Jamie Fielding Character Bio

Story by thedeadlysilence on SoFurry

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#1 of Bio's

This is a character Bio for Jamie Fielding from my F-list account as well as the series I'm working on 'A Pawnbroker's Tale'.

*Before you stands a curvy young 'girl' in a short skirt and a low cut top that finished just above her navel. She wears thick, silk stockings that stop at her lower thighs and plain black shoes. While you can not see below the skirt she wears soft cotton, side tie panties that keep her covered and modest. While you take this in she notices you watching and so she smiles and beckons you over. Upon approaching you notice something isn't quite right...a smell....a more masculine odour that suggests things aren't as they appear. /He/ grins and laughs softly. "See something you like cutie?" Perhaps you're intrigued, afraid, aroused or all at the same time but it doesn't matter as her lightly presses his chest against you. "Perhaps you can help me out...." *

*Jamie was a young, effeminate male who had a knack for crossdressing....in fact it was more than just a knack he loves crossdressing but make no mistake he never, ever wanted to change his gender! He was a young student who studied by day.....or er someday's and partied by night visiting clubs and bars and spending his time and wild student parties! Born to a middle class family Jamie was quite an extroverted young man who was very outgoing, friendly and warm to all those he meets with a natural curiousity for things around him. *

Jamie is a tall husky standing at just over seven foot with short hair dyed to a dull purple. He has grey fur which is speckled through with black, brown and a little white in some places. He's rather curvy especially around the waist, thighs and hips for a male but isn't fat. He wears a short black skirt and a white button up shirt that was slightly too big for his frame causing it to be baggy and overlap a little with the skirt. He wears white stockings but doesn't wear shoes with them, he has a large bushy tail that sticks out from his skirt and he has Azure eyes. He is currently 19 years of age.

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