The Veins of Sound|Chapter 1: The Birth of a Major DJ

Story by Black Flame on SoFurry

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#1 of Musica Bio

I know me and Musica have had our crazy past; however, when you get to know the guy, he's a really inspirational and funny wolf that yearns to find the secrets to make life more suitable. Me and him sat down and we talked about how our life has been affected by the other and we decided to break apart our problems and become stronger by each other; Musica is such a good friend, so loyal, that I decided to sit down with him and make a joint story between me and him on his behalf. Hope the world enjoys

Activating the Octuplet of the minor.... I tried panicking, I tried kicking and fighting it away; however, the nozzle started to get closer and closer to me. My wrists were bonded by chains and I couldn't escape with my life. I was so afraid that it was the end as the muzzles strapped around my maw. I couldn't breathe for the moment; however, I didn't panic as much as I use to. After the cold mechanic nozzle restrained itself from me, I felt a red ball gag trapped in my maw. It was like a squeaky toy; therefore, as a young and naive wolf, I squeaked it and squeaked it like the ball could never stop inflating it my maw. I started to smile; however, it was ended by someone hitting me in my mouth; I was so mad; however, I could do nothing of the sort. I just laid there having left no option but to play deep into his plan. The man patted my head and kisses my cheek. I am a very sensitive person but I tried not to fight him. When he came closer into the light, I was able to see that he wore of a black cloak and had a claw that was greater than the other. I started to worry and yip as he showed to my eye a needle, this needle, it was flowing with rainbow colored liquids. My maw started to stretch as he pushed the ball deeper down my throat and started to give an evil smile; he was planning to kill me. I was strong and brave; however, he forced it deep into my Trachea. My mouth foamed and shattered and, without thought, he struck me in my eye with the needle.

I howled in pain; however, instead of blacking out, my body started to tremble; I didn't go blind, no, I was okay. I started to move the chains and a loud sound started the produce from the chains. The stranger started to clap with sarcasm and said onto me, "Good, this is better than I could ever imagine! You are a Major now, and I have you under my command." I started to roar in rebellion; however, wolves can't roar! I knew something then that he did something to me and cursed me into being some kind of sound monster. The stranger creature was blown away by the roar; however, with that action, he was uncovered from his blackened robes. "You've think you've won have you? This isn't over, you can't control your power without the Madonna, they are the only weapon powerful enough for a major to control their sound magic. You can't be a DJ-mancer without them and you know it!" I didn't care for the headphones as started to ratchet the chains to make a loud screeching sound to pierce the fox's ears; I was really tired of hearing him talk. When he fell, I smashed the headphones of silver with my screeching voice; the frequency of my sound was advanced; however, I had to make sure that I didn't use it to make damage of myself; therefore, I screeched at the floor only to see that the sound bursts off the ground and through the beams of steel that heard me. I look down at the fox and felt bad; he was trying to make the ultimate being, but I guess but I am not that beast.

I ran through the place, my paw's flesh made my soles unbearable to the floor; however, I dealt with it. It seemed as though this place was a factory with no progress; it was a graveyard in here (but the dead would be more live than this). I looked on a map and saw the name LeoCorps and started to gasp. I started to have flashbacks to where a pup was crying for his mom and dad, was that me who was crying? My veins started to grow with a weird shape as though they were just boosted; however, before I could run again, there was the presence of guards, guards of whips and blades, "Do not let him escape from the building, lock everything down!" I started to copy his voice exactly and gasped from the ability to do so, "Give it up! I'm the greater power here." My eyes started to flare up as though someone has truly angered me. "You aren't going to get away with using me for a freak?"

"You're telling me that your pathetic ass will stop me? You are shit to me!" The fox was able to get up and find me; however, I started to screech once more in order to escape from everyone; I took very huge steps crushing on the floor like an earthquake. He just laughed and let me escape; I didn't doubt that he would be back.While I lured quickly down the stairs, I was lucky to be alive; however, my mind started to give me flashbacks once again as all I could see was that everyone was dead around me and two people were praying. They died at the word "Amen," and all I did was sit there crying and crying; the earth started to tremble under my mightiness and started to shatter from my wails even as a child. It was like I had untrained potential.... What did they do to me? How in the world did I end up in LeoCorp? I became more and more nervous but brave by the fact that I was stopped by a rhino. This was no regular guard; he contained a MOM tattoo on his chest in a ruby shade. His chest started to shimmer with a brightness I thought was impossible to match; what was this great power that is facing me? There was a great buck of his horn and I was knocked back down a flight of stairs, "None shall pass, I am sent to stop you from reaching the LeoCo. chemicals" I heard about the chemicals before when I was a child, these chemicals making a very powerful effect, also had a poisonous attack; this chemical was so powerful, if abused, could cause cardiac arrest and then death. "I have to get by, let me out," I should have knocked him over; however, I got the idea to clap my hands wildly causing sonic claps as of thunder. The pound of the thunder was greatly blasting through the rhino's ears as he was forced back to the stone wall where his back trembled with excessive sweat, "My goal was not to capture this LeoCo. Chemicals. I am here to escape and be free from his reign." The rhino starts to harsh-fully mustard out a laugh of intimidation, "You are the perfect being! Impossible, you are just a child! You can't even control your tone." The rhino groan onto me as I starts to push his and the crunching impact of his back was so unbearable by the looks of his face. I was a bit surprised by the power I contained and, instead of going back to the experimental lab, I started to move more slowly back towards the chemical field; there, I knew I can find what I seek without further thought. I sent a howl of warning to the fox who has given me in intense pain and starts to walk slowly up the steps. Intruder alert, Prisoner has escaped! Proceed with caution when facing this beast; deploy! The voice the same machine echoed through the walls as I look up to see a microphone releasing the sound. I quieted the microphone by blowing on my claw to slice the phone in a quarter. I was being to become more accustomed to this power that I possess. I heard guards into through the door in the bottom of the door on the last flight of stairs and started to panic, "Get through the door on your left. NOW!"

I did as my mind said and entered through the door; it felt like I have heard this voice before, it was a very favored voice that I have heard before. I felt another flashback; however, this one was full with blood; there was people who were being murdered and slaughtered with swords and blades. "Musica, Musica, Why do you forsake me Musica? Don't you love me; you give me strength Musica!" I gasped as I washed my face, blood was splattered all over my face and I wanted to make sure that I didn't have any trails left. I washed over my face with hot water and starts to look into a mirror and looked at my disgusting face the highlight of my skin-tone being pitch black. My fur color was red with my anger; however, when I started to relax, my fur color changed to blue; I felt a bit crazy as I see there was a huge treble clef on my back. When I was young, I was so interested in music all the time; no one knew but the people who I had to play with. I was moderate in Music and magic, with no one knowing I knew DJ-mancing, I was more moderate in magic in the red aspect. I was a versatile magician where only few knew of my talents; therefore, I never tried to copy any other's music or any other magic but I was naive and started to practice in blue magic. One day, I was playing outside of my village and found nothing but peace with someone, he was a tall someone; when he looked up into the sky, he started to bolt to the village and give all his might to whatever he was doing. He never returned; however, that's when I was attacked by a creature, a huge bloody creature. I was mentally scarred by the attack, he was nothing but merciful and I didn't do anything but let it happen. The water in the sink started blow as I started to get angered from the flashback; however, it was too late, I was shot with needles, a barrage of needles, to the arms, legs and chest. I didn't fall down to the liquid that was flowing into my body; I stayed strong as I was hit on the tail with a needle. "AHHHH!" I howled as everyone blew away from me like a hurricane destroyed the place; I kept shouting and howling with pain as, then a result, busted the windows and walls. When I stopped producing sound, I started to bleed and slowly started to pass out. I heard someone whispering in my ear and started to dwell a sound in my hard. I heard, "I came to win, to fly, to conquer, to rise. I've came to win, to survive, to conquer, to rise. To Fly...," the song echoed as I started to feel water dropping on my face. The feeling was so regenerating to my face that I stood with full strength and stated to burst through another door adjacent to the bathroom door that that voice told me to go. I was so courageous because I didn't want to give up on being the best. As I started to blast through guards with my voice, I started to sing with the voice.

"Yo, Yo, I wish today it'll rain all day maybe that'll make the pain go away I'l try to forgive you for abandoning me praying but I'm still that angel away angel away yep strange in my way maybe that's why I face strangers away they got their guns out aiming at me But I become brave when they aiming at me me me me against them me against enemies, me against friends One day I know that they will too become one Those sea full of shark, they will all smell blood. But as they start coming, I will just start rising I hate lying cause I'm just demising I will fly soar HIGHER HIGHER HIGHER MORE FIRE!"

As I stopped my singing, the music granted me my ultimate strength, and finally, I made it. I made it to the LeoCorp experimental lab on the 15th floor. I starts to spit in my hand and rub them together in grit. I was very determined to find out why this was happening to me. I messed around with a chemical called "Chemical 23-483BN-Hydros" and mixed it with a liquor-based chemical called "LXNA-82 Mydros," and, to my surprise came sound, a bubbling acid rose from the flask and musical notes were born. There were minor notes being created; however, I never knew that this meant for other cases where this power was unstable. I looked at this formula and there then was a burst, a burst of acid missed me by a sixth of an inch before it started to eat through the ground and started to fill the air quickly. I started to panic once again and started to touch the substance and absorbed it through my skin; however, instead of it being dominated by my blood, it started to creep through my skin and started to crawl into the clef on my back. The pain was so troubling to me. It was so troubling to me as it started to sink deep into the mark; oh the pain, the legendary pain was scaled to the same pain as poison fighting me heart. I heard a clap and a snarl followed by a smirk, "Good job you idiot, you are awaking the ghost notes!" When I heard of awaking a ghost note, I started to fall on to the floor and started to hallucinate as though I started to see two characters of fur the color of green. These characters, I think I seen these people before; they got closer they got to the fox, "You aren't hurting him! I won't let you hurt Muze!" I gasped from the word Muze; my head started to bang and throw me around as I remember being around other furs, a wolf, a fox, a goat, a kangaroo, and a husky. They were all praying as they all struck my back with a knife and compressed the wounds. The blood started to transfuse with the blood of their hands for they were cut themselves. My mind broke as I rested then; however, I was too late once again; they were hurt and I was doing nothing but sitting on the ground bleeding. I got up and started to punch the fox with a mighty force; the pain, as I can tell, was very effective as I started to grab him by his neck and started to stomp my soles making my grip stronger, "How dare you hurt these people! What is wrong with you?"

"You weak bastard; you can't do anything to stop my choices!" He started to lock the two doors with steel. I couldn't get out the dome; however, he appeared out of thin air; I started to feel angered once again and charged with my temper straight to his body. When I punched his chest, he counted by putting his hand up to block it; as he blocked the attack, there was a clap of thunder that waltzed through the room. I became pained and crushed as my hand started to break, with the pain so intense, I started to shout in pain and despair because the devilish smile of the fox started to make my pain even worse. "Computer, crush him and send him to the outer-lands."

"Yes, daddy, activating guerrilla buster" I heard of this crusher; however, when I was faced with the torture device, it looked nothing like the original design. The computer captured me in the chamber and started to smash me inside of the device. I was punctured one thousand times before I was sent off; he punctured my eyes, my legs, my lungs, and stomach; the last thing I remember is being smashed on the floor and the fox whispering in my ear, "Let my will be done." I was thrown so far; however, I could never tell. My blood started to make a scent in the clouds and with the pain that occurred along with the combination of thought, I now named myself Musica Leon to make a bad representation of the fox that destroyed my heart.