A Knight with a Naga

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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The next story for Mythology month! (finally)

Darnus is a man that works for the people, though his perspective may be twisted when he goes on the hunt for a monster.

I hope you all enjoy the story, I would love to hear what you think of this. ^^

Darnus patted his steeds head as they stopped at a pond, the knight looked at the serene pool of water and smiled lightly. The knight was hunting for monsters but even so he loved to appreciate nature, Darnus closed his eyes and took a long and deep breath. The fresh mountain air was intoxicating with its clarity unlike the grime of the kingdom that he came from; Darnus opened his eyes as he heard his horse finish drinking from the pond.

The knight turned around and fondly patted the horse's head, he had bought the horse off of a horrendous trader who had allowed the horse to become horribly sick and practically die. Darnus smiled as the horse licked him, he had trained the horse to be a very strong steed. His horse had never failed him for the last five years that the knight had owned him, "Alright Marko, are you ready to ride?" He asked with a smile on his face, the horse neighed with excitement and stamped with his hooves.

The knight laughed with joy and jumped on the horse's back, "Then let us get going." They started forwards once more, as Darnus and Marko went down the path the knight couldn't help but think of his kingdom. The Kingdom of Premos had fallen into disrepair, the king was a gluttonous slob who cared about nothing but himself. The town under the kingdom had been attacked multiple times by neighboring kingdoms and bandits and had now looked as clean as a pig's trough.

Whenever the royal adviser would try to bring up the case of repairing the village the king would deny him and have food delivered to him just to fill his gullet, the town relied majorly on the royal guard of knights for protection. Knights like Darnus would go out into the town and feed the poor and homeless of the town, as they were down there they would be told how much the villagers hated their lavishing king.

The knights tried their best to redeem their king in the villager's eyes but it was becoming extremely tense, there had been mutters of a revolt in the village. As Darnus thought a war between the king and the people was going to happen, words of a scaled monster popped up around the town and the knight had an idea. He talked to his king and explained the situation but as always the king did nothing but sit on his fat ass and filled his mouth with food, as the knight was about to give up the royal adviser pulled him to the side and gave him a document with the kings signature on it.

Darnus showed the people of the village the paper and explained to them that the king had sent him to protect their village; the villagers were at first understandably disbelieving but after talking them down the knight was finally able to convince them of his words. After explaining it to all of the villagers the knight set off towards the hills with his horse and armor to find the monster, his fellow knights saluted him as he left.

The knight had now been traveling with his horse for over two weeks and had yet to find the scaled creature that the rumors had spoken of, he knew that if he didn't bring proof of killing the monster soon that the villagers might truly revolt. He thought about just running away for a moment and becoming a traveler instead of a knight for his dying kingdom but then shook his head clearing his head of the treasonous thoughts, "I need to hold on to my convictions..." Darnus muttered to himself as his horse clattered on down the dirt road.

As the knight and horse traveled past a cave a scaled shape slithered out of the shadows of the cave, a naga licked his lips lustfully as he watched the handsome knight ride past. Plans immediately started to form in the serpent's head as he smiled a very serpentine smile.


Darnus yawned as the son lowered over the hills, it was obvious that he wouldn't be able to find the monster in the darkness of night. "Come Marko, we shall rest here for the night." He spoke clearly to his horse who understood the command without any prodding needed from his rider, a moment later the knight was dismounting his stallion and started to set up a temporary bed for himself.

Darnus pulled off the heavy saddle of his burdened stallion and fed his horse some hay, he then laid some hay on the ground and threw a blanket over it as a bed for himself. He then started to strip off his armor piece by piece, as the pieces of chainmail hit the ground the links of metal clinked together like the rain against metal. As Darnus finally pulled off the last piece of armor he sighed with relief at the sudden lightness of his body, the weight of his armor was truly immense.

The knight climbed onto his bed of hay and pulled the blanket over himself; his horse had already settled down for the night and was asleep. As Darnus fell asleep he shivered slightly from a cold breeze blowing over his face.

As the knight slept the naga slithered into his camp silently, he had come when the breeze was at its lightest and couldn't carry his powerful scent. He slid over to where the knight was sleeping and hissed with pleasure as he gazed upon the strong male, he then looked over and saw the sleeping horse and scratched his face for a second as he thought something over. After a moment's thought he smiled as he came up with an idea, he slid over to where the stallion was sleeping and slowly slid open Marco's eye.

The naga gazed into the horse's eye and as he did so a circular pattern appeared in his eye, the spiral was quickly engraved into the horse's own eye. The horse sighed in slight discomfort before settling down peacefully as a hypnotic suggestion was implanted in his mind, the naga then slid back to the knight and picked up Darnus's chainmail. The chains rattled together for a moment and the naga glanced over at the sleeping male for a moment anticipating him to wake up, but sighed in relief as the knight stayed deep asleep.

The naga hissed in delight as he slithered out of the camp unnoticed, Darnus shivered once more from a cold wind but this one seemed far more ominous then the previous one.


Darnus yawned as he sat up from his sleep, he stretched momentarily allowing his long hanging hair flow in front of his face. The knight brushed it aside as he stood and let his glory hang out for the world to see, he scratched at his pride for a moment before leaning down to pick up his chainmail but froze as he realized that it was gone. His eyes narrowed as he quickly glanced over the nearby landscape as if expecting to see the person who stole his armor, "Come out you knaves! Come out and face me like a man instead of stealing my armor!"

When nobody answered his calls Darnus cursed silently under his breath, he quickly glanced over all of his things and he sighed in slight relief as he realized that the only thing that was missing was his armor. Not even his sword had been touched; he walked over to his saddlebag and pulled out a set of cloth clothes that he had brought just in case he had stayed in an inn while traveling around the mountains.

Darnus quickly got dressed and strapped his sword to his waist, he then walked over to his horse and prodded the sleeping steed and whispered gently in his ear. "Awake Marco, we must find those who have stolen my armor." As the horse opened up his eyes the knight didn't notice that his eyes were now slitted like those of a snakes, the horse stood up quickly not even whinnying like he usually would. As Darnus put on the horse's saddle he cocked his eyebrow in slight concern as his horse was quiet as death, "Has something taken your tongue my loyal steed? Usually you are far more vocal."

When the horse didn't utter a sound Darnus decided that when he reached another town he would take Marco in to see a doctor, he quickly picked up his blanket and threw that onto the horse's back and climbed on. "Alright Marco, let us go!" The horse for a moment looked like it wasn't going to listen to the knight's commands but then he started to trot, as Darnus scanned the nearby forests for some sign of thieves the horse traveled on an oddly directed path.

As the pair went further along the road Darnus was surprised by an odd sight, a figure sat on the side of the road with wares strewn out before him. The knight would've normally passed by a traveling merchant but something on the merchant's sheet caught his attention, there lying on the sheet was a full set of chainmail.

Marco stopped immediately in front of the merchant without the knight's consent but even then he didn't really notice as he was too interested in the chainmail, he clambered off of the horse and wandered up to the oddly dressed merchant. Darnus found that the merchant was completely cloaked from his head to his feet, he couldn't even see the man's face.

"Excuse me merchant, I was wondering where you obtained this chainmail?" Darnus asked the cloaked man, the figure chuckled lightly albeit with a slight hiss mixed into his voice.

"My good sssir, I see no chainmail. For what you hold in your hands is scalemail, it is extremely strong. Far stronger and lighter than any chainmail that you'll ever find." Darnus picked up the mail and marveled at the sight of it, it was finely woven green scales.

Darnus looked up at the merchant, "How much is it?" From under the merchant's hood a strange hissing noise was audible but for a moment before he started talking.

"For you fine knight, free. It appears that you have fallen victim to the thieves that travel these roads." Darnus started to argue but the merchant silenced him with a quick snap, "Hey! I offer this as a gift to you my fine knight."

Darnus was hesitant before nodding and taking all of the scalemail, as he was about to mount his horse the merchant stopped him. "Please good knight, I would like to see you try on the scalemail. I want to make sure it feels good to you." Darnus was hesitant but nodded and pulled the scalemail back out, he slowly pulled it on over his clothes and shivered as the cold scales touched his skin. The merchant smiled as scales sprouted from the knight's skin, "It looks good my fair knight, now I wish you luck on your journey."

Darnus smiled and nodded, he waved to the kind merchant and prodded Marcus who for a second didn't want to leave but eventually followed his directions and went down the road, as the pair traveled down the road the naga pulled off his cloak and smiled as the pair traveled away from him. "Tonight my strong knight, we shall meet face to face."


As Darnus rode along the path with his horse odd thoughts started popping into his head, about how disgusting all of the humans in the kingdom were and how much he wanted a thick pol... the knight shook his head at the blasphemous thoughts. He decided to stop early for the day and stopped Marco, as he climbed off of the horse his eyes widened as he was suddenly butted off by the horse and landed in the dirt. The knight gasped as he looked back to watch his loyal horse run off into the forest, "Marco! Where are you going?!"

The horse was already long gone though, the knight slowly patted the dirt off of himself and looked out and cussed in anger. "Damn horse... now I'm all alone. I guess I'll have to walk until I find a town then..." Darnus started to walk but was stopped as a voice shouted out to him.

"Sssir knight, why do you walk that way? I thought you were searching for a monster?" Darnus looked behind him to see two forms coming out of the forest, the knight's jaw dropped as he looked upon a naga and... Marco but the horse had changed. No longer was the normal horse, now there was a scaled beast with the build of a horse but everything else was reptilian.

"What have you done to my horse?!" Darnus exclaimed in anger and confusion, the naga laughed.

"Nothing that you haven't experienced yourself, sssir knight." Darnus started to question the snake but gasped as he fell forward from the sudden absence of his usual balance. The knight looked down to see that his legs were changing, instead of his normal legs was a giant... snakes tail?

"What have you done to me monster?!" Darnus yelled at the naga who said nothing in return, as Darnus tried to pick himself up he found that he couldn't as his tail wasn't directly under his control yet. What the knight didn't notice was that the scalemail that he had been wearing earlier was no longer on him, in fact under his shirt he already had a fine coating of scales.

The scales sprouted out of his skin leaving a dark vibrant green on his back while his chest and down his front there was a light creamy white, the magic of the scalemail made his clothes disappear leaving his body bare and showed off his abs. The knight wanted nothing more than to attack the naga in front of him but as he looked over the naga's bare body his eyes stuck on the place where he knew the naga's cock was. He didn't know how he knew but the thought of the naga's cock being wrapped by his tongue started to turn him on, the naga smiled as he watched Darnus's cock slide out of a slit erect.

"How do you feel my sssexy knight?" He asked as he slid over and started to stroke the transforming man's abs.

Darnus wanted to rip off his hands but as the scaled hands passed over his abs he shivered with pleasure, "I... I feel sssoooo good..." He hissed out as the scales passed over his neck and over his mouth leaving a reptilian muzzle, as the transformation slid up further his long brown locks of hair started to fall out but the transforming man could care less. His eyes fluttered with pleasure as the naga who had changed him started to lick his cock with his forked tongue, as Darnus's eyes flickered they changed from human eyes to reptilian ones and a pleased smile appeared on his face as he started to hump against the other naga's mouth

As he was about to cum into his newfound lover's mouth the naga stopped and swayed behind him and set his hands on Darnus's waist and stroked his ass, "Do you want to know why I made you into a naga?" Darnus slowly nodded as his hands finished changing into clawed hands naga hands completing his physical transformation into a naga, "The reasssson I changed you into a naga, isss not only because I need a mate. But because I love the sssound a freshly made naga makesss when he gives up all of his human ties."

Before Darnus knew it he gasped in pain and pleasure as the naga rammed his rod up his ass, the newly made naga's mind started to rush through all of his memories and he found all of his memories of being a human soiled by disgust. Every moment he spent with a women made him shiver in revulsion, every moment with a man saddened by the fact that he never took a good glance at their asses and tasted their sweet lips.

All of the human ideology seemed silly to him, why live a "pure" life by only sleeping with women when you're married. He realized that the churches had just brainwashed him into thinking that everything that made life fun was a sin, as he started to hump the air he thought of the king and his disgusting ways and he realized that human nature and all humans were disgusting beings.

As the naga came into his ass he quickly released too, as he did he let out a gasp which as he did so a small cloud of white poured out of his mouth and his eyes darkened with pleasure. His body, once a sacred vessel having been defiled by another man was now the thing that he had been taught by churches was evil the ex-human was now a monster and he was gay and he absolutely loved it.

The naga smiled as the purity of the human's old life breezed out into the air, he then stroked the naga's face and hissed gently. "Sssso how do you feel now my sssweet naga?" The newly made naga smiled at his new brother, "I feel so relieved my glorious naga, I've given up everything of my old life now. I don't know why the church forbids these wonderful things... sex with another man issss the besssst thing ever..."

The naga kissed him and smiled flirtatiously, "I agree brother, which is why I have a plan..." The naga that was Darnus smiled and leaned in as his new fellow naga explained to him the plan, "Do you understand?"

The new naga smiled and hissed in pleasure as his cock stood stiff, "Oh yesss brother, now let us go to my old home. I think it'sss time to make some more nagassss."