Prologue - Articulo Mortis

Story by Ubiquitous on SoFurry

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#1 of Undecided Story Series

Prologue to a series I've been wanting to do for a few years. I kinda want to do a story about the disparity between human and pokemon status in the world they coexist in, but don't want to make it too preachy - more on that later. Eventually there'll be some yiff, but just intro stuffs now. Updates will be slow.

Opinions of writing and ways to improve it are appreciated.

I do not own the rights to Pokemon nor any other Nintendo trademarks, yadda yadda yadda.

"Chansey, go check Judge Wallace's IV and make sure he's doing OK. Also, NO court TV; take the remote if you have to." The head nurse for the floor was walking and looking at the patient's chart, and dreaded a repeat of last night's fiasco.

"Chansey!" the Pokémon replied happily and went on her way.

"So did he ask you out yet?" The head nurse sat down at her desk and was talking to the trainee who had just come back from checking a post-op patient.­

"Did who ask me out?" the other replied, making a note of the patient's vital stats on her clipboard.

"Who else, your Dr. Hotpants down on third!" the first joked.

"Oh, him...I think he was close," she replied. "When we were making rounds, he kept lookin' at me and then checking to make sure we were alone. I asked him if there was anything he needed me to do and even asked if he needed assistance before I left. He just shook his head," the trainee added sadly.

"Well, don't be annoyed if it takes him a while to work up the courage," her advisor said. "These doctors...they can take control of a patient's life and tell you exactly what to do when they're in crisis, but when it comes to women, they nev-"

Her sentence was cut short as a Lucario stepped into the doorway across the hall from the nurse's station. It was maybe five feet tall, and had a scar under its left eye. A silver choker adorned its neck, giving the Pokémon a removed look from the hospital environment surrounding it. The Pokémon regarded them coldly through its intense red eyes, eliciting their silence and stopping their conversation in its tracks. It glared at them for a few seconds longer, as if to dare them to open their mouths in its presence. After the nurses turned away from the spectre and made some busy-work, neither making a move to continue the conversation. Task completed, the Lucario reached out a shaking paw and shut the door quietly. The two looked at each other, then at the door.

", what's that guy's problem," the trainee finally breathed out.

"It's trainer. He got out of surgery earlier but probably won't be here much longer," the head nurse quietly replied, turning back to the pile of clipboards she had covering her desk.

"When's he gonna be discharged? His Pokémon is scary," the trainee inquired, keeping eyes on the door in case the dark figure decided to visit them again.

"He won't be discharged," the head nurse sadly said.

Her business concluded, the Lucario went back to the bed, and sat down at her trainer's side. She looked down at him, the man she had known for almost fifteen years. Time had not been kind. His muscular body had lost most of its tone and strength from so long ago. The years of traveling and training with his Pokémon had made him strong, so strong as to hold off time forever. But time was patient, and waited for his strength to fade before it, and his unfortunate genetics, were to make their attack. Inevitably he was worn down, until the person in the bed was a shadow of the man he had once been. He was thinner now, his hair whitened and skin paled from the strong tan he previously had. His chest and arms, once strong and able to lift a Cloister from out of the water, were shriveled and cold. Covering his frame were a swarm of bandages and tubes, drawing and pouring various fluids into his form and marking the rhythm of his heart. She laid her paw on his hand.

Master, she gently projected telepathically.

Turning his head, he opened his grey eyes and focused on her red ones.

"Dear, we've know each other for a long time, and I told you when we first met never to call me that," he weakly chided her. "More importantly, why'd you go and shut the door? They were just getting to the good stuff," he smiled.

You need your rest if you are to get better, she stated firmly._ I would be not fulfilling my role as your partner if I allowed distractions to hinder your recovery_.

"My sweet Lucario, we both know that recovery is simply out of the question at this stage," he sighed. "Besides, at my age, old people like me like to listen to the frivolities of the youth. Their relationships, gossip, all that good stuff," he jested.

Arthur, she began, you're only 39. Besides, the doctor says there may be a chan-

"Ori, I know what the doctor said, and I disagree. It's my body, and as much as I would like to believe otherwise, I know what's coming, and what I can't deny what I feel in my bones." The Lucario's paw slightly tightened on his hand. She shook her head, trying to keep composed.

Please, don't talk like that. You will recover, and then- she started.

"I knew this was coming, and that's why I freed all the Pokémon who joined me," he continued, smiling, " or gave them to people who will take care and love them as much as I have. The last responsible act of any good trainer."

But no one can love them like you did, she replied, her composure fading. You were the most selfless and noble trainer I've ever known. And now you've resolved yourself to just abandon me. After all we've accomplished together. _ She looked to table, where his collection of badges and medals lay. _We've beaten the Elite Four in every region, and finished first in three regional championships! That's not even considering how much you and I have assisted the Pokémon league when they asked for help! How can you quit now? There's still so much to do!, she cried.

The trainer gently squeezed her paw, remaining silent while waiting for his partner to calm down. He waited a few minutes until, judging she was ready for what he had to say, he continued carefully. "You're right, there is so much more to do. But it's your job to get it done now. That is, if you choose to do it."

What do you mean, if I choose, she asked, shaking her head.

He indicated his backpack hanging on the chair next to the table across the room. "Go check the largest pocket and feel along its seam. Bring me what you find."

Doing as he directed, she rose from her seat and crossed the room to the bag. Probing the opened pocket, she felt the stitching until she located a zippered compartment. Opening it, she reached in and found a sealed envelope and a square silver box. After making sure the pocket was empty, she returned to her seat and placed the items on Arthur's lap.

Reaching out, he gently opened the envelope and pulled out a letter. He cleared his throat, and then quietly read aloud:

"To Trainer Arthur Anyu,

Your request has been considered. Given the assistance you and your Pokémon Oriana (Lucario, Female, Registration No. E-448-F-01865, hereto referred to by name) have rendered to the Pokémon Association and your good standing in both League and non-League activities, the Council has voted on your request for Pokémon Separation and Self-Ownership (Section XVII, Sub-Section H, Paragraphs 1-3 of the Pokémon Ownership and Trainer Bylaws agreement) and ruled in your favor by a vote of 3 to 2. The Pokémon Oriana will, upon your death, be given status as a non-citizen alien of a requested Region, protected by all laws and statues, both previously established and yet to be enacted.

As required by this agreement, Oriana must be in possession of one (1) anti-tensor field emitter, designed specifically for neutralization of Pokémon-capturing and storage technologies, by time of her emancipation. This will ensure not only her safety and well-being but also that of the general populace. Additionally, she must learn to read and speak (i.e. no telepathic or symbolic gesturing, but communication through verbal exchange) the Common Language and pass a written and verbal test given in three years time (from the date of her emancipation). Failure in either of these requirements or in the conviction of any criminal offense will result in the immediate voiding of this contract, and forfeiture of all rights afforded to Oriana by this governing body.

Thank you for your continued support, and good luck in future endeavors.


Janet Lantis

Assistant Secretary

P.S. - Councilor Brooks sends her regards."

The Lucario could not believe her ears. Emancipation? For her? Less than one percent of applicants for emancipation were given the rights of self-ownership, and even then it was usually some famous trainer's Pokémon who got it. And with that, permission to own an anti-tensor field emitter. If she possessed one, no Pokéball could be used on her again. But given how new the technology was, it was extremely expensive. Several hundred thousand pokédollars at least, and not everyone sold them. It was quite a rare item. Not to mention the additional fees required along the way. Where would she ever get all the mo-?

Her mind snapped back to the beginning of the letter. Upon your death?, she thought aloud.

"Yes, my death. If you couldn't tell, I've been taking steps to prepare for this eventuality. I've known this was coming for quite some time," he replied weakly, pausing as he coughed. He held the envelope out to her. "Look at the rest of this and tell me what you think."

Taking the envelope from his hand, she laid it in her lap and took slips and pieces of paper from inside of it. Jumbling and trying to organize them, she gave up after a minute and simply let them fall. Arthur, I can't...I don't know what these mean, she stammered.

He smiled gently. "Just testing you. I wanted to see if you had could read at all, but I guess you'll have a lot of work ahead of you. To summarize, I sold most of my possessions and consolidated what I had. With most of it, I bought you this." He held the box out to her.

You sold...everything?, she asked aghast, taking the box out of his hand. Your family's house on Cinnebar, your library and art collection, everything?

"I kept the house, I'm giving it to you," he said. "The rest of it is all sold. I figured the people around the island know you and could help you setup your new life. I've already talked to Joann and Izzy, and they've said they'll help you however possible. Everyone needs friends, after all. Now open your box," he instructed her.

Holding the box in her left paw, she used her right paw spike to cut the seal along the edge of the box. Once finished, she opened the box and held her breath.

Suspended on a pillow of red velvet was a two-piece silver choker, much like the one given to her by Arthur after they had won their first tournament. While hers had been scratched and dented in the numerous battles she had fought (and mostly won), this one was untouched and smooth as glass. She held up one-half of the silver circle, turning it this was and that, pausing briefly to view her reflection in the mirroresque surface.

"If you couldn't guess, this is your anti-tensor device. Generally they are fitted to a leather collar or something similarly demeaning," Arthur grimaced, "but I thought you would look and feel better in something more familiar. Not to mention you always looked downright beautiful in silver," he finished. He continued to regard her intently, gauging how well she was taking everything.

Oriana closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. She opened her and looked at her partner. Arthur...I can't accept this. She placed the choker and box in his lap.

Arthur sighed. "When you agreed to join me, we promised to watch each other's back and never be afraid to rely on one another. Soon, I won't be around for you to rely on me," he put it bluntly, "so I want to help you as much as I can now. I want you to be freed if you want, and to have a life apart from battling."

But that's just it, Oriana responded. If I accept this, it means giving up on you and accepted your death as unchangeable. That I gave up hope and my belief in you. If you can't rely on me to believe that you will recover, what kind of partner am I - quitting just because it got difficult? She stood up.

I didn't quit when that pack of Onyx had us cornered on Mount Moon, I didn't quit when we were shipwrecked for a week, and I'm certainly didn't quit when we were three Pokémon down in our first Elite Four match. What makes you think you'll convince me to give up now, she posed to her partner. Arthur thought on this for a few minutes. Finally, he replied.

"I'll make you a deal - I will do my best to get better, but I want no fight on your part - I want you to prepare for the possibility that I may not be around. That means starting to learn to talk and read and wearing the anti-tensor choker," he proposed.

Isn't that illegal know, she asked.

He smiled. "It may be, but given how you've always worn a chocker around your neck, I don't think anyone will notice. And I certainly won't be ratting you out. I do want you to learn about it and how to work it, too. Do we have a deal?" He held out his hand.

And you won't talk anymore about dying, she pouted.

"No, and I will do everything I can to get better." He held out his hand.

Her eye brightened, she reached out and grasped his wrist in her hand, while he held her wrist in his hand. "," she said, smiling happily.