i fucked up bad...

Story by 122x1 on SoFurry

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stupid that you have to add a gender tag if you add no yiff

caution this story contains bloodshed and the absence of yiff of any kind i did this irl and dont ask why so yeah just dont any comment asking me why will get deleted

oh and story is down here






"I-i fucked up really bad" the fox wandered as he took a hit from his cigarette as the blade slowly caressed his skin time and time again "what did i do to deserve this i don't deserve to have ever met Art or Rain never deserved their love. ever.

"Why would this have to have happened" he thought again making a stroke in the same place as he did just moments before driving the blade deeper threatning to sever veins and arteries.

making yet another cut he grazed a vein the blood starting to flow freely out of him he knew he could very well die from this yet he was ok with it as he made another cut regretting his whole life.

"I should bleed out on about three minutes" he thought to himself holding the bloody razorblade deep in the wound that was rapidly leaking out his life essence praying for mercy to a god he didnt believe in moments before as his blood pooled on the ground at his feet.

As he lit another cigarette which would be his last waiting to die he puffed on it the end glowing a cherry red he looked at his wrist the cut was down to the bone as he cut in the same spot several times with the blade that would shave hair because it was so sharp his skin became pale under his white fur as his heart rate dropped because lack of blood supplying it.

a few more minutes passed as he smoked his last cigarette the pool of blood staining the carpet growing bigger as he started feeling the effects of the blood loss growing greater he fell over still bleeding out barely enough blood in him to keep a fly alive his life flashed before his eyes filling him with regret and sorrow.

Tick-tock he heard as the seconds passing by waiting to die (un intentional rhyme here) and as he died he knew he brought it all on himself it was his fault he accepts the cold dark hand of death as he passes into the afterlife where he will wander the cold void alone forever his memory quickly fades from those that knew him moved on with their lives.

how art and vex met

quite a few hours and almost a full pot of coffee later It's FINALLY done thank god have a furry day oh and one last thing this is about me and my mate it is based off an rp but with a few tweaks to it to make it more entertaining Art the red...

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