Changes: Chapter 8

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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#8 of Changes

Changes: Chapter 8

Disclaimer: Look at CH's 1-4

"It's a bitch when the guy that tries to kill you doesnt die. He should have stayed dead."


Chapter 7: The Shredder returns.

Zero and the gang, plus Blake and techie, we're out patrolling for the night. A week and a half ago, they had been ambushed by the Shredder. He had been defeated and presumed dead.

They were returning to the sewer when the shell cell went off. Zero answered "Hello?" he asked. The number was April's, which struck him odd. She didn't call at night unless it was an emergency.

"Guys... get over here. Splinter popped up... you can't go home. Ninjas overran the sewers. Splinter can give you the details."

Leo winced and ran off when Zero told them. He looked at the fleeing figure "Why did he run off?!" Blake ran off after him. Zero sighed, obviously frustrated.

They arrived at the store, and climbed the stairs. April and Casey were their, and splinter sat on the sofa. "My sons, where are Leonardo and Blake?"

Zero told him they had run off, and he thought about it. Raph pitched in "He doesn't do that though. Why did he run off? Blake as well."

Zero chuckled to himself "Well I know why Blake ran off after him. Looks like our Blake has a crush on our blue banded turtle." Techie nodded. Everyone but splinter and Raph was shocked.

"No matter. We should wait for then to arrive. They should be heading--" Donnie started, before Leo, wrapped in Blake's arms, crashed through the window. April screamed as Raph went to Leo and Blake's side, Zero went to the other. Leo was beaten badly, and Blake was conscious "Damn it! Donnie! Get a first aid kit!" Zero said.

Leo groaned "He's back... The... Shredder" he went unconscious. Zero frowned at that. Blade stood up, Leo in his arms.

"Shredder? He fell 10 stories with a water tower on top of him" he said "He should be not dead, but WAY dead" Zero shook his head as Donnie ran in the room

"The couch Blake, set him down so I can treat him. You should look yourself over, you look like crap, but Leo looks like hell."

Zero swore to himself "Guys! Leo fell into this house! They know where we are!"

The realization snapped Blake from his sadness. "Casey! You said we could hide them at that farmhouse of yours!" April said. Casey nodded

They ran down to the first floor, only to see the shredder at the doorway. He laughed and Casey, April, splinter, and Donnie with Leo ran in a side room. Shredder "Turtles! You will burn alive!"

He kicked the door down. And Mikey charged, only to be shot into that room. Same with raph. Zero and the rest ran into it and closed the door "Were getting fried out there! New plan!" Mikey said.

That's when something was shoved up against the door "He was being literal?!" a pipe was cut, and smoke was in the air "Fuck!" Zero said.

Splinter tapped his shoulder and pointed to the hidden exit "Wha... oh right, we made a tunnel to the sewer" everyone was climbing down. Mikey was flipping by then.

One second they had finally made it to the sewers, then through the hole, the shop exploded. It was small, but the whole place must have been up in flames. And with how bad it was, if anyone had been in there, no trace might have been found.

They had taken the Battleshell after they got to the garage. Casey was driving "Are we going to die?" Mikey asked. They were already in Tge countryside, barreling towards the farmhouse. Leo was hooked up to an IV "When did you get that?" Donnie didn't answer Zero. He was dressing Leo's wounds. The rest of the ride was followed in silence.

The farmhouse was a mess, and cold. The fact that cold air wasn't helping Leo had really put Blake in a sullen mood. He looked lost, which was something Zero had never seen before. They were stuck at an impasse, starting a fire. And quickly dusting the old couch. They sat the bandaged Leo on it, with some blankets.

Zero looked at Raph "I realized that could have been you that fell through the window" Leo's face was placid, his skin had paled a bit, it was like he was in a coma. No, he didn't want to think that.

Raph nodded "It could have been anyone. I don't know what all happened either, Blake won't even say anything. He's just sitting in a guest room."

Raph wanted to cry, it was all over his face. Zero walked up and took his hand "Raph, You haven't slept since before all this happened. I'll be there in a minute, I need to see if Blake's going to be ok, and you know I love you, now and forever." he kissed the turtle.

Raph nodded "Your right, just hurry please. I love you too, now and forever." he walked off into their guest room. Zero nodded and set off to Blake's room.

Blake was seated on his bed. His head in his hands. He wasn't crying, but looked as of he could at any moment. Leo's broken katanas were propped against the wall.

Zero sat besides him "Blake, I have never seen you like this to tell you the truth." he put an arm around the guy "And you can cry, no one..."

Blake was crying now, he had tackled Zero. The tears flowed onto his jacket, which he hadn't removed. "I...I... I want Leo to be ok" he said through the tears "I think I'm in love him you know, Leo."

Zero nodded and patted him on the back. "Ahem" it was Splinter "May I speak with him Xercies" Zero nodded and hugged Blake, standing up and going to his own room. The door was shut after he walked out.

Raph had taken off his gear "You've never done that before" Zero commented. Raph was just sitting, like Blake was. "You ok? You seem to be spacey"

Raph sighed "To tell you the truth? No, I'm not ok. Leo just got jumped by something that won't stay dead. Splinter has a look like something's wrong with Leo, besides injury"

Zero perked up at that and said what raph was thinking "The injuries might be more than just physical?" Raph nodded "I'll ask Splinter about it later"

Zero picked up his laptop that was set beside the bed in its case. He turned it on, and plugged it in to an outlet. it booted up smoothly, and he typed in his password. The background had changed. Raph must have put it there, because besides the normal background, this was one of Raph, he was on his shell cycle.

"Aw... You shouldn't have. I'm glad you did. But are you ok?" Raoh shook his head "Do you want to talk about it?" He nodded.

Zero closed the laptop and sat it on a nightstand. Raph just sighed and embraced Zero "Leo shouldn't have been the one to run away. I am the one who does that. I didn't expect him to ever run, or lose to the shredder for that matter. Why did he run away?!" he asked, tears finally flowing.

Zero smiled, tears were falling out of his eyes as well "Raph, I'm crying, I haven't done that in years. I thought I couldn't cry." he hugged Raph "Lets lie down awhile, I haven't sleep for a long while."

Raph nodded "one more thing, Z. Who's changing their last name?" zero chuckled, rubbing the tears away, and kissed him.

"I thought it was obvious, I'm going to take on yours. Zero Hamato, or Hamato Zero in Japanese. I like it. Plus... the foster family name doesn't really... you know... fit"

Raph nodded "Let's lie down, then. I just hate the thought of losing anyone. I love you... and always will"

Zero kissed him "I love you too, and always will as well. Never give up hope, we will get through this with everyone. And Leo's going to be pissed. He will have a ton of scars."

Raph laughed a little, but Zero knew he was still sad as they fell asleep, he wanted to fix the problem. It was tearing Raph apart.

"Splinter? What's up?" Zero asked as Splinter had called him into private. Blake was looking a lot better now, thanks to the rat "Is something wrong?"

Splinter sighed as he closed the door. "Yes, Leonardo has always loved meditation. All of my sons has unique potential. One of Leonardo's was centering himself, something that magic requires... I fear he has an affinity for spirit magic. I ask if you, who has the most raw magic, will help Leonardo. I will try and teach you how to go to where he went."

Zero sat down, processing that "Uh... Spirit? As in spirit world... as in dead?" he frowned at that "Meaning I would look comatose when I do it?" with Splinter's nod he laughed "You should have said so, I'm in. Anything to fix this."

Splinter sighed "Good, I will try my best to prepare you" he walked out the room, Zero's hand slowly went to his front pocket, the book was still there

"I have my own homework to do" he said to himself, walking out. Mikey was just staring at Leo "Mikey, where are Donnie and Techie?"

"Barn, something about fixing a broken heater" Zero raised an eyebrow. The farmhouse didn't have a heater. The heater in the Battleshell wasnt broken either.

"Ok, I'll see you later Mikey". He walked outside and headed towards the barn "it's like an odd romance novel" he said as he opened Tge door to the barn. Donnie jumped and quickly shifted like he was working on something. Techie was frozen in place "Too late, put the puzzle together before coming here. I need a jeweler magnifying glass, you know the one that goes on your eye. Got any handy?"

Donnie nodded "In the Battleshell. Don't tell anyone, not yet... about us" Zero nodded and smiled

"You know that I won't, why ask?"

After a few hours, Splinter had taught him enough to get in, get Leo, and get out. Zero had read some of the book and memorized it. He sighed as he walked into the living room to deliver the news. It didn't go well.

Raph and Blake had agreed, seeing this as the only way. Donnie and techie wanted a more scientifical way. Mikey was just worried. April and Casey were speechless.

Zero smiled "I'll be ok" he assured everyone "It's going to be hard to get rid of me" he walked up to Leo. Putting both hands on one of his hands, and a head on his heart area. The words flowed outside his mouth, and he closed his eyes.

He opened them, he was no longer in the farmhouse... well he was, but everything was colorless. Black, white, and grey was the only colors. He himself was the only thing in the room with color "Holy shit... wasn't expecting that" he went out of the room, and started searching for Leo. The silhouettes of everyone in the real world were still in the living room. He checked the first room he could think of... the attic.

He was in there alright, slouched against a corner. He looked tired "Zero? What are you doing here... where is here?" he sounded traumatized.

"You might not believe me of I explained all of it now. Blake's waiting... you have an admirer on your hands you know. We need to go back."

Leo sat there "I lost to the shredder... he had me corners with four elite guys... we couldn't run. He destroyed my katanas, and went and almost killed me. Blake popped out of nowhere, and stopped him. He got hurt, if you didn't know... two claw marks on the shoulder blade. He got hurt because I ran. I don't know if I can face him."

Zero sighed "Im afraid if I slap you, it'll appear on your body. And Leo... Everyone wants you back... come on"

Leo looked up and gave him an odd look "Ok... but explain what's going on with you" he said.

Zero looked confused "Whats wrong with me? What are you talking about?" Leo pointed to his chest, the side that held that ruby heart to be exact. A soft red glow was there, botching it red. "Oh... that stupid heart has to pop up everywhere..."

"It makes you different. I'll go now, I really am sorry I ran you know" he faded into a mist, it floated back to the living room. He sighed and released the spell. Closing his eyes, he opened them.

He was back in the living room, Blake was crying on Leo's shoulder... odd. Zero smiled and stood up "That place is crazy guys. I don't suggest going there."

Zero sighed. "Ok guys. Leo sit down, and do not freak" he sat down "Now then, don't move."

He laid a hand on the turtle's plastron and smiled. He started muttering words no one could hear. The remaining bruises and small cuts disappeared and sealed up.

He turned to Blake "I know the bastard got you in shoulder blade Blake."

Blake winced at that "How... fine" he took off his shirt. Everyone saw Tge two cuts, parallel to each other go across his shoulder blades "I really don't know when he did that. I never felt it until it hit the cold weather."

Everyone was shocked. Zero frowned "That is so going to scar, magic or not" he said. He went to work Healing the tissue "it was a clean cut, so it didn't bleed. Be thankful for that." he said.

Zero walked up to his room and shut the door. Exhaustion rolled over him as he laid down. Magic required energy, and he used a lot of it.

Zero woke in a cold sweat. He had a night terror. He knew he screamed, because Raph had charged into the room.

He was beside Zero in a second "What's wrong Z!?" he asked. Zero smiled and sighed.

"cold sweat and a scream, no memory of the dream? defiantly a night terror. Sorry, it's the exhaustion. I'll be fine."

Raph softened but he was adamant "Come in the living room at least, you've been out for 5 hours." he said.

Zero nodded in defeat "I know your thinking about the plans to assault the foot Z, but we need to not think of that right now. You helped along Leo's recovery about 2 weeks physically, and indefinitely with finding him."

Zero sighed "Sorry, what about Leo's swords?" he knew the answer "Wait. Blake fixed him, didn't he? He shouldn't be using his shoulders that much until he recovers more than what I could do for him. "

Raph nodded "don't worry, let's just sit on the couch... and we could I don't know... snuggle?" Zero raised an eye

"Umm a question... who are you and where is Raph?" he asked. Raph looked away, it was him alright.

"I just... I don't know, I don't need to act superior anymore I guess. Ever since Halloween I guess I've been relaxing more. I still will admit the anger issues and competitiveness, that will never go away. I just want you to know this though... I got an appearance to keep and all" he winked.

Zero laughed "Good god Raph, it won't last. You love being that cocky bastard side of yourself, don't suppress it for my sake, but it is still sweet."

"That's true." they walked in on Mikey just sitting there. Zero looked at the turtle. He didn't hear then walk in. The turtle was frowning. He was staring at the blank tv. He was definently sad.

They backed our quietly and zero said something "raph, let's go sit on the couch" he agreed and they walked in. Mikey was smiling, he had put on ear phones.

He looked at them and took out them "hey guys, you wouldn't believe the music... oh forgot, you would" he said. It was Zero's iPod.

Raph blinked "I'll go get the others" he walked out and mikey sighed. "Z, I need to talk with you..." he said. Hell had frozen over again to Zero.

"Whats wrong Mikey?" He asked, sitting with him on the couch. He had put his ring on a necklace, which hung lazily on his neck, Raph had to wear it like that, so he would too.

Mikey was crying. He started sobbing. Zero was frozen. He smiled and patted his shell "What's wrong? Tell me please" he said.

Miley was sobbing but he made his point clear "I fell alone" he said "Raph, Leo, and Donnie, have someone. I don't. Will I ever have anyone..." he cried harder. Zero sighed, he was feeling tears

"That's not true mikey, you will find someone. I promise that. And your not alone. You have everyone, were here for you" his chest was tight. He hugged the turtle "There is someone for you, you just have to find him. That's the horrible part of soul mates"

Mikey nodded, he had stopped crying "I don't want to cry anymore Z, I'm tired of it. I really hate it."

Zero laughed, mikey looked confused "you? Weak, please. You could beat Raph when you try. You have the most raw talent. Just use it" he said.

That sparked something in mikey, zero would remember that sharp nod, and a salute with a joking "Yes, Sir" but mikey had taken it to heart. He walked out of the room.

Zero blinked as Raph walked in, passing Mikey, who had never looked that determined before "Did you... talk to him..." he asked, confused "He still looks down"

Zero grinned "Is that right? Look again, I accidentally lit a fire in those eyes" he said. He sighed "I hate oroku, I'm going to call in support, we strike soon, and we are going to need supplies"

He took out his shell cell and make a call "Festive store, we sell the best fireworks and party supplies, this is Cole, your number one party dude, what can I get you? Phoenix flares perhaps? Blinding, but fun"

Zero nodded "I'll take 10, the party will be in a week, can I get it delivered to an antique shop? I'll give you the correct address if you'd like" he said.

"Nah, only one Antique shop within your caller ID, so I will deliver your fireworks within the time"

The phone was cut off as joker hung up. He smiled as he closed it and walked up, he looked in the living room, Raph and Leo were watching TV, arguing about the show. Mikey was in the temporary dojo area, he was practicing everything. Leo occasionally watched, looking surprised as mikey perfectly executed a Kanta "what have you created?" Leo asked zero.

"Nothing, but whatever I did, I think it's going to end up biting me on the ass" he said.