Love of All Kinds Ch.2-Getting More Love

Story by ToyHaunter on SoFurry

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After a hard day's work, Vince was absolutely beat. He barely even had the energy to strip out of his smelly clothes and was asleep when he hit the bed. He had dreams of running through the forest with his girls, not a care in the world. He laughed and played with them until the sun went down. The pokemon cuddled with him under the stars and he closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, he felt something furry on his face. There was a strange scent in his nose and a taste on his lips that left him feeling like he was half-dreaming. He extended his tongue and licked the wetness, feeling something soft and smooth. He licked again and was rewarded with a liquid that dulled his senses and brought on a dreamy state of mind.

He didn't move at first, content to just lick at what it was and drinking the liquid. But after he felt something shiver on his face and jump off. He was dissapointed until he felt something wet and rough against his dick. The sensation had him harden until it was pointing towards the ceiling. He didn't care who or what, but he felt whoever it was put their lips over his hard cock. This was the second time he ever got a blowjob, and it felt amazing. He reached down to grab something, only for his hand to be swatted away. So he grabbed the sheets and held on tight as they licked the sides of his dick and sucked the head.

After awhile, he felt himself building up and lifted his hips as he climaxed. He could feel the lips still sucking away as he came in their mouth. It was amazing, but he still wasn't done yet. Just a little effort and he would be hard again.

"Umbreon?" Wait, what?

"M...Moonlight?" Vince moaned as his senses returned and heard his Umbreon licking her lips. It was difficult to see her in the dark because of her black fur, so he turned on a light. There she was, grooming herself while looking, or more like staring, at his dick. "Jeeze, why didn't you just ask?"

"Umbreon," she replied, and he knew it to be 'boring'. When she raised her leg and started licking herself, he couldn't help himself as he began to stare at her. He snapped out of his thoughts and remembered that she was Ocean's daughter. He had known Moonlight all her life.

But then came the thoughts of Twilight, who was the Umbreon's sister. These thoughts did little to help him cool off, but instead made him harder while Moonlight continued to groom herself. She didn't seem to realize just what an effect she was having on her trainer. She stopped when he shifted and got up, but he froze and she tilted her head.

Finally, after she raised her leg to start cleaning herself again, he grabbed the limb and pulled her towards him. She was caught by surprise by this sudden action, only to see the erection he was packing. She had come in to try pleasing him the same way her mother had. She wanted him to feel good after all the things he did for them, herself included.

Vince spread her legs apart and touched the sides of her pussy. Moonlight twitched at the pleasent feelings he brought out of her, so she stayed where she was while he slowly slipped in a finger. He leaned in, allowing her to lick his face before he positioned himself over her. Her pussy was warm as he slowly pumped her, not wanting to cause her any harm. This wasn't exactly a position her body was built for, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. He pushed in farther and had to will himself not to overdo it.

"Damn, you're so tight. And to think, you've done this with more pokemon than any of the others."

"Umbreon..." she purred. When he couldn't take it any longer, he pulled out and stepped off of the bed. Moonlight flipped back onto her feet and bowed down, holding her rear up for him. "Umbreon."

"I know, just keep it quiet." He took her hips and pushed all the way in to his hilt. Damn, he couldn't believe how much room these pokemon girls had. He pulled out, leaving just the tip inside before plunging back inside. She let out a small cry as thrust his hips agai, sinking his dick deep inside her. He was fighting a losing battle with himsef as he started to speed up. He was quickly panting along side her, doing his best not to blow too soon a.

"Umbreon..." Moonlight moaned again as she was nearly being pushed with each thrust. She kept her head down and her ass high, enjoying all the pleasure of being fucked by a human male. When she suddenly tightened during her climax, he shot his seed inside her tight little body. He pulled out and promptly collapsed onto the bed.

"What's your mother going to think?"

Moonlight looked at her trainer and tilted her head. She snuggled up to him as he slipped under the covers and they both closed their eyes. Both of them slept peacefully through the night, never waking until the sun shined its light on their eyes.

Vince woke up to find Moonlight looked up at him. He smiled and kissed her wet nose before getting up to take an early shower. None of the others would be up yet, something he knew from years of experience. He washed off the traces of sweat and dirt from yesterday. He used to use a scented bar to wake him up in the morning, but a few zaps from Volt stopped that. She was allergic to the stuff, so he was forced to switch.

"Hey, Vince, you in there?" Oh shit, what was Eddie doing here now!

Vince was barely dry when he ran into his bedroom to find Moonlight still lying on his bed. Eddie didn't know about his growing relationship with his pokemon. He already had sex with three of them and fingered a forth to climax. But Eddie was a co-founder of Vince's farm. It was Eddie's job to pick up the older Eevee to distribute them among trainers.

But what would he do if he found out about Vince having sex with pokemon? He loved his work here and didn't want to give it, or his girls, up for anything. But right now he had to deal with Moonlight, who was being stubborn about leaving his bed. He had to be quick, because Eddie wasn't going to leave any time soon.

"Umbreon?" she perked up her ears when she saw him get an idea.

And out the window she went.

She easily landed on her feet and turned back, wondering what just happened. A treat came flying out soon after and she ran off with it. Good, with her gone, he didn't have to worry quite so much. He went to the door and opened it to find a fellow breeder waiting for him.

"Hey, Eddie, you're early today. Everyone's not even up yet to see you."

"Don't I know it. I had a run-in with Eevee."

"Can't be one of mine." Vince smiled to himself as he put on some coffee.

"Not that Eevee, the 'other' Eevee." Eddie pulled out a Oran berry and handed it to him. "She says hi, and that she's going to be coming around in the next few days."

"Great, doesn't she know I still haven't forgotten what she did with Volt. I told her too many times that an electric pokemon isn't supposed to be used to jumpstart a vibrator."

"Hey, you don't have to remind me about that. What about that time she borrowed Twilight?" Eddy said as he poured himself a cup of milk.

"Fuck, it took three Hypnos to get her out of that damned hypnotic trance. It didn't help that she dreaming about me. I know she's the other founder of Ee. Farms, but can't we just throw her to the Gyarados?"

Eddie shook his head and chuckled, "They would just throw her back. They eat fish, not shrimp."

"Damn, and I was hoping to finally be rid of her." Vince was joking, of course. He knew the Gyarados would just get made at him after she dresses them up in a cheerleader outfit. She did it to a Golem once, but much to everyones surprise, he moved on to win a beauty contest. "So, I guess we should get down to business."

"I guess we should." Eddie agreed. "So, how many Eevee do you have for me today?"

"About a dozen. The girls have had no troubles. Moonlight's just recently been with a Raticate. He's still around, so we should be expecting some eggs around soon. As for unhatched eggs, it's been warm recently so every one of them has hatched."

"That's good to hear. Now, I don't think this is my business asking, but have you gotten laid recently?"

Vince found it difficult to respond to that right away, "What makes you say that?"

"You seem to be a lot more relaxed. Must have been a great lay because you look great."

"The girls have been good lately. They found out their favorite fighter in Pokemon Battle Girls has returned."

"Maylene, ya, I heard. She's the best fighter for someone her age. She only retired last year, but a lot of people were rooting for her. I'm sure your pokemon were happy about it."

"Most of them. The Light Twins still don't care about that kind of stuff. Twilight respects a strong mind while Moonlight, can't sit down long enough to watch."

"She mated them into a stupor again, didn't she?" Eddie asked.

"Not this time, surprisingly." Vince was glad he had time to rest up after she did it to him. "But I'm sure she's going to fix that."

Vince and Eddie talked for another hour while everyone else was starting to wake up. While the Eevee went off to play, the older pokemon went out to do their duties. Ocean made sure that the water supplies were alright while Snow made some fresh ice for the freezer. While Twilight watched the Eevee, Moonlight was off visiting the Raticate to have some more fun. Blaze scanned the yard and roasted any weeds she found. As for Volt, she made her way to the generator and took a nap on top of it.

When Eddie finally rounded up the older Eevee, he left an envelop full of money. It was a cut of the money made from those who helped to distribute the pokemon to trainers. Vince would have to go into town later on to pick up new supplies. He was running a bit low while waiting for Eddie to drop off his money.

But first, he had to wonder why the light was flickering. When it suddenly went off, he knew what was up and who wasn't. He slipped on his shoes and went out back to find out that Volt had dozed off. This was normal for her, but this time she forgot to recharge the generator first. So what should he do with her?

Her leg suddenly moved and she made a sound like she was barking in her sleep. From the trail of liquid dripping down the side of the generator, he could tell what she was dreaming about.

Then an idea hit him. While everyone was out doing their jobs, he quietly slipped up behind Volt. She was the heavy sleeper of the group, a strange fact seeing as she was an electric pokemon. But this meant that she wasn't quick to get up. So he slowly unzipped his pants and slipped his dick inside her.

She was as tight as Moonlight, but her body's natural static was making it difficult for him. He thrust inside and was zapped in return. It wasn't painful, but it was pushing him towards his climax too soon. But it felt so good to be inside her pussy. He could feel the walls clamping down on his dick with each thrust. It wasn't long until he was grunting away with each thrust, just giving it to her with all he had. Finally, after one jolt too many, he came inside her. He came like he never came before as her body's static flowed through his dick.

As he zipped up, he checked on the generator and saw that the batteries were fully charged. Now that that was out of the way, he had other work to do. By the time Volt woke up, Vince was already out to meet up with another trainer.

Strangely enough, this one brought a Charmeleon with him. He explained that his pokemon lost in a gym battle and was sulking. He had heard that Vince's farm helped pokemon to feel better and came looking for him. Vince didn't really mind because it was extra money to him and fun for whoever got to have Charmeleon. Unfortunately, as the trainer left, the Charmeleon's tail flame was burning quite low. But he had the right cure for what ailed him.

"Blaze, can you come here for a second?" Vince called.

"Flareon?" the pokemon called back as she came running to her trainer. He didn't have time to explain what he needed her to do when she tackled the Charmeleon to the ground.

"Char?" the pokemon cried as the Flareon licked his face with great fervor. For whatever reason, she seemed to be incredibly horny right now. The Charmeleon took one whiff of her scent and he was ready to go. His tail grew hotter and Blaze raised hers to invite him in. The two didn't even care that Vince was still there as Charmeleon plunged inside the Flareon.

"Flar, flar, flar, flareon!" Blaze was happily panting as the Charmeleon was humping away. Vince couldn't believe how hot this was, no pun intended, while he watched. Blaze's pussy was making erotic noises as she was fucked with no end in sight. Watching them was getting to be too much for Vince, as he felt his pants getting tight again.

He left the two on their own while he went off to the pond. He stripped off and dove in. He never thought he would be so glad to see Ocean right then as she came to the surface. She didn't know what he was doing back here so quickly until he pulled her under and impaled her with his dick.

He was so hard right now after listening to Blaze moaning away while she was fucked from behind. Watching the Charmeleon fuck her with all the fire they were known for. The thought only drove Vince to fuck Ocean harder. As a water pokemon, she could easily breath underwater. And because she was under the surface, she could scream to her hearts content as she was fucked from behind. It was brutal and quick as Vince came inside her pussy with all he had left.

"Sorry, Ocean, but I needed that." He watched the Vaporeon come to the surface and do a spin.

"Vaporeon." With that, she dove underneath the water to rest on the bottem. She had enjoyed herself quite a bit and wanted to do it again when he was able to. He was completely tapped out right now, so maybe tomarrow if he got the chance.

"Vince, are you here?"

Oh fuck, what was she doing here so soon?