The Draconian Story: Chapter 9

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#10 of The Draconian Story

Love is Hate, Hate is Confession, and Confession is Relationship

Viglerne put both illegal immigrants in his cars, but being tied up (on their request, since they knew South Apachian was hard in their standing). After a while of turning inside Viglerne's big pick-up car, they stopped at his house, which was an apartment. Being worried that their current condition would make misunderstanding, they refused to sleep inside his house. But Viglerne said, "This complex always had tied up 'clients' on the corridor. See if you can find one running around being... 'fitted'."

"It's fine," said one of them. "We know what you're saying."

"Or maybe, you wanted to have a 'course' with us, hmm?" said another with a smirk across his draconic orange scaled head.

"I...uh, expect those things...if I'm not busy," said Viglerne while urging them to go in.

Inside, just like what Viglerne had said, many draconians were on the corridor, and some used weird clothing like strippers and also some male ones being disgustingly entertained by how the females (or in some occasions, males) erotically danced in front of them. Viglerne gave no interest to these and urge them to go, while the Northornians surprisingly calm and seeing them as if they were everyday's portion.

Although, when they came in, the draconian closed the door and smirked on them, and they understood, but in a bad way. When Viglerne turned to put all of his weapons, both draconians grabbed him by the arm and threw him to the floor. They closed his maw and preventing him for any call.

"Like we said, amigo," said one of them slowly and seductively. "We're not enemies...but in common."

"I can't believe you're easy to be caught like this. Thinking about...a good 'service', hmm?"

While Viglerne was pinned down by the assailants, Richard and Juagar went by his apartment block while doing other thing different. They were trying to find Hector's apartment block which he told Richard if he wanted to meet with the sea hybrid draconian aside from the store. The complex was big, and they had to ask some draconians living in the complex to find where he was living.

"Oh, it's the third building on my left," said a female middle-aged draconian. "But are you sure you drakes want to go there? It's dangerous."

"It's okay, ma'am," said Richard. "We know how to defend ourselves."

"Then be careful. That's the home for thugs."

While they walked away, Juagar asked Richard. "Hey, you know how to use guns, right?"

"Only a little, from Hector. Just pull the trigger, right?"

"Not really. There's a safety trigger at every pistol's back. If it's at the middle, you can't pull the trigger, and it would be dangerous if you're in tight situation while you haven't use your gun in a fight. Okay, not only pistol, but all guns. This is to prevent any accidents like you unintentionally pull the trigger, hit a guy, and he'll shoot back, and if he was a mob, it will be an all-out war, we'll be dispatched, many casualties, and chaos is the conclusion."

"You talked like as if that's the possibility of having a mob shot. But how about this? You accidentally shoot his heart, and finished."

"That's...a rapid scenario. Shit, why are we talking like this?!"

"You started everything when talking about possible thing of a single gun! Now, c'mon, where's that paper leads us?"

"It's said Rose Complex Building C Room 332. That's third floor."

"Man, that's a short place for a winged draconian like him," said Richard. "I thought he lived at the top like...a dragon."

Juagar didn't reply, maybe he couldn't take the fact that he was a wingless draconian, and thinking that Hector had a short place to live made Richard thought something happened to his...own house.

Thinking of a shortcut, he found a corridor facing outward with open window. The gap was big enough for his wing span, so he thought it could be for a winged draconian. When Juagar walked in, he walked with him, but jumped upward and, mirroring how dragons clinched to a vertical surface, used his forelegs to kick the ground and using his claws, he climbed upward while opening his wings, with a stance to fly. After a while, he kicked the wall and opened his wings and flapped once to fly upward. After he flew toward the opening, using his foreleg's claws, he clinched the side bars and closed his wings, but almost fell again when he realized the claws didn't grab the bars like dragons did to any buildings they stepped onto.

After he climbed up into the corridor, he quickly realized that the place was dark, and he had a bad night-vision (it was night and Viglerne was off-duty since he had the privilege to stop working anytime). Relying on Engrak's shining yellow blade, he found the room...332.

"Oh, I got the door. Maybe I'll just..."

"Wait, you idiot! Don't just barge into someone's house!"

Richard stopped his legs right before it hit the door. Because of his exclaim, the occupant shouted. "Wer ist das?!"

"It's Richard, Fritz," said Juagar. "He came to see you."

"Oh, I thought you're an intruder. C'mon in...ach, scheibe!"

"Are you okay, man?"

"It's okay, it's just..."

Another crash, and Hector swore again in German. After a while, he opened the door, but full of soot. His green sea scales were now soot gray, while his webbed hand was carrying a grenade, which made Juagar exclaimed, "Whoa, man, throw that thing away! Hey, the pin's not secure! Ah, I don't wanna die like this!!!"

"Are you an idiot? It's a toy grenade. My smoke grenade went out and my...prototype riot-control grenade got its house inside the fireplace. Much like that what happened before you two shouted in front of my door."

"Okay, now, about this...Richard here..."

"Ah, I promised you this morning to go to my apartment block when both of us have time, but then...I got this in my toll. Can you two wait outside while I clean up?" While they both waited for Hector to clean up his house, Viglerne on the block just across them had a problem with the Northornians he saved from the borderlines. They were, in fact, homosexuals. But, Viglerne didn't think that's a problem. The only problem was that he was tied up all over to a bed while both draconians teased him like some helpless scales. But, deep inside his heart, he enjoyed their 'abduction', seemed very arousing and he never got this kind of sensation before.

He couldn't shout for help since his maws were tied together, preventing any sound to escape from his mouth, except moaning and muffled exclaim. The Northornians were good in captivating him, but yet, they didn't try to kill him or even trying to take information from him. They were doing something 'better' to him, something he would only dreamt of.

"Maldita sea, esta drake caliente," said the red one.

"Es su primera vez, no ser demasiado duro con el," replied the other one.

"Enrique, supongo que esta roto..."

"Por supuesto que va a sucumbir a nosotros! Se le habia cogido por una hora, y esta es su primera vez. Ademas, Cajo, usted tiene un pene grande."

"Bueno, ahora se ha roto. Podemos hacer nuestra parte."

After saying that, they both untied the now weakened Viglerne, but then tied his hands together at his back. They then put him on a sofa nearby, and Enrique said, "Don't whimper while we put our clothes on...or that little thing of yours gets it."

"Y...yes, I understand! Please, don't kick it again!"

"Good. Now, don't talk!"

Viglerne obeyed while nodding, and both locked him in that room. Viglerne, who was 'dirty' because of prolonged 'playing', thought, "Shit, those two are really good on me. I can't resist the thing I've hold for almost 10 years...but they made my fantasies real! Damn, now I can't move, and their influence is good on me. Maybe because they're experienced in making a drake's mental down...I wish they can live here and not enemies."

After a while, both of them came to them, while he sat silently on the sofa. They then put him on the bed, turned him around, and blindfolded him. Then Enrique said slowly, "Being first time?"

Viglerne nodded. Somehow, his sweet voice made him calmed.

But the wood brown draconian sighed, and said, "You're the first draconian we knew had a worst resistance to those things, despite being first time. You're too easy to break, and you somehow gave yourself up, willing to do this."

"I...I had a boyfriend once...ten years ago...but he betrayed me...," said Viglerne, still influenced by fear.

"You're a submissive type, aren't you?"

"It...It's really a great thing."

"Okay...look, we knew you're the city's borderland patrol commander, just like Andreas. Northorno is starting a war against this country. You got to find the culprit that did this!"

"We're not trying to make any war attempt, amigo. But, something or someone did this!"


"Mierda, todavia esta bajo esa condicion," said Enrique.

"No me gusta como va..."

Both of them suddenly put Viglerne up and then Cajo said, "Don't make this personal" before using his claws to crush the draconian's 'private', followed by muffled cry from the latter after his maws were clenched shut by Enrique.

While at the same time, Richard jumped from Hector's statement. Partly, he wanted to think those were dreams, but then, he knew Hector wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry, Richard...but...but I..."

"Why, Hector, why? Why did you smuggle Othornian's illegal slaves? I thought they were our enemies, but why?! Are you trying to say you're selling us all?!"

"Fritz, it's against this nation's rule," said Juagar coldly. "If your activities are known, you'll be dead."

"I...I reveal this for my best friends!!" exclaimed Hector while he stood up. "Do you think I want to do this by purpose? Those...bastarde...wanted to kill these slaves!"

"But this is not a free country!" replied back Juagar. "These slaves are just making Milsteir worse! This town suffered too much crime for them to live! You think..."

"There's a conflict inside Northorno and they need a shelter! I just gave them a place to live! I'm not going to just step aside while draconians died! It's just not right! I am willing to despise this fucking law if I have to...for these countries to reunite! You understand!"

This sudden angry roar from the usually quiet Hector made both winced. Although he had a great patriotic sense, but still the law defied him. But from his statements, Richard realized something almost similar to one of his friends. This made his memories back when he was in the real world rose before him.

Back when he was still half-human half-dragon hybrid (or stuck in the middle of the transformation, to be precise), in Dracokin city, when the dragons were still arguing about the attack.

"I said it won't be possible! Look at how Friznara fell! Those slayers are not only targeting the dragons, they want to destroy the riders too," said Guardiola toward Riant. "This fight can't be done without proper allies...and we can't risk those young dragons destined to take our places."

"I know...this is a fight we can't win," said Raithorakh that surprised both dragons. "But talking about risk, you forgot about Seraphor."

While both of them went to the unconscious Seraphor beside Avila, Raithorakh turned his half-mechanical head toward Richard. The metallic part which was Ernest still intact supports his life up till now. Richard knew his fate now, after saying those things.

"Ray, about he okay?"

"He's okay, just minor injuries. But the dragon he fought nearly takes his heart if I didn't interfere. Now we know the dark organization's best dragons...though that's only one of them."

Richard could only fell into silence when his dragon talked about the recent death of Esmier...and wanted to make Richard happy by forgetting his newfound friend...but he couldn't. Esmier was a frail dragon, and yet he died...because of the Order.

"Hey, Richard, Seraphor told me many things about his past. I know he's still young, but he went through a lot of things before meeting us. And, he told me secretly about Avila."

"What about her? She seems like a good black dragon to me...although, she can't use fire."

"Well, Avila at first tried to kill Seraphor. Before Seraphor was taken custody to Hell House, Seraphor was forced for two decisions after subduing her smaller body: to kill her for massacring Seraphor's silver red pack in the act of revenge, or to let her live, giving her time to repent herself."

"He picked the second choice, huh?"

"Not really. He got the third decision...but that came from Avila herself."


"Avila's Argoon dragon's black magic could alter the consciousness of the user, and so, Avila severed her ties to her past, giving her a blank memory up until the point she met Seraphor this time, but with the cost of losing all of her memories...with exception..."


"Well...the exception to her sexual desire."

"Oh, god, so that means she was underage when mating Seraphor..."

"More like both of them are underage. This is the first time I encounter a 16-years old dragon mated already...with a twisted...fate."

"Damn...this world's crazy."

"Maybe...and we're trying to stop it."

"Ray...if, if you died in this fight...will something happened to all of us? I know death is inevitable since we're fighting them...but, I don't want to lose you as a friend."

It made a silence to Raithorakh, which making him uneasy for talking about the topic. But when Richard wanted to stop talking about it, he moved his metallic tail to touch Richard's own weird dragon tail, and said, "Richard, this world needs something to balance them, and I'm willing to die if it's going to make this world into a world of peace. Death is inevitable, I know, but there's one thing you miss. Dragons have their pride to protect, and they would rather die in a war instead of running. Surviving is a gift from the ancestors watching us...and it will always be done."

Right after he said that, Richard turned his head toward another way, thinking about it for a while. He knew dragons, just like lions, had a great pride bestowed upon them, but in a bigger scale...for the world. Despite of them being said as cowardice reptiles by many of the civilians living in Richard's hometown, he realized some of them were more than humans...more of a justice.

A simple click made Richard came back to the present from his memory travel. Juagar used his claws to make the sound, and he came back to the apartment...which was dark and had burned-like smell all over.

"Oh, damn, what is that smell? It's all over the room," said Richard while closing his nostrils with his hands. "Did he burn you?"

"No, it's Fritz's fireplace. Somebody's trying to kill him."


"You were in another place when this happened. A trap was triggered when he wanted to relight the fireplace by breathing to it. Something exploded and he was caught by it. I don't know how he survived, but he was badly scorched. The door is locked and I can't call any ambulance. I can't fly either, but maybe you can take him to the hospital."

"How about you? Someone's trying to kill Hector. You and I can also be targeted either. We must go together."

"But how? You can't carry both of us together, right?"

"Actually, I got a good idea when I was flying up to this floor. But don't let Hector knows I'm trying this. I can't risk him."

"Why? He had wings, right?"

"No, I mean his claws. Watch me."

Richard ran toward a window and opened it. Testing his retractable finger claws, he jumped out and flew back toward a wall, with Juagar looking in awe on how his sharp unusual draconian claws bored deep into the red brick wall.

"Sharp shits you got there, man," said Juagar while smirking. "If I had claws like you, I would scale the wall and get out from here faster."

"Juagar, I'll open the door from the outside while trying to fend off potential assassins. If I fail, ready your gun, and run as fast as you can with Hector at your back. I'll catch you later."

"Wait, how am I supposed to carry a much bigger draconian on my..."

Richard scaled the wall stealthily. He knew flying in the dangerous moment could expose him and making him shot down. Although he carried Engrak, he couldn't see well in the dark despite of his sharp eyes, and only relied on his sword's shining property to see his enemies, but at the same time exposing himself throughout.

He slowly scaled the wall while maintaining the pressure on the wall, preventing them to get too bore deep to the wall, which slowed him. After some minutes or two, he dropped to the corridor, only to realize his mistake.

His wing membranes were bright gold, giving a sudden view toward the assassin, and his presence.

"Hey, who's there?!"

"Oh, shit, my wings!" thought Richard. "I never have seen Ray's intact wings before! They reflected the moonlights to make golden reflection! Shit, there goes my stealth kill...."

Readied himself for the worst, he closed his wings and proceed slowly, but with caution since his golden scales reflected the moonlight, but not in the extend like the wings. The figure was tall, but slender and carried a flashlight. Although Richard knew most of the draconians carried guns, he could only get one sudden attack on the male if he readied his gun, heavy or not.

But he had remedied that, and carried a pistol inside his jacket.

Slow but certain, they both moved closer. Richard's heart thumped hard, preparing for the worst to come. Suddenly, he saw the assassin's spiky tail. Reacting fast, he clicked his gun and shot the tail, mirroring on how his tail got hurt by the same method. The draconian he attacked roared and ran toward him, but because of a flash created by his deadly knife, Richard was able to react quick enough to defend himself using his sword, which parried the attack. Without waiting, he used his sharp hand claws to attack him, but it was dodged thanks to the darkness (and also Richard's bad eyesight at dark). He ran away while Richard gave chase, but suddenly he tripped and hit the railing, making him dizzy. The draconian escape from him, displaying his red slit eyes to him.

Richard was surprised from the sight since most of the draconians he encountered never had that kind of eyes. Most were blue, yellow, and green. He himself was a unique one, having golden slit eyes. His mind raced to the timid-yet-friendly dragon Xerocia, aside from his dark personality. From his entire life, Xerocia was the only dragon he knew to have amber eyes, which he was always told by story books that it represented chaos and cataclysm. It was a different interpretation since his other personality was the chaotic one. For him, he was a friendly dragon...with timid traits, especially if he encountered an elder dragon.

He returned to reality and kicked the door from outside, but Juagar readied his gun and wanted to shot him if not for Richard's exclaim.

"Hey, you two alright?!"

Juagar exhaled, releasing smoke, and lowered his gun. He said, "Fritz's breathing became uncontrolled! You gotta go to the hospital!"

"What?! In the middle of the night?! I can't even see anything!"

"Can't you rely on the moonlight? I thought medieval draconians like you adapted well in scarce lights!"

"Well, I have been adapted to bright lights now!"

"Just fucking go, take Fritz with you! I'll run down as fast as I can, start the car, and we're out of here!"


Hector was crawling to Richard's leg, unknown to him. He grabbed the digitigrades he had and said shrilly. "T...take me to 113 Erizce Avenue...please, not the hospital..."

"Why? That's a street's name...where's that?"

"Erizce Avenue is a gang's street! You think we can carry you there without getting the three of us killed?! Fritz, your arm had a deep cut and it's bleeding hard. That fire poker blew toward you."

"I know...that. I was trying to be the Dragnets..."

"What is that and what are you doing to make that draconian got pissed off badly to kill you?!" said Richard while shaking his head because Hector's consciousness started to drift off because of the bleeding.

"Answer me!"

"I...I...I of their...members. The grenade I made was...for self-defense if...they attack in group. It accident...2 years ago...which drag me into this..."

Hector closed his sea blue eyes. At first, Richard thought he was dead, but when he heard his heart was still thumping, Richard turned his head to Juagar, to which the dark green draconian understood and ran away while Richard took the injured Hector on his back and started to open his wings.

"Damn it, Hector," he said to himself. "What are you hiding from us?"

Meanwhile, back to Viglerne...

"I can only say those! Please! I'm gonna...gonna...aahhhh!!!"

"Okay, I understand. Don't make this personal. At least, just thank us for giving you something good at the end."

"I'm trying to hold it for 10 years! You made me...ah, shit!"

"Eso es un infiero de un orgasmo," said Enrique.

"Your name is Viglerne, right?" said Cajo. "Why do you suspect an underground organization was behind everything?"

"'s started 2 years ago in the streets when one of the night guard members accidentally shot one of their members, which was something weird since the victim was carrying a machine gun while he was carrying a pistol. Somehow, from his statement, he was drunk and the mob pissed him off by threatening him because of crossing way with him. The investigation led to a dead end, and that draconian was forced to retire.

"My team was attacked by unregistered Northornian soldiers some weeks ago, although we could save a young, weird-looking golden draconian in the middle of patrol. The North Apachian royal seal robber we caught said 'Esta vez, vas a pagar'. I don't know the meaning, but if it's a mockery to you, just please, don't torture me! I don't want to be single forever!"

"Esta vez, vas a pagar? Oh, mierda! Dragnettes!"

"I...if you want to know the one starting this mess...he's at the opposite building, just in front of this room."

"But he was targeted to death by them!" exclaimed Henrique. "This organization will never stop to get revenge! But how could he survive these 2 years?"

"H...his name is Hector Fritz, best known as...a former black market dealer..."


"Viglerne, if this 'Hector Fritz' is still alive...then why did his apartment got busted up like that?"

"What?! Busted?!"

"Yeah, look, the window is broken, the lamp is off, and there is soot near the window."

"I guess he's dead already...damn...," said Viglerne. "Those guys are tough..."

"We met a dead end," said Cajo. He punched his fist toward the wall, expressing his anger. Although Viglerne had nothing to do with Fritz, but these Northornians somehow believed they could find something from the sea breed dragon. Viglerne felt the Spanish-talking draconians weren't hostile at all, and his...activities with them made him really love to make them stay longer, and he even wanted to do something risky to ensure their stay to be longer.

He wished to change their nationality identity from Northorno to South Apachia, if it was possible for him.