of care. Your only desire is to dance and show off your wonderful body."

It was true. How could it not be? He was enjoying this little dance lesson so much. He almost felt like a professional dancer, swaying and churning his hips before an adoring audience, his body the sweetest candy for the eyes, his motions a treat for all to enjoy...

"And I will admit, it's quite a scene from here."

Alex was confused for a moment. Emiko had just been behind him, but now she was lounging on the bed, watching him dance all on his own. Somehow... this was ok. This was natural. He felt nice, dancing for such a beautiful woman.

Emiko's devious smile returned, watching her entranced kitty boy settle in to his role as the entertainer. Apparently she was as happy to watch the dance as she was to participate, and there was an almost appraising look in her eyes as she observed the blacksmith-turned-dancer's movements. "Not bad at all." she commented, keeping her hypnotic eyes trained on his, "With enough training, you might make a fine dancer."

"Thank you, Miss..." Alex felt a swell of pride in his chest. He'd been complimented by this wonderful woman, whose skills far surpassed his. The finest dancer he'd ever laid eyes upon had told him he could dance well. How could he be anything but proud?

"And you want to be a fine dancer, don't you?"


"Of course you do." Emiko's forked tongue flicked out from between smirking lips, "You want to be a fine dancer, a fine entertainer. Blacksmithing was just never your thing to begin with."

"Nnnno." Alex's lips had curled into a dreamy smile, eyes half-lidded, hips still swaying in the way she'd shown him. What he wouldn't do to be a dancer, just like her. That's why he'd come here in the first place... right?

The manipulative lamia giggled softly and extended a slender arm, curling a beckoning finger and removing her silks, leaving her completely bare, "Come here, boy. I've taught you the basics of dancing... but being an entertainer is far more than the art of the dance. If you are to become perfect, like me, you must learn to evoke the most carnal of pleasures."

That beckoning motion was almost magnetic, pulling Alex forward until he collapsed onto the bed beside her. He was quickly set upon by the lamia, moaning out softly as he felt her thick, heavy coils capture his lower body, and her upper half settle in against him. His vision was filled with her glowing, swirling eyes, and what little bit of conscious thought that had managed to resurface was quickly melted away once again. He didn't need that, though; he trusted this lovely lamia. He trusted her to teach him how to pleasure others, and how to be a good entertainer.

"Clients come down to the harem, or call one of its members to their chamber, because they are stressed, tense, or lonely. It is the entertainer's duty to make them feel loved, welcome, and appreciated. Closeness and intimacy are the tools of the trade, and it all begins with a simple embrace." Emiko guided Alex onto his back and settled in atop him, her arms slipping around his waist, upper body pressed gently to his chest, "You need not be forceful, nor should you rush. The best harem boy or girl can bring pleasure with the lightest touch."

In his entranced state, Alex was already feeling incredibly relaxed and welcome, so the effect of her embrace was slightly lost on him. It was still very comforting, though, and he decided to follow suit; he brought his arms around behind the lamia and gently pressed his palms to her back, fingers tracing over her sinfully soft skin, a motion rewarded with the most subtle gasp from his 'teacher'.

"Yes, just like that. Always be gentle... unless your client says otherwise." Emiko leaned in closer, slowly parting her lips and lowering her voice to a whisper, "After the embrace, you may follow up with a kiss." she demonstrated with a slow, gentle kiss to his lips. Normally, human lips would find difficulty in kissing their furred companions, but Emiko seemed to know what she was doing. She found a comfortable position and pressed into the kiss, soft lips parting as her forked tongue slid out to poke and tease at Alex's lips.

Of course, the leopard answered the unspoken request and let that tongue slip past his lips, opening his mouth slightly. Emiko's tongue slithered inside, flicking gently against his tongue and cheeks before beginning to coil itself around his tongue. It was a sensation unlike any other, and it left him squirming in place on the bed. Little moans escaped through the gaps between their lips as the seductive lamia ensnared yet another part of him.

The lamia's forked tongue gave his a squeeze, the tip gently tickling the inside of his mouth for just a few seconds before relinquishing control and slipping back through her lips. She took her time in breaking the kiss, smiling that now familiar seductive smile as she gazed down at the dazed leopard beneath her, "Things can go in any direction past this point. In fact, they can be different right from the start. But introducing your body and lips to your client is a good way to begin. Understand?"

"Yes..." Alex's voice came in a soft whisper. He simply didn't have the energy to speak louder. His lips still tingled from the sensation of being kissed by this beautiful serpent, and the strong coils wrapped around his lower body seemed to drain away his strength just by being there. As if reading his muddled mind, one of those heavy coils rubbed against his erect member, causing him to gasp and moan out in pleasure.

"Well then, since you've been such a good student... let us roleplay a bit." she smirked and tickled under his chin, "Let's pretend I'm your client, hmm?"

"Mmmm'kay..." the leopard had no capacity to decline this idea, and even if he had, he probably wouldn't have.

"Let's say I'm just so... pent up. Let's fancy the unthinkable thought that an irresistible creature like me could ever be without someone to relieve her... womanly tensions." Emiko released her hold on her new servant and slid to the side, laying on her back and resting with her arms up behind her head, "Show me how you would remedy this situation, and don't hold back."

Alex's head soaked up her commands like a dry sponge tossed into the ocean. Now freed from the embrace of her coils, the leopard was able to move and act as he pleased... within the confines of her mental control, of course. He crawled over to his lamia mistress, straddling her waist slowly and trying his best at mimicking her seductive smile. It seemed to work at least moderately well, as the lamia's own smirk only widened at the sight of it. Encouraged, Alex leaned in close and followed her earlier instructions; an embrace, then a long, sensual kiss. His soft fur caressed her equally-silken skin, and his animalistic lips, with a little effort, found the kiss easily. At this point, things were up in the air, and Alex moved onto the first thing that came to his mind: He slid down a head's length and nosed between the lamia's breasts, giving tiny kisses along her chest until he reached one of those fleshy globes. The perked nipple was treated to a series of long, slow licks, tugging sharp gasps and moans from the lamia's lips.

"Not bad so far..." Emiko hissed through her teeth, biting down on her lower lip as her nipple was engulfed by the boy's mouth and given a real tongue job. Her coils squirmed slightly beneath him, and she couldn't help but reciprocate a little; the tip of her tail slid up from behind the leopard and wrapped itself around the base of his cock, causing an almost unnoticeable pause in his ministrations. The tail formed a ring around his member and began to slowly stroke, the naughty lamia snickering between moans, "In this case, I'm a very generous client. Not all of them will want to give back."

Muffled sounds of pleasure were the feline's only response. He moaned and huffed through his nose as he suckled her breast, his hand busily kneading and groping the other breast to keep it company. He'd been so hard this entire time, and that tail wasn't helping to keep his orgasm at bay in the least. He would have to hold back, to show his mistress that he could be a good entertainer. A good harem boy.

"I think I will keep you." Emiko murmured, her forked tongue tracing across her lips, "Not that I had my doubts, of course. But I had to experience you for myself before I made the decision. You'll make a fine slave for the Duchess' harem."

Alex mumbled something that may have been gratitude, but words were funny when spoken with a face full of boob. He went to switch to the other breast, but was stopped by the lamia's hand.

"Lower." she said, tugging his cock with her tail as if leading him along on a leash, "While I'd love to have you sit here and do that all day... I fear the whole 'being pent up' story I made up isn't entirely... made up. So make yourself useful and relieve my most tense area, if you please."

Alex was led down to where her human half's skin met her serpent half's scales. A split in the soft, translucent scales there revealed his prize: the lamia's warm, wet womanhood. He gave it an experimental stroke with his fingertips, finding it almost soft like skin, and coaxing another soft moan from Emiko's lips. The determined leopard placed his hands on his mistress' hips and began to fulfill his duty, running his tongue up either side of her glistening sex, then gliding it up the middle, causing her scaly coils to shudder and shake.

"Ssss... Yessss... like that... Use that tongue of yours to full advantage." Emiko's fingers gripped the bed sheets tight, and her stroking tail tip picked up the pace to encourage him.

Alex's tongue went to work, as instructed. From the bottom of her sex to the top, he licked on long, firm strokes, basking in the sounds of pleasure that now freely escaped from Emiko's lips. The taste and scent of her arousal cast a fog over his already clouded mind, getting him lust-drunk and causing him to forget his inhibitions. It didn't take long for his lapping to pick up the pace, and Emiko's reactions to this were most telling.

"Annhh... mmmh... ssssso...!" she could barely form a sentence. Gone was the confident, seductive lamia, and in her place was an ecstatic serpent who couldn't get enough of that rough kitty tongue. She tightened her tail's grip on his cock and began to stroke faster and harder, her coils shifting and grinding beneath her new feline servant as she writhed in pleasure, "Sss... ssssslow down..! You're going to... to--Ahh!" she sucked in a fresh breath of air as his tongue found her clit, and once again her words were drowned beneath a sea of ecstasy.

Alex was in no better shape, though his hypnotized state and single-minded focus on pleasuring her kept him from squirming around in bliss. His tongue focused on that sensitive nub, swishing and flicking over it again and again, intent on giving his mistress the pleasure she deserved. His climax began to build quickly under the expert stroking of her tail, the scales beneath him catching the precum that freely dripped from his needy member. It wouldn't be long before he had to blow his load, and Emiko hardly seemed to care.

"Yes... yesyesyesyes..." the lusty lamia's coils looped around Alex's chest, forcing him against her dripping pussy and holding him there, "Good slave... You love it. You love eating mistress out...!"

"Annhhh..!" that may have been a phrase at one point, but once again, Alex's mouth was far too occupied for it to mean anything. He could do little but lick, lap, and whimper out in pleasure, worshiping his mistress' pussy until she was satisfied. At this point, he was holding back his climax, keeping himself right on the edge of release. He would hold on for Lady Emiko for as long as he had to.

Luckily, it would seem that it wouldn't take very long at all, for the lamia's cries of ecstasy began to grow in pitch. She tugged and pinched her nipples, arched her back, and finally gave the command the leopard had desired while she splattered his face with her fluids, "Cum now, slave..!"

Alex's inhibitions completely shut off, and before he even registered the meaning of the words, he was cumming what remained of his brains out. Hot, thick loads of cream made a sticky mess of the lamia's scaly tail, and his hips came alive and bucked all on their own, thrusting against her stroking tail. His moans came out free and unrestrained as his head was pulled back from Emiko's sex, their shared sounds of pleasure echoing off the walls of her chamber as they rode out the waves of release.

Gradually, their sounds subsided, and the two collapsed under the weight of the afterglow. Emiko was the first to speak, the lamia attempting to regain the grace she had entered the chamber with, "W-Well, my... boy. You performed quite... whew... adequately. I do believe you are eligible to join the harem, and I... am certain our Duchess would agree."

Her failed attempt at sounding refined were lost on the leopard, whose mind was now all but blank. All that remained was the desire to serve, to obey, and to be a good slave for his mistress' harem. He nuzzled into her waist and purred loudly, a dumb smile on his face, "Thank you..."

"Oh, no. Thank you." Emiko smirked and gave a quick rub to his ears, "I think I may um... keep you here for extra... training. Yes, that's it. You need to refine your skills, and there's no one better suited for that than I!"

"Mmm yes, Lady Emiko." again, her clearly poor excuses went right over his head.

"The benefits of total mind control." the lamia giggled to herself and reclined against the pillows behind her. A nap was certainly in order for the both of them, and Alex had a wonderful new life ahead of him, in servitude to a seductive, and sometimes needy, serpent. All in all, it had certainly been worth answering Emiko's summons.