Digimon Gets Real (And hot) uppdated

Story by Jinxatron on SoFurry

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Digimon Gets real

Hi im Joe. Im a 17 year old student and lives with my parents. I am not the most social one so i didn't get tp many girls. The story im gonna tell is a real weird one but its true. Its been some time now, but ill still remember. the digimons was everywhere, on the television, on video games, playcards, well lets just say they where popular. I never thought that it was going to get real. But one day when i was on my way home from my training, i heard something in the bushes. First i didn't care to mutch what it was, but when it continued my curiosity took over. I moved some leaves away so i coud see what it was, and there in the grass it laid one tiny hairball sounding just like it was crying. I looked around to see if someone saw me then i took my hands arefully around the little thing. I t was yellow like a chicken but it had long ears and two eyes staring at me. At first it was frightened by me. But when it felt my warm hands it became releaved. I hurryed on my way home so no one saw me, and when i arrived at my house i was really lucky. My mom and dad wasn't home yet. I got down to my room and fixed a soft place for it to sleep on, after that i hurryed up to get something for it to eat. I didn't really know what it was eting so i desided to take down some fruit, a peace of bread and some roased ham. When i got down again it was still lying on the same place curled to a little ball to keep the heat. I sneaked slowly forward it. It still had its eyes focused on me but when it got the scent of the food it coudn't resist it. I put down the things in front of it and it sniffed around a little. When i was waiting for it to choose something to eat i switched on my telly. After some zapping i stopped at a news channel. The man sat there and saw quite upset about something.

Man On Telly: I cant think its true i lost it

Another man was sitting besides him and looked like he didn't understand at all

Second Man: But what exactly is it you has lost

Man On Telly: My digimon its gone! Twenty years of experiments and i lost it

Second Man: Wait so you tell me you had develop a robot digimon or something

Man On Telly: No! Its no robot its real!

The man started to cry louder and louder and i really didn't care. A real digimon somewhere in the world. That cant be true. I switched of the telly and turned for my yellow friend, and i was amaised. It had eaten everything and hadn't leave a tiny little bit of it. When it saw i looked at it, it seemed to smile at me. When the hours became late i fixed a little bed to it and got myself into one to. In the morning i woke up and thought it was a dream. But then i heard some sounds at the side of my bed, and there it really was. But something was diffrent. It had grown like four times its size! I touched it slowly and it became awake imedetly. it maid a little purry sound like a cat or something and stroked at my hand. Slowly i got it up in my bed and stroked it back. I got up from bed and got dressed. After my breakfast i took some of it down to the "thing". It needed a name and i was thinking about it every minute at school. When i got home my mon stood in the kitchen

Mom: Hey Joe have you heard any sounds lately?

Me: No.... No not really, why do you wonder?

Mom: Well its maybe just me then. Don't you worry about it.

As i walked down to my room many thoughts got into my mind. When i entered my room, it sat on my chair looking at me, with the head like on the side to show it had wondered where i've been. I fed it and played with it for some time, and went to bed. For some days it was calm. I named it Tasha, after a character on the net, I really didn't know what sex it was but it was cute like a little tasha. But one night something happened. It was night and i just got into a soft sleep. After some minutes i heard a voice tell me "Joe Can i sleep in your bed to its cold". I didnt thought of it to mutch so i said it was ok thinking i was dreaming.but then i felt some furry thing get on my bed and under the sheet. I really just thought it was Tasha that had crawled under to sleep, but then i realised how big it was. A soft pawlike hand held onto my waist and i froze.i turned around and i was a bit shocked. In my bed laid a full grown renamon! Just like in the movies. I crawled to the other side on the bed and looked at it. It talked to me with a soft voice

Renamon: What is it Joe?

Me: You...who are you!...and what are u doing in my bed

Renamon: But its me Tasha.

Me: Tasha? But you where so small.

Renamon:but thanks to you i been full grown

I looked at her a couple of seconds, then i took a big breathe

Me: so you are that little thing i took care of

Renamon: yes. I Just cant sleep in my bed its to small

I just nooded and got down on my pillow again

Renamon: thanx for saving me back there

Me: it nothing. You where to cute to trash like that

It took her paws around me and then i realised. Tasha is a female! Now you must wonder how i got that impression. But it was so easly that her breasts as pushing at my back.

Me: ehh.. Tasha

Renamon:yes what is it?

Me: are you ok with this? You know im a boy and you are well a sort of a girl and you lays naked in my bed.

Renamon: I dont care. I really like you i just coudn't tell you before

While i was lying there with her body pushing against me, i got a slight problem. I got stiff! And then something happened that was not in a god place to happen, her hand fell down touching it throug my pants and she reacted quickly to remove it

Me: ohh im so sorry

Renamon: so thats what you think about.

She said with a sexy voice

Renamon: do you want me to do something about it?

Me: Well...maybe

She started to stroke my dick and it ecame hard as a rock in one milisecond.

Renamon: ohh its so hard

I turned against her and started to feel her body. Her yellow fur was soft and it covered almost everything on her. I started to touch her breasts and she moanded softly.

Renamon: Joe you are makin me feel this way. I really love you.

I kissed her and she kissed me back.

My hands was stroking her body and we was so close together.

Renamon: Ohh touch me Joe.

Me: Your fur i so soft.

I felt down to her pussy and it was totaly wet. I stroked her pussy and teased her a little bit. She stroke my chest and kissed my nipples. Making me more horny than ever. I got down between her legs and started ti eat her pussy. It tasted sweet and i really liked it. My tounge played with her klit as her moans growing louder and longer (Thank god my parents where on a party!). and she got into a big orgasm that shocked both me and her for a long time.

I started to stroked her back down to her butt, starting to massage it

Renamon: ohh.what are you doing it feels so nice.

Suddenly i pushed my finger into her hole and she almost screamed out of both pain and pleasure.

Me: You liked that didn't you

Renamon: yes its so tight.

Renamon: sign....Joe please take me. I cant stand this i want you in my ass.

I turned her around and pushed in another finger to loosen her ass a bit. When it was big enough i put in my cock slowly.

Renamon: ohh..ahh..it hurts a bit but dont stop.

Me: sorry did i hurt you.

Renamon: no im just so tight. Please continue, i want it.

I started to fuck her into the her hole and her moans growed bigger and bigger until her climax started again, bigger than before.suddenly both her and i got into it and it was wonderful.as my cum filled her ass and liekt out on the bed, we just laid together.

Renamon: ohh Joe that was wonderful.

After that we just laid and kissed, touching every simgle point of our bodies.

Renamon: Why did you pick me up in the park?

Me: Well...I dont know really, i just saw you and thought you would die if i didn't take care of you, and you where cute when u was a baby.

Renamon: So im not cute now?!

Me: No.........You are super cute and super hot:

She giggled at me trowed a pillow in my face.

Me: i will get a shower, wanna join?

Renamon: No i wanna feel dirty, ill wait for you here.

Me: ok but you be dissapointed

I told her smiling. When i was back from the shower i snuck to the door and looked in.

Remamon was lying onto the bet looking awfully sexy and i got a stiff again.

Me Thinks *Shit not again what to do*

I took on a tower over it so it wouldn't be seen and then i walked into the room.

Me: well im showered and clean.

Renamon got up from the bed and walket to me

Renamon: i can see that

She giggled at me and stroked my crotch with her tale.

Renamon: Guess i have to fix this little problem.

She removed the towel and grabbed my cock with her furry paws. Then she took her tounge and started to play with my tip, round and around. The feeling of her tounge made it more sensational than ever.

Renamon: Slurp, You taste so good, i wanna feel you inside me. She laid down on the bed with her legs spread out, showing her pink pussy opening for me. I took my dick into her slowly and she moaned more and more as it got farther in. I started to fuck her slowly and did it faster and faster.

Renamon: Ohh yes fuck me. Make love to me forever.

i fucked her and licket her nipples to make her moans higher and higher.

Renamon: OHH its so nice, suck my nipples.

Si continued to suck them more and more until i couldn't stand it anymore. Both I and her Got a big orgasm at the same time making us moan loudly until i colapsed over her. We laid there for serveral minutes.

Me: renamon i love you....

Renamon: i love you too Joe.

After that we went to sleep tightly huging eachother all the night.

At the morning i woke up. Same as always. Just thought it was a wet dream. But when i lisened i heard sounds from my shower. Weird, my parents wasn't going to be home until tomorrow. I got up of my bed and walked out to my bathroom. When i got into it i saw a siluette on the showercurtain. Then i realised last night wasn't a dream. I got of my boxers, and snucked around the curtain to suprice her. She was standing there as sexy as before, touching herself. She moaned quietly now and then. i got into the shower huging her from behind.

Me: Guess who..

Renamon: Hmm...well.i think it is let se.

She was stroking my dick with her tail and it became stiff really fast.

Renamon: Hello Joe... arent you tired since last night?

She said with her sexy voice.

I stroked her wet fur and touched her nipples, making them hard in a twitch. She shut the shower of and turned to me.

Renamon: its my time to make you happy.

She sat down right before me and stroked my dick with her tounge like before.

Renamon: mmm...i still like the taste..

She licked it amogst the shaft up to the end, playing with my ass with her tail.

Me:Ohh thats nice stroke my ass, suck my dick, it feels so good. She put it into her mouth sucking it slowly deeper and deeper. I moaned and she started to do it faster and faster. In a couple of seconds i cummed right into her mouth. She swallowed every single drip of it and stand up in front of me. Suddenly she seemed so sad.

Renamon: Joe? I know you love me and i love you. But i cant live here. What will happen if your parents ses me. And i cant stay down here forever.

I thought of it for a couple of seconds.

Me: but i dont want to lose you.

Renamon: i got to leave find someplace to live where no one of the hunters find me,

I knew it was true. She was that digimon they where looking for and she wouldn't stay a chance if she remained here. All the day we sat hugging eachother. I suddenly became sleepy and i drowsed of on the sofa. When i woke up she was gone. Nothing that even said she had been there at the first sight. But when i looked at my desktop i found a note:

Dear Joe.

Im sorry its going to end this way. I decided o get back to the place where i was ment to be. I know they will understand. I know you don't like this buts its my only way to survive. We will maybe never meet again. But you still have a special place in my heart.


your Tasha

When i read the note my eyes was filled with tears and i just ran out of the house, looking at every direction to se if she still was here. But nothing. A year passed. And i didn't forgot her. I couldn't. But one day i saw a advertisment on the net. "get your real digimon" i read it twise then i klicked the link. At the site it was a list of digimons and prices. I looked everywhere but the only renamon there was was a baby. But i didnt want a new one, i wanted tasha. A week passed and nothing. Some of the kids in the neiburhood got digimons to take care of. Then one day i saw a truck coming to stop by at my closest neibur.more digimons i thought. I was right a person in a renamon suit got of the truck and opened the back. Then the person got a small furry thing and carried it over to the house. After that the person started to walk towards the truck again but stopped. I didn't realise it was looking at me so i started to go to the house. But suddenly two furry paws got over my eyes

???:Guess who?

Me: Uhm...i don't know

Then i felt a tail touhing my croutch.

I turned around and there she stood. My own Tasha.

She told me she worked as a delivery girl at the company and that she had missed me all the time. But yesterday she talked to the staff and they understood.she was now free to go anywhere she'd like. This was her last delivery. When she said that the truck drove away and turned around a corner. And after that. We live as a we did before.... right Dear.

Renamon: Yepp. Hey i wanna show you something in the bedroom.......

The end

Written By:Jinxatron