Revalation 5: World of Chaos

Story by Zetriya on SoFurry

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The plan had worked. Gabriels army had fallen back from hell, defeated. What had been left of it returned, to find Michael standing among the smouldering ruins of their base. His claims of a human prisoner working for the demons had nothing to back it up, and he was blamed for treason, and the war. The archangels begun to quarrel, each commanding half the remaining forces, splitting the worlds dominant warriors into three equal parts. The two angelic factions, and the demons, each fighting on equal terms over a foreign world. The humans lived in terror, barely having enough ground to live, with no ?eans to fight such terrifying foes.

Red was hardly done. He had done as he wished and forged a world of eternal chaos, but one man, the man who had desired to rule all of existence in the first place, could put an end to this world. Red was not willing ho have this.

The demon stood upon a golden building, gazing down upon the streets of heaven, fresh with the blood of warring angels. The chaos had spread even here, and was tearing their defense apart. Nearly unopposed Red entered the palace of a god. Slaying a mere four guards, leaving their entrails scattered about the halls in a gore filled display. The guards barely an entertainment for the now quite powerful demon child.

Red entered the throne room, and what may have been the final battle erupted in spectacular displays of power. The deity seeming to by far outmatch the demon as each clashed in brilliant displays of magic.

The deity had for a long time drawn the source of his power from faith. His loyal followers replenishing his magical energy when it ran low. Red on the other hand, drew his power from chaos. And the world of eternal turmoil would be able to provide plenty.

As the battle raged on for hours both received previous wounds. Reds eyes were burned from his sockets, seemingly permanently, and the deities body had various non-lethal burns across his flesh. In time, the two would wear themselves down, and that would be when the god would realize his problem.

By attempting to control the world and force faith on everyone, he had inadvertently killed too many of his followers to continue to draw power from them. The deity had the fate of many poor mages. Running out of mana, while his for could continue to draw from the chaos of an eternal war forever. Realizing he was beaten, the god surrendered, begging for mercy.

Red wasn't in the mood for such concepts as mercy. Realizing that his for would simply return as soon as he could, and attempt his schemes again, Red slew the god once and for all.

Despite the greatest victory the world may ever see, Red was bored by the death of a god. Such boredom never ends well.

On that day, a demon child was born to a human. The human bore the child, raising it without a father, claiming it was the result of rape. The demon child took the name Arri, and would grow up on an earth scarred by war. Raised by a mother who would abuse her, and neglect her unless it proved beneficial to her to not do so. Doing everything short of actually letting her die.

Unlike most demons Arri was unable to harness the powers of magic, and no amount of training would aid her in this. This made her an outcast by demon kind. Unlike most half demons, Arri was born with the red skin of a full demon, small horns jutting out of her forehead, and a long spadelike tail.

She was outcast by the youth of both her kind and demon kind through her childhood, having only one friend. A kind hearted white skinned demon. The demon child grew up near Arri, and though he never seemed to age a single day as she did, he remained her closest friend.

Arri would grow up to be a very seductive, and beautiful young woman. Her body gaining the beautiful allure of a succubus. By the time she was of age to take a mate, humans and demons alike both longed for her affection, but she only had eyes for her closest friend. Eventually, her friend would vie for her affection as well, presenting Arri with a gift that would be truly meaningful to her.

The demon looked up at Arri. "Arri... I know a lot of guys have tried... But I think you will like what I got for you.". The young demon looked up at Arri, following the tradition many had of presenting a gift to a potential demon mate. "You have to come over to my place to see it though. It's special."

Arri followed the demon, heading deep into a crypt that was hidden from the scars of war. What she saw made her heart jump. Her mother, the abusive human who had for years randomly vanished leaving her to fend for herself, or beaten her far past the point of crying was bound in the middle of the room, naked. She was unharmed, but clearly presented in a humiliating position, suspended upside down in the middle of the room, arms and legs spread to make her entire body open to her view. Arri had never seen her mother like this before, offered to her as a gift. "Did you?" Arri was stunned by her mothers condition.

The demon child giggled and laughed. "I know you used to get hurt by her as a child. So I enslaved her. You can hurt her whenever you want if you take me as a mate, or I'll let her go otherwise."

The two became mates at that moment, making passionate love in front of the bound Lisha, Arri completely unaware of the prediciment she was truly in.

After the two made love, sealing their pact as mates they turned to Lisha, Arri quite pleased with her gift. She slowly teased her fingers over her mothers body before giving her breasts a sudden kick, reveling in the howl of pain from the human. "Oh yes. This is quite lovely.". She taunted her helpless mother before giving her other breast a kick. She turned from the woman moving to grab a torch from the wall, laughing at the look of terror on her mothers face as she brought it over.

The torch slowly moved under her mothers breasts, the flames lightly licking at the flesh. She never let the flames stay too long, not wanting to leave marks, just leave the poor girls breasts in pain. "Please, no more. Can't you have mercy on me please?". Lisha sobbed, tears running down her face as her daughter focused the torture on her breasts. The demon wouldn't hear her pleas, reveling in her moment of payback for years of abusive parenting. After nearly half an hour of tormenting her mothers breasts, Arri found another thing she could torment with the flame of the torch.

The slave sighed in relief when she was untied, only to end up begging as she was bound again, this time to the wall in her mates bedchamber. The slave was bound as she had been before, though against the wall directly over the head of the two demons bed. Below the slave, the torch was placed between her legs. Far enough that the flames wouldn't lap at her cunt, but the heat certainly did. The slave was left, bound with her cunt in severe pain as her daughter and her new mate again had sex in front of her. Her sobs of pain mingling with the sounds of passionate, and kinky sex in the air, echoing through the crypt.

Red was relentless in bed. Taking the far larger demon roughly. His smaller size hardly made any difference, and he proved a rough, and dominant lover, much to the surprise of Arri. Perhaps it was because he was blind that he seemed to know the workings of a woman's body so expertly he could find every spot her body had that just drove her crazy. Perhaps it was the size, encouraging him to be rougher with lovers larger than himself, treating each thrust in her with a roughness and force most might not. Perhaps it was just that he knew what he was doing. Whatever it was, Arri was like putty in his hands. Giving into every sexual whim her mate had. By the time the night was done, Red had taken every hold Arri had, twice before she passed out, and her mother had been left to suffer as they slept.