Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 1

Story by Kiko Kuruma on SoFurry

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This is a new story I'm trying out. The first chapter is on the shorter side

Harrowing Dusk

Chapter 1

Everything was dark, an endless dream full of an empty feeling. Trapped within his own mind, Morph simply could not tell how much time has passed. Maybe an hour? Perhaps a day? Months? Years? He could feel his ethereal consciousness shudder at the thought. Endless possibilities flew around as he considered the options of the thought. It didn't last long though, the haze was clearing, and a dim light began to sparkle through the veil of emptiness.

Morph suddenly opened his eyes, he gasped for air as if he had been dead. Panic washed over him as he surveyed his surroundings. He was lying down, on his back he stared up at a blindingly bright surgical light. Bright enough, that he couldn't see the edges of the room. Hearing foot steps to his left, he tried to situate himself better. His efforts were futile, realizing this; it came to him that he was strapped down. He tried to yell for help, but his voice was gone. Stricken down by fear, he could not utter anything but a pathetic cry. The footsteps grew ever louder, and a figure emerged from the curtain of black created by the light above. The tall Doberman was dressed in full medical attire. In his left hand he carried a syringe filled with a darkly glowing purple liquid. In his right hand, he held a razor sharp scalpel, stained with the blood of those it had tasted before. The small wolf was direly trying to scream out, holding onto an imaginary thread of hope that he may be spared this horrible fate. The shadowed dog did not hesitate as Morph had wished. Creeping ever so closer, the surgeon was now close enough to stab that needle into the side of Morph's neck. As he carefully pressed in the plunger, Morph was feeling something immediately. His vision now completely hazed over, the room was starting to come to life. The light above shot away into the distance, and the floor had completely disappeared. The large Doberman leaned over the smaller canid and reached for his mask. In one fell swoop he ripped off the mask revealing a demonic and twisted smile showing off all of his razor sharp fangs. The small scalpel he held before had grown into a rusted blood drenched knife. Morph gasped for air, struggling with all his might to break free, but he couldn't break his bonds. With a laugh of pure delight the large dog lifted his tool of trade high into the air, and delivered it straight to Morph's neck.

"Morph...Morph!? Gods Morph, please wake up."

Morph jolted awake, He mustered up an ear shattering scream, and just let it loose.

"Quiet Morph...Calm down. Please....you're safe now..."

Shivering, Morph stopped his screaming. His short heavy breaths were now deep heaving sobs. "Zai?", he asked the darkness of the night quietly.

"I'm here Morph, I got you. You're safe, You're okay now."

Morph reached towards Zai and took him into a crushing embrace. He buried his face into his friend's warm fur. Zai returned the gesture, and softly stroked Morph's ear.

"Zai...it was terrible....Everything was so dark..., There was a surgeon with a needle, he stabbed a knife straight through my neck."

Zai held Morph a little closer. "It was just another nightmare Morph, It's over now."

Morph sighed heavily. He glanced up at Zai and gave him a slight nod.

Zai let go of Morph and stood up from his bed. "Its two in the morning, and we have class tomorrow. You need to try and get whatever sleep you can."

"Zai?" Morph asked as his friend was beginning to walk out of his room.


"Would you spend the rest of the night here...with me?"

Zai looked back at Morph. Slowly he closed the door he had opened and walked back over to the bed. Morph scooted over as Zai joined him under the blankets. Instinctively he wrapped his arms around the smaller wolf and pulled him close into his chest Morph Readjusted his head slightly to get more comfortable. Looking down he saw his friend drifting back into a peaceful sleep. It was refreshing for him to see Morph sleeping like that. As for sharing the bed with another male, Morph was really Zai's only exception. After all, he owed it to his friend to watch over him like this. At least, he did after his actions almost cost this wolf his life.