Revalation 3: Casting all the stones

Story by Zetriya on SoFurry

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This finally reveals the true nature of Reds plan. Taking part shortly after Iris was released from Reds crypt.

Lisha stood on top of a ruined tower, watching the exchange below. It was all as her master had planned. The demons captured Iris, and delivered their message to her mate the archangle Gabriel. Now all she had to do was wait for him to react.

It didn't take long. Gabriel and his men all abandoned post to rescue the innocent girl, leaving almost nothing to defend their precious shipyards. The human waited from the top of the tower until the group had all left before making her way down.

She made her way past the entrance of the shipyards she had been scouting, carefully avoiding the patrols as she made her way through the almost abandoned post. Her mission was easy, perhaps too easy as she got almost to her target.

Lisha couldn't remember what happened after she turned the corner to the reactor room. All she knew was that she hurt, a lot. She looked around the room she was in. Her belongings had been left on the table just outside of reach, thick iron bars blocking her from them. She was in a cage, and quite naked.

It didn't take her long to learn who had put her there. A large bird creature stepped into the room with the cage, rummaging through her things before looking her over. The look in his eyes was both one of disgust, and animalistic lust. "Demon sympathizer. What were you doing here?"

Lisha had been told exactly what to say. Following her lines word for word. "I was sent to attack your base by the demon mistress."

"You plan to kill us?"


"And why should I let you live then?"

"So that I can kill you as the demon mistress commands."

"And who is this demon mistress you speak of, does she have a name?"

"Lady Isis, the one who commands the vast armies and ordered their attack of course."

The bird gasped, fleeing the room, leaving Lisha in the cage. Her acting had gone over perfectly, now for the next part of her plan, she had to escape.