I get caught in a heatwave

Story by Rustic_King on SoFurry

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#5 of A Gentleman's Journal

Ed has a very rough time

Winter had come and gone, and now spring was fading into summer. Almost a whole year had passed since I first entered Equestria. And what a year it had been! Being approached with a proposition for work as a "gentleman", falling in love with a mare, accepting that same job after moving to Equestria. Rarely had a year seen so much change, little did I know how much more my life would further change.

I hummed to my self as I made my way down the sunlit lane to meet with Ever Ring at a pleasant little Italian café.

'Ed! I'm glad you came; were you followed?' she asked as I sat down next to her

'No, I don't think so.' I said slowly, 'Is it important?'

'Very! I have news that several human men have been attacked recently.'

'Attacked, how attacked?'

'That's the thing, it's just a small dart, but it gives a high fever, very severe that lasts a day or two and then... nothing.' she replied


'They get up and are fit as an ox again, the doctors can't explain it and are worried that whoever is behind the attacks is attempting to kill. I asked you to meet me here, in this crowded place that we have never been to in the hope that I could warn you in safety, anywhere else and they'd be able to follow you home.'

'Well then, I'll have to take the more indirect route home, won't I?' I said lightly.

'Edmund! You have to take this seriously, be careful when you go about your business.'

'Don't worry Evey, I'll be fine. And trust me, I'm taking this seriously.'

'Good, now I have others I have to see, so I'll be going.'

'She worries too much!' I thought, as I made my way home, as if I was in any danger!

The next morning, I was unlocking the door to my office when I felt something sting my neck. I could feel something stuck there, and a throbbing pain was spreading rapidly.

'Blasted bees!' I opened the door, and headed to the bathroom to fetch the tweezers to remove the sting

When I reached the bathroom, what I saw sticking from my neck was not a bee sting, but a tiny red dart. With a trembling hand, I reached up and pulled it out.

I examined it curiously.

Just a little dart!' I scoffed

I went into the main room of my office and sat at my desk and began sorting through my papers.

My hands continued to shake, and now I felt colder.

'What the blazes is going on!' I exclaimed as the room began to distort as if in a mirage

'It's just...a little dart.' I said, realisation finally dawning on me

'Oh bollocks!' I said as I passed out

I could hear muffled voices in the darkness

'-son? Can you hear me Mr Johnson?'

I made the attempt to open my eyes and a bright blur slowly resolved itself into a hospital room

'Unnh?' I grunted blearily at the earth pony doctor

'You're in Manehatten general hospital Mr Johnson.'

'How did I get here?' I croaked

'A nearby shop owner noticed that you had your sign showing that you were closed, but she had seen you arrive. When she went to investigate, she found you face down on your desk. Had she not found you when she did, you may have been the first fatality from the attacks.'

'It was the dart, do you see? I got hit just as I was opening up.' I said, looking around the room and to my surprise, I saw Milky sleeping on a camp stretcher right below my bed.

'She came two days ago, and has barely left your side since. She only agreed to catch up on some sleep when we told her we'd have to sedate her if she didn't.' the Doctor explained

'Two days ago!? But I thought the fever only lasted that long?' I exclaimed

'Normally, yes, but due to the time between being darted, and being treated, you were much worse and we had to keep you unconscious to make certain there was no damage to your organs.'

'So how long have I been out?'

'Just over a week, but now you're awake we'll just keep you overnight for observation and you'll be discharged first thing tomorrow.'

'A week? But my clients cases!' a realisation hit me 'Ever Ring is going to kill me.'

'Miss Ever Ring stopped by to visit yesterday. She said, and I quote "Tell that idiot to rest up and give me a call when he feels up to it." she seemed quite concerned.'

I was surprised, I thought for sure she would have been angry at me for not being careful enough. I then noticed a small pile of flowers and other gifts on the bedside table.

'Ah, yes,' said the doctor, noticing my gaze 'it seems you have rather a lot of well wishers.'

I reached over and picked up a 45 record of the Royal Equestrian string quartet with a note from Princess Celestia reading "From one lover of music to another. Get well soon, Celestia "

There was also a box of chocolates from Octavia and most surprising of all, a bunch of flowers from Lightning Dust.

'Wow, I didn't know so many ponies cared.' I said, moved by the concern of so many people

'In fact you have a visitor, shall I ask her to come in?'

'Yes, of course.' I replied

'You can come in now miss.' said the doctor, opening the door

A unicorn mare with a daisy yellow mane and fuchsia fur entered the room.

'Floreat Blossomheart, right? You're the one that saved me?'

Floreat was a shopkeeper from across the road, directly opposite my office. Naturally enough she owned a flower shop and her cutie mark was a pair of bouquets in the shape of a heart. I often bought flowers to be sent to Milky from her.

'I don't know about saved you, but I'm glad to have helped.' she replied

'Well In any case I want to thank you, and I know Milky will as well.'

At that juncture, Milky woke up with a start, as if a gun had been fired.

Immediately she clapped eyes on me, she launched herself into my arms.

'Edmund! You're awake!'

'Yes, I'm awake my love.' I replied, hugging her

After a while she turned her affections to Floreat, 'Thank you for saving him!' she cried, hugging her in a bear hug

Amongst effusive thanks, offers of free milk and polite refusals, they both were ushered out of the room by the doctor.

'My patient needs his rest ladies!'

The next day I was discharged, and I walked Milky to the train station, as she had to catch the train back to Trottingham.

'You know, you have quite a few female admirers.' she said as we walked

'You're not jealous are you my dear?'

'No, I'm actually proud! My man has managed to attract the affections of some nice mares. Especially Floreat, if you don't mind, I'd like to ask her to join our family.'

I was still unused to the idea of being in a polygamous relationship, so I paused before answering.

'I'm not saying no, but is there any particular reason? I mean she's nice and she did save my life, but I don't know her very well.'

'After that grumpy doctor kicked us out, we got talking and I liked her, she has such a nice personality, besides, I think she's sweet on you.'

I considered this for a while, I myself had noticed something in the way Floreat behaved around me, and if Milky liked her, then I supposed I could "do as the Romans do".

' All right, then my love, if you want to invite her to join our family, I don't mind.'

She beamed, 'Thank you! And remember, if there's any mare that you want to invite into our family, you have my permission.'

It was almost like she was reading my mind, for there was one mare that I had fallen for. Not in quite the same way as with her, but more in the sense of wanting to be there for her.

After seeing Milky off, I returned to my apartment and crawled into bed, still not fully recovered.

For the next two weeks I slowly got myself fighting fit. By the first of the new month, I felt ready to resume work.

I picked up the phone, it was one of those quaint old rotary dials, which must have been very frustrating for any pony that happened to try to use it.

I dialled the number for Gentlemen for mares and waited for the call to be answered.

'Gentlemen for mares, How may I help you?' came the answer

'Evenheart, it's Dandyman, can you let Ever Ring know I'm back to strength and she can start booking clients for me again?' I told the receptionist

'Sure thing Dandyman! Glad to see you're feeling better.' she replied

However it was a fortnight before I heard from Evey.

'Ever Ring, nice to see you again!' I said brightly

'Can the small talk.' she snapped

'Gordon Bennett, are you still mad at me?' I said, slipping into my natural accent in frustration

'Didn't I tell you to be on your guard?'

'Well yes, but one can hardly look everywhere at once can I?' I retorted stiffly

'I may not seem like it, but I'm actually very glad you're still alive.' she said with a sigh

'You are? I know the doctor said you seemed worried but I had no idea you cared.'

'Of course I care Ed, do you have any idea how much paperwork an employee death means? It's a nightmare!'

'Ah, ever the practical business mare. So what brings you to my humble pied-à-terre ?'

'I have a client for you of course, but this one is special.'

'Special how?' I asked nervously, envisioning somepony like Trixie Lulamoon, whom I had heard was rather "rough" with her gentlemen, reducing several to blubbering messes by the morning.

'Oh don't worry, it's nothing too bad. You have a customer in heat, that's all.'

'That's all is it? Please, at least tell me she's not a skipper!'

'Oh no, not her! She's booked you for her whole heat cycle.'

'But that's a whole week! Who has that kind of money? She must be super wealthy noblemare.'

'You know her quite well, actually. Remember, "a happy customer is a repeat customer." as we say.'

'Octavia?' I guessed, not that it was hard to guess, of the relatively few clients I'd had, she was the only one remotely rich enough to afford a whole week.

'Got it in one, Ed. Now, she doesn't begin her heat until next Monday, so prepare yourself for the next three days, and then on Sunday evening you'll sleep at her house for immediate start in the morning.'

'Okay got it, but what do I do on Sunday night, play cards?' I asked naively

'Oh, no; even if she's not properly in heat, she'll be very keen on some loving. Since she's booked you for so long, Platinum has decided to throw in your services on Sunday night free of charge.'

'So instead of pro bono, pro boner.' I thought

'Well this is my first time with a mare in heat, but I think I can manage, all this rest has given me plenty of energy.' I said, full of confidence


'Yeah, I've not felt this good for years!' I replied

And it was true, ever since the day after leaving hospital, I'd steadily become aware of a greater energy, a falling away of a weight that I hadn't known I was carrying. It was if my whole body had been given a tune up.

'I knew I made the right choice in you Ed! Always willing to try new things, I wish I had ten more like you.'

'I'll bet.' I said waggishly

'Get your mind out of the gutter! You know what I meant.'

'Yes, I know, just dicking you around madam. Oops, double entendre!'

'If you're quite through making juvenile jokes, I'll give you some necessary supplies and then I'll be on my way.'

'Oh, don't you know? We English are famed for our crude humour, I'll never be done, but go on.'

'Fine, here are some boosters and a little guide on how to how to deal with a mare in heat.' she replied, rolling her eyes.

And with that, she took her leave.

Sunday arrived, and I had a small suitcase packed with all I'd need for a week of heat service.

Which is to say not very much in the way of clothing.

I booked a Pegasus taxi to transport me to Octavia's Canterlot apartment.

'Who's there?' a husky sounding Octavia called out when I knocked on the door

'It's Dandyman,' I replied

'Oh, there's a key under the doormat, let yourself in.'

I knelt down, and sure enough, when I lifted the corner of the mat there was a key.

Opening the door, a powerful smell hit me, for the first time I was smelling the scent of a mare in heat. Now, most men say that it doesn't have much of an effect on humans, being laced with pony pheromones. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt as to their truthfulness, but for my own part the scent was making my head fuzzy, my brain was flooded with endorphins, the bodies natural feel good drugs, and I could feel my arousal growing.

I followed the scent, almost like one in a trance from the intoxicating aroma.

What is going on? I know I've always had keen senses, but this is bizarre!' my brain said as all rational thought shut down.

I reached Octavia's bedroom, where she was lying on her bed.

'Miss Octavia, thank you for booking me for the duration of your heat, I hope to serve you well.' I heard myself say.

'Please, hurry and begin, I can feel the heat growing! It's so hot!' Octavia replied throatily

I needed no encouragement and quickly stripped.

As I approached, Octavia knelt on her forelegs, lifted her rump and tucked her tail to one side.

The sight of her engorged, thick-lipped mare cunt, dripping fluid as it winked was too much for the last of my wafer thin restraint, and I found myself behind her in the manner of a dream, with no memory of how I got there.

I eagerly pushed into her welcoming folds, and in my lust addled mind the newness of the sensation was like a small series of electric shocks. As I pushed in it eagerly accepted my intrusion, but when I withdrew, it clamped down, trying to keep me within the confines of her velvet smooth passage.

I began pumping away, without refinement or tenderness I rutted her in the truest sense of the word. And she, she was likewise blind to all else but her pleasure.

'Annh! Yes, oh Celestia yes!!' she cried, as I ploughed her roughly

I felt a great heat build in my loins like never before, and on pure animal instinct, I drew back until I almost slipped out and then with a grunt, I hilted myself and rocked my hips as I came deep inside her.

With a gasp of pleasure, Octavia came too, her pussy clamping in powerful, rhythmic waves, coaxing as much of my seed into her as possible.

With my release, it was like a fog had lifted and I found myself semi-erect but still fully inside Octavia. Trying to pull out, it was like being caught in a Chinese finger trap, for the harder I pulled, the more her marehood resisted. Eventually, and with some effort, I was able to extricate myself, and I slumped forward onto the bed.

A moment later, I rolled over onto my back.

'Are you better now Octavia?' I asked the similarly spent mare.

'Oh, yes, much better, thank you.' she replied

She got up and headed to the bathroom to wash the sweat off and then I followed suit.

Later, as we ate dinner, we made conversation.

'Miss Octavia, if I may ask, why did you choose me, an unproven gentleman?'

'To be honest it was because I didn't want to be "just another customer" I wanted to be special.'

'Well you were. I was told it could be a while before I was chosen, but then you came along.'

'So you don't think it was silly? I was so worried, I didn't want someone who was just going to come in and do a routine...' she trailed off.

'Octavia,' I said, taking her hoof 'I don't think it's silly at all. I know that hiring a gentleman can be embarrassing, scary even and I'm glad I was able to lessen that for you.'

'But even though you were nice and considerate, it was still only for one night. I cannot have you but for one night at a time' she replied sadly

'Miss Octavia, I had almost forgot, you sent me a box of chocolates while I was in hospital. That was very thoughtful.'

'Oh, well - it's just the done thing.'

'Forgive me for being so blunt here, but I have a hunch that maybe, just perhaps you have fallen in love with me. Am I correct, or have I jumped to conclusions?'

Her ears flattened and she looked down.

'No, you're right. It's just. . .I've never known such affection, such gentle passion before. Part of me keeps reminding myself that it was just a job to you, but then I remember the sincerity of your eyes, the tenderness in your voice and I want so much to have that forever. But you have a mare, and you probably only want to have one .'

As she spoke, tears welled in her eyes.

'Octavia,' I said, wiping her eyes gently with my handkerchief 'Milky is not the type of mare to keep things herself, and that includes me.'

She looked at me, hardly daring to believe the implications of what I had said.

'So, you're saying she wouldn't mind you and me?'

'Not at all, in fact she herself has invited another mare to join our family, and has given me her say so to do the same. So, Octavia, would you like to join our family?'

Some ponies used the term "herd" but many preferred to call their families, well families, particularly in light of the fact that on Earth, herd was what groups of beasts were called. I was warned on my first day that using "herd" in the wrong company could end very badly, so I always said family.

'But what about my touring? I don't want to stop my career.'

'You don't have to, whenever you're available you can stop by, or send word to me and I'll come to you.'

'Oh Edmund, It's almost too good to be true, tell me why, why me?'

I knew the perfect quote to use in reply.

'Hear my soul speak: The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service. '

We embraced, and I rubbed her back, trailing my fingers through her fur.

'As strange as it is for me, I find myself able to love more than one mare with the same amount of love.'

And it was true, I had always been a caring person, often accused of wearing my heart on my sleeve, but now I felt depths of feeling I never knew I possessed.

As we held each other, a subtle scent wafted to my nose.

'Another phase is starting, isn't it?' I asked gently

Blushing, Octavia nodded.'I'm sorry, I got my timing a little off. I wasn't supposed to be like this until tomorrow.'

'It's okay, let's take our time with this one, shall we?'

And so we made love, this time it was tender and passionate, not blind rutting as before.

Once we had climaxed, we fell asleep with my arms around her.

Here I must add that if any one is expecting me to recount every sex act that Octavia and I engaged in, with a plethora of euphemisms, a never-ending array of positions and generally a pornographic "movie" in words, I'm afraid I shall have to disappoint.

As the days went by, I was surprised at my, for lack of a better word - virility. I had double my usual stamina, I could continue coitus for much longer, and though it was an absurd notion, it seemed as though my "output" had increased too. Whatever the case, the fact remained I never once had to use the booster potions.

It was Thursday morning, about 10:30 and Octavia was polishing her Cello, and I was sitting in the box window, doodling in a notebook.

'Octavia, there's one thing that has been bothering me.' I said at length

'What's that?'

'Just how in the wide world of Equestria did you find out my name?'

'Oh, from your advert in the paper.' she said as if it were an obvious question

I had put an advert in the papers when I opened my little solicitors office, I had included the obligatory photo, in which I hoped to convey my professionalism so as to inspire clientèle.

'Of course! How perfectly silly of me!' I cried, clapping a hand to my forehead

Octavia smiled, 'You might want to leave out the picture next time.'

And she was right, I couldn't risk having mares tracking me down outside of work.

Before I knew it, Friday evening had come and we were sitting together on her couch listening to the radio.

'So how do you feel this evening my dear?' I asked, trying out a term of endearment to see how she'd react.

'I feel. . . fine.' she paused as she gauged her condition 'I think my heat is over now, I haven't had a "phase" since after this morning.'

Well, shall we call it an evening then?' I asked, hoping for a yes because even my new-found vigour had reached its limit.

'Sure, lets go.'she replied

When we reached her bedroom, I began to strip.

'What are you doing?!' Octavia shrieked as I began to take off my fitted boxer shorts

'I'm sorry, did you not want me to sleep naked? I think a lot of mares enjoy the feel of their fur on skin, and you do as well?'

'I'm not saying I do not, have not enjoyed it, you just startled me is all!' she blustered.

'So, do you want me to keep them on?'

She shook her head, so I took them off and slid between the sheets.

A week later I was sitting in my office with my sleeves rolled up, no neck tie and an electric fan doing it's best at cooling me.

Most of Equestria was in the grip of a heat wave needed to trigger fires vital to the survival of certain plants and animals. Keeping track of the mercury had become something of a morbid obsession for me and as I checked the thermometer, I saw that it was 33ºC, with 92% humidity.

'Will this heat ever end?' I moaned

At that moment, the mail pony came by and to my slight irritation, I saw that he seemed unaffected by the heat.

'Woo! Another scorcher today huh!' he greeted me cheerfully

'Yes, very hot today.' I returned, not much in the mood for extended conversation

'Anyway, I've got some mail for you Mr Johnson, have a nice day.'

With a glow of his horn, he placed a small pile of letters on my desk and left.

I leafed through them and came across one from Milky.

"Dear Edmund,

I am due to start my heat in three weeks time, and I was hoping that you would be able to spend the week with me.

The good news is that the temperature here is much more tolerable than in Manehatten.

Please send your reply soon my love, until you're in my hooves again,

Milky Way

P.S: I have sent a letter to Floreat and she will let us know her answer when she has made up her mind.

That evening, in the dim coolness of my apartment, I wrote two letters. The first was a note to Ever Ring telling her that I was taking another holiday in three weeks time. The other was to Milky, telling that of course I would be there for her heat.

The very next day, I was back in my office on another sweltering day, I was typing a letter to a client on my olive-green Imperial the good companion model T typewriter, and I had finally mastered the use of it.

The bell on the door jangled and when I looked up I saw that Lightning Dust had returned.

'Miss Dust! Back from the academy then?'

'Yeah, I suppose I should thank you, so err. .. Thank you.'

'It was no bother at all, you were an excellent client.'

Her wings flared, 'And just what do you mean by that?' she shot back, eyes narrowed

'I merely meant that you allowed me to do my job, and didn't try to tell me what to do. You clearly stated your needs and trusted me to fulfil them.' I replied placidly

'Oh. Well, you are a lawyer, you should know your job.'

'Thank you for the flowers by the way.' I added

'It was nothing.' she muttered, with a downwards glance

'Incidentally, what did you think of the photo in my advert? Rather dashing wasn't it?' I said casually

'Not really, you should have taken it from your other side.' She replied before realising what she had said

I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off by Lightning Dust.

'I know what you're thinking, and you're wrong!'

'What am I thinking, Miss Dust?' I asked innocently

'You're thinking that when I saw your photo, I came right here before even trying anyone else! That I was so infatuated with you that I wanted a reason to spend more time with you! And you couldn't be more wrong!'

'I wasn't thinking that at all, I know that I was just there for tucking you.'

'Well, er - good! Don't go thinking that every mare you meet is going to fall for your charm and good looks!'

'I don't think that at all, I have had many clients that have not become besotted by me.'

Mares hired gentlemen for many reasons, some for mere male companionship, others to get through their heat without the risk of conception, some for a dare and some even did it to rationalise infidelity. One of my clients, a mare by the name of Carrot Top was like Five Stars - she had a human fetish. For a long time the ponies of Ponyville thought she was a "filly-fooler" or lesbian, but it turns out she just didn't like pony males. I had tried to be gentlemanly, but she was very blunt about what she wanted, and she wanted it "Five minutes ago".

'And you can add me to that list as well!'

'Of course, do pardon any implications to the contrary, I assure you they were unintended.'

'All right, but watch yourself in future!' she replied, eyes narrowed even further

And with those parting words, she left.

I settled into the seat of the carriage on the express to Trottingham and opened the paper.


"Police claim that they have a promising new lead that may lead to the recovery of Dr Robert Winston, and Sparkhorn, magical theorist, inventor and head of advanced studies at Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. It is believed that the two were kidnapped by the same person or persons and that their disappearance is connected to the recent spate of attacks on human men."

'Something rotten in the state of Equestia.' I said to myself

Even before I opened the door to Milky Ways' cottage, I could smell the scent of her heat, it was much stronger and much more arousing than Octavia's and I fumbled with the latch after unlocking it with the key she had given to me at Christmas.

'Milky?' I called out, my head swimming

'Ed, bedroom, Ed!' like Octavia, she was husky voiced from the effect of her heat

In a haze, I locked the door behind me and began to take off my clothes as I walked towards the bedroom.

Completely naked by the time I pushed the door open, I had the slightest glimpse of Milky, already presenting herself with an expression of longing on her face before my vision narrowed to focus on her rear end.

I lost no time in leaping on to the bed behind her and sinking all the way inside her marehood.

She shifted even closer to me and ground her flank against me with a moan of desire.

I needed no more encouragement, and with powerful thrusts, I began mating her, the same sensations of resistance to my egress fuel to the fire of my lust.

Clasping her hips I rutted her like a man possessed, and with each thrust, she moaned with hitherto unseen lust.

'Gah, Oh God, yes I'm going to cum!' I managed to growl

Her response was to buck her hips back to meet my forward thrusts and I felt her pussy get wetter in anticipation.

Just as with Octavia, I was focussed on my release, the natural male desire to blast my seed inside a fertile womb that all men had was amplified a thousand fold.

Before long I withdrew almost completely, Milky's sucking pussy resisting every inch. Then, with a mix between a grunt and a wolf-like howl, I buried myself as deep as possible before cumming spasmodically.

As the first blast sprayed inside her, Milky came, her hungry cunt contracting in waves around my pulsating member.

I remember the whinny she gave as her pussy, seemingly with a mind of its own mercilessly clamped down on my sensitive penis.It was incredibly erotic, and I could not be certain it was solely due to the pheromones in the air.

Before long, the scent had grown in strength and Milky looked at me with lust-filled eyes.

'Please Edmund, make love to me again.' she pleaded.

Moving behind her again, I could strongly smell her scent and could see that she was sopping wet, her fur was matted and the sheets were soaked with her juices.

'Should I stand up?' She asked, glancing behind her.

'No, you're fine as is, just move your tail for me.' I was slowly slipping into incoherence from the sweet aroma assaulting my nose

Once she did so, her heat, rising from her swollen sex hit me, carrying her sweet scent. The assault on my senses filled me with lust once more, and I lost no time in plunging into Milky's waiting pussy. Gasping at the suddenness and eagerness of my thrusting, Milky let out a nicker of pleasure.

'Oh yes, that's so good!' she moaned

'Okay then, I'll give it to you just like that!' I yelled, lost in my own pleasure

For the second time, I mated furiously with the love of my life without tenderness.

Over time I came to understand that when a mare is in heat, tenderness isn't high on the list of priorities, but in those days, it bothered me.

I felt a surge of heat building in my balls, and I knew I was close to the limit.

'I'm about to cum !' I yelled

'Mhm, me too!' she cried, her breathing ragged

'Lets come together!' Yet again, I thrust deep into her

Milky's vagina squeezed down on my dick and with a grunt I spurted my load right at the entrance to her cervix. A whiny and the spasms of her pussy on my cock told me she had come too.

The rest of the week was naught but a blur of animistic mating. By the weekend, her heat had passed, and we were able to talk at length.

'Milky, You know you said that if there was anypony I wanted to invite into our family, then I could?' I said hesitantly.

'Yes, did you find somepony?'

'It just so happens I did. Miss Octavia, the first mare to choose me as a gentleman. And she said yes.'

'Octavia, as in Octavia Trebleclef. The Cellist for the Royal Equestrian string Quartet?'

'That's her.' I replied

'Wow! I have somepony famous as a sister now!'

In families with multiple mares, the mares all considered themselves sisters. I supposed it was a way of minimising any jealousy that might arise.

'There's something else too.' I told her, reaching into my breast pocket, 'I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you this.'

I dropped to one knee and presented a long red velvet jewellery box.

'Milky Way, will you be my wife?' I asked, opening the box to reveal a gold necklace with a pendant, a large sapphire ringed by diamonds

Her eyes welled up with tears and she put a hoof to her mouth and nodded silently.

I pulled her into a tight embrace, and then we kissed, for how long I cannot tell even to this day.

When we parted Milky way asked, 'Can we make it a double ceremony? Octavia and I can be each others best mare!'

Women, they can always be counted upon to get excited over a wedding - no matter their species. I thought

'If that's what you want, then of course my love.' I replied to an ecstatic hug and kiss

I slept well that night, for I was engaged to be married, and my family was growing.