The Map To Everything: Chapter 11

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#11 of The Map To Everything

This is chapter eleven.. Or ten if you saw it on FA. I messed up the order of the last one when I posted it here.

Hope you guys like it. Sorry for the wait. A lot has happened.

Chapter Eleven


The cruise had arrived in orbit around Mars by the time Hank rolled out of his cot. Patrick was still sleeping. He looked out the window and saw they were just above the atmosphere of the red planet. Far below him he saw The Oasis. Cargo ships were going to be joining them soon. Hank looked over at the United Planet's Army base, which was orbiting a bit further up. It was buzzing with activity, as usual. He undressed and showered, getting ready to present himself to the jeweler. Hank visited his shop the day before, alone. Hank asked him if he would be interested in a private show from Namiq. The Jeweler was all too happy to accept the offer. Hank exited the shower, got dressed and woke Patrick up and said, "You ready for your last show?"

Patrick sat up on the bed, "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good. The jeweler is closing his shop for the day. He said it's for restocking. So we will be going in through the employee access hallway. He gave me a key card. So far, things are going smoothly."

Patrick walked into the bathroom, "See, things don't always have to be difficult." then got into the shower.

Hank put his gun into a holster in his vest. Hoping he wouldn't need to use it, this time. He just wanted to get the job over with and go back home and pay the bastards he owed money to. He never liked these jobs when he needed them. Especially when he had to protect some kid.

Patrick got out of the shower, naked. He looked through his bag for something to wear for the private show. He ended up picking out his clothes, then put normal clothes on over those and lastly, put his pistol and some ammo into one of the jacket pockets before walking up to Hank and said, "I'm ready." He sighed, softly, "What about you?"

Hank nodded, "Always. Try not to look so nervous, remember, you're a professional."

They left the room, heading down the hall. It was pretty empty. People usually used this time to sleep and prepare for the second half of the cruise' journey. Hank was relieved. Less people meant less risk. Patrick took a deep breath and sighed, letting out his nervous energy, "So, most of the shops are going to be closed, right?"

"Guess we'll find out." Replied Hank.

They made their way into the Shopping District. It was empty besides a few shopkeepers running around and chatting with their peers. Hank and Patrick casually walked to a door that read, "Authorized Personnel Only" Hank took out the key card and swiped it into the console to the right of the door and they were in.

The inner hallway was small and dirtier than the rest of the ship. There were people with boxes walking around, too busy to really notice the felines. They found the right Back door and Hank used the key-card again to get them access.

Inside was a work bench and boxes of diamonds with a door opposite them. A small badger was sitting at the work bench when Hank cleared his throat and said, "Hello, sir. I'm here with the.. um.. Talent."

The badger turned around in his chair and turned on a light, making the room brighter. He looked over Patrick and looked dissapointed.

"Is something wrong?" Said Hank.

"How old is this boy?" Replied the badger.

Hank looked at Patrick, "He's uh.. seventeen." He lied.

"He's a little old, isn't he?" said the badger.

Hank paused a moment and then said, "Well, I assure you he performs better than anyone I've ever seen."

The badger sighed, "Well, I was hoping for someone along the age of fifteen, or younger, but I suppose this can do. But I'm not going to pay the full amount we agreed on!"

Hank nodded, putting on a fake smile, "Of course, that's only fair."

"And I want a happy ending." Cut in the badger.

Patrick looked over at Hank, a little shocked as Hank said, "Yes, of course. You'll not regret this at all."

"Alright, then. When you're ready. I'll sit over here while you get your boy ready" The badger said with a smile.

Hank took Patrick into the corner and whispered, "Okay.. Slight problem. Don't worry. I'll be quick-"

"I don't want to touch that creep." Cut in Patrick, "No amount of money in the world-

"Look, you won't have to touch him. I'll be right out. You can chicken out. I'll already be done. He will be mad, but we will be long gone before he notices the diamonds are missing."

Patrick sighed and started getting out of his normal clothes, "Please be quick."

Hank nodded and walked over to the door to the storefront.

Patrick stood in front of the perverted badger, who was already rubbing himself through his pants. He put on his best fake seductive look and asked, "So, what kind of pose would you like to see?"

Hank saw that the man was fully distracted with seeing Patrick pose and strip in front of him. Hank made his move. Slowly he crept into the storefront.

Inside there were a dozen display cases full of all sorts of jewels and golden accessories. He felt like a kid in a candy store. He found the keys to the display cases and went to town. Shoving everything into pouches in his clothes, evenly distributing all of the riches around his clothes to keep his pockets from looking so full. Within a minute he was done, slowly slinking back into the store room to find something he didn't expect.

Patrick was crying. There was a large tiger holding him, a gun at his head. The Tiger looked at Hank, "Well, it's nice of you to join us." The badger had a look of disappointment on his face. His boss had cut the performance short.

Hank sighed, "Well, this is a little less than half as well as expected.."

The tiger nodded, "Much less. Take off your clothes. Nothing leaves my shop."

Hank nodded, "Okay, you win." He slowly took his jacket off. The tiger told Patrick to stop squirming. It gave Hank the time he needed to pull out his weapon, dashing forward to point the tip of the knife at the tiger's head, "Let the kid go. He is just someone I paid to distract. He has nothing more to do with this." he said.

The tiger laughed, "So be it. He can go." He paused, "But only if you hand my associate your weapon."

Hank sighed, "Alright. But let him go first."

The tall feline let Patrick go, who went to gather his things, and left the room in a hurry. Exchanging a glance with Hank before exiting.

Hank lowered his weapon, handing it to the badger, "So, now what?"

The tiger smiled, "We find out who you work for."

Down the hall, Patrick's heart was racing. He had no idea what he was going to do. He checked his pockets. Making sure his gun was still there. He clutched the inner pocket of his jacket to make sure none of the diamonds he shoved in there just before leaving were falling out.

He just ran. Down corridors until he hit a dead end. He fell to the floor, tears streaming down his face. He just narrowly escaped death. But he knew someone was going to come after him any minute now. He was as good as dead. Everything went wrong. He had to find a way off this ship. There were supply crates being flown up to the ship, he had to find a way to get on one of them before he was found. Before they came to kill him, too.