The Secret - Part 11

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#15 of Jane Doe and The Secret

This story takes place in an alternate timeline to the one in my Swiss Mix stories. In this series, Hans and his father Karl are both Americans, and live in a suburban community. This is from the same series as my story "A Sleepover with Jane".

Melanie and Karl agree that for now at least, they won't cross the line into committing incest with their own kids, or having sex with each other's children. Melanie explains to Karl why she is willing to mate with the kids when and if Karl can accept that, and why she is willing to allow Karl to mate with the kids. The kids join them for some side-by side mating, and Ryan gets another first-time life experience.

The Secret - part 11

By DoggyStyle57 - January 2013

10/19/2012 (Friday night)

Hans and Ryan followed their parents up the stairs, towards the adult's bedroom. Both kids were excited about being naked and enjoying sex while their parents watched, and that they would soon get to watch their parents having sex with each other.

Melanie stopped at the head of the stairs, looked at the kids, and said, "Now, does anyone need to use the bathroom - even just a little? If you do, I want you to go 'do your business' right now. And Hans? I want you to get a few things from your room before you join us." She whispered some instructions in his ear, and sent the kids on their way to their bedroom, and then on to the bathroom that was between the two bedrooms.

As soon as they were alone together in their bedroom, Karl asked, "Melanie? Don't you think you're pushing this way too fast? They're still children. Why are you so eager to involve them in our sexual playtimes?"

"Better too fast than too late, Karl. I want them to really understand what it means to have sex, and for it to always be enjoyable for them. And I want them to know that they don't need to sneak around or seek out strangers to experience it." Melanie said. "When I was Ryan's age, I was very innocent. My parents hadn't thought I was old enough to need to know all the details about sex. I knew that two people who loved each other could marry and make babies, but I had no idea how that worked. I thought babies only happened after getting married. So when a child molester seduced me and started licking my cunny and making me feel good, I didn't resist. I didn't understand the risk I would be taking if I let him go 'all the way' with me. Ryan knows about safe sex now. And she has a partner in your son that I can feel safe about her doing sexual experimentation with."

"But isn't it just as bad for us to be molesting the kids, or for us to be encouraging them to have more sex? It's worse, really, since we are their parents, isn't it?" Karl asked. "I just don't understand why you're doing this."

"The difference, Karl, is that what I am offering to our kids is strictly voluntary," Melanie insisted. "Ryan's father took advantage of my innocent lack of knowledge, and he simply took what he wanted from me, without really explaining what he was about to do to me, or the risks I would be taking. He didn't care if he was risking impregnating me. Maybe he was even turned on by the idea that he might be knocking up a kid. I don't want our kids to wind up with someone like that as their first sexual partners. I trust Hans, and I trust you. I know you two would never hurt Ryan."

"Well, of course we would never hurt either of you!" Karl said, "But why rush it? We could just tell them the 'facts of life', and say that they should wait until they are older to actually do it. Well, at least for doing it with anyone else beyond each other."

"Karl? Do you remember what it was like after you had your first orgasm - especially after the first time that someone else helped you to achieve it?" Melanie asked. "I do. Despite the pain of having just lost my virginity, I wanted to feel that good feeling between my legs again, right away. And before I admitted to my parents what had happened to me, I did some pretty stupid stuff with some really creepy people, just so I could feel it again. I couldn't help myself. I needed to feel that again, and I didn't know how to do it for myself. Our kids were already experimenting sexually with each other when I caught them in bed together, the night they met. Hans admitted to me that he had already had sex with a boy and several girls, even before he and Ryan started fooling around. That is why I encouraged them to have sex with each other, with our knowledge and consent. They can 'scratch that itch' whenever they want to, and we'll know who they are doing it with. But neither of them has much experience. So they also need someone older, someone that they can trust, to teach them what they don't yet know how to do. I'd rather that came from us, than some creep that hangs out at the mall and seduces kids."

"Well, it makes me feel like some sort of a 'creep' when I contemplate having sex with a minor," Karl said. "I didn't get the early start that you got. My parents were pretty uptight about sex. I didn't begin masturbating or looking at porn until I was twelve, and I was sixteen when I lost my virginity - to a seventeen year old cheerleader who I later found out was making a point of scoring with every boy on the high school football team. The youngest girl I've ever had sex with was sixteen. And since I turned eighteen, I've never even considered having sex with anyone younger than eighteen. You call guys like Ryan's father 'creeps', because they have sex with kids, and then in almost the same breath you tell me you want me to have sex with our own kids! It's very confusing to me."

Melanie hugged Karl and said, "Oh! Oh my, I couldn't ever think of you as a creep, Karl! What made those other guys creepy wasn't just that they wanted to have sex with kids, but they were only using the kids as sex toys. They didn't care about what happened to the kids. If the kids got in trouble for losing their virginity, or if they got pregnant, it 'wasn't their problem'. One guy that picked me up actually wanted to hurt me. I was lucky that I was able to kick him in the balls and run away. But you could never be like that! You love Hans, and you've been a wonderful father for Ryan, too. That's why I can trust you with her, my love! The fact that you're reluctant just proves to me that you won't hurt her."

"I... don't know how much I trust myself, in that situation," Karl admitted. "When I watched your daughter sucking off my son... saw little Ryan with a mouthful of cum... I... it definitely did get me aroused. And that frightened me. I have never, ever, had even the slightest thought before about having sex with a child! Yet at that moment, my cock was hard and I wanted to jack off right into her mouth! Or to have her suck me off, while you and Hans watched us do it! I felt so... dirty. Perverted. Everything I was ever raised to believe in screamed that it was wrong to feel any sort of sexual interest in a child. Yet there I was, with a rock-hard erection because I had watched a ten year old girl sucking off my eight year old son. I... can appreciate that your view of child sex may be different, because you started so young yourself. But I just... Well, before I could do that, or before I could watch you mating with Hans, I need to get a lot more comfortable with watching them mate with each other, and letting them watch us mating. And I need to be certain that the kids both really want to do it with us. All right?"

"Of course, dear. I didn't mean to shock or offend you," Melanie said, as she changed the subject. "Now, do you need to use the bathroom, my Pet?"

Karl sighed, and said, "You're going to let them see you pegging me, aren't you? No, I don't feel like I need to use the toilet. I took care of that while you were talking to the kids, when they first got back."

"Good," Melanie said. "Because yes, I do want to show them how anal sex works, both ways. Hans told me that he liked it when Tommy fucked his butt that one time. I want to show Ryan how to do that to Hans, with a strap on. And I want to show Hans how to safely have anal sex with Ryan, too. So you're going to use my tail, too."

"Am I going to have to put on feminine clothes, too?" Karl asked, with a resigned expression on his face.

"You know your son would love to see you do that, Karl. It would mean a lot to him. And I'll bet Ryan would like it too, since she likes seeing Hans in panties and a bra," Melanie replied. "Will you do it?"

Karl sighed and said, "I guess I will, yes, Mistress. You are right. Hans will feel I understand him better if he sees me doing it."

"Doing what?" Hans asked, as he and Ryan returned. The puppy boy had changed his clothes, and was dressed now in a transparent red baby-doll nightie, with a red satin training bra and red satin crotchless panties. Ryan was wearing some teal colored panties, and nothing else. The young girl was carrying a box of condoms and a couple of hand towels, and there seemed to be something wrapped up in one of the towels.

"Wearing girl clothes, Hans, like he did last night," Melanie replied. "Your father now has a very similar outfit to the one I asked you to change into. Karl? Mistress commands you to remove that slave harness, and wear the red outfit that we gave you last night."

"Yes Mistress," Karl said, as he went to the dresser. The outfit that he put on differed from what Hans was wearing only in that Karl's bra and panties were silk rather than satin, and Karl's bra was padded enough to give him the appearance of 'B' to 'C' cup breasts. Karl had lost his erection during his conversation with Melanie, due to his embarrassment, but his balls, sheath and cock stuck out through the crotch slit in the panties, framing his white-furred 'family jewels' in soft, scarlet silk.

"Ohhhh! Daddy looks so pretty!" Ryan said, clapping her hands happily.

"He does, doesn't he, children?" Melanie replied. "Now, Hans, why don't you show your father how much you like mating with Ryan. Get her good and wet by licking her, and then mate with her while we watch you."

"Yes Ma'am!" Hans said eagerly. "Come on, Ryan!" He took his girlfriend by the hand and they both got up on their parent's bed.

Ryan rested her head on her mom's pillow and slipped off her panties, and then she spread her thighs invitingly. "I'm ready, lover!"

Melanie led Karl to the bed, and had him sit where he had a very good view of Ryan's crotch, while Melanie sat behind Karl and wrapped her arms around her lover. With one hand she stroked his sheath, while her other arm hugged him. She whispered into his ear, "Aren't they cute together? It's like looking at ourselves mating as children! Ryan looks just like I did when I was her age, except that I preferred to wear my hair in twin tails, back then. Does Hans resemble you as a boy?"

Hans eagerly began to lick Ryan, and as he did so his cock emerged from its sheath, poking out through the slit in the crotchless panties he was wearing.

Karl's eyes were locked on the mating cubs as his son parted Ryan's labia with the fingers of one hand, and started eagerly licking the young girl's slit. Karl's cock was rapidly sliding back out of its sheath as well, as his girlfriend rubbed his sheath and made him watch the kids' sexual antics. "Very much so, yes. Hans has always looked very close to what I looked like at a similar age. His fur markings are exactly the same as my own. The only difference is that his face is more feminine than mine was at that age. That's the one thing he got from his mother. He has her slightly narrower and more feminine muzzle, and her long lashes and feminine eyes."

"Looks like he takes after you quite faithfully below the waist, though, my dear," Melanie said. "My! I'll bet you don't see many boys his age with such a big cock! He's only about an inch shorter than you are, and every bit as thick. Hans? That should be enough licking. Put on a condom and mate with Ryan now."

"Yes, ma'am!" Hans said, as he rolled to one side and unwrapped a condom. As soon as he had it on, he rolled back between Ryan's thighs, and knelt there, inserting his shaft while sitting back on his haunches, so his parents could watch as his thick cock parted Ryan's puffy young labia and slowly slipped into her.

"God! I can't believe it fits inside the child," Karl said, as he stared at the girl's tightly stretched cunny. He could even see a slight bulge in her slender tummy as his son's cock filled her belly.

"She takes after me quite faithfully down there, as well," Melanie said proudly. "I never did have any trouble handling an adult cock at her age. Her father hilted in me and tied with me when he took my virginity. I took every inch he had to offer. He wasn't as well hung as either you or Hans are, but he was still pretty big."

Ryan looked at Karl and smiled. "See, daddy! Hans fits inside me really good! It's like we were made for each other! Ohhhh, that feels so good, Hans! Oh! Mommy? Should Hans tie with me this time? Or do you have something else you wanna have us do?"

"He can tie with you, dear," Melanie said, as she lay on her back beside her daughter, holding her hand. "And you may tie with me now as well, my Pet," she said to Karl. "I'm wet and ready for my lover!"

Ryan rose up on one elbow and watched intently as Karl put himself in the same position as his son, and entered Melanie in a single, smooth thrust. "Wow, that is so cool, mom! I've never got ta see anyone else doing it before!"

Hans was also watching as his father thrust his cock into his girlfriend's mother. The eight year old puppy tried to imagine himself and his father trading places, and that it was his own young cock thrusting into the his girlfriend's sexy mom, while his dad fucked Ryan. He humped harder and faster as he fantasized about the fun they might eventually have with each other. "Yeah! That's so great! Ummm, mom? Will Ryan eventually get to be on the pill too, so I don't hafta use a condom with her?"

"I think that would be a good idea, Hans," Melanie replied. "My obstetrician has treated me since I was pregnant with Ryan. He allowed my parents to get a prescription for the Pill for me when I was only twelve. I think he would do it for Ryan if I ask. Especially if I tell him that I know she has a boyfriend that she is sexually active with."

"Cool! One girl I got to have sex with before said I could cum inside her, and that felt really good!" Hans said. "An' I liked licking the girl out after I creamed her good!"

"Oh really?" Karl said, looking at his son without ceasing his own thrusting into Melanie. "And when did you manage to experience that, Hans?"

Hans groaned as he realized that he hadn't yet confessed to his father about his sexual exploits with the neighbor girls. "Ergh! Oh... That's right, I hadn't, er, told you about that yet, had I?"

"No, and I'm quite eager to hear how you managed to pull that off, son," Karl replied. "You told me about Tommy, and confessed about Ryan, but when did you manage to get intimate with any other girl?"

"Ummmm, you remember the first time when you and Melanie let me go play in the park with some neighbor kids? The day after you un-grounded me, back at our old house? It was, umm, right after me an' the other kids got back from the park, when I was at their house after lunch. Look, dad, I promised the girls that I wouldn't tattle on them, okay? One of the girls was a high school girl. She... took my boy-girl virginity, and let me cum inside her. We did it several times, including in her mouth and her butt, while the other kids watched us. Please, dad, I don't wanna get her in trouble, like happened with Tommy! Don't make me tattle on her! I promised that I wouldn't tell!"

"You're eight years old, and you screwed a high school girl, bareback?" Karl asked incredulously. "Well, I certainly hope she was on the pill, son. You'll be in quite a lot of trouble if you got her pregnant. But I suppose there's no harm in dropping the matter now, as long as she doesn't complain. You can keep your promise, and not reveal the girl's name, or the names of the other kids that watched you. In the future though, if you do have sex with any girl without a condom, you had better be certain the girl has taken her own measures to make sure she can't get pregnant, like her being on the Pill. Just because she says it's 'okay' to cum inside her, that doesn't mean she's actually protected. She could have just been willing to take a foolish risk."

"Thanks, dad. I'll remember that. Not too likely to do it with anybody but Ryan any time soon, anyway," Hans said. Then he concentrated on making Ryan cum and tying with his girlfriend.

Karl tried to concentrate on mating with Melanie, but his eyes kept getting drawn back to the mating cubs beside them. If nothing else, today's shared intimacies certainly put to rest Karl's fears that the boy's clothing fetish was a sign of his being totally gay. Girl clothes notwithstanding, Hans was obviously quite eager to mate with Ryan, and Ryan was in no way acting like a boy to entice him. The tiny puppy girl was actually amazingly sexy, especially as she gave a cute little howl as Hans gave her an orgasm.

"Ahwooooo! Oh! Your knot feels so good inside me, Hans!" Ryan exclaimed.

That orgasmic howl was echoed by her mother moments later, as Karl tied with Melanie. The adult collie didn't usually get vocal when she came, but she wanted to encourage Karl to fantasize about Ryan as a mate, and so she echoed her daughter's howl as she climaxed. "Ahwoooo! Mummmm, if there's one thing we canine girls love, it's feeling a nice thick knot locking her lover into her cunny! Don't stop, boys! Keep thrusting as much as you can while you're tied with us! Ohhhh, that feels so good!"

It took Karl and Hans several minutes to drain their balls into their mates, and several more minutes for their knots to deflate enough to pull out again. When they did, Karl immediately knelt between Melanie's thighs and licked his cum out of her, without being asked to do so.

Hans grinned and said, "That's so wild, watching my dad lap up his own cum. Way to go, dad! Do you like the way that tastes too?"

Karl blushed slightly, and said, "Well, Mistress Melanie and Mistress Moonflower convinced me it was a harmless way to please a lady. But honestly, tasting my own cum doesn't do much for me. But if it makes my lady happy, I won't let it stop me because I already made a mess in her. It's only fair, when they are willing to swallow our cum."

They rested for a while, each cuddling their mates, until Melanie noticed that Karl seemed to be getting hard again. Then Melanie said, "Well, let's see. Hans, you said that this girl that you didn't name allowed you to fuck her ass? What did she do to prepare you and herself?"

"Unmmm, well the first time, she'd already been playing with a vibrator up her butt, and had it greased with some slippery gel, like the lube you keep in the bathroom drawer," Hans replied. "The second time, she just put some gel on her finger and shoved it up her butt before she said she was ready for me."

"Sounds like she was already well-experienced with anal sex. But Ryan hasn't had anything up her butt yet, have you baby?" Melanie said, directing the question to her daughter.

"No, mommy. Not even a finger. Hans has kinda licked me there a little, and he's touched the outside, but he hasn't put anything in my tail hole yet," Ryan said.

"All right then. As I thought, Ryan is still completely a virgin in her ass, Hans," Melanie stated. "That means you'll have to be careful and take it slow when you fuck her ass for the first time. How about yourself, Hans? You have a little experience with a male using your tail hole, but not very much, right?"

"Yes Ma'am," Hans replied. "Just one time with a real guy, and... One time with a girl using a strap-on to fuck my butt. And a couple of times using a vibrating butt plug that the girl had, when we were playing with each other. She had me keep that thing up my butt the whole time we were playing sex stuff together. I... like the feel of something up my butt, and it's pretty easy for me to take something up to about two inches thick, with just a little lube."

"Well your father has about the same amount of experience, Hans. He's only had a strap-on stuffed up his butt twice so far, both times from me. He's learning to like it though, aren't you, dear?" Melanie said.

Karl blushed again and said, "Yes, Mistress. You almost made me cum without touching myself, that first time."

"Good boy! I'm pretty used to butt play, myself," Melanie admitted. "Mossy and I did it to each other with vibrators and strap-ons fairly often. But that raises an interesting difference between guys and girls. A guy actually can be stimulated enough by anal sex to cum just from having his butt prodded. There's a thing called the prostate gland inside a guy's tail hole, and if it gets rubbed enough, the guy can cum. But a girl almost always needs to be touched in front to cum during anal sex, or the dildo being used in her ass needs to have a vibrator in it. So both of you boys need to remember that when you fuck a girl's ass, you also need to reach around her and finger her clitty, so she can get off with you."

"Yes, Mistress," Karl said.

"Yes, ma'am! Errr, yes Mistress," Hans added.

"Well then! I think it's time for Ryan to lose her anal virginity!" Melanie said. "Are you ready for that, sweetheart?"

Ryan looked a little nervous, but she said, "I guess I am, er, Mistress. What do I hafta do?"

Melanie got on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed, and said, "Get in this position, beside me, but facing the other way. I want you where you can see my rear end, and I can see yours. Now, Hans, you kneel behind Ryan, and Karl, you kneel behind me."

Once they were all in position, Melanie said, "Now boys, I want each of you to put some lube gel on your girl's tail hole, and start to work one finger into her butt. Ryan, I want you to try and relax while Hans does that to you."

Karl and Hans followed Melanie's instructions, and Ryan giggled as Hans pushed his finger into her ass. "Oh! That feels so funny, mommy!" she said, wagging her tail.

"Get a second finger into her as soon as she feels relaxed enough, Hans. You can do it right now for me, Karl," Melanie instructed. "Ryan, if it hurts, you need to make sure you tell Hans right away, so he can go slower. This isn't like losing your virginity. If this is painful, he isn't doing it right."

Ryan groaned as Hans slipped a second finger into her rectum, beside the first. "Ugh! That feels pretty big, mommy, but I can do it. Is that big enough for his cock to get into me now?"

"No dear. He needs to get at least three fingers into you first. Just relax so he can do it, baby," Melanie said. "Play with your clitty while he greases your tail hole. That will help, too."

The two girls fingered themselves and wagged their tails as their lovers slowly stretched their butts open enough to fit three fingers inside. Ryan's eyes were starting to glaze over a bit and she was panting, when Melanie said, "All right, Karl, show them how it's done. Put that nice cock of yours up my ass, big boy!"

"Yes Mistress," Karl said, somewhat nervously. He wiped his hand off on a towel and then guided his shaft into his lover's ass, while her daughter stared at the sight, the child's nose scant inches from her mother's expanding tailhole. He was acutely aware of the little girl's attention, as well as embarrassed by being dressed in feminine lingerie.

Fortunately for Karl, Ryan seemed far more interested in watching her mother's ass being invaded than she was in staring at her cross-dressed future step father. "Wow! It really stretches, doesn't it? An' my butt will look like that with Hans in me?"

"Just like that, yes. Hans? It's time, dear, Stuff that nice young cock in my daughter's ass, and show her how good this can feel!" Melanie commanded. Her eyes were locked on her daughter's well-lubed tail hole. "Just take it slow, and if she says it hurts, back out a little and give her time to relax a little more."

"Yes, Mistress!" Hans said, happily copying his father's actions and wiping his hand clean before slipping his cock into Ryan's tight, virginal ass. "Ohhhh! She's so hot and tight! You okay, Ryan?" he asked, when he was about a third of the way in.

"It's.... awful big..." Ryan said, her eyes crossing a little as she swallowed, and then took a deep breath. "I can do this! Jus' take it slow, mmum-kay?"

Karl involuntarily shoved his cock into Melanie to the hilt, as he watched his son's cock inching into little Ryan's never before fucked ass. "My God..." he gasped, at a complete loss for words.

Inch by inch, Hans slowly stuffed Ryan deeper, until he exclaimed, "It's in! You did it, Ryan! You have every inch of me in your butt!"

Ryan groaned and said, "Ergh! It feels like all of you crawled all the way inside me, an' not just your cock! Goddess, that feels huge! Ohhhh, it feels so weird back there! I'm glad I'm already on my knees, 'cause I don't think my legs could support me if I was standin'. You... you can move it in an' out now, like daddy's doin', Hans. I can take it."

Hans reached around Ryan with his cleaner hand and started diddling her clitty, as he hugged her with his other hand and started to slowly hump her ass. "Ohhh, I like this! It's gonna feel so good when I cum inside you! Errr, Mistress? Is it okay for me to tie in her backside, too?"

"Probably not, since this is her first time, dear," Melanie said. "When you feel your knot forming, try to pull out enough to keep it outside this time. I don't want you to hurt her. But Karl? I do expect you to tie with me! I want that knot all the way in my butt, baby!"

"Yes Ma'am! I'll try my best, Mistress!" Hans said.

"Yes, Mistress!" Karl said, panting and wagging his tail as his knot already began to swell. He stared at his son, and at the way young Ryan was twisting and moaning as the boy fucked her ass, and Karl knew that his own release was going to be explosive, to say the least. "God, I just can't believe we're all doing this together. You kids are all right? This isn't too much for you?"

"This is wild, daddy!" Ryan said, panting heavily as her orgasm neared. "I think I could get to like this! It's not as fun as mating, but it does feel good!"

"That's good, baby," Melanie said, panting a bit herself. "And I agree, dear. Mating is certainly more fun. But this is a good thing to know how to do, both for variety, and if you want to mate but don't have birth control available. No one ever got pregnant from getting their ass fucked!"

It wasn't long after that before all four of them were experiencing their orgasms. Ryan howled again as she climaxed, and Melanie just hummed in a satisfied way, closing her eyes and enjoying the sensation of being totally reamed, and savoring the idea that her daughter was doing the same thing right in front of her.

When Karl was able to pull out of Melanie at last, he fell back on the bed and said, "I am completely spent. I don't want to move."

"Well, you're going to move a little, my pet, but then you won't have to do anything but lay there and take it from me," Melanie said with a wicked grin. "Lay over the foot of the bed, my pretty boy, so Mistress can return the favor and fuck your pretty ass! Hans? You get beside your father. Ryan and I are going to ream your butts, side by side."

"Ummm, yes ma'am. But I don't think my feet will reach the floor if I do that. The foot board's too high," Hans said.

"Hummm. Ryan will need a stool, too," Melanie said. "Ryan baby? Go downstairs and get the footstool from the kitchen."

Karl helped his son get into position, and then lay beside the boy, draped over the end of the bed with his legs spread wide, and his panty-clad butt just as exposed as his son's. "Well, I hope you're enjoying this, son," he said.

"Yeah, I am. And thanks a lot, dad, for doing all this. I mean, the girl clothes especially, but the whole bit of letting me an' Ryan do all sorts of sex with you two watching," Hans said. "It's so cool to know you both are okay with me an' Ryan making out all the time. You an' Miss Melanie are the coolest parents that I know.

Ryan came back and set the stool behind Hans, and then she unwrapped the strap-on dildo that she had hidden in the towel when they started this session. The toy had both and inward-facing dildo and a larger outward-facing one. "Mom? I haven't tried putting this on yet, Can you help me?"

"Sure, baby," Melanie said. "Just put it on like I'm doing with mine. The smaller dildo slips inside you, and then you adjust the straps here, here and back there, so it holds the bigger one in place, sticking out like a real boy's cock. Here, let me help with that back strap. That's the tricky one."

When she had both their dildos adjusted, Melanie put an arm around her daughter's shoulder, and said, "Aren't our girly boys pretty! That red lingerie looks pretty good on them, doesn't it?"

"Mumm hum! Poor daddy doesn't look too happy about it though," Ryan said, as she picked up the lube.

"Well, grease up Hans' butt the same way he did yours, dear, and then we'll fuck our boys and call it quits for now," Melanie said. "But be careful. That dildo won't give you as much sensation as Hans' cock did about how tight or slippery his butt is. If you don't use enough lube, or if you shove it in too fast, you could hurt him."

"I'll be careful, mommy!" Ryan said. She got up on the stool and greased up Hans' tail hole, while Melanie applied lube to Karl's butt. Then Ryan put the tip of the dildo at her young lover's backside, and slowly pushed it into him, while her mother did the same to Karl.

"OHHHH!" Hans moaned. "That's great, Ryan! Really pound it into me!"

Karl grunted, rather less enthusiastic about his anal invasion, "Unghh. Oh God, that's big! Take it easy on me, Mistress! I'm still not used to this treatment!"

Ryan giggled and slapped Hans on his panty-covered butt. "You like this, Hans? You like having your butt fucked?"

"Y-yeah. Its' great!" Hans said. He turned his head so he could watch his father receiving the same treatment from Miss Melanie. That sight was all it took to make Hans hard again, and he said, "Wow... almost there! God this is so hot!"

"Are you going to cum for Mistress, my Pet?" Melanie asked, as her hips slapped repeatedly against her lover's silk clad ass. "Be a good pretty boy, and cum for Mistress!"

"Unghhh... Ohhh... I don't know... Gods, yes, I feel it coming on, Mistress! You're doing it to me again!" Karl gasped. Then his body shuddered as his cream splashed against the footboard of his bed.

"Yay! Daddy came from getting butt fucked!" Ryan exclaimed. "Now you do it, Hans! Come on! Do it for me, lover!" Her own legs were getting weak as her climax neared. She could still feel her lover's cum dribbling from her well-fucked ass, and every thrust into his butt jiggled the dildo in her cunny and rubbed the harness against her clitty.

Melanie howled first this time, joined in chorus by her daughter and then, surprisingly, by Hans, as each of them came in sequence. When they were done, the girls pulled out and got on the bed, muzzle to muzzle with their lovers, nuzzling them while lying together, completely spent.

Hans managed to move first. "Let's split a shower, Ryan," he suggested, helping his exhausted girlfriend to remove the strap-on harness, and then walking unsteadily with her to the bathroom.

"That sound like a good idea," Karl said. "And maybe by the time they're done, I'll have enough strength to move. How about you, dear?"

"About the same," Melanie admitted. "Thank you, Karl. I feel so much closer to Ryan now, and to Hans, too. I know you're worried about all this, but tell me the truth - don't you feel better about Hans now, after having tried things his way?"

"I guess so," Karl admitted. "Hummm. What are we going to tell them about Dianna? If she's going to come over here fairly often for me to keep trying to impregnate her, the kids are bound to wonder why she's visiting so often. I don't think we can keep them from knowing about it, do you?"

"I think we can tell them the truth, Karl," Melanie said. "That you've agreed to be a surrogate father for Mossy and Dianna, so our dear friends can have a child to raise and love. It's a beautiful thing you're doing, baby. And I think Hans will be okay with the idea of having a baby brother or sister that lives in another family. After all, he has a half-sister somewhere that lives with his mom, right?"

"In California, yes," Karl growled. "Hans knows about Marie, but never has had much interest in her. Marie is no child of mine, and I want nothing to do with her mother, Norma, or with that bastard Roger, that took her from me. Last I heard, they were in Southern California - in some suburb of Los Angeles. Norma doesn't even try to have visitation rights with Hans. She sends him a birthday present every year, and a Christmas present, and that is all we ever hear from them. Return address seems different every time. I gave up bothering to track it. I gather they move a lot."

"Sorry. I should have known that was a touchy point," Melanie said, kissing Karl affectionately. "Still, Hans has a right to know he'll have another half-sibling. Especially if their family will have close ties with ours."

"All right. We'll tell the kids when it comes up," Karl said, closing his eyes. "Wake me when the kids are done bathing. I'm exhausted."