Wolf93 RP - Getting Down and Dirty in the Shower

Story by bighope on SoFurry

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#3 of Wolf93 RP

Here we have me and my pet doing a little quality grooming in the shower.

Both parties agreed to the posting of this RP

Please comment ;3 hope you enjoy :3

Wolf93 1 week ago

*The next morning, I wake laying on you. I smile and look up seeing you still asleep. I yawn and smile before beginning to lick at your muzzle.* Daddy? Wake up daddy. You'll be late for work. *I giggle and begin kissing your sleeping form, pinching one of your nipples and licking your lips. My scent fills your nose and rouses you. I'm still impaled on your cock. No longer knotted, but you're hard and inside of me and can feel my juices running down your cock. Your lap and legs are covered in your own cum that has leaked since your knot went down. My tail tries to move but is stuck to you because of your cum.* Daddy, wake up! *I lick your nose. I tilt my head, feeling your massive chest rise and fall as you breathe. I lean up and nip one of your ears gently, causing my tits to rub all over your face and nose, and wetting it with my milk while also filling your nose with my scent*

bighope 1 week ago

*I leave my eyes close as I smile into your chest, I give one of your nipples a lick and a nip before I start to play with one of your nipple rings.* good morning pup *I chuckle, tasting your milk as I lick the juices off my muzzle* you did very well waking me this morning *gives a sexy, lusty growl* you ready to get to work yourself? *I smile and plunge my cock deep into your ass, spearing you deep, and you can't help but yell out in ecstasy*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I gasp and moan gently* heheh. Yes sir. *I hold tight to your chest* mmmmm.....did you sleep well daddy? *I shudder in pleasure as you push into me* I've never slept better in my life daddy.....being so full..... *I moan softly and whimper from pleasure* I love working for you....I love my job.... *I suckle on your nipple as you spear into me* mmmmm....oh daddy! I love you so much! Fuck me hard daddy! We cant have you going to work pent up!

bighope 1 week ago

*chuckles as I pull out of you and pull you off of me* as much as I would love to pound my little bitch right here, right now *I say as I throw my feet over the side of the bed and get down* I need to get cleaned up. nice shower before I get to work *I smile over at you* care to join me? *I give you a little chuckle as I tug in mind air and a leash flashes into reality around your neck* not like you have a choice in the matter anyway *I smile as I pull you into the bathroom*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I smile and hop after you, my tail wagging. I walk normally, my body having adapted to taking your massive member. I look around as we go in, exploring the new room. When you stop, I stand beside you and look around* You have such a nice house....mansion daddy. *smiles up at you* how big is it? It seems like it goes on forever!

bighope 1 week ago

*smiles* it's as big, or as small as I need it to be *I say as I walk over to the massive shower and start up the water* why don't you get to work on cleaning me while I get the water all set *I say, my balls crusted over a bit with dried cum from the previous night*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I nod happily and begin licking at your big sheath and balls. I hold on to your hips, my tongue licking away the dried cum matting your fur. I clean the left orb first, holding it still and running my tongue over it. I suck on the spots that are a little more stubborn and slowly get the dark fur back to its original dark glow. I smile at my work, give it one more lick, and switch to the right one, repeating the cleaning process. You can feel my eager tongue exploring and lapping at you as you start up the water and get it set to the right temperature. By the time you've finished, I'm smiling up at you, you're big orbs clean and the fur covering them is glowing softly with your aura of magic not longer obscured by your dried cum. I start to lap at your cock, trying to lick up any remains of your cum on your shaft*

bighope 1 week ago

*I give a light chuckle and pull your muzzle away* not yet pup, *I step into the shower's blast, the cascading water instantly getting to work and matting down my fur, the rest of our ritual from the night before swirling off my sculpted muscles, shown prominent by the matted fur, and down the drain. I give a light sigh before grabbing a brush and handing it to you* you mind getting my back pup, it's hard to work around back there, my muscles get in the way of my arms *I chuckle as I pull out some shampoo and squirt some into my paw and start to work it into my mane as you get to work*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I smile and nod, scrubbing up and down your back with the brush. I rub it over each muscle, working all the grime out of your fur until it glows. I work down lower on your back, repeating the process. It massages your massive muscles as it works. Before long, I have finished and smile up at you, my own fur dripping with water. I wag my tail* Done! What's next daddy? *I look happy that you're letting me help clean you*

bighope 1 week ago

*smiles and holds a small pitcher over your head and pours some scented oil over your muzzle* we clean my bitch *smiles and takes the brush from you and hands you a smaller one* get to work lathering yourself up *I smile as I start to scrub my chest,* I want to smell like jasmine and honey when we're done here *I chuckle as you smell the jasmine oil run over your fur and you see that I'm using shampoo that uses honey as a natural skin conditioner* and I don't plan on using any of that oil on myself *I smile as I start to work my claws into my chest fur and use my brush to clean down deep*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I grin and nod, beginning to rub all over myself. I giggle and make sure I'm in clear sight of you, rubbing over myself suggestively as I work up a lather. I start with my arms, my back turned to you giving you a good view of my little bubble butt. The crystalline fur shimmers more with water running over it and my tail wags slowly. After a moment and my arms are covered in bubbles and oil, I turn and begin rubbing over my chest and stomach, teasing each of my nipples gently as I go down, quickly working up the oil and bubbles spreading over me. Finally, I turn away again and begin doing my legs, forcing me to bend down and expose my pussy-hole to you. You can smell my scent filling the air as I rub over my legs seductively. I work my hands around behind me and rub on my ass cheeks a bit, one of my paws straying towards my hole and fingering myself a bit causing me to moan. It quickly pulls away though and before long I'm completely covered in soapy bubbles and grinning at you* All done daddy. *I gently rub through my head fur as I wait for you to respond, giggling a bit*

bighope 1 week ago

*murrs, the tip of my cock poking out of my sheath from your performance* why don't you come on over here and start working on my chest *I say, even though it looks fine, you don't waste any time as I hand you the brush. I pull you flush with my body, my cock pushed up against your stomach and your hard one throbs against my thigh. I give a lusty growl as I look down at you* that was a nice little show pup *I lean down and pull you into a deep kiss, the water rolling over us in rivulets* you really know how to get your daddy goin. *I say with little growl as I use a soapy finger to enter your hole, my cock gives a little pulse and swells a little bigger and emerges out of my sheath about another inch* so why don't you get to brushing *I chuckle as I bounce my pecks, the water flying off of them from the movement and splattering your muzzle in a few droplets of water* while I give you a show *I give a little chuckle and grind my pecks together, rolling them.* think of it as a punishment, and a reward for your little show *I give a light chuckle as I cup your ass in one paw, keeping you flush with my body, the rolling pecks in your face as I hypnotize you with their rolling motion*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I gasp and moan, feeling the finger press into my hungry hole. I whimper a bit from pleasure and nod, shaking a little as I start to rub on your pecs with the brush. I drool a bit unable to look away from the mound of dancing flesh. For a moment I stop and start to reach for them but realize you haven't given me permission to touch yet and go back to brushing the huge pieces of meat. I stare in awe, whimpering and feeling your finger pushing deeper into my hole, teasing me and causing pleasure to shoot through me. I whimper, my hardon pressing again you thigh with need. "T-thank you daddy! I love watching you flex! You're so sexy daddy!"

bighope 1 week ago

*I give a little smirk and bounce my pecks for you at a rapid pace, water flying in all directions* I know I'm sexy pup *I chuckles* I can feel the proof throbbing on my thigh *smiles then I stop flexing my pecks and then I move to hardening my ten pack, the ten bulbs of muscle pushing out against their flesh prison* start working lower pup *I smile and pull my finger our of your ass so you can start moving lower* and make sure you get it extra clean *growls lustfully*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*nods* yes daddy! *I rub the brush down from your pecs and begin running it over you ten pack. I drool as I stare at the bricks of muscle, not caving a bit as I press on them. I try and do my job without getting too distracting but I cant help but reach out and feel across them for a moment. I whimper realizing what I did and quickly pulling it back, as if they bit me. I scrub fast and hard hoping you don't mind. My hole feels even more empty now without your finger in me. I whimper a bit, wanting it back.*

bighope 1 week ago

*murrs and looks down at you over my pecs* lower *I say as I flex my thighs, my cock not at all moving, showing you were I want you to go, and since I didn't instruct you to do anything but, you just continue to get lower and scrub as you go*

Wolf93 1 week ago

*nods and whimpers, looking at your cock longingly* yes daddy... *I skip over it and begin brushing up and down your thighs deciding that the faster I clean you, the faster I get Daddy's big bone! I redouble my efforts and scrub up and down your powerful thighs, wiping away any grime and leaving your dark fur glowing with your power. I smile at my handy work and switch over and begin cleaning the other, taking as much care in it as I did the other. I smile when I finish, brushing my hand through the fur and feeling the muscles in your legs. I murr softly and smile up at you*

bighope 1 week ago

*Murrs and gives you a devilish grin* lower *I smile and you know where to go, my feet. you look up at me and you feel a scene of vertigo by looking up the expanse of the massive wolf before you, and you can't help but swoon as you lock eyes with mine, the violet orbs shimmering with praise and admiration* I want to be completely clean pup. finish what you started and then we can get down to brass tax.

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I giggle and nod excitedly before beginning to scrub your paws with the brush. I scrub over them slowly but get jealous and toss it away quickly and pounce on your paws. I begin licking them, wanting to clean them myself and gripping your calves tightly. I whimper, hoping you don't get mad at me* I'm... *lick* sorry...*lick* daddy... *licks between your toes and tickles them a bit. I look up briefly* that brush isn't worthy to wash you daddy...especially your foot paws....they are mine to clean! *you can tell I take pride in worshiping your big fluffy foot paws*

bighope 1 week ago

*growls lustfully* No pup, your right, that brush isn't worthy of cleaning my foot paws *I growl, loving the feel of your submissiveness and the growl becomes more and more dominant as you go on. I start pushing your muzzle down against my heel, pushing you down farther and farther until you fall back. I push your muzzle to the wet floor, water running over my body and dripping onto you, my musk rolling of with the water and marking you all by it's self. I slowly grind my foot paw into your muzzle, just enough to be dominating, but not enough to be painful* but the next time I give you an order *you feel the pressure of my weight start to bear down on you, the pressure growing as I slowly lean forward* you follow that order *I let up just a bit, you never stop lapping at my foot paw, the massive appendage completely eclipsing your muzzle. Then I move it away and put my other one in it's place* now *I say, going down on one knee to keep my foot paw on your muzzle* why don't we get a little begging from the bitch for more than just the honor of cleaning me *I put a clawed digit into your ass, gently play with your hole* you know I love it when you beg bitch.

Wolf93 1 week ago

*I whimper and moan, feeling the weight of your godlike body uponme.* yes sir. I wont ever break your orders again! *I feel the weight relax and then the sudden invasion of my hole. I gasp and moan, as I shiver unable to move around much because of your weight. I lick and lap at you, whimpering from pleasure of your finger in my hole* Oh master! I want you to mount me again! I need you in me daddy! Oh gods! Cant you feel how empty my hole is! Please fill it daddy! God I need you! I cant live without you filling me completely!!!

bighope 1 week ago

*I chuckle and grind my foot paw into your muzzle* do you think you deserve my cock after disobeying my orders pup *I chuckle* I could just torture you by stroking myself in front of your face *I chuckle as my paw gently plays with your hole and my other starts playing with my cock* why don't you tell me how your going to be a good pup and why I should fuck that sorry ass of yours *I give a deep lustful growl as I curl my foot claws gently itching your muzzle enough to show dominance, but not enough to leave marks*

Wolf93 1 week ago

I'll be good daddy! I promise! Please fuck me daddy! *I wiggle and lap at your foot paw on my face* I need it please! I wont disobey you again! Never! I'll be a good bitch and always mind you orders no matter what! *I rub and grip at your big legs, wanting to get at your cock worse than ever and apologize for misbehaving* Please! daddy I'm sorry!

bighope 6 days ago

*smiles and scoops you up in my arms* aww, your so cute *nuzzles you gently* you didn't need to say your sorry *chuckles as I give your nose a little lick before pulling you into a deep kiss* how would you want to be taken pup *nuzzles you gently, gently combing your fur with my claws* you were never in any real trouble, I just like teasing my little pup *chuckles*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*smiles and kisses you back, hugging your neck* I was worried I had upset you daddy. *licks your neck and then blushes a bit* c....can you fuck me standing up daddy? Keeping me off the ground? *giggles a bit* I wanna face your though so I can hold onto your tummy. *smiles and wags tail*

bighope 6 days ago

*chuckles and sets you down and slowly pushes you against the wall with my chest, your muzzle pushed against my pecs* how badly do you want it pup *I chuckle, my paw gripping your package and groping it a bit. I lean down and give your ear a little nip and play with the earrings with my tongue* you know I love to hear that subby you beg *nuzzles the crown on your head* I also know how much you need it *smiles and gives your head a little lick*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*moans and whimpers feeling your tongue running all over him* please take me daddy! Its been hours since you took me and I feel so empty! *I whimper and growl* I wanna make you feel good alpha! Please master! Breed me like the bitch I am! I've been a good boy! I promise! *I put my paws on your chest, looking up at you pleading. I begin to suck your nipple as I finish trying to raise my favor with you even if only slightly*

bighope 6 days ago

*my milk floods your maw as soon as you do, the addictive violet juices fill your muzzle and I can't help but murr at the feeling of you nursing on me. My paw on your sack slides under you and into your ass, I slide two fingers into you and start to slide you up the wall just enough so my hard member can push up underneath you* that's a good start bitch, now *I fan my fingers and gently rub my tip against your begging hole, my pre smearing all over it as it oozes out of my slit. You feel you bitch tits burn with desire and your ass burn with heat as you drink down my milk, your own milk oozing out then trickling down your chest as you taste the fertile milk.*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*I moan and slurp at it, wanting as much of that milk as I can get. I gaps and moan, feeling you fingers digging into my ass and slipping in with ease. I gasp again as they begin hitting my g spots in my hole and cause me to spurt some pre on to you as well as cause my tits to spurt more milk. I shudder and whimper, my scent of arousal filling the shower as I writhe and moan in your arms.* Oh god daddy! Its so good.... *slurps* Its tastes so good!

bighope 6 days ago

*I pull your muzzle off my nipple and you whimper in need, but you are reassured as I move you to my other needy nub of flesh. You attack my nipple with gusto, your glutton for my milk grows and with it, the burning in your ass and the sensitivity of all your pleasure organs increases. I merely flick my fingers in your ass and a thunderstorm of pleasure rains through you, making you moan and writhe as you drink down more of my milk, making you a more and more needy bitch*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*I moan and whimper, sucking on your nipple excitedly and lustfully. A pure greed for your milk has blossomed inside of me. I press my paws on your chest, you own milk stimulating mine and causing my tits to leak more and more, becoming more and more pure. You chuckle, knowing that when the pups come, you will have to let me nurse on you so the milk will be as pure as possible as they nurse on me. I growl with need, sucking harder and harder, wanting more and more*

bighope 6 days ago

*I chuckle and then I flex my pecks and the milk shots out of them at hose pressure, filling your maw and spilling over. I give a deep chuckle before adding another finger into your hole, filling you out nicely as I play with your various g-spots, and pleasuring you like crazy* As much as I love you sucking my milk down bitch, I have realized that you have been neglecting your duty as my slut. *I growl, my cock pulsing and untouched* you can have as much milk as you want *I growl dominatingly* but not at the cost of my pleasure *you feel my claws in your ass dig into your flesh, the feeling an amazing and blinding mixture of pain and pleasure*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*moans and shudders, feeling your fingers slipping into me. You feel my pre from my pussy-hole dripping down your fingers. When you're claws dig into me, I howl out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, my ass cheeks burning with need. I rapidly grapple at your massive cock* I'm sorry daddy! You're milk is just so good! *I grip your dick, still growling with the pain and pleasure before beginning to suck on the head and suck up your pre* Mmmmm....but your pre is so good too!!!

bighope 6 days ago

less lip cunt and more sucking *growls dominatingly as I grip your head fur and force it down your muzzle, I start to muzzle fuck you, deeper and deeper, my cock wedging into you and cutting off your air supply before entering your third lung and you can breath again. I don't stop muzzle fucking you either, my massive cock showing you who's in charge as I pound into you, my balls swinging and slapping your under muzzle as I continue my conquest of your maw*

Wolf93 6 days ago

*I growl and moan in pleasure around your cock. I writhe a bit and slurp on it, wanting all of it inside of me. I whimpers in pleasure, feeling your balls slapping my chin and causing me to gently nip on your cock a bit. I hold onto your shaft as if is fed into me, trying to stabilize myself but the moment you enter my third lung, pleasure like I'm being penetrated begins shooting through my body. I moan around your cock, my tongue licking up and down it*

bighope 6 days ago

*growls and starts to hammer into your muzzle as I grip your ears. My pre cum flying in all directions and coating your muzzle and mixing in with your milk* that's right bitch, fucking take that cock, you love your master's dick, don't you!

Wolf93 6 days ago

*moans and whimpers, licking at you and letting you ravage my muzzle and body. I moan around your cock, unable to speak as pleasure shoots through me from you fucking my third lung's ring. My paws grip you and hold onto you tightly, wanting more and more*

bighope 6 days ago *I grip your muzzle and tear you off of me, leaving you completely empty. I turn you around and grind against your ass hole, the mere feel of my cock hot dogging your ass makes you shiver and writhe in teasing pleasure.* Beg for it bitch, beg for your daddy to bread his cum dup bitch. I don't want you to stop, and if you do before I tell you *I lean in, my claws bared as I growl deeply. you feel my cock drool pre all over your back and you know how dominating I can get when I'm horny. you know not to argue as I grip your ass and spread it with my thumbs*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I moan and look back at you, my paws against the wall. I can feel you massive cock slipping back and forth in my pussy pre and it makes me shudder in pleasure. I feel your thumbs prying my hole open and gasp* Oh god please daddy! I need it bad! Fuck my tight pussy hole! Breed me hard daddy! *I try to angle my hips so your cock slips in, showing how desperate I am for you* Let me do my job daddy! I need to feel you inside of me! Please! I'm your little slutty puppy and I'm hungry for your big cock!

bighope 6 days ago

*growls and leans forward and takes my cock head into my mouth, giving it a long suck before pulling off* are you sure you need it? I don't think you want it bitch *I growl, continuing to mark you with my pre and juices* if you truly wanted it, you would beg harder than that *I growl and I push my thumbs into your needy hole, stretching it out far and teasing you to no end as my pre drips into it*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I gasp and whimper, jealous that you would suck it instead of use me* I do want it daddy! I want it all in me! Fuck me like the bitch I am and am meant to be! Use my ass as your cum dump daddy! Stick you fat cock in me and grow! I wanna feel you rut me hard! Please! Fuck me like the god of sexy muscle you are! Fuck me hard alpha! Claim this cunt as your breeding ground again! *I wiggle in your grip a bit, my hole gaping wide and clenching, needing something to take in and pleasure. But deep down you know only one cock fits that hole anymore. Only one cock is worthy of being worshiped and begged for. My hole is waiting for you, a cunt ready to be bred again and again*

bighope 6 days ago *chuckles* I can sense your jealousy of my maw *I growl lustfully and take another good suck of my cock before pulling it down and angling it at your pucker, I gently push forward and my tip spreads your ass open as I enter, but just my tip, my pre oozes into you and you can't help but moan and whimper for more as I just lightly fuck your hole, the hole I have destroyed for anyone but me, destroyed and marked so no other would dare even look on you with lust, but with envy. You know your place as my subservient cum dup pup factory. You place is by my side or under my heal and you can't help but beg for more. I give a little chuckle and I lift my paw in a fist, a leash appears and is connected to your collar around your neck. I give a tuck to make you rear up, but my other paw keeps your ass from sliding farther down my cock* how much do you want it slut?

Wolf93 6 days ago *whimpers and tries to wiggle on to you cock* I need it more than air itself daddy....I need to be filled by you. I need to bear your pups! I need your cock in my ass!!!! *I growl and whimper, trying to get you to take me with all my power* please daddy! I want to give you a harem of wolves bred from you're own body! Please! Fuck me! *my tits begins leaking milk at the thought of a harem of our sons. Worshipping you. Fucking me* Please daddy! I exist to be your personal cum receptacle!!! Mount me please! *my whole body quivers with need, my hole the most*

bighope 6 days ago *I give a deep growl before driving my cock home in your ass, you let out a cry of pleasure as I fill you out nicely* that's a good little bitch *I say, my claws digging into your ass, every pleasure receptor in your ass fires so many messages to your brain that you are blinded for a moment. but soon you have your wits about you, your ass burning with need but you don't know why. That's when you realize I'm not fucking you, I've only hilted you* that harem of wolves sounds nice bitch *I chuckled and hump into you, the motion making you ooze pre out of your ass pussy, the juices rolling down our legs as you quiver and beg for more* say thank you *I growl into your ear* thank me for all the gifts I have given you as your godly master, and then I'll fuck you bitch, and mark you once more as mine.

Wolf93 6 days ago *I gasp out and howl as you penetrate into my ass and go blind with pleasure. For a moment, my world is nothing but my ass and your cock. My hole clenches down tightly on you, my juices spreading all over it. I writhe and moan but then realize you are holding still and then you speak. I listen and then moan to you." Oh god thank you daddy! thank you for making me the perfect bitch! thank you for making me yours and no one else's! Thank you for giving me these pups growing inside me! Thank you for making me the bitch of a god!!!!

bighope 6 days ago *I growl and start to fuck you, my hips moving slowly at first, but then they pick up speed, pounding into you faster and faster, the water from the shower head flying in all directions and desperately trying to keep up with the mess we're making with our rut* that's right slut *I snarl as I pound into your hole* your mine and mine alone, you are my bitch, my slut, my cum dump! *I snarl and hiss as I continue to pound into you. you can't help but dig your claws into the wall and beg for more and to thank me for what I'm giving you. You feel your foot paws leave the floor as I fuck you up the wall, and then you realize that I'm growing, my strive for dominance over you making me grow bigger. You feel my cock slide a bit deeper, my thrusts get a little more powerful and my balls slapping a little lower each time* That's right bitch, Take IT!!!

Wolf93 6 days ago *I moan and growl my claws digging into the walls, feeling you grow inside of me* Fuck yes daddy! Grow bigger! Stronger! Become the god you are and pump me full of your cum! Fill my cunt till it cant take anymore! *my hole clenches over and over again, getting stretched more and more each time. I can feel your power growing and flowing into me. You see what's left of my black and white fur become crystallized just from being close to you. I shimmer in the water, needing you deeper and deeper. Deep down, the pups inside of me feed of your energy too, speeding their growth. I moan and gasp, my crystal claws breaking into the wall* Oh gods daddy! Yes! Harder! Deeper!

bighope 6 days ago *I growl, pounding harder and harder, my feet curling in pleasure and making massive gouges into the floor as my claws dig into it for leverage* That's it bitch, your mine now, your transformation is complete *I growl and snarl as I pound deeper and deeper into your needy hole* Your forever my slave *I grip on your leash and pull you close to my pecks as they swell, I flex them and the wall is showered with my milk and you can't help but lap it up. I snarl and foam at the mouth as I continue to mount and rut you, completely annihilating your hole and forever molding it to my cock that is continuing to grow. My balls have grown to the size of basketballs and my cock is now a solid three feet and nearly a foot thick and you writhe in pleasure, begging for more and thanking me for your gods bounty that he provides for you*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I howl out and pleasure and look up at you lustfully. You see that my eyes have become the same color as your own and I know that I belong to you. I grunt and growl, hearing the tiles of the bathroom flow break under your massive weight. I can withstand anything though. I'm designed to pleasure you no matter how you plan to. I growl and feeling myself being held in the air as you fuck me hard and long. I growl, lapping at milk and even drool from your muzzle as you snarl above me. I feel your massive cock inside of me, bucking harder, my world nothing but pleasure. I can only dream how big your knot has become* thank you daddy! Fuck me into eternity! IM yours forever! I will serve you forever as my alpha. My daddy! My master!!! MY GOD!!!!

bighope 6 days ago *I growl and my knot forms, my growth seems to have stopped, but the enormity of my body moving and bulging with power makes it difficult to say if I have or not. My knot pushes against your hole* beg for it bitch, beg for my knot *you feel it, it's practically as big as a beach ball and my watermelon sized balls churn as they slap behind your knees and my cock thrusts up into your chest* beg to be knot fucked by your godly master

Wolf93 6 days ago *gasps and shudders feeling the sheer size you've grown too* Rrrrg, I need it! Shove that fucking knot in me and tear my hole apart master! I am your bitch! Use my ass as your cock sleeve and pleasure yourself! I want it in me! I want you to fuck me with it!!!

bighope 6 days ago *I growl and hiss as I tug on your leash almost a little too hard* I didn't hear Please bitch *I pound away at your hole, but it seems to do nothing to satisfy your desire as tease your pucker with my knot*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I yelp and gasp, panting for breathe for a moment* please daddy! oh god please! *I try to press back against you. I try to get you're fat knot inside me like my life depends on it. I grit my teeth, my hole taking the beating of its life.

bighope 6 days ago *I hiss and pound into you* That's...More...Like...IT! *I thrust hard on each word, my knot prying you farther and farther open until it pops in, but I can't knot fuck you, the size of the member is simply to big but it doesn't stop me from fucking it into you* almost there bitch *I half pant half growl out as I wrap a paw around your throbbing manhood, or bitch hood now* beg for it, beg for the cum bitch *my knot pushes against your prostate so hard that it's almost painful, but the pleasure is overwhelming and you feel yourself on the brink, the only thing holding you back is the fact that I haven't cum yet and you know you are to pleasure your master before yourself*

Wolf93 6 days ago *howls in pleasure, my world spinning from how large it is. I wiggle on it, my pussy-hole clenching down tightly on your massive knot* Give it to me daddy! Fill me with it! Please, I need it bad! Fill my cunt with you hot cum! Breed me again! Give me more pups for our harem! *my world begins going white again as I cry out* Make me yours again! Please!!!!

bighope 6 days ago *you feel my cock throb hard and then a torrent of seed blasts into you, filling you out deeply, overflowing you and all in the first shot you feel the cum well up I the back of your throat and fill your third lung. I give a deafening roar before I bite down on your shoulder again, marking you down to the bone as I pump you full of my juices*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I howl out before going silent. The pleasure overloads me and I am blinded for a moment again, not knowing anything but my body and the heat of the cum shooting through it and eventually the fangs in my shoulder. A look of endless euphoria is stuck on my face and my claws tear into the wall as my grip tightens. I blast my load onto the wall but it is nothing compared to the pleasure of your massive cock buried inside of me. I slowly come back and then begins growling and moaning in pleasure, nuzzling you even with your fangs penetrating me to the bone. I have become your perfect bitch. Designed to pleasure you where no one else can. All I feel, is the extreme pleasure of you claiming me once more*

bighope 6 days ago *growls and laps at your wound as I pull away your entire body coated with my spunk. I leave you on my cock as I get under the shower head, now to low to shower me properly* that's a good slut *I finely say* you did a wonderful job, you should rest.

Wolf93 6 days ago *I nuzzles back against you, the place where you bite me healing over into a dark purple crystal. I smile up at you sleepily, my now purple eyes glowing a bit up at you* I can rest easy right here daddy.... *I wiggle a bit in your knot and rub your stomach a bit* is that ok?

bighope 6 days ago *I grin down at you* where else does a cock sock rest *I chuckle and thrust into you a bit*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I smile and nuzzle your belly before looking over my fur and grinning, liking how I look now a lot*

bighope 6 days ago *murrs as I wash the cum off of us I look down at you and smile, liking how you look now too*

Wolf93 6 days ago *I murr softly, feeling the water washing over us* so...something I've been meaning to ask daddy... *blushes a bit*

bighope 6 days ago Yes? * I raise a brow*

Wolf93 6 days ago *looks up at you* uh...heheh...how long before....you know... *i pat my belly* these little guys are around?

bighope 6 days ago *chuckles rubbing your belly, it has swollen a great deal, and not just by the cum. I give a light smile* how long to you want to be pregnant? *I chuckle and nuzzle you gently* I can make them ready with a snap of my fingers, or do you like being my knocked up bitch?

Wolf93 6 days ago *I giggle and nuzzle your abs* I like having your cubs inside of me. heheh. But I also want to have then so we can start our pack. I don't really know what I wanna do. *I rub my belly a bit* what would you like daddy? Do you like me better knocked up or suckling cubs? *smiles*

bighope 6 days ago *growls and murrs lustfully* why not both, *I smile* we can give birth to your pups and your so fertile I can practically spit in your pussy and you'll have a another litter on the way *I smile and thrust into you once more* how does that sound, you'll always have a little piece of me inside you.

Wolf93 6 days ago *blushes and nods* I'd like that daddy. *nuzzles your stomach again* and its thanks to you I'm so fertile daddy. I don't know where I'd be without you around alpha. *giggles and wags tail*

bighope 6 days ago *smiles* you'd be blue balled looking for a daddy to fuck you *chuckles and gives you another thrust*

Wolf93 6 days ago *giggles and clenches on you a bit* and even if I did find one, he wouldn't be near as good as you. As a master or in bed. *I chuckle and lean back against your abs, liking my seat.

bighope 6 days ago *murrs and walks into the bedroom and lays down* well I need to get my sleep *nuzzles you* as do you

Wolf93 6 days ago *I snuggle into your chest* ok daddy. * I smile and then nuzzle your chest* good night master.