Promise? Chapter 8

Story by Hudson5188 on SoFurry

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Chapter 8: Heart of Heart of Darkness is Eternal!

After reading for about 4 hours of reading, I was about ready to run out in the storm and wave my sword around. I've decided to never read ever again. My brain hurts from all the giant words that the author put in there to make himself look smarter when in reality it just causes fucking headaches. The book I was complaining about was another book Ammy lent me after I finished the first one. Being the troll she is, she gave me this piece of shit and giggled saying, "Here, have fun." before returning to her own. The book was called, "Adventures of Shiranui" written by some guy named "Drake". Congrats Drake, you must be a really smart person to write in such fancy ass words that 90% of your readers won't understand! Doesn't matter right? You already got their money you greedy sunofabitch! I asked Ammy, "Can you just tell me about Shiranui? You're a goddess right? Aren't you supposed to know like everything?"

Ammy had a wicked grin on her face, "Didn't like the book?"

"Oh I loved it, had so many memorable parts that were unreadable but hey! That's ok because everyone knows what "Awesomepotamus" means!"

"I do."

"Here's a rice cake, now you never answered my question."

"Ok, well..." went on Ammy who took forever explaining it due to her "admiration" towards Shiranui. Every opportunity she could she said something like "and the Great Shiranui..." or "The majestic and wonderful Shiranui!" God, you'd think she'd was his number one fangirl or something.

"So in the end, Shiranui died and was honored in stone by the people of Kamiki while his body was taken to burial in the Celestial Plain by the Gods." Finished Ammy with a proud look on her face.

"Pretty brave thing, but sounds like Orochi is really powerful if it took a fully-trained God incarnation to beat him."


"Not gonna be a problem for us though, right? I mean Shiranui only had himself really, Nagi didn't do anything but steal the glory, and we have the two of us."

"Yeah...." Ammy looked down at the ground.

I looked at her, noticed her depressed face.

"Didn't I say something really cheesy about believing in yourself like two days ago? Come on man, I can only say corny shit once, I can't say it again." I said trying to cheer her up.

"Heh, yeah I remember that. I was so depressed I actually called you smart." Ammy said with a grin.

"Never gonna forget that, by the way. I'm going to hold that against you forever."

"I'll just have to get you to say more stupid shit then."

"True, but now I'm on my guard for that. Also I'm never gonna try giving you advice ever again. Unappreciative people don't deserve it."

"With your advice, I'm ok with that."

So after that successful attempt at making her happy in my own expense, I suddenly forgot about our annoying companion.

"Hey, where's Issun?"

"Probably up someone's skirt or in someone's shirt. If he gets caught, we'll just deny everything."

I nodded, "Ok."

So finally the weather cleared up and so I decided to go outside and stab something. Weird impulse, I know, but when sitting in a room for so many hours either listening to Ammy talk or reading a poorly-written book, you just want to go outside and fucking shank something ok?! So I went outside and started stabbing random trees until I noticed a few of the workers crowded around the hot springs.

Great, Issun got caught. I thought until I remembered that there was no water in the springs. Ammy was there too, so I walked next to her and asked,

"So, Issun break something or are we in the clear?"

"It seems like they still can't fix the hot springs."

"Well, let's go take a look."

"Good idea, but what do you think could be the problem?"

"I don't know, but my detective instincts are telling me that if we smash something, it'll work again!"

Ammy rolled her eyes and we started to move towards the workers. "Is there any indication as to what's wrong with the thing?" I asked.

"Well..." said one of the workers, "We think that the hole which the water comes from is clogged, problem is; we can't get in there and unclog it."

"Well, never fear! Ammy is here!" I said with UMPH while pushing Ammy towards the hole. "What are you doing?!?!" asked Ammy who was squirming to get away. "Divine intervention, "oh great goddess", remember how you said you get stronger from helping people or whatever?"

"Yeah, but I don't know how to fix it dumbass!"

"Well, have fun figuring it out!" I said as Ammy went down the hole. I waited a few minutes before thinking, Well, I better go in there to make sure she isn't dead. And so I jumped down too.

It was dark, with a bunch of different blocks with one column already missing blocks. I looked down that column to see Ammy digging. "How the heck does that work?" I asked jumping down to her.

"I don't know, don't question it. Help me dig."

And so we dug for about ten minutes before the water started flowing again, we luckily got out of there in time before the hot water melted us. We were greeted by cheers from the workers who were dancing to celebrate. "See? Divine intervention is the hypest thing these days. Feel any stronger?" I said panting.

"Nope, and screw off." Ammy said who was also panting.

So after we caught our breath, Ammy noticed a constellation in the sky. "That's convenient huh?" said Ammy and so she finished the constellation. "Well, I should go before I'm almost killed." I replied as I started walking. "You're going to the room right?" she asked.


"Ok, just checking."

So I returned to the room. I flopped myself onto the futon and tried to sleep. Might as well get some sleep before later when Ammy turns into a donkey.

I saw the boy again, but he looked a few years older this time. Probably about 14, he still had his black bangs and had grown about a foot taller, making him about 6 feet 2 inches. He was still at the dojo, and Onigiri-sensei was standing in front of him. "Are you ready for the final examination?" asked Onigiri.

"Yes sir, I'm ready." Said the boy.

"Then begin."

The boy summoned his sword using his demonic powers and entered a room where it was nothing but forest. The final exam would take place in this room, while Onigiri had disappeared. "Show me how much you've learned, both in sword and in "power" and fight me. If you can defeat me, I will call you a master. Do you understand the terms?"


Onigiri appeared in front of the boy, showing just how fast the old man truly was. The boy stood with his sword at the ready. Using his demonic powers, the boy summoned a suit of armor that appeared on him, black and strong, but looked very light. On the back of the boy's armor was a symbol, the same symbol that was on the dagger given to him by his father. His sword, which greatly resembled the dagger, was radiating with a dark light. The boy charged at Onigiri, who parried his attacks. The boy saw an opening at Onigiri's side and struck there, forcing Onigiri to jump out of the way. The boy summoned dark energy and shot it at Onigiri. Onigiri cut through the dark energy and the boy, using his insane speed, appeared right where the blast was. He lunged at Onigiri who looked a bit shocked. Onigiri was able to block the attack but at the cost of becoming off-balanced. The boy used this opportunity to go for the disarm and succeeded. The fight was over.

The boy was the victor.

"Congratulations, I have nothing more to teach you. But before you go, I will ask one thing."

The boy looked at his teacher, armor gone.

"I want to know who you wish revenge on."

The boy thought for a second, turned towards the door.

"Thank you for everything sensei."

"And as for your question, there is only one person I want to kill more than anything in this entire world, one who I wish the worst of things on.

A fox."

And with that, the boy left the dojo, bowed to his teacher, and headed back to the city.

"So, you want to kill me huh?" said a voice as the boy walked home.

The boy turned to see a fox with nine tails, white fur and blood red eyes. Upon seeing the fox, the boy's eyes lit up. The boy summoned his sword, immediately activated his armor, and turned to face the fox. The fox grinned, and said "Go ahead, try it you mutt. Allow me to show you what a real demon is." The dream ends with the boy charging at the fox.

I woke up when Ammy walked into the room. I must have slept about 10 minutes but it felt like a while. Ammy stared at me, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just sleeping. How'd it go?"

"Fine, got a new technique, figured I've done enough godly things for today so I came back." Said Ammy, jumping on top of me. "Gah, get off!" I replied.

"Nah, I think I'll sleep here. Seems comfy." She said innocently, lying down on my stomach. I just rolled my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

This time, the boy was back in the city, same age. He seemed furious. "Why is she so powerful?! All my training just to lose, and be laughed at again! I swear, next time she shows her face, I'm going to do ANYTHING to make sure she dies..." said the boy throwing things in anger. The boy was in his father's house, left there out of respect. The boy searched through his father's desk, looking for any indication as to who the demon was. What he found was a portrait of his father, young, with a woman with long blonde hair...and red eyes. She also had nine tails behind her. The boy was shocked by this, but continued to search. Finally he found his dad's diary, which contained more pictures of the woman. Finally, he found a letter that read,

"Dear Sousuke, when you read this, I'm probably long gone. I never expected things to turn out the way they did and for that I apologize. The chances of me becoming pregnant were so unlikely that I never believed. I thought that maybe, we would just give the child away and continue with our life. I didn't expect you to fall in love with him so quickly. The people here, they make me sick. I want to see them all burn for what they do to my kind, my people. For simply existing and living our lives, we are persecuted and killed off like savages. I don't want my child living in a world like that. I don't want to raise him in a place like this. Unfortunately, I don't think that I have a choice in the matter, because of who I am. If I brought him over here, he would still be treated just the same, even though I rule here. Humans are weak and frail while demons can kill people they simply dislike. So, I leave Saladin with you. I hope that when he becomes old enough, you two will join me here. For now, he should remain with you. I would be there with you, my love, but I cannot stand your people and would go berserk seeing him treated the way he's going to be.

You will always be my best friend, and my love,


At the end of the letter was another portrait of the fox-tailed woman holding a baby in her hands, the father smiling, arm around her.

The memory ends with the boy screaming in rage.

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Predictable plot twists are FUN! :D _ _

Promise? Chapter 9

Chapter 9: Hurricanes Lulz I woke up with the howling ringing in my ears. I tried piecing together what had just occurred but my mind was in a blank. I couldn't think like usual; it felt like someone had just punched me in the gut. _The figure is his...

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Promise? Chapter 7

**Chapter 7: Insomnia** _Off in the ocean was an island with a dojo on top. It was there that the boy was speaking with an old man. The old man was dressed in a robe, katana at the waist, and he had a long, white beard. The boy was wearing a...

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