Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 1

Harrowing Dusk Chapter 1 Everything was dark, an endless dream full of an empty feeling. Trapped within his own mind, Morph simply could not tell how much time has passed. Maybe an hour? Perhaps a day? Months? Years? He could feel his ethereal...

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Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 3

Morph woke as Zai was shaking him gently. "Good morning," Zai said with a slight smile as Morph sat up in the bed. Morph stretched slightly then look at Zai with a hint of sadness. "What's the matter?" "I'm sorry if I'm a burden to you..." Zai...

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Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 2

The night was long, and Zai was patiently waiting for morning to come. He glanced over at Morph, who had fallen asleep some time ago. Zai brought up his hand and placed it on the wolf's head, which was resting on his chest; Seeing Morph and himself so...

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Harrowing Dusk - Chapter 4

Morph bolted upright in his bed screaming. His terror slicing through the room. He shuddered with fear as his voice dampened. He gasped for air; sobbing in between. As he cried into his hands, he felt another one wrapping around him. He looked up, and...

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