Chaos & Piss: Preview

Story by TheWiseWolf on SoFurry

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It's the preview. The first chapter will be uploaded soon.

"Marcus... I'm talking about your dad. And what you saw."

I tensed up and turned away, fighting the urge to puke and burst out into tears. Anytime I saw the image of my dad lying on the floor, motionless, covered in blood, I wanted to sob. This is why I never talked about it with anyone. I just wanted to forget about it, crumple it up and burn it to ashes. However, something as emotional as this never leaves you alone. It's like a virus with no cure.

Luke knelt next to me, lifted up my chin, and looked into my eyes. He was almost as pale as I was. "Marcus, you don't have to do this..." He reassured me.

"You're right... But..." I stuttered, trying to choke out words that were lodged in my throat.

"You can stop it whenever you want, Marcus, just remember that..." Luke got back up and stood near the wall, keeping his eyes glued to the floor.

I turned back to Seth. He stared at me, emotionless. "You ready Marcus?"

Y-yeah..." I looked at the table then back at him. "Okay. I want you to tell me all that you remember from that day you saw your father get shot." His almost monotone voice didn't help with the part that I was just going to let out the worst memory of my life.

"Okay..." I took a deep, shaky breath and closed my eyes.

* * *

"Hey, I'm almost home dad. I wanted to call to see if I could go to Luke's. Call me back when you get this." I sent him the voice mail and shoved the phone in my pocket.

I smiled as I walked home. It was finally summer break! A time for a 13-year old like me to let go and have fun. A signature move for people like us. I started jogging when something caught my eye. An object dangling from an old oak tree on the yard of this old abandoned house. Without thinking, I ran up to the tree and yanked the object out of the tree. It was an old wristwatch. I pocketed it and jogged the rest of the way home.

As soon as I got home, I got a call from my dad.

"Hey, Marcus. You better be lucky that you have a father like me or else you wouldn't be going to Luke's at all." He joked.

"Very funny dad. I always wondered why you never became a comedian as your full time job." I stated as I looked around for a quick bite to eat.

"Nah, being a crime scene investigator is a whole lot better. You get to have a gun." He chuckled.

"Very cool dad... very cool. So when will you get home?"

"Sorry son, but I'll get home late at night."

"As always..."

"Now Marcus...Don't act like that."

"I know...I'm just gonna get a quick snack then go to Luke's"

"Oh, I just bought some granola bars. They're...On top of the fridge. Get one or two then head to Luke's house. Stay safe son."

"Okay dad. Bye."

"Bye son."

I hung up; grabbed two granola bars from on top of the fridge, and headed out the door, making sure to lock the door behind me. I pocketed the keys and granola bars and jogged down the sidewalk towards Luke's house.

As I jogged down the sidewalk, I pulled out the old, wristwatch. "I wonder how much a watch like this would cost. 1,000? Over half a million? No... It wouldn't cost that much... Oh well, maybe I'll find out later." I said to myself putting the watch back into my pocket. I started to jog. There were no cars on the street and almost everyone seemed to have disappeared. I didn't think anything about it at the moment, but damn I should've.


Suddenly, I stopped in my tracks. Someone was following me. I didn't dare to turn around. I was not as dumb as the stupid people are in those scary movies who look around for whatever makes a shitty scary sound. I held my breath and hoped that it was nothing. I heard another snap, closer than the last one.

"Fuck." I started to run.

I heard footsteps running after me. I took a turn into the alley and started running home. I reached into my pocket for my phone, but all I found were the two granola bars and the watch.

"Shit! I must have dropped it!" I yelled, still running.

Suddenly, I tripped and hit my elbow on the concrete. Pain exploded in my elbow. I screamed and clutched it. I felt the warmth of blood flow between my fingers and drip onto the concrete. I looked around. Where was the son of bitch that was just following me?

"Don't move..." The voice came from behind me.

"What happens if I do?" I struggled to keep my voice clam and steady.

"This." He pulled out a gun and aimed at my hand.


* * * I forced my eyes opem and gasped for breath. The room was spinning wildly and my whole body was shaking as if I was being electrocuted. I got up from my chair and stumbled into the living room.

"Marcus!" Luke ran up to me and grabbed me by my shoulders. I looked up at Luke, everything was still shaking, but not Luke. He was the only thing that was clear. I hugged him tightly. "No more...Please..." I choked out, gasping for any kind of breath I could find.

"It's okay Marcus...No one's gonna ask you anymore questions... I promise." He whispered softly, rubbing my back gently. I dug my face into his chest and inhaled his smell. It was the only thing that could calm me down right now.

"I'm sorry Seth, but I think this interview is over." Luke said angrily to the tiger.

"It's alright. I'm sorry I dragged him into this." Seth stated, grabbing all of his files from the counter and heading towards the front door. "I'm really sorry I bothered you Marcus."

"Just go Seth...Close the door behind you." Luke said holding me a little tighter.

"Okay." He walked out and shut the door behind him.

Luke lifted up my chin and looked me in the eyes. "I'm sorry about this Marcus...I shouldn't have let him do that..." His voice was a mixture of grief and reassurance.

"'s fine Luke." I looked up at him and regained my breathing. He leaned in and gave me a light kiss before hugging me tightly again.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and then laid my head on the dragon's chest, wishing this nightmare were over. That was all I wanted...