A Stalwart Guardian

Story by Brunvindr on SoFurry

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#3 of The Mothonyx Saga

Another follow-up to the "Moth" saga.


A Stalwart Guardian

Written by Brunvindr and Sielrok

Edited by Brunvindr

It was a wonderful sunny day, and Tyrothiir had decided to make the most out of it while it lasted. Ominous storm clouds were looming in the distance, and they were steadily moving closer with each passing minute. Occasionally, a lightning bolt would streak across the sky, and the violent roar of thunder would follow soon after. This gave the gold dragon reasonable cause for concern. "I think we should move to lower ground," he said. He was speaking to none other than Ilara, the chief's daughter. Presently, the two dragons were sitting on a large boulder atop an even larger cliff. It would not be wise to linger here when the storm arrived.

Ilara smiled, wriggling slightly where she sat. "Aw, but I love the rain!" She laughed. She had gotten that from her mother, who could summon rain and storms at will. "You afraid of a little rain?"

Tyr chuckled. "Well, no," he replied, honestly. "But I'm not particularly fond of being electrocuted." He scooted closer to her as he said this, gently leaning on her shoulder and purring softly. He loved having her company. Ilara was a remarkable young dragoness, and the gold drake had had a crush on her ever since he arrived in her valley roughly two years ago. About a week earlier, he had finally worked up enough courage to begin courting her -with Luna's permission, of course. There were rumors in the tribe that a young drake had once mated Ilara with the consent of neither her nor her parents. Tyr did not know what had become of that dragon, but he did know that the event had caused quite a stir.

Ilara smiled and giggled at the purring. "Alright, let's find a cave to stay in until the storm rolls over." She said. The blue-scaled female leapt from the rock and landed on all fours like a cat. Immediately, she began searching for a suitable place to hole up.

The golden-scaled male bounded after her with a spring in his step, playfully trotting just a few feet behind her. It felt great to be spending quality time with the one he loved. He was having the time of his life right now, and from the look of things, so was Ilara. They had been getting along quite well over the past few days. Ilara was splendid company... more than splendid, actually. "I think I know of a place where we can go," he said.

"Oh? Point me to it." Ilara said with a smile, tail wagging. A drop or two of rain landed on her scales. The storm was moving faster than both of them had anticipated.

Tyr extended a foreclaw, drawing her attention to a large outcrop of rocks in a grassy field nearby. Two large stones were jutting out of the earth, with one leaning against the other. Together, the two created a sort of natural tent. "Over there," he said. "Race you!" With that, he took off through the field at a full gallop. Thunder clapped overhead, and the rain began to pour faster.

She laughed, and took off after him, her mane starting to get wet as she ran. She squeaked with joy, adoring the feel of the cool water trickling down her sides. Within moments, she had overtaken Tyr. She ran as fast as she could, and she had reached the outcrop in no time at all. Safe from the rain, she finally came to a stop and began panting heavily. The gold drake skidded into the shelter of the rocks moments later. He came to a screeching halt and flopped onto his side, also out of breath. "Wow..." he gasped. "I never knew you could run so fast!"

Ilara smiled as she sat beside him."Heh, Mother likes to keep me active by doing chores, so I guess it's natural." She laughed. The dragoness lay down, resting her chin atop his belly. She thought Tyr was wonderful to be around. Ilara had been leery of other males ever since that one day...but this one was different. Tyr made her feel safe.

Tyrothiir patted her on the head as he gazed out at the field through the gap in the rocks. The rain was coming down in buckets now, and the wind had picked up. The grass was being blown violently, and the sunlight had been nearly obliterated. The male shivered slightly, and his teeth chattered. "Brr, it got cold all of a sudden..." he said.

She smiled and cuddles up to Tyr, purring. "That's alright, we'll be fine." She said, purring as her tail curled around him for warmth.

The male grinned. He was thoroughly enjoying this moment. He shifted closer to her, relishing the warmth of her scales. For a while, no noise could be heard aside from the sound of the falling rain and howling wind. "Wow, that's some storm..." said Tyr, making small talk. "I'm glad we got here when we did..."

Ilara nodded. "Yeah..." She said, gazing at him. "So...anything you wanna talk about? We're gonna be here for a long time." She said. The storm showed no signs of abating anytime soon.

Tyr was silent for a while longer as he searched his mind for new conversational topics. He couldn't think of much, and the few things he could think of were rather...dirty. He couldn't help it. How could he avoid lustful thoughts when he was sharing body heat in an enclosed space with the dragoness he adored? "Oh, I don't know..." he replied. "Anything you want to say?"

She frowned; thinking.it had been some time since something eventful had happened...she couldn't really think of anything. "Not at the moment, no..." She sighed, bored.

Tyr nodded. As he lay there, he suddenly caught himself running his eyes up and down her body. He admired her sleek scales, her lithe form, her tail, her mane, and -of course -her delicate little rump. The male almost went into a trance, but he snapped himself out of it and tried to maintain eye contact with her. There really wasn't any need for this. After all, most of the tribe knew that he was courting her, and everyone knew exactly what that implied. A few more moments passed in silence, and then Tyr decided to inquire about Ilara's past. "Have you had any lovers before, Ilara?" he asked.

She shook her head. "Not really...and that creep doesn't count." She snorted, referring to Moth, who had all but vanished after her mom had almost ripped him to shreds. Her head...had been foggy after the mating, but she remembered being in heat. After that it, everything was blurry.

"Oh, yeah, that guy..." said Tyr. "What an idiot. I don't understand how anybody could treat you the way he did. You deserve far better than that."

She snorted, a teasing look suddenly appearing on her face. "And what would YOU know about treating a lady? All you do is wrestle with the other drakes and act like a show off." She laughed.

Tyr chuckled lightly at her taunt. "Aw, that's not true," he said. "I know exactly how to treat a lady." With that, he reached out to her with one of his front arms and placed a paw lightly on her stomach. He ran the paw up and down, massaging her smooth underside.

She automatically rolled over, belly up. "Mmmm...sure you do." She chuckled. Her tail swayed on the ground, swishing back and forth as her hind legs paddled in the air in contentment.

Tyr snuggled up to her, murring happily as he leaned down and planted a kiss directly on her snout-tip. "Ilara, you are wonderful..." he whispered. He gazed longingly at into her vivid green eyes as he gently entwined his tail with hers. "Will you be mine?"

She smiled, and kissed him right on the snout. "I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with." She said lovingly, purring loudly, now oblivious to the rain that was thundering down outside the cave. She was lost in that moment.

Tyr kissed her again, clamping his jaws tightly over hers as he moved his paw steadily downwards until it found that special spot between her legs. He coiled his tail tightly around her, murring all the while as he rubbed her sensitive slit with his digits. His member began to harden, and it wasn't long before the tip emerged into the cold air.

Ilara purred loudly, squeaking as his claw ran across her clitoris. She did not stop him. This wasn't anything like the time Moth had made his move on her. This time...it felt right. This time she was ready for it. She pulled him into a tight embrace, still locked in their kiss as her tail swished back and forth, very similar to the way Luna's tail did when she was happy.

Tyr murred at her reaction. He pulled away from her, breaking this kiss. The drake then began to scoot himself backwards until his head was resting between her legs. He lowered his muzzle to her nethers. Then, without hesitation or warning, he ran his warm tongue over the delicate lips.

Ilara gasped, wriggling at the feeling. Gods, she had forgotten how good this felt! She sighed in contentment, giving herself to her soon-to-be mate. She wanted to enjoy this as much as possible. Tyr continued to nuzzle her vent, rubbing his snout against it. He placed two foreclaws on either side of the now-moist lips, exposing the pink flesh underneath. The gaping opening seemed to beckon to him, demanding to be filled at that very instant. His heart was beating rapidly, sending surges of blood to the throbbing shaft dangling between his legs. His member was so stiff with longing that it almost hurt. Drops of pre had started to leak from the tip, splashing onto the end of Ilara's tail.

Ilara gasped, blushing hard as she looked at him. "Are you sure this is right?" She moaned slightly, and not from discomfort.

Tyr grinned, glancing up at her to look her directly in the eye. "Of course!" he laughed, reaching down to stroke his engorged drakehood. "Just relax..." He wanted to make this moment extra special for her. The male gave the outer edges of her vent one long, affectionate lick, and then he decided it was time for phase two. Purring deeply, he parted the swollen lips and slowly wriggled his tongue into her tight passage. He swirled it around within her slowly...taking his time...relishing the experience.

Ilara gave a long shuddering gasp, wriggling around as pleasure exploded from her nether regions. "Oh...my..." She gasped, vent becoming wetter and wetter from his special treatment as her tail swished hard on the ground.

The drake delved his tongue deeper into her soft folds, lapping eagerly at the sweet fluids that had started to pool and inadvertently smearing some across his muzzle. He swirled his flexible organ around within her, running it against the walls and experimenting with different paces and depths. More pre had trickled from the tip of his cock, coating his paw as he continued to stroke it. The base of Ilara's tail was now glistening with the clear fluid. He hadn't even climaxed yet, and he was already starting to make quite a mess. The male smiled as he continued his oral assault. By the time he was finished with her, both of them would need a thorough cleaning. "One reason to be thankful for the rain..." he thought.

Ilara could not help it. She cried out, cumming already as his tongue drove her wild. She was left gasping for air. The still fairly inexperienced 'ness felt disappointed with herself. Was it over already?

Tyr pulled away again, licking her sweet fluids off of his snout and laughing as he did so. "See? I told you I know how to treat a lady..." he laughed. He scooted forward again, pressing his snout to hers as he began to align his member with her already sopping wet vent. "But we're not done yet. Not even close..." With that, he arched his back and brought his hips forward, rubbing the tip of his cock over her folds.

Ilara giggled. "I hope not..." She said, spreading her legs as wide as possible for her new lover, purring deeply as she did so.

Once again, Tyr locked his jaws around hers. He closed his eyes, kissing her deeply as he thrust into her for the first time. Aided by the mess of various fluids, his massive girth glided into her with no trouble at all. He brought himself all the way to the base, moaning loudly as he was instantly snared by the warm grip of her inner walls. His body trembled. The drake pulled himself up, held his hips in place for the briefest moment, and then rapidly sank back into Ilara's divine passage. He slammed into her, producing an audible wet smacking as he repeated the motion again and again.

Ilara gave a small squeak each time her pushed into her, which soon turned to moaning. The pleasure was indescribable. She wrapped her arms around Tyr, as if urging him onwards.

Tyr kept his eyes shut tightly, grabbing hold of Ilara's shoulders as he continued to press into her. He didn't let up for a moment. Each thrust was followed immediately by another, and each new thrust carried a little more force than the last. He pushed as deeply as he could, stretching her walls wide as the head of his cock neared her cervix. The wind was blowing the rain sideways, and some of it splashed onto his back. The gold drake didn't even notice.

Ilara's body was rocking from the vigorous pounding she was receiving, and she moaned again, now wrapping her hind legs around him, her tail entwining with his as a feeling began welling up in her nether region...one that felt strange to her.

Tyr growled fiercely, mating her with as much force as he could muster. He breathed through his nostrils, pulse pounding as he felt himself nearing his climax. He growled again, trying to hold it off for as long as he could.

Ilara was moaning with each thrust, that feeling growing stronger and stronger...it was indescribably. "Oh...my..." She gasped unable to catch her breath. It was like her first orgasm, but...so much stronger. Her entire body was shuddering, and she was gripping Tyr tightly with all her limbs, gasping for breath.

Tyr continued to wildly hump the wonderful female beneath him, quivering with bliss as he moaned into the side of her neck. His mind had gone completely numb. He could feel his loins tingling with pleasure- a sensation that he knew well. "Won't be much...longer...now..." he panted between thrusts.

Ilara screamed, her vent clamping upon his cock as she came, toes curling as fluid coated his cock. She gripped Tyr tightly, shuddering from the force of her orgasm.

Tyr's victory roar was accompanied by an ensemble of thunder claps from above. With one final push, he exploded within Ilara. His seed spurted from the tip of his pulsing member in powerful bursts, splashing against her inner walls, filling her womb, and leaking back out onto her thighs. He flopped onto his side as he withdrew, licking her all over with utmost affection as his cum-streaked member slowly retracted.

Ilara was gasping for air, feeling wonderfully full as she felt a peculiar warmth spreading through her lower regions. She did not move. "That was...wonderful..." She sighed happily, licking Tyr on the snout as she lay on her back, legs still spread.

The golden drake purred with immense satisfaction as he rested his head on the blue female's chest. "We belong to each other now..." he whispered. Glancing outside, he saw that the storm still showed no signs of abating. For the time being, it appeared that the two lovers would be staying right where they were.

She smiled, purring deeply as she rubbed his head, not moving from where she was. For some reason, the dirt floor has become quite comfortable to her now...perhaps because of her exhaustion. She didn't care. Right now she was happy and fulfilled, and she wanted nothing more from life at this moment. She was...content.

Tyrothiir curled around her sprawled body, shielding her from the cold wind that was whistling through the cracks in the rocks. "Rest for now, my dear Ilara," he crooned. "I'll watch over you."

She smiled and closed her eyes, purring deeply as she let herself be lulled into the land of dreams by the raging storm outside. She didn't care...she only cared about this moment, and what had just happened...she was oblivious to the world.

From this moment forward, this gold dragon would be her stalwart protector. As long as he was around, she would never know hunger or loneliness. He placed a paw on her side, stroking her smooth scales until she eventually drifted off to sleep.