Promise? Chapter 13

Story by Hudson5188 on SoFurry

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Did I seriously type that?


-Loads shotgun-

This is for the best.

Chapter 13

So after a short break, we left the Moon cave and met up with Issun who had been watching the whole thing from the shoreline with the rest of Kamiki. The cheers and applause were magnificent. Ammy, being the type of person she is, was hiding behind me while we made our way onto the shore. Issun hopped over to us only to be quickly grabbed and shoved into my pocket as we tried to get away as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, we really needed a place to rest after that fight, so we had to go back to Kamiki with them which resulted in lots praise and gifts and crap like that. We were given a place to stay at an old unused house. Thankfully, we were able to get the people to believe that we needed undisturbed rest after tiring ourselves out after such a battle. When we entered the house, Ammy looked shockingly full of energy.

"Uh, apparently you have some amazing recovery speed." I said, putting my sheathed sword against the wall and began to survey the room. It was a simple house, having a table in the middle, four cushions around the table and a door which I assume is the door to the bedroom.

"Well, I just received a large amount of praise which makes me stronger. Guess it gave me an energy boost as well." Replied the wolf with a smile that rivaled...some guy that smiles very well...

Yeah, that failed.

Gotta say, though. It was nice to see her smile.

"So what do we do after we rest? I mean, you defeated your demon and stuff." I asked.

Ammy's eyes widened, the look she had made it obvious she didn't want to talk about it.

"Well, see....."

"You have no clue?"

"Yeah." Ammy said with a sigh. "I guess we just keep going. I haven't had contact with any celestials for a while, so I honestly don't know what I've left to do. But don't worry, I'll keep my part of the promise."

"Sounds good to me, and thanks. I really do appreciate it." I said.

"Why are you two so eager to get going? The people love us!" said Issun who jumped out of my pocket and into Ammy's fur.

"Well, consider this Issun. We just defeated the reason why Ammy was here in the first place, and yet she isn't back to her home. Meaning, something is either wrong, or the celestials are late, or doing what most gods do: Nothing." I answered Issun.

"All atheist ideas aside, let's spend the night here and rest. That fight drained a lot out of you and me. We can figure out the rest tomorrow." Said Ammy.

"That sounds good to me. My arm hurts like hell."

I went to check out the bedroom and of course, only one bed. Not that it really matters, considering Ammy has this weird obsession with sleeping on top of me. I looked outside the bedroom window to see how late it was and it turned out to be pretty dark out. I lay down.

"God it's been so long since I've slept in an actual bed!" I said to myself.

"Talking to yourself?" Ammy asked as she jumped onto the bed.

I turned to face her. "Yeap, I'm going insane because of you two." I said with a chuckle.

"Glad to know." She said as she rested her head underneath my chin.

"You really don't care about personal space, do you?"

"Nope, besides; I'm the probably going to be the closest thing you get to a woman in bed with you."

I could literally hear Issun going "Daaaaaaaaaaaaamn" after that comment.

"That was harsh!"

"I'm just joking. Besides, I hear human girls like guys with "tragic back stories"."

"Oh yes, because mass murder is definitely the most attractive thing a guy can do."

"Well, don't worry. You always have me!"

"Oh boy! Excuse me as I commit seppuku."

"Nah, even if you kill yourself, I can still visit you in the underworld." She said with a smile.

"You can't do that."

"Wanna take that chance?"

I looked at her eyes. It was obvious that she was enjoying herself. At my expense, but still happy nonetheless. I couldn't help but smile. After the shit I pulled earlier, she deserved a couple of shots at me.

"Hey Ammy"


"I wanted to apologize again for earlier. I really feel like an idiot..."

"Well, you are an idiot." She said, smiling at me, "but, I guess I can forgive you this time."

And with that, she rested her head back down under my chin. After about five minutes, I heard her "delightful" snore. To be honest, it was somewhat cute. It wasn't as obnoxious as last time and it was more, I dunno, feminine? Anyway, I closed my eyes and tried to get some sleep.

"Looks like you've lost your trial, my friend. Can't say I'm surprised. You're exorcism is scheduled for tomorrow at noon. Hope you enjoy hell, sinspawn."

Saladin sat in his cell, smiling.

I woke up.

"Morning!" Ammy said, in the same spot as she was when I fell asleep.

"Uh...yeah, good morning." I said in shock.

"You ok?"

"I had the shortest dream ever."

"Anything major happen?"

"Well, they apparently tried to exorcize me. Good job that did."

"Exorcisms are a great way to start your day, I've heard." Ammy said, getting up from the bed and jumping off.

"Hey Issun, you up yet?" I asked as I saw Ammy head towards the door, probably to check outside. From the lack of response, I'm guessing that was a no. I got out of bed myself and grabbed my sword. After that, I checked my wounds from the last fight. My muscles were surprisingly not sore anymore. Well, that's out of the way. Stupid serpent demon. He didn't even do anything besides smack his head all over the place. I am SO glad I didn't lose to that thing.

But I guess I would have if it weren't for that random sake appearing out of nowhere. Honestly, I don't know why I'm so shocked by this. I'm traveling with a goddess who curses like a sailor, I'm apparently a half demon half human hybrid, and my father banged a fox demon. Why does ANYTHING surprise me?

During my inner rant about the oddities of my life, Ammy tackled me to the ground.

"We're surrounded!" cried Ammy whose face was shoved up against mine.

"Gah, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Oh I'm just over-exaggerating. Kamiki's villagers ARE all here though, waiting for us to leave so they can illogically and unquestionably shower us with gifts that we can't carry with us."

"Oh, well you wanna do me a favor and, like, get off me?" I asked.

"Awh, you're no fun. Why can't we just relax for a day and cuddle?"

"Cuddle? I didn't think that was even part of your vocabulary! Who are you and what have you done with Ammy?!"

"Excuse me for wanting to enjoy some R&R after finishing my quest. You're too grumpy and serious!" Ammy said as she started playfully licking my face, still not getting off of me.

"I prefer sarcastic and focused, but seriously. Cuddle?"

"Well, why not? And I don't mean like, actually cuddle. I mean what we do before we go to sleep. Like last night, only during the day." She answered.

"Why do you want to do that?" I asked, honestly curious.

"Well, what ELSE do we do? We can't exactly go fighting demons as tired as I am now. Besides, you owe me." She said with an evil grin.

I sighed. "Fine, I could use some more sleep anyway."

Ammy barked in happiness and finally got off of me. I put my sword back to where I had just picked it up five minutes ago. "You deserve a rest after all that adventuring and fighting we did today, my trusty blade." I said sarcastically as I headed back to the bed. Ammy soon followed and curled up against me like last night.

"I have to ask: Are you on some sort of medication right now?"

"Ha, ha. I guess I've gotten a strange high off of killing that demon. I just feel so, happy. Don't worry; it'll probably wear off soon."

"Glad to know you get your kicks off of killing tough demons. Totally doesn't make me worry, at all."

"Like I could ever kill you." She said with a passive-aggressive tone as she licked my face once.

"Besides, don't you like seeing me happy?" she asked while giving me the biggest "puppy-dog face" imaginable.

"I guess." I said, trying to maintain my cold personality.

"You.....guess?" Ammy said as tears started to fill her eyes.

God, just rip my freaking heart out and show me how cold and black it is.

"I....know...those tears....are fake..." I said trying to hold back my urges to apologize/hug her. There was no way in hell I was going to drop my "try-hard cool guy" personality, but god she was convincing.

"Teehee, you're so much fun, Yu!"

"Just shut up and go to sleep or something! God, I'm starting to forget who the demon is." This of course only made her laugh more. I groaned and closed my eyes, trying to sleep after this stupid conversation.