The Strange Curse

Story by Rei_Lin on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

Another of my many transformational stories that I posted on The Process forums. This one I put into a book and chapter format so I could continue to add to it over time. Of course I'm a bit lazy and rarely finish my book and chapter format stories! This story has some lesbian sex, werewolf transformation, fox transformation and slight clothes ripping. Enjoy!



Sara cursed a bit under her breath as she neared her home, driving faster than she would normally drive on any other night. But tonight the moon was full, the cloudiness during the day making her almost forget that it was a full moon. And she was already sweating badly, her clothing sticking to her body, her muscles twitching more and more as each mile went by. She grimaced a bit as she saw her fingernails splitting open, black claws sprouting from within the tips of each finger, and she felt her shoes growing tighter as her toenails began to push into the hard fabric, already making holes in them as the black claws grew large and sharp inside. Sara rounded the final turn and quickly pulled into her driveway, throwing the car into park and leaving everything else on the front seat except her keys, as she made a mad dash for her front door. She fumbled with her key ring, trying not to slice open her arms as she looked for the one key that needed. A low snarl escaped her lips as the heat built inside her, and she knew she was running out of time when she looked down and saw her nipples hardening quickly inside her sweat drenched shirt. The heat in her crotch wasn't far behind and she knew she was on the borderline of cumming, her clit throbbing inside her soaking panties. Finally finding the right key and getting it into the lock, Sara unlocked the door quickly, slammed it behind her and let out a small yelp as her breasts suddenly swelled, ripping several buttons off her shirt. She watched them plink to the floor and she fell back against the door to prevent herself from falling to the floor.

Sara heard her claws scratching against the metal of the door and looked down at her hands, watching them pulsating and shifting, the palms turning a dark grey and puffing up into thick pads. Sara yelped a bit as her feet burst from her torn and tattered shoes, the laces snapping as they pushed away from the balls of her feet, making it harder for Sara to stand up straight. She tried to take a few steps, wanting to get upstairs, but her legs spasmed and she fell down onto the stairs, holding onto them so tightly her claws dug into the carpet, ripping it. Her legs shifted into a more canine position, making moving except on all fours impossible. Sara could only wait for her transformation to complete now, she was losing her grip on humanity as heat swelled through her veins, and her heart pounded in her chest. Her muscles began to shift and expand, starting with her back, it pushed upwards, ripping her shirt from neck to waist as it tried in vain to contain the extra muscle that rippled under her sweaty skin. Her spine cracked and pushed upwards, moving downward toward the base of her spine, as her skin ripped, a long sinewy tail beginning to sprout there. Sara turned and watched it growing down across her new muscular ass cheeks, almost able to wag it without trying.

Another snap and suddenly Sara felt her jaw starting to push outwards from her face as her new muzzle began to form, her nose turning dark and her teeth becoming sharp, pointed and much larger. Even her tongue was thickening and elongating inside her growing jaw. A new sound filled Sara's larger, pointy ears as she looked downwards and saw her arms were starting to sprout small black hairs. She watched as they quickly began to lengthen and thicken, curling from every pore of her skin, fighting for space as the hairs moved up her arms, across her shoulders and back, and making their way down her chest. She felt tingling erupt from her pussy and she knew her trimmed pubic hairs were already starting to twist and curl their way all over the insides of her legs and upwards from her crotch to her stomach, meeting up with the thick hairs already covering the rest of her upper body. The fur spread quickly down her back, across her ass and down her legs, leaving no bare skin at all. The hair quickly thickened to the point of no longer being hair, but fur, and Sara could only moan as she felt the last bit of bare skin around her face become covered in a thin coat of hair.

Another heat wave passed over Sara's body and she knew she was just about finished with her transformation when she felt herself starting to quiver in anticipation of having a massive orgasm. Her breasts had almost doubled in size since she had begun her transformation, but Sara looked down to witness two more sets of breasts pushing their way through the thick fur, forming large mounds underneath her main two. Nipples found their way through the matted wet fur, growing larger and darker as they hardened into thick points, giving Sara six very large furry breasts within minutes. She watched all of them swell larger very rapidly, each nipple swelling to beyond DD size, and each nipple tip showing signs of milk waiting to be released from within. Sara's pussy was burning with lust and her swollen breasts and throbbing nipples begged to be squeezed and suckled. It happened every full moon, and as much as Sara hated the thoughts hammering her mind, she wanted nothing more than to have a huge cock deep inside her and somebody to milk her swollen tits. The lusty thoughts became too much for Sara, and without warning all six of her breasts tightened and began to spray milk all over the stairs and floor around her while her pussy clenched and sprayed cum to mix with the milk. Though she was ill equipped to pleasure herself like a normal woman, Sara had made certain modifications to a few of her over the counter sex toys that allowed her to slip her cunt down over fake dildos and milking pumps. Though awkward and a pain in the ass to clean up, Sara had no thoughts of worry when she became like this.

All night long Sara came and milked herself into a state of frenzy and lost herself completely to pleasure. Her only comfort was that she'd be mostly normal again in the morning, and the fact that she couldn't talk, or else her screams of ecstasy would probably have had the neighbors calling the police by now. By the early morning, Sara had managed to orgasm so many times from pussy and breasts that she collapsed from the strain. Falling into a deep sleep she barely dreamed at all, as her body and mind slowly wound back down to normal levels. By the time the sun rose over the horizon, Sara's hair, and muscled body had slowly returned to the normal, tanned skinned version of itself that was common for women her age. It wasn't long after that that Sara awoke, very aware of the state of her toys, herself and the floor. However, she simply sighed and resigned herself to going upstairs for the "after the full moon" shower. At this point everything seemed so routine, like any other scheduled thing in her life, though Sara was glad that the worst part of this curse she inherited was the cleanup of her sweat and love juices afterwards. As she took her shower and dried off, she admired herself a bit in the mirror. She looked the same as usual after a full moon, mostly like herself, but with perks. It only lasted an hour or so, but she was much more toned all over, her hair was longer and thicker, her senses were heightened, and her arousal was well above normal. Her nipples were hard, as was her clit, and even while she showered, there was no way she could keep her hands out of her pussy, it felt so good that it was almost an alien feeling, almost inhuman she thought. Again she sighed as she left the bathroom and went to get ready for work, being as careful as she could to select the right outfits. She'd made the mistake more than once, putting on clothes that fit her pretty good only to end up with baggy clothes after her full moon perks wore off an hour or so later. Now she knew to wear much tighter clothing that would fit her just right by the time she finished getting ready and making it the other 35 minute drive to work. By then, nobody would ever be aware of her secret, hiding deep inside her, though she secretly wanted to tell somebody, just to keep the weight of it all balanced on somebody else's shoulders and not just her own.

Sure, she had some friends at work, some really nice girls and guys she'd know for a while, but honestly, Sara knew only one of them, her friend Mina, a pretty Japanese girl that she'd grown up with her entire life, would be the one she could tell. Sara wasn't sure the time was right though, she had to make sure that her curse didn't come with anything more than what she'd already dealt with. Her parents had told her very little about her curse, saying everybody was effected differently and she'd just have to figure it out on her own, so of course, having changed about 20 times still felt almost like twice to her. She knew Mina would probably understand and accept her even if she was this horny were woman thing, she just wanted to make damn sure she was safe to be around, changed or not. The thought of hurting Mina, or anybody else had always made her cautious to do much of anything near a full moon, and even after one. Last night's accident had given her time to be thankful that it hadn't become a disaster. If she ever hurt, or killed somebody, she wasn't sure she could continue to live with herself, and would probably take her own life. Sara finished getting dressed, trying to shake the negativity from her mind, as she made her way downstairs and out to her car. Her clothes were tight and restricting as always, but she knew before she got to work, they'd be just fine. She started her car and made her way to work like normal, as normal for Sara could do for the day.


Pulling into a nice spot at work, Sara got out of the car with a sigh of relief. As always her body had returned to normal size, and her clothes that were strangling her before, now fit like a glove. She still had a bit of heightened senses, she could hear people doing the morning grumble under the breaths as they walked across the parking lot, and she knew what half of them were having for lunch already by the smells emanating from their little lunch pails and paper sacks. She felt refreshed, a normal side effect of her change, one of those small perks she did enjoy. She made it up the four flights of stairs to her little cubicle as normal. Sure she could have taken the elevator, but she'd fallen into such a pattern of acceptance with her curse, it was almost like it wasn't a curse anymore. She hoped her good trends and perks continued, giving her at least some reason to feel badly about being different, about not being human.

Like clockwork, her first visitor of the day was Mina, always the cheerful, cutie, Asian girl Sara had come to know and love. She was like a little sister, and they did a lot together when they were little. "Heya Sara, morning!" Mina said with a wide grin on her face. "Ohaiogozaimasu, Mina Chan!" Sara giggled, always throwing her lack of Japanese around like a pro. Mina giggled and asked Sara how she was doing. Of course Sara always said she was doing fine, and they had the usual morning chit chat, before the work had to get underway and they went to their own little cubicles and did what they needed to do. The day was normal and actually a Friday, which made things go that much faster. Sara had little planned to do over the weekend, maybe veg out and read a book or watch some TV., probably also spoiling herself on some ice cream or something, since after all, her curse made it impossible for her to gain weight, and she now had the crazy problem of being semi-immortal, as long as she stayed away from silver bullets. Odd that she hadn't really sat down and gave a real deep thought about just what she could and could not do with her curse. It was almost like after over three years of living with it, she was already taking it for granted. Her thoughts were interrupted by Mina's happy smile peeking over the top of her cubicle wall. "Hey Sara, you doing anything this weekend? I mean, going out or anything special?" Mina asked. Sara shook her head and said "Probably not, the night life and all that isn't really me. I'm probably just going to hang out around the house, maybe do a little cleaning and a whole lot of being lazy." Mina giggled and said "Well, how about I come over and help you be lazy? We haven't hung out together for a while ya know? Last couple of years it's like we've barely done anything at all ya know? I think it's time we hang out some more!" Sara sighed a little and leaned back in her chair. She finally shook her head and said "Yeah, it has been awhile hasn't it? Time flies when life throws you curve balls. Sure Mina lets hang out this weekend if you want. When you want to come over?" Mina smiled and said "How about after work? I'll just follow you on home, and then we'll just have a nice weekend hanging out." Sara giggled and said "Yeah ok, let's have a good weekend; it'll be nice to have some company for once." The girls shared and laugh and got their stuff together and clocked out. Everybody waved goodbye and good weekend, and got in their cars and trucks and vans to head home. Mina got in her little Honda Civic, and Sara in her Ford Mustang, and Sara kept things slow and in control for the drive home, Mina in tow close behind.

Sara and Mina arrived at Sara's home together and the instant they got out they were chatting up a storm, catching up a bit on some of the things they'd missed over the months they hadn't gotten together. Seconds after Sara opened her front door, she realized she had made a big mistake. The tattered remains of the clothing from last night were still lying all over the floor by the stairs, and there were obvious stains of love juices still all over her nice wood floor. She usually cleaned up after herself, but sometimes she waited until she got home from work the next day, sometimes not. This should have been one of those "sometimes not" days, but it wasn't. Sara was frozen in place, too shocked and embarrassed to say a word. Mina walked in right after Sara and stopped when she saw Sara somewhat staring at the floor, wondering what was going on. When she saw the ugly stains and tattered remains of clothing on the floor she said "What's all this? Did you spill your breakfast all over the place? Did you spill your trash or something?" Sara let out a weak smile and said "Y..yeah! I spilt my trash, the bagged ripped when I was moving the stupid bag. Sucks sometimes and it was too late to clean it up this morning after it happened. I forgot all about it, I'll go get some paper towels and get on it first, don't want it stinking up the whole place worse than it probably already has."

Mina watched as Sara left the room on her way to get something to clean up the mess. Wondering over and looking at the mess, she was somewhat curious about what the stain was on the floor, since it didn't really look like trash, but more like ripped up shoes and other clothing pieces. Mina thought it was odd, but maybe it was just old rags or something she was using to clean around the house with. Sara reappeared and the spray began to fly as Sara let loose a torrent of cleaning solution and paper towels, cleaning up the stains on the floor as best as she could. The girls shared some nice memories of getting in trouble for playing in the trash once upon a time, being silly and staining their mother's carpet once. Sara giggled with her, but inside she was thankful Mina didn't question the stuff on the floor, or the ripped up clothing. She was embarrassed badly about forgetting all about her mess, and she just wanted to clean it up as fast as she could so they could change the subject and have a nice quiet weekend together. Mina seemed in a cheerful mood and helped Sara finish cleaning up her floor and once everything seemed to be back in order; they sat down at the kitchen table with a couple of glasses of wine and began to talk about the past and a little bit about the future. Thankfully it was pretty cheap wine, so they barely got buzzed, but time flew by quickly and it was dark before they had finished up the whole bottle of wine. By that point, the wine didn't taste half bad and the girls were giggly and in a good mood.

"I'm glad you came over Mina, I really did miss you, it's just I had some unexpected news and all that, some personal stuff to take care of, that really made me want to go all introverted for a while" Sara said as she finished off the last of the wine in her glass. Mine giggled, getting up to rinse out her glass and said "It's ok Sara, sometimes life just hits you and you have to do what you have to do. I don't blame you; I was just worried about you. I still am worried about you." Sara smiled and said "I'm glad you're such a good friend Mina. It's nice knowing at least there's always somebody to worry about me." Mina smiled and turned around, leaned against the counter and said "Sara, the reason I was worried about you so much was because I know why you had to leave things behind for a while, why you and I didn't really speak or get together for almost the whole of a year. I know about your curse Sara. I know you changed last night. That was the remains of your clothes on the floor, that was your sweat and cum spots on the floor. Correct me if I'm wrong." When she looked over at Sara, all she saw was her pale white face, agape mouth and widened eyes. There was no doubt at all that Sara was completely stunned. Mina smiled and giggled and said "You know how long I've been waiting to say that to you? I thought it'd be another year before I had the guts to say that."

"How, how do you know about this? Did my parents tell you? Did I black out and tell you? How Mina?" Sara said as she leapt from her chair, grabbed Mina by the arms and upped her voice and said "HOW?!" Mina winced a bit and said "Sara, it's ok, calm down, calm down. The reason I know is because we're very much alike. We're both lycanthropes. Why do you think we were always so close growing up? So we could look out for each other. Stick together, like wolf packs. Though neither of us got much of the animal side of the curse. I think you got more of the lust side than me, but we're both somewhat more human than beast." Sara let go of Mina and almost stumbled backwards into the kitchen table. She sat down, shaking a bit and said "I....I can't believe this. You're like me? Some inhuman monster? long have you known? How long have you been like this?" Mina smiled as she sat down and said "A little less than you. About six months after your curse hit you, my parents took me aside at the start of summer break and, well, here I am." Sara looked up at her and said "And what are you here as exactly?" Mina smiled and said "Werefox!" Sara tilted her head to the side a bit and whispered "" Mina grinned and said "Oh yes, Asians I found out are much more attuned it seems to the fast little foxes than the big bears, lions and wolves of North America. I guess sometimes the curse can bend in the direction of region where you live as much as your genetics." Sara looked down at the table and said "I'm not taking this very well, I can tell Mina. You said I was more human than beast? How can you say that? Did you see the floor in there? What little remained of my clothes? I'm this huge, hairy bitch of a wolf, Werewolf with a capital WOLF! How can you say I'm even still remotely HUMAN?!"

Mina's grin disappeared as she said "Because Sara, wolf, bear, cat, and fox, what form you take isn't based on being human or inhuman. You are what you are. We both are, we always have been. You've always been Wolf, I've always been Fox, and we just hadn't awakened to the forms of either one. We're no more monsters now than we were back then. We just have to learn a few new things about how to deal with the differences in our forms, but it's not like in the movies, not for us. We can change when we want; we can still think like humans, we can still talk, if maybe a big more gruffy!" Sara raised her eyes up and said "I can't talk." Mina smiled again and replied "You CAN, but you haven't learned to. Our were-forms are unique, and pick up on things differently; just like when we were growing up. Remember how you learned to ride a bicycle way faster than me? But I learned to rollerblade faster than you? Same thing, just....fuzzy!" Sara couldn't stop a smile coming across her lips and said "You're taking this all so well aren't you? Always smiling, always happy, even now." Mina giggled and said "I can't help it; it's my double edged sword. Foxes are very silly creatures sometimes; it's their nature to be happy, fast, curious, and fun. We cause mischief and get into trouble. Thankfully, I'm just overloaded on cheerful. Though you still seem a bit downtrodden about your Wolf side. Wolves are usually solitary until they find a pack to gel with." Sara looked at Mina and then looked out the kitchen window and whispered "A pack huh?" Mine smiled and said "Sara, I'd like to cast my vote for being your pack mate. I may not be a wolf, but I'd be happy to help you if you'd help me. We can stick together in this whole thing, and maybe learn a lot about it together. Your mood is sure to pick up if you hang around me a lot, especially a lot more than you have been."

Sara smiled and said "Pack mate? I think I could deal with that honestly, I've felt so alone for the last few years, I was unsure I'd ever know companionship again." Mina yelped "YAY! Happy days are here again!" Mina hopped up outta the chair and danced around, making Sara smile and giggle at the sight. She thought about how hard it would be not to feel the joy coming from her now. Mina walked over to Sara and moved in close to her and said "There's just one thing I have to tell you, in all seriousness. Something I've wanted to tell you for a long time." The grin left Mina's face, and a serious look replaced it, making Sara almost afraid to answer with "Mina? What is it? What's wrong?" Mina whispered into Sara's ear "Werefoxes have one big weakness; they're very lustful, especially when they love somebody very very much. I'm in love with you Sara, I have been for a long time, and I'm letting you know now, I want you so bad, I almost can't contain myself."


Sara seemed stunned by what Mina had just whispered in her ear. As Mina sat back in her chair, a grin on her face now, Sara sat up a bit and said "Mina, what exactly do you mean by that? That you...want to make love to me? That you're a lesbian?" Mina looked away, obviously slightly embarrassed as she said "Yes. Though I think I've had these feelings for you for a long time, the curse has made it a very stark reality. Ever since I awakened, sometimes just thinking about you gets me wet and horny. It's the biggest downside to being a Werefox, we're very much always in the "mood" for lovin'. I think only the Wererabbits, of which there are a lot less than any other animal type, is the only lycanthrope that's more lustful and horny." Sara was stunned for a while, but finally started to say "Mina, I...this is a lot to take in all at once. I don't think I'm ready for all these sudden revelations. My God, we've gone from childhood friends, to coworkers to LOVERS in the course of one day!" Mina smiled and said "I know, Sara, I know. But I figured it best to get everything out on the table now, rather than keep holding things back. I had to tell you how I felt. And nothing says you have to accept me as a pack member, or lover at all. Your will is your own and I'll understand if things don't work out the way I'd like them to. You have to do what's right for you, and I'm not about to try to make you do anything you don't want to."

Sara looked down and thought about what Mina had laid out for her. Was all of this stuff going too fast? Did she love Mina? Was she a lesbian? Did she want to be? She never even stopped to think of any of these things as they grew older, developing new feelings for each other. They had taken baths together, washed each other's backs, and been like sisters. Now here they were, as if their lives had completely flipped over, turned sideways and then been somewhat put back together, but a bunch of things were now there that hadn't been before. Did she love Mina? Her eyes looked up at her, still smiling, a face that just made her giggle. She was her best friend; could she dare to go further than that? Sara moved her hand over and took Mina's in her palm "Mina, I do love you. With all my heart. I'm not sure what that means, or what it will lead to, but I need time, I'm going to need to let this sink in." Mina gripped Sara's hand in return as she spoke "It's ok Sara, I can't rush you, and I don't want you to rush. You've always been level headed, and made good decisions; you'll make the right one for you." Mina lifted Sara's hand up and kissed it gently and Sara smiled before Mina said "Oh yeah! Do you want to see my Werefox form?" Sara let go of Mina's hand, almost startled and said "What? You mean, right NOW? There's no full moon, how could you......." Mina giggled out loud and said "Oh of course, I already told you, we can change when we want to! Didn't your parents teach you anything about your curse?" Mina immediately realized from Sara's down turned eyes and expression that her parents didn't see the least bit interested in their daughter's problems or curse. Mina leaned down and gave her a lick on the nose, startling Sara into looking up at her. Mina giggled and said "I'm sorry, it's ok, and I can teach you how to do it! Maybe not tonight, but I'll teach you. Promise! Now, do you wanna see me as a fox? No pun intended of course!" Sara couldn't stop the smile and giggle that came from inside her due to Mina's hyper happiness and whispered "Sure, why not. May as well!" Mina got up quickly and said "YAY!"

Mina started to take off her shirt and stopped, looking out the window and said "Ya know, maybe we should do this upstairs, I feel a little exposed down here, with all the windows and stuff. It'd be a bad thing to let anybody see us changing or see us in our wereforms." Sara nodded and both girls went upstairs to the bedroom, Sara closing the curtains and turning on the desk lamp, leaving the light in the room lower than turning on the full bedroom light. It seemed to fit the mood better anyway. Mina took off her shirt, then her skirt and shoes, socks and pantyhose. Then Sara watched Mina quickly unclip her bra and slide her panties down her legs, kicking them into the little pile of clothes she'd just made. Sara tried not to look, but she had to see this, to watch her change, but as soon as she peeked, it became obvious to Sara that other things were at work here. Mina was beautiful all over. Her face was cute and flawless, her breasts were well rounded and moved with her light breathing, no sag to them at all, easy C cups. She barely had much of a bush over her little pussy either, a small, well-kept triangle of fluff there. Her entire body was toned; her skin was tan and looked so smooth she could have licked her. Sara felt her nipples hardening inside her shirt, and her pussy tingled a bit just from staring at Mina and all her glory. She'd grown up with this girl, now very much a woman, and had seen her naked plenty of times, but not like this, never so looming, so loving, so intimate. Sara was fast starting to come around to the idea of lusting for her, wanting Mina as much as Mina wanted Sara. Mina suddenly spoke "Ok, here I go Sara, watch me change, I'll try to go slow, but I'm still new at this so if I lose concentration, I may end up full Werefox fast, so keep an eye on me!" Sara silently nodded, unable to speak for fear she might moan at her. Inside her shirt, her nipples were aching badly, already so hard they were throbbing. Sara wasn't positive but she could swear there was a smell in the room that wasn't there before, something that was nipping at her mind. Her eyes came back to Mina when Sara heard her breath out hard, a slight whimper to her voice.

Sara then noticed the glistening that was spreading across Mina's naked body. Even in the dim light she could see the sweat forming all over her tanned skin. She could even make out Mina's erect nipples and could swear she saw her clit standing erect as well. These sudden thoughts seemed a bit alien to Sara, after all, this was her childhood friend, somebody she loved like a sister, but here she was, almost fantasizing about eating her pussy and sucking on those erect nipples. Mina moaned and Sara could see that she appeared to be getting a bit larger, new, more powerful muscles sliding under her skin. Her thin toned frame began to expand, becoming much more toned, her legs a bit longer, her breasts several cup sizes larger, very quickly approaching DD size, topped by nipples that were now bright red and nearly an inch long. Mina's hair was changing, going from the slick, long hair she always had to fuzzy, tangled and a little messy. Sara knew it was fur erupting from the top of her head, much like during her own transformation; the fur growth was never controlled and would never make a fashion statement. Sara watched Mina's feet elongating, claws pushing from each of her toenails as her legs shifted, bones snapping them into much more animalistic shapes, causing Mina to almost lose her balance for a second. Her leg muscles pulsed and shifted, growing larger and more pronounced, easily able to support Mina's bulging new frame.

Mina moaned again and Sara could see why immediately. Under Mina's new DD breasts, she saw two more sets of breasts were taking shape, pushing her skin into soft mounds of flesh, with red spots forming on them soon after as new nipples pushed outwards from her bulging skin. It didn't take them long to finish forming, each set just slightly smaller in cup size than her original two, but topped with the same long, hard, red nipples. Mina's eyes opened as she groaned, looking straight at Sara who was staring at her the whole time, only now Mina's eyes were glowing yellow, even in the dim light of the room. Sara seemed a bit uncomfortable just staring, but somehow also intrigued. She wondered if she changed the same way, if her eyes glowed like that. She'd never really watched herself change, and it made her a little curious. Mina closed her eyes again and Sara could see her ears were growing up her skull, elongating quickly as they went. Mina's face was pulsating and shifting, and snapping bone sounds filled the air as Mina's muzzle began to push outwards from the rest of her face, her lengthening teeth easily visible in the light of the room. Sara was surprised at how odd this spectacle was, and also how calm she felt. She thought to herself how watching somebody, even her best friend, change into something that wasn't human, should be scaring the shit out of her, and yet, she wanted to see more, to see Mina's Fox form more than anything at the moment.

She didn't have much longer to wait as Mina's muzzle finished forming, full of sharp teeth and a much longer tongue while her ears finished forming and were now atop of her head, twitching at all the sounds still assaulting the poor girl from her transformation. Mina let out a small yelp and Sara saw what looked like a line of skin hanging down between Mina's legs, and soon realized it was her tail forming. Seconds later it began to grow larger as fur began to sprout along its length, thickening into a bushy tail within seconds. Mina moaned again and Sara could see she was darkening in tone all over her body, and she could hear an odd twisting sound filling the air. It didn't take long for Sara to see that Mina's body was becoming covered in thick fur. It started at her tail and moved up her back while hair from the top of her head met up with it to cover her shoulders, moving down over her chest and breasts. Sara blushed as she watched Mina's tidy little bush twist into motion as hair after long hair twisted and twirled from around her crotch to meet up with the matted fur forming all the way down her chest and sides. The fur became thick very fast, easily covering her tanned skin in merely a minute's time. The fur covered her hips and moved down her legs, all the way to her feet, leaving only the very tops of her feet and the palms of her hands free from fur. In the dim light Sara couldn't quite make out the color of Mina's fur, but her heavy breathing brought her attention back to Mina herself.

Sara whispered "M...Mina, you still in there?" Mina caught her breath and looked up at Sara with her big yellow eyes and said "Ta....Da!" sounding a big gruff and a few octaves lower than normal. Sara sighed with relief that her friend was there and not some monster like she had feared may have happened. Sara started to get up off the bed but Mina moved in close and said "Ah ah ah. No, you sit there Sara, and tell me what you think of the Foxy me." Sara could see her much better up close as Mina slowly did a turnaround for her, letting her take in her friend's new furry body. "You're, grey, with black feet, and a ...white center part down the underside?" Sara questioned. Mina giggled and said "Yup, I guess these colors are actually pretty rare, most weres, the fur matches the color of the hair on the head. My hair is black, but like this only the fur around my ankles stays black, and I end up grey and white. What do you think Sara? Am I the big bad wolf you thought I'd be?" Sara shook her head and said "No Mina, you are beautiful, very beautiful. Thanks for sharing this with me." Mina smiled and reached out and grabbed Sara around the waist, lifting her effortlessly upwards and tossed her back further onto the bed, so her head was more toward the pillows. Sara gasped a bit with a giggle, not sure what Mina was doing until Mina climbed onto the bed and sat overtop of Sara on the bed. Sara was a bit worried and said "Mina? Whatcha doing?" Mina giggled and leaned down to Sara with her muzzle right in front of her face "I'm doing stuff." She then started to sniff Sara's neck and hair, working her way down between her breasts, then across her stomach and then down to her crotch. Sara laughed out loud several times due to the act being ticklish. "Mina, s...stop tickles! HAHA, bad Fox!" Sara exclaimed while Mina finished her sniffing session. Mina leaned back up to Sara and said "I can't help it, your scent is great. You smell nice, and it's an easy way to get to know you, in a werefox way of course. You have to experience it Sara, life through smell, it's so different than only using your eyes." Sara stopped giggling and said "I'd like to, but I don't know how to change like you. Maybe on the next full moon I can sniff your butt and go "Oh its Mina, I can smell her butt from here!" Both girls shared a laugh and Mina sat back onto her haunches, letting Sara lean up to look her in the face.

"Mina you look very pretty, can I touch you? You look pretty soft!" Sara asked. Mina held up her arm to Sara who rubbed it very gently, finding it to be very soft, very silky and smooth, not at all like the hairy mess she grew during her transformation. Sara gasped "Wow, it IS soft, very soft, and slick. My fur is so rough and tangled, it feels like sandpaper." Mina giggled and said "That's just because you haven't had anybody with you to brush it out and make you feel better. Wolf types have thicker fur, that's why it's good to have somebody brush you. You can always brush yourself of course, but you haven't had the same training as me to get used to it yet. I'll teach you what you need to know, trust me." As Sara let Mina's arm go she couldn't help but blush a bit as she looked right at Mina's new DD breasts atop two more sets of CCs and BBs just below. Out of curiosity Sara slowly but deliberately reached up and began to fondle them. Mina blushed immediately and let out a moan that sent a shiver down her spine all the way to her tail. Sara whispered "I'm sorry Mina, something is wrong with me. I shouldn't be doing this to you, but it's like my body won't stop." Mina moaned again and said "It's not...ahh..your fault Sara..mmm ohhh that. It's a little bit of your fault, but mostly mine. When we change we give off pheromones, and when we're in love, we give off a whole lot more of them. I bet you could smell something sweet in the air when I started changing? That was me giving you the "sex gas". Sara couldn't stop herself from laughing at that, allowing her to pull her hands from Mina's breasts as she laid back onto the bed again and said " gas! Of course that's what it was. Good thing I took my Anti-Werefox Sex Gas pill!" Both girls giggled a bit before Mina said "So Sara, are you still against having a go around in the bedroom with a real "Fox? You know, I know you're turned on right now, I'm sure you could have guessed I smelled how wet you were from over there, and just now you're giving off the same "Sex Gas" I was and still am. It's ok to feel embarrassed, it's not either of us doing it to be mean or anything, it just happens that way because of what we are."

Sara sighed and said "Well, I'm not sure what to think at the moment Mina. My head is a little cloudy and my pussy is a whole lot of wet, my nipples are aching so bad I'm almost ready to beg you to suck on them. But this isn't me is it? It's your "sex gas" making me feel this way? I don't know what to do. What if we make out and we end up hating each other due to our instincts making us do this against our will?" Mina leaned down and licked Sara on the lips and said "I wouldn't hate you if you raped me half to death on the floor of your kitchen. I've waited years for this moment Sara, and ever since I found out we were both Weres, I couldn't stop dreaming of being here, just like this, with you, able to let my instincts and feelings run wild. This is a night for us Sara, we should at least see if we can even be together. Tell you what, be open with me tonight, and in the morning if you feel bad about it, or you just can't handle us being together, I'll leave you alone about all of this from now on. Deal?" Sara sat there for a few minutes before she sat up, Mina leaning back away from her a bit to give her some room as she spoke "No Mina, I'm not going to just slide away from this. My parents never let me do things that I wanted when I was growing up; I'm surprised they let me have a friend like you. Things have changed a lot since then, but I'm still this scared little girl sometimes, always wondering "what would mom or dad do or say if they found out?", as if they would even give two shits about what I do now. They practically pushed me from the house into college and into work as soon as they could, and with all of this curse shit in the family, maybe they had a good reason to. But I have an opportunity to have something special, with you Mina. You never pushed me away, you always pulled me into things, trying to make me feel better or do better. And you always did it with a smile and an energy that I never could understand, until now of course. I'm not slinking away from you now, and never again do I want to be away from you when there's no reason to be. I want to be with you Mina, in all ways. No pheromone is going to tell me when I'm in love or with whom. I love you Mina. I want to feel your lips against mine, to taste your pussy, to suck on your nipples. I want you as my friend, and as my lover, for now and forever." Mina's beautiful yellow eyes teared up a bit and they leaned together for a hug, Sara's head smashing into the soft pelt of Mina's chest fur, making her smile from the pleasurable feeling.

The girls leaned back from each other and Mina had a smile on her face, a smile that looked odd coming from a Fox. Mina giggled and said "Thank you Sara, I love you, and I want to share my life with you, all of it, for as long as we can ever live. But where do you want to start with this, I'm not well versed in the arts of love making." Sara giggled and replied "Well, it's not like I've had sex either, but I don't care what YOU'RE going to do, I know what I'm gonna do." Sara laid Mina back onto the bed, straddled over top of her and leaned her head down and began to lick her furry little Fox cunt. Mina let out a yelp quickly as Sara's hot tongue touched her outer folds, realizing quite quickly that in her Wereform, her clit was far more sensitive than in human form. Sara may have had only the slightest idea of how to pleasure a man or a woman, mostly from porn videos and magazines, but she showed no signs of allowing that stop her from enjoying her lovely friend's hot pussy. Strangely, Sara had always thought that munching on another's woman's snatch would be one of the grossest things a person could do, and yet as she licked and poked and licked some more on Mina's pussy, she found it tasted like an odd mix of chocolate and strawberries. She wasn't sure if it was just her mind messing with her, or if two lesbian lycanthropes just liked the taste of each other, but she definitely didn't care now. Mina tasted wonderful and hearing her best friend moan only made her feel that much better. Between licks, Sara leaned up and looked behind her and saw Mina laying there, panting a bit and said "Mina, you taste so good; your pussy is so wet it's like a river down here!" Mina giggled a little in between pants but didn't say anything. Sara grinned and said "You wanna see how I taste? I'm not sure how wolf pussy is supposed to taste, why not try it out and let me know?" Sara wiggled her ass in front of Mina, but Sara had forgotten she was still wearing her pants so Mina said "I' to..but there's some human shield in the way..I think.mmmm...they're called pants!" Sara responded quickly to that and stood up on the bed, almost ripping her pants down off her legs, then slid off her panties, throwing all of the clothes into a pile on the floor, sat back down over top of Mina and said "Ok, sorry about that, how about nooooooooowww?!" Sara barely finished her sentence when she felt Mina's hot, rough tongue plunge up inside her wet pussy. It felt like a jolt of electricity shot through her, making her tingle all the way to the tips of her fingers.

Sara's eyes shut hard as Mina found her G-spot very quickly, and Sara tried her best not to literally pass out from how ungodly it felt. Up to this point in her life, Sara had only the feeling of her own two or three fingers in her cunt to tell her what pleasure was. She'd never had a dildo or vibrator out of fear of what her parents might do to her if they found them, so this experience with Mina was almost surreal. Sara opened her eyes as soon as she felt Mina stop licking her, turned around and looked at her as if to start begging her not to stop when she heard Mina say "Hmm, well, since you're the first wolf pussy I've tasted, I'd hazard to say you're a little bit Vanilla flavor, a little orange and just a tad like flowers." Sara stared at Mina for several long seconds and Mina giggled "Oh I guess that's a good sign that I was doing something right?" Sara smiled and said "If you don't get that licker of yours back up in there, there's gonna be trouble!" Mina grinned again and said "Oh? Well I am a Fox; I'm known to be a troublemaker ya know! However, I shall honor your request at 'getting back up in there' because I'm still very hungry!" Mina drove her tongue quickly back up into Sara's cunt with such force that Sara's legs almost folded, forcing Sara to lay down completely on top of Mina's torso. Her breasts squeezed into her soft fur, causing Sara to moan low and sexy, making Mina happy that she was doing such a good job of pleasuring her friend. Sara stuttered a bit and said "Oh..God Mina...ah..your fur is sooo soft; it feels so good against my skin..mmm." Mina giggled and said "Why do you think fur coats are so popular?" and then quickly began to lick Sara's dripping pussy once more. Sara moaned and her body tensed with each loving lick of Mina's tongue, and it took a bit of effort for Sara to lift her head, straighten herself back out and lean her head down and start licking Mina's hot pussy. The sudden sensation made Mina yelp again, making a short whimpering sound as her body also tensed, her legs widening on their own so Sara could get at her pussy easier. And there, both girls became entranced by the other, their tongues lovingly licking each other's pussies, their fingers finding time every so often to join in on the fun. Hours went by and the girls showed unnatural stamina for cumming again and again without much hesitation between sessions.

As Sara leaned down for the ninth or tenth time, she'd already lost count, her tongue this time ran over something a little odd. It was rough, round and bumpy. She opened her eyes and looked at Mina's pussy and saw her clit, only it was very swollen and standing erect almost an inch from inside her dripping folds. Sara was unsure what this meant, as she'd never seen a clit so big before, and she hesitantly leaned back down and began to suckle on it, as if it were a giant nipple. She felt Mina's entire body shudder, almost quivering as soon as her lips touched it. Mina hands hit the bed and it was apparent her claws were tearing into the sheets from her shoving her hands into them so hard. Concerned, Sara leaned up and looked back at Mina, whose eyes were shut tight and her tongue was practically hanging from her mouth. She was panting hard and Sara could see every one of her six nipples were swollen, red and painfully erect. Mina opened her eyes and looked at Sara with a need in her eyes as she moaned "Oh for the love of God Sara, don't stop now! Please, suckle my clit more, it feels so incredible, I...I can't resist it anymore! Please!" Sara was somewhat shocked and said "But..Mina, it's..something's happening to your clit, it's so swollen, maybe we should stop and find out what..." Mina looked up at Sara again, this time showing some teeth as she growled "NO! It's supposed to happen! PLEASE! SARA!! AHHHHHHhhhhh! It..won't stop...unless you....HELP!" Sara seemed a bit startled by the sudden shift in personality from Mina, but as she turned around she was stunned to see Mina's clit throbbing, having grown outwards at least another inch. Sara wasn't sure what to think, but then again, she'd already went this far, she figured she didn't have anything to lose. She slid her mouth down over Mina's hard, throbbing clit and began to suck on it like a banana or lollipop, and she felt Mina's reaction immediately as her clit seemed to pulsate inside her mouth before growing again. Even as Sara pulled upwards off of it, she realized that Mina's clit seemed to be growing into the shape of a man's penis. It wasn't a penis though, but a giant swollen clit that was beet red, hard, throbbing and still growing. Sara was stunned and excited all at once, taking it back into her mouth and pushing it as far into her mouth and as far down her throat as she could short of gagging herself. It still tasted like Mina's pussy, sweet as honey, only now it was hot and pounding to Mina's racing heart. It wasn't long before Sara could actually put one of her hands around the base of it and start to rub it up and down, like how a man would masturbate their dicks. Second by second, Sara felt Mina's clit growing bigger and bigger in her mouth and in her hand, and after several minutes, she took her mouth off the tip and stared at a giant, red, throbbing clit dick standing over a foot from her best friend's vagina. Sara could feel Mina's heartbeat pounding inside its swollen shaft.

Sara looked back at Mina, whose ragged breath was starting to concern her. She spun around and faced Mina, asking "Mina? Mina are you ok? Speak to me!" Mina's eyelids flickered a bit as she slowly opened them, revealing her yellow eyes, only now they were definitely glowing with an inner fire they hadn't shown before. Mina growled a bit and said "!" Sara wasn't sure she understood what Mina wanted until she felt something hot and hard bouncing into her ass cheeks. She looked behind her and Mina's clit dick was the cause of the sudden bumping. She knew then what Mina wanted. She wanted to fuck Sara with that thing! Sara was suddenly taken by fear of what was happening to her friend. Mina had never wanted to do something like this before; this wasn't like her at all! Was this wonderful night about to become something dangerous? Was it because they were both Lycanthropes? Was Sara's pheromones affecting Mina so bad as to leave only a Werefox instead of her friend laying there with her? There were so many questions floating through Sara's head that she was caught unprepared by Mina's sudden movement as she reached down to her throbbing clit, and lined it up with Sara's pussy and then pushed Sara straight down on it. Sara leaned upwards and yelled out in pain and pleasure all at once! Sara's pussy lips were stretched far further than any amount of fingers ever had done, and far further inside than even Mina's foxy tongue had gone. This was a whole new level of penetration for her. Sara couldn't move, as if she were being electrocuted or held in place by some unknown force, the pain was almost as vibrant as the pleasure. She looked down, trying not to scream again, and she saw blood coming from her pussy. Her best friend had just popped her cherry, and it wasn't as fun as she had thought it might have been. Sara was assaulted by so much information at once she once again didn't realized what was happening before Mina took ahold of her arms, held them tightly and began to pump her swollen clit dick in and out of Sara's bleeding but love juice soaked pussy. Sara tried to hold in the yells of pain and fear, but she couldn't. It was like she was being stabbed with a knife in her crotch and she wasn't sure if she was going to be able to hold on much longer before she passed out.

Tears began to fill Sara's eyes as Mina's continued to glow with a bright yellow glow, her new clit dick sending hot shots of pain and pleasure through her body. However, Sara began to get into a rhythm with Mina after a couple minutes, and suddenly the pain began to subside as her pussy began to tighten around the invading monster, actually began to enjoy its company in fact. In only a few minutes more the pain had left Sara's crotch altogether, and was quickly replaced by an overwhelming sense of bliss and pleasure. It was almost too sudden and Sara was not ready for such a sudden switch and it took every bit of her effort to not pass out and fall straight down onto Mina's boobs. This wouldn't have been that bad she guessed, they were rather large and soft after all. Mina grunted suddenly, and stopped, jolting Sara to attention quickly as the pleasure stopped just as suddenly. Mina pulled Sara up off her giant clit dick and then slid out from under her. Mina actually got up onto her knees and with practically little effort, turned Sara around, and pushed her face down into the bed pillows, making her ass jut upwards toward her. Sara had just pushed herself back up with her arms as she felt Mina's clit pushing up into her pussy once again. Sara moaned, pushing her face back down into the pillows as to muffle some of her screams of bliss. At this angle, the "doggie style" Mina's clit seemed even larger than before, and also seemed to be reaching into Sara's pussy so far she thought she'd be able to feel it in her mouth at any moment. Mina was growling, and Sara could feel drool hitting her backside, and she knew Mina was out of it now, running on nothing more than pure instinct to mate, even if it was with some weird clit dick thing that wasn't about to get her pregnant.

It was after a few minutes of fucking that Sara was starting to feel odd and tingly all over; her mind was starting to get cloudy for the first time since her last transformation. She tried to pass it off as just a nice feeling coming from Mina, but as the seconds rolled by, she found herself panting harder than ever, and her muscles felt tight as sweat began to glisten across her naked body more so than ever before. Sara realized that for some reason she was actually starting to transform. She watched as her arms began to pulsate and shift, gaining some girth and tone, and her hands began to sprout the same black claws from every nail just like during the full moon. Sara became a bit concerned as she looked back as best as she could and said "Mm...mMM..Mina! I..I'm..chan....ahh....changing! We..gotta..stop! Stop! I can't..I can't control....ahhhh! Fuck! I...Mina!!" Sara faced the wall again as her claws began to dig into the pillow cases, ripping them apart and she began to snarl with animal growls as the pleasure began to build to an all new level. No longer just a pleasure for the sake of pleasure or love, it was becoming something darker and more animal, no longer a need for sex, but a WANT for sex, for a fucking, to be so brutally skewered on Mina's clit dick as to nearly puncture herself upon it! Sara's mind was almost gone and she knew it, but she couldn't stop herself now, things had gone too far already. Sara's back arched upwards, her spine pushing up into her skin as every vertebrae cracked and creaked its way down her back until her tail pushed its way from the base of her spine, growing long enough to run right in Mina's fuzzy stomach. Sara's feet elongated and shifted, her toenails splitting apart as black claws pushed their way from within, just as they had done from her fingers. Her face pulsated and shifted as her skull shifted and cracked, pushing outwards to form the long muzzle of a wolf, as her teeth lengthened into sharp points and her tongue grew long and rough. Her muscles expanded in all directions across her body as the veins filled with blood and pulsated along the surface of every inch of her skin. Her back lifted upwards, her legs shifted and grew longer and larger and her stomach became a very well defined six pack in seconds. Her breasts swelled rapidly into FF cups and her nipples erected into long, two inch throbbing points before two more sets of breasts formed under her main two, nipples pushing their way from her skin rapidly as each set swelled to almost as big as her new FF cups. They tightened with muscles as well, giving them little to no sag whatsoever. This time Sara growled as she felt them swelling even more so than ever, expanding from FF to HH as something began to flow into them, giving them much more weight. Her animal mind didn't realize it, but her breasts were swelling with hot milk, perhaps due to the situation she was in with Mina pounding away at her pussy. Sara moaned with a snarl as her nipples began to leak the sweet liquid from every tip, growing painfully erect.

Sara had little time to move before she looked down and saw black hairs beginning to erupt from every pore of her skin. Even her face sprouted hairs, though not as thick as the ones sprouting across her muscular back. The hair fought for space as every inch of Sara's skin became coated in hair that began to thicken upon itself quickly. Even Sara's animal side growled from the feelings running through her when her pussy clenched and grew larger and more muscular from the inside and out. The thin bush of hair she had above her pussy erupted into a flurry of hair growth that quickly spread up her stomach, across all of milky tits and around the insides of her legs and up across her asscheeks, meeting up with the thickening hair pushing from every pore of her back and shoulders. In mere minutes, Sara had completely finished her transformation from normal young lady into a seven foot tall body builder from hell. Sara snarled as her yellow eyes became aware of something happening and looked around to see Mina still pumping away at her pussy. Thankfully, Sara as a Werewolf seemed just as happy to be fucked as Sara as a human, and allowed Mina to keep pumping her clit dick into her, with one exception. Sara began to tense and moan, an energy surrounding her that gave her fur a soft glow that made its way to Mina, covering both fuzzy girls in a soft glow that seemed to make them both moan in unison. Mina let out a yelp as she pushed into Sara's cunt hard then staying plunged into her as her clit dick began to expand again, this time with almost recklessness. It pulsated, hardened, lengthened and pushed deeper into Sara's aching pussy as it swelled larger than her arm inside her. It reached sixteen inches, seventeen, eighteen, and further expanded in girth. At two feet long and almost six inches in girth Sara let out a yelp, a low, sexy moan, as did Mina, drooling, almost in a total daze from pleasure. Her breasts began to expand as Sara's did, growing from DD, to EE, then to FF, her other two sets expanding to match, swelling and throbbing as milk dripped from all six, hard, bright red nipples. Whatever energy was empowering Mina was definitely coming from Sara, and still she showed almost no signs of stopping. Mina's flesh pulsated with muscular growth, her fur growing longer, thicker and even brighter in color. Her claws lengthened, her tail thickened, her mouth widened and her teeth grew longer and sharper. Mina growled out loud as her pussy tightened and expanded, growing three times more muscular "F..ff..FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!" Sara growled as she felt Mina's clit dick strengthening tenfold, tightening and throbbing on its own inside her pussy, even without Mina moving. Another inch it expanded, then another, and another. Almost three full feet long and almost ten inches in girth Sara's tongue hung from her mouth in total broken down bliss. Finally the glow faded from the girls and Mina launched into Sara with a full on attack with her monstrous new form. She seemed to have a completely new strength about her, now standing almost as tall as Sara, with muscles three times over what she normally had. She was drooling and growling and was being far more aggressive, lifting Sara's legs off the bed and pumping into her pussy with all of her new found might.

A few minutes passed before Mina pulled her giant clit from inside Sara's slobbering pussy, then flipped Sara over and lifted her from the bed, slamming her back against the wall. Sara wrapped her legs around Mina's ass as she slid her clit right back up inside her. Her head flew back, slamming into the wall, cracking the drywall easily. Mina began to pound, and pound and pound into Sara's cunt with wreak less abandon, shaking every portrait from the wall and shaking the lamps on the nightstands next to the bed. After what seemed like over an hour of this Sara and Mina both felt a final explosive moment approaching, the one that'd fucked for all night, the orgasm that would send them to Hell itself before returning them to Heaven. The girls looked into each other's glowing yellow eyes, and whether the bestial side wanted to admit it or not, they understood what they were doing, what they wanted, and what was coming. They began to grunt, they started to moan as the orgasm hit, like a tsunami in slow motion it built, and kept building and then crashed with a force unknown to either of them. They came together, spurting hot girl juices onto each other, spraying the wall, their legs, the floor, anything and everything within a ten foot radius of either of their dripping pussies. Spray after spray turned into quivering dripping after dripping, then finally just trickles. Mina's legs gave out quickly thereafter, slowly sliding Sara down the wall, cracked and broken from their fuck session. Sara laid on top of Mina for a minute, feeling her massive clit dick starting to shrink, all of her powers drained. She slipped from inside her and she quietly slid off the top of Mina, careful not to crush her as her body returned to a more normal state. Sara's animal side was confused by the sudden shifts happening to Mina. Her fur was pulling back into her skin; her muscles were shrinking as were her breasts. Her muzzle disappeared as her skull reshaped into a more human form, and her claws receded back into the tips of her fingers and toes. In only a minute, Mina was no longer the hulking Werefox Sara had just been fucked by, but a young pretty Asian girl. Sara however, did not return to normal, but instead began to sniff this human girl all over. It didn't take her long to realize from her scent that Mina was important to her, definitely a mate. She laid down beside her, pulling her limp human body close to her, smooshing her into her big, soft breasts. Sara figured this should protect and keep the little woman warm for now, but she couldn't reason as to why, her thoughts were still very clouded, with only a few hints of her human side milling about her mind. She knew Mina was something important, something to protect, but beyond that, Sara could not think any further.

Sara cuddled Mina close to her for what seemed like forever, when in fact it was barely a few hours that passed. Sara had almost fallen asleep a few times, but something was nagging at her mind besides the need for sleep. Her human side wanted something else, and her wolf side wasn't getting the ideas clearly. As the time ticked on through the night Sara began to get restless, and surprisingly, horny. Sara laid Mina down away from her gently onto the floor, and began to sniff her once more. She realized quickly that there was an aroma in the air that had become quite strong, something coming from Mina that was really starting to turn her on. What little bit of her human mind walking through her mind started to wonder how Mina could be giving off such strong pheromones while she was passed out like a light. Sara sniffed Mina's little crotch, even giving it a lick or two, finding the taste quite wonderful, and noticing Mina's pussy was dripping onto the floor. Looking up, Sara could see Mina's little nipples were erect and hard and she was breathing faster, though not much worse than normal. She could smell her sweat, and the smell made her feel even more aroused. Sara licked one of Mina's hard nipples and could taste an odd mix of sweet milk drops and salty sweat, and tried almost in vain to stop herself from doing whatever it was her stupid instincts were telling her. Inside herself, Sara was fighting the down and out urge to rape Mina while asleep, while at the same time finding it harder and harder not to accept that it would be ok if she did. Fear was trickling into her mind, overriding some of the arousal and instincts, but only just barely. Sara knew the only way to stop herself was to leave Mina on the floor and go into another room, somewhere away from her where she couldn't smell her, but she also had the need to protect her, and to stay near her because they were friends and mates now. She did know for sure that if she didn't do something quickly, she was bound to listen to nothing but her instincts, and possibly hurt Mina.

Sara tried hard to speak, to say something to Mina, anything she could to wake her up, but only growls, grunts and whimpers came out. Frustrated she began to hit the floor with her fists, getting louder and louder. With every bit of human thought she could muster, she finally did manage to growl out "Mmm.Mr...MRRRINAAAA!!" After several long seconds, Mina's eyes fluttered, and she blinked a bit, finally showing signs of life. She seemed disoriented and confused lying on the cold floor in the barely lit room. She yawned and whispered "Wha? Where? Who? S..Sara? What's going...on?" Sara whimpered a bit, nudging her nose into Mina's neck, seemingly happy to see her awake. Mina managed a weak smile and said "Oh? Oh you changed? Oh my, you're quite a large Werewolf. Look at you." She petted Sara's head and neck a bit, making Sara shiver in bliss. Mina rubbed her eyes and finally noticed the small changes happening to her as she said "Oh! Oh no! My nipples, my clit. Oh no! Oh Sara I'm so sorry! No wonder you changed! Oh my goodness, your breasts, your nipples, everything is so swollen, it's a wonder you didn't burst! Oh God Sara, forgive me!" Quickly, Sara got to her feet and said "Sara stay here, wait in this room for me, I'll take a fast shower and get cleaned up, that should help you ok? Please, stay here!" Sara seemed to understand well enough and stayed put, near where Mina had been laying on the floor. Her arousal stayed consistent, but steady as the constant pheromone level died down a bit once Mina had left the room. Sara was still aroused enough to play with herself a bit, and did so very carefully due to her sharp claws. She tweaked her nipples, a bit of milk spraying from them and slipped a few fingers into her wet pussy, making her snarl with satisfaction. She came a few times before Mina finally returned, peaking her head in the door. Sara felt a little human embarrassment being caught masturbating on the floor, and reluctantly stopped to walk over to Mina, still down on all fours. Mina patted her on the head and said "Ok, now that I'm at least a bit back to normal, it's your turn big girl. We need to get you a bath; it'll help get you cleaned up, and even out the pheromones coming off your body. Can you come with me and let me give you a nice warm bath Sara?" Sara's head tilted a bit, as if she was trying real hard to figure out what Mina was saying, but most of it was too far into human thought for her to grasp completely. However, Mina seemed to understand what she was going through, and took her time helping Sara get into the bathroom, into the tub and used to taking her first bath as a Werewolf. Sara thought it felt nice, the water running over her thick fur, it felt a bit like a loving mate licking her all over, only a bit different. Mina was careful not to arouse Sara by washing too long on her breasts and pussy, just long enough to get them soaped up and rinsed off. It took almost an hour before Mina was able to get Sara cleaned up enough that the air cleared up and the both of them seemed far less interested in sex, and a lot more tired than before. For the sake of their instincts, Mina put Sara into the spare bedroom, staying with her long enough for her to fall to sleep, before taking some extra sheets and a pillow and sleeping outside the door on the floor. If anything happened during the remainder of the night, Mina needed to be ready to get in there and help Sara out. Mina drifted to sleep quickly, listening to the rhythmic, deep breathing of Sara as she finally began to change back to human form.


Sara woke up in a hazy dazed state, her world wasn't so clear and it seemed to be moving around a bit on its own. She did notice she was lying in a bed, covered gently with sheets, but it took her several minutes to lift the fog from her mind before she gained any sense of where she was. She slowly sat up and looked around. It was her second bedroom, the guestroom, which she was laying in, covered in sheets to keep her warm, but she couldn't remember how she got here. She tried to think of the night before and only had fragmented images of things. A bed, some growling, a feeling of protection, or safety and...Mina! Sara's eyes widened and she looked around frantically for her friend Mina. She threw the sheets from her naked body and looked around on the floor, even under the bed, her only peace of mind being she didn't see any blood...yet. She slowly opened the door and stepped out into the hallway looking down to the first floor below. Nothing seemed out of place, but she did smell something different, yet pleasing. It smelled like, breakfast! Toast, eggs, bacon! Her stomach gurgled immediately as her heightened senses punched her dead in the face with deliciousness. Sara almost leaped over the railing on the stairs before she smacked herself to regain some control over herself. She was butt naked, and had to tear her nose from sniffing the air so she could get into the bedroom and throw on some panties, shorts and a t-shirt. Sara noticed how destroyed her King size bed was in the master bedroom. The railings were bent, the sheets were ripped to shreds, there were stains on the floor around it, and the wall had a large ovalish crack in it, as if a football linebacker had slammed into it. Sara sighed and knew it had been her that did the damage, but she had enough of a brain to realized that the tingle in her nose was the leftover "sex gas" Mina had left almost everywhere in the room. As her nipples tingled with anticipation of growing harder, Sara left the bedroom and shut the door behind her, once again hit full on by toast and bacon. Sara just prayed that whoever was in there making this bountiful feast was named Mina, or she was going to have a lot of explaining to do.

Sara quietly walked down the stairs, and peaked around the wooden molding and there, standing in the kitchen, wearing a t-shirt, panties and a "Kiss The Cook" apron was Mina, humming to herself as she flipped the bacon and was working on the scrambled eggs soon after. Her ears twitched a few seconds later and she turned slowly in Sara's direction. Realizing she'd been spied, Sara slowly walked on into the kitchen and stood near the table. The girls stared at each other before Mina smiled and said "Morning sleepy head!" Sara managed a weak smile and replied "Hey Mina. Morning." She looked at the clock on the wall and it wasn't morning at all, but nearly 2:30 in the afternoon. Still breakfast sounded, and smelled like a hell of a good idea. Mina smiled and said "Sit down honey, it's almost done, I bet that nose of yours is making you drool half to death." Sara slowly sat down and said "Yeah, I haven't had a real breakfast in a while.." Sara's stomach let out a gurgle so loud even Mina couldn't stop herself from giggling when she said "Oh ho, very hungry wolf! You know one thing that helps with that stuff is to make sure to eat a lot four or five hours before the full moon, or before the change, whichever comes first. It takes a lot of energy to transform, and if you're not full of food, the next day you're quite the animal until you gorge yourself." Sara smiled a bit and then turned to look out the window. The blinds were drawn but they glowed with the sunlight beaming onto them from the other side. She seemed to enjoy the light and closed her eyes and tried to calm her mind a bit. Her attention returned front and center a few seconds later when a huge plate of food was plopped down in front of her. Scrambled eggs, a stack of warm, buttery toast and about a pack of bacon stared her in the face, and Sara's eyes almost began to glow yellow just from the pure awesomeness of it all. "Dig in hun" Mina said, and not a second too soon. Sara devoured her entire plate in less than five minutes flat, and Mina giggled the entire way while she slowly ate her own eggs, bacon and toast, only about half as much. Sara finished her food and let out a loud belch, patting her stomach. Both girls looked at each other and let out a good laugh. Mina finished off her last piece of toast and said "So, was it good?" Sara nodded and said "Mina, I didn't realized you were such a good cook. Gods that was good, so damn good I should just hire you to cook me food." Mina giggled "Well, I was looking for a new place to stay, and I am a good cook, among other things." Sara quickly felt somewhat less cheery as she sat back up in her chair and stared at Mina.

Finally she said "Mina, what we did last night, what I did last night. I, I don't remember much of it. Did I change? Did I hurt you?" Mina smiled and said "Yes you changed. No you didn't hurt me. To be honest with you, after like the fifth or sixth orgasm, whatever you did to me felt so good, I honestly can't remember much after that. It's a blur to me right now, but give me some time; usually it comes back to you bit by bit." Sara sighed some relief and said "Clit..dick. That's what happened to you. Your clit got really long, and hot and hard, like a guy's dick, but no pee hole, no foreskin, just a long hard, throbbing shaft of..well..clit." Mina blushed deep red and said "R...really? Oh my. I didn't realize it had gone that far. I'm sorry Sara, I didn't expect it. Did..I? Did we? We must have, the scent in the room, you changing. We fucked. I mean, I fucked you. Oh Sara, I'm so sorry." Sara tilted her head, a bit confused "Well, from what I remember, our goal was to have sex. We had sex, all over the place it seems too. Mina, I don't blame you for anything. Maybe it was your "Sex Gas", maybe it was mine, or just our Were selves making us do it, but I DO remember that it felt ungodly good, especially for my first time." Mina looked up and said "I'm sorry if you were saving yourself." Sara held up her hand and said "For you Mina." Mina felt her eyes fill with tears and said "I'm happy. I think things turned out well for us. But I made you a bet." Sara thought about things for a few minutes before looking up, standing up and walking over to Mina, leaning over and looking at her face and whispered "I. Love. You." Mina smiled and Sara kissed her full on the lips, moving into a French style kiss quickly. After an eternity the girls broke from the kiss and Mina said "W..Wow! You're a great kisser Sara!" Sara giggled and said "Back at ya Mina!" The girls took their dirty dishes and washed them up. They took their time, definitely not getting in any kind of hurry as the air about them felt charged with good feelings, the kind they didn't want to end. But as most things, they ran out of dishes to wash and dried off their hands and stood there, leaning against the counter for a few minutes.

Sara was the first to speak as she said "Mina, I'm not good at this. At love I mean. I mean I've been cursed for over two years, but I have so little control, it scares me. I know I'm untrained and I'm sure it's not that hard to get used to, but like last night, I was ok for a while, and then, it's like...I stopped being me, I became like a real animal, uncontrolled, wild, a monster....." Mina smiled and said "Nah, definitely not a monster. I barely remember, but you were getting into it, into me with a power I've never felt before. Our instincts were to mate for sure; once we let the beast inside us out too much, it does become hard to pull it back in. But that's what happens when you give people a lot of power so suddenly. With time, I'll be able to stick my snatch in your face and all you'll do is sneeze!" Sara looked up at Mina and couldn't stop the gut laugh that came out of her mouth. Mina laughed along with her, admiring her well timed joke and continued "I'm definitely interested in taming you big girl, but like I said, never think of yourself as a monster. You are not. In fact, a bit of memory is coming back to me, and if I'm not too crazy, I think you were protecting me while I was asleep. I sort of remember you hovering over me, keeping me warm, keeping me close. That's a good sign that even transformed and not all there, that you and I have a kinship of protection. According to my parents, that's a hard thing to come by in the Were community, especially of different types." Sara looked at her and said "You mean a Wolf and Fox don't normally go together?" Mina nodded and said "Not just wolf or fox, but bear and tiger, tiger and rabbit, coyote and raccoon." Sara bust out laughing and said "Oh I'm so glad I'm not a Wererabbit or Wereraccoon!" Mina grinned a bit and said "Well, you should be glad Sara, from what I've heard, Wererabbits are very very hard to control and the Wereraccoon is actually a much more wild Were that's very dangerous and takes many many years of training to tame." Sara stopped laughing and said "S..sorry Mina I shouldn't laugh based on assumptions. I don't regret being a Werewolf, at least, not anymore." She looked over at Mina who smiled and said "Hehe, I'm glad to have a strong wolf like you to protect me. From what I know, going back to your question about Wolf and Fox, generally the Wolf is the larger and more dominant of the two types, and the Fox generally doesn't get along well with them because on the one hand they're both similar predators. Both are fast, cunning, and skilled. The Wolf though is more of a pack creature with needs to be in groups whereas the Fox can do well in smaller groups or by themselves. What I'm saying in this case Sara, is that you felt the need to protect me like I was your pack mate, and something important to you, otherwise you would have just left me on the floor and wandered around the house for a while." Sara looked back at Mina and said "I'm happy for that. And you are something important to me, and I don't mean that just in some warped sexual sense. But as far as dominating, I think you're the one that did all the dominating of me last night."

Mina blushed and said "W..well, tha..that's just because you haven't learned the 'trick' yet. I wasn't even sure I was doing it, it's a rare thing, or so I've been told. Most Weres generally stick to one type, but in rare, rare cases, our shape shifting powers can push our bodies further than that. Sometimes a Were can have multiple animal forms, or, in my case, can make certain, ahem, body part modifications temporarily." Sara giggled and said "Temporary or not, it felt pretty nice, I just wish I could remember more of it beyond the initial shock of the whole thing." Mina laughed and said "You will, with practice. I still need the practice too ya know. My parents taught me a lot in a short time, but learning to do it when and how, that's the biggest challenge we face. Reason versus instinct is the hardest thing to cope with as a Were because your instincts are stronger than normal people, they can easily override your reason and make you do things you would never think of doing otherwise. And no I don't mean licking my pussy either." Mina winked at Sara who blushed and said "So, you're saying more or less, the urges I'm feeling right now, I'm going to feel all the time?" Sara slid over next to Mina and put her hand on top of her's while Mina said "Well, not all the time all the time, but they'll always be there, this primal instinct, ready to aid you if things go bad, or...wait...Sara, what urges are you having right now?" Sara giggled and moved over in front of Mina, wrapping her arms around her, gripping her ass and pulling her close. She whispered "Guess?" She then leaned in and started to kiss Mina gently on the lips, taking little time before her little mouth opened and they began to French kiss again, this time with much more passion. When the kiss finally broke Mina was panting a bit and said "S..Sara, you've gotta learn to control this, you have to fight it at first, like, really, really fight it, or else we'll be in trouble at work or on the drive home, anywhere. Your instincts are telling you one thing right now, and I know what it is, but..ahh..noo...Sara, please, you have to stop!" Sara leaned away from Mina a bit, but held onto her for support and said "M..Mina, it's..clouding my' unreal, these feelings! Hohh..ohhh..God, how can you control this..this lust!?" Mina smiled and said "Usually I didn't, I masturbated myself half to death almost every night thinking of you." Sara looked up at Mina and laughed, taking some of the arousal from her as she was able to let Mina go, step away from her, sit at the kitchen table and reply "Well, I'm glad I made such a good impression on you." Mina giggled and said "Oh yes, I'm scarred for life! But seriously, the easiest thing to do is keep your distance. The further you are from me, the less my pheromones work on you. Right now, I know, it's going to be nearly impossible to resist it because you're finally with me and the same holds true for me. I've been soaking wet in my panties since you walked down her and ate breakfast." Sara looked down at Mina's crotch and sure enough, her panties were very wet in the front. She smiled and said "Even all your training and you're still this turned on? Why didn't you say something?"

Mina giggled and said "That's part of the training; I push myself further and further, holding out for as long as I can in the midst of hornyville, until I finally lose it. have NO idea just how hard it was not to throw you on the table and ravage your body while ago. And that type of behavior you HAVE to fight, because if you don't, it WILL rule you, body and soul, for the rest of your life." Sara seemed a bit concerned and said "What do you mean body and soul? Rest of my life?" Mina looked away and said "It's, one of those things, sort of like when you're growing up and people treat you a certain way, you get used to it and you just feel that's the way things should be. Then you get out in the world away from the things you've always known, and ya know, it screws you up, and you have to adjust, and sometimes you can adjust, but it takes a lot of time. For us, once we're awakened to the curse, it's the same thing. You start off scared, and then go through the denial, then the learning, and the training, the acceptance, and eventually it becomes second nature, like something you've done your entire life. But, as with anything, if you screw it up, if you don't conform or adapt, the beast in you does the same thing, so eventually you lose yourself to it and you become more and more animal until all that's left is a human running on instincts. It's dangerous until we learn to adapt and cope, then once it's a normal thing to us, things even out and the instinctual part of us dies down to the point where we're literally no different than a normal person, except maybe on the full moon when the Were is drawn into a more powerful state of being." Sara sat there sort of stunned and said "So this is why my parents didn't teach me anything? They wanted me to fail at this so I'd just become some monster to be killed or some crazy human to be locked up? Damn them...damn the fuck out of them!" Sara slammed her fists on the table, making the vase in the middle topple over. Mina grabbed it before it rolled off and shattered and said "Whooooa there big girl, easy now! Sara, there's more to your story than you were told." Sara looked up at Mina, her eyes changed color to a more yellow tinge, her teeth ever so pointed along with her ears, a partial shift caused by her anger.

Mina sat the vase up straight and pulled one of the kitchen chairs over close to Sara, holding the top of her hand and said "Calm down Sara, you're already starting to change. Anger above all else can force it out of you. Please, calm down." Sara unclenched her fists, seeing her nails had grown sharper and took in a few deep breaths, letting the anger wash out of her as quickly as it had washed into her. She let her breath out and said "You've got to help me Mina, I, I really don't know if I can control this thing now. After last night, I just don't know! I'm...I'm scared!" Mina smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the back of the hand and said "Nah, you're fine honey, you just partial shifted is all, it happens. You reeled it in, that's a good start. But Sara, let me give you the truth of it all. About your parents, your family. There's a lot more you need to know, and now that we're together, I want to be the one to tell you. I probably could have waited a while longer, but I don't want you to remain angry at the people who raised you, blaming them will only make it harder for you to train yourself and control your powers." Sara looked up at Mina quite seriously and said "You say 'people who raised you' as if they were just some strangers. They're my parents, and I'll always love them Mina, even if they were lazy and harsh at times." Mina looked down at the table and then smiled a bit. She looked back up at Sara, her smile disappearing as she looked Sara in the eyes and said "The truth Sara is that those people were not your parents. They were not your Mother or your Father. They were merely, Guardians."


Sara's mood shifted considerably to a darker place, her face turning very upset instantly as she said "What...did you say?" Mina let out a small sigh and said "Sara, your parents, your real parents were Werewolves. If these people you were raised by had been your real family, they would have taught you the same types of things my parents taught me. They treated you badly because they were forced into Guardianship by the death of your Mom and Dad, and they didn't enjoy it. So they took all their anger and frustration out on you. Other people had asked about getting you away from there, even my parents pleaded with the elders to take you in, but it's strictly forbidden by their customs to do so. Once a family picks its Guardians, those are the only ones that can raise their child should something happen to them." Mina felt a great feeling of anger welling up as Sara squeezed her hand tightly "M...Mina...I...I can't...hear this now...not now..I'm..gonna lose it..nghhh..say you're..joking, this is a joke..or..or..I..." Mina jumped in and cut her off and said "Sara, calm down, it's not as bad as you think. It's not the end of the story. You have to listen to what I'm telling you, it's important. Nobody else is going to help you but me, but you have to stay here with me, mind and body. Don't let this anger keep filling you, or you'll change, and I won't be able to stop you if you do while you're angry." Sara opened her now yellow eyes, a slight snarl escaping her lips as she took in several long slow deep breaths, trying to get ahold of herself. Her muscles tensed, but they seemed to stop shaking and growing, her claws retracted back into her fingertips, a fact Mina had not even noticed when they'd grown long and sharp. Mina slowly let go of Sara's hand, and noticed some blood dripping from it, Sara's claws having left a few cuts on them. Sara immediately came to her senses and said "Oh! Oh, oh oh GOD! Mina!" Mina smiled, got up and got a paper towel, wrapping it gently over her hand and replied "It's fine; these will heal up in a little bit. Weres heal faster than humans." Sara looked depressed and said "Mina, my God. What if I didn't reel it in that time? Would I..would I have hurt you? Killed you?" Mina shook her head and said "It depends; angry Werewolves are no joke Sara. You have a lot of power, and angry, oh boy, you can move mountains with it. Probably would have thrown me out of your way at best, clawed me a good one at worst, but I doubt you'd have killed me." Sara put her head into her hands and cried.

Mina slid over next to Sara and held her in her arms, patted her head and said "Shhhhh...shhhh, Sara, its ok. It's ok. This stuff won't last I promise. Anger, love, lust, it all will work out over time. We'll get through it all together, just me and you. I promise!" Sara let out a few sniffles, leaning back in the chair, lovingly laying her head onto Mina's shoulder and said "I love you Mina. I love you." Mina smiled and said "I love you Sara." The two girls kissed quickly, pausing only briefly to let their tongues touch, then Mina sat back down in her chair. She let Sara get more back together and said "Your parents were killed in an airplane crash while they were heading out on a long vacation. They left you with my parents to babysit you and it was a few days after they left that word reached everybody's ears. Weres are pretty tough, especially Werewolves. They're even supposed to be immortal, but they're not invincible to damage, especially not from 20,000 feet in the air. Major trauma can kill us the same as any human. They eventually found out that the cause of the crash was a ruptured hydraulic line that failed. There was no conspiracy or ill will, just one of those one in a million bad things that can happen in the world." Sara stared down at the table, hardly saying a word. Mina worried if she should continue with this or not when Sara spoke up "Did, you know my parents before they died?" Mina shook her head and said "I'm a few years younger than you are, so I didn't get to meet them at all since I think at that time I was only a few months old. My parents knew them pretty well. Like I said, I think its funny how well our families got along, despite being different Were-types. If you want sometime, we can go to my parents and you can talk to them about your Mom and Dad. I'm sure they still have some pictures of them of when you were born and stuff." Sara looked up at Mina and said "I'd, like that Mina. I'm sorry I got so angry at you. These feelings, all of them, and the instincts, it's just, so much. It's hard for me to keep it all together. It's like my entire world has been shaken to the core. It's like for the little bit of joy I gained from being with you, I paid a heavy price everywhere else." Mina nodded and said "I understand Sara. I went through the same emotional upheaval you did. The thing that made it easier for me than you was my parents. But I can be your parents now Sara. I can and will teach you what you need to know. I won't leave you, I won't push you away, I promise I'll make things right." Sara looked at Mina with a small smile of hope and said "You'd do all of that, for me?" Mina smiled wide and said "Hell yeah!" She held up her hand and Sara grinned a little wider and gave her a high five, which made her feel a whole lot better as she said "You're my angel Mina." Mina smiled and said "And you are mine you hot bitch you!" Mina covered her mouth quickly when she had said the word 'bitch' and quickly Sara laughed out loud at her. Mina giggled and said ", excuse me, seems I'm feeling a bit better about our relationship!" Both girls shared a longer laugh and held hands for a while.


Mina patted Sara's hand, giving it a gentle kiss and Sara said "So, what happens now?" Mina smiled and replied, "Well, I think I'm going to go take a shower, maybe go out to the mall and look around. It's Saturday, it's already evening, and I feel like going out for a bit. Want to go?" Sara smiled and said "Sure.." Mina smiled and got up, Sara closely behind but as Mina got to the stairs, Sara's arms wrapped around her stomach as Sara moved in close behind her, giving her a reverse hug. Mina felt Sara's hands sliding up under her shirt, a fact she didn't ignore as she already felt a tingling rush all over her body. Sara's nose ran over close to Mina's neck and ear and she heard her say "Mina, you don't need a shower. You smell so good." Sara's hand began a slow trip south of Mina's navel, sliding just under her panties and Mina let out a small gasp and said "S...Sara, st..stop, not here, control..ah..control yourself." Sara giggled and said "I'm in control Mina. I know you don't want me to stop, I can smell how wet you are and your nipples are hard as rocks." Mina gasped again as Sara's hand found her hard little nipples and began to fondle them while her other hand found her wet outer vaginal folds. She felt Sara teasing her pussy, rubbing slowly all around it, pulling the lips apart but she waited to shove her fingers inside her. Mina's hips started to sway and she started to pant as she said "S..Sara..don't...don't..tease" Sara giggled and said "'ll have to do better than that. What's this bitch gotta do? I'm not sure I know what a Werefox likes." Mina already felt her breasts engorging, swelling as her body toned and tensed with oncoming transformation, a fact that Sara welcomed as she fondled Mina's growing tits, feeling her breast flesh spreading across her hands as they grew outwards, pulling her shirt to near breaking point. Mina moaned and said "Nghhh....Sa..Sara...p..pussy, put your..ahh..fingers in my pussy! H..hurry, I'm not..I'm not going to hold out much lon...longer!" Sara grinned and said "I'll put them in your pussy Mina, but you have to put something in me too. I want that clit of yours. That big, hard, throbbing clit dick!" Mina let out a small whimper and said "I..I'll'll..have to..get me...really get it to..h..happen! Pleasee...stop teasing me Sara...I...I can't...believe it feel..s goood!" Sara licked and nibbled on Mina's ear and suddenly, but deliberately slipped two of her fingers up into Mina's soaking cunt, slowly starting to kneed and fondle her pussy lips with her thumb as she did so. Mina almost howled in pleasure and her breasts expanded almost instantly to DD, tearing a giant hole open in between her swelling cleavage. Sara moved her hand down Mina's stomach and felt her other two sets of nipples already forming, pushing out of her skin as they grew hard and erect, her skin already swelling as her other breasts began to form. Sara grinned and whispered into Mina's already elongating ears "You should try to control yourself Mina, at this rate you'll be full Werefox in just a minute!" Mina moaned and gasped and said "'s..too..ahh..oh God, you know it's..already too...too...late...I' limit..of..control. Your crazy..Sara..oh my God, please don't stop..I...I'm gonna..pass..out...ahhhh!" Mina's teeth were growing pointy and sharp as her face pushed outwards, forming her muzzle. Her ears continued to move up her reshaping skull as they became pointed and wide, sitting atop her skull.

Sara found it harder to stay at shoulder level with Mina as her body grew larger and more muscular. Sara watched Mina's skin pulsating and shifting as her muscles bulged, her ass toned, her spine pushed out into her skin vertebrae by vertebrae as her tail pushed from the base of her spin, growing down between her legs in seconds. Mina's shirt ripped up her back and soon it was on the floor in tatters along with her panties just before they strangled her pussy lips. Sara pushed Mina downwards onto all fours, straddling the stairs as her legs shifted and her feet grew longer, black claws pushing out from her toenails and fingernails, digging into the wood a bit, and the nails on her hands digging into the carpet on the stairs. Sara shifted her position behind Mina and leaned down to start licking her pussy, now larger and more muscular. Sara kept pushing her fingers into her while she licked and she could see and hear Mina's hair starting to curl from her skin. She watched her barren tail growing a thick pelt of fur, and even as she licked she watched as her shaven pussy began to sprout thick hairs that began to twirl and thicken, pushing outwards and moving around her pussy, up her stomach and around her inner thighs, spreading across her legs and down to her feet very quickly. Sara blushed a bit as she watched Mina's extra breasts filling outwards, growing so large that they ran into the stairs, pressing into them as they grew larger than she'd ever seen them, topped with erect, hard, red nipples. They quickly grew a soft pelt of fur that covered them all the way, leaving only her hard nipples poking through the fur. The fur going from her crotch to her chest was still a pretty white, a bit shorter and softer than the grey fur that covered the rest of her body. Sara began to rub and kneed Mina's furry ass cheeks making her moan in bliss. Sara nibbled on Mina's slick folds a bit and said "So Mina, you still taste so wonderful. Am I making my lil' foxy girl feel good?" Mina moaned and whimpered as she turned around, leaning onto her side, looking back at Sara and saying "S..Sara...I''s..different than before...I'm..I'm bigger..than I bre...ahh...breasts..I...." Sara giggled as she slid three of her fingers into Mina's pussy slowly but very deliberately. Mina yelped and threw her head back, a spray of sweet girl cum spraying Sara's wrist and arm. Sara grabbed Mina's leg and slowly rolled her over onto her back, pushed her legs further apart and leaned down to lick her arm and hand clean. Sara's tongue tingled and she said "Mmm...Fox taste good. Mina, I'm still waiting for my present." Mina looked at Sara as she slid off her panties and slipped her shirt off, revealing her naked body to Mina full on. Mina panted harder at the sight of her beautiful friend and said " me!"

Sara wasted very little time getting down on her knees and lowering her head to Mina's pussy and giving it a good lick with her tongue, slipping it up inside her pussy, licking every little inch she could reach. Mina's body spasmed and her claws dug into the carpet of the stairs. She instinctively spread her legs open wider so Sara could lick deeper inside her and each lick, each puff of hot breath that she felt on her outer folds, the hornier she got, pushing her body to a whole new level of excitement. Mina tried her best to keep herself under control, since she knew she would black out like the night before if she didn't try as hard as she could. She loved the feelings flowing through her and didn't want to miss it again. She kept her eyes open as much as she could, and stared at the top of Sara's head as she watched her lick her snatch, making her cum several times over the next few minutes. Each orgasm pushed her up to a new level of power it seemed, she literally watched her breasts expand, her nipples lengthen, her body gain more muscle with each wash of juice she sprayed into Sara's hot mouth. Mina was actually quite amazed that Sara seemed to have more control over herself than she thought she would, in fact, it looked as though she hadn't begun to transform at all, until Sara briefly stopped licking her and looked at her with a grin on her face. Sara's eyes were yellow and slightly glowing and she said "Mmmm..Mina it's coming, I think I'm getting the hang of this. I'll make you bigger, and stronger, I want you to protect me tonight." Mina suddenly realized what was happening, something rare, and something almost unheard of in their society. It was a power transfer going on between them. Sara was actually converting the energy she'd normally use for her transformation to Mina's body, which was making her transformation exponentially more powerful. Sara was using Mina's girl juice to covert the pleasure into energy that she was sharing with her. Last night Sara had lost the control she needed to do it slowly and gradually, making Mina black out from the overflow, but now, Sara seemed to be making things happen at a controlled pace. She was making Mina so horny while at the same time keeping her control of it enough that she was going to change more and more until Sara had her where she wanted her. Mina moaned "S..Sara, did you..ohhhhhh...keep...going..ahh..more....mooore my love! Make me...make me big for you!" Sara giggled and continued her assault on Mina's pussy, gripping and running her nails, barely sharper than normal, through the soft fur along her legs as she did.

In her own mind, Sara knew she was just as horny as Mina and only just had a grasp on what she was doing as far as giving her body the power to make her clit into some huge throbbing monster cock, but her instincts were kicking in a little more at a time, sort of guiding her subconsciously through the act of making Mina into the monster she wanted her to be. She could feel her energy building up inside her, then some of it slipping through her tongue, through her hands, through any contact with Mina's body, passing that power into her, making Mina's body tense, bulge and change. She wanted nothing more than to make it go super-fast, to pump all her power into her at once, but she knew if she didn't fight the instinct to do that, Mina would black out and they'd just be mindless beasts going at it like last night. She wanted them both to enjoy this moment, and remember it. She loved this girl with all of her heart, and now she wanted this girl to be her protector, a Werefox to end all Werefoxes, a monstrous beast that would take her, own her and ravage her! Sara knew she'd never think of these things on her own, that most of these thoughts and feelings were coming from Mina as much as the Wolf side of herself, but she was starting to get into tune with it. Rather than distrust it, or to push it away, she found that as she began to accept this more wild side of herself, the less wild she actually felt, the more control she seemed to get. And more and more Sara figured out that the more control she had, the more actual power she had, the power to do things she never could before, and power to become things she'd never been before. Her entire life she'd been the one that stood up for others, got into fights, protected Mina when she had to. She had been the tomboy, the girl that was more a boy. She'd never been proud of her gruffy appearance, but she put it to use when she had to. Now, for the first time, she wanted Mina to be that girl, that tough no nonsense, take what she wanted person. Right now, Sara wanted to feel safe, to feel loved by somebody, to be held, snuggled, and she knew Mina could do it, she knew she had it inside that little Foxy body, and now she knew how to get it out. For once in her life, their roles would switch and Sara was pushing all she could to make it happen. Mina too, felt her wild side building more and more as her body tingled with energy she'd never had before. She was so surprised at how Sara had suddenly figured something out, and it made her feel so much more relaxed and proud of her.

Mina moaned as Sara picked up her ass and licked deeply into her pussy from more of a top down angle and Mina's body responded quickly, her breasts swelling, her nipples growing harder than ever, her muscles bulging larger. Mina looked at her hands and watched the pads on her palms thicken, her claws grew larger and sharper, the veins in her arms pulsating and standing outwards on the bits of skin she could see as her fur thickened more so than she'd ever known it to. Mina felt animalistic instincts inside her rising to a whole new level of wildness, forcing her to concentrate harder, trying to keep her mind intact as her body began to expand to a level unheard of for her species. She had barely paid attention but soon she noticed that she was no longer only lying across the first few sets of stairs, but at least the first ten were now covered by her body, meaning her body had gained almost two feet in height, and she was now almost as wide as the staircase. In fact Mina began to look herself over as best as she could while Sara munched away at her pussy, and could tell she was now approaching Sara's Werewolf form's size, far larger than any Werefox would ever be. If Sara didn't stop giving her all this energy soon, she'd be lost to the beast inside her and would simply dwarf Sara completely. Before she could attempt a protest however, she felt a click, a short burst of power that centered almost completely on the muscles in her vagina. Mina gasped as her pussy clenched hard, almost latching onto Sara's hot tongue when it did. She felt her heartbeat sink to a low bass note as her clit felt suddenly hard, going from a nice hotness that was being cooled by Sara's tongue on it, to a hot, deep throbbing feeling that almost felt like she was pushing something from within herself. Seconds later, her body tensed and she felt every muscles grow at once, shoving the claws on her feet further across the floor as they grew larger, longer and sharper. Her legs grew longer as well, bulking up in mass as the muscles in her legs put any body builder to shame. Her stomach clenched as her abs grew larger and harder, making her stomach so hard she could take a missile to them with no trouble. Her shoulders, biceps and triceps also grew larger and hard as steel. Even her substantially swollen breasts, all six of them, grew more toned, muscular and had grown as big as beach balls, unlike her normally DD sized main breasts, atop B Cups and C cups. Even her fur was thicker than usual, and more vibrant, hints of blue mingled in her grey and her white was brighter and softer than normal. Heat washed over her entire body and Mina moaned and looked down at Sara whose tongue was now licking on what looked like her clit, only swollen and standing erect from inside her outer folds. Her eyes widened as she watched Sara grin a wicked grin and start to lick and suckle on her engorged clit. Mina's entire body shivered and she felt her clit filling with more blood than should ever be going there, her heart racing, all the while Sara's suckling and licking sending chills of all kinds shooting up Mina's spine, making her tail twitch.

In seconds Sara slipped up and off Mina's clit, and she saw that it had grown much larger, very quickly. Mina gasped as she saw that it was growing larger right before her eyes, almost a foot long, it was turning from pink to red and expanding in girth. She watched Sara grasp it with her hand, smile and said "Oh yes, this is what I was looking for Mina. Look how big you're getting. You just want me to suck you off don't you? Put this so far down my throat that it'll choke me? Say you want my hot tongue and mouth on your huge clit!" Mina almost let out a snarl as Sara's touch on her giant clit felt so good it was maddening. She growled in a tone lower than some men "YES! Sara, for fuck's sake, suck it, lick it, do SOMETHING! AHHH!" Sara grinned wide, opened her mouth as wide as she could and slipped it down over Mina's growing clit dick, shoving it as far into her throat as she could shy of breaking her jaw and choking to death. It tasted wonderful, like some strawberry popsicle that was hot and throbbing. Her salvia made it steam a little as she began to give Mina her first real blowjob, making her moan and snarl out loud, sending short rumbles around the room as she did so. Sara was happy and so horny she almost couldn't keep her beast inside from bursting from her skin and giving Mina a good fucking, but this was what she wanted, to have Mina in control, to be the girl that'd protect her and keep her safe. The wolf side of her half understood, but the lust was clouding everything, making it very hard for Sara to concentrate on much else other than simply sucking off her best friend. Mina moaned again, playing with Sara's hair a bit as she stuck some fingers into her pussy while moving up and down her clit dick with her hot mouth, letting her teeth drag lightly along its entire length on the way up. Mina was cumming left and right, almost every other thrust of Sara's fingers was making her spray the stairs with love honey, and Sara's own pussy had soaked both her legs and left a giant wet spot on the carpet of the stairs so big, there was no way to repair it. When Mina's clit suddenly gained another three of four inches of length and at least another two in girth, Sara thought it was best to get it out of her mouth before it broke something. When she slipped it out of her throat, she was stunned by how big it had grown, and how in the world she'd even had it in her mouth at all. Mina was panting, trying hard to catch her breath, barely able to open her eyes to look at the throbbing, beet red monster she'd grown in place of her normal clit. Nearly two feet long and four inches around, it was pulsating hard with the beat of Mina's beating heart, small veins raised on its surface, pulsating as blood coursed through them. Sara felt it was time to get down to the part she'd pushed so hard to get to.

Sara stood up and hovered her soaking pussy at the tip of Mina's giant clit and held out her hands toward Mina, who reached up and held onto them. Mina had grown so large that she could have covered Sara's entire head with her huge hands, but it gave Sara such a sense of security she didn't care that her own hand barely covered the inner, grey pads of Mina's hands. "I love you Mina" Sara whispered. "I..ahh..God..I.m..I!" Mina stuttered, almost unable to talk at all between pants and grunts. Sara smiled and lowered herself down onto Mina's hot shaft, spreading her pussy lips apart wider and wider with every inch that she slid down over it. Sara's body tensed as she went past twelve inches, then by fifteen she was starting to drool. Mina's head snapped back from the feeling of Sara's vaginal muscles pulling on her giant clit, sucking it up into Sara's body inch by hot inch. Mina was unable to speak, almost unable to do anything as Sara's pussy swallowed every inch of it. At twenty inches in, Sara felt the urges of the wolf filling every fiber as her breasts started to swell, her nipples hardening beyond normal. Her muscles flexed, tensed and began to expand, and she felt her teeth going sharp inside her mouth. It was taking over, and fast as she finally hit rock bottom, Sara's pussy touching Mina's at last as all twenty-four inches of hot, throbbing clit meat sat inside her honey pot. Mina could see Sara was fighting her instincts even as her claws grew out from her nails and bits of stubble began to form on her arms and chest. Sara moaned and her body shivered as she fought a battle with her monstrous abilities. She threw her head back and howled and Mina watched as her body tensed again, but this time slowly returned to normal. Her claws retracted, the hairs disappeared, her breasts returned to normal and her teeth went from sharp and pointy to normal. It seems Sara had won the fight, if only just barely. Sara opened her glowing yellow eyes and smiled at Mina who weakly smiled back. Sara whispered "'t...keep...myself together. You''s hard....I've..I can't..describe..ahh..!" Sara threw her head back as she came hard just from having Mina's throbbing clit inside her. Mina grinned and began to move her hips, pushing her throbbing rod up into Sara very deliberately. Sara's eyes went wide and she too, instinctively started to get the message and began to ride Mina's hot clit cock like she'd done it a hundred times before. Holding onto her hands tightly, Mina's strength gave Sara all the leverage she needed to really start to pound her pussy hard and fast down onto the throbbing monster. Sara had no way to contain the growls, grunts and bestial moans that ripped from her throat as she went. Sweat poured down her face and chest and both girls were covered in sweat and love juices. Mina bucked her hips hard with Sara until they fell into a nice rhythm and at that point the girls had no way to contain their screams, howls and growls. Sara was slowly losing her mind and she knew if she passed out, the wolf would get out and then nothing could stop her transformation. Mina was in the same boat, nearly blacking out at least four times in the last few minutes, which she was trying with all her might not to do, since it was obvious that Sara had wanted this little make out session to be special, to be remembered.

To break the momentum and tension a bit, Mina made the first move. She stopped thrusting and leaned up off the stairs, easily picking Sara up and completely off of her giant meat rod. Sara gasped as Mina's clit slid out of her soaking pussy, the shivers it sent down her spine making her gasp out loud. In seconds she felt her vaginal muscles contract and shift, tightening them back to a much heightened sense of musculature. It was as if she hadn't just taken a clit the size of a human arm up her cunt at all. This small revelation did little to calm Sara down, but the sudden cold stop did peak her interest enough to keep her from changing any further. She was just about to question Mina when she was put down, belly first, on her hands and knees, straddling the stairs as Mina leaned down over top of her like some giant alien spacecraft about to attack the Earth. Sara no longer needed wonder what was about to happen as she could easily see the wide grin on Mina's long muzzle. She felt the light prodding of her hot clit dick on her outer folds, and her body tensed in anticipation. Sara knew she was only teasing her to buy time for her mind to clear, and while that was working it was at the same time making her feel even more aroused just waiting for it. It seemed like an eternity, but finally Sara felt Mina pushing her thick clit dick up into her. Once again, Sara moaned, putting her face down onto the stairs so she could scream into them without worry of the cops showing up. Mina growled low and slow as inch after amazing inch of her huge clit was practically swallowed by Sara's wet cunt. Sara groaned from the intense pleasure, almost fainting from the amazing pulses of bliss that shot through her as Mina's furry crotch touched her pussy. Mina growled as she held herself there, letting Sara's vaginal muscles flex and contract down on it like a vice, sending shivers through her body. "" Mina moaned out loud. Sara was taking heaving breaths, the massiveness of Mina's clit dick taking on a whole new meaning. She could feel Mina's heartbeat in it and each pump of her big heart made her entire pussy shudder with bliss, so much that she was practically in a constant state of cumming. Sara turned around to look back at Mina, a small grin on her face, her eyes still glowing yellow as she said " that..ahhh...all you got you foxy bitch?" Mina growled and gripped Sara's ass cheeks with a slap and began to thrust into her. The stairs creaked as Mina's thrusts shoved Sara hard into them, hardly hurting her, in fact, making her drool from it. Sara knew she was losing her grip, fast, faster than she was going to be able to control herself; the pleasure was beyond human abilities to take. If she were a normal human being, she'd probably have died from the adrenaline rocketing through her body; the euphoria would have killed her. But this feeling, this intense feeling of love, of lust, of everything, was beyond words, beyond dreams.

Mina howled a bit, or howled like a Fox, wasn't like a wolf's howl, but Sara thought it sounded sexy and her body was responding to her little quips. Although she didn't want to, Sara knew her will was almost broken, her body was sweating badly, trembling, and her muscles were aching. The wolf side of her was clawing at her mind, pushing hard to get out, even though they both only wanted Mina's love, and sex, the instincts were pushing her to go completely wild, to let go of her human mind and really have Mina go crazy. It didn't understand why she was fighting it, the natural way of things. Sara kept telling herself, her instincts, that it needed to wait, to hold back, to not go too far, that everything would become clear, but the lust and the fuzziness of her mind was winning out over what little logic Sara could muster now. She felt her breasts starting to fill, growing larger, while four red spots formed along her belly, the start of her new nipples, and soon after, her other sets of giant milky breasts. Sara's muscles began to bulge, her shoulders began to become much more defined, her biceps swelled larger, the veins along her arms began to pulsate and stand up on her skin. She felt her teeth growing sharper and longer and her ears became pointed as her hair began to grow down past them, over her shoulders. She even felt her small trimmed bush sprouting darker, thicker hair, starting to spread around her pussy lips while a cracking sound started to fill the air as her spine began to shift and push upwards along her back. Her fingers cracked as her nails split open, black claws pushing from inside them, while her toenails did the same thing, her feet just starting to pull away from from them, elongating and shifting.

Mina noticed the changes and knew she didn't have much time left before Sara's human mind was finished for the night and began to pump faster, and harder. She wanted them to cum so hard that Sara wouldn't have the energy to transform. She started to pound into Sara's pussy so hard the pictures on the wall were ready to fall off. Sara was growling as her face began to pulsate and shift, starting to push forward as her muzzle began to form while stubble began to push out of the pores of her skin, starting to twist and grow down her arms and across her crotch and back. Sara was near a massive release of orgasm, but she almost couldn't talk at all. She looked back at Mina, a worried, happy, and loving look on her face all at once and growled "!" Mina lifted Sara's shifting body up off the stairs, leaning her back onto her powerful legs, slamming her pussy with her huge clit as hard as she dared. Within seconds the buildup was rushing into an explosion that neither girl was ready for. Mina was now so strong, so huge, it felt like her pussy was going to explode, and Sara's insides were burning so hotly she wasn't sure if she was going to melt into a puddle of girl goo. The orgasms hit them both at the same time, Mina began to tremble and whimper, Sara began to howl and grunt, and the only few dry spots left on the stairway carpet were consumed in a rapid discharge of hot girl juice from the two so large it was as if a garden hose had sprayed the room down. Both girls became locked in place as their vaginal muscles contracted; spraying thick sprays of cum all over each other. Sara's pussy was gripping Mina's clit dick hard still, but it was obvious to them both that most of their energy was dissipating quickly, but not quickly enough as Sara's body continued on its way to wolfhood. Mina tried to clear her head as Sara's arms continued to bulk up and her other two sets of breasts began to swell from underneath her hardening extra nipples. Before it was too late, Mina pulled out of Sara's still soaked pussy, her clit dick shrinking down to a much more normal size very quickly, spun her around and pulled her close, hugging her, smooshing her entire body into her upper torso, right in between her massive tits. Sara was caught off guard, her mind spinning a bit, as the feeling of her growing breasts smashing into Mina's giant breasts covered in such soft fur made her let out a low moan. She heard Mina talking and slowly looked up at her, her head tilted back, her body rocking back and forth, her eyes closed as she said "S..Sara, don't change, I'm here, don't change. Please don't change. I'm here, it's ok, things are ok, don't change, don't change, stay with me, please stay with me."

It was then that Sara began to feel different. As though responding directly to Mina's request, Sara's body began to shift back to normal, not quickly, but she could feel her extra breasts retracting as well as the fur covering most of her body. She felt a lot of tension leave her along with the energy that had been powering her transformation. She seemed able to start to catch her breath all of a sudden, and the feelings of lust and sex were replaced by something else, some feeling of security, of protection. Sara closed her eyes as she laid her head down onto one of Mina's large breasts, listening to the quick beat of her heart, as she too tried to calm down. She closed her eyes and felt something completely new enclosing her, something familiar, yet practically unknown, something, motherly. Sara's mind cleared a bit and then she could see, memories, memories of her mother, her real mother washed through her mind. She slowly began to hug Mina, wrapping her hands around her as far as she could reach even as her sharp claws retracted into her fingers, her body still tingling from the soft pelt that covered Mina's body. With her own fur quickly disappearing, leaving only her naked body laying against Mina, it felt much softer and a lot like silk, fueling her mind to reveal more to her than before. This feeling, this feeling of protection and of motherly embrace was new to Sara, but as she quickly began to realize, was not as new to her wolf side, to that bestial side of her. Sara realized why the wolf had these feelings, these memories. Her mother had breast fed her when she was little, and now she realized that when she was little, she stayed in her wolf form much more than her human, so the memories of her mother, were from the wolf side of herself that had stayed buried inside her mind and body all these years. Without the training she needed to come to total unification between her were side and her human side, she had missed quite a bit of the family life she had always wanted to have. She had little memory of her father, but the feelings she now felt from her mother began to make her cry. She had been a fool to keep her curse buried for so long, and then to hate it, to put it away like a bad thing. She'd tried for the last few years to run from the very thing that had the memories, the feelings and the ability to give her exactly what she'd wanted. She opened her eyes and said "Mina, thank you, thank you for this. For all of this. I will never become a mindless beast again. I will never let anyone or anything keep us apart anymore. I love you, Mina." Looking up, Mina finally opened her eyes, and looked down at Sara. She leaned up off the soaking carpet and held Sara out a bit so she could look into her eyes and spoke "Finally met your mother did you? The memories? The emotions?" Sara looked a bit surprised and said "You...knew?" Mina smiled and licked Sara's face and said "Well, I suspected. Usually the feelings you have as a young were are always with you, even while human. You'll retain some of them. I wasn't sure if you were born human or were, but it seems you were Wereborn. It's rare, and so it didn't really occur to me to ask you." Sara leaned back in to lie on Mina's furry chest and said "I felt my mom, my real mom. She felt a lot like you Mina, she was very beautiful, very soft, very kind and happy. She was everything I wanted. I'm happy my wolf side kept these feelings and memories safe all these years. I was stupid to keep locking it up, hating it. If I'd only known, I'd have never done that." Mina hugged Sara close, smooshing her into her furry breasts a bit and said "It's ok Sara, you lost a small bit of yourself when your parents were killed, that part you can't get back, but I can at least help from here on out, to help recover some of it for you."

Sara smiled and whispered "Thank you Mina, with all of my heart." Mina smiled and held onto her tightly, finally catching her breath, the energy slowly dissipating from her body as she started to return to normal. She held onto Sara the entire time, even as her fur disappeared, her muscles shrank, her breasts retracted and returned to normal size. Within minutes, Sara was almost crushing Mina underneath her since as a human, Sara was a bit bigger all around, but Mina didn't care. Sara was asleep and though it took a bit of effort to get her carried up the stairs without passing out from all the strain, she eventually got her into the bedroom, into the bed, and lay beside her. She watched Sara's slow breathing and could see she was happy and as she threw the covers over them both, she snuggled up close to her and quickly drifted off to sleep.


Speciality Drink

SPECIALTY DRINK Whatever it was that Ron drank had effected him far worse than he thought, now that he was sweating and having a very hard time concentrating. He was yelling at himself for being so careless in the lab. If anything was left...

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