Alvin and the land of giants part 9
The next mourning came and everyone started to wake up and yawn. then they stretched out and sat down.
Nick:mourning everyone.
Others:mourning nick.
Nick:what a great time we had last night huh.
Dale:yeah sweetie. we had the best pizza party ever.
Jeff:and the best time watching them gay yiff movies too.
Brian:not to meantion drink all of that dragons milk too and getting hot and excited.
Stan:and then having our cocks get very long and hard instantly and then having the best orgy we ever had.
Max:and then seeing our little friends put on there best show after we were done too.
Chris and tommy saw that alvin and doug were still asleep and they smiled as they were still naked and that they were holding each other close.
Chris:awww looks like they're still tired from last night too.
Tommy:hee hee yeah they do look that way to me too.
Nick:well let's let them rest up for now. you guys can take your sleeping bags back home. i'll watch them to make sure they don't roll off the table or anything.
Others:ok nick.
They went to get there sleeping bags and brian grabbed the empty bottles and put them in his back pack and zipped it shut.
Brian:i'll have to fill these bottles up again sometime soon. hee hee and i will too.
Nick:i know you will brian you silly and sexy dragon you.
Brian then smiled and blushed. then everyone left nicks house and went to there place and put there sleeping bags away and brian put the bottles in a box and closed it shut. then they all ran back to nicks house and went to the table and sat down near nick who was watching alvin and doug sleep still. a few minutes later alvin and doug opened there eyes and then they yawned and got up and stretched out. and then they looked up at the giants who were smiling as they watched them.
Alvin&doug:mourning guys.
Giants:mourning alvin. mourning doug.
Nick:did you two have a fun time last night?
Alvin:hee hee hee yeah we sure did nick.
Doug:it was the best time we ever had.
Chris:oh i'm so glad you two had a great time.
Tommy:yeah cause we had a great time too.
Max:the best orgy in a long long time too.
Stan:hee hee yup i agree max.
Dale:so what are we going to do today guys.
Doug:well i think me and alvin have to go back to our town now and do what we have to do there.
Alvin:yeah we do.
Brian:but we had a fun time together with you two. can't you guys stay for a while longer.
Stan:yeah please. we want you to stay for a little while longer.
Alvin:i'm sorry guys but we have to live our lives back in our town too.
Nick:they're right guys. but we can go to dougs boat and wave goodbye as they sail off.
Doug:and we will always come back and visit you all anytime we feel very sad and depressed.
Alvin:yeah we can.
Dale:that sounds fair enough to me.
Others:us too.
Nick:yeah sounds all right to me as well.
Then alvin and doug got dressed and then nick grabbed them and then he stood on all fours and put them on his back and opened the door and walked out of his house and the others followed him and the last one to leave the house shut the door and then they all walked to the beach and towards dougs boat. nick then grabbed alvin and doug and put them on dougs boat and looked a little down and sad because he knew that he would be all alone in his house when they both leave the island. Alvin looked up at nick and got a little down and sad too and then he looked back up at nick and smiled.
Alvin:doug i don't want to go back to our town.
Doug:what do you mean alvin.
Alvin:i mean i want to stay here and live with nick.
Nick heard alvin and looked at alvin and doug and smiled at them.
Doug:but why alvin. you will miss having a good time there and living your live there too.
Alvin:my life in that town was to boring and no one even cared to talk to me or take care of me. and if i stay there then i'll just be sad, lonely and bored for the rest of my life. and if i stay here with nick and the other giants then i'll be loved and cared for.
Nick:and we will make sure that you feel loved and cared for alvin. right guys.
Giants:right nick.
Doug:well i guess this is goodbye then.
Alvin:yeah i guess so.
Doug:but i will come back and visit you guys when i feel very lonely and sad.
Nick:we know doug.
Dale:yeah. and we will be glad to see you when you come back anytime.
Tommy:yup cause you are the most sexiest wolf i have ever seen.
Doug:awww thanks tommy. and your the sexiest wolf i have ever seen too.
Tommy:awww thanks.
Alvin:since i'm going to stay here then i better look like everyone else too.
Then alvin took his clothes off and got naked.
Alvin:that's much better.
Doug then held alvin and alvin held him. then they kissed each other on the lips deeply. then they broke the kiss and let go of each other and then nick grabbed alvin and sat down and put alvin on his head. doug then started his boat and backed it out into the water and then waved goodbye ay everyone as he set sail to his town. the giants and alvin waved goodbye to doug too until they couldn't see his boat anymore and then they all stood up and nick grabbed alvin and he kisses alvin softly on the head and then put alvin on his back and then everyone walked off to there house so they can all relax.
Alvin:i'll miss doug. he was my first friend. and the bestest friend i ever had too.
Nick:i know you'll miss him alvin. i'll miss him too and so will everyone else. but he'll come back and visit again someday. i know he will.
Alvin:yeah your right nick. i know he'll come back and visit us someday.
Nick:well lets go home now and relax.
Alvin:you got it you big sexy stud you. hee hee hee
Nick then smiled and wagged his tail happily knowing now that he and alvin will no longer be alone. alvin smiled too and then nick walked back to his and alvins place with alvin on nicks back.