My Life Be Like: Part 2

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Hello and welcome back to part 2 of the series sorry for the hold up but my computer scrteen broke and it took about this long to get a monitor.



Few Days Later


*Akon- Dont Matter* was playing as I woke-up, stretched, and found myself just wagging my tail while humming the lyrics of one of my favorite songs of all time. Unknowing why I woke in the first place till I heard a few soft almost unauditory knocks at my window to see my best friend John sitting there shivering in the cold dreary weather. I motioned him to go to the front porch where he could get out of the rain as I creeped over to my bedroom door slowly opening it not to wake my parents in a room three feet away from my door as I speed walked quitly to the counter. I pulled a sticky note out and wrote "Dear MOM And DAD out at JoHNs HouSe." With almost unreadable hand writing as I walked out the front door to a shaking Doberman. Wearing what looked like twenty pounds of clothes. Incasing himself in a fur laced hood jacket pulled as close to his face as posible while wearing pure black Nike sweats and shoes. Suddenly in a shaky voice and a strange look on his face he asked, "You Know.... you are in your boxers.... right?" My face blushed a pinkish red through my fur as I put my arms down to hide my boxers. I asked, "wanna come in a minute while I change?" He nodded and walked in front of me while I slowly closed the door behind me. When we were inside I asked in a whisper "want some Kool-Aid?" He replied simply with a "why not?"

When we finaly got back outside we ran like hell to Julius and Joshines house to see if they wanted to come over I knocked on the door. That hyper run that same yank on the door yep Julius answered the door a little to excited as always. Then we asked if Joshine was awake. He then replied with "dought it but ill bother him enough to ask." as he smiled and slowly walked down the stairs to his brothers room where the one time ever witnessed he actualy knocked and said "big brother are you up yet?" with no answer he opened the door the rest is foggy being we actualy didnt see it but all we heard was a slight squek sound then a wierd yawn with Joshines usual "why didnt you knock?" Julius replied with "But I did." Joshine apologized and came out in his mesh t-shirt bieng pulled down as he walked up the stairs With black cut-up jeans he usualy wore.

Well after we left there house we asked if they would wait at Johns' while we get Curtis. They agreed and ran across the road to Johns' front yard as we ran uphill to knock on the front door to Curtis' house he asked who we were through the door we replied with our names to see the Retriever open the door for a moment before he hid behind it and let us in he closed the door to the dark house. Us not realizing he wasn't wearing clothes as he waved us into his room were he bent over to grab some clothes out of his bottom dresser door John shaking from the cold and being bundled up he probably didn't notice the shape of our friends ass. Me I was staring so hard I could have popped a vessel Curtis finaly went to put under wear on as he noticed me looking he sorta chuckled and blushed under his Amber fur as I turned my head as to look inocent John at some point walked over to the window to look at the weather. By the time I looked back Curtis finished clothing himself besides his black tank top wrapped around his neck as he pulled down. Curtis then barked " let's not keep the others waiting." as he put a belt around his black jeans.

The rest of the day went as usual till it was time for everyone to go home Curtis announced that his birthday was tommorow and to make plans to spend the night at his house. He then said for our parents to call before we could spend the night. We all had his all to easy to remember number 1(***)-***-****. So we all dashed through the rain to head home before we got to drenched. As I walked in my parents questioned me ten fold about the note I left for them to decipher. So after a few minutes of back and forthing my mom just ended it with " Alright hun calm down we were just worried is all thank you for leaving the note right hunny?" as my dad nodded his head to keep her from putting any more pressure on his back paw which she had crushed between her hooves and the hardwood floor. I then asked if I could spend the next night at Curtis' house. they both agreed and called him Curtis being good with voices answerd the phone and said that they would be there the entire weekend.


Well thats the end of the third chapter as always leave comments on how I did with this so far