Get Your Game On!

Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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Two months in the making!!!

Mostly cause I got bored... distracted... yada yada yada

Anyway! I hope you enjoy this one!!! :D:D:D


oh! And if ANYONE decided to draw scenes, PLEASE DO!!!! I would LOVE that person FOREVER!!


Jessie stepped off the boat and onto the pier, sighing happily as he looked around. Battle Frontier. The creator of a card game known as Duel Monsters had bought an island specifically for this tournament. The largest Duel Monster's tournament ever that was. Jessie was one of the lucky two-hundred to have won an opportunity to take part.

He had just turned eighteen when he found out about the tournament and signed up with his friend David. David didn't make it, but Jessie had, much to the wolf's jealousy. Jessie was an artic fox with bright red, dyed, head fur. He was fairly small, only being about 5'2" and weighing close to a hundred and ten pounds. David, being a wolf, always teased him about being taller.

Jessie got the last laugh when he received a letter in the mail with his invitation to Battle Frontier. It was the chance of a life time! On the boat ride to the island he received his duel-disc and puzzle piece. You needed ten puzzle pieces to enter into the finals, and seeing as how they were all different, it could take some serious time. Puzzle pieces were also scattered sparsely through-out the island.

If you dueled someone, it was for all their puzzle pieces and their rarest card. Jessie pulled his deck out and slipped out his rarest card. Hunter Owl. He had three of them in his deck, but it was still his rarest card. He received the three of them from a friend of his for his birthday a few years ago. They'd helped him out a lot since then.

The vulpine sighed happily as he walked around along one of the dirt paths. He was in no hurry to find an opponent. The tournament had just begun and the island was really beautiful. Shifting his backpack around he followed the trail into the woods. The trees towered above him, light coming in in patches around the trail as he walked along, creating an almost romantic setting.

After about twenty minutes he emerged on the other side of the forest to a large open field. There were a few duelists around, holograms of monsters roaring at their opponents. Jessie smiled and leaned against one of the trees to watch a nearby duel. A small rat had two face down cards and a set monster. The raccoon he was facing had Gravekeeper's Spy in attack position with a second one in defense.

"I end my turn!" The rat shouted, crossing his arms with a smirk. Jessing could see the life point totals just above their heads. The rat had only 700 life points left while the raccoon had 5500. The rat was clearly at a disadvantage.

"Fine, I draw!" The raccoon studied the cards in his hand and grinned. "I play Heavy Storm! I have nothing to lose, but you have two face-downs!" The rat grimaced a little as his two cards; Magic Cylinders and Negate Attack were destroyed. "Next, I play sword and shield, giving my Gravekeeper's Spies 2000 attack points! Now, Gravekeeper's Spy, attack his face down monster!"

The card flipped face up, and for a brief moment Dice Jar appeared before being destroyed. "Ha!" The rat shouted. "This could be all over right now! Dice Jar activated now!"

"What the hell is Dice Jar?" The coon growled, folding his arms as a large die appeared on either side of the field. Jessie just grinned and watched closely.

"We each roll a die, the person who rolls lower takes damage equal to their opponents roll times five-hundred. Except if the winner rolls a six, then their opponent takes six-thousand."


"Yup! Go ahead, roll and see what you get!"

The raccoon growled again and nodded. "Go! Dice roll!" The die spun in the air and then rolled across the field landing on a five. "Haha! You're gone! I rolled a five! There's almost no way to beat that and you'll lose!"

The rat smirked. "Let's see, shall we? Go! Dice roll!" The die spun around quickly and fell from the sky, rolling across the field and landing on a six. "Looks like I won the roll! You take six-thousand points of damage! This game is mine!"

The life pointer fell to zero and the monsters disappeared. The raccoon grumbled angrily, handing the rat his puzzle piece and rarest card. Smiling, the rat took them and slipped the card into his deck box, and the puzzle-piece into his pocket. The raccoon walked off and Jessie approached the rat. "Hey, that was an awesome finish, glad it didn't backfire for ya."

The rat looked up and grinned. "I got lucky there, I'll admit it. The guy seemed like an asshole so I had to beat him though."

Jessie giggled. "So I'm guessing you run something of a burn deck?"

"You can duel me and find out." The rat pushed his black bangs out of his eyes. He was dressed rather punkish; piercings in both ears, baggy black jeans and a band tee-shirt hanging off of him.

The fox shrugged. "You have two puzzle pieces, I only have one. That's not much incentive for you I'd think." He fingered the top of his deck box on his belt idly.

The rat nodded and slipped the card he had just won, a holographic Gravekeeper's Spy, out of his deck box. "If I win, I get your rarest card and puzzle piece, but if you win, you'll get one puzzle piece, my rarest card, and the card I just won. How's that sound?"

"Aren't the duels for all puzzle pieces though?" Jessie smirked, flipping open his deck box.

"I won't tell if you don't." The rat smiled toothily, winking at him. "Name's Eric by the way."

Jessie offered a paw, which Eric accepted. "I'm Jessie, and you've got yourself a match."

The two backed up far enough and slipped their decks into their duel-discs. "Game on!" They shouted.

"You can go first, Jessie, since you've got more to lose here." Eric grinned and drew his five cards.

Jessie laughed and drew his first five then sixth. "That just means I've got more to gain!" He looked at what he drew and smiled. Harpie Lady 1, Elegant Egotist, Forced Back, Icarus Attack, Flying Kamakiri #1, and Rising Air Current. "Okay then! I'll summon Harpie Lady 1 and play Elegant Egotist bringing out a second Harpie Lady 1! Then I'll play Rising Air Current to boost all wind monsters by 500 attack. I'll set two face-down cards and end my turn."

Eric laughed as he drew his sixth card. "I'm sorry but you wasted those so fast! Heavy Storm! Say good-bye to all your magics and traps."

Jessie growled as his cards were destroyed and shrugged. "My monsters are still 1900 a piece, that's not too bad."

Eric nodded and set four face down. "I summon Nurse Reficule the Fallen One. Now whenever you gain life points, you lose that amount instead. And that concludes my turn."

Jessie nodded and drew his card, Hunter Owl. "Your monster only has 1400 attack though, so... what good is it against my Harpies?"

Eric laughed and flipped three face-downs up in a chain. "Dark Cure and two Brutal Potions, both of which are equipped to my Nurse!" He grinned and pushed his bangs out of his face. "Now whenever you take damage to your life-points from a card effect, my Nurse gains 1000 attack per Brutal Potion! She'll become a 3400 until the end of the turn! None of your monsters can take that out! And if you summon a New Monster, you'll gain life points equal to half that monster's attack! Whoops! I meant lose life points!"

Jessie growled a little, and set his Flying Kamakiri face down. "Well she's only a 1400 right now, so, Harpie Lady 1 attack his Nurse Reficule!"

"Nice try, I activate Poison of the Old Man, doing 800 damage to your life points and increasing my Nurse's attack by 2000." A hologram of an old man appeared behind Jessie and splashed poison in his face.

Jessie shook his head to clear the fake poison from his face and watched as his Harpie charged the zombie-looking Nurse. Reficule grabbed Harpie Lady 1 and bit into it's neck, causing the Harpie hologram to shatter. The fox growled as his life counter dropped to 5700. "I switch my other Harpie Lady to defense and end my turn." 'At least he's top-decking his cards now...' Jessie thought gladly.

Eric drew a card and grinned. "Meteor of Destruction! 1000 to your life points and 2000 to my Nurse! Go Nurse! Destroy the other Harpie Lady!" The Nurse shrieked and grabbed Harpie Lady 1, biting into her neck and shattering her hologram. "Your move, Jessie."

Jessie smiled at his next card. Hysteric Party would come in a lot of help later if things went right. His life points were at 4700 already though and Eric hadn't lost anything. "I set one card and end my turn."

Eric pulled another card and played it instantly. "Rain of Mercy! 1000 life points for me, and minus 1000 for you!" Jessie growled at that but nodded. "Nurse! Attack his face down!"

"You killed my Flying Kamakiri! I get a new monster now! I choose Hunter Owl!" Jessie pulled the Owl from his deck and special summoned to his side of the field. "Hunter Owl gains 500 attack for all wind monsters including himself, making him a 1500."

"Right, so you lose 750 when he hits the field, or did you forget about Dark Cure?" Eric laughed as Jesse's life points dropped down to 2950. "Almost there, and I'm still sitting at 9000."

"That's fine though, you can't touch my Hunter Owls when there's another wind on my field, and seeing as they're both winds, you can't get past them." He smiled and crossed his arms. "Now finish your turn."

"Fine, I'll end. But you can't survive much longer." Eric huffed and smirked a little.

Jesse drew his next card, grinning wildly. Harpie Queen. 'This will come in handy next turn for sure... just one more turn.' "I'll end my turn, go!"

Eric almost doubled over laughing. "Without attacking? My nurse is only a 1400 right now, I messed up and you didn't even catch it! Too late now..." Eric drew a card, leaving Jesse a flushed red and growling a little. "I play the spell card Toll! Now whenever an attack is declared the one who declared it takes 500 points of damage. You move foxy."

'Foxy?' "Fine! I draw!" Jesse smirked and added Harpie Lady 1 to his hand. "This is where things get fun! I drop Harpie Queen from my hand to pull Harpie's Hunting Ground from my deck." He riffled through his cards until he found it and activated it right away. "Harpie's Hunting Ground gives a 200 attack boost to all winged-beasts. Also, when a Harpie Lady is summoned I destroy one magic or trap card on the field."

"Yeah, after taking damage equal to half their original attack." Eric added.

"Activate face down! Hysteric Party! I drop one card from my hand, Harpie Lady 1 in this case, and special summon as many Harpie Ladies as possible from my grave yard." He pulled the Harpies out and smiled. "I choose three Harpie Lady 1s. When they hit the field, you lose one magic card. I'll destroy Toll!"

Eric growled as his magic card was destroyed. "Fine! But you still take 1950 point of damage!" He smiled in satisfaction as the life point counter above Jesse dropped to 1000. "Plus my Nurse is 3400 again! So, what can you do?"

"Easy! Look at my Hunter Owls! 500 for all wind monsters! That's a 2500 boost! Then the Harpies and the field card give another 1100! Both of my Hunter Owls are 4600! I have three Harpies with 2400 a piece as well! It's over!"

"But! NO!" Eric shouted, realizing what was about to happen.

"Hunter Owl! Destroy the witch! Everyone else attack directly!" The Harpies rained down on Eric, dropping his counter to zero. "I think I rightfully won that one, luck or no luck. What do you have to say about that?"

Eric sighed and crossed his arms. "That I'm glad you weren't my first opponent! That was an awesome match!" He pulled his deck from his duel-disc and handed it to Jesse. "Here, the rarest in my deck. Nurse Reficule the Fallen One."

"I can't take that from you... It wasn't even to start with." Jesse smiled a little and shrugged. "I don't want to take it from you..."

Eric grinned and pushed the bangs from his eyes, shaking his head. "What's the rarest card in your deck?"

"Well... Hunter Owl." Jesse replied truthfully.

"And how much more rare is it than the rest of your deck."

"Not a lot really..."

"And if you lost it, could you replace it?"

"I have four of it, so yeah, I could easily."

Eric nodded and pushed the card into Jesse's paw. "And it's no different for me. You earned it."

Jesse looked down at the zombie-looking nurse and smiled. "Thanks then. It really was a great duel."

"Hey, I was wondering..." Eric fumbled with his duel-disc absently. "I don't really know anyone else on this island, do you mind if I tag along with you?"

Jesse nodded and grinned, extending his paw. "Root me on and it's a deal."

Eric grabbed his paw and shook it. "Deal then."


Nightfall came and the two already had six puzzle pieces, three to each of them. They found a small problem that they had over looked, and that was that the puzzle pieces they collected might be the same as ones they already owned. Eric had two of one piece while Jesse had two of another. And they couldn't trade off either because they already had one of the pieces that the other had two of. Six pieces, but only two different pieces. They realized that it could take a lot of duels before they finally had all ten, twice over in fact.

Jesse looked over the two cards he had won that day. Nurse Reficule the Fallen One from who was now a close friend, and Raiza the Storm Monarch from some short little lynx who looked innocent, but nearly drove him into the ground. "Hey, Eric, should I put this Raiza card into my Harpie Deck? It IS a Wind and winged-beast. So I could use it with Rising Air Current, Harpie's Hunting Ground, and Icarus Attack."

Eric took the card and read it. "Yeah, I would do it. Probably help out a lot." He handed it back and stretched, his stomach showing briefly.

Jesse saw this and looked away, blushing a little. "So uh... how long do you think it will be until we win ten puzzle pieces?"

"We only have two now... so probably awhile... we'll probably have to win twenty to thirty each..." He prodded their fire with a stick making embers fly everywhere. "I think I'm going to go to sleep now..."

Jesse tilted his head. He hadn't really thought ahead to sleeping. "Uh... just... in the grass I guess?"

Eric blinked a few times at Jesse and then untied the sleeping bag from his backpack. "No... in here..."

"Oh... heh..." Jesse blushed and looked down at his paws, his ears lowering. He didn't bring a backpack with him at all. He hadn't really thought that there would be any call for a sleeping bag or food. He took it for granted that Eric and every other duelist had a pack. It wasn't until now it occurred to him he would need any of these things.

"Wait... you didn't... you didn't bring... anything?" Eric gaped at the fox in disbelief. The rat just had noticed that Jesse was bagless.

Jesse shrugged. "I mean... I didn't really think I would need any of those things... I just grabbed my deck and left." His cheeks were almost as red as his hair.

Eric smiled softly and shrugged. "Well you can share my sleeping bag if you want, it's fairly big." Eric rolled out the bag on the ground and nodded. "Yeah, we can both fit in there if you want."

Jesse was really red at this point and he played with his paws. "Uh... are you sure? I mean, it's your sleeping bag."

"Yeah, come on!" Eric stood up and undid his pants, kicking them off before he stripped off his shirt as well, crawling into the sleeping bag.

Jesse hesitantly undressed, laying his jeans and shirt on a log they had found. He crawled in next to the rat, trying his best not to touch him. "Well... goodnight..."

Eric yawned a bit. "Yeah, night."


Jesse woke up with something pressed up against his body, something hard poking under hsi tail. It took a few moments before he realized that Eric was holding him from behind, rubbing his chest fur. "E-Eric?"

"I noticed you were watching me a lot today..." The rat said softly in the fox's ear.

A paw slid down Jesse's chest and into his boxers, giving his sheath a soft squeeze and eliciting a quiet moan from the fox. "I... uh..."

Eric grinned and slid down Jesse's body under the sleeping bag. Jesse felt his boxers being pulled down and inhaled sharply as a tongue slid into his sheath. The rat moved Jesse onto his back and lay between his legs, twirling his tongue around inside the fox's sheath. Jesse moved his paws to the back of Eric's head, gasping softly as he felt his cock quickly emerge, dripping pre onto his stomach. Eric's paws gently cupped the fox's sac, squeezing and tugging on them as he licked up the underneath of Jesse's shaft.

The vulpine tugged gently on the rat's ears as he licked and sucked on his shaft. Jesse was panting pretty hard, having not pawed off in a few days. His knot was already completely formed and Eric was squeezing and tugging under it, making him squirm and moan. "E-Eric... I-I'm gonna... gonna..."

Eric grinned inwardly and squeezed down tightly on Jesse's knot, giving a soft nip to the very tip of the fox's cock. It had the desired effect as the fox thrust upwards into his short muzzle, pushing down on his head at the same time as he yelped in pleasure. Eric swallowed as fast as he could, some of the fox's cum dripping from the corners of his muzzle.

When Jesse finally finished cumming Eric pulled off, licking his lips and grinning. He unzipped the sleeping bag and let it lay out like a blanket. The rat pulled Jesse's legs onto his shoulder and pressing his cock head to the fox's entrance. "You ready?"

Jesse took a deep breath, still panting, and closed his eyes. He nodded and relaxed as best he could. "Yeah... go ahead..."

The rat pushed forward slowly, the head of his cock pushing into Jesse's tailhole, making the fox gasp softly. Eric closed his eyes and took a moment to pause when he was just inside the fox. He adjusted Jesse's legs on his shoulders and then thrust, hard, into the vulpine. Jesse's eyes opened wide and he moaned lustfully, legs squeezing together on either side of the rat's neck. As pent up as Eric was he pulled out rather quickly, thrusting right back in just as hard. Jesse was gripping the sleeping bag beneath him as his cock, hard once more, dripped pre onto his chest and stomach. Eric was pounding into him and hitting every right spot. He could feel Eric's thrusts becoming erratic and knew the rat was close to cumming. He opened his eyes and looked up, locking eyes with the rat.

In the next following seconds, all Jesse could tell was a paw came down on the rat's shoulder and pulled him back, freeing his cock from inside the fox. "Well what a couple of cute little twinks... just going at it in the open and everything..."

Jesse had pulled all the covers around himself and was turning a deep red. Two wolves were standing by the dying fire, one of them holding Eric in a choke-hold without hurting him. "Wh-wha.. I.. we.. uh..."

"K-Keith! Let me go!" Eric gasped, struggling and trying to break free.

The wolf, Keith, shook his head. "I can't do that m'friend... Glad you recognized me... didn't think I'd run into anyone from school here."

Keith chuckled and nipped the rat's ear. "I noticed you two had been busy for awhile, thought I'd step in..."

Jesse turned redder at the thought of these two wolves watching them the entire time. "Y-you s-saw us?"

Keith laughed and messed with Eric's head fur. "Everything..." He reached down, giving Eric's sac a squeeze. "Looks like Eric here is still pent up also... What do you think Zane?"

Zane, the wolf who had been silent smirked and tossed his black bangs back out of his eyes. "I think we should have a little fun with them..."

Jesse's eyes traveled between the wolves. Zane was shorter and had completely black fur with piercing green eyes. Keith looked really strong and was almost a head taller than Eric. His fur was a greyish colour with flecks of brown and white here and there. Jesse was really nervous now. "Wh-what are you talking about?"

"A duel..." Keith grinned and squeezed Eric to his chest. The rat had stopped struggling and was just standing there confused. "It won't be any ordinary duel though... Both you and I will have... distractions..." He grinned and licked his lips.

Jesse was utterly lost now. "I'm not sure I follow..."

The grey wolf reached down and grabbed Jesse's duel-disc and tossed it to him. "You're already dressed for the event... I'll join you..." Jesse watched avidly as the wolf released Eric and stripped off his clothes slowly, almost in a teasing manner. The once intimidating wolf stood there completely naked now, the tip of his cock poking out of his sheath. "Now... our distractions..." He grabbed Eric by the wrist and pulled him close. "Here's mine... and there's..." He pointed behind Jesse at Zane, who was also naked now. "your distraction."

Blushing deeply, Jesse stood up and slipped his duel-disc on. Zane took his place about twenty feet away, pulling Eric with him. Jesse could feel Zane standing behind him and the idea of what would happen made his fur stand on end in anticipation. "Who goes first then?"

Zane grinned and ran a paw over the back of Eric's head. "You can go first..." He then looked at Eric and grinned. "Come on... distract me... otherwise this duel will be over really quick."

Eric scoffed and sank to his knees, staring at the wolf's sheath. He couldn't help but get excited staring at it, the musk filling his nostrils and arousing him again. He leaned in slowly and licked at the tip of the wolf's cock, watching as another inch or so emerged.

Jesse watched the scene in front of him in awe, becoming slightly aroused himself before he remembered he was going first. "Oh, uh... okay..." The vulpine shuffled real quick and drew six cards; Hunter Owl, Flying Kamakiri, Harpie Queen, Hysteric Party, Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon, and Raiza the Storm Monarch. 'Okay if I set Flying Kamakiri and he kills it, I can get a Hunter Owl, and lock my side of the field on my turn.' "Okay! I-" The fox yipped loudly and followed that with a soft moan as he felt a tongue slide into his sheath.

Zane murred loudly, swirling his tongue around the fox's sheath, a paw squeezing and tugging gently on the white-furred sac. Teasing the vulpine would be a fun and easy task, and from the sounds he was already making, it wouldn't be hard to distract him from winning.

Jesse gasped softly and opened his eyes, looking down at the wolf. He shook his head and panted a little. It was easy to tell he was getting hard, he could feel his cock pushing into the unknown wolf's muzzle. "I play a monster face down and drop Harpie Queen to pull Harpie's Hunting Ground to my hand. I then activate it and end my turn."

Keith growled a little in pleasure, giving small thrusts into the rat's muzzle. He drew his sixth card and grinned. "I play Pandemonium, destroying your Harpie's Hunting Ground. Then I summon Archfiend Soldier in attack mode. I'll set two cards face down and attack your face down."

Jesse grinned. "Thank you for destroying my Fl-" He was cut off as the Soldier's attack connected, turning his Hunter Owl face up before destroying it. In a panic Jesse looked down at his hand. Flying Kamakiri was still there, he had grabbed the wrong card! "Shit!"

Zane murred softly and smirked, using his free paw to rub the back of Eric's head. "Make a mistake while you weren't paying attention? Hehe... I end my turn..."

Jesse gasped softly as his cock sprang free of Zane's muzzle. He drew his card, Elegant Egotist. 'Well at least I have a back-up plan...' He looked down at his hand thinking of his next move when he felt a tongue lap against his tailhole. Jesse's eyes widened and he almost collapsed. "Nnngg.... uh... umm... I... I play... a monster face down.." Jesse stammered, making absolutely sure it was the one he wanted. "I then place a card face down and end my turn..."

Eric squeezed the base of the wolf's cock, licking at the tip as pre dripped from it. Keith was making soft panting noises, but other than that didn't seem too distracted. Eric was raging hard again, but refrained from touching himself, afraid he'd cum right away.

Keith drew his card and grinned. "I'll summon Archfiend Queen in attack mode. Then, Archfiend Soldier, attack his face down."

Jesse smiled and tossed his Kamakiri to the graveyard. He summoned a Harpie Lady 1 from his deck and grinned. "Thanks for that."

"Your Harpie won't last past next turn... trust me." Keith closed his eyes and growled softly, pushing Eric's head down onto his cock. "Your move..."

Eric gagged slightly and murred around the wolf's thick cock. He could taste the pre getting thicker and stronger as it pooled on his tongue. He wondered how much longer it would be until the wolf came.

Jesse drew his card and almost danced in joy. "I play Harpie's Hunting Ground, destroying your Pandemoni-YIP!" Jesse gasped out loudly as he felt Zane's cock push into his tailhole from behind, almost having forgotten about the wolf. "I... ohh.... ungg..." Jesse closed his eyes and panted softly.

Zane murred loudly in the fox's ear as he pushed in to the hilt, his knot already half formed as it pushed against Jesse's tight entrance. He began thrusting almost immediately, ears laying back in pleasure as he listened to the fox make cute sounds.

Keith was muzzle-fucking Eric now, pre dripping from the corner's of the rat's mouth as he thrust in. He, too, was making soft moaning noises, but mostly just growling. "Going to end your turn already foxie?"

Jesse's eyes snapped open and he tried to stand up straight, which was hard with the wolf behind him thrusting up into him. "I play Elegant Egotist! Bringing another Harpie Lady one to the field! When that happens say goodbye to the card behind your Queen." Jesse smiled in satisfaction as the Hate Buster was destroyed. "Next I'll activate my face down, Hysteric Party! By dropping Raiza I can summon all 'Harpy Ladies' I can from my grave. So Harpie Queen comes back and destroys your other face down." Jesse's heart skipped a beat when he saw Magic Cylinder's blow up.

Keith was panting hard now, thrusting slowly and growling in pleasure and a little at Jesse. "You finished yet?"

"Hell no! I'm just getting started! I summon Harpie's Pet Baby Dragon! When there are three Harpies on my field, and there are, I can destroy one of your cards per turn. So I'll blow up your Archfiend Soldier! And don't forget! When there are two Harpies, his base attack doubles!" Jesse grinned as he looked at his monsters. Two 2100 attack Harpie Ladies, one 2700, and his 3000 attack point Dragon. "Go! Harpie Lady 1! Destroy the queen!"

Keith grimaced as his Queen blew up, taking 200 of his life points with it. "Big deal, I have 7800 left!"

Jesse laughed. "I have 7800 left also! Go! Everyone attack!"

Keith's jaw dropped as he realized his defeat. "How in the hell?!" The life point counter hit zero and the holograms disappeared.

Jesse groaned and all but collapsed to all fours, the pleasure from his tailhole catching up now that he didn't have to focus. Zane followed him down, pounding into him and panting just as hard as Keith.

Keith pulled his cock from Eric's mouth and dragged the rat over to where Jesse and Zane were. "Get on all fours in front of your friend, muzzle to muzzle." Eric commanded, pulling Jesse down onto all fours as he spoke. He stood between the two and stuck his cock between their muzzles. "Now start sucking..."

Jesse was too pent up at this point to care, and Eric was even more pent up. Both wrapped their tongues around the wolf's cock, licking and sucking as best they could, pre dripping all over their tongues and noses as they shared the presented cock.

Zane was the first to lose it as he thrust forward as hard as he could, tying himself to the smaller fox. He gave a few short, erratic thrusts before woofing loudly. Jesse moaned softly as he felt the wolf's cum pour into him, triggering his own orgasm and making him shoot fox cum across the grass beneath him.

Keith growled lustfully, reaching under Eric and giving the rat's cock a firm squeeze. Eric moaned and closed his eyes tightly, cum jetting across the wolf's paw and soaking the fur to the skin. Keith slipped his other paw under his knot and tugged upwards, howling out in ecstasy as he came hard, shooting a fountain of cum that landed all over the pair of muzzles beneath him.

Jesse vaguely remembered licking the cum from his lips before passing out.


Jesse groaned deeply as he woke up, stretching out and yawning. He gasped as he felt something tug at his tailhole and heard a moan from behind him. Keith squeezed him tightly from behind and nipped his ear. "Careful foxy, or I'm going to have to mount you again."

Jesse blushed deeply and squeezed down on the thick knot out of reflex. "I thought Zane had tied with me..."

Keith grinned and nibbled on the fluffy white neck fur. "He did, but once he was out I wanted a turn..."

The fox glanced over to a nearby pile where Zane was hugging Eric tightly from behind. Everywhere around them smelled like sex. "I take it you're accompanying us to the end?"

"Better to travel in a group, you need wolves to protect you anyway..." Keith flexed his cock inside the fox, making the vulpine squirm and gasp.

"Works for me."