Chapter Two - Center of Focus

Story by XenialShadow on SoFurry

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#3 of Within Escada

A flashback to the past where things began. Catching my eye, a familiar face.

Originally uploaded in March of 2008.

Within Escada - Chapter Two - Center of Focus


Chapter Two starts introducing more plot development. It's unchanged really from the original.

Character Overview

Jessica Rene Maxwell - 17-year-old red fox who is Wolfe and Scott's best friend since middle school and at one time was Wolfe's girlfriend. Even while knowing that Wolfe and Scott are gay, she has been there for both of them and never questioned their decisions in life. She too is a senior in high school.

*Warning - Adult Content* Contains homosexual characters and themes.


~~~~~~~~ 13 Years Ago ~~~~~~~~

"Sir, agent 354 Alpha has confirmed." A small hare stood at the door of a large office. "So when is this going to begin?" A large bear turned from his chair holding a file with a running red wolf on the cover. "Tonight, as long as nothing gets in the way. Evaluating them for the last five years brings us the confidence to ask them now. They should make great additions." The hare stood confidently as he closed a file he had in his paw. "The go ahead and alert agent 354 Alpha to go ahead and that I want this to be successful." He turned and glared at the hare. "Yes sir." The hare turned and left the room and shut the door.

"Jacob Dimitrivich Escada and Anita Leslie Escada, we'll see what you two do." The large bruin sighed and turned to his computer and opened another file lying next to it and looked at a photo paper clipped to the inside. "I know you can do this." He closed the file and stood up to go grab himself a drink, reaching for a small black device with a touch screen as he left.

"So do we have an agreement Mr. Townsend?" Jacob leaned from his seat as he raised his ears to the rhinoceros and his council who reached for the pen lying on top of a contract and an investment strategy. "I can't think of any other investors who would take care of so much money." The rhino smiled and scratched his signatures on the twenty plus lines required to seal the deal. "You're in good hands." Jacob smiled at Mark who was eagerly waiting for the rhino to finish. "There you go." The rhino stood up as did Jacob and Mark who held out there paws to shake his.

The rhinoceros then turned and left the office of Escada Investments of California. Jacob and Mark jumped for joy as soon as the door closed. They had just closed an eighty-five billion dollar deal with one of the top companies in the nation just to continue making sure that it would stand proud for the next 25 years. "Do you have any idea how much we just made?" Jacob said ecstatic with joy. "I can't even believe it. We are so wealthy now it's not even funny." Mark raised the check written to him for five million dollars. Jacob did the same with his and began to cry tears of joy.

Their company had started small from what they started with and had nearly tripled since they began after graduating from college. Now they had gown from a small investment company in Pasadena to the big leagues in the single stroke of a pen. "Jacob, you should call Anita." Mark pushed Jacob lightly and grabbed the phone, dialing the familiar number. Jacob reached for the phone and held it to his ear. Waiting as it rang. "Hello? This is Anita." "Anita, it's Jacob. You won't believe what just happened..." He sniffled and chuckled as his wife screamed for joy at the other end of the line.

"Papa!" A young three-year-old wolf pup ran to the front door of the large town home apartment from his bedroom. Jacob heard the patter of paws coming down the stairs as he opened the door and looked at Mark who heard it too. "Wolfe!" Jacob scooped up his son in his arms and gave him a warm embrace. The young pup giggled as he was tossed into the air and given another big hug. "Where's mommy Wolfe?" Smiling as he looked at Wolfe, Jacob saw the white fur of his wife leaning against the wall. "Oh, I'm right here. Just admiring my to happy wolves." Anita smiled and wiped a tear from her eye. Jacob set Wolfe down and patted him on the head as Mark shut the door. "Mark! You're here too!" the young Wolfe jumped and barked in excitement.

Jacob laughed as his focus then shifted to that of Anita. He smiled as she wrapped her arms around Jacob and kissed him on the muzzle, fighting to stop her tears of joy. They kissed passionately, tears streaming down their faces. For once in their lives they knew that things were going to be better than ever. Life was not difficult, but had its moments. They were happy that life was changing for the better.

Mark was playing with Wolfe as he moved his tail around for the pup to try and grab. At the second buzzing of his phone he knew that he needed to step outside to take the call. "I'll be back Wolfe; I have a phone call to take. Okay?" "Aww... Okay, just hurry. I want to play!" Wolfe wagged his tail as he smiled. "Don't worry. I won't be long." he glanced over to Jacob who nodded. Mark opened the door and stepped outside making his way far enough to be out of ear shot.

"Agent 354 Alpha..."

Mark, Jacob, and Anita sat in the booth of a restaurant as they looked over their menus. Wolfe was at Scott's house for the night and the three decided to celebrate.

"So have you decided on where you are going to move yet?" Mark set his menu down as he finished deciding what to order. "We were thinking the area around Pasadena; a nice five-bedroom house in a quite residential area would be good for us. Around where Wolfe's friend Scott lives." Jacob smiled at Anita who nodded in agreement. "We don't necessarily want to move from where we are but a home of our own would be good. Plus Wolfe and Scott are pretty much set on ending up as childhood friends. So we don't want to break that apart." Anita was set with their decision.

Mark smiled at the two and sighed. "Yeah, look at me and Jacob." "That's because we make such a great team." Jacob smiled and chuckled to himself. They all laughed and were overjoyed at the outcome of a good day. After placing their order with the waiter Jacob raised his glass. "A toast, to success, longevity, and prosperity." Mark and Anita raised their glasses together and met theirs to Jacob's. Their meals arrived and they ate, enjoying themselves. After paying the bill they decided on coffee to end the evening.

They came to a small coffee shop just down the street and went inside. It smelled of coffee beans and the sound of espresso machines releasing steam filled the air. "Nothing like the joy of espresso." Anita grinned as she passed her lie for Mark and Jacob to hear, she hated the sound of steam releasing from anything. "Yeah, but we can order and just go sit on the patio." Mark stayed since that was his plan. The patio was empty and would give him some privacy to talk to them.

"I'll pick up the order, you two find a nice spot outside." Mark smiled warmly at them. Jacob and Anita made their way outside and found a comfortable spot that overlooked the street. As he picked up the carrier for the beverages he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket. He grumbled as he opened it to view a text message. '354 Alpha, confirm status.' He texted back quickly, 'Status is in process. Will execute immediately.' He closed his phone after pressing the send key and then quickly made his way to the patio with the coffee.

"Okay, here you go." Mark said as he sat the coffee down. "Thank you Mark." Anita smiled as she took hold of her coffee. They sat down and watched the many cars slowly making their way past them. "There is something that I need to talk to you two about. It concerns both of you." Mark broke the silence. "What is it Mark?" Jacob set down his coffee. "Well now is not the time and we are not in a good place. Would you two be willing to come back with me to my apartment?" Mark was stern with his statement as he scanned the street in front of the small coffee shop. Jacob and Anita looked at one another and couldn't understand.

"Mark what is it?" Anita was annoyed. "It's not safe." Mark looked at a black SUV that pulled to a stop a few buildings down. He reached inside his coat and reached for a small card in readiness of this situation and handed it to Jacob. Jacob took the card and opened it slowly, Anita coming in close to read it. 'You are both in danger. In short, I have been protecting you two for the past seventeen years. I cannot go into to detail but you both must do exactly what I say. When I say so, we need to get up and start proceeding to my car. Both of you have to get in the back and lay down on the seats. Keep your heads down and stay there. I'll get you out of here.'

Jacob and Anita looked up as they heard the cocking of a gun; it's sound sending chills down their spines. Mark had no expression and stared directly into their eyes, still watching the SUV as a second stopped and parked near it. He held onto the holster in his coat, turning off the safety on the 9mm handgun. Jacob knew now this was serious and grabbed a hold of Anita's paw. She squeezed his in fear but remained calm. Both Jacob, Anita, and Mark nodded as they say quietly, waiting.

"Well, it's late now. We should get going so you two can pick up Wolfe." Mark was completely calm as he stood up. "Yeah, besides we all have an early day tomorrow." Jacob said nervously as he got out of his chair and helped Anita from hers. They left their coffee and began to leave the patio stepping straight onto the sidewalk. "Just stay close." Mark whispered to Jacob as he moved next to him, still with his arm in his coat. They finally entered the parking structure, silent and quickly.

They were close now, but too late. Mark stopped dead in his tracks and drew his gun and fired at a car. In an instant a badger fell from behind a small Toyota. "Get in!" Mark screamed as he pulled Jacob and Anita toward his Dodge Avenger. Jacob and Anita quickly climbed in the back and did as Mark had said soon hearing another gun shot. Mark was now hiding behind the vehicle next to his as he fired another three shots.

"Over there! He has them." A voice said in the shadows. Mark roared and quickly ran to the driver's side of his car and climbed in. As he started the engine he turned and yelled, "Stay down and hold on!" He abruptly reversed and the shifted into drive. At that moment a bullet flew through the rear window of the car and blasted into the headrest. Anita screamed as Mark accelerated out of the parking garage, gunfire continuing to be heard.

"You're not going to take them!" Mark was furious as he barreled down the city street leaving the parking garage, soon finding his rear flooded with more black SUVs. He turned, taking aim at one of the vehicles and fired two shots through his rear window. Direct hit, one of the SUVs slammed into a telephone pole. He turned back to face the road, continuing to accelerate as he pushed the vehicle to top speeds, dodging through traffic as he fought to get away. They were now on the interstate, continuing to gain speed as Mark tried to lose the motorcade behind him. What felt like an eternity only happened within ten minutes. Mark pulled into a long stretch of road still being followed by at least four vehicles.

"This will be it you guys. We're going to lose them here." Jacob and Anita said nothing, still too afraid to say or do much of anything as they held onto one another in fear. As he heard no response from them Mark depressed a switch underneath his seat. The black avenger went completely dark and quiet, the roar of the engine silenced. "Mark what did you do? They are going to get is for sure!" Jacob was now flooded with emotions as he growled and fought back his tears, feeling his and Anita's life were soon to end. "That's not going to happen Jacob." Mark was now amazingly calm as the car soon pushed to almost two hundred miles per hour and slipped down into the road, disappearing out of existence.

"Where did they go?" An outraged cougar snarled as he glared at an otter who was typing hastily on a laptop. "I don't know sir, they have completely disappeared from the radar." "Damn it!" The cougar ground his claws into the dashboard of the SUV and growled at the otter who was driving. "I'll notify HQ." The otter reached for his phone as he slowed the vehicle down to turn and go back in the other direction.

The car was now propelling through a lighted tunnel, Mark not even holding the wheel as they made their way through tight turns. Jacob and Anita were now sitting in the seats, still stunned. "I guess I should explain, it's going to take at least two hours from where we are to get to home base." Mark sighed and turned to face them. "What is all of this? Who were those furs? Who are you really? What do you want from us?" Jacob asked in a frustrated tone, Anita still slinging to him. "Well, we have to start somewhere." Mark took a deep breath.

Since his second year in college, Mark worked for Red Wolf, a secret government organization that functioned nothing like the CIA but is an actual secret group that makes the CIA look like watching TV. They were the ones who did the work and always got the job done. Mark had been employed to monitor and protect both Jacob and Anita. Mark was still himself, but he had a second job so to speak that now and then would take him around the world for two or three days. The furs that were chasing them can only be said to be a hired team sent to kill Mark, Jacob, and Anita. It was why Mark was assigned to protect them.

"The reason why I had to get you two out of there was because you were in danger. It wouldn't be the first time I have had to protect you from being exterminated. Remember when you're car tires were all slashed?" "That was last week, why was that?" Jacob was slightly aggravated. "I had to because an electrical tripper was wired to your speedometer to trigger a bomb." Mark looked away, sitting in silence as the lights passed by. "Thank you Mark. I guess we owe you a lot more then we thought." Anita raised her head from Jacobs chest. "I had to protect you both, for the sake of yourselves, Wolfe, Red Wolf, and even me." Mark wiped a tear from his eye. "It wasn't always easy either. You try remaining under cover and not interfere with someone's life. I was glad that I wasn't always alone doing it." Mark chuckled.

The tension was broken, no longer was anyone afraid. "So what exactly did you want to tell us back at the coffee shop?" Jacob asked. "Okay, the reason why is this. I have been ordered to employ you for three reasons; you are qualified candidates, you well exceed intellectual knowledge, and are the only ones who have what it takes." Mark stretched in his seat. "That's not very specific." Anita scowled. "Jacob, you are fluent in thirteen world languages, know the stock market like the back of your hand, have a third degree black belt with training in various fighting styles, and you're fairly young. Anita, you are an accomplished medical examiner, fluent in ten languages, very agile, and as well fairly young. I can't really elaborate any more than that. Both of you are intelligent and exactly what we need." Mark finished as he turned to the two.

"So because we are a bit more knowledgeable than the average fur we are what you call 'qualified'?" Jacob stared right into Mark's eyes. "Pretty much, and then some." Mark smiled in assurance. Anita sighed, "Well if this Red Wolf wants me to join then they better give me a gun." Anita looked at Mark with an uneasy glare. "I can understand why," Mark said without any argument, "it won't take you too long to be given one and trained on it." "I guess I'll need one too, it can't be too hard to use one." Jacob grinned at Mark and Anita. "So I guess you're in then?" Mark said in a hopeful tone. Jacob and Anita nodded in agreement. "We are kind of stuck now. Look you just spilled the guts on this whole thing and we are traveling underground to who knows where." Jacob stated. "We're not that far now" Mark smiled warmly as the car pulled into an open area with buildings all around, an underground city.

The engine returned to life and Mark grabbed hold of the wheel. "I hope you guys are up to being here awhile. It'll be at least a good twenty-four hours to get you set up and ready with Red Wolf. It is about a ten-hour briefing, so when we get the chance I'll get you to a phone to call Scotts parents. It won't be a problem if Wolfe stays awhile with him, right?" "No, it should be fine." Anita smiled. Mark smiled back and turned to Jacob, "I'm really glad you both are going to do this, plus since you two will be able to protect yourselves I can get some sleep." Mark began to break into laughter, soon joined by Jacob and Anita. He slowed down and pulled into a large parking structure. "Okay, here we are. Be ready, you are going to be flooded with a lot of information." Mark was no longer laughing as he pulled into a parking space and turned of the engine. "We should be fine. Thanks Mark." Jacob said as he placed his paw on Mark's shoulder, soon joined by Anita.

They smiled warmly at one another and stepped out of the Dodge, coming face to face with a large group of furs dressed in suits. A large bear stood in the center holding a file with the Red Wolf emblem on it. Closing the file and raised his head, "Jacob and Anita Escada, we have been waiting for you."

~~~~~~~~ Present ~~~~~~~~

Jacob rested his paws behind Mark's head as he climbed on top of him. "Jacob!" Mark exclaimed as Jacob ground his swelling wolf cock along Mark's. He grinned as he pressed his muzzle into Mark's, sending them into a heated kiss as they slowly rubbed against one another. Mark sat up and threw the blanket from over them to the floor. Jacob moaned as Mark began to run his fingers along his tail, inching closer to Jacob's tail hole. Jacob forced Mark to the bed and then began to nip at the base of Mark's neck.

Slowly, Mark moved his paw toward the head of Jacob's cock, wet with pre that was matting his fur, and squeezed it lightly. Jacob humped into Mark's paw as he took hold of the lion's dripping member. He then made his way toward his mates cock, taking a deep breath as he pressed his muzzle to the barbed lion hood. "What are you planning on doing there puppy?" Mark smiled knowing exactly what was going to happen. With out a word Jacob opened his muzzle and brought the lion into his mouth, inch by inch, Oliver a moan from Mark as he fought to not hump into Jacob's skull.

Jacob ran his tongue along Mark's swelling shaft, teasing the barbs as he pulled away. He then flicked the swollen head and then plunged down upon the girth of the lion all the way to the hilt. Mark was a little more than eight inches and he was thick, but Jacob had no problem deep throating him. "Jacob..." Mark moaned as he felt his cock rub against the back of Jacob's throat. Mark then moved Jacob setting themselves in a sixty-nine position as he wrapped his paw on Jacob's cock, taking all of the thick nine inches into his waiting maw. "You always do this." Jacob turned as he grinned at Mark who continued his eager sucking as he squeezed behind where Jacob's knot would form. They were now in fluid motion, pumping into one another as the other did the same, their moans adding to the overall pleasure.

Jacob soon grew tired of waiting and then got up, his cock leaving Mark's eager muzzle. "I know what you want, and I want you to do it." Mark smiled as he raised his hips after settling in a better stance to show his eagerly awaiting tail hole. Jacob said nothing as he positioned himself behind Mark and opened a drawer on the bedside table. He rummaged through it quickly and found a bottle of lube, throwing a sly grin at Mark who only continued to slowly stare lustily at Jacob. Jacob opened the bottle and placed a small amount on his paw, Mark raising his tail to await Jacob. He ran his now well-lubricated fingers along Mark's tail hole before pressing two of his digits into Mark's awaiting hole.

Out of sheer pleasure Mark pressed back and let Jacob's fingers completely fill him. "Jacob, just do it already. Enough teasing." Mark rolled over onto his back and grabbed the lube from Jacob, placing a generous amount in his paw and reaching for the wolf's cock. Jacob moved closer to Mark, positioning his dripping cock to meet with Mark's tail hole. "Just like that Jacob." Mark moaned as he felt the wolf's flared tip press against him. Jacob then pushed into Mark, the tight ring of Mark's opening fighting against him as he continued his advance.

He pushed slowly, letting the length of his cock be wrapped in the lion's warm tail hole. When he finally met with Mark and had pushed his thick member past the point where his knot would form, he backed out almost all the way. "Come on Jacob, I want you to make me yours. Tie with me, I want your big cock in me." Mark exclaimed as he gripped the bed spread as he felt the resistance of his body. That was all Jacob needed as he shoved his length back into Mark, continuing this motion as he picked up speed. Mark moaned as he felt Jacob's flared tip running across his insides sending an electrifying and pleasurable pain through his spine. "Don't hold back Jacob, make me yours." Mark continued his encouragement as he purred and growled with every wave that moved through his body.

Jacob was now slamming into Mark, his knot slowly swelling as his cock became larger and his sac slowly rising to cling to his body. Mark's body flexed with every push of Jacob's member, the muscles sporadically tensing and relaxing. "Jacob, ugh... I'm close." He knew that Mark was furiously stroking his paw along his dripping lion hood and he the lion's sac had climbed closer to the base instead of hanging to where the rested against his abs. He felt Mark's tail clench down on his swollen member, a loud roar shaking the room. Mark came hard as his cock shot his seed on to his chest and mane. Mark gasped and let out another roar, he came for a second time almost twice as strong as the first. Jacob continued his furious pummeling of Mark's tail, his knot growing exponentially with every thrust from the reward of his lover peaking twice.

"Do it Jacob," Mark said weakly but strong, "I want your big cock to make me yours." Jacob lifted Mark, pumping into him twice as hard as his knot thickened and passed in and out of Mark's hot tail, Mark moaning as the girth of Jacob's knot forcefully passed. Jacob then snarled and sank his teeth into the nape of Mark's neck. "Do it Jacob, tie with me." With a few more thrusts Jacob was there. He felt his whole body tense and with on final thrust he forced Mark's tail to take him in all the way.

Jacob released Mark's neck as he howled, Mark joining him with his roars as they felt Jacob filling Mark. Every pulse of Jacob's swollen cock emptying into Mark sent electricity through them as Jacob continued to move, pulling his knot back to enhance the painful pleasure. Eventually Jacob had finished, his cum leaking from Mark's tail from around his knot. He laid his head on Mark, putting his muzzle in front of Mark's as he panted. "Every time you top me it is always a work out." Mark said as he kissed Jacob. "Just don't move. The only thing I don't like is waiting on my knot." Jacob sighed as he buried his muzzle into Mark's mane.

Mark wrapped his arms around Jacob, being careful so that he didn't shift his body too much. The first time he let Jacob tie with him Mark pulled back, the wolf crying in pain as he felt that he was about to have his penis torn straight out of him. Mark was so scared he cried for two days, feeling that his relationship would end with Jacob. Jacob assured him that it wasn't his fault; he knew that Mark had never been with a canine and should have warned him. A stressful situation, but it brought the two closer together.

After ten minutes Jacob's knot subsided, Jacob could now shift to a better position. During sex and regular activity Jacob was entirely dominant, but there were many instances where he wanted Mark to be in control. Mark brought Jacob closer to him and stared into Jacob's eyes, the blue haze captivating him. Jacob kissed him lightly but then kissed him, locking his muzzle with Mark's. "I love you Mark, more than anything." Jacob said as he broke away to look at Mark. "I love you too Jacob." Mark smiled warmly and kissed Jacob on the nose.

They rested, relaxing from the strenuous activity they had just endured. It was peaceful, all until Jacob's cell phone rang. "We both know who that is." Mark groaned as he reached for the phone. Jacob took his phone and answered it, "Agent 456 Omega..."

Wolfe slowed down his Mustang as he pulled into the parking lot. Their school had a subterranean parking garage that ran under the schools main building. "Well, we are here." Wolfe said as he pulled into the closest parking space to the elevators. "We should get our schedules first, let's hope that we have classes together." Jessica stayed with excitement. Scott nodded in agreement as he opened the door. They made their way toward the elevators and stood silent, watching the elevator doors to open.

"Grant!" Scott screamed excitingly as the elevator doors opened. "Scott! I wasn't expecting to see you until later today." Grant opened his arms as Scott met with him in a warm embrace. Grant is a rather large grizzly bear and as well as Scott's boyfriend. "I missed you so much." Scott squeezed his arms tightly around Grant. "I can't breath." Grant said weakly. Scott broke apart from Grant and chuckled, he then looked into his eyes and smiled. "So are you guys going to get in here or are we going to have to continue to hold the elevator for you two?" Wolfe said as he pressed the hold button one more time. Scott and Grant turned sharply and jumped inside the elevator car.

Wolfe and Jessica giggled as Scott stood hand in hand with Grant, the two continuing to hold one another. "Well you know we are still here, right?" Jessica smiled. They ignored her and stood silently. "We all know that you're jealous Jessica so don't try to hide it." Wolfe said as he grinned at Jessica. "You're terrible." Jessica smiled as the doors opened. They stepped out of the elevator car and into the large hallway of he main building, the sound of hundreds of furs speaking all at once. Wolfe, Scott, Jessica, and Grant stood together and smiled. "It's nice to be back in school," Wolfe smiled as the others nodded in agreement, "let's go get those schedules. Wolfe led the way, followed by his friends.


Plot and more plot, this was around the time I had a few co-writers wrking with me on development cause they were interested in the story. Be on the look out for another installment of Within Escada, Chapter Three - Across the Way.

Wolfe Escada


All characters, structure, scenario, and plot © 2010, 2013 Wolfe Dimitrivich Escada aka XenialShadow

All artists, music, brand names, company names, slogans, registers, and trademarks are copyright to their respective entities and used only to enhance the story.

The majority of the story is purely fictitious and is not to be taken into account in the event of coincidental reality.

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