Day of Discovery

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Day of Discovery (c)2008 Entih

WARNING!: This story contains a sexual situation between a young cub and a younger yet cub (babyfur). Whether this warning is read or skipped over, you take full responsibility by continuing to read, blah blah fucking blah. Warnings are stupid anyway, just necessary. I don't care if you don't like it anyway.

Synopsis: A young fox boy gets rather curious about "male biology" at school, and when he finds himself watching a much younger wolf boy, he sees opportunity to explore.

[cub, babyfur, watersports (very slight)]

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Wow, has it been a while since I bothered to work on writing anything remotely furry related... I've had so many ideas (yiffy and non-yiffy) to type up, but I could never find time to get at making them happen. Err, anywho, enjoy!


"Almost there..." He said, peeking around through his black mask, seeing only the dank metal interior of the air duct. He looked at his watch, the electronic display showing a map of the facility... just a few more rooms to crawl over before he is at his target. Quiet metal thuds echo through the duct as he continues, silenced by the droning of fans throughout the vent system.

At long last, he reaches an opening, a vent cover leading into a pitch black room, allowing no light up into the vent with which to work. Lucky for the boy, he always comes prepared. He lowers his

night vision goggles over his masked face, falling over his eyes. After several seconds of adjusting the loose fitting eyeware, he activates the device, eliciting from it a high pitched hum followed by silence, his eyes being flooded with a clear green image. With renewed vision, he retrieves his watch once more, pulling from it an apparently military grade multitool. Slow, rhythmic twists above the cover... quietly... THERE! The vent cover, unscrewed, falls into the room, there is a thud of what sounds like metal on tile. Soon follows the kit, footpaws landing into the room next to the fallen covering.

Walking carefully through the room, apparently green to his eyes, he sees his target at the far end, hidden under protective glass. Slowly and silently he stalks toward it, cautious, as there might be laser alarms, pressure pads, poison gas, maybe even... "ACK!" he exclaims, something snagging his tail. He turns around, tail snagged on something seemingly invisible, confusedly flailing. Suddenly a ringing hits his ears... a familiar ringing... the school bell!

Ben's eyes shoot open suddenly at the revelation, to find himself face down on the ground in his class, next to his desk. The 9 year old fox peers around, his classmates walking toward the door to head to their next classes, many of them covering their muzzles in an attempt to hide their laughs, at Ben's expense no doubt. He then turns his attention to his teacher, knelt down beside him giving his tail several tugs every few seconds. "Hey... Ben... You up yet? You're enough of a class disturbance when you SNORE while sleeping, let alone falling out of your desk and staying asleep while doing it.." The adult smirks.

Ben blushes and splays his ears slightly, an embarrassed smile adorning him as he sits up on the floor to adjust and wake himself before hopping up to his feet. Attempting to evade giving his teacher the time to speak up and provide any further smart or possibly scathing remarks about his sleep tendencies, Ben scurries toward the door to join his classmates, forsaking his books at his desk in doing so. Unfortunately for the cub, he wasn't fast enough to avoid the teacher's usual and mandatory command, "And don't forget to do your homework tonight either, Ben!". "DARN!"

Dispite the classroom dream incident, the day was turning out much like any other day for Ben. Not much possible variation in the school day of a third grader, after all... Ben walked through the crowded school hallway, heading for the boy's bathroom. At his school, bathroom breaks during class are not exactly allowed anymore, and the only time they give the students to do their business is during the 10 minute rest period, right in the middle of the school day.

Urgency in his need starting to build as his sleep fully wears off, Ben picks up the pace, nearly bursting through the door to the restroom. He hops and skips his way to one of the cub urinals, attempting to keep it in him until he finally can go without making a mess. There are two of the cub urinals, the one next to him quickly becoming occupied, another young fox boy, seemingly a year younger, arriving at it at the same time as Ben to his. Ben keeps to his own business, unzipping his shorts and pulling them down to his knees along with his undies, as most all cubs do. Holding his shorts and briefs at his knees with a paw, the boy uses his other paw to pull his sensitive flesh out of his canid sheath. It is limp, as it pretty much always is at his age, but he needs to be able to aim into the urinal somehow. He sighs quietly and relaxes, letting the stream from him and letting the urgency leave with it.

His issue dealt with, Ben begins to get a bit more curious... His eyes slowly but surely glide over toward the younger fox next to him, member grasped between his index finger and thumb as he pees. Ben blushes deeply, not even noticing that he finished peeing by the time the younger fox finishes up and pulls his pants back up, oblivious to his audience. Ben looks back to himself, to double check his progress in urinating, only to find that not only is he done with his task, but watching the other cub do his business started to make poor Ben get strangely hard in his paw...

Ben looked around the restroom, the only other inhabitant having left. His paw slowly migrates away from his crotch, eyes peering down at his hard self, a bit confused. From his paw extends a small, furred finger, pad making contact with his 3 inches of flesh, making himself let out a slight wriggle from the feeling. "Why is it... why is it hard?" he whispers to himself, almost as if expecting an answer from the air, continuing to prod himself with a finger. Suddenly, from the restroom door comes a creak, driving Ben to clumsily and hastily pull up his briefs (not exactly having the time to fix his tail through the hole in them either), shorts eluding his grasp and falling to the floor. It was a teacher, the one usually assigned to monitor the hallway during the break period and make sure the students are on time for returning to class...

"Hey, its two minutes till bell, you should hurry up and..." he stalls, noting the predicament of the boy, "and fix up your pants boy, no one wants to see that butt of yours". Blushing as the teacher recedes, Ben fixes his tail through the hole, smoothing the fur as he does so, and pulls up his shorts, struggling with the zipper due to his still-apparent little tent. As he ran off toward his classroom, trying his best to be on time for once, he silently resolves to find out about why his member became hard, and to do it, by his best efforts, alone...

Ben arrived home, mom having driven him from school. He almost bursts through the door, tossing his backpack onto the sofa without once breaking his sluggish stride toward his bedroom. Exaggerating, Ben grunted when he lifted a paw to his bedroom door handle, as if it had hurt him to do so, opening the door into his mess of a room. His older brother had a babysitting gig tonight at his house, the charge was only two years old... Ben knew he would be staying in his room for the night, as the rest of the house would be completely covered in baby toys that his brother has no intention of cleaning up till his charge is on its way home.

Dropping onto his bed face first, Ben shut his eyes, tired from what felt an eternity of school. He had homework, but it wasn't his "style" to do such things, completely ignoring that fact as he let his mind skip back to the events in the restroom... Thinking it over again and again, wondering and contemplating, Ben slowly drifted off into a steady sleep...

"Wake up... Wake up!" Ben finally heard, being shaken by his older brother. Ben rubbed his head groggily, stirring and looking at his brother "What, whaaaaaat... I was sleeping, Rick!". As he let his eyes slowly adjust back to the waking world, Ben saw his 17 year old brother standing by his bed, holding a small, slightly pudgy diapered wolf cub to himself, "Listen Ben, I seriously need to run to the store real quick! The cub's parents only left me 3 extra diapers when they dropped him off, he's already on his last, and mom and dad are out for the night!"

Ben groaned out and rested his head into a paw. He hated looking after younger cubs... they KNEW he hated looking after younger cubs... "Look, I don't have much choice in this matter Ben! With the way this kid goes, this diaper wont last much longer. Now, I'll just be 30 minutes..." Rick spoke, setting the cub down next to the bed, pulling out his wallet and checking it for money, "if he goes in this diaper... just leave it on him. If he starts leaking, THEN you can take it off him, but just... bah, nevermind, I'll just hurry..."

Rick made a short dash toward the front door, "Remember, I'll just be 30 minutes!", and with a quiet slam he was gone. The wolf cub sat against Ben's bed, eyes wandering around the room, silently inspecting everything, from the clutter to the video game posters. Ben slowly sat up in his bed, yawning widely. He peered down at the curious little cub, giving him a gentle poke on the head, getting his attention and eliciting a giggle.

Ben leans in a bit toward the wolf, smiling through his tiredness and reluctance, "Can a wuff talk?". The cub nods, smiling back at the fox. "And what is your name?" he asks the wolf next, curious. "E... E... Ent... Entih" the cub struggles out, obviously still pushing to figure out some vocabulary, and to train himself to pronounce a number of syllables. Ben just giggled and nodded, petting the wolf on the head... he may hate watching younger cubs, but by no means does he hate the cubs themselves, in fact he found them very cute.

A pair of fox arms reach down to the cub, picking him up under the armpits and drawing him up to the bed. Ben sets the wolf into his lap, settling and flicking on his bedroom TV, switching it over to cartoons for the little guy. With both Ben and Entih giggling and laughing at the goings on in the cartoon, it took a few minutes for Ben to notice something... his lap was getting wet. He bites his lip, having been warned about what he thought it was, but not having actually expected it... he picks up the cub again, and most certainly, a few liquid drips come from the diaper.

"Ugh... what was I supposed to do if he is leaking?" Ben thought to himself, the wolf just tilting his head toward the older cub curiously and obliviously. Entih is quickly rested down onto the bed on his back, head facing back toward the TV as Ben fidgets with the tapes at the sides of the diaper. The sound of the tapes being removed... a crinkle as the diaper is rolled up... a toss into the waste basket... and there, the diaper is removed. Ben sighs and wipes the remnant droplets off of his pants, taking a look back at the young wolf cub to be sure he is in place and still occupied with the TV.

An idea clicked in his mind as he eyed toward the cub, innocently laying there, naked, watching TV... eyes wandering down to his crotch. Ben scooted as close as he could to Entih, who was enthralled in the cartoon almost entirely, attention far away from the fox. "Would it... do the same as mine did?" Ben thought to himself, getting a closer look at the wolf's groin... light furred sheath and furred little sack notedly similar to his own, on a smaller and younger scale than himself.

Nervously checking back at him, Ben sees Entih still occupied, sucking his thumb as he watches the show. Given such a green light, Ben decides to take his chance... a shaking fox paw slowly glides toward the wolf's crotch. The excitement and closeness excites Ben, and he can feel himself tenting his briefs and pants, but he wouldn't satisfy his curiosity by playing with himself... at least not yet. His paw soon rests softly on Entih's groin, palm pawpad alone almost covering the boy's sheath and sack.

Entih didn't seem to mind the paw on him... in fact, he didn't even seem to notice. Ben felt a bit relieved to notice this, withdrawing his paw a bit and drawing out his index finger, gliding it across the wolf's thinly furred purse, drawing the rest out to feel at and inspect him, rolling and moving the orbs inside, wondering as to their purpose. The increased attention makes Entih wriggle and adjust slightly, but his attention remains at the TV, thinking this to simply be some new changing method.

The fox's paw migrates up a bit, feeling at and squeezing the cub's sheath gently, head drawing nearer and nearer to inspect it as he does so. Ben slowly sticks a finger into Entih's sheath, pushing it down until his pawpad rubs softly against the boy's tip, sheath bulging from the finger. Ben is blushing, ears bright red from touching and inspecting the wolf cub in such a way, nose practically pressed against the sheath of the younger boy.

Excitement and arousal hitting him more than ever before, finger already within the cub's sheath, rubbing softly at the tip, Ben lets himself start to slowly and roughly lick at the wolf's sack, displacing and moving the orbs and covering flesh with each contact of the wide canid tongue. Entih is no longer so concerned with his show, but is in no way embarrassed... he is too young to be embarrassed... he is simply watching down at the fox, thumb in muzzle, wriggling slightly as Ben plays with him.

Ben smiles and withdraws his tongue from the boy, feeling the item within the sheath start to swell a bit. Wanting to actually witness the organ growing, he uses his fingers to pull the still soft young wolf's penis from his sheath, watching it as it slowly stiffens. Ben blushes and looks up the cub, seeing him being watched by the little wolf... realizing that Entih may not approve of being inspected so, he speaks in an attempt to judge the cub's response, "Heh, I gots your peepee Entih!" The wolf indeed smiled and giggled at the statement, easing Ben's fears.

He returns his attention then to the tiny meat in front of him, soft yet and trying to retreat into the wolf's sheath, held in place by the fox's index finger and thumb. Ben recalls the bathroom... he himself became hard when he was holding himself, and became harder when he touched himself, so maybe... Using the paw not holding the cub's bit out of his sheath, Ben starts to rub the small penis. The rubbing draws Entih's thumb out of his muzzle, making him squirm slightly and let out a quiet, surprised moan. The reaction from the cub only worked to turn the fox on further, starting to rub and squeeze at the wolf, making the 2 inch yiffer stiffen just barely enough to stand out of the sheath on its own, still soft but not shrinking.

Ben starts panting, the excitement making him breath a bit more sporadically. He draws his paw away from rubbing the wolf, pressing it against his own member, which is yet in his pants, starting to rub himself through his clothes. The fox draws his head close to the younger rod, licking at it, eliciting more squirms and wriggles as the wolf's stiffy hits as hard as it will get. He can't stand it anymore, Ben starts frantically pawing at himself through his pants, completely engulfing the small wolf's meat into his maw, licking at it quickly therein and instinctively sucking at it.

Entih arches his back at the sudden sensation, eyes shutting as his tiny sensitive cocklet twitches into the other's mouth, drawn very close to orgasm very fast, due to both his young age and the fact that he had never recieved such attention before. Ben, himself, is moving surprisingly quicker, bucking foreward into his paw and moaning out around the cub's stiffy as he squirts a very few shots of watery cub cum into his undies. The wolf again arches his back, pushing into the maw as the moan vibrates him, moaning himself and squirming a bit as his rod twitches hard in orgasm into the fox's muzzle.

Ben pants and removes his mouth from the cub while the wolf has his orgasm, excitement quickly drawing the boy to shoot a watery urine onto the muzzle of the fox, and onto himself. Entih himself pants and gasps, relaxing as he finishes releasing, Ben blushing deeply. "Wow lil guy... what was that..." Ben utters, panting, not even caring that the cub had just peed a bit onto both of them. The fox walks off quickly, retrieving from his brother's babysitting supplies a wipe, cleaning off his muzzle as he walks back. He quickly applies the wipe to the cubs slightly wet tummy and his crotch, not being shy in giving more slight feels and gropes at the sheath, balls, and receding member.

Rubbing the wolf's tummy, having thrown out the wipe, Ben relaxes, smiling. Entih has already started dozing off, thumb in muzzle, worn from the excitement. "I'll hafta try this some more..." Ben says quietly to himself, giggling.

Just then, as if perfectly timed, Rick returns, holding under his arm a package of diapers. "Oh man, don't tell me he peed already! Well... at least he's sleeping now... I'll take him back and diaper him, you can go back to whatever" He said, picking up the little cub and carrying him off, shutting the door behind him. Ben lays back down, smiling and thinking of what he had discovered that evening, eyes shutting as he slowly drifts off...