First Blood of War

Story by AnthroLover on SoFurry

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#16 of Out of the Shadows: AnthroLover's Version

Part 16.

Chomper laughed. "You really think you can take me on?" He sneered, eyes widened. Rex remained unfazed, and when he was close enough, he struck forward with his hand, cutting into his shoulder! Chomper roared in pain and fought back. He did the same thing Rex did, only this time his target was his arm. Rex howled in pain and lunged forward. It wasn't long before the two former friends were wrestling with each other. They dug their claws into each other, biting and scratching as they rolled across the battle floor, blood staining the ground.

Chomper finally managed to pin Rex on his back. The two calmed their speeding hearts with deep breaths. When Chomper was finally able to speak, he said, "I told you..." He closed his mouth, and curled his lips back to reveal all of his pointy teeth to the omnivore. Rex responded by baring his own teeth, all sharp just like Chomper's. "Why did you try to fight me?"

Rex let out a horrible growl, and sank his teeth into Chomper's arm. With a cry of pain, Chomper struggled to get the jaws unclamped off him. He used his head to slam into Rex's snout, causing the dinosaur enough pain to make him open his jaws. The horned dinosaur got off the winged dino and stepped back a few steps.

Rex hissed at Chomper. "Because, after all the adventures of the past, you turn your backs on us just because your stupid father said one thing about your past!" He stammered to his feet, and opened his wings. "Listen! How do you know he wasn't lying?"

The blue sharptooth's eyes glinted. "He was my father. He wouldn't lie to me."

"How do you know?" Rex asked intently.

"I just know."

"I see." Rex smiled darkly. "I suppose you have already forgotten what we've been through. Haven't you?" The smile faded. He started walking towards Chomper.

Chomper chuckled. "Heh. No I haven't." He closed his eyes. "I don't have amnesia, you know."

The winged dinosaur continued his advancement. The blue dinosaur remained still as stone, cold red eyes glaring his way. The winged dinosaur returned this look mutually. The others that were there backed away several yards to give the two room to fight. Littlefoot watched, and wished Rex would have taken his advice and not fight Chomper.

"I hope he'll be okay." He murmured.

"He will be. No worry." Petrie chimed, hovering above Littlefoot's head.

"I sure hope you're right..."

Rex and Chomper were now circling each other, staring at each other, almost as if testing each other's strengths just by watching the other's movements. Their heads were lowered, prepared to launch a bite attack if necessary.

Rex spoke, "If that is true, Chomper, then why are you doing this?" He finally stops moving, and straightens himself. "You wouldn't be doing this if you remembered." He was only trying to fool himself. While Rex was now standing still, Chomper was still circling him. The carnivore didn't answer the omnivore's question. He just continued walking around like a shark circles something it's curious about. Rex tried to follow Chomper's movements, and felt intimidated whenever he couldn't see him.

Chomper continued circling Rex, and while he was doing so, he started closing the distance between him and Rex. As he did so, Rex felt a fear bolt strike his spine. He wouldn't know where Chomper would stop or how close he would be. He didn't know if he should attack, or if that was a trap. Chomper kept getting closer and closer. The wide grin plastered on his snout remained there the whole time. From the look in his eye, Rex could tell that Chomper had something in mind.

"You think you know me?" He said softly as he got behind Rex. He was so close that Rex could feel the hot breath of the killer on the back of his neck. He let out an easy soft whimper, afraid that if he dare move, the sharptooth could bite his neck. "You know nothing..."

Suddenly Rex turned around. Chomper wasn't taken aback. He never planned on sinking his teeth into his neck. "What are you talking about!" Rex suddenly took Chomper by his shoulders and shoved him back. "Of course I know you! We are...were... friends!"

Chomper cocked an eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Rex thought Chomper has lost it. He was acting like he never saw him before! "What is wrong with you? What has that idiotic father done to you!"

Chomper's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Don't you speak about my dad that way..."

Rex let out a cold laughter. "Why not? He's the one who messed you up!"

Chomper growled angrily. "Stop it!"

But Rex didn't stop. "He screwed you up big time!"

The horned sharptooth was getting extremely angry! "I'm warning you..."

"He brainwashed you, used you! The no good..."

Rex was suddenly cut off as the large sharptooth rammed into his side! Rex screamed as he fall onto his back. He could feel the warm blood oozing from the gash he just recieved. He looked up fearfully and saw Chomper towering over him. The red eyes glaring at him looked like they were glowing an evil shine. Chomper was so full of rage that he could only manage to utter one word, "You..."

Rex gasped and tried to use his wings to fly away. Chomper saw this coming and immediately pinned Rex down once again. "Just stop this!" Rex pleaded. "Why can't you understand?"

Blood red eyes widened with a glinting of hate. "I understand this: I must kill you all." He opend his mouth and was going to use his sharp teeth to rip out the winged one's wings. "This won't hurt...for long."

"Neither will this!" Rex pulled his foot back and kicked into Chomper's abdomen. The sudden attack in the vulnerable area was enough to bring the killer to his knees. Rex kicked him again, this time in the head. The sharptooth fell onto the ground. This bought Rex enough time to get up to his feet. "Don't you see what he's done to you..." He whispered softly.

Chomper got up onto his feet. "He made me a great warrior." He smiled darkly, licking his lips. "I am starting to get...hungry."

The winged dinosaur gulped. He didn't like the look in the sharptooth's eye now. It was the look of hunger. And Rex knew all too well of the instinct that takes over when a sharptooth is hungry and sees blood. He would have to engage in battle once more.

"I was thinking of swimmer." Chomper's gaze shifted towards the audience, glued onto Ducky. He hadn't forgotten how he almost got to taste her blood the first night he was in the Great Valley as an adolescent.

A snarl escaped from Rex's throat. "If you want her, you'd have to go through me first!"

"As you wish..." Chomper dashed forward, mouth opened fully. Rex lowered his head and prepared to strike forward. The blue sharptooth headbutted into Rex again, but this time Rex was prepared. He grabbed a hold of Chomper's skull and pushed him into the ground. Before the sharptooth could get up, he had him pinned down.

He pushed his snout against Chomper's, two angry looks locking onto each other. "Leave them alone..."

Chomper asked, "Why?"

"They're your family."

Chomper laughed coldly. "Family? That's a good one!" Rex narrowed his eyes. "If they were my family, why did they seperate me from my real father? If they hadn't done that, I wouldn't have suffered like I did!" He shoved Rex off of him. "You know...I was going to spare your pathetic life, Rex..."

Rex shook his head and looked up. Chomper was advancing towards him with a dark smile. "But since you insist on protecting them..." His eyes shifted towards Littlefoot for a second, then back to Rex. "I suppose I'll have to kill you now."

"Let me see you try..." Rex struggled to his feet. "I doubt you can kill me."

Chomper grinned. This looked like a challenge to him. "Don't think having wings can save you." He flexed his claws threateningly. "Remember, I captured Petrie and he's a flyer."

Even though he was a good distance away, Petrie heard that comment. "That only because me was asleep!"

Chomper laughed. "So what?" He shouted to Petrie. He turned his attention back to Rex. "You see, when I was being trained, I was also trained in how to combat with a winged opponent." He chuckled. "So whether you're flying or not...I can kill you..." He raised his foot and slashed Rex in the leg.

Letting out a loud cry of pain, Rex backed away. Blood dripped from the cuts. Despite the great pain, however, Rex stood his ground. "There is no way you can beat me!" He bared his teeth.

Chomper half-closed his eyes. "Did you fight among dinosaurs for most of your life? Were you trained specifically how to kill? Were you raised around natural born predators? I don't think so."

Rex snarled, "It's war." He was about to say something else, but something caught his attention. It even distracted Chomper from what he was going to do. They could feel it, a disturbance in the earth. They could feel the ground shaking, rumbling. Petrie looked up, and his eyes widened in horror.

"We gotta run now!" The ground's vibrations were strengthening.

"Why!" Littlefoot shouted over the commotion the earthshake was creating.

"Smoking Mountain! It erupting!"

Littlefoot gasped in horror. While he knew they were safe from the boiling hot lava, with the size of Smoking Mountain, the eruption itself could cause a landslide. They had to get out of there right away! "Come on! Let's get out of here!"

Survival and Death

Before Topsy had a chance to demand an explaination, they suddenly heard a low rumbling sound. Rocks began rolling off the side of the pile that had formed just minutes earlier. The group turned their attention to it. The rocks continued shaking, and...

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"That's all I am going to tell you." Chomper said simply, smiling devilishly. "You don't need to know anything else." As Chomper finished his story, Littlefoot, Ali, Petrie, and Rex were in shock. They had listened carefully to the sharptooth's every...

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His Story part 3: Sharptooth Paradise

A few weeks had passed. Slasher was leading Chomper to his home. They were heading towards the Great Valley, however that wasn't the destination that Slasher was heading. To attack too soon could prove fatal. No, he would wait for the right moment to...

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