The Draconian Story: Chapter 8

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#9 of The Draconian Story

Distress Lines

In was another fine day at the post with the cheerful comrades doing their chores and self-trained self (although it wasn't coordinated, but they were unexpectedly ready for anything). While Richard was watching the news on the television, Seiglet sat beside him and offered him a coffee, to which he accepted gratefully because of the coldness that day (it was still snowing in the first month). It had been a week after his visit to Seiglet's house, and he slowly couldn't resist his hidden love to Cernelesh.

"The telly never gives us a good thing to see, mate," said Seiglet while sipping his coffee. "It's nothing but regular show, this crappy news, and things related to them. Some of the bloody good shows are midnights."

"I can't say the 'Land of Liberty' is a trash...after I knew that the character was one of the best...possibly the best."

"Hey, that's Juagar, right? The truth is, if you see the overall characters ranging from adventures, actions, romances, horrors, to other fictions, for my opinion, it's Borlov Kia my best character."


"Why, you ask? He's an adventurer in the second Ancient War trying to recover artifacts from many hard locations, but he was also a ladykiller and genius. You know the movie 'The King's Catacomb'? I bet you didn't ever hear it since that's an old movie, and the actor's already deceased."

"At least it's not that Grechen on television."

"Well, Gretchen Vairson said he wanted to play as Borlov in a plan for the movie's sequel. I don't know since that's just a gossip, but well known."


"Actually, I was thinking about you lately. You seem to like to stare at Cernelesh overtime. Like you remember that sparing some days ago?"

"Yeah, you beat me out cold and she...laid her hand over my scaly head and wanted to kiss..."

"No, she didn't, you love-struck scaly bastard," interrupted Seiglet with a laugh. "She thought I was too hard on you, but the fact was that you didn't get any concentration since she was watching both of us. It's just only because I struck you down too hard to make your head got a slight scratch, and she was unexpectedly care about you, but not because of love, okay? It's hard to predict what a female wants and what they are currently thinking."

"Okay, this is not one of the tricks so I can leave Cernie and you can get even with her?"

"She's not my type," replied Seiglet bluntly. "Also, mate, she doesn't look like your type, either."

"But, she's charming."

"I know, mate, but there's time when you'll choose. Okay, let's see the telly...oh, look, a breaking..."

A sudden crashing sound from a door being barged open made both draconian startled and readied their swords, pointing just inches from Solomon's muzzle tip, with the dark emerald draconian pointed his fencing sword (Solomon was a fencer, and he was notable as the only fencing master left in Milsteir) toward them, but then he quickly sheathed his sword and jumped over Richard's big body, tripping him.

"Hey, what the..."

"We've got a fuckin' situation out there! Come on, man, get yourself up! Man, shut the TV out, I've known that already!"

"What the hell is going on, Gordy?" asked Richard after he stood up. "I don't know one fucking thing and you..."

"The Middle Street is on fire! I...I can believe what am I seeing. The whole city is on riot! Studio, we need to withdraw from the scene! There's too much rioters! Nancy out."

The television sound that went into Richard's sharp ears made him know something wasn't right at the place, especially that's the place with the most shopping arcade, but the horror went to him when he heard, "There are 15 casualties from the resulting fights, and mostly came from the Union Guards. From the audio we got before, they demanded justice from the five attacked draconians for starting a potential war against the Northorno Nation next to..."

"Oh shit! Someone's framing the five of us!" exclaimed Richard. "But we're the victim!"

"Possibly some underground bloody organization that deployed those soldiers to frame the Guards. Now, we need to control the rioters. Look, Richard, you go with Solomon to the Middle Street while I try to find reinforcement."

"Got it."

While at the Middle Street...

"Where are your treacherous army friends, you fucking liar!" roared a rioter. "I thought you all are trying to take those Northorno bastards off our scales!"

"Just please calm down, sir! Those five are the ones being beaten up from the..."

But the draconian was shot in the head from a point blank shot from a vengeful rioter, killing him and making some rioters burst and break through the barriers, while the soldiers couldn't break the 'no-innocent-fatality' protocol. But, one soldier readied his shotgun in frustration and wanted to shoot a rioter before Richard's paw-like foot hit his head and he went unconscious.

His big appearance made most rioters stopped, but more still wreck havoc. Thinking of a quick attention drawer, with the risk of exposing his half-dragon traits, he roared like a dragon.

The roar was loud, firm, and with pride. It was like a lion's, but the sound was loud enough to take the rioters attention. Although it wasn't as loud as a dragon's, it was enough.

"What are you drakes doing to the town I've come to love into?!" he said. "This is a misunderstanding, my fellow citizens. We are not trying to make the world in war. I'm a peace lover, and I will do anything...anything to stop any war to happen!"

There was no reply; even there are no angry remarks or even other replies. Seeing that this could control the mass, he continued. "I know I'm one of the Guards. I know I am a warrior, carrying my sword for battle, but know this, fellow citizens...I have seen a lot worse thing that a war...something you will only find in your imaginations.

"So, if you may all choose: If you want your justice, and then stab my heart, but if you think will be greatly appreciated."

After a while standing, there was no draconian stepping, talking, or even doing any activity. They were solely staring at the golden scaled draconian delivering 'weird' speech. Richard waited for anything to happen. He was a warrior, so he would take all risk. He would die for stopping any misunderstanding, but he was ready.

When Richard wanted to say something again, a rioters walked up near him, and asked, "Who are you? You're not...those liars from the central trying to coax us to believe that the..."

"If it's possible...," interrupted Richard before he took a deep breath and said, "I'll end everything, with everyone's help."

This in turn made the draconian gasped, and turned. Slowly but certain, the rioters dissipated until the Street was only filled with debris from all of the damage. The draconians went back to their homes silently, while Richard exhaled and said to Engrak.

"Yo, how's that? Pretty cool, huh? I'm trying to say those and thinking about it in the way here."

" I said...this IS NOT OUR WORLD!!!!"

This shout made Richard fell to the floor and he replied back, "And why the hell did you say that?!"

"First, Richard, this is not a movie those goddamn moving picture box shows, and second, you're wrong!!"

"What part?"

"The thing you said just now wasn't a peace speech, you idiot! It's to convince many people to go with you in a war! Although you changed the script, it still influences them to go all-out in war! That crappy 'peace-talk' will result in a violence peace maker! If you ever heard the generals in war talked to their subordinates and the army, this is how they say.

"Also, Richard, I respected how you modify Ramusk's favorite parts like giving choices...although, he made a choice to 'die as a dragon or die as a coward'. That's the best part."

"Thanks for that."

"Now, maybe the whole city will know that you're different from them...for the world. But you're doing great."

Juagar approached Seiglet and whispered, "Seig, I think Richard wasn't a simple warrior from his world. From that speech, I can say he was trying to convince them to start attacking instead of making truce."

"I know that, mate. It's almost the same with our nation leaders."

"Well, I guess we can't tell him about the distress lines at the border."

"What happened there?"

"This riot had something like a trigger to happen. We found 4 Guards dead alongside three wounded. Then, some unknown assailants killed another 2 civilians while delivering a message about the war and other things only because of the five of us. You know this city is dangerous both at night and days, especially with armed civilians and stuff."

"Well, I think we can change the topic to the organization that fueled this riot, eh?"


After that tiring day, the whole city and the media started to took notice of Richard's potential, both as the victim of the attack and a potential peace maker, giving chances for some peace-loving organization to give their opinions to the world. The line became more and more distressed about the rumor of potential threat, and of course Richard's actions were questionable for sometimes.

Three days later, in the border land, at night, when Viglerne went for a patrol, something happened. He walked around the perimeter he used to patrol (and the ill-fated patrol he made with his friends). First, he saw a blinking light from an unknown source, but then, when he went there, something caught him by surprise, but Viglerne managed to defend himself with his knife. He attacked three draconians and tried to run back to the base, but one caught him.

Only when Viglerne wanted to use his pistol, the draconian shouted, "Wait! We're not your enemy! That wasn't intended to trap you!"

"Then what are you doing in the restricted area?! This is not..."

"We are not South Apachian drakes!" exclaimed a red draconian. "We're running away from the land we're born into and of course we...uh...we...." He turned to his friend. "Cual es la siguiente palabra?"

This made Viglerne jumped and surprised. The language didn't come from the nation's north counterpart, but some place a lot nearer to their country, and the country was their enemy. Then, why were they trying to cross the border as if they were running away from the nation? Viglerne thought the nation was economically and politically secure, so their conflict was only because of the heated illegal border cross incident 4 months ago and intended attack from their soldiers.

Thinking of no other way to push them to tell him, he drew his gun and shot one of them at the leg. The red draconian winced, but he said, "We're not your enemy!!"

"We have a protocol around here to shoot any Northornian on sight. Do you think it's easy to sneak into Milsteir without crossing our fences? You'll die," said Viglerne with monotone voice. "I suggest you all go back to Northorno because we are not the place for you."

"Please, soldier. That's the reason why we left the wretched land. The generals were corrupted from the criminales back at your place, and thinking that the war must happen. Some of us were still back at Sarga Tuga, and only Andreas De Juan Miguel is our trusted draconian."

"Andreas De Juan Miguel, the commander of Northorno Borderline Guard?"

"You know the comandante?"

"Of course I do." Viglerne then went near and whispered. "Andreas was...unlike our nation leaders and yours, opposed this war. He even wanted me to go to the middle of the neutral zone to talk a little about being at peace, although at first I can't believe him. Only when he called off some of his soldiers when my men were intercepted, I was convinced. In turn of giving me the situation at Northorno, he asked me to introduce South Apachian cultures only if he had time and if this uneasy truce ended with peace. Well, I promised him...though he won't be happy when he saw Milsteir."

When he realized he had turned away from the draconians, he turned around, and sharply said, "As for you two...I don't know where to put you for the night...except maybe behind the bars?"

"You mean prison?! No, don't! We know South Apachian prison is bad and it was full of los condenados!"

"'s not as bad as that, you's not hell's equivalent."

"It is for us! Please, anything but that!"

"Okay, okay! You're lucky you're meeting me; otherwise you'll never see any scales again. Look, I'll let you stay at my home, but then only if..."

"Only if?"

"Only if you promise me not to betray us. I only let both of you live because you're Andreas's acquaintances. If you really are spies, I'll make you suffer something worse than death, you got that? I'm telling you the truth, and you'll never...never touch any weapon in this town!"