Loving Librarians

Story by Ikari Kitsune on SoFurry

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Loving Librarians

By Ikari Kitsune

All was quiet in the library as the last of the visitors exited the building leaving just two furs inside. A tall, grey and white husky leaned back on her seat behind one of the counters, muzzle open in a big yawn as she stretched out. She slowly pushed her slim glasses a little way back up her nose and sat up a little bit as a female red panda came wandering over from the direction of the library's computer lab.

"Everything shut down Meredith?" the husky enquired.

"Yeah, it's all quiet now Liz," the red panda replied chirpily. "All that's left is to make a final walk-through and lock up." The husky nodded and stood up, holding her arms up and stretching again, her large bust pushing out against the white shirt she wore.

"I could do with a drink," Liz said as she stepped around the counter.

"To be honest, I think I could go for one too," Meredith chimed, letting out a little yawn herself.

"Well why not come back to my place then? It's only round the corner and I have a little stock we can sink into." Meredith paused for a moment before smiling and nodding.

"Sure, neither of us has to come in tomorrow; we can make an evening of it."

"Sounds like a plan to me," replied Liz with a big smile. "You check the west side and I'll take the east, then we meet back here ok?" Meredith nodded before turning and making her way off across the library to the west side, checking down each of the aisles for anything that needed doing or anyone that might still be inside. Liz did the same on the east side before moving back to the main counter, the check not taking more than ten minutes as it was only a small building. Meredith was just a few moments behind her as the husky collected both of their jackets from behind the counter and passed the red panda hers, slipping her own long leather jacket on. Both girls then made their way over to the main door, swiftly exiting the building while Liz made sure to the lock the doors behind them. Sharing a smile, the two friends began their short walk down the quiet, darkening street. Both girls lived just a short distance from the library, one of the main factors that both of them had considered when deciding on that job. Meredith has started at the library a year after Liz had after answering an advertisement at the job centre and had been placed on the same working pattern as the husky. They had become fast friends and even when not working the two girls spent a fair amount of time together whether it was going to the movies, shopping or just hanging out. Liz's place was the closer of their places, a small one-bedroom apartment on the second floor, and within moments the two of them were passing through the front door and shedding their coats to hang on the hooks on the wall behind the door. "Take a seat in the front room and make yourself comfy Meri," the husky said with a smile, "and I'll join you in a second with some drinks." The red panda gave a swift nod and walked into the front room, smoothing down her long black skirt before taking a seat on the large sofa there. It wasn't long before Liz returned clutching a selection of bottles of alcohol as well as some bottles of soda to act as mixers, leaving again only to return seconds later with glasses for the two of them. She laid them all out on the glass table in front of the sofa and then sat beside Meredith. "Help yourself girl."

"Don't mind if I do," chirped Meredith, sliding a glass closer to her and grabbing a bottle of martini, unscrewing the cap and pouring the clear liquid into the glass before re-capping it and then lifting the glass and almost downing the contents in one go. Liz whistled and then giggled a little bit, taking her own glass and pouring a hearty amount of whisky into it followed by a little coke, holding it up and clinking it against Meredith's mostly empty glass before drinking it dry. The girls slowed after their first glass, wanting to draw the evening out, whiling away the time by talking about everything and anything that popped into their heads, the topics getting stranger and more random as the evening moved on.

A few hours had passed and each girl wore a rosy glow on the cheek and across the muzzle, both of them rather tipsy and spending a lot of time giggling at everything. Meredith lifted her glass again, having just poured yet another drink, but before the glass could touch her lips she hiccupped and spilt some of the contents right onto her white shirt.

"Oh shoot would you look at that," the red panda said, pawing at her shirt a little bit.

"Better get that washed quick before it stains," Liz replied, reaching over and starting to unbutton her friend before there was a protest, pulling the shirt off and wandering out of the room to her kitchen and shoving the shirt into her washing machine, adding some powder to it and across the floor before turning it on. Returning to the front room the husky sat back down. "There we go, no problem."

"Now I feel kinda silly thought, sitting her without a shirt on," Meredith said, looking down at her bra-covered boobs.

"Oh now that's easy enough to fix," Liz said, reaching down and unbuttoning her own shirt, tugging it off and throwing it across the room. "There, now we're both shirtless. Better?"

"I don't know, it still looks a bit funny, now having both of us here shirtless."

"Hmmm, I think you're right," Liz said, scratching her chin before lifting her paw up into the air like a schoolgirl. "Oh oh, I know, I know." She stood up and reached back, unhooking her bra and tossing that aside too before wiggling herself out of her short skirt and panties, sitting back down totally naked. "There, now you get naked and it's all good!" Meredith look at her friend for a moment, the husky's form was very impressive from her trim waist to her voluptuous bust. However all she could do right now was giggle and wobble to her feet, stripping her own clothes off as well before slumping back onto the sofa.

"Whew, you're right, that does feel much better," the red panda said, retrieving her glass and sipping her drink once again. Liz nodded and poured herself another drink, sliding back into her seat and lifting it up but managing to pour part of it onto her right breast.

"Oh, now it's me going around and spilling my drinks," the husky giggled, sitting up and looking around for a napkin to wipe herself off with. Meredith watched her friend for a moment before putting her glass down and shuffling across the couch, closer to her friend.

"Here, let me," the red panda said, leaning over and running her tongue over her friend's breast, collecting all the spilt drink from the fur. She didn't stop there though, inhibitions lost, and she flicked her tongue across the husky's nipple, slowly closing her lips around it and suckling a little. Liz collapsed back into the sofa, letting out a few gentle moans before reaching down and lifting Meredith's chin, pulling the red panda away from her nipple and looking her in the eyes. Both girls said nothing as they stared before they inched so slowly forwards, getting closer and closer until finally their lips met and very quickly their tongues were exchanged, slurping inside each others mouth. Meredith's paw was quickly between her friend's legs, finger rubbing up and down against the pink slit there and drawing another moan from her friend. Liz broke the kiss and they stared into each others eyes again before the husky lifted her drink once more and tipped it up a little way, trickling the liquid down her cleavage. Meredith was there quickly, moving herself directly over her friend and licking down the husky's front, tongue gliding between the cleavage and going lower and lower, the red panda slipping off the sofa as she stopped licking just above Liz's groin. She looked up as the husky lifted her glass again, spreading her legs and dribbling the liquid right over her pussy lips for a moment, causing the red panda to lean in and begin lapping her tongue up and down across the pink slit. Liz made and conscious effort to put her glass back on the table before leaning back and moaning out, biting her lip a little bit as she looked down at the red panda between her legs, lapping away at her honey pot, now soaking wet with her juices. Meredith tilted her head a little bit, rapidly flicking her tongue across the hood of her best friend's clit, causing the husky to moan out even louder and shut her eyes. The red panda smiled happily, finally able to share the feelings she had held for the husky for a long time, sliding a paw up between those long grey legs and placing a finger either side of Liz's pussy, spreading the lips apart and slowly easing her tongue inside, tasting the sweet nectar within as she slipped it nice and deep. Liz arched her back, paws gripping at the fabric of the sofa, doing her best not to claw at it as she leant her head back, moaning out to the ceiling before looking back down at her friend, finally able to be with her in the way she had wanted for a long time. Both girls had had a crush on each other, but had never let on in fear of rejection and ridicule, but now they both knew what they desired and were acting on it. Meredith slid her tongue back out of her new lover, sliding two fingers inside instead as she began to lap at the exposed clit, drawing even louder moans and groans from the husky, wet slopping noises mixing with those moans as the red panda's fingers moved hard and fast, back and forth, into her friend's treasure. Fire shot up Liz's spine as she arched her back again, feeling her orgasm rising fast through her system, both paws reaching up and grabbing her breasts, massaging them and pinching her nipples while her hips bucked a little against her friend. Meredith caught this signal quickly and moved around again, tongue sliding back inside the husky and curling up, stroking against the g-spot as she rubbed her thumb across Liz's clit.

"Ah, Meri, I'm cumming!" the husky cried out, spasming a little bit as Meredith pushed her lips right up to her pussy. The husky's juices spurted into the red panda's mouth and Meredith happily collected them up and swallowed them, holding the husky in place as she did, keeping her tongue inside and wiggling to draw out the orgasm. Eventually it subsided though and Meredith withdrew her tongue and gently lapped her friend clean before she felt paws around her shoulder, tugging at her. As she moved up she was helped onto the sofa by the husky and then kissed passionately, allowing Liz to taste her own juices before looking into her eyes. "Are you feeling adventurous Meri?" the husky asked, a small smile on her muzzle.

"Yes," came the reply with a nod.

"Wait here a moment," Liz said, standing up with a wobble and walking out of the room. Meredith lay back and licked her lips slowly, tasting the left over there and blushing heavily, the realisation of what she had done setting it and a new wave of happiness filling her. A noise in the doorway drew her attention and she looked over to see the husky stood there, paws on hips, sporting a dark strap-on dildo. "Like it?" Liz asked with a smirk.

"Mmm hmm," Meredith said with a giggle and a nod, reaching out as the husky came over, running her fingers across nine inches of rubber. She looked up at the husky and giggling again, leaning in and letting the rubber cock slide between her lips, suckling and licking at it softly like a real cock. Liz smiled as she reached down, stroking the red panda's head before pushing her off the fake cock and lifting her head up.

"I want you to get on all fours for me Meri," Liz said with a smirk. Meredith nodded and moved around on the couch, shifting up and clutching onto one of the arms with her paws, knees planted firmly on the sofa as she looked over her shoulder, watching Liz move up onto the couch behind her, feeling the cool rubber rubbing against her dripping wet pussy. "How adventurous are you feeling?" Liz asked, lifting the red panda's long tail and putting it around her neck almost like a big, furry scarf.

"Very. I'm all yours Liz," Meredith replied, blushing again. Liz smiled and reached over to the table, grabbing her glass of alcohol again and upending the contents across the dildo, not caring about the mess on the couch as she coated her fake cock. The husky them took a hold of the red panda's plump rear, massaging the cheeks before spreading them and look down at the tight hole hidden away there. Meredith's head was lowered again, panting a little in anticipation, gasping out a little bit and looking back as she felt the tip of the dildo pushing up against her tail-hole. Liz looked at the red panda's face, smiling softly and stroking her rear, silently reassuring her. Meredith nodded a little bit, blushing even harder and shutting her eyes as she lowered her head again. The husky leant over her friends back a little bit and pushed her hips forwards, feeling the tightness giving way and listening to the loud groan as the smooth, slick rubber sank into the red panda's ass. Liz put her natural weight behind it, letting the shaft sink slowly into her friend's rear, getting it as deep as she could before stopping, feeling Meredith's body shuddering under her. The husky gently stroked her friend's hips letting her get used to the shaft where it was before taking a firm grip of those hips and pulling herself back and sinking in again, loud moans filling the air as she began to move her hips back and forth in a gentle rhythm. Meredith kept her head low, moaning out over and over as she quickly got used to the invading object in her ass, soon feeling nothing but pleasure from having it there. She tried to quieten her moans, even biting down on the sofa arm for a moment, but having no luck quelling the fire in her body, lifting her head up again and moaning out loudly, letting her cries echo round the room. Liz moaned softly as she picked up a little speed with her thrusts, leaning down low across the red panda's back, running her tongue across her friend's ear as she slide her arms around the girl's body, one paw grasping and massaging a boob as the other slide down and rubbed firmly at a drenched pussy. Meredith squeezed her eyes shut, biting her lip for a moment, tail curling a little tighter around the husky's neck but nowhere near enough to cause discomfort, body on fire as she felt fingers inside her pussy, fingers pinching her nipple and slick rubber filling her ass. It wasn't long before she felt her own orgasm rising, much quicker than Liz had done and within second she was screaming out and covering the husky's paw in her own juices. Liz felt her friend give out and the wetness covering her paw, not slowing her thrusting until she felt no more coming from the red panda's honey pot. Then she slowed and finally stopped, drawing back out of her friend and wrapping both arms around the red panda's chest, rolling herself onto her side and her friend with her, spooning with her on the couch as she began to lick and kiss at her neck.

"How was it Meri?" Liz asked, knowing the answer but wanting to be sure.

"I loved it Liz....as I love you," Meredith replied with a big yawn.

"I love you too hon, now rest," Liz said with a happy smile, laying her muzzle in against her lover's neck as they both closed their eyes and fell asleep snuggled together.

The End

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