Promise? Chapter 2

Story by Hudson5188 on SoFurry

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Chapter 2 Adventures!

Promise-Chapter 2

"So uh, is this really the way out of the forest?" I asked, wondering where the heck we were going.

"Well, about that. You see" Issun was cut off by Ammy "We have a short detour here before we get out."

Still being short with me -sigh- I continued to walk, staying a bit behind Ammy, hands behind my head. Looking at Ammy, I noticed for the first time these weird red markings on her fur. If she ever stops treating me like a flea, I might ask her about that. "Ok, so despite the likely short remark, what exactly is this detour we're taking?"

Ammy stopped, stood still for a little bit. Well, I'm dead. I thought until I saw that Ammy was whispering something to Issun, or rather talking in a whisper and Issun talking in a normal voice to her. I could clearly make out what they were saying.

"Why not just tell him, he's proven trustworthy so far and who knows, he might have a clue where it is." whispered Issun. Ammy replied "Yeah but what if he freaks out and leaves? He'll die in this forest without us, and I don't want the blood of a person on my hands."

"So yeah, whispering isn't you twos forte huh?" I said, getting them to turn around with a look of shock on Ammy's face and probable shock on Issun's. "What? You really thought I couldn't hear that? Ears are magical things ya know." Ammy sighed, "Fine, we'll tell you, but you're not going to believe it."

So we stopped near a tree and sat, I sat across from Ammy while she was lying down, ready to tell a long tale. "So to begin, I'm a goddess, goddess of the sun mother to all, yaddy yaddy ya. I'm what you call an incarnation; basically I have the power of a goddess, but as a wolf. I've been reborn to fight a serpent demon named Orochi who resides in the moon cave. In order to defeat him, I need to collect the 13 brush techniques that will enable me to do....things with my brush. So far, I know Rejuvenation, Blossom, Sunrise, and cherry bomb. We've come here to find another technique."

"Good to know that a goddess isn't a people person." Was my first thought, so I sat there, taking it all in. It made sense, the weird markings on her body, and the glow about her. She was definitely not normal, but a goddess? "Quick question, those red marks, is that part of it too?" I asked. She looked surprised. I stared at her confused. "What?" I asked. "....nothing, and yes." She replied. Ok then.... I went back to analyzing the evidence of her legitimacy. They've been honest so far, so why shouldn't I trust them?


"Ok what?"

"I want to help you on your journey."

She looked dumbfounded. She stared at me like I just claimed to be a god too. "Why on Earth would you want to do that?" she asked.

Why DO I want to help? The first thing that came to my mind was the first thing that I said. Maybe I really am a good person?


_So why did I say that? I don't know these two, for all I know they could be loony criminals escaping claiming to be on a holy quest! Why do I feel as though if I don't help, I'd be making the wrong choice? _

"Because I want too." I said. Brilliant, simply brilliant.

"You really expect me to believe that?"

"Believe what you want, I really can't stop you from doing that. But the way I see it, I believed that you are a goddess on a quest to save the world and yet you won't believe that I want to help for the sake of wanting to help?"

"You realize what you're saying right? Because if you don't, I don't have time to babysit you."

That fucking does it "Babysit me?! If it weren't for me, you'd be dead by now. In fact, if what you're saying is true, I just saved the whole FUCKING WORLD!!! I can make my own decisions. Why do I need a fucking reason to help someone?!" I screamed at her. She was taken aback by the sudden offense.

"I........I'm...sorry." she replied, turning around and sitting, head drooped down. I sighed, Great job me, the ladies must have loved me back home! I walked over and sat next to her. She didn't move. She just kept looking down at the ground.

"Ammy, I'm sorry for yelling. I wish I could explain why I do the things I do, but I can't. Not yet at least. Let me help, and when I find out why; I'll tell you. But you have to tell me something in return." I said, looking at her while she picked her head up towards mine.

"....what is that?" she asked.

"Why are you so hostile towards me? Did I do something wrong or" I was cut off by her "No no, you didn't DO anything wrong." She looked in the opposite direction of me "It's just, when you saved us, I felt so weak and helpless. I hate feeling like that and it scares me for the future. I have to grow stronger, but I do appreciate what you did so thank you. And well, as Issun said, my people skills suck." She chuckled a little. Holy fuck, a smile! Huzzah!

I nodded, stood up and said "Ok, so how about this!" She got to her feet and looked at me in confusion.

"How about what?" she asked.

"You help me find out about my past, and I'll help you with your quest. That way, we both get our missions finished and not do it alone. Besides, I can also help with those people skills. Everybody loves sarcastic pricks like me!" I grinned

She laughed, a genuine laugh, and said "Ok, it's a promise." I knelt down beside her and raised my hand out. She raised her paw and we shook.

"huh...wait what's going on?" we heard someone say.

"Issun you little flea, did you really sleep through all that?!" I replied

"Sleep through what?" Issun said

This is going to be a long, annoying journey. I can tell already.


So yeah, I love this story already. We haven't even gotten to the awesome part and I'm still having a lot of fun. Hope y'all are enjoying this as much as I am!