Her Huskies

Story by punjoke on SoFurry

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A couple of weeks ago, I got this imagery in my head that I had to get out. This story, as it stands now, was written fairly quickly, but at the time I wasn't sure if it was finished or not, so I didn't post it.

Although this is only about half of my original idea, I finally decided that it stands well enough on its own, and that the second part would be different enough to warrant another chapter entirely, if and when I decide to do it.

So here this is, in all of its simplicity. Enjoy.

The midday sun shone down brightly upon a sea of white. Snow; it blanketed the entire landscape. Hills of soft, powdery snow rose and fell silently. The brown, leafless skeletons of trees dotted the horizon, heavy with snow that had packed tightly where it had fallen atop their thick branches, melted in the sun, and dripped down to form fingers of ice pointed down towards the equally frozen ground. It was as if the entire land lay sleeping beneath the frost.

Then there was a flash of crimson. Almost in defiance of the stark, colorless land, it cut a swift line through the snow. It was a woman, bundled up in thick animal skins and riding upon a dog sled, her long, deep red hair fluttering free behind her. The sled itself was being pulled by two large huskies that seemed to draw strength from the snow through which they ran, rather than being hindered by it.

She lived alone out here; alone except for the dogs, which she had named Boris and Dimitry. Every few days she would take the sled and ride through miles of snow to the nearest town to trade animal skins for food and other provisions. The townsfolk thought her a little strange to live in such isolation, but she was always welcomed politely. No one ever came out this far to visit her, which was good, because she enjoyed the solitude.

The sun was setting by the time her cabin came into sight. The shadows of the frozen forest had grown long, and the white snow had turned orange in the sunset. Boris and Dimitry, panting vigorously but still bursting with energy, came to a gradual stop and waited as their mistress undid their harnesses. When they were free they ran off to play, one last bit of exercise while the woman gathered up the bundles of meat, dried fruit, and salt she had brought back with them. She opened the door of the cabin and whistled, and the two huskies trotted inside obediently.

Her cabin was just one room, but it was very spacious. Along one wall was a large hearth, skins and pillows laid out before it. In one corner was a fire ring, and a stew pot suspended above it, along with several wooden chairs and a small table that was suitable for several people, but was never used by anyone but the woman. On the other side of the room was a pile of blankets and skins that served as a bed, although the woman was more likely to fall asleep in front of the hearth than she was to use it. The rest of the walls were mostly shelves, stocked with all manner of things: medicines, dried herbs, food stores, skinning and cooking tools, animal pelts. The cabin was rustic, as those amenable to the lifestyle may have called it; or, to those who were not, primitive. But it was very cozy, and to the woman and her dogs, it was home.

Light was fading quickly, and freezing cold had begun to seep into the cabin in her absence, and so the woman set about lighting a fire in the hearth. The dry wood caught quickly and crackled to life, illuminating the center of the room but leaving the corners in shadow. Boris and Dimitry came to lay by the fire, eager to dry off their wet fur and soak in the warmth. The woman opened up one of the packages she had brought back from town and tossed the two huskies a few scraps of meat. They gobbled them up hungrily with low woofs of appreciation. While they ate the woman repackaged the rest of the salted meat, then went to store it in her ice chest - a wooden box set into the ground and packed with snow and ice, it would keep perishables fresh longer than the shelves.

Once her packages were stored and the dogs fed, the woman looked to her own needs. Rather than lighting a second fire under her cooking pot, she prepared a meal of bread, dried fruit and nuts for herself. She spread the simple fare out in front of the hearth, then sat amongst the pillows and animal skins and ate silently as the fire warmed her. Boris and Dimitry rose from where they sat and plodded over to her, laying down on either side of her with their muzzles on their paws. The woman leaned back between them as she finished her meal, grateful for their companionship.

They lay there together for a time, enjoying the fire and each other's presence. The woman ran her fingers along each of the dog's backs for a bit, petting them, scratching between their ears. When the warmth from the fire became too great she sat up and began to shrug off the thick skins she had bundled herself in until she had stripped down to the plain dress she wore underneath it all; it was red, like her hair. Carefully, she undid the buttons down the front and let the garment fall open, exposing her naked flesh to the dim light. Then she lay back again, sighing, and began to caress her two dogs lovingly. Boris stirred and let out a low whine, but otherwise the three of them lay, still and resting.

It wasn't long before the woman felt the spark of another fire. This one started inside her, first in her belly, then travelling down towards the point between her legs. Eventually, the spark became an itch begging to be scratched. The woman shifted her body, snuggling down further in between her two huskies. Her right hand wandered away from Dimitry and towards her own body, fingers trailing a line down her exposed chest towards her belly, pushing the dress further open. Then her fingers were between her legs, moving through the coarse bush of red hair just above her slit until she felt the wetness of her own arousal. She explored herself, two long fingers slipping deep inside her pussy, spreading the tender lips wide. A small gasp escaped her lips and she arched her back in pleasure. Her dress had fallen all the way open, revealing her entire body to the fire.

As the woman fingered herself, her passions rose, until it felt as though they were going to boil over. Desire flooded through her; a desire to sate her arousal, but a desire to share it as well. Her scent filled the room, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by the keen noses of her two huskies. Boris and Dimitry had raised their heads and were looking back at her. Slowly, the woman withdrew her slick fingers from her own warm depths and offered them to her two animal companions. They sniffed at them, taking in the familiar scent of their mistress's sex, and then leaning forward to lick the juices off with their long tongues. The woman held her hand out until the dogs had lapped every last drop from her fingers; then she pulled it back and spread her legs, inviting the dogs to taste more.

Dimitry was quicker to react; tail wagging excitedly, the dog rose up onto all fours and buried his muzzle in between the woman's legs. His canine tongue made its way up her labia, licking up the juices that were beginning to pour out of her. Then it pushed its way inside, deep inside her pussy. This elicited a soft moan from the woman, and she pushed her crotch up against him. Moments later, the woman felt the presence of a second tongue as Boris fought for a space of his own. The second dog licked around the outside of her pussy, stealing up every bit of fragrant vaginal juices that Dimitry had missed. Spurred on by the taste, he became more aggressive, until finally he forced Dimitry back and stuck his own tongue deep inside the woman's tight slit.

The woman placed one hand on Boris's head, fingers curling into his warm fur, holding him in place as his tongue probed against her most sensitive spots. Her other hand was at her breasts. They heaved up and down with each lust-filled breath, and her fingers danced around her areolas. Whenever one of the dog's tongues found her clit, she gasped and pinched her nipple in response.

The sounds, scents and tastes of their mistress inspired more and more urgent licking from the dogs, and each touch of rough canine tongue against her pussy in turn produced more sweet feminine juices for them to lap up. Together, the three of them drove each other deeper into a sexual frenzy.

Eventually, the licking was no longer enough. The woman whispered her dog's names frantically, and although they did not understand the words, they knew she was calling to them with a need only they could satisfy. Dimitry let out a short woof and moved to straddle his mistress; Boris licked his muzzle and reluctantly pulled back to allow the other dog to move up. Dimitry's cock, red and glistening, had poked itself out of his sheath and now bounced in the air above the woman's pussy. Pre-cum dripped from the tip of the animal's prick and landed in her red pubic hair. Wrapping her slender arms around the dog's shoulders, the woman pulled Dimitry closer to her until his belly rubbed against hers. The dog licked at her face affectionately; her lips curled up in a small smile, and she stuck out her tongue, catching his as it dragged across her mouth.

There was a bit of awkwardness as Dimitry's cock tried to find its way inside her, and the woman reached between them to assist him. Their bodies had not been designed to couple together in this fashion, but frequent practice had helped them bridge the gaps between their species. Once the dog felt the tip of his cock pushing against her entrance, he thrust forward, sinking himself in to the hilt. The woman gasped and arched her back. When her mouth fell open, Dimitry's tongue slipped inside for just a moment.

The husky made love to his mistress with bestial passion. He thrust into her hard and fast, and she clung to him as if for dear life. A low growl built in Dimitry's throat and mixed with the higher pitched sounds of the woman's moans. She wrapped her legs around him, urging him on with her body and her voice. Small cries issued from her lips, the words unknown to him but their meaning perfectly clear: she wanted him. Her hips bucked up against him with each thrust and her warm pussy clamped down around his cock. She nuzzled him, kissed his nose and his muzzle; his soft fur rubbed against her cheek, against her breasts, against her inner thighs. She shuddered with desire.

Suddenly Dimitry's thrusts came to a sputtered halt and the woman felt the base of his cock, buried deep within her, begin to swell into a knot. At the same time she felt the heat of his animal seed shoot into her. Jet after jet of thick dog cum began to fill her, trapped inside her by the large knot that tied them together. The woman writhed in ecstasy, her body making humping motions up against the dog. There was a trembling in her loins, a fire that spread up into her stomach and then through her arms and legs until it filled her entire body. As it spread, the quake between her legs intensified. The inner walls of the woman's pussy quivered and convulsed, massaging the knot and shaft within it and nursing every drop of cum out of the dog and into her womb. Together they shared an earth-shattering orgasm.

They lay together for a time afterwards, the woman still convulsing in the afterglow of her powerful climax, the dog still tied to her proudly. Then the knot began to shrink, and finally Dimitry's cock slipped out of her. The dog stepped back and gave his mistress's pussy a few half-hearted licks, but his energy, like his load, had been drained. The woman lay back with her eyes closed and spread her legs. The warmth of the fire seemed somehow muted; the intense lovemaking session had done more to raise her temperature than the hearth a few feet away.

But it was not over yet. Boris sat patiently to the side, the embers of his eyes shining in the fire light. He had waited patiently for Dimitry to finish, and now that the larger dog was spent, the woman turned her attention to him. She reached out from where she lay on the floor, her hand first cupping his muzzle, then moving down his furry belly until her fingers found his erect cock. She rubbed it up and down, toying with the shaft and the sheath from which it had emerged. Boris whined at his mistress's soft touch. Then she pulled her hand back and patted the inside of her thigh. Boris sprang up, eager to take his turn.

After having cum once, the woman's passion was still there, but the urgency she'd felt had dulled. She let Boris climb on top of her, but instead of hurrying things along, she took a moment to tease him. The dog gave a few thrusts, trying to penetrate her, but like Dimitry he missed the mark and only succeeded in rubbing his cock against the woman's pubic mound. Instead of helping him in right away, the woman restrained him while she grabbed his shaft and gave it a few strokes. A few spurts of pre-cum splashed between her fingers and onto her belly. Boris stood still and let his mistress play with him; then, when the urge to take her became too great, he let out a soft, pleading bark. The woman kissed him, took a firm grip on his cock, and helped guide it into her pussy. Dimitry's cum still dripped out of her, acting as a lubricant as Boris slid in easily. The dog barked again, this time in satisfaction, and the woman gave him another peck on the nose.

She let the dog do as he would then. No longer being held back, Boris began to mate with her in earnest. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as he panted happily, his hind quarters slamming back and forth between the woman's legs with primal fervor. Each thrust was followed by the slap of fur against flesh and the wet sound of Dimitry's cum squirting out of her as the woman's pussy was filled once more beyond its capacity. After several minutes, the woman began to respond to the dog on top of her with small movements of her own. She wrapped her arms around Boris's furry body and threw back her head. Her lips parted and her own tongue reached upwards to meet his in a lust-filled imitation of a kiss between human partners.

As if sensing that his mistress's needs would take longer to fulfill the second time around, Boris continued to ride the woman for what seemed to them both like an eternity. The woman's pussy clenched down around the husky's cock, kneading it subtly as if to coax her lover's load out of him quickly, in defiance of their attempts to otherwise prolong the sexual encounter. But the dog did not relent; the pace of his thrusts remained steady, speeding only in response to the woman's ardent moans that rose in a crescendo. Each time Boris's thick shaft speared into her, it pushed her closer and closer to her second orgasm.

This time - amazingly - she came before the dog had finished. Suddenly her whole body went taut; each and every muscle seemed to contract at the same time, stiffening and then convulsing with each wave of bliss that radiated outwards from her burning slit. One long moan escaped the woman's lips, and she buried her face in the dog's fur. Her legs shook, then closed around the dog's hindquarters, squeezing him as if begging him to fill her with his cum. She almost cried out in joy when she felt him slam his cock all the way into her and hold it there while the knot at the base of his shaft expanded, locking them together in their intimate embrace. Everything around her melted away and she focused entirely on their coupling: the feel of his fur on her face and in between her fingers, the large swollen knot that stretched her pussy, the rush of dog cum that surged into her womb to mix with the load Dimitry had left there earlier. She thought she could hear Boris barking in triumph, but she couldn't be sure. There was just too much, and she slipped into orgasmic sensory overload.

By the time she had recovered her senses, Boris's knot had shrunk. The dog was trying to pull away from her, but couldn't. She was still hugging him tightly, she realized. Not wanting to let him go, she instead cooed to him lovingly and rubbed herself against him. Then, at last, she let her arms and legs unlock from around him, and the dog dismounted. The woman reached down towards her pussy and found it still soaked with a mix of their juices, hers and the two dogs. She collected the salty sweet cocktail with her fingers and brought it to her lips. The taste of their mutual love filled her mouth, and she smiled as she sucked it all off hungrily. One of the dogs made their way between her legs again; she didn't have the energy to sit up and see which it was, so instead she simply spread her legs and let him lick her pussy and inner thighs clean.

They lay there together as the fire in the hearth died down. The woman, still in a state of undress, simply pulled a bundle of animal skins over her body. On either side of her, the dogs snuggled up with her beneath the furs, their furry bodies warm against her bare flesh, and slept. As the last of the fire burned itself out into ash and embers, she let her eyes drift closed and joined them in sleep.