Sinister's Benifits Package

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#4 of The Severance Package

Sinister's Benifits Package

By Bunny Boy

This story and and the chars except one are copyrighted to Bunny Boy, Edis belongs to his player Edis Krad

Warning the story contains nonconsensual sexual acts between an adult and a young furry male. So if your too young or easily offended please go no further. Thank you for reading and please enjoy

Bob whistles to himself as he makes his way into work. He's well rested from his week between jobs, and he's looking forward to his new position at Sinister Storage Solutions. The pay raise will be nice, though he still needs to check out his benefits package. Despite all the perks working provides, like hot food and rent money, he is going to miss his time off. His new little toy, the white fox boy Arcc, spent so much time with him during that week. The little fox was just so cute and innocent. It was delightful the way he reacted to sex. He liked it but he didn't realize what was going on, or how the older dog was using him.

Bob sighs as he pulls into the parking lot. Better just push those thoughts off for now. Besides, with what he has planned for next weekend he'll get to play with Arcc soon enough. With that pang of regret over, Bob is back to smiling and whistling. His new career starts today and it looks like there is no fat dumb coon to hold him back this time. At the front desk he gets directions to the Species Resources department and heads for the bank of elevators. As he waits he straightens his tie and checks himself in the mirror. He really wants to make a good impression. It takes him a few minutes but he finally finds the SR Department.

But before he opens the door a faint jingling noise catches his attention. He quickly turns his head and spots a small group of cubs being herded down the hall by a pretty looking Siamese cat. Bob almost starts to drool. To think that two weeks ago he'd been forced to content himself with second hand pornos and fantasy. He felt condemned to a lifetime of masturbation but suddenly he was tripping over sweet young boys. It was almost like some perverted deity was watching over him.

As soon as the kids were out of sight the dog regained his composure and made his way into the office. "Hello there. You must be Robert Perks. I'm Betty. It's nice to meet you," says the head of SR. She's a middle-aged bunny but still rather attractive, with a light and cheerful disposition. "You're a little late. Did you have any trouble finding us?"

"No, er... I mean yes. Sorry about that. Please call me Bob," stammers Bob, still a little shaken by the sight in the hall. "By the way, I saw a group of kids when I arrived. Is it bring your cub to work day?"

Betty just laughs, "No it's nothing like that. Most likely they were on the way towards the company's daycare. Lots of folks like to take advantage of the service. It gives them peace of mind knowing their cubs are close at hand." Bob just shivers at the thought, wondering if the temptation might be too much. "Well anyway, let's get you settled in so you can start your first day right."

The dog follows the bunny through the building as she explains his office will be on this floor. She shows him around, where the bathrooms are, where the break room is, and finally she shows Bob to his office. "Well I'll let you get settled in. There are probably already half a dozen e-mails waiting for you. You'll have to call down to IT to set up a login and password. Good luck, oh and your supervisor is Ron Church. He'll most likely be stopping in some time today."

The husky's head is spinning from the rapid-fire tour but he manages a quiet thank you as the bunny scampers out the door and down the hall. Bob sighs and his idle daydream of an easy first day dies right there, as he gets right down to work.

Half an hour later, as he's busy trying to access his e-mails, his office door opens up. Bob is too busy trying to get into his mail, and cursing why every system has to be different that he doesn't immediately notice the new visitor. In fact he was so intent on his screen that it's not till the bulldog towering over his desk clears his throat does the shepherd look up.

The older bulldog is glowering down at him. "Now Mr. Perks, I don't know what it was like in your old job but here we do not ignore our superiors."

The older dog is angry and while Bob should have been worried about his job, he was struck by a sudden feeling that he knew this man from somewhere, and that somewhere might actually be handy. Before he even realizes what he's doing his mouth is open and talking. "Oh, I remember you. The backroom off of Sergeant Street, last Thursday I think. You had a taste for the preteen girls according to the clerk."

Ron just stood their mouth open wide jowls wobbling as the fear and panic reaches his eyes. "Now hold on I don't know what you're talking about young man. In fact I should..."

Bob holds up a hand cutting him off. "It's okay I was there to make a purchase too. Why would I torpedo my career just to get at you? We've only just met. Besides I'm sure we can help each other out. My taste is for the sweet little bundles of energy that are the boys." The German shepherd just grins up at his boss.

"Err... yeah, okay," mutters Ron, as he sweats bullets. "I guess we could. You scratch my back I'll scratch yours. You go easy on me; I'll go easy on you."

On the inside Bob is grinning like a dog that popped a cherry. "Incidentally I heard the company offers free daycare service. Any chance a guy might be able to get a little take out?"

The older bulldog coughs softly. "Yeah okay I get your drift. I like to dip my beak down there from time to time too. The cat in charge, Ms. Simmons, knows all about it, but its okay because she likes the little girls too. She even has cameras in the kiddie's bathroom. I'll tell her to expect you some time, all right? Just don't over do it. Once, maybe twice a week okay?" Ron really seems nervous but there is nothing he can do, Bob has him in a real bind. "Alright now, get back to work." He tries to be forceful as he leaves but Bob just smiles back at him and winks.

Once more Bob is happy and smiling. He knew this new job was a good idea. He decides to wait till lunch to visit the daycare. If he put in a good days work it might just build up his appetite for the treat to come. He whistles while he works now. Just humming along, visions of cubby buns dance in his head. He easily blows through the orientation work and starts in on the e-mails. Most of it is easy stuff. Welcome to the team that sort of thing. He starts in on an e-mail from his supervisor detailing his responsibilities and projects when he notices the time. Twelve thirty, time to take a break.

He strolls out of his office and down the hall. He can hear the daycare center before he can see it. The laughing and shouting of the cubs gets him excited. When he finally reaches it, he grins happily. There is a big long window so that concerned parents could easily walk by and see everything was all right. Bob just stood there, almost drooling. He stared through the glass like a diner searching for just the right lobster. Mesmerized he watches the kids play, the mix of so many choices just blows him away. Finally something catches his eye. A little black kitten, in loose green shorts and a white shirt, around his neck is a red collar and a round gold bell. The dog realizes it must have been that bell that first called his attention to the cubs. He shudders gently tapping the glass. "That one." He whispers, "I want that one."

As Bob steps through the door into the daycare proper the cubs mostly ignore him. There are a few glances his way but since he's no one's daddy he is quickly ignored. The Siamese cat watching over the kids quickly makes her way over to him. "Hello, Mr. ...?"

Bob just smiles at her, "Robert Perks ma'am. I believe Mr. Wilcox may have mentioned me."

Ms Simmons' eyes go wide for a moment as she recognizes the name then narrow down to tiny slits. "Yes he had said something." They are whispering as they make their way towards a less populous corner. "My you're an eager thing coming down here on your first day. That old bastard said your taste was for boys? Well that's all right with me. It'll keep the little terrors out of my hair for a while. It's bad enough I gotta share my pretties with that fat goat but the boys are all yours, kid." They head towards a door near the back. It's partially obscured by the racks of children's coats. Simmons opens the door and leads the way. "This is my office. I don't spend much time here but it's my room. So no fucking on the furniture. Through that door lies the playroom. There are a few soft chairs and a couch, and the room is fairly well sound-proofed so there should be no interruptions." She takes a seat at her desk and pulls out a cigarette. "So did you notice anyone or should I grab one for you at random?"

Bob's eyes light up at the thought. "Oh I noticed some one." He says with a grin. "There is this little black kitten out there. The one with the collar and bell."

The cat takes a long puff on her cigarette and turns round to her desk. "Ah, that would be Edis. He's a good pick. Quiet type, playful, should be easy to keep in line. Plus for a boy he is cute as a button." She pulls out a binder and checks the day's logs. "And you're in luck. Says here his parents won't be by to pick him up till 5pm." She slams the binder shut and takes one last drag on the cig. "You head into the playroom and I'll go get him."

Bob makes himself comfortable on one of the chairs as he waits. The playroom door is slightly ajar so he can hear them when they reach the cat's office. "Now Edis hon, this is very important. Your Daddy is in trouble at work and his boss decided you could help him out today. But you can't tell the other kids because they might think it's not fair. And you can't tell your parents either cause they would be embarrassed to know they needed your help. You need to be a grown up about this and keep it secret okay?"

There is a soft jingling noise like the rattling of a bell. "Yes ma'am," comes the kitten's soft-spoken words.

"Very good, now right through that door there is one of your daddy's bosses. Behave and do everything he says." The little kitten is ushered into the room and the door closed behind him.

Bob just smiles at the little kitten. The boy can't be more then 5 years old. "Hello Edis, how are you today?" whispers the dog as he gestures for the boy to come closer.

"I'm fine sir," whimpers the kitten as he obeys. The man is looking at him funny and Edis is a little scared.

"That's good my boy. Now come closer. You understand why you're here don't you?" The sight of this sweet young boy is almost too much for Bob and his hard cock is straining against the front of his jeans. He forces himself to calm down as the kitten nods, bringing a wonderful silvery tinkle to the room. "Good, now I need to make sure you are ready to help your daddy. To do that I need a good look at you. Take off your clothes."

The little kitten's ears lay back for a moment. He hates wearing clothing, since it feels so much better just in his fur, but his daddy told him he was never to take his clothes off in front of anyone. But he's here to help his daddy so it had to be okay. And it was kind of exciting like this. Slowly the little black furred beauty stripped out of his plain white shirt and those lovely green shorts leaving him standing there in just his collar and a pair of Spongebob underwear.

"You can keep the collar Edis but lose the underwear; it's the only way to be sure." Says Bob with a feral moan. Despite what he says, the sight of those boy bits hidden away in a cartoon laden cotton container was just so hot.

The kitten hesitates again. He knew his daddy wouldn't want him to do this. But he had to right? It was the only way to help. Out of some small sense of modesty the boy turns away from Bob as he bends over. With the underwear slowly crawling towards the boy's ankles his tail sways back and forth showing of that tight virgin pucker.

The dog moans softly. He feels he could cum at any moment and he hasn't even touched himself. "Good boy Edis. Now let me see you." Bob watches the boy as he turns, his eyes lingering along the lad's lithe young thighs, his gaze devouring the boy's sweet little sheath and jewels. "Good, you are perfect. Come here." The big dog lifts the boy into his lap. Bob makes the kitten stand on his knees, just above that straining bulge. He can see Edis is scared but that doesn't faze him as Bob leans in and kisses those tender young lips. He holds the boy tight as his tongue pushes into the young lad's mouth, just exploring. As he pulls back, a trail of saliva connects them to one another and Bob sighs. "Yes you'll do nicely," he says to the startled young cat.

Edis squirms and tries to get away from the man. The bigger dog leans forward kissing his neck and licking his tiny little nipples, as the boy grows more and more afraid. His head lashes back and forth the bell raising a jarring din as he cries. "Please, no! Stop it! Don't do that!" But the man doesn't listen, and no one comes to help. Edis is spun around and forced to sit in the man's lap. There is something hard beneath him. He can feel it pressing into his bottom through the dog's pants. He's sobbing now as the man paws at his privates. He cups them rubbing them with his fingers, softly stroking along those sensitive little boy bits. The tears fade as Edis starts to feel different. It's still scary but something about those fingers feel good.

Bob smiles as Edis calms down. He figured the boy would behave once that pink little member filled his cubby sheath. "That's a good boy Edis. It feels good doesn't it?" The boy doesn't answer he just nods jangling his bell. "That's not good enough boy. I want you to say it. Say how good it feels."

The man's palm wraps around his chubby little erection and starts to stroke the kitten fast and hard. "It feels good sir..." he shudders as an unfamiliar sensation builds up deep with in him. The boy quivers and shakes as that paw continues to pump. "It feels real good sir."

Bob smiles and lets the boy go. There is nothing quite like a cub's first orgasm. As the kitten slumps on to the floor Bob finally decides it is time for his own fun. He undoes his fly letting his rock hard doggy dick spring free into the open air. Edis jumps when the appendage taps him between the ears but is too wound up to realize something is dribbling on his head. "Edis... you aren't done yet." The kitten whimpers to hear that. "That wasn't helping me, since I really just made you feel better. Now it's time to return the favor. Turn around and stand up."

Panting the boy does as he's told. His eyes go wide as he sees the massive unsheathed dog dick wobbling before his eyes. "Sir I don't think I..." he whimpers but a glare from Bob serves to silence him.

"Use both paws my boy. Wrap them around it." The big Shepard groans as he's obeyed. "Good boy, now I want you to lick it." The kitten whimpers softly and looks up at Bob pleading. "Do it!" barks the dog. The little kitten leans in and lays a light lick along the throbbing shaft. "More boy, lick it like it's your favorite lollipop."

Hesitantly Edis makes his way up the shaft as Bob writhes under the constant attention. Once he gets to the tip he can see the man's peepee is seeping some sort of thick goop. He knows it's not pee 'cause it's white. The kitten pauses but a paw on his head pushes him closer. Reluctantly the boy licks the head of the man's cock lapping up the thick streams of pre. Edis shudders recoiling from the taste. "Eww!" he whimpers. "That's gross Mr..."

Bob has come too far to stop now; he pushes the boy's head back down. "Just swallow it, you'll get used to the taste." The tip of his dog meat presses against the boy's lips spreading them open. "Now suck on it."

Once more the kitten is crying as he suckles on the adult's cock. The big man is moaning once more. The boy's not particularly skilled but he's been so pent up through this whole ordeal it doesn't take mush to get Bob over the edge. Edis whimpers as the man pushes him down further and the thing in his mouth twitches. Without warning the boy's mouth is filled with a hot salty substance. It's stronger then the stuff before and tastes just as bad. He tries to pull away but the man's strong hand keeps the kitten firmly in his place as Bob pours out his release into the cub's gullet. Just to keep from drowning Edis swallows what he can. Still there is too much. At the last minute Bob lets the kitten go and the boy falls back coughing and sputtering.

Bob grins down at the boy. "That's a good start. I just think I need a little more help before we can let you go." The dog reaches down and helps the still sputtering kitten to his feet. Poor little Edis is dribbling cum all down his chest. "Now kitten I want you to go over to the couch, and I want you to lie on your belly over the arm of the couch. I'll be right over." Bob had noticed a small dresser and since this was the playroom he hoped it might have what he needed. He opens the drawers and is not disappointed. It's full of sex toys. There is enough there to stock a small fetish shop, but he's not looking for toys right now.

Edis does what the man said to. He can hear his digging around for something out of sight. "What are you going to do sir? Are you sure this will help my daddy?" whimpers the kitten.

"Oh yes this will help him very, very much," says the big dog with a grin. He'd found what he needed and turned around to see the young boy just waiting for him. "Oh my. Has anyone ever told you Edis that you have a really cute ass?" The sight of that tender pink pucker almost hidden in that sea of dark fur brings Bob's spent dick back to life once more. His paws roughly grab the boy's tender young ass kneading it, caressing it, fondling those picture perfect young cheeks. The kitten squeaks at first but the hands actually start to feel kind of good. Bob kneels down behind the boy kissing first one tender cheek then the other. He noses in before licking that tender little pucker. The kitten jumps as that wet tongue slurps along his tail hole.

"Please sir, stop it. That feels weird," The boy is whimpering again. He squirms a bit as something cold and slick is spread over his rear.

"Do you really want me to stop?" Bob whispers to the boy. His paws massaging those taught buns once more. "I will if you really want me too, but if we stop now there is no way I can help your daddy." He presses one finger slick with lube against the child's tight little opening. He gently carefully teases that ring of muscle. The cat arches his back feeling the intruder pressing into him. The boy tries to say something but Bob cuts him off. "If you want me to stop just say so." That probing finger pushes in knuckle deep as the man talks. The sly old dog finds what he's looking for and almost purrs. "But if you want to help your daddy, you will have to ask me to keep going. Beg me for more." As he talks, Bob strokes the little cat's prostate. He watches the boy shudder with every gentle touch.

The poor boy's head is spinning. Edis can't seem to focus as the waves of pleasure rack his whole body. It's so intense it's scary but the boy doesn't want it to stop, not anymore. He can hear the dog talking but he can't make out the words. The kitten is panting now. "So good." he whimpers and when Bob's hand leaves him and the haze fades all he can think of is more. "Sir, please sir, do it again." The kitten pleads, it felt so good and now it's gone. He just wants it back one more time.

"Remember boy, you asked for it." A shadow falls over the kitten as the man leans over him. He can feel something pressing against his rump and thinking it's the finger the boy starts to purr in anticipation. That purr turns into a screech as Bob presses forward. That massive length of dog dick stretches the little boy's tail hole wider then ever before.

"Get it out." Cries the boy as he's impaled on the adult's erection. "Please sir it hurts."

Bob doesn't stop, he hilts himself, feeling his big grown up balls nudging into the boy's lovely little orbs. "But you asked for this Edis." The dog slowly pulls back causing the kitten to shudder and whine. Oddly these sounds mingle with the musical tinkle of the boy's bell. "You told me you wanted more." The dog drives forward again. Earning another pained moan and sweet little tinkle.

As the pain of the initial entry fades, aided by the generous application of lube, Edis's painful gasps are slowly replaced by pleasurable groans. That massive man cock almost crushing the boy's tender prostrate on each hammer thrust. Bob is grunting as he hunches over the boy. He moves faster and harder into that tight hole. The wet slap of meat on meat echoes with the loud jangle of the boy's bell.

"Such a good little bitch you are kitten. We're almost there." Though the din is terrible the boy's purrs can be felt vibrating along his body as Bob fucks that tight little ass. The boy getting into it and their pleasure is mounting for both of them. The kitten starts to shudder, cumming dry once more with a loud cry. The kitten slumps forward exhausted as his anal muscles tighten up on the adult intruder. Bob howls as the sudden increased friction proves to be just a bit more then he can handle. He slams his cock home one last time before he floods the little slut's bowels with his hot sticky seed.

Panting and spent Bob pulls himself free. He smiles as the kitten just hangs there limp as a rag doll, his seed dripping from his well-fucked ass. The man tucks himself back into his pants, and straightens his tie before stepping out into the next room.

Ms Simmons is there waiting, she stubs out a cigarette as he turns to the dog. "So how was he?"

"Magnificent, that boy is truly a treasure." He grins already thinking about his next visit, debating on trying a new boy or molesting little Edis again. "You should let him sleep it off; I gave him quite the work out."

"Yeah I know," says the woman. "But don't worry. He's really helping his dad. He's going to get a nice bonus in his next paycheck. And don't worry, I already deleted the footage. It's too grainy so I didn't think you'd want it for wanking."

Bob stops dead in his tracks. "You've got cameras in there!"

"Yeah," says Simmons with a smile, "But don't worry I just want some blackmail if that old goat tries to take any more of my girls. I'm not worried about you. So are you going to be back tomorrow?"

"I'd like to but the boss said only once or twice a week."

Simmons lights up another cig. "Bah! I just told that bastard that to keep his paws off my toys. You can come back whenever you want."


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