The Corrupted Forest

Story by Callic on SoFurry

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It was a very calm and quiet summer night in the small village of Kokoki. The sky was void of any and all clouds and a gentle breeze brought a rush of cool air to contrast the warm summer air. Kokoki was a village of furries, mainly equines and rabbits. It was just around midnight and only a few members of the village were awake that night. Three of the young girls who had called that village their home were creeping silently through the village, making their way to their secret spot. This spot of their's was at the outskirts of the village, a small area enclosed by tall bushes that rest on the edge of the forest that surrounded the area their village was in. The villagers had many stories about those woods, including one about a mysterious anthro that is said to be a predator of the people of the village. The story says that if you are caught in his part of the forest at night, the creature takes you back to his layer and eats you. All of the villagers were careful not to go into the forest during the night, but these three young girl's...two rabbit anthros and one horse anthro... were about to break the tradition of not going into the woods at night.

Sakami was the first to reach the secret spot of their's, her slender equine form covered in sleek, black fur. She was a rather breathtaking young girl. Her body was forming quite well, her young breasts firm and perky, about a B-Cup in size along with the perfect curve of her small rear making her nearly irresistable to the male anthros of the village. She had bright, green eyes that matched the color that her head fur and tail were colored. That tail of her's wagged anxiously behind her body as she crept through the bushes, sitting down on a small blanket that was laid out in the grass there. She was dressed in a white gown and had a pair of white, cotton panties covering up that virgin equine hole of her's. She sighed a bit as she sat there and waited for her two friends, a pair of twin bunny sisters who had just befriended the equine and told invited her to join a club that they had made. This was the night of the induction of the equine into the club and the bunnies had told Sakami to meet them at this spot of their's.

The equine had been waiting for about three or five minutes before the two sisters burst through the bushes and onto that blanket in unison. Each of them looked exactly the same; both of them having soft, brown fur with a patch of white stretching across their chests. There eyes were both a soft violet color and their ears and tails were both colored a black color. The only difference in the bodies of the two girl's was the marking that they each had around their eyes. Kimra had a ring of black around her right eye, while Imori had a black ring of fur around her left eye. Other then that, their young, developing bodies were quite the same. Each of them had small breasts, about an A-Cup in size, that were just as firm and perky as those of the equines. Their young bodies were covered by the same white gown and panties that the equine had worn.

Sakami let a large smile form on that equine muzzle of her's as she spotted the two girl's, her tail wagging happily behind that body of her's. "Hey there you two!" Sakami spoke in that sweet, innocent voice of her's. "How are you two tonight?"

Kimra was the first one to respond to Sakami, her voice a little higher pitched than that of the equine's. "Hi! I'm doing great! I'll be doing better after we get through with this induction..." She giggled after speaking and turned to her left to look at her sister, winking one of those violet eyes of her at her sister.

Imori gave a soft giggle back and nodded in response. "Ohh....Yeah! We're both doing great Sakami!" She smiled to the equine and then shifted her position, sitting indian style on the blanket, her sister soon shifting into the same position. After looking to her sister and getting a nod for the look she turned to the equine and grinned to her. "So! You're interested in joining our I correct?"

Sakami grinned wide and nodded to the bunny. "Ohh...Yes! I very much want to join...I've heard other girls talking about what at your club meetings..." She smiled and tossed her head back, her hair tossing back out from in front of those gorgeous green eyes of her's. "It sounds like so much fun.....What do I have to do to join?"

Imori grinned and laughed softly. "Well....See the woods over there..." Imori pointed off in the direction of the woods where the "creature" is suppose to live. "You have to go there and spend the next three hours over there. We will call you after your time is up."

Sakami's grin suddenly disappeared and she began to get frightened. "Y-you mean....B-but...That's the p-part where the...."creature" is supposed to live..."

Imori just laughed out loudly. "Oh? You actually believe in that crap? Come on!....There is nothing in those woods....I've gone in there hundreds of nights and I haven't seen one thing any time that I've been in there.....Don't worry....All you have to do is sit in one spot until we call you back....You'll be fine....Isn't that right Kimra?"

Kimra grinned and gave a gentle nod. "Yeah...Of course it's fine....Look....Everyone in our club, including us has spent the night in the woods....Nothing happened to any of us..." She shrugged and giggled cutely. "You'll be perfectly fine....Trust us..."

Sakami swallowed hard and then nodded slowly. "O-okay....I....I guess I can at least try to do this..." She swallowed again and slowly stood up, her legs shaking a bit. "Sh....should I go now?"

Kimra gave a gentle nod. "Yes! Go now!" Sakami jolted at the sudden yell that the bunny cried out and quickly took off in the direction of the woods that she had to stay in for the next three hours. As soon as her feet entered the forest she became scared and kept running. She carried herself, running for about five minutes before stopping and sitting herself down agaisnt a tree, swallowing hard as she looked around where she was, catching her breath after her running. She leaned her head back against that tree and closed her eyes, wondering to herself if those stories that were told about the forest were true or if they were false. As she sat there, she gently felt herself lulling off into a light sleep, every now and then making herself jolt up to stay awake, not wanting to miss the bunnies calling her back. These efforts soon failed as she slipped off into a gentle sleep, somehow she felt as though the area around her was slowly putting her to sleep, but nonetheless, those eyes of her's closed and she fell to sleep, her back and head resting against the tree behind her. Little did that young equine know, a pair of red eyes had been watching her from his spot in a large bush a few feet from that tree, his form creeping out from that bush as the equine fell asleep....

The two bunnies had changed their positions as soon as that equine had left, each of them on their knees and facing each other. They were raised up on their knees and their arms were wrapped around one another, locking each other in a gentle embrace. The lips of the two bunnies were pressed together in a gentle kiss, their violet eyes closed as they kissed. It wasn't long before Imori took control of the situation, her tongue making it's way into Kimra's mouth. Imori's tongue gently rubbed along the tongue of her sister, slowly sliding along the surface of that tongue, their love apparently more that a sister loves another sister. They started this club to share their love with the other girl's in the village that they had lived in and were overjoyed to find out that the equine had wanted to join that club of their's. Imori soon broke the kiss and giggled to her sister. "Mmm.....Kimra....We'll have to double team that cute horsie when she get's back....We can have a lot of fun with her..."

Kimra giggled and nodded. "Mmhmm....Lots and lots of fun...." She grinned and moved her paws onto the chest of her sister, pushing her back onto the blanket and laying down on top of her, murring as she looked down into the orbs of her sister. "Mmmm ....But....let's have some fun while we wait for her to come back....We've got an awfully long time to wait..." She giggled and quickly pushed her mouth agaisnt her sister's, her tongue making it's way into Imori's mouth and slowly lapping at the roof of her mouth, not allowing her to respond at all to what she had said. Imori murred happily into Kimra's tongue as it played at the roof of her mouth, her own tongue gently lapping against the underside of Kimra's tongue. Kimra groaned happily into the kiss that she and her sister shared, her tongue quickly dropping down against the tongue of her sister, those two tongues beginning to dance around one another as the two girl's groaned with delight into each other's mouth.

Sakami groaned as she awoke from her sleep. She had been out for about fifteen to twenty minutes and she was frightened and surprised to find her self tied to the tree that she had fallen asleep agaisnt. She was in a standing position with her back firmly tied agaisnt the back of the tree. Her arms were wrapped behind the tree and tied tightly together at the wrist wile her ankles were tied to two wooden stakes that were firmly planted in the ground beside her. Her legs were spread out wide, her ankles about four inches off of the soft ground of the forest. Another thing that puzzled her was that her clothing had all been removed, leaving her tied firmly in place and completely nude, that sleek black fur of her's shining in the moonlight. She yelped out loudly as she saw the pair of red eyes staring at her from a distance away. The creature that was staring at her slowly approached her, grinning and eyeing that young body of her's up and down very slowly. Sakami tried to scream, but found that she had her gown tied around her mouth, keeping her from letting out any kind of loud noise. The creature was an anthro fox whose name happened to be Callic. His two tails swished about simultaneously behind his slender formed as he eyed the equine that he had so perfectly tied to the tree a wide grin showing across his muzzle, his canine teeth being showed to the equine. That equine was scared to death at that moment, the teeth almost assuring that he was the creature that the stories had warned about. Her eyes went wide as that fox slowly approached her, his paws moving to her spread thighs. She began to sweat and scream loudly into that gag, which muffled her scream, as the fox brought his muzzle close to her body. She was so scared, almost sure that that fox was going to eat her right there...

Imori moaned out loudly, her paws gripping tightly at that blanket as she lay back on it, her entire body squirming under the tounge of her sister. Kimra had a wide grin on her face as she kept that face of her's planted between the leg's of her sister, her paws placed on the thighs of her sister and holding them spread while her tongue lightly slid across the outer lips of her sister's cunny, each lap of that small tongue of her's enough to slide across both lips at the same time. Imori's little, virgin hole slowly began to leak small amounts of sweet juices as that tongue continually teased those tender lower lips of her's, loud moans escaping her mouth as she glanced down across her naked body at her sister's head between her legs, the mere sight of what her sister was doing to her making her hornier and hornier, more and more of those juices leaking out of her while her sister teased those lips of her's. Kimra soon didn't waste much time and buried that tongue within her sister, causing her sister to violently arch her back and push those hips of her's into the face of her sister. "Ooohhhh...K-Kimra...Th...that tongue of unnghh....your''re so good with it...." Loud moans were the only other thing to exit the mouth of Imori as her sister's tongue swirled around the insides of her little sex pot, her paws gripping the blanket tightly as she continually arched that back and relaxed it before arching it again, her hips moving up and down to move that tongue even more inside of her than it already was. Kimra's tongue soon found the perfect spot within the sex pot of her sister, the hardened pink nub that brought her the most pleasure. That tongue wasted no time in its work, firmly pressing down and sliding across that little nub. Kimra wanted so badly to taste the sweet juices of her sister, that tongue of her's reflecting that desire and working as hard as it could agaisnt that little nub. This brought much delight to Imori as she almost lost herself in the pleasure that her sister was bringing her, that tongue causing loud moans to escape the lips of sweet, young bunny. It wasn't long before Imori screamed out loudly with a huge rush of pleasure, her little sex pot exploding against the tongue and muzzle of her sister, fluids gushing out of her for a straight minute before Imori lay back against the blanket, panting heavily as she looked up at her sister. "Oohhhh...Wow! Sis! That....was amazing...." Kimra giggled and did the best she could to clean the juices from her face before bowing to her sister. "Thank you sis! I've been practicing just for you!"....

The equine's eyes were shut tightly and small, muffled sounds could be heard escaping her lips as she was being eaten by the fox anthro. To the equine's surprise, it wasn't exactly the eating that she had thought of. The fox's tongue had been working on the inner walls of the equine's virgin hole for about a half of an hour straight, that tongue causing wave after wave of pleasure to rush over the equine that was tied to the tree. She had already had about two or three orgasms and was about to have a third, large amounts of her juices dripping down her thighs and legs, a large puddle already on the ground. Callic grinned as he continually swirled that tongue of his around the inner walls of the equine, her fourth orgasm hitting as he moved away, her fluids gushing out onto the ground once again, the puddle growing bigger before the equine hung there, panting heavily into the gag as she could barely open her eyes. Callic grinned and quickly untied her from that tree and those stakes, her body falling limp onto the ground in front of the tree, too tired to even move. Callic laughed a bit as he knelt down behind that body, the puddle of fluids right below the sopping wet virgin hole of the equine. "Mmmm....Such a tasty little horse....I'm gonna have to enjoy you for a few more hours....You seem to have enough stamina to keep up with me...." He laughed a bit and moved the equine into a position where her rear was raised high into the air, the paws of fox keeping her rear up in the air before he slowly neared his hardened, 6 inch member to that sopping wet sex hole of her's. It wasn't long before he slowly began to enter her, causing her to moan loudly once again into that gag. It was surprisingly easy for him to enter that hole of her's, her insides slick enough for him. However, the head of that cock soon reached a barrier about two-thirds of the way inside. After a laugh, Callic drew his hips back and then thrust that cock into her powerfully, that cock of his easily breaking through that barrier, causing her to cry out in pain into that gag. He grinned and wrapped those arms of his around her waist to keep her rear end held up in the air while he began to hump that equine, his member being drawn about halfway out of her before being thrust back in. Callic continually moved that member of his in and out of the equine girl, her moaning growing more and more apparent and showing the fact that she was beginning to enjoy the feel of that member inside of her sex hole. Callic held that waist of her's tightly as he thrust into her, not expecting what he would get next. Sakami began to do her best to push back agaisnt the thrusts of the foxboy, his member getting thrust deeper and deeper inside of her with each move back that she made. It wasn't long before she had another orgasm, her inner walls convulsing and milking that member of his while the fluids leaked out down her legs as well as his own. It wasn't too much longer before he buried that cock of his inside of her love hole, letting his orgasm hit and letting a large load of his hot fox seed off into her equine form, her body collapsing under his after he had filled her with his hot fluid. He quickly pulled out of her and looked down at her, grinning a bit before untying that gag and letting it rest under her head. She was taking deep breaths and panting wildly as she lay on the ground, her eyes opening a bit to look at the fox who had seated himself near her. "Mmmm....I....." Callic grinned to her and held up a finger to his mouth. "Mmmhmm...I am the creature that your village talks about....Hehe....You can also tell how wrong their story is..." He laughed a bit and then moved over to her, turning her over onto her back and kneeling at her head. He lifted that head of her's up and moved under her so that she was resting her back and head on his lap. He looked down at those breasts of her's and grinned. "Mmmm.....Me and you are gonna have a lot more fun after you recover...." He giggled a bit and gently let a paw of his slide across her forehead, allowing her to fall into a deep sleep...

Imori and Kimra lay on the blanket in each other's arms, apparently having fallen asleep after the night that they had spent together. Kimra was the first to awaken as the warm morning sun hit her face, those eyes of her's opening quickly before she sat up sharply, fumbling for her gown and panties before putting them on and shaking her sister awake who quickly did the same. Kimra swallowed as she stood up and looked around. "Hey...Imori...Where's Sakami?...Did she come back last night?" Imori blinked and shrugged as she stood up. "I don't know Kimra.....I fell asleep right after you drained me last night..." She looked to Kimra and then grabbed her hand. "Come on...she must still be out in the woods.....We have to go look for her..."

To Be Continued ^^