Savanna Water Supply

Story by Tofwap on SoFurry

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Any resemblance between nouns used inside of this story and those outside of it, unless otherwise noted, existent or otherwise are purely coincidental.

A considerable heat swept across Germo as he opened the front door and overlooked the morning sun breaking across the savanna. It had to be at least thirty-eight degrees Celsius already. The dry air traversed its way into his body, almost causing him to cough. "God dam it's hot!" he exclaimed as he walked out and closed the door. The savanna looked as it had yesterday, golden yellow grass and sparse set of trees growing alone in the distance. The parched zebra began trekking the distance between his house and the watering hole. It was going to get harder and harder until the rains came.

The usual patrons gathered around the hole were not there today. He usually did get there earlier than most, but there was almost always was someone there before him. It bothered him a little, but Germo had to press forth and take from what remained from the shrinking supply. As he neared closer and closer it appeared as though there was nothing left. The zebra held back a slowly growing panic. WATER? He thought, breaking it down into as primitive a thought as he could. He ran right to the center of the pond, a tiny pool remaining. It was going to have to be enough till he found another hole. Germo drank it down greedily, being sure to take all that he could knowing it may be a while before his next drink.

As soon as it was all gone he returned his attention to his surroundings, had anyone seen him? He worried someone else would have seen him take the last of the water. It did not appear anyone had seen him. The equine hurried away from the hole just in case anyone was on their way. Germo made his way into a small gathering of trees and bushes that provided some shade from the sun. Taking a moment to catch his thoughts the zebra felt a presence around him.

"Oh look what we have here girls." A lioness said as she worked her way in front of him. "He appears to have come right to us."

Germo backed away as she approached, afraid for his life, as another two lionesses came from the bushes to his left and right. Backing up against a tree he looked behind him and noted another lioness in the tree. A rope coming across his vision before his body suddenly slammed up against the trunk of the tree. Germo struggled to break free, the other lionesses rushing up to him and pinning him as another rope was tied to his wrists and pulled against the tree. Germo found himself bond to the tree, unable to wiggle away from the lionesses as they shoved a large branch up between his muzzle and tied it down with another rope.

"It was not very nice of you to take the last of the water, we were just coming for some. What do you say girls? Should we drink his blood?"

Germo tried again to break the ropes that bound him to the tree. "Nhherhehe" he yelled around the branch in his mouth trying to talk them out of it.

"Oh I knew you wouldn't agree; That would kill you and leave a terrible mess all over the place, besides it does not taste very good. But I have a proposal," The main lioness pressed into Germo's exposed sheathing, exciting his member into peaking out, "Not that you get a say anyway." she noted as she started licking the tip of his penis.

Germo could only watch and moan as his member grew into a solid stick of meat. Her tong lapping at his defenseless cock. The pleasure confusing the fear he was still experiencing. The lioness continuing her assault by grabbing his balls and squeezing them. "MMMHHHM!" the zebra muffled in pain.

The lioness took a short break from licking him to add onto her one sided conversation, "Come on, I'm thirsty, cum for me zebra." She resumed licking him up and down. Her tong swirling as she swallowed the tip of his cock. Germo bucked as she deep throated him, adding to the stimulation. Germo loved sex as much as the next zebra, but he was not very comfortable with the lionesses claws groping his scrotum.

The lioness's mouth popped as she removed him from her, "Oh girls Get the bowl, I don't think he will be long, feel free to join in". The other lions positioned some hollowed out sphere below him, the main lion angling Germo's cock into it. She resumed stimulating him, the other lionesses joining in by licking the length of his shaft. Germo could feel it coming. A load of cum jumping out of him and into the bowl. Another blow following shortly after, continuing to fill the bowl as the lions continued to stimulate him.

He was soon spent, having filled the bowl at least three quarters of the way. His cock retreating into it's sheath a few minutes after they stopped licking him. "Oh see now that was not so hard."

The main lioness picked up the bowl and held it up to him. The others untying the branch from his mouth. "Drink it all or we won't untie you," she threatened, "Oh and don't worry about us we actually had some water just before your arrived. We were just bored." the other lionesses giggled, no longer having to hold up the charade.

Germo stared at the bowl for a few seconds, thinking it over. "You'll just let me go?" he asked, making sure they did not just eat him afterwords.

"That depends on if you finish your drink." She noted, moving the bowl closer to his mouth.

Germo was not going to like it, but he did not see an alternative in sight. He poked his tong out at his seed, sampling it slowly. It tasted bad, not unbearable but it was very bitter. He drank it as best he could, the lion adjusting the bowl as needed for him to go deeper into it. "Come on, lick it clean" she added as he neared the bottom. He wanted to throw up, the zebra continued to drink, trying his best to imagine it as some other liquid to no avail. His tong licking the sides of the bowl as instructed. The bowl coming up clean in a few moments.

"Oh my so eager, girls lets get him another drink, he seems so thirsty." The lioness said with a smirk as she bent down to start milking him again.

"Wait! What? NO! Let me go!" Germo shouted as he struggled against the ropes. The lions ignoring his pleas.

"Don't worry, we will let you go, after you have had a few drinks for the road."