The King's Storybook

Story by Bakuram on SoFurry

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It was a dark night when three adorable, delicious female equines decided to have slumber party. Sounds lame at first, because the first thing you think of when you hear the word slumber party are a bunch of prepubescent girls doing nothing but cackle on about what boy they like and want to marry. But this night was different.

One of the girls was named Corona, a delicious looking mare with brown hair, gray eyes, a body tone of a gorgeous brown and a wonderful pair of medium sized breasts. She was the hostess of the party, and an unlikely participant in my fun. She suggested a different approach for the slumber party, and decided to pull a black book from the bookcase she found in her attic. The other two, Lyla, a lovely innocent mare with brown hair, gold eyes, a lovely silver body tone, and a pair of the most adorable petite breasts...and Felicity, a feisty open minded mare with long flowing hair the color of Marigold, gorgeous light blue eyes, a wonderful body tone of tan, and a fantastic pare of pear sized breasts, agreed whole heartedly with the idea. The three of them decided to paint the mood with no lights, a snuggly blanket, and the curiosity of three prepubescents.

The three sweet girls read my book, from beginning to the center, which contained a drawing of my glorious visage in dried blood and ink. They were quite afraid to continue reading, but more anxious to finish the book. As they ignored the warning of "take heed as to what you are reading" which was conveniently located under the drawing, the three turned through the pages only to find other perfectly drawn pictures of other females that are bound by chains. Then, my fun began when they discovered blank pages within the book. Not wanting to be rude, I introduced myself in a gentlemanly fashion. I bowed and kissed their hands. The three girls thought I was a perfect gentleman, until I forcibly dragged them into my pages which led to my den. "Welcome girls, to my humble abode, and your eternal service to your new master, and from now on your bodies and souls belong to me." Oh yes, they were afraid...screaming, cold sweats, struggling, it was simply beautiful.

Finally, their resisting ceased after seeing my other "guests" soaked in an intoxicating mixture of blood and sweat, and drowning in pleasure and pain. I choose to crave my everlasting hunger with Lyla first, what can I say...innocence wets my appetite. The glare from my eyes finished the remaining hint of resistance that might have existed within their gorgeous vessels. I can feel her fear, her sorrow, as it coursed through her body....which only made it worse for her, as it managed to increase my appetite. My hands explored her body, her breasts to her warm virgin cunt...simply exquisite. Her body shook of gradual pleasure and fear, her cunt becoming hotter and starting to melt, I quickly grabbed my blood-red challis and filled it with her cum. I forced her to drink half, as she watched me consume the rest, then I licked the sweat from her body. Lyla began to moan and squirm from pleasure, which was the same reaction I noticed from Corona and Felicity.

It was quite wonderful, but it was far from over. "Don't worry girls, I'm not finished with either of you yet....for this is just the beginning", was the words I said as I started to ready my claws to show my appreciation to their arrival.

My claws were a darkened red, the kind of dark red that came from a combination of blood, sweat, tears, and cum, the kind of dark red that was elegant to the sight, as elegant as the Garnet piercings that adorn my ears ever so wonderfully. I began to slowly carve Lyla's flesh with my claws, the gentle sound of flesh tearing and the melody of agony and was sublime. My tongue caressed her wounds, collecting every drop of blood that poured out of her. It was at that moment, that a moan echoed throughout my den....and it was coming from Felicity. As my hands explored the insides of Lyla's hot, pleasure soaked cunt, I asked Felicity, "what is it that you want, child?" Felicity simply responded, "I want to be fucked!"

It was an odd reaction, I've never had a guest that was willing to receive my humble introduction. At the same time, Lyla suddenly was as if Felicity's horny demeanor set Lyla off. No matter, I kissed Lyla on the forehead and whispered a reassuring, "don't worry dear, I'll be back for the remainder of your innocence." I began to walked towards Felicity, while my eyes were fixed on Corona.

I asked Corona, "are you as hot as your friends are?" I let out a smirk, then I shoved my tail into her moist cunt. A symphony of agonizing screams echoed throughout my den and had a wondrous reaction with my other guests, including Felicity and the screams filled the spaces, it also filled all of their bodies with a slight sensation of pleasure.

Felicity grew more impatient, as she discovered that I was toying with her. She finally caught my attention when she screamed, "why are you fucking her with your tail, instead of me?" I grabbed Felicity by her throat and sank my teeth into her shoulder, while I continued to fuck Corona with my tail. Felicity let out a loud moan which in turn, caused Corona squirm in pleasure. I noticed that Felicity's wrists were bleeding due to her constant movements in ecstasy while she was restrained. So, to remedy the situation, I pulled my tail out of Corona's now hungry cunt and shoved it down Felicity's throat. She gagged a few times before she finally acknowledged how deep my tail was inside her mouth, her sopping wet cunt was more than happy to welcome my sharp claws with full gratitude. With every pumping motion of my claws, a mixture of blood and cum was pouring from her cunt with growing intensity. Tears began to trickle down her face, as she let out muffled moans and grunts. I began to laugh, I found it to be quite hilarious as to how the one who wanted it the most was in pain. But all of it changed when I whispered, "hold your tears child, your satisfaction has yet to end" in her ear.

A chorus of moaning and screaming was sung by Felicity, which was quite lovely by the way. Heavy amounts of cum and blood poured from her onto the ground inside my den. I began to lick small portions of it from the ground, and drizzled them from my mouth onto her hot, starving body. She began to twitch as the droplets landed on her and delivered massive sensations of pleasure throughout her body, which made her even wetter than before. I decided to take it easy on her and just fuck her. When I revealed my spiny cock to her, the reaction was priceless. Her shrieking of "oh my god, it's as long as an anaconda", made the shoving of my cock into her cunt more pleasurable. I can feel the eyes of Lyla and Corona watching me as I was fucking Felicity. "In and out, in and out, in and out" were the words that flowed out of Lyla, Corona, and Felicity. Felicity was in so much pain that she shed tears of scarlet, yet she was loving every moment of it with a smile on her face.

"Oh fuck! I'm cumming!" Felicity screamed. The exact words I wanted to hear, because I wanted to make her a permanent resident. "You will remain here forever" were the words I whispered in her ear, I watched her face light up like a sunrise. In order to confirm the agreement, I must receive a smile from my prey, then we exchange a signature of sorts. As I pulled out of her, I shoved my tongue deep inside of her moist, hot cunt....and then I consumed the torrent of cum that filled my mouth. As I wipe my face clean of her signature, I shoved my cock down her throat and she swallowed mine.

"Who's next?" were the words I said as a grin of satisfaction was painted on my face. My victorious swagger was obviously noticed by the other two, oh yes....I was loving every moment of this.

I walked towards Lyla, claws exposed. The charming color of cum, sweat, and blood increased my appetite even more. I pricked her nipples till they bled, and made her watch as I sucked the blood through her breast. Her constant squealing was adorable, so I prepared myself to fuck her. With my cock erect and stiff, I took a steady aim...then I lost focus when she interrupted my concentration with her subtle words of "please, be gentle...". "Sorry dearest Lyla, I cannot....the amount of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years that passed by while I was bound to this damned book dissolved what little kindness I had" were the words that I shouted, and which also echoed throughout my den. My shouting made Lyla cry, which is expected if you scare a virgin shitless. Her tears, were pure and I wiped her tears with my tail, showed her a deceptively comfortable smile, and shoved my cock down her throat. The look on her face was wonderful, I watched more of her tears fall from her eyes and my cock was being pumped in her mouth.

Lyla began to squirm in hopes of escaping from the hell she was going through and the hell that was sure to follow, but the burst of laughter that pried itself from my mouth was enough to quell the few minutes of her false hope of relief. I pushed my cock deeper down her throat and shoved my tail in her tight virgin cunt, and she too began to shed tears of red. She had a blank expression of a traumatized rape victim, that face alone was enough to keep me entertained as I continued my progress of satiating my hunger. Corona on the other hand, began to scream and cry her eyes out, for what I don't know. I guess it was because of seeing her innocent, virgin friend being raped by a sex demon lion made her feel uncomfortable.

After a few hours more of violating her sweet body, she finally surrendered and I decided to fuck her. When I pulled my tail from her cunt, a deluge of blood poured out and painted my floor with an apple red color, it looked delicious. I was kind enough to gently pull my cock from her mouth, "fuck me you heartless asshole" was the words she said when her mouth was free to speak. "With pleasure, you rotten bitch" gently caressed her ear when I whispered to her. I used my magic to make her hot and wet, so the satisfaction of taking her virginity can be just as marvelous as the other virgins I had. My cock filled every space that was made available by my tail, and we both moaned in ecstasy. It was wonderful....a nice snug, hot, wet, sloshy, cunt....all for me, it was enough for me to shed tears of joy. I continued to fuck her, even when she'd occasionally beg for me to stop. She was about to cum, I can tell because her cunt was squeezing my cock, and she was shouting "I'm cumming" repetitively.

It was time for her to be added on my list of permanent residents. "I want you to be mine forever" were the words I told her, and she responded with a gentle smile. Just like with Felicity, I pulled out of Lyla, and received her signature with my tongue....just as she received mine down her now sex hungry throat. I kissed Lyla on the forehead as I bid her a brief farewell, "I'll be back dear child, I have other matters to attend to with Corona" left my lips, and she began to cry.

I walked towards Corona dripping of cum, sweat, and blood, as well as the sexual appetite that a healthy sex demon should have. I wasted very little time with her, I used my magic to make her two times as hot than Lyla and Felicity combined. The sudden rush of sexual hunger made her scream and sweat heavily, but she wasn't dripping wet....well, not yet anyways. So I began quality time with her with a nice, hard thrust into her hot cunt. "My God your cunt is hot, you would suit me well during the lovely winter months to come" left my lips, which caused her to laugh and reply with a direct "shut the hell up and fuck me already". I wrapped my tail around her throat and began to gradually choke her, enough to keep her quiet but not enough to suffocate her. She was enjoying the whole ordeal, she enjoyed it even more when I slashed her chest with my claws. But I was on the better end, when her blood sprayed on my face, it was glorious. I sank my teeth into her breast and gradually fucked her harder and faster. Her constant cumming made it enjoyable, but it also made it quite difficult to add her to my list of honored guests.

I finally decided to stop fucking her, before my hunger was fully satiated and had to release her. She didn't like the fact that I stopped fucking her and responded by yelling "what the fuck is going on". I looked at her body, she was dripping of sweat and sex. "You will remain here for the remainder of your years" were the words that left my lips, just like the other girls, she replied with a soft smile. I dropped to my knees and pushed my tongue deep in her cunt which made her neigh as loud as she could. After she finished neighing, she came so hard, it was practically being forced down my I returned the favor by shoving my cock down her throat and releasing a blast of my cum down her mouth.

With my magic, I cleaned my den and myself up, looked around at my three new residents and said, "welcome home girls, you will remain here forever....and as of now, the world has already forgotten you." I laughed a victorious laugh which was loud enough to be heard outside of my book. Once again, I followed the usual tradition of slamming my book shut and vanishing to another location, where I can find other potential girls that will open my book and look upon my pages.