The Royal Secret part 7: Holding Back

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#7 of Stories of Cabalton

I thought turning Linus's rimshot way back in part 2 into a joke character-trait would be fun, and I'm kind of a fan of the stuffy leopard I see in my head. He's going to stick around, I think.

QUESTION: Is...hmm, I guess you'd call it "garment rending"(?) an actual fetish with a real name? I mean, I think it's sexy, even though physically unrealistic. And, for the purposes of the story it serves as an obvious but important metaphor, so I'm going to keep it in even if it turns out to be a type of "bondage" (BDSM isn't really my bag). But, if somebody can leave the actual name for it in the comments, I'd love to be able to tag this chapter with it, and maybe the last one.

INFORMATION: Next chapter might just open straight up with cowgirl position, which I'm interested to see if it turns out to be the right time for Phillip to knot with Rachel. I'm not sure yet, that might have to wait...

Birds sang the sweet melodies of summer as Phillip fought the urge to start throwing up in nervousness. The day had finally arrived when he would get to see Princess Rachel again, and that thought alone was the only thing that kept him from yelling at the cab driver to pull over.

The source of the young tamaskan's anxiety was that his morning would begin as a formal introduction with some of the court nobles who had direct ties to the royal family. He had made what ended up being the mistake of using his time off from the law firm to study in depth what he felt would be necessary conversation material and mannerisms to use for this part of the courting process. Namely, he had to try to make the royal family see him as a worthy suitor, and the facts and philosophies he'd attempted to memorize for the occasion swirled discordantly in his mind before making a quick detour to swirl uncomfortably in his stomach as well.

No matter how he tried to assure himself that his productive supper with the king would hold favorably for him, he kept imagining some aristocrat's face turn up in disgust as he babbled some unrelated nonsense with his stupid ears shaking like plucked wire.

Phillip breathed in through his nose and tried to remember that his clumsy nervousness would not be an ally in this next step. He regretted the pressure his now inflated lungs put upon his upset stomach, and he breathed out a shuddering breath that was quickly sucked back in as he realized that they had arrived at the palace. Well, just don't trip going up the steps again...

Sir Linus sniffed snobbishly as he saw the suitor stumble, but in his heart he couldn't help but feel a slight certain sentiment for the silly slouch. Oh, dear...he was doing alliteration now.

"Welcome, Master Phillip, esquire," he inclined his head at the smallest necessary angle, "If you will follow me I'll...What are you carrying?" He noticed a large, flat package tucked precariously in the pup's paw...This was becoming tiresome, and reading that book of poems was only making it worse...

"Erm..." Phillip hummed nervously as his face reddened and he adjusted his grip on the parcel, "It's a gift...for Her Highness, Sir Linus."

The leopard licked his lips languidly at the lyrical...oh stop it, "That is not required of you," he intoned in intended indifference, "But it is an interesting indication of your...impressions," he was getting into his speech now. No more poetry before bed, especially now that the princess had asked for him to act as her facilitator with this suitor...

"You think so?" Phillip asked hopefully. "I wasn't sure if it would be improper..."

Linus began walking with his graceful stride as Phillip stumbled along next to him, "It's an...unusual gift for a suitor to buy for a princess...I assume it is a painting?" he glanced back down at the parcel.

"Um...yes, but I made it...actually," Phillip muttered with quivering ears. Maybe bringing the painting was stupid after all...

Linus stopped his pace briefly before continuing to lead up to the palace, "I suppose its propriety will depend on your skill with the brush then, Master Phillip." His mouth jittered up a hair.

Phillip frowned but hitched up his steps with more confidence. Rachel would like it, he was almost sure of it. That was all that mattered...

The royal gathering for the Princess's suitor seemed more like a rigidly formal family reunion to the young artist, and he said as much to Erica as he handed her the gift for Rachel to store it during the ceremony.

"Well, you picked a rather good time to start courting her, young master," Erica whispered as she grinned at the wrapped painting, "Some of the more distant members of the royal line were already visiting for a function next week, and some even came personally since the princess hasn't pursued even this far with her suitors in a while."

"Oh, um," Phillip's ears were doing what they normally did, "Should I be...honored?"

Erica looked at him with a complex expression, "Hmm, I'd suggest you try to think of it that way," she smiled at him sympathetically, "Sometimes the nobles become...weary of the courtship process and try to, well, cut it off as soon as possible."

Phillip's paws were now joining his ears as Erica continued, "But you've already done the unexpected, gaining the respect of the king. And most important of all, the princess loves you very much, young master." She looked at him affectionately.

That helped Phillip regain some of his composure. All he had to do was keep the king on his side, and it might even be interesting to meet some of Rachel's relatives. Just don't cock it up completely...

"Thanks, Erica," he straightened his tie, "I needed to hear that."

"Just be yourself," Erica nodded as she started to leave, "Honesty is a prized, but sadly uncommon virtue among nobles."

Well, I'll at least try to be a less awkward version of myself, Phillip gulped silently as he went into the meeting hall to begin the introductions.

It actually wasn't as bad as Phillip expected, though by looking at his ears that might not have been obvious. The various nobility were casually milling about, many more interested in having a late breakfast and chatting with each other than meeting the young suitor. He managed to remember to bow correctly at each introduction, and got into a comfortable routine of introducing himself before they departed about their own business to wait for the king...

"His Majesty the King and Her Royal Highness, Princess Rachel," the herald announced as everyone stood to turn towards the entering pair. Phillip's face strobed between pallor and blushing as he looked at the regal king and the love of his life. The king made a gesture for the nobility to return to what they were doing, and looked over to Phillip as the buzz of conversation slowly resumed.

Phillip walked shakily to greet the Princess, fighting with his legs to prevent from stumbling. The king nodded and beckoned for him to come closer, with a vaguely miffed look as his daughter sighed deeply at her suitor.

"Welcome to my palace again, Master Roarch, esquire," he said with flat authority.

"It is a pleasure and an honor t-to return, Your Majesty," Phillip bowed low with the painful knowledge that he was putting his obviously quivering ears closer to the king.

The king nodded and rested his chin on a paw in his customary pose as he took the seat at the head of the room so the other nobility could come to him.

"I'm so happy to see you, Phillip," Rachel beamed as she moved towards her suitor and offered her paw, "I wish I could have you all to myself during this..."

Phillip almost moved to kiss her like he did when they were alone, but saw her paw and remembered the importance of ceremony, "Can we talk for a little bit at least?" He asked after pressing his lips to the lavender-scented fur and rubbing her fingers gently.

Rachel looked at him sadly and slowly pulled from his grasp, "It's important that you speak with the nobles first...You have to use this time to start trying to make...allies. At least get a few to notice how incredible you are so they can recommend you to my father." She finished with a warm smile and a brief wince.

Phillip smiled back but there was confusion in his eyes, "I thought I already had the king's approval...?"

"Don't forget, it's a process," Rachel grimaced anxiously, "They probably won't sway my father's opinion on their own, but it would be a good strategy to always have the largest portion of the nobility supporting you as possible."

"Sound's like a live chess game or something..." Phillip muttered as he looked around the room, "I'll do my best..."

"It's exactly like a chess game," Rachel whispered as she moved toward her father regretfully, "Except every piece is controlled by a different person..."

But Phillip was showing surprising adeptness at this political game, which is to say he wasn't making a complete fool of himself. Word of his duel of honor with the duke during his first visit seemed to have spread, and many of the nobles asked him about his fencing as they talked.

At first he didn't know how to approach the subject, but decided quickly that he should just be honest, like Erica suggested. Some of the less courteous royals scoffed at his description of beating his opponent while falling on his arse, but Phillip just blushed and laughed with them genially as they made some snide titter. Of course he had been clumsy, that's who he was, and he smiled broadly when some of the nobles chuckled at his comfort with his awkwardness good naturedly.

"Oh you are quite the card, Master Phillip," a supremely, but rather archaically, dressed lady wolf giggled as he finished the story, "Don't let that stuffy baron back there give you any lip. He's barely even royalty, you know," she jerked her thumb at a scowling noble who was glancing with irritation at Phillip.

"Thank you Your Grace," Phillip smiled and nodded his head as his ears twitched, "Do you mind if I ask about your own position in the royal line? Meeting the Duchess of Ophan is brilliant since the province is right next to Riccon, where I'm from."

"Hoping to find out who the most powerful ones are so you can get them on your side, hmm?" the lady wolf chuckled at Phillip's alarmed eyes.

"No, of c-course I didn't mean it that way, Your Grace," he said with a quick bow and red face, "I just...I don't know how all the royalty connects up. I don't really know why I bothered to ask...I don't think I can remember it all anyway...bother all..."

"Stop that this instant," the duchess ordered with a grin, "It's no fun if I can just read you like a book; You show your motivations too easily, Master Phillip."

"Y-your Grace?" Phillip asked dumfounded as he looked into her smiling eyes.

"Motivation is an integral part of being an aristocrat," she looked around the room, "Everybody has their little schemes and plans, and the trick is to make it seem like you're already on someone's side, even if it's just so you can get what you want. Disguising your intentions is the key."

"I see, Your Grace," Phillip smirked thoughtfully, "I'm afraid I'm not much good at that."

The duchess tilted her head slightly, "No, you're not...But I think that's why Rachel likes you so much. And it couldn't be more obvious that you feel the same."

"That's true, Your Grace, but how do you know that for sure? Are you close with the princess?" Phillip asked as his ears settled in curiosity.

"Actually, I think we're almost enemies, as sad as it makes me," the lady wolf sighed, "We share a royal great-grandfather, and I lived in the palace as she was growing up. I'm afraid I was rather cruel to her in my youth...jealousy I suppose..."

"Because she was in line for the crown?" Phillip offered.

The lady wolf leaned in close to Phillip as she stared directly into his eyes, making his ears begin twitching again in nervousness, "You know about her...don't you?" she whispered more of a statement than a question.

Phillip swallow and nodded, "How can you tell?"

"It's all in the eyes," she leaned back with a smirk, "I know you love her when I see your pupils as you look at her, I know she feels the same because of how she looks back. I know you are familiar with her gender because of how you looked at my dress," she gestured to the unusually bowed-out front of her garment, a style that had fallen out of fashion many years ago, "And the answer is 'yes.' I share the royal condition."

"Hell...bother everything...I didn't mean to gorp..." Phillip choked as he blushed.

The duchess shook her head, "You didn't look at me like some sleazy voyeur, you looked at me and then back to Rachel, you wondered if she could wear this kind of dress," the lady wolf gazed over at the princess who was talking with a small group of nobles,

"I wasn't jealous of Rachel for her crown," she sighed again, "I'm afraid I was a little ashamed of...well," she glanced back with abashment, "I mean...can you imagine a twenty-year-old being...shown up by a thirteen-year-old princess?" She brushed the front of her skirt absently.

Phillip coughed uncomfortably, not sure of how to answer.

"I ended up just making fun of her, you see..." the duchess's face crinkling in regret, "I wish I could take it back, and she was already so miserable with know how young ladies are..." she looked at him imploringly.

Phillip felt his anger at the duchess for hurting Rachel fluctuating into sympathy for her abashment. This carefully composed duchess was practically breaking down in front of him, despite how important appearances were to her. And besides, hadn't he made a penis-envy joke himself, back when he first saw Rachel?

"I think you should try apologizing to her," he finally said with a small smile, "I don't believe she'd see you as an enemy anymore."

"It's been so many years..." the duchess sighed as she resumed her guarded expression, "I was married pretty soon after, and went away to Ophan with my darling husband. I think I did sort of hope to come and apologize now that Rachel was pursuing a suitor...but, leaving her like that..." her expression cracked again briefly.

"Why don't you come with me, and we'll talk to her together," Phillip said with an encouraging smile and offered his elbow, "I may not be as good as you at reading emotions, but I think you really mean it when you say you're sorry."

The duchess's lip quivered slightly before she sniffed and took his arm, "I am going to make it my personal responsibility to make sure the king hears about noble you are."

"That means a lot to me, Your Grace," Phillip smiled as they walked towards Rachel, "And I think the princess might have already forgiven you anyway," he said as Rachel looked over at the pair with a cocked eyebrow and a small grin.

The ceremony was soon called to finish, and the duchess and the princess hugged affectionately at their reconciliation after the ceremony. Rachel had seemed mildly hesitant at first when the duchess began her apology, but Phillip encouraging her to bury the hatchet helped to let bygones go by. Also, when the duchess had blushed and adjusted herself slightly while she subtly inquired as to how large Rachel had finally gotten, it didn't fail to lighten the already awkward mood...

"I have another one of those...questions" Phillip began with slightly nervous curiosity as the couple made their way to Rachel's chambers.

" long as it won't force us to...make a detour..." Rachel hummed with a wince as her anticipation tightened her new underwear.

"Hmm, not sure," Phillip glanced around the long hallway. He needed something to distract himself, though, " did your cousin first find out about know?"

"Oh," Rachel chuckled with a hint of embarrassment, "She walked in on me when I was...yeah...And it was on a particularly impressive day for my...situation." She winced as the poorly coded references started tugging at the fastenings around her waist more strongly.

"Ah, I see. It just seemed a little weird when she got all...anxious from you telling her how you had gotten so...well, you know...And she being your cousin and all..." Phillip whispered.

Rachel laughed, "No, nothing like that," she smiled as she saw the hallway that led to her chambers, "She was being courted herself back then by the man who married her, and I think her little...flush might have to do with him."

"Hmm? In what way?" Phillip asked as they entered her room.

"Well, her husband is a stallion...And I'm not speaking figuratively." She giggled as she locked the door.

The princess and the artist laughed together as they spun around in a kiss. They had hours to themselves now, and they planned to take their time enjoying every minute.

"Oh, hang on, I have to show you my new underwear, you clever prince," Rachel murred as she pulled off her dress.

"Is it more comfortable?" Phillip asked hopefully as he started taking off his own clothes.

"Much more, and I've enough pairs now that I'm eager for another little experiment," Rachel smiled suggestively as she showed off the undergarment. It was high-waisted like her previous set to cover her sheath, but instead of having the restraints sewn in, two thick bands of cushioned fabric wrapped from behind. The more prominent, but still appropriately hidden restraints crossed over her bulge before being fastened with four little buttons along her waist. Phillip's pants grew tighter as he saw little tufts of white fur poking from underneath the crossing.

"What...kind of experiment?" He asked lustily while he pulled off his trousers and shorts.

Rachel shuddered eagerly at seeing the tip of his penis already emerging from the corner of her vision, "Well...I seem to recall you ruining your briefs in all the excitement during your first visit. I thought I'd give you a chance to return the favor," she giggled hopefully.

Phillip liked the sound of watching the panties burst off his beautiful princess, and she laughed heartily as his erection and his muzzle bounced together in excitement.

"I think I'm going to enjoy this," Phillip smiled as he gently pulled Rachel to stand in front of him while he sat on the edge of her bed, "You just stay there and I'll see if we can't get an idea of just how good this new underwear of yours is," his ears twitched anxiously as he continued, " make sure to do what you want if it hurts too much and that, okay?"

"I believe I'm the princess here," Rachel huffed jokingly with her fingers steepled over her heart regally, "I plan to do exactly what I want." She opened an eye at him with a lusty smile, "Now, start stroking yourself and make me hard, that's an order."

Phillip chuckled and leaned back as he began working his paws over his shaft, "As you wish, my pretty princess," he pointed the tip of his penis at her belly. "So, I'm curious; did you try masturbating during the week?"

Rachel felt the already emerged flare of her cock pressing against the restraints more strongly as she watched his thumbs bending his erection forward, "Yes I did, and it was quite...hnng...intense."

A gentle squirt of precum dribbled down over Phillip's fingers as he ran them around his knot, "I want you to tell me about it," he continued forcing his throbbing member to point at Rachel as he worked it under his fingerpads, "I want you to tell me about the first time you pawed off and knew how beautiful you looked doing it."

Rachel gasped as her flare managed to stretch the fabric holding it a little more; she bit her lip and closed her eyes at the sweet memories that were pulling the waistband tight against her lower back, "I started getting hard from thinking about you in front of the mirror," she panted as she felt her feminine nectar begin to collect in the short valley of fabric below the opening for her cock, "I watched my penis pushing up my dress the way it used to do in my worst nightmares...but I was so excited this time," another hot gush of nectar countered the pain of her restrained flare.

Phillip grinned at the thought of being what helped her face yet another old enemy. He smeared the large trickle of precum around his shaft, but he couldn't produce enough to begin stroking outright, "What...mmm...was your favorite part when you started touching yourself? Did you find something you really liked?"

Rachel felt her confined testicles swelling, twisting the bands across her flare as they pushed out through the widening gap underneath, "I many favorite parts..." she sighed in lewd arousal as she tugged her scrotum the rest of the way free and bucked her hips from the pressure increasing over her member, "But I think I liked it most when...when I was holding it close and rubbing the underside...aaAHH!" she humped the air again as she felt the snap that held the underwear over her tail give way, allowing another few glorious inches to push free.

"Like this?" Phillip whispered with a smile as he pressed his tip up against his tummy and rubbed his fingers over ventral bulge of his cock. The sensation and implications made him gasp and try stroking more deliberately.

"Y-yes..." Rachel heaved out as her breathing sped up, "It felt I had s-sex with you..." She moaned as she saw her continuously flowing precum finally work through the cushioned fabric to begin dripping onto the floor.

"Ah, just what I needed. Thank you, your highness," Phillip chuckled as he held his paw under the flow. He felt his penis start buzzing as he masturbated with his lover's fluids, "What was your orgasm like? Did you cum all at once?"

Rachel's legs clenched in need as she watched him start stroking himself with her precum, and she could practically feel the grain of the wood under her toe pads for how hard she was squeezing them, "I passed out, it was so good..." she yipped as she felt a button on either side of her hips ping open and allow her cock to jerk forward a little more, "I came so hard that...Erica had to mop the ceiling above the bathtub the next day..."

"I want to see you cum like that now," Phillip gasped as he felt a certain tingling in his knot, "We're both so close...I can tell...I know you can do it..."

Rachel looked at him with bursting love as her yips sounded one after the other, and she thrust her hips while she tensed herself as hard as she could. Unbelievable relief pulsed through her cock as the final two buttons sprang away, the restraints flapping back as her penis rocketed free.

A splatter of precum hit Phillip in the chest audibly, and he humped his own erection towards the magnificent form as it throbbed triumphantly before him. He watched the sensuous bulge of the underside of her penis with hungry lust, and gasped as the ebony skin shone brighter with each ecstatic throb. The sight of her incredible flare and median ring sent shivers through his body as he began ejaculating onto her shaft, the orgasmic bliss increasing as he glimpsed the torrent of nectar pouring from under her testicles.

Rachel fought to remain standing as she felt hot liquid splashing against her cock, the hyper-stimulation of her freedom and Phillip's gasps of orgasm making her vagina spasm in her own. The first gush of her semen was already arcing through the air before she could take hold of her penis, and she cried all the louder in pleasure as she bent it down towards Phillip. She pushed the top with one paw as she rubbed the underside in the other, delirious in the notion that his semen aided her strokes.

Phillip fell back onto the bed as he frantically pumped over his knot, the gentle spurts of seed on his chest washed away by the flood of Rachel's sugared cum. His testicles finally fell back down as his ejaculations finished, but he felt his penis throb urgently instead of beginning to return to his sheath. He started stroking himself again in confusion as he watched Rachel's cock arc back down to the floor, a syrupy waterfall still pouring from her flare.

When Rachel regained her senses and saw Phillip looking at her with his still erect cock, she knew that she would have to act quickly. Her flare was resting around the edge of her sheath, and she quickly pulled the reinforced waistband over her already throbbing tip. She practically jumped on top of Phillip as her penis waggled in front of her, her rebounding erection pointing eagerly at her lover while he pushed his member staight up in anticipation.

"Have I ever told you how sexy you are?" the tamaskan giggled as she straddled his hips.

"You know, I think you might have mentioned it at some point or other," Rachel replied with throaty affection, "And now that we've gotten the experiments out of the way, the real fun can begin..."